C & e Matrix

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Cause and Effect Matrix

Vital Few Identification

• We must identify the Vital Few root causes from the many
probably root causes
• The Vital Few are those input and process factors (Xs)
– That can be most affected
– That most significantly influence critical to customer (CTCs) characteristics.
• Project teams may not need to prioritize when
– Only a few root causes were identified.
– It is clear which factors are the most influential on the process output.

Y = f(x1+x2+x3+x4+x5…)
Vital Few
SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 2
C&E Matrix: Steps to Create

1. Select Key Customer Requirements (CTCs)

2. Determine a Priority Score for the CTCs
3. Enter Process Steps and Inputs from SIPOC, Swim-Lane
Map, Fishbone
4. Rate the Correlation of Steps to CTCs
5. Cross Multiply Correlation Values with Priority Factors
and Sum for each Input
6. Pareto the Results
7. Update SIPOC and Analyze Further

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C&E Matrix: Example

• A manager at a local diner wants to improve customer

satisfaction with the coffee they serve
• The team has completed a
process map and they are
ready to create a C&E matrix to
identify the inputs that have
the largest impact on customer
• The team chose 3 aspects
of customer satisfaction to
focus upon: temp, taste and strength

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Coffee Service Process Map
Inputs Outputs Outputs
Clean Carafe Inputs
• Hot Water • Clean Carafe
• Soap • Dirty Water • Customer
• Scrubber • Wet Scrubber • Order Receive • Complete
• Size Coffee Order
Fill Carafe Specification Order
• Clean Carafe
w/Water • Full
• Cold Water • Complete
• Measuring Order Pour Coffee • Filled Cup
Mark • Filled Maker
• Hot Coffee into Cup
Pour Water • Empty
• Cup
• Full into Maker Carafe • Customer
Carafe Reply
• Filled Cup
Place Filter in • Customer Offer • Amount
• Filter • Maker
Maker Cream & Specified
w/Filter • Cream
Sugar • Complete
• Maker w/Filter • Sugar
• Maker w/Filter & Order
• Fresh Coffee Put Coffee • Amount
• Dosing Scoop in Filter Desired
• Make Change
• Operating Maker
• Complete Order Complete • Temperature
• Maker w/Filter & Turn Maker On • Heat
• Money Transaction • Taste
Coffee • Brewed Coffee
• Strength

• Brewing Coffee Select • Hot Coffee • Coffee Delivery • Smile

Say Thank
Temperature You • Happy
Setting Customer

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 5

Create a C&E Matrix

Step 1: Select Key Customer Requirements

Process Outputs – Temp of

CTCs Coffee Taste Strength Process Outputs
Process Steps Process Inputs Correlation of Input to Output Total

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Create a C&E Matrix

Step 2: Determine Priority Score

Temp of
Coffee Taste Strength Process Outputs
8 10 6 Importance
Process Steps Process Inputs Correlation of Input to Output Total

Importance Rating
A higher score indicates the
output is more important to
the customer

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 7

Create a C&E Matrix

Step 3: Enter Process Steps

Temp of
Coffee Taste Strength Process Outputs
8 10 6 Importance
Process Steps Process Inputs Correlation of Input to Output Total
Clean Carafe
Fill Carafe with Water
Pour Water into Maker
Place Filter in Maker
Put Coffee in Filter
Turn Maker on Process Steps
Select Temp Setting
Receive Coffee Order
Pour Coffee into Cup
Offer Cream and Sugar
Complete Transaction
Say Thank You

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 8

Create a C&E Matrix
Step 4: Add Process Step Inputs and Rate Impacts
on CTCs
Temp of
Coffee Taste Strength Process Outputs
8 10 6 Importance
Process Steps Process Inputs Correlation of Input to Output Total
Clean Carafe Hot Water 0 6 3 78
Fill Carafe with Water Cold Water 3 6 9 138
Pour Water into Maker Full Carafe 3 9 9 168
Place Filter in Maker Filter 0 3 3 48
Put Coffee in Filter Coffee 0 9 9 144
Coffee Maker w/
Put Coffee in Filter Filter 3 1 0 34
Put Coffee in Filter Dosing Scoop 9 3 3 120
Receive Coffee Order Order 0 0 0 0
Pour Coffee into Cup Hot Coffee 9 6 6 168
Offer Cream and Sugar Cream 0 6 6 96
Complete Transaction Money 0 0 0 0
Say Thank You Coffee Delivery 0 0 0 0

Process Step Correlation Scores

A higher number indicates stronger correlation

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 9

Create a C&E Matrix
Step 5: Calculate Totals

Temp of
Coffee Taste Strength Process Outputs
8 10 6 Importance
Process Steps Process Inputs Correlation of Input to Output Total
Clean Carafe Hot Water 0 6 3 78
Fill Carafe with Water Cold Water 3 6 9 138
Pour Water into Maker Full Carafe 3 9 9 168
Place Filter in Maker Filter 0 3 3 48
Put Coffee in Filter Coffee 0 9 9 144
Coffee Maker w/
Put Coffee in Filter Filter 3 1 0 34
Put Coffee in Filter Dosing Scoop 9 3 3 120
Receive Coffee Order Order 0 0 0 0
Pour Coffee into Cup Hot Coffee 9 6 6 168
Offer Cream and Sugar Cream 0 6 6 96
Complete Transaction Money 0 0 0 0
Say Thank You Coffee Delivery 0 0 0 0

Process Outputs -

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 10

Create a C&E Matrix
Step 6: Create Pareto Chart
Step 7: Update SIPOC and Analyze Further (as necessary)

600 80




300 40


0 0
Fill Carafe
with Water Put Offer Select Pour Place Filter Turn
Defect Coffee in Cream & Temperature Coffee Clean in Maker Maker Complete
Filter Sugar Setting into Cup Carafe On Transaction Others
Count 144 144 132 120 52 36 36 34 24 22
Percent 19.4 19.4 17.7 16.1 7.0 4.8 4.8 4.6 3.2 3.0
Cum % 19.4 38.7 56.5 72.6 79.6 84.4 89.2 93.8 97.0 100.0

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Linking the C&E Matrix to Other Lean
Six Sigma Tools
C&E Matrix
Rating of
Importance to
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Process Step Process Inputs Total

1 0
2 0
3 0
4 0
5 0

FMEA Control Plan

Operational Excellence
Control Plan
Product: Core Team: Date (Orig):
Process/Product Key Contact:
Phone: Date (Rev):
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
(FMEA) Process
Measurement %R&R Sample Sample Control
Process Process Step Input Output Specification (LSL, Cpk /Date Reaction Plan
Technique P/T Size Frequency Method
USL, Target)
Process or
Prepared by: DICY Turn Steam on Scales
Product Name:

Responsible: FMEA Date (Orig) ______________ (Rev) _____________ DMF Load DMF DMF Load



Process S O D R DICY Load DICY DICY Envir.

Step/Part E C E P
Number Potential Failure Mode Potential Failure Effects V Potential Causes C Current Controls T N DICY Load DICY DICY Load
Spin Draw Fiber Breakouts Undersized package, High SD Dirty Spinneret Visual Detection of Wraps and Accuracy
Process panel-hours lost 2 8 broken Filaments 9 144 DICY Raw
Filament motion Visual Sight-glass
5 2 8 80 DICY Load DICY DICY Mixer
Polymer defects Fuzzball Light DMF Load DMF DMF Raw
8 2 9 144 Materials

DICY Turn Steam on Preheating


Key Inputs The Key Inputs

are explored are evaluated

SixSigmaTV.Net Cause and Effect Matrix 12

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