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9314 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.

2008, 47, 9314–9320

Propane Dehydrogenation over Pt-Sn-K/γ-Al2O3 Catalyst in a Two-Zone

Fluidized Bed Reactor
M. Pilar Lobera, Carlos Téllez, Javier Herguido,* and Miguel Menéndez
Aragon Institute for Engineering Research (I3A), UniVersity of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain

A two-zone fluidized bed reactor (TZFBR) is employed for propane dehydrogenation over a Pt-Sn-K/γ-
Al2O3 catalyst. This type of reactor constitutes an alternative to the use of two separate reactors with solid
circulation between them or of a single reactor with periodic operation and allows continuous operation with
in situ catalyst regeneration. The effect of the main TZFBR operating variables is studied and the reactor
performance compared with results obtained in other works using Pt-Sn based catalysts, showing that a
steady state is reached with similar selectivity to that reported in the literature for other reactors which suffer
the problem of catalyst deactivation.

1. Introduction Fluidized bed reactors where separate oxidation and reduction

zones are present in the same vessel have been developed in
The increasing consumption of propylene derivates has
heavily increased propylene demand during recent years. It is our laboratory and used for various different processes during
expected that to cover future propylene demand, other processes the past decade. The advantages of the two-zone fluidized bed
will have to be developed (dehydrogenation, oxidative dehy- reactor have been proven in a variety of reactions belonging to
drogenation, metathesis, or use of membrane reactors) in add- two different groups: (a) catalytic oxidations where the catalyst
ition to traditional petrochemical or refinery processes (steam acts as an oxygen carrier,4 allowing the reaction with a low
cracking, fluid catalytic cracking), since it is forecast that the oxygen concentration in the gas phase, and (b) dehydrogenation
propylene market will grow faster than the ethylene market.1 processes, where the catalyst becomes deactivated by coking
The dehydrogenation of light paraffins comprises several in the reaction zone and is regenerated at the oxidizing zone.5,6
technologies: Oleflex (UOP), STAR (Phillips Petroleum), Cato- A review of the use of these reactors has previously been
fin (Houndry, United Catalysts Inc., ABB Lummus Crest), published.7
Linde-BASF, and FBD (Snamprogetti-Yarsintez). The catalysts The objective of this research is to employ as a reactor a
used are either promoted Pt supported on various carriers single vessel that can be operated in steady state. To achieve
(alumina and Group II spinels are preferred) or variously doped this objective, we have developed different types of fluidized
chromia-aluminas. Although these processes and their respective bed reactors with separate oxidation and reduction zones. One
catalysts are highly optimized, they all suffer from the common of these is called the two-zone fluidized bed reactor. This
disadvantage that their olefin yields are thermodynamically consists of a fluidized bed where oxygen is fed to the lower
limited. Propane dehydrogenation is an equilibrium limited and part of the reactor, mixed with an inert gas, and the hydrocarbon
highly endothermic reaction (∆HR298K ) 120 kJ mol-1) and (or in general the compound to be oxidized) is fed in at an
hence requires an external supply of heat which is expensive.2
intermediate point of the bed. Thus two zones are created in
Therefore one of the most important problems to be solved in
the reactor: in the lower zone the catalyst is reoxidized (re-
the development of a suitable reactor for an industrial dehy-
generated) by gas phase oxygen, a process that causes the gas
drogenation process is how to supply the huge quantity of heat
needed by the reaction at temperatures well above 500 °C, stream to become depleted in oxygen. In the upper zone, the
maintaining in the meantime a careful control of temperature chemical reaction takes place, and the catalyst is deactivated.
to minimize the formation of byproduct (cracking) and maximize Reaction products, unconverted reactants, and inert diluent exit
the yield to the desired product.3 together at the top of the bed. The good circulation of the solid,
In addition, coke is rapidly formed at high temperatures, and characteristic of fluidized beds, provides transport of solid
as a consequence of the catalyst deactivation, its regeneration between both zones, and as a result stationary state is reached.7
is necessary. The most usual option for catalyst regeneration is In reactions like propane dehydrogenation, two of the most
the combustion of the coke deposits by mixtures of oxygen and important problems are the fast deactivation of the catalyst by
inert diluent. Apart from some of above-cited technologies (e.g., coking and the quantity of heat required by the reaction. The
UOP or FBD), regeneration is very often carried out off-line, TZFBR may be employed to implement continuous catalyst
either in a separate reactor or in the same reactor, after purging regeneration in the reactor, and the quantity of heat necessary
the flammable hydrocarbon gases. In any case, the downtime for the reaction can be supplied in part by the sensible heat
for regeneration represents a significant economic penalty, and stored in the catalyst bed in the regeneration zone. Furthermore,
this provides the incentive for processes where the catalyst is the use of a fluidized bed reactor provides a good control of
continuously regenerated. temperature, which helps to minimize the formation of byprod-
The great majority of industrial processes operate cyclically uct (cracking) and maximize the yield to propene. To better
with fixed bed reactors where propane is cofed with hydrogen understand the reaction, a previous kinetic model for the propane
to decrease coke formation. Overall, propene selectivity of dehydrogenation, the coke formation, and the effect of coke on
85-90% is reached.
catalyst deactivation has been developed under transient condi-
* Corresponding author. tions.8
10.1021/ie800848c CCC: $40.75  2008 American Chemical Society
Published on Web 11/04/2008
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 23, 2008 9315
Table 1. Range of Operating Conditions
variable range studied units
T 480-540 °C
ur1 2.8-5.0
propane molar fraction 0.5
oxygen molar fraction 0.0-0.2
bed length (H) 8-14 cm
bed length (HFC3H8 - ha)/ha 0.3-2.0
Wr/FC3H8 38-205 s kg mol-1

tube equipped with a quartz distributor plate (for the Ar/O2

mixture). A movable axial quartz probe was used to introduce
the propane at different reactor heights (ha). All the streams
were mass flow controlled (Brooks).
A second movable quartz probe located near the reactor axis
was used to take gas samples at different bed heights (h). The
mobile sampling probe was connected to an online gas chro-
matograph (Agilent 3000 µ-CG), which was used to determine
the profile concentration of the different species throughout the
Figure 1. Scheme of the two-zone fluidized bed reactor (TZFBR). reactor. The reaction products were also analyzed by gas
chromatography. Carbon balances were always better than (3%.
In this work, propane dehydrogenation over Pt-Sn-K/γ- Besides propene, cracked products were formed (ethane, eth-
Al2O3 has been studied under a variety of operating conditions ylene, and methane). Propane conversion, propene selectivity,
in laboratory scale, using a two-zone fluidized bed reactor and propene yield were defined as follows:
(TZFBR). In addition, we present a comparison with results in
the literature and the results obtained in a previous work6 with
commercial Cr2O3/Al2O3 catalysts in TZFBR for propane
∑ 3 [F ] i out - [FC3H8]out
dehydrogenation. XC3H8 ) × 100 (1)
∑ [F ]
3 i out
2. Experimental Section i

2.1. Catalyst Preparation. The Pt-Sn-K/γ-Al2O3 catalyst ni

was prepared by incipient wet impregnation in accordance with [F ]
3 i out
the procedure9 described in the literature but with variations in Si ) × 100 (2)
composition: lower weight percentages of Pt, Sn, and K were ∑ [F ] - [FC3H8]out
3 i out
used to obtain a more easily stabilizable catalyst. The nominal i

composition of the catalysts corroborated by ICP measurements XC3H8SC3H6

was 0.05, 0.14, and 0.10 wt % of Pt, Sn, and K, respectively. YC3H6 ) (3)
Commercial γ-Al2O3 support (Puralox Sasol Germany GmbH) 100
with particle size 160-250 µm and BET surface area 153 m2 where i includes all the components with carbon atoms in the
g-1 was used, with distilled water as solvent. Details of the exit gas stream, ni is the number of carbon atoms of component
catalyst preparation have been given elsewhere.8 After calcina- i, and Fi is its molar flow.
tion a 144 m2 g-1 solid catalyst was obtained.
To obtain a profile of the coke content in the catalyst along
Before the study, the catalyst was pretreated with six cycles the fluidized bed, the following experimental procedure was
of reduction-reaction-regeneration in a fluidized bed reactor carried out: once steady state was reached, the flow of gas
to obtain an aged and stable catalyst.10,11 In each cycle the was suddenly stopped and then a small flow of inert gas (Ar)
catalyst was (a) reduced in situ in a H2:He ) 1:2 flow during was fed, insufficient to fluidize the catalyst, and the reactor was
2 h at 550 °C; (b) reacted in C3H8:Ar ) 1:1 during 30 min at cooled. Then samples of the catalyst at several axial positions
500 °C; and (c) regenerated in O2:He ) 1:20 during 1 h were taken with a movable quartz probe. The coke content in
at 500 °C. the catalyst samples was analyzed in a Mettler-Toledo TGA/
Finally, the catalyst was ground and sieved to a particle size SDTA 851e thermobalance. Also BET surface area tests were
of 160-250 µm. This size fraction had a minimum fluidization made for these coked samples.
velocity (umf) of 0.96 cm3 (STP) cm-2 s-1, obtained with He The main reactor-related variables studied were the bed
at 500 °C. Before each reaction test the catalyst was regenerated temperature (T), the relative gas velocity (ur ) u/umf), the amount
in O2:He ) 1:20 during 2 h at 500 °C and was then reduced in of oxygen fed to the reactor as a percentage of the total feed
situ in a H2:He ) 1:2 flow during 2 h at 550 °C. The aged and flow in the bottom of the reactor, and the relative height of the
stable catalyst, after 150 h of reaction, has a BET surface area regeneration and reacting zones. Table 1 shows the reference
of 138 m2 g-1 and a pore volume of 0.45 cm3 g-1. values used in this study for these variables.
2.2. Catalytic Tests. Figure 1 shows a scheme of the two-
zone fluidized bed reactor (TZFBR) used in this work, whose
3. Results and Discussion
main characteristics have been described previously.7 The
reactor was placed inside an electrical furnace. The tempera- 3.1. Reactor Stability. Several experiments were performed
ture was measured by a thermocouple while a PID controller to verify that it was possible to reach steady state in the TZFBR,
maintained temperature variations within (0.5 °C of the set since continuous work would represent a significant improve-
point. The reactor was a 30 mm i.d. and 300 mm long quartz ment in the propane dehydrogenation.
9316 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 23, 2008

Figure 2. Evolution of propene yield with time. T ) 500 °C, Wr/FC3H80 )

Figure 4. Coke concentration along the catalyst bed for different temper-
90 s kg/mol, 50% C3H8, ha/H ) 0.5, 5% O2 (TZFBR).
atures. Operating conditions same as Figure 3.

since both are endothermic reactions, and therefore their

equilibrium conversion increases with the temperature. However,
the propane conversion decreases for temperatures higher than
500 °C, which can be explained from the kinetic model on coke
formation previously developed:8 since the coke formation rate
increases with temperature, the catalyst will be more deactivated
at higher temperatures (i.e., the equilibrium between coke
formation and coke combustion in the TZFBR will be reached
at higher coke content). Cracking is favored over propane
dehydrogenation at high temperatures,8 and as a con-
sequence the propene selectivity decreases. It can be observed
that the maximum of propane conversion and of propene
selectivity are at the same temperature, 500 °C.
The coke content in the catalyst along the bed is shown in
Figure 3. Effect of temperature upon propane conversion, propene
Figure 4 for two different temperatures. The amount of coke
selectivity, and product cracking selectivity. Wr/FC3H8 ) 55 s kg/mol, 50% increases along the bed, more quickly in the regeneration
C3H8, ha/H ) 0.5, ur1 ) 4, and 10% O2. zone than in the reaction zone. Furthermore, the coke content
in the catalyst increases with the reaction temperature. This
The stability of the reactor operation was verified by analyz- has also been observed by several authors.11-14 As would
ing the exit stream for an extended period of time. Figure 2 be expected, the temperature is a very important variable
shows the evolution of the propene yield as a function of time controlling the coke formation,12 and the large formation of
for the TZFBR with 5% of oxygen with respect to the total coke at high temperature explains the surprising decrease of
flow fed and for a conventional fluidized bed reactor (FBR) propane conversion at temperatures higher than 500 °C
without oxygen being fed. While the propene yield decreased (Figure 3). The average surface area obtained for these coked
strongly with time in a FBR due to deactivation by coke catalysts is around 120 m2 g-1.
deposition, a constant propene yield, approximately 13%, was 3.3. Influence of Oxygen Flow Rate. The combustion of
reached in the TZFBR, after an initial transient behavior for a coke formed during propane dehydrogenation takes place in
short period of around 15 min. This is due to the stabilization the regeneration zone. Therefore, the amount of oxygen fed
of the coke content of the catalyst along the reactor for a given will be a main variable in the operation of a TZFBR. Some
set of experimental conditions. This means that constant exit experiments were carried out with a constant input of
flow rates are achieved after an equilibrium is reached between propane, while the percentage of oxygen fed to the bottom
coke formation in the reacting zone (ha < h < H) and coke of the reactor was varied to keep a constant relative gas
burning in the regeneration zone (0 < h < ha). Therefore CO velocity in the regeneration zone (ur2). The remaining
and CO2 (COx) appear as products of coke burning in the operation parameters were maintained constant: the relation
regeneration zone but always in very low concentrations (e.g., between the heights of the reaction and the regeneration
with 5% oxygen in the feed the COx yield is lower than 1%). zones, (H - ha)/ha, catalyst mass, and reaction temperature.
In the following sections, all the results reported for the TZFBR Figure 5 shows the selectivity to propene versus propane
correspond to those obtained after 2 h on stream and thus conversion for experiments performed with different percent-
correspond to the steady state. ages of oxygen in the reactor feed. It can be seen that while
3.2. Effect of Temperature. Figure 3 shows the effect of propane conversion increases with the percentage of oxygen
temperature upon the propane conversion, propene selectivity, in the reactor feed, the propene selectivity decreases. In all
and selectivity to cracking products. These experiments were cases, the steady state is reached, so the coke formation rate
performed keeping the remaining operation variables constant: and the catalyst regeneration rate are equal. The coke content
ratio between the height of the reaction and the regeneration in the catalyst along the bed decreases with the amount of
zones, (H - ha)/ha, relative gas velocity, ur, catalyst mass, and oxygen fed into the reactor, as shown in Figure 6. These
flow rates of propane, argon, and oxygen. It may be seen that results can be explained by the fact that as more oxygen is
at low temperatures (480-500 °C) the propane conversion to fed, more coke is burned and the activity of the catalyst is
propene and to cracking products increases, as may be expected higher in the dehydrogenation zone. Furthermore, most of
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 23, 2008 9317

Figure 5. Propene selectivity vs propane conversion for experiments Figure 7. Influence of relation between length of the reacting and the
performed with different O2 flows fed into the reactor and different relative regenerating zones using the same amount of catalyst in the bed. T ) 500
gas velocityies in the reaction zone, ur1. T ) 500 °C, WT ) 60 g, 50% °C, WT ) 60 g, 50% C3H8, H ) 14 cm, and ur1) 2.8.
C3H8, and ha/H ) 0.5.
multitubular reactor to provide the reaction heat, as is
currently used in some industrial processes.
3.4. Effect of the Ratio between the Heights of the
Reaction and the Regeneration Zones. The ratio between the
heights of the reaction and regeneration zones, (H - ha)/ha,
has two effects on the operation of the TZFBR. An increase
in this ratio involves a higher Wr/F ratio in the reaction zone
and a smaller size of the regeneration zone.
Figure 7 shows the propene yield for the same catalyst
weight in the reactor (WT) but for different propane feeding
points (ha), that is, for the same total bed length (H) but
different ratios between the height of the reaction and re-
generation zones (different Wr/F ratios). The flows of oxygen,
propane, and argon fed to the reactor were the same in all
cases. This procedure was repeated with different percentages
of oxygen fed to the bottom of reactor. For 5% of oxygen,
Figure 6. Coke concentration along the catalyst bed for two different O2 it can be seen that the propene yield increases with (H -
flows fed into the reactor, operating conditions are the same as Figure 5. ha)/ha, but for higher values of (H - ha)/ha, the propene yield
For the 5% O2 run, the profile of oxygen along the bed is shown. decreases. So an optimum propene yield was found when
(H - ha)/ha ) 1; that is, the reaction zone and the
regeneration zone had the same size. Furthermore, stable
the oxygen fed is consumed in the lower reactor zone where operation was not achieved when (H - ha)/ha was higher
the regeneration of the catalyst takes place (Figure 6). than 2 (the height of the regeneration zone was not sufficient
Moreover, the propene selectivity decreases because of the to compensate for the catalyst coking in the reaction zone).
increased formation of COx. It is also possible that if there However, when these experiments were carried out with a
is more oxygen than the amount necessary to burn the coke larger oxygen flow rate (10% of oxygen), the optimum
formed in the reaction zone, some oxygen will reach the up- propene yield was found at higher values of (H - ha)/ha.
per zone of the reactor and new oxidation reactions could Moreover, when the height of the regeneration zone decreases
take place. As Pt/Al 2O 3 catalyst is able to promote (higher values of (H - ha)/ha), the coke content in the catalyst
combustion,15,16 the hydrocarbon will react with the remain- along the bed increases (Figure 8), as may be expected from
ing oxygen to produce COx. the previous reasoning.
As discussed before, dehydrogenation of propane and These results can be explained with the help of a previous
cracking are both very endothermic reactions, so it is ne- kinetic study8 since a higher coke content, as was found in the
cessary to bring energy to the system. The burning of coke experiments with a larger reaction zone, has a greater effect on
formed during the propane dehydrogenation brings part of the dehydrogenation reaction than on the cracking. Therefore,
this energy. A Hysys Plant simulator has been used to more catalyst in contact with the propane feed increases the
calculate the heat involved in the process for two tests with propane conversion (approaching the equilibrium value) but
different percentages of oxygen fed into the reactor (2.5 and decreases the propene selectivity, and for higher values of
5% O2), while maintaining the rest of the operating condi- (H - ha)/ha the propene yield decreases, due probably to the
tions: T ) 500 °C, Wr/FC3H8 ) 90 s kg mol-1, 50% C3H8, higher amount of coke formed per unit of time and the smaller
and ha/H ) 0.5. Taking into account the experimentally size of the regeneration zone.
obtained yields to the main reaction products, the net heat 3.5. Influence of Relative Gas Velocity (ur). Figure 5 shows,
produced in the experiment with 5% O2 is 4940 kJ (kmol besides the effect of percentage of oxygen in the feed, the
C3H8)-1 while with 2.5% O2 it is just 344 kJ (kmol C3H8)-1; propene selectivity versus propane conversion for experiments
that is, in these cases the combustion of coke brings more performed with a constant oxygen percentage (5%) and different
energy than that necessary to carry out the dehydrogenation relative gas velocities, ur. It can be seen that both propane
reaction. This could avoid having to use an expensive conversion and propene selectivity decrease with relative gas
9318 Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 23, 2008

Figure 8. Coke concentration along the catalyst bed for different ratios of
length of the reacting zone/length of the regenerating zone. T ) 500 °C,
WT ) 60 g, 50% C3H8, H ) 14 cm, and ur1 ) 2.8.
Figure 10. Comparison between flammability region of propane-oxy-
gen-nitrogen at 500 °C and operating zone in TZFBR, and the operation
conditions are the same as in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Variation of the propane (full symbols) and oxygen (open

symbols) concentration profiles along the reactor for different values of
ur1. Other operation conditions are the same as Figure 8.
Figure 11. Selectivity vs (conversion/equilibrium conversion) for TZFBR
velocity, but propane conversion is more sensitive than propene runs and comparison with results from the literature. Diverse operating
selectivity to an increase in ur. The decrease in propane con- conditions.
version is easily explained since a larger ur implies a shorter
space time and greater bypass of gas in the bubbles. The ex- oxygen fed at the bottom of the bed (h ) 0) is consumed
planation for the decrease in selectivity is related with the before reaching the propane inlet (h ) ha), and with an
decrease in conversion: since the percentage of oxygen in the increase of relative gas velocity, propane was detected below
feed is constant and is fully consumed, the yield to COx also the hydrocarbon inlet point (h < ha). This effect can also
remains quite constant, and with a lower propane conversion explain the decrease in selectivity and conversion when the
this implies a higher selectivity to COx and lower selectivity to relative gas velocity increases, because the presence of
propene. propane with oxygen in the regeneration zone can produce
A second phenomenum that appears in a fluidized bed with COx due to oxidation of the hydrocarbon while at the same
sufficiently high gas velocity (typically ur > 3-5) is the time reducing coke combustion.
backmixing of gas.17 In a fluidized bed backmixing of the Figure 10 represents the gas composition at different points
gas takes place through a mechanism that is related with inside the TZFBR, for several operating conditions, according
the mixing of solids. Thus, solid material forming the bubble to the values obtained in this study together with the flam-
wake is transported upward with the bubbles; the same solid mability diagram for propane-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures at 500
flow, but in the downward direction, exists in the emulsion °C. The flammability region has been taken from the work by
phase that surrounds the bubbles. If the velocity of the solid Zabetakis.18 This plot shows the operating zone in the TZFBR
moving downward is higher than the relative gas-solid is outside the actual flammability region at the operation
velocity in the emulsion phase (which is roughly the temperature. The diagram is therefore useful to illustrate the
minimum fluidization velocity), then the solid in the emulsion ability of the TZFBR to attain a safe operation.
phase draws gas downward, and the undesired gas backmix- 3.6. Comparison with Results in the Literature. Figure
ing is produced.7 As shown in Figure 9, a clear separation 11 summarizes the catalytic results obtained with the
between the reaction and the regeneration zones can be Pt-Sn-K/γ-Al2O3 catalyst synthesized in this work and
obtained if the operating conditions are chosen carefully. It commercial Cr2O3/Al2O36 catalysts used in a TZFBR for
can be seen that at h < ha the oxygen concentration drops propane dehydrogenation. Some of the best results for Pt-Sn
rapidly as a consequence of the combustion of carbonaceous based catalysts extracted from a survey of the literature are
deposit on the catalyst. Moreover, at ur ) 2.8 all of the also shown. To compare the results regardless of the operating
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., Vol. 47, No. 23, 2008 9319
conditions, the results were standardized with the equilibrium u0 ) gas velocity [cm3 (STP) cm-2 s-1]
conversion in each case, because the graph includes experi- umf ) minimum fluidization velocity [cm3 (STP) cm-2 s-1]
mental results from authors that have worked with significant ur ) relative gas velocity [u0/umf]
amounts of hydrogen or inert gas in the feed. Therefore, ur1 ) relative gas velocity in reaction zone [u0 reaction zone/umf]
Figure 11 shows propene selectivity versus conversion/ ur2 ) relative gas velocity in regeneration zone [u0 regeneration zone/
equilibrium conversion (at operating conditions). Salmones umf]
et al.19 used a Pt-Sn/MgAl2O4 catalyst in a fixed bed reactor, XC3H8 ) propane conversion [-]
co-feeding propane and H2. Assaburmrungrat et al.20 used SC3H8 ) propene selectivity [-]
several modified Pt/Al2O3 catalysts in a microreactor with a YC3H8 ) propene yield [-]
mixture of 3% propane in nitrogen. Results presented by FC3H8 ) molar flow of propane [mmol min-1]
Hullmann et al.21 correspond to a platinum silicon nitride Fi ) molar flow of a compound i [mmol min-1]
catalyst in a tubular fixed bed reactor, co-feeding propane ni ) number of carbon atoms of product i
and H2. Jabloski et al.22 tested a PtGa/Al2O3 catalyst in a Wr ) mass of catalyst in reaction zone [g]
quartz fixed-bed reactor with high dilution of propane. In WT ) mass of catalyst in reaction zone [g]
these works, the catalyst was deactivated by coke in spite of QT ) total flow rate [cm3 (STP) min-1]
the dilution with inert gas or H2, which in industrial ope- T ) reaction temperature [K]
rations would make necessary its regeneration in another t ) time [min]
stage. Moreover, these results show lower ratios of conver- h ) bed height [cm]
sion/(equilibrium conversion) in conventional reactors than ha ) propane feed point [cm]
in the TZFBR. The selectivity to propene for a given H ) total bed length [cm]
normalized conversion (which corresponds to much lower
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