GenSoc Trial Exam

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Directions: Identify what is being asked in the following sentences.

_Primary Sex Characteristics___________1. It refers to changes to the sexual organs themselves

_____Secobdary Sex Characteristics_________2. It is a physical characteristic of an organism that is related

to or derived from its sex, but not directly part of its reproductive system.

______Gender Stereotypes________3. A generalized view or preconception about attributes, or

characteristics that are or ought to be possessed by women and men or the roles that are or should be performed
by men and women.

____Human Rights__________4. It is universal, inalienable, indivisible, interconnected, and interdependent.

_____Socialization_______5. It is a socially learned behavior which is usually associated with one's sex.

_______Sex_____6. A person's biological characteristics dictate them?

______Male________7. Pablo is born with the chromosomes XY. Based only on this information, which
category of people does Pablo fall into?

____Testosterone__________8. A steroid hormone that stimulates development of male secondary sexual


_______General Appropriations Act_______9. It is the budget, or the allocation of at least 5 percent of a

government agency’s budget for GAD activities, has also been integrated in the national budget since 1995.

___Perpetrator___________10. it is A person, group, or institution that inflicts, supports, or condones violence

or other abuse against a person or group of persons.

______Gender Role Socialization________11. It is a process by which individuals develop, refine and learn
to 'do' gender through internalizing gender norms and roles as they interact with key agents of socialization,
such as their family, social networks and other social institutions.

______Gender Norms________12. Expectations regarding proper behavior for males & females.

_____Social Wellness_________13. At the hospital, your patient is looking for your support after his surgery.
It boosts his confidence when you encourage him to take another step and when he reaches the next goal of his
therapy session. What dimension of wellness impacted him?

_______Sexual Orientation_______14. Heterosexuality, homosexuality, and bisexuality are examples of?

______Heterosexuality________15. Attraction to the opposite sex is called?

____Social Wellness__________16. Your patient's wife came in to visit today. She was impressed by his
improvement. They chatted with each other in the hospital room until she had to go back to work. Which
dimension of wellness is impacted?

______Gender Identity________17. It refers to a person's internal sense of being male, female or something

_____Spiritual Wellness_________18. Your friend just switched the conversation to politics. She believes the
government should pay for more space exploration, programs, while you believe that money should go towards
feeding the hungry. What dimension of wellness is being demonstrated during this conversation

_______Victim________19. it refers to someone who has recently been affected by sexual violence; when
discussing a particular crime; or when referring to aspects of the criminal justice system.

___Heteronormativity____________20. The standard of correctness and belief that heterosexuality is the

preferred or normal mode of sexual orientation
_____Internalized social-control__________21. It causes a person to police himself according to society's
standards and norms.
___Women In Nation Building Act of 1992(R.A.7192)____________22. it aims to remove gender-biased
provisions against women within their agency and in the planning and implementation of their projects or
equality towards gender In nations building.

_____Sexuality__________23. It is the Expression of a person's thoughts, feelings, sexual orientation and


_____Convention on the Rights of Children ____24. It is the most universally accepted human rights
instrument, ratified by every country in the world except two (United States and Somalia).

_____External Regulations__________25. The Vatican said "marriage should be limited to a union between a
man and a woman, and that same-sex marriage is not part of God's plan for family and raising children". What
perception of Gender is it?

___Transgender________26. It is an umbrella term that refers to someone whose assigned sex at birth does
not represents his or her gender identity.

____Natal sex___________27. This assigned sex is called a person?

_____Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women__________28. It is

an international legal instrument that requires countries to eliminate discrimination against women and girls in
all areas and promotes women's and girls' equal rights.

____Cisgender___________29. A baby identified as a male by their body (sex) who grows up and identifies
as a man is an example of?

_______Gender Queer________30. A person who does not subscribe to conventional gender distinctions but
identifies with neither, both, or a combination of male and female genders.

_____Sex Stereotypes __________31. Generalized view of traits that should be possessed by men and

_____Compounded Stereotypes__________32. It is an assumption about a specific group belonging to a


______Intersex_________33. A condition of having both male and female reproductive organs.

_____Sex Role Stereotypes__________34. It encompasses the roles that men and women are assigned to
base on their sex and what behaviors they must possess to fulfill these roles

______Heteronormativity________ 35. It is the standard for correctness that is being attracted ONLY to the
opposite sex.

____Gender-Based Violence Experienced By Women and girls___________36. It aims to eliminate

discrimination against women and girls as well as equal treatment for men and women.

_____Intellectual Wellness__________37. Now all of your friends are discussing the challenges in our
society and coming up with ways to solve them if they ran the country. What dimension of wellness is being

___Gender Expression____________38. It is the way in which a person expresses a gender identity, typically
through their appearance, dress, and behavior

____Cognitive/Cognition Domain___________39. It refers to people's thought processes such as memory,

perception, and information-processing.

____Social Consequences___________40. This is one of the consequences that can affects Families,
Communities or suffers from certain stigmas)
___Occupational Wellness____________41. What dimension of Wellness focuses on a person's ability to
balance work and leisure time?
___Asexual____________42. A term used to describe someone who does not experience sexual attraction
toward individuals of any gender.

______1987 Philippine Constitution_________43. Which Philippines constitution Recognizes women’s role

in nation-building and their fundamental equality with men under the law

______Intersex_________44. Someone who is born genetically male & female is said to be?
______Emotional Wellness_________45. It is the dimension of wellness includes working on your stress
management techniques to control your feelings.

_____External Regulations__________46. It involves various institutions dictating what is proper and normal
based on one's identity.
_____Environmental Wellness__________47. While at the ice cream shop, you notice your surroundings and
how well organized the dining area is. The other customers seem very satisfied with their dessert. What
dimension of wellness is being impacted?
___Psychosocial Perspective____________48. The perspective focuses on exploring and understanding
human sexuality in the lens of psychological and social process.

_Gender-Based Violence Experienced By Women and girls___________________49. Marital rape and

sexual Harassment are part of the things a certain group has to encounter is their daily life.

_____Sociology_______50. A field of science which concerns itself with human person's realities and
experiences as part of groups and institutions, including the structures and functions and the dynamics of human

_____Subjective Well-being __________51. It is often assessed using indicators that measure aspects of
education, physical and built environment, community, and economy.

___Gender Fair Language________52. It refers to language that avoids gender stereotyping.

______Gender-Based Violence Experienced by Men and Boys_________53. it is when globally, men and
boys are disproportionately likely to perpetuate most forms of violence and to die by homicide and suicide.

_____Physical Wellness__________54. You and your friends go out for ice cream. Your one friend is trying
to work on their diet so they choose the light option of frozen yogurt. What dimension of wellness is this person
working on?

_____Survivor__________55. It is the preferred term (not a "victim") of a person who has lived through an
incident of gender-based violence.
____Behavior/Behavioral Domain___________56. It pertains to people's actions.

____Social Wellness___________57. After a stressful day, you decide to release some negative energy by
hanging out with some friends. What dimension of wellness is impacted?

______Affective Domain_________58. It is the state of extreme emotional closeness.

_____Sexism__________59. It is discrimination, prejudice, or stereotyping based on gender, and is most often

expressed toward women and girls.

______Ecocomic Consequences_________60. this is one of the consequences that can affect social life, cost
of public health and reduce the chances of someone’s participation

_____Financial Wellness__________61. Another one of your friends is at the cash register when he says "oh,
this is my last one-dollar bill. I spent too much money on ordering pizza yesterday." What dimension of
wellness does this person need to work on?

_____Reproductive Role_________ 62. The social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role in
child bearing or child-rearing and related tasks such as maintaining the household
_______Productive Role_______63. It is social script ascribed to individuals pertaining to their role I
economic production and related task such as engaging in public affairs and living in the world of work.

_____Subjective Well-being_________64. It refers to how people experience and evaluate their lives and
specific domains and activities in their lives.

________Well-Being______65. The ultimate goal of understanding psychosocial aspects of our experiences

______Overt Behavior________66. It is a kind of behavior that is observable and measurable.

_____Sexual Stereotypes_________67. It involves assumptions regarding a person's sexuality that reinforce

dominant views.
_____Gender-Based_ Violence_Experienced by the LGBTQIA+ Community____68. it is when some
sexual assault and harassment may be directed at individuals as a hate crime specifically because of their
identities, other times, abusers may use the victim’s identity, status of being “out” or traditional gender norms as
a way to maintain power and control.

___Sexist Language___________69. It is a tool that reinforces unequal gender relations through sex- role
stereotypes, micro aggressions, and sexual harassment.

_____Self-Awareness_________70. It is self-focused attention and knowledge.

_____Hidden Assumptions_________71. It can also be forms of micro aggression if the underlying

perceptions are sexist and degrading
___Sexism in Language___________72. It is the use of language which devalues members of one sex, almost
invariably women thus foster gender inequality

______Health Consequences________73. These are the effects of this consequence unwanted pregnancy,
unsafe abortion, STD, STI, Mental Health Issues, what consequence it is?

_____Gender-Based Violence_________74. It is One of the most widespread and human rights abuses, but
least recognized in the world. Results in physical, sexual, and psychological harm to both men and women.

_____Invisibilization of Women_________75. Is rooted in the assumption that men are dominant and are the
norm of the fullness of humanity
___Language___________76. It articulates consciousness, reflects culture, and affects socialization.

____Psychological__________77. Anything associated with mental processes and behavior.

___Sexual Behavior___________78. Our_______ and gender-related behaviors are originated from what we
___Covert Behavior___________79. It refers to unobservable activities that lead to specific actions.

_____Affective Domain_________80. It pertains to people's emotions and feelings

____Psychology__________81. A field of science which concerns itself with how people think and feel and
how thoughts and feelings interact and lead to behavior.

_____Socialization_________82. It is the process of internalizing the norms and ideologies of society

_____Consequences of Gender-Based Violence_________83. It Includes serious, immediate, and long-

term impacts on the sexual, physical, and psychological health of survivors


Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write NEUTRAL on the space before the number if you
think the statement demonstrates Gender Fair Language. Write SEXIM on the space before the number if you
think the statement demonstrates sexism. If you have questions, raise your hand and ask your teacher.

__NEUTRAL________84. After filling out a class schedule, the student should place it in the registrar's basket.
____SEXISM______85. Considered for over a decade to be the model of an English gentleman, Edgar Smythe-
Jones saw his reputation crumble when he got drunk aboard a trans-Atlantic flight and made a pass at a

____SEXISM______86. If a student has a question concerning his grade, he should consult with his teacher.

_____NEUTRAL_____87. Earl and Jeffrey decided to rent tuxes, since each wanted to look his best for the

___NEUTRAL_____88. The employer is requesting that each employee bring their own lawn chair and
wineglass to the workplace picnic in order to avoid paying rental fees.

___SEXISM_______ 89. The fickle inheritor spent money lavishly on whoever was her best friend in a given

_____NEUTRAL_____ 90. Repeat the question for each subject so that they fully understand it.

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