Passing Efficacy of Young Basketball Players: Test or Observation?

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International Journal of Performance Analysis in Sport

2013, 13, 403-412.

Passing efficacy of young basketball players: test or


Maria Sachanidi1, Nikolaos Apostolidis1, Dimitrios Chatzicharistos2, Theodoros

Department of Games and Sports, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport Science,
University of Athens, Greece
Department of Social - Behavioral Sciences, Faculty of Physical Education & Sport
Science, University of Athens, Greece


Basketball is a combined game demanding elevated physical and technical

skills, mental characteristics and tactical behaviour. These characteristics
cannot be evaluated only by skill tests, which are considered inadequate to
record the mental ability of the athletes. For the complete evaluation of
the athletes’ performance observation methods have been proposed, which
record all of their efforts during the game. The aim of the present study
was to evaluate the athletes’ efficacy in passing skill, with two different
methods: (a) the skill test and (b) game observation and correlate the
results with the total game performance. For this purpose three basketball
teams composed by 33 athletes, aged 14-15 years old, participated in the
study. Initially, the athletes performed the passing test and afterwards in
order to evaluate their passing efficacy and their overall performance,
three games between the teams were recorded. Results indicated that
performance in passing skill test was not correlated with passing efficacy
or with total performance in the games. On the contrary, passing efficacy
in the games was significantly correlated and could clearly predict the
overall performance of the athlete. The athletes’ performance in passing
skill should not be evaluated only by application of test, but additionally by
observation of the games.

Key words: basketball, passing skill test, observation, performance

1. Introduction

In the last few decades, basketball has developed significantly enough, thus the number
of adolescents involved in the sport significantly increased. Because of the large number
of adolescents involved in the sport, selection of the most skilled is necessary. The
young basketball players undergo certain skill tests, where their technical skills and
their physical abilities are evaluated throughout. In a study of Bos (1988), coaches were
asked about the usefulness of these tests. A great percentage of these coaches (82%)

responded that they used these tests for the following reasons: (a) evaluation of
performance, (b) the follow-up on the athletes’ further development, (c) the athletes’
motivation, (d) the manipulation of the practices, (e) the contribution to the players’
decision making, (f) the comparison of the groups, and (g) the group formation.

The methods implemented by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance (1966, 1984) and the Institute of Sports Science in Heidelberg
(Bos, 1988) are the ones most widely used to evaluate young basketball players.

The most widespread battery of skill tests is the one of American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984), which was based on Brace’s (1924)
research. It was applied in a sample of 900 boys aged 12-18 years old and was consisted
from the following five skill tests: (a) speed spot shooting, (b) free throws accuracy, (c)
accurate and quick passes in uneven targets, (d) obstacle dribble, and (e) speed of
defensive movement. Validity and reliability of the tests were well documented.

The second consecutive set of skill tests is that of Heidelberger Basketball Test by Bos
(1988), which includes two test batteries. The first battery is related to technical
abilities and the second in physical conditioning. The technical abilities battery
consisted of: (a) lay-ups, (b) shooting accuracy, (c) obstacle dribble and (d) speed
passing. The physical conditioning test consisted of: (a) 4m shuttle run for 30 sec, (b)
pivoting, (c) 30 sec rebounding, (d) defensive sliding, and (e) push-ups for 30 sec.

Also, in a more resent research by Apostolidis, N., Nassis, G., Bolatoglou, T. and
Geladas, N. (2004), elite young basketball players results of a modified dribbling test
were reported to be correlated with their mean power as it was measured through the
wingate test. This is an indication of the close association between physiological and
technical skills (as they are measured with tests) of the players.

However, in the study done by Oslin, Mitchell and Griffin (1998), is was reported that
application of tests which were used to determine the ability of the athletes in various
skills of the sport, was not particularly important due to the unwillingness of the
participants to perform their maximum effort. Furthermore, when the participants were
asked about their preferred method of evaluation (skill test or during competition), 93%
of them responded positively to the evaluation during competition. The reason was that
the game is not like testing, so they perceive less pressure.

Therefore, it is obvious that basketball though as most sports cannot be characterized

only by these skills tests because it involves different behaviours among its athletes
(Chatzopoulos, et al., 2005). So, the evaluation of the adolescents’ performance is
accomplished with several other methods which are based on observation and have been
suggested from international literature (Grehaine, Godbout & Boutier, 1997; Oslin,
Mitchell & Griffin, 1998; Turner & Martinek, 1999).

Grehaine et al. (1997), proposed a method for the evaluation of the efficacy in games
and sports based on observation. This research masters significant advantages because it
refers to the most popular games, such as basketball, football, volleyball and handball,
which are part of the Greek scholar physical education teaching system. A complete

description of the evaluation protocol, which included various game situations, was
referred. In this protocol the observers recorded the observed behaviours. In the present
study we will evaluate the performance of basketball players when induced in a
technical ability skill test and at the same time we will observe their attitude in actual
competition conditions and evaluate the same technical ability (as in the skill test) there
as well.

According to Grehaigne et al. (1997) the way to evaluate the athletes’ performance was
through (a) standardized tests, (b) post-game statistical analysis, (c) evaluation of
performance in fixed environments, and (d) observation during the competition. In
addition, when the youngsters undergo the different skills test, possible psychological
influences cannot be observed because the tests take place outside competition
conditions (Chatzopoulos et al., 2005).

Berri, Schmidt, and Brook (2006), proposed a formula called “Win Score”, in order to
evaluate the basketball players gaming efficacy. The formula had been investigated in
the past from researchers and basketball coaches (they had given the name Tendex) and
was an idea of a simple addition of all the positive players’ efforts in the game and the
subtraction of the negative ones. Later, Berri and his colleagues based on their previous
studies expanded their research and proposed a more adjusted formula which is applied
in both of the most spectacular world championships: NBA and Euroleague.

The present study will try to examine the degree of effectiveness of certain technical
abilities tests and their ability to be implemented in an actual basketball game. Simply
put, we will try to check the degree a technical ability is executed correctly in a game
after being implemented and taught outside game conditions. For example, accurate
and quick passing in uneven targets test, versus quick passing in uneven height players
during the game. Thus, the reliability of the test can be evaluated. Finally, we will try
to clarify if there is any relevance between the several evaluation methods of

The cause of this study is enforced by the fact that: (a) American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) skills tests were used, (b) it was
based in the most recent studies that support observation of performance and (c) it
involved youngsters of 14-15 years old, which is a critical age for further evaluation and
development in sports.

2. Methods

2.1. Participants
Thirty three (N=33) young basketball players (ages 14-15, M=14.6) members of three
different basketball clubs participated in the study (n1=12, n2=9, n3=12), after complete
information of their parents, and following approval from the Department’s Ethics
Committee. All volunteers were informed of the nature of the study and they all gave
their informed consent. The tests were applied during the competition season. All the
three selected teams composed by players of balanced capacity, so that the games
between them to be balanced.

2.2. Measurements
Passing skill: the specific test was preferred after 20 basketball coaches were asked to
choose among all of the basketball skills, which one they considered was the most valid,
and which one was important for further development of a basketball player. Most
basketball coaches (14/20) chose the passing ability as the most important skill.

The purpose of the specific test (American Alliance for Health, Physical Education,
Recreation, and Dance, 1984) is to measure the participant’s ability to pass and receive
the ball fast and accurately in motion. Figure 1 presents the structure of the test. The
participants executed 3 attempts that lasted 30 sec each. The first attempt was warm-up
and the sum of the other two consistent the final result.

61x61 61cm 61x61 61x61

61cm 61cm 61cm 61cm
61x61 61x61 61x61

152cm 152cm 152cm

91cm 91cm 91cm

Figure 1. Speed and accuracy passing test (American Alliance for Health, Physical
Education, Recreation, and Dance, 1984).

Observation: 3 basketball games between the 3 selected similar balanced teams were
videotaped in order to get a picture of the technical ability of the players and their
playing behaviour under the pressure of the game. The coaches were obligated to use all
of their players at least for one period of the game (10 min). Then, three basketball
coaches experienced in team scouting, separately analysed the recorded games and
evaluated the youngsters’ efforts. However in a previous pilot study, the total
performance of the players in three games was given to the three observers to analyse
and record. All three observers presented identical results in both: the pilot study and
the experimental games. The criterion examined in the three games of the specific
research was if the players’ passes were completed at all times. The observers collected
also the total performance of the basketball players according the Berri’s (2007) win
score formula (Tendex = points made + rebounds + steals + blocks + assists - missed
shots - turnovers/time played). Finally, the games passing efficacy and the overall
performance of the players, was then compared to the results of the passing ability skill
test in order to control for the reliability of the test.

2.3. Statistical analysis
All data were analysed: (a) descriptively with means and standard deviations, (b)
Pearson correlation in order to correlate all of the investigated variables (passing skill
test, passing efficacy in games, overall gaming performance), (c) stepwise regression
analysis for the control of the significance of the gaming passing efficacy (predictor
variable) to the prediction of the overall gaming performance (dependent variable).
Statistical significance was accepted at p<0.05 level.

3. Results

The results showed that all of the players rated in advance level of passing ability. They
were all placed among the higher levels when compared to the American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984).

Simultaneously, the results showed that the averages for all three groups were similar
(no statistical differences) and as a result all three groups presented homogeneity (table

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the sample performance.

A.A.H.P.E.R.D. Game passes Tendex

Groups M SD M SD M SD
n1=12 104.33 5.84 56.33 36.59 1.14 0.39
n2=9 102.89 11.54 108.22 79.67 1.18 0.56
n3=12 105.67 6.02 66.08 49.78 1.36 0.52
Totals n=33 104.36 7.65 74.03 58.04 1.23 0.48

In further analysis, comparing the results for all three groups to the American Alliance
for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) norms it is concluded that
most of the young basketball players are in the 5th and highest level for the ages 14-15.
Therefore most players had developed a very high ability of passing the ball.
Specifically, 5 players ranked in the 4th level (49-48), 21 players in the 5th level (49-55
passes) and 7 are over the top level referred by the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) norms. The qui-square test revealed
statistically significance difference in favour of the 5th level of passing ability
(χ²=13.82, p<0.001) (figure 2).

F 25
E 20
U 15
N 10
Y 5

18-34 35-39 40-48 49-55 56 & more
Number of passes
& A.A.H.P.E.R.D. norms

Figure 2. Frequency of passing results according to the American Alliance

for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) norms.

Of course the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
norms are the same since 1984. It is possible, if not certain, that the physical and
technical abilities have changed the last 28 years. At the same time the coaching
thinking has changed all these years. The game of basketball is emphasized by other
abilities nowadays.

Pearson correlation results between the “passes completed during the basketball games”
and the “overall performance” referred significant (r=0.68, p<0.01). No statistical
differences revealed between the “passing test” results and “passes completed in the
game”, as well as with the “overall performance”.

Finally, step by step regression analysis showed that the “passes completed” by the
basketball players can strongly predict their “overall performance” during the
competition, explaining the 46% of the total variance, F=26.94, p<0.001 (table 3).

Table 2. Step by step regression analysis of passes completed against Tendex.

Model R R² Adjusted R² Std. Error of the Estimate

1 0.68 0.46 0.45 0.36
predictor: passes completed
dependent variable: Tendex
F=26.94, p<0 .001

4. Discussion

The test of accuracy and speed passing, from the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) battery of tests is a widely used

method, for the evaluation of the basketball players’ passing ability. In the review of
literature chapter, studies based both on tests for evaluating the performance of
basketball players in technical skills, as well as on observation of the players in games,
were mentioned. The question posed at the beginning of the study was whether and how
the results of a technical skill test is associated with the efficacy of a basketball player in
gaming activity. Furthermore, specific purpose of this study was to attempt to give a
suggestion to every young researcher or coach who wants to deal with evaluating the
performance of his athletes and concerned which of the two methods is more valid.

The accuracy and speed passing test from the battery of the American Alliance for
Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984) tests, is a widely used
method for the evaluation of the basketball players in the specific skill. In the above
review of literature both methods that were either based on tests for evaluating the
performance of basketball players in technical skills or on the observation of the players
efficacy in actual conditions (games) were mentioned.

Regarding the passing test results, when comparing the three sample groups with the
established norms of American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance (1984), it was observed that the most of the youngsters ranked in the fifth and
highest level of norms for the age of 14 to 15 years. Specifically, five players ranked in
the 4th level (40 to 48 passes), twenty-one in the fifth level (49 to 55 passes) and seven
players completed greater number than given by the American Alliance for Health,
Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance (1984), (56 or more passes). The conclusion
from the above reference regarding the classification of the athletes is that all of them
are characterized by a highly developed passing ability analogues to their age.

Nevertheless, the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and
Dance (1984) norms, have been published in 1984, at a period when the training
methods as well as the physical and technical skills of the young basketball players
were not highly developed as they are in now days. Furthermore, the training science
continuously progressing so, obviously the specialization of the adolescents is adapting
to everything being performed with accuracy and with applied scientific methods.
Besides, Apostolidis and his colleagues (2004) have documented that skill test are
correlated with the young players’ power. Thus, we can presume that new specialized
training methods continually improve the physical and technical level of the athletes,
and lead them to elevated levels of performance.

However, the passing skill test as all tests can be used as additional training instrument,
since it is a method which coaches can use, aiming to determine whether the goal-
setting was achieved. Coaches by submitting their athletes in technical skill tests can
achieve the following goals: (a) to group the athletes according to their abilities, because
the creation of homogeneous groups facilitates the teaching and creates the desired
atmosphere among the athletes, which is not achieved when groups are heterogeneous,
(b) tests and measurements can provide important information about the technical and
physical condition of the athletes, so coaches by pointing out the weaknesses of the
team can implement a scientifically tested program based exclusively on the needs of
the athletes, (c) skill tests application is a valid method for the monitoring progress of
the athletes, especially when these test are applied at the beginning, the middle and the

end of the season. Thus, coaches are able to control both, the progress of the players,
and the effectiveness of the program (Anastasiadis, 2006).

Do to the above mentioned purposes, the application of skill tests is considered as a

valid tool of objective control for the players’ technical skill, but on the other side tests
cannot be used for the efficacy evaluation of each athlete's skill in the game, which is a
dominant parameter for the total player’s evaluation

In conclusion, the passing skill test, in this case potentially evaluates the power and the
accuracy of the performance of the basketball players, but cannot assess their
psychological and mental qualifications of them, the timing in thought and the
execution of the skill, the choice of proper passing option per event, and finally the
interference and obstruction by the opponent, which are key components of a basketball

On the other side the observation results regarding the completed passes in games,
revealed homogeneity between the three groups. Within the first group a higher
homogeneity was revealed compared to the other two groups of samples, due to the
better deviation of the playing time among the young players. Regarding the overall
performance of the players, the first group revealed higher homogeneity compared with
the other two groups of samples, but the second one completed significantly more
passes in the games.

From the correlation of the three measured variables, it is apparent that the passing skill
test is not related with the passing efficacy of the young basketball players during the
game. The test application evaluates the strength of the players and a part of their
technical skill, since the stronger a player is, the more passes he can complete. The skill
test cannot measure the prediction ability, any outcome factors and the psychological
status of a player. The present study is in accordance with Veal’s (1992), which
concluded that the skills test cannot give enough input whether a player is a good player
or not. Furthermore, Chatzopoulos et al., (2005) proposed that a young basketball
player can perform the basic skills of a sport during a test, away from competition
conditions, without the interference or confrontation of an opponent, so practically he is
evaluated only for the execution and not for the result.

Conversely, the gaming passing efficacy is strongly correlated and in addition can
clearly predict the total performance of the players. This finding indicates that the
passing efficacy defines the evolution of the game, and is very important for the coaches
to improve the specific skill of their athletes. Also, the skill tests can evaluate the
strength and the accuracy of the execution, but they cannot evaluate psychological
abilities such as, the way the player is thinking during the execution of the pass, the way
the player chooses to pass correctly, and most importantly the possible interference of
an opponent during the game.

5. Conclusions

We suggest that application of test can function as a motivation to the players for their
further development, but observation is a more accurate evaluation method to determine
the performance of young basketball players. Such a method is confirmed from old and
recent literature (Grehaine et al., 1997; Oslin et al., 1998; Turner & Martinek, 1999).
The observation method leads to the conclusion that the ability of the young players to
pass the basketball is significantly related to their overall performance (Tendex). The
greater passing ability a player has the better performance he will present during the

In conclusion, the variables of this study that were measured in real conditions such as a
game, are related to each other but not to the skill test variable. Feature research must
focus on larger samples, various ages and more analysed games for the absolute
documentation of the basketball skills evaluation throughout game observation.

6. Acknowledgments

The authors thank the players for their strong will to participate and do their best to the
research process. Also, special thanks are addressed to the three basketball coaches and
the observers participating in this study, whose contribution made this research possible.

6. References

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American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, (1984).
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Anastasiadis, M. (2006). The Basketball Training. Athens, IN: Elvekalt EPE.
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Brace, D.K. (1924). Testing Basketball Techniques. American Physical Education
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Chatzopoulos, D., Drakou, Α., Kotzamanidou, Μ. and Tsorbatzoudis, H. (2006). Girls’
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Grehaine, J., Godbout, P. and Bouthier, D. (1997). Performance assessment in team
sports. Journal of Teaching in Physical Education, 16, 500-516.
Oslin, J., Mitchell, S. and Griffin, L. (1998). The game performance assessment
Instrument (GPAI): Development and preliminary validation. Journal of
Teaching in Physical Education, 17, 231-243.

Turner, A. and Martinek, T. (1999). An investigation into teaching games for
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Veal, M. (1992). The role of assessment in secondary physical education - A
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Nikolaos Apostolidis
Assistant Professor
Department of Games and Sports,
Faculty of Physical Education and Sport Science, University of Athens,
41, Ethnikis Antistasis street, 172 37, Daphne, Greece
Tel: +30-210-727 6085
e-mail: [email protected]


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