Fourth Final Examination

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I.Directions: What doe s each item refer to,? Choose the answer from the terms inside the box
and write it in the space provided. Use separate paper for your answer.

_________1. The marriage of a woman to two or more men at the same time.
_________2. A unified system of beliefs and practices related to sacred things.
_________3. An important un constitutional element of family compromising of clustered
mores and folkways , attitudes and ideas.
_________4. The basic institutions in most societies.
_________5. Type of authority which is legitimated by the sanctity of tradition. The ability and
right to rule is passed down, often through heredity. It does not change overtime, does not
facilitate social change, tends to be irrational and inconsistent , and perpetuates the status quo.
_________6. “A value whereby something or someone is recognizesd and accepted as right and
proper” and is usually understood as the popular acceptance and recognition by the public of
the authority of a governing regime., whereby authority has a political power through consent
and mutual understandings not coercion.
_________7. Family structure that is based on residence that permits the newly married couple
to live independently.
_________8. Refers to a group whose members are involved in politics. This can be seen in
families that have been part of the government for several generations.
_________9. Different from bands and tribes in having a more less permanent , full time leader
with real authority to make major decisions for their societies.
________10. an actual or nominal place where forces of demand and supply operate, and where
buyers and sellers interact (directly though intermediaries ) to trade goods, services, or contracts
or instruments, for money or barter.
________11. refers to the system of economic exchange involving the centralized collection of
goods among members of a group followed by the distribution of those goods among those
________12. An organization whose membership consist of workers and union leaders , united
to protect and promote their common interest.
________13. A Filipino superstition that attributes an illness to the greeting of stranger.
________14. A company or group of people authorized to act as single entity (legally a
person) and recognized as such in law.
________15. Belief a numerous spiritual beings concerned with human affairs and capable of
helping or harming human interests.

_________16. Differ from other types of networks . They exist to promote principled causes
and ideas and values, to change international policy as well as make these changes real in the
day-to-day lives ordinary people.
_________17. refers to the education of persons who are physically, mentally, emotionally,
socially, or culturally different from so-called “normal” individuals, such that they require
modification of school practices to develop them to their maximum capacity.
_________18. a belief in the existence of god, or in the oneness of God: distinguished from
polytheism, the belief in the existence of many gods, and from atheism, the belief that there is
no God.
_________19. Concerned primarily with the continuing basic education of the elementary level
and expanding it to include the learning of employable , gainful skills , usually corresponding
to four years of junior high school and two years of senior high schools.
_________20. refers to any organized systematic educational activity carried outside of the
framework of the formal system to provide selected types of learning to a segment of the
population. It is a lifelong process of learning by which a person acquires and accumulates
knowledge , skills, attitudes and insights from daily experiences at home, at work, at play and
from itself.

Non-formal education monotheism polyandry marriage

Legitimacy political dynasty neolocal market
Usog Animism Chiefdom Corporation
Secondary education Redistribution Religion Family
Ttraditional Authority Trade Union
Special Education Transnational Advocacy Group

Jumbled Letters:
MSICAR 21. _________It is the thinking that one’s own race is superior
and has the right to control or direct others.
CINTHTE YTIRONIM 22.. __________Are people whose cultural background differs
from that of the dominant members of the society.

GYIPYT OERETS 23. __________Refers to a propensity to a pictures all members of

a particular category as having equalities.
GNITOAGPESAC 24. __________This is a situation when people encounter problems
that they do not know how to solve , often they
feel frustrated,
IMRONSEITI 25. _________are people who are barred from some degree of power
, prestige, or wealth.
MSIRTNECONHTE 26. __________is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best.
TNANIMOD 27. __________are members of the society that have more power
over the people in a society.
ERPUJCID 28. _________is a negative attitude toward the mebers of a particular
NOINTANIMIRCSID 29. __________an act of depriving minorities of equal treatment and
kept in a lower status by a dominant members of the society and
the resistance of equality.
YTLAUQENICINHTE 30. __________is the consequence of hierarchical social distinctions
between racial and ethnic categories within a society and often
recognized based on characteristics of skin color and other
physical characteristics or an individual’s place of origin or

Fact or Bluff. Write the word FACT if the statement is correct and the word BLUFF if the
statement is incorrect. (2pts) each.
________31. Disabiltiy is the consequence of an impairment that maybe physical, cognitive,
mental, sensory emotional, developmental , any maybe present from birth, or occur during a
person’s lifetime.

________32. Stratification is the method of relating people in terms of certain social

characteristics and then classifying them into social categories based on these characteristics.
________33. Status is the individual’s position in the social structure.
________34. Prestige refes, to the assessment of the individual role behavior and is based on the
person’s status.
________35. Social inequality, frequently described on the basis of the unequal distribution of
income wealth, is frequently studied type of social inquality.
________36. Ascribed status is a king of status, which is assigned by the society or group on the
basis of some fixed category, without regard to a a person’s abilities or performance.
________37. racial or ethnic inequality is th result of hierarchical social distinction between
racial and ethnic categories within a society and often established based on characteristics such
as skin color and other physical characteristics or an individual’s place of origin or culture.
________38. Socioeconomic status (SES) is a combined total measure of a person’s work
experience of an individual’s family’s economic and social position in relation to others, based
on income, education, and occupation.
________39. Gender inequality is born out of the deepening separation in the roles assigned to
men and women, particularly in the economic, political and educational spheres.
________40. any impairment which limits the physical function of limbs, fine bones, or gross
motor ability is a physical impairment.
________41. ascribed statuses are earned by the individual.
________42. prestige refers to the assessment of status.
________43. Social status is accorded to the individuals in a society based on ascribed and
achieved characteristics.
________44. Mental retardation is a subtype of intellectual disability, and the term intellectual
disability is now preffered by many advocates in most English-speaking countries.
________45. The process of layering of social categories into higher and lower possibilities of
prestige or respect is called differretiation.

Prepared by: Approval Recommended:


SHS Teacher I Head Teacher III



School Principal IV

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