Urinalysis and Body Fluids: Unit 2 Session 5

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Urinalysis and Body Fluids CRg

Unit 2; Session 5

Crystals Found in the Urine

Microscopic Examination -
Part A, an Overview

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Urine crystals not found in freshly voided urine.

• Formation based on
• Temperature (as specimen cools or is refrigerated)
• Increased solute concentration, (as indicated by increased
specific gravity)
• pH (acid crystals, alkaline crystals, and some??)

• Broadly categorized by pH.

• However, some deviate

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals
• Clinical Significance
• MOST are NOT clinically significant
• All have been implicated in calculi / kidney
stone formation.
• Generally, clinically significant crystals are
present in freshly voided urine.
• Patient drugs / medication may cause
formation of urine crystals
• Ampicillin
• Hypaque
• Renografin
Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Classification
• Normal and Abnormal
• Normal Acidic crystals
• Normal Alkaline crystals
• Abnormal crystals - metabolic origin or
iatrogenic origin (usually seen in acidic urine)

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals
• Identifycation Characteristics
• Effect of temperature and pH
• Amorphous urates form in the refrigerated acid urine:
will dissolve with heat
• Amporphous phospates form in refrigerated alkline urine;
will dissolve in acetic acid – so will RBCs
• All abnormal crystals are found in acid urine
• pH ** (acid, alkaline or neutral?)
• Morphology (what is the shape and color?)
• Solubility
• (acid crystals are soluble / go into solution in alkaline environment
and alkaline crystals will disappear if the pH becomes acid)

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Identification characteristics
• Polarization and birefringence
• Aids in crystal identification
• Uses two polarizing filters that darken the
• Crystals that polarize light will reverse the
filter’s effect.

• http://www.microscopyu.com/articles/polarized/polarizedintro.html
Polarization (cont.)

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Birefringence

Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Quantitation
• UA Reporting Standardization Guide
• High Power Field (hpf)
• Semi-quantitative terms
• Trace
• 1+
• 2+
• 3+
• 4+
• packed
Microscopic Sediment
– Urine Crystals

• Summary
• Urinary crystals may be of no significance or may accompany
metabolic disorders.
• Urinary crystals may be present in acidic or alkaline urine.
• Microscopic evaluation of urine is important for detection of
crystals, because no chemical test detects the presence of
• Solubility studies and the use of polarized and compensated
light help to identify crystals and differentiate them from
• They are reported using semi-quantitative terms.

UP DATE References
 Lillian Mundt & Kristy Shanahan, Graff’s Textbook of Urinalysis and Body
Fluids, 2nd Ed.
 Susan Strassinger & Marjorie Di Lorenzo, Urinalysis and Body Fluids, 5th Ed.
 Mery Haber, MD, A Primer of Microscopic Urinalysis, 2nd Ed.

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