Reappear Improvement FRM
Reappear Improvement FRM
Reappear Improvement FRM
Research Project
As per the syllabi of MBA distance education, each student of MBA has to
work on Research Project selecting a topic from his/her specialization area.
Research Project will carry 100 marks. In preparing the Project, the students are
required to follow the under mentioned guidelines:
1. Research Project must be started at the onset of 4th semester.
2. The topic of Project should be related to the area of specialization
from the broader field of management and the topic must be finalized
in consultation with guide/project supervisor.
3. Each student will prepare a synopsis (ANNEXURE-I) of 5 to 10 pages
on the topic chosen by him/her. Synopsis is a proposal for research
project which the student will carry out in consultation with his/her
supervisor/guide and send the same to the Directorate of Distance
Education for approval. The original copy of the title page of
approved synopsis duly signed by the evaluator must be added in the
beginning of the Project Report.
4. The guide/supervisor of Synopsis/Project Report can be a regular
teacher with PG or higher qualification having sufficient experience of
teaching/research in anyone of the relevant/related areas of
management, commerce, economics, public policy etc. employed in
any central/state/deemed/private universities or government
colleges/private colleges affiliated to any university/ self-financed
institution duly recognized by the Government regulatory bodies like
UGC/AICTE/DEB etc. However, in case of a guide/supervisor from
industry, he/she should possess minimum PG degree in relevant field
from any recognized university with five years of
supervisory/managerial experience in industry/organization.
5. The synopsis will be evaluated by the Directorate from the panel of
expert faculty.
6. If a synopsis is rejected/ disapproved due to any reason or non-
conformity of format or guidelines, then the students will be required
to resubmit the same within the stipulated time frame as per the
7. If it is found that the synopsis is copied from the other synopsis then
both will be cancelled and the defaulter students will be have to
resubmit as per the rule given in the Prospectus.
The synopsis must be submitted containing the following contents:
Contents of the synopsis
i) Title of the project.
ii) Review of literature and Problem Statement.
iii) Objectives of the proposed study.
iv) Research Methodology (Sources of data, Sampling, Tools of
analysis etc.)
v) Scope/Relevance of Proposed Study.
vi) Proposed Questionnaire (if any).
vii) References.
Note: Contents must be in the above sequence to bring uniformity of structure.
In Research Methodology, the students should write the methodology to be used
by them in the completion of the Project.
Please see the page attached for format of (synopsis / (Front page)
8. Since the students are directly admitted in the Directorate w.e.f.
session 2016-17, every student will either choose a research
guide/research supervisor from the respective Departments/
Directorate or from amongst the eligible teachers as mentioned in
clause 4 of this Guideline, whose acceptance with his/her signed bio-
data (ANNEXURE-II) must be sent along-with synopsis to the
Directorate of Distance Education for approval.
9. The guide/supervisor must have research experience in the relevant
field and the same must be mentioned in his/her bio data sent for
approval. In any case a research supervisor will not guide more than
50 students for the Research Project.
10.The Research Project may be based on primary or secondary data or
11.The contents of the final Project Report to be submitted should
Contents of Project Report:
i) Introduction and Rationale of the topic chosen.
ii) Objectives of the study
iii) Literature Review and problem formulation.
iv) Research Methodology.
v) Analysis/discussion and interpretation of data.
vi) Conclusions/findings and recommendations/suggestions.
vii) References/Bibliography in specified format.
viii) Appendix.
a) Questionnaire, if any
b) Interview schedule, if any
c) List of the companies surveyed.
d) Raw data, if the candidate wants to submit
e) Graphs/Diagrams etc.
f) Any other document relevant to the study
Session ……………
16. One hard bound copy of the project report (in black colour
background) should be submitted and pages should be both side
printed in not more than 125 pages excluding the Cover Page,
Annexures etc.
Note: The students of MBA 4th semester are required to submit the
synopsis latest by 31st March of the second year in their own interest
without any late fees but last date of submission of project report as
mentioned in the Prospectus. The unapproved synopsis will be sent back
to the candidates and the candidate will have to resubmit the revised
synopsis after incorporating the suggested changes by the evaluator latest
by the date mentioned in chapter-VII clause 7.6 (i) of the prospectus. In
the beginning of the revised synopsis the copy of the page where
remarks/suggestions by the evaluator are made must be added. The
students whose synopsis is rejected/ disapproved “TWICE” will be
declared unfit to submit their synopsis for main examination and
consequently, they will be treated for “REAPPEAR” as per university
rules. The candidates should also add the copy of synopsis showing
approval/suggestion by the evaluator in the final project report as
mentioned in Clause-3 of these Guidelines. The students must adhere to
the time schedule as given in the prospectus for avoiding any
inconvenience. If the submission gets delayed even due to disapproval of
the original synopsis, it will attract late fees as per rules given in the
Remarks of Evaluator
Approved/Disapproved Approved/Disapproved
Session _______________
1. NAME :
9. E-MAIL :
Name of Supervisor
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. _________________, Enrolment
No.____________ has undergone a Research Project on “_________________
-------“ under my supervision in the specialization area _______________ .
The work embodied in this report is original and is of the standard expected
of an MBA student and has not been submitted in part or full to this or any
other university for the award of any degree or diploma. He /She has
completed all requirements of guidelines for Research Project Report. The
work is fit for evaluation.
This is to certify that the Project Report entitled
“_________________________ “ is an original work and
has not been submitted is part or full to any other
university/institution for the award of any degree or
Signature of candidate
NAME _______________________