POS Questionnaire

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Point of Sale Questionnaire

Department: ___________________ Staff Member: ________________

Date: _____________ Conducted by: _______________________

Level of service
What time period elapsed before the salesperson acknowledged the customer?
 1 - 5 seconds  6 - 10 seconds  11+ seconds
What was the salesperson’s first communication?
 no greeting at all / customer made first contact
 a simple acknowledgement e.g. “Hi”
 an acknowledgement and greeting
Did the salesperson apologise for any inconvenience as customers lined in a queue?
 Yes  No
Was the correct amount charged for the goods purchased?  Yes  No
Did the salesperson offer any additional merchandise or service?  Yes  No
Did the salesperson mention any promotion or specials?  Yes  No
Did the salesperson enter the sale into the system without error?  Yes  No

Cash sale only:

Did the salesperson
 call the amount tendered by the customer?  Yes  No
 get change before placing amount tendered in cash drawer?  Yes  No
 count back the change to the customer?  Yes  No
 pass the change directly into the customer’s hand?  Yes  No

Card sale only:

Did the salesperson
 process the sale efficiently using electronic or manual methods?  Yes  No
 give the customer the correct copy of the receipt?  Yes  No
 pass receipt (& pen if appropriate) directly into customer’s hand?  Yes  No
 pass back the card using the customer’s name?  Yes  No
Were the customer’s goods placed in a bag or wrapped appropriately?  Yes  No
What was the salesperson’s farewell?
 no farewell  simple farewell e.g. ‘Thanks’  farewell plus parting comment

Staff appearance
Is the salesperson wearing approved uniform or appropriate clothing?  Yes  No
Is the salesperson clean and tidy?  Yes  No
Is the approved name badge being worn?  Yes  No
Are promotions current?  Yes  No
Have all old promotional materials been disposed of?  Yes  No
Are all store facilities operational? (If not, report immediately)  Yes  No
Are customer complaints handled accordingly?  Yes  No
Comments and overall impression:

Signature: ___________________________ Date: __________

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