UMF Unit-Wide Lesson Plan Template

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Unit-Wide Lesson
Plan Template

Name: Nicole Brewer Program: Secondary Ed. Math Course: EDU 460

Lesson Topic / Title: Logarithms and Solving Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities

Lesson Date: 3/11/2019 Lesson Length: 80 min Grade/Age: Grade 9-11

Learning Objectives & Content Standard Alignment - Selects, creates, and sequences learning
experiences and performance tasks that support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals
based on content standards.
Learning Objective(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
• I can evaluate logarithmic expressions. • Students need to know how to
• I can solve logarithmic equations. solve logarithms in order to
use them to help them solve
exponential equations.

Content Standard(s) Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
• Is skilled at solving advanced equations. • It is beneficial in solving
• Is skilled at solving advanced inequalities. equations to understand the
relationship between
CCSS.MATH.CONTENT.HSF.BF.B.5 logarithms and exponents.
(+) Understand the inverse relationship between This skill will be helpful in
exponents and logarithms and use this solving interest problems and
for work in science classes.
relationship to solve problems involving
logarithms and exponents.

Assessment - Uses assessment flexibly to expand and deepen understanding of learner performance
and determines best supports for continued learner growth.
Assessment Instructional Decisions / Reasoning

• Formative the next class period to assess what • The formative allows me to
was learned today. spot any misunderstandings or
• Check in during work time. common themes that can be
addressed on an individual or
class basis.
• During work time there will be
a chance for me to go around
and check their work and their
level of understanding.

Instructional Materials and Resources - Stays current in content knowledge and expands expertise in
reviewing instructional materials from the perspectives of both the discipline and individual learner
Materials, Resources, and / or Technology Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
• Worksheet • The students use their iPads to
• Notes take notes and work on

Revised 07/19/2018

• Warm-Up worksheets in an app called

• Formative Notability. This allows them to
• SAT Questions always have their notes with
Technology them if they have their iPad.
• iPads Notes are done in slide shows
• Laptop so that students can use them
as guided notes and can focus
more on what’s being said.

Instructional Methods: Selects, creates, and sequences learning experiences and performance tasks
by using a variety of instructional approaches, strategies, and technologies that make learning
accessible to all learners and support learners in reaching rigorous curriculum goals.
Teaching and Learning Sequence Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
1. Warm-Up (10) • The warm up and formative
2. Formative (10) allow students the opportunity
3. Exploration (10) to review what they learned in
4. Notes (25) the last class. They also allow
5. Work time (15) the teacher to check students
6. SAT Prep (10) understanding of the topic
• Have them work on the warm-up, go over it and • Doing exploration and
then have the students take the formative. questioning before the notes
• As Exploration have students get on Desmos and allows students to think about
graph log base 2 of x. Prompt them to look for what they already know about
patterns and point out that the ordered pairs tell logs just by looking at the
us the x and the output, or what the log equals. graph. It also allows them to
They might notice that 2 raised to the output is take ownership of their
the x-value. If everyone noticed this trend lets learning because these are
write a rule for it. ideas they have not just things
• Go through the slides, giving time to copy notes that I tell them.
and ask questions. • Having the notes be in
• After notes are done and questions have been slideshow form makes them
asked go over the assignment for the day and give guided notes that allows
time to work. students to focus more on
• Bring everyone back together, remind them what listening than on writing.
they need to do before next class and then work • Giving them time at the end of
through some SAT questions on the board. class to work allows them an
opportunity to get ahead of the
work and ask questions if they
get confused.
• The Juniors will be taking the
SAT’s in April so we are
helping them prep for it. This
is also a good way for everyone
to work on retention because
the questions will be content
that they may have learned
long ago.

Meeting students’ needs (differentiation, extensions, Instructional Decisions / Reasoning
modifications, accommodations)
• Printing the worksheet so if they don’t have their • Sometimes students iPads
iPad or its dead they can still participate in class. aren’t working or they don’t
have a charger. It is easy to just

Revised 07/19/2018

print off the papers so that the

student can still get the work

Field Courses Only – Post lesson


When we were going through the notes I forgot the last slide, we went back to it but
then missed part of the information that we needed. It was addressed and explained
at the end of class. I will also take time at the beginning of class to go over some of
the questions from the homework that cover that content. This lead to many of the
students understanding how to solve when the equation was log=# but not
remembering that you can’t take the log of a negative so they have to check their
answers. If I were to do this lesson again I would make sure to remember that
section of the notes. I would also ask the students why we can’t take the log of a
negative number and make them think about it, they already have the tools to
answer the question because they understand exponents.

Of the 15 students who took the formative, 6 got a 3, 7 got a 2.5, and 2 got a 2. They
all attempted it and did their best to show their understanding. During the review
before the test I will be asking the students the question, why can we not take the
log of a negative number, which will hopefully reinforce the fact for them.

Teaching Standards and Rationale

Standard #4 Content Knowledge
Having the students look at the graph of a logarithm before they even knew what it
was allowed them to connect it to something that they already know. They know
how to interpret a graph and can realize things such as how it never crosses the y-
axis. Looking at the graph first allows them to, without being told directly, to see
the connection between logarithms and other types of functions.

Revised 07/19/2018

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