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NGSL Lista de Palabras en Inglés

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the used to point to something already mentioned

be used to show the identity of a thing

of belonging to or connected with something
and used to join words or groups of words
to used to indicate place or direction
a something that is being considered

in used to indicate being inside of or surrounded by something else

have to own, possess, or hold something

it a thing that has been previously mentioned

you used to refer to the person the speaker is addressing

for indicating the purpose or need of something

not used to make an expression negative

that used to identify a specific person, thing, fact or idea

on touching and being supported or physically in contact by something

with used to express that people or things are together

do to perform an action or activity; to work on something

as used to refer to the same degree or amount

he used to refer to a male person that is the subject

we used to refer to the speaker and another person as the subject

this used to identify a specific person, thing, or idea that is close

at used to indicate place, location, or arrival

they used to refer to two or more people, animals, or things

but used to contrast a statement with a to previous one

from indicating the starting point of motion or action

by close to or next to, up to and beyond, beside a place

will expressing the future, to say something is expected to happen

or used to link alternatives, to introduce another choice

his belonging to or relating to a male who has already been talked about
say to use your voice to express something with words

go to move or travel from one place to another

she used to refer to a female that is the subject
so to a degree that is suggested or stated
all the whole, entire or total amount
about on the subject of, or concerning something

if introducing a condition for something to happen

one the number 1, a single person or thing

my belonging to or relating to the person who is speaking or writing

know to have in your mind, be aware of something

there in that place or position, at that location

which what one or ones of a group, one or more people or things

can to be able to do something

get to obtain, receive or be given something

her used to refer to a female who has already been talked about

would indicating someone thinking about what will happen

think to believe or have a particular idea

like to find something agreeable or enjoyable
more greater in amount, number, or size

their belonging to or relating to a group that have already been talked about

your belonging or relating to the person or people you are talking to

when at what time, at, in, during which, how soon

what asking for information about someone or something

make to build, create, or produce something

time something measured in minutes, hours, days, etc.

who what or which person or people, to ask about, talking about

see to notice or become aware of with the eyes

up to move towards a high place from a lower one

people human beings in general, plural of person

some used to refer to an unspecified amount or number

out in a direction or movement away from the inside or center

me the person who is speaking or writing
good of high quality

other used to mention a person or thing is different from already mentioned

year a unit of time equal to 12 months or 365 days

well in a successful way, in a good or satisfactory way

belonging to or relating to the person who is speaking and one or more

other people

very to a high degree

just exactly, to an exact degree or manner

them a group of people, animals, or things that have already been talked about

no not at all, in a way that shows a negative response

take to carry or move with one's hands, to reach for

because for a reason

come to move toward someone, to approach

could used as the past tense of can, to indicate possibility

use to do something with another thing

work to have a job or activity involving mental or physical effort

then at that time, at the time mentioned, after that

now at the present time or moment
also in addition, too, in a similar way

than used to introduce a second part that is being compared

him someone male who has already been talked about

into introduce movement toward the inside of something

only alone in a class or category

want to desire or wish for
look to direct one's gaze in a particular direction
these plural form of THIS

its belonging to or relating to the thing that has already been talked about

new not old, recently born, built or created

give to hand over or present something to another

first coming before all others in time or place

way a manner or characteristic of something
thing an object, animal, or quality doesn't have a specific name

any used to refer to something not particular or specific

over in an upward direction across something

right to be true, correct or acceptable
after following in time, at a later time
find to discover something
day each of the 24 hours beginning at midnight
where to be in at or in what place?
most almost all of something

should used to indicate what is proper or reasonable

need require because it is essential or important

much large in amount or extent
how by what means or manner?
back the rear surface of something
mean to have in mind as your purpose or intention
may used to express possibility or probability
such like or similar

us the person who is speaking or writing and one or more other people

here in this place, at this location or position

really very or very much
even being flat, equal or smooth

company a business that sells thing or provides services

those plural of THAT

many used to refer a large number of things
child a young person

tell to say or communicate information to someone

last coming after others, final

call to speak, announce or shout in a loud voice

down going from a higher position to a lower position

yes used to give a positive answer or reply to a question, request, or offer 

before at an earlier time, in front of

man an adult male human being
through into one side and out of the other side
show to cause or allow to be seen
life the existence of a human being or animal
between in the space that separates to objects
a small piece of land that is or could be used for building something or for
some other purpose 

feel to be aware of or experience an emotion or sensation

place a particular area or region

change to make or become different
long extending a great distance
too in addition, also

a temporary stop : a period of time in which something is stopped before

it is started again 

still used to express that an action or condition continues

write to compose letters and words on a surface

problem something that is difficult to deal with or needs to overcome

talk using words to express opinions or give information

try to make an effort, to attempt to do something

something a thing that is not yet know, specified or named

unclear not easy to understand

same identical, not different
great very large in size, extent or amount

number a word or symbol that stands for a specific amount or quantity

leave to go away from, depart from

little small in size, amount, or degree

both used to emphasis two things at the same time

meet to be introduced for the first time

help to assist in order to make it easier for someone to do a job

own when something belongs to someone

ask to request
part one of the pieces of a whole

country an area, nation that is controlled by government

put to move or place in a particular position

point an idea that you try to make others accept or understand

start to begin doing something

school a place where children go to learn
each every one of two more things
become to begin to be, grow to be, develop into

interest a feeling of wanting to know or learn about something

old having lived for many years, no longer young

off away from a place or at a distance

another one more in addition
different not of the same kind, unlike in nature
high rising upward a great distance
next coming immediately after this time
include to have as a part of a group
late happening near the end of a given time
why for what reason or purpose
live to be alive, to remain or continue to be alive
end a point that marks the limit of something
world the earth and all people and things on it

week a period of seven days, starts on Sunday and end on Saturday

must used to say that something is required or necessary

while during the time that, at the same time

never not ever, not at any time
study devoting time to learn about something
kind having a friendly, gentle nature
report a story given about a particular matter
play to do activities for fun or enjoyment
house a building in which a family lives

group a number of people or things located or gathered together

might to say something is possible

home the place where a person or a family lives

course the route or direction that something moves along

let to allow or permit to do something

case an example or instance of something

system a set of related parts that move or work together

again one more time, once more

hear to be aware of sound, to perceive with the ear

woman an adult female human being

family a group of people who are related to each other

book a printed or written work that is bound together and has a cover

seem to appear to be something

around located on every side or along something
during throughout the entire time

keep to continue holding or retaining possession of

big large in size or extent

follow to come after, to move or travel behind
every including each person or thing in a group
question to ask for or elicit information
under to be below something
important having great significance
always at all times
friend a person who you like and enjoy being with
however used to introduce a different statement

set to put or stand something in a place or position

hand the body parts at the end of a person's arm

provide to make available, to supply for use
small little in size, not great in amount
turn to move around a central point
state a way of living or existing
begin to do the first part of an action, to start

run to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking

since because, for the reason that

early at or near the beginning of time, done before the expected time

money something used to pay for goods and services

few not many, a small number

bring to take or go with to a place,
market a place that products are bought and sold

information facts or data about a situation, person, event, etc.

area a part or section in a large place

move to cause to go in a specified direction or manner

business the activity of making, buying, selling or providing goods

service the action of helping or doing work for someone

government the group of people who officially control a country

fact something that is known or proved to be true

issue problems that people are talking or thinking about

to tell (someone) that you are grateful for something that he or she has
done or given

large great in size, extent, or capacity

result a thing that is caused by something else that happened

read to look at and comprehend the meaning of something written

month one of the 12 periods of time a year is broken into

order an instruction or direction that must be obeyed

increase to become larger or greater in size, amount, or degree

name a word that addressed or refers to a specific person

love feel great affection for

word a unit of language that has a meaning

without not having or including something, in the absence of

open not closed

pay give money for goods or work done

offer to give someone the opportunity to accept something

build to construct by putting parts or materials together

I the person who is speaking or writing

hold to have or keep in your hand
happen to take place or occur
against in opposition to

away at a distance from a particular person or place

job the regular work of earning money

buy to get something by paying money for it; purchase

though although, despite the fact that

today this day, this present day, at the present time

example a thing which is seen as a model

believe to accept that something is true

plan a set of actions as a way to do, detailed proposal for doing

second a unit of time, one sixtieth of a minute

program a plan of things that are done to achieve a result

student a person who attends a school

form a type or kind of something, the visible shape, style

young in an early stage of life or growth

lead to guide someone to a place , to go with, be in charge

face the front part of a person's head, the surface of a thing

close to move so that things cannot path through

room a space that can be occupied which has its own floor and ceiling

hope a feeling of expectation, to want something to happen

cost the price of something

head the upper part of the body

car a vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things

understand to know, to perceive or comprehend something

hour a period of time equal to 60 minutes

far to a great distance in space or time

actually used when you are saying what is the truth of a situation

spend to use money to pay for something

level a specific height or line

city many people living in a place larger than a town

present existing or happening now, not in the past or future

less not so much, a smaller amount of

idea a thought, suggestion, opinion or plan
reason a cause for an action or event

learn to acquire knowledge by study or experience

until up to, to indicate the point in time when a particular situation

member a person or country belonging to a group or team

process a series of actions that produce achievement

person a human being

experience the act of having things happen to you

night the period of time of darkness between sunset and sunrise

support to give assistance to

sure completely confident of being right, not having any doubt

sort a group of people or things that have some shared quality

quite to a very large degree, very

bad low or poor in quality, not correct or proper
once one time only

enough equal to what is needed, as much as required

although despite the fact that, however,

within inside something
age the amount of time a person has lived

term a word or phrase that describes something else

whether expressing a doubt between alternatives

able having the power, skill, money, or means to do something

share to have or use something with others

line a long narrow mark or band on a surface

product something that is made or grown to be sold or used

speak to use words to tell information or express thoughts

side a position or direction that is away from the center

train a group of connected vehicles traveling on railways

soon at a time not long from now

low not rising or extending upward

the amount of money that you pay for something or that something

public concerning or affecting all or most of the people in a group

often many times, frequently, on many occasions

possible to be able to be done
least smallest in amount, extent or degree
parent a person who is a father or mother
consider to think about carefully

effect a change or results of something being done

rather to a certain extent

control to direct or influence the behavior of something or someone

view an opinion or way of thinking

story a description of how something happened

local relating or restricted to a particular area, city, or town

anything a thing of any kind, used to refer to a thing, no matter what

together to be with each other or in one group

value the amount of money something is worth
hard something that is firm or difficult to bend

stand to be in an upright position supported by on your feet

visit to go somewhere to spend time with

watch to pay attention to what is happening
color a quality such as red, blue, green, etc.

party an organization of people who have the same political beliefs

bit a small piece of something

continue to do something without stopping
ever at any time, at all times
eye the part of the body that you see with

the bottom or lowest part of something : the part on which something

rests or is supported 

concern a feeling of worry or anxiety

letter a written, typed or printed message
center the middle point or part

lose to be unable to find something you once had

yet until now, up until the present

almost only a little less than, nearly, not quite

when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more


already before this time

test a set of questions designed to measure a person's ability

probably used to mean that something is very likely

sale the act of selling something or exchanging for money

rate the measure of speed or frequency over a particular period of time

nothing not anything, no a single thing

whole complete or full, all of something

suggest to mention something as a possible thing to be done

the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and
feelings to each other 

deal to trade or do business with someone

send to cause to go to another destination
expect to be regarded as likely to happen
fall to come or go down from a higher to a lower place

return to come back to a place again

water the clear liquid which forms the seas, rivers and rain

per for each one, by means of, as directed by or stated in

allow to permit or treat as acceptable

cause something that produces an effect
power the ability, capacity or right to control things

sit to be in a resting position on a chair or couch

walk to move with your legs, to go on foot

mother a female who has a child or children

among situated centrally, in relation to several things

care effort made to do something correctly or well

subject the thing being discussed or described

develop to cause to grow or bigger or more advanced

stay to continue to be in the same place; remain

record an official piece of evidence or document about past events

mind the part of person that enables us to think, feel, and reason

remember to bring a previous image or idea to your mind

past a time before the present

office a building of set of rooms used to do business or professional activities

force to use physical strength, power, or energy used on something

grow to become larger

town a place people live, larger than a village, smaller than a city

light the form of energy that makes things visible

stop to not move or come to an end
several more than two but not many

period a length or portion of time during a series of events

class a group of students who often meet and are taught together

matter the physical substance things are made of

food the things that people and animals eat
social involving activities among people
require to need something, to make it necessary
political relating to government or public affairs
win to achieve victory in a fight or game

decide to make a choice about something or choose after thinking

staff a group of people who work for an organization or business

figure a an amount that is expressed in numbers

real actually existing or happening, not imagined or supposed

future the period of time coming after the present

policy a course of action proposed by an organization

answer a reaction to a question someone asks

to show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by
smiling and making a sound from your throat

remain to be left behind, to continue to exist

ago in the past

type a particular category of people or objects with a common characteristic

shop a building or room where goods and services are sold

security the things that are done to keep someone or something safe

receive to get or be presented with something

note a brief, short record of something
minute a period of time equal to 60 seconds

fund a sum of money that is used for a special purpose

top the highest part, point, or level of something

game one of the games that are part of a larger contest

involve to have or include in a part of something

account a story or report about something

half one of two equal parts something can be divided into

history the study of past event

create to make, cause, or bring into existence
break to separate into pieces
moment a very short or brief period of time
individual existing as just one member
across from one side to the other of something
either one or the other of two

music the art of making sounds that are sung or played

further at a more distant place than here
reach to come to or arrive at a goal or destination
clear very obvious or easy to perceive

rule something that is not allowed in some situations

an electronic machine that can store and process large amounts of


wait to stay or remain until an expected event happens

sound something that is heard

team a group of people who compete in a sport, game

along at a point on something

research careful study to find and report new knowledge

appear come into sight

drive to control the movement of a car

activity something which you do for enjoyment; action

black having the very dark color of coal or the night sky

produce to use machines to make something from raw materials

free without control by others

general widespread, normal or usual
body a person's physical self
toward in the direction of
please used to ask for something in a polite way

sense one of our natural abilities for receiving information

perhaps possibly but not certainly, maybe

add to put something together with another thing
everything every thing there is or all that exists

law the system or rules made by the government

easy not hard to do, not difficult

sell to exchange (something) for money
full containing or holding as much as possible

film movie or a special material that is used for taking photographs

model a usually small copy of something 

war a period of fighting or conflict between countries,

forward toward the front : to or toward what is ahead or in front 

himself the reflexive form of the pronoun 'he'

maybe possibly but not certainly : perhaps

design to make something for a specific use or purpose

morning the early part of the day

pass to move past something
condition a way or quality of living or existing
near close to something
door a movable entrance to a building or room
human relating to or characteristic of people
above in a higher place
available when something is there to be used easily
position the place something is located in
agree to the same opinion about something
short a small distance from one end to the other
situation a condition, location or position

paper the material that is used in the form of thin sheets for writing

cover put something over or on top of something else

major important, serious, or large in number

customer someone who buys goods or services from a business 

father a male parent

bear to accept or endure difficulties

choose to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want

main  most important

describe to tell someone the appearance, sound or smell of

someone some person; somebody

date a particular day of a month or year 

event something especially something important or notable that happens

nice giving pleasure or joy : good and enjoyable 

special different from what is usual, better or greater than normal

certain not having any doubt about something

a communication system that is used to talk to someone who is in

another place

join to put or bring (two or more things) together 

else in a different or additional manner or place
girl a female child, a young woman
sometimes occasionally; only at certain times,
table a piece of furniture with a flat top and legs

community a group of people who share a common idea or area

carry to move something from one place to another

decision a choice that you make about something after thinking about it

role the character played by an actor

president the head of a government
particular used to single out an individual member

cut to use a sharp tool or object to open or divide something

difference a quality that is unlike something else

die to stop living or end life
eat to take food into your mouth and swallow it
enjoy to take pleasure in (something) 

rise to move from a lower position to a higher one

especially more than usually; very, extremely

detail a small part of something

data facts or information used usually to calculate or analyze

charge to ask for money as a price for a service or goods

practice to do something again and again in order to become better at it

cell the smallest living part of an animal or a plant

improve to make or to become something better

kid a child or young person
action something that a person does
strong having physical power or strength

happy feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life

health the condition of being well or free from disease

economic relating to trade, industry, and money

difficult not easy : requiring much work or skill to do or make 

regard to care or think about something in a specific way

to go on a trip or journey : to go to a place and especially one that is far


approach to get close to reaching something or somewhere

amount a quantity of something

investment the money that you put in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a profit
white having the color of snow, to be light or pale in color

draw to produce by making lines on a paper

site the place where something is, was, or will be located

round shaped like a circle or ball 

behind in or toward the back

claim to say something is true when others may not agree

step moving by lifting a foot and putting it down in a different place

able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long
time or when dealing with problems or difficult people

true agreeing with the facts, not false, real or actual

teacher someone whose job is to teach in a school, college, etc.

range the area of variation on a particular scale

percent a certain part of a whole
themselves the reflexive form of the pronoun 'they'

organization an official group of people who work together for the same purpose

vote to make an official choice for or against someone or something

front the forward part of an object

measure an amount or degree of something, ascertain in size or degree

trade the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging

therefore for that reason or because of that

finally after a long time or some difficulty; the last point or idea

raise to lift or move something to a higher position

wear to use or have as clothing over part of your body

industry referring to the making of all products in a given field

explain to make clear or easy to understand by describing

relationship a connection between two or more people or things

quality how good or bad something is 

accord a formal or official agreement

outside an area around or near something such as a building

wish to want something to be true or to happen
death the end of life, the fact of dying, being killed
project a planned piece of work for specific purpose
land the solid part of the surface of the Earth

sign something which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen

boy a male child or youth, a young man

 new information or a report about something that has happened


the possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a

loss) will happen 

total the whole number or amount of something

couple two people or things being together
national relating to the whole of a country

list a series of written names, words or numbers

opportunity an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done

act take action

a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according

to a specific set of rules and compete against each other

road a hard flat surface for people or vehicles can use

kill to cause the death of a person, animal or plant

serve to give or provide something to another person

education the process of giving or receiving instruction

picture a painting, drawing or photograph on paper or screen

likely used to indicate the chance that something will happen

standard a level of quality or achievement that is considered acceptable

benefit a good result or effect, something helpful

stage a particular point in a process

 an activity (such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or

group does to entertain an audience 

rest not at work, to have time to relax, sleep or do nothing

used to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt about it;
used to agree to a request

culture the beliefs and customs of a particular group

focus the main purpose or center of interest or activity

itself the reflexive form of the pronoun 'it'

arrive to come to or reach a place after traveling, being sent, etc.

a person who works for another person or for a company for wages or a

upon more formal term for "on"

voice the sound a person produces with their mouth

required or expected to happen : expected to be in a particular place at a

particular time 

technology the use, knowledge of science in industry, engineering

field an open area of land, especially without trees or buildings

air the invisible mixture of gases that we breathe

material a substance from which a thing is made of

current happening or existing now :belonging to or existing in the present time 

teach to instruct or help to learn

financial relating to money or how money is managed

century a period of 100 years

society a community of people living together
analysis the process of analyzing something

limit a point beyond which it is not possible to pass

evidence something that makes you believe that something is true or exists

reduce to make something smaller in size, amount or number

to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being

said, sung, played, etc. 

usually in the way that most often happens

lie to be in a horizontal or flat position
foot the part of the leg below ankle
single not having or including another, only one
common something that is found or done often
space the amount of an area, room, or surface

realize to understand or become aware of something

former used to say what someone or something was in the past

animal  a living thing that is not a human being or plant 

used to say that one thing is done or is chosen when another is not

similar almost the same, alike as something else

thus as a result, in this way

the words and numbers that are used to describe the location of a
address building and that are written on letters, envelopes, and packages so that
they can be mailed to that location 

leader a person in control of a group, country, or situation

complete having all necessary parts

arm each of the two long body parts from shoulder to the hand

function a particular purpose for which something is used

an opportunity to do something; an amount of time or a situation in

which something can be done

to talk about, write about, or refer to (something or someone) especially

in a brief way 

factor something that influences a result

contact the state or condition where two things are touching

response  an answer or reaction to something that has been said or done

demand forcefully saying that something must be done or given to you

exist to have actual being or to be real

accept to receive or take something that is offered

to keep (someone or something) safe : to stop (someone or something)

from dying or being hurt, damaged, or lost 

a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something : what someone

thinks about a particular thing
pick to choose or select (someone or something) from a group 

wrong  not agreeing with the facts or truth : incorrect 

apply to ask formally for something such as a job

compare to say that (something) is similar to something else

to think of something as happening or being true in order to imagine

what might happen

 the act of choosing : the act of picking or deciding between two or more


structure the way that something is built, arranged, or organized

fight take part in a battle to defeat an enemy

relate to show or make a connection between (two or more things) 

firm fairy hard or solid; not soft

feature a distinctive or important point of something

ground the solid surface of the earth that we stand on

effort work done by the mind or body

source produces or provides what is wanted or needed

pretty large or impressive

campaign a series of organized activities or events intended to achieve a result

check to look at (something) carefully to find mistakes, problems, etc.

used when agreeing to do something or when allowing someone to do


street a public road in a city or town

foreign coming from or belonging to a different place or country

attention an act or power of carefully thinking about

relating to or belonging to a particular person; someone's private


particularly especially

a piece of public land in or near a city that can be used for pleasure and

whose used in questions to ask who owns something, has something, etc. 

information, understanding, or skill that you get from experience or


contain to have something inside or include something

official of or relating to the job or work of someone in a position of authority 

court a formal legal meeting place that judges about crimes

bank  the higher ground that is along the edge of a river, stream, etc. 

 a piece of writing about a particular subject that is included in a

magazine, newspaper, etc. 

wife a married woman

management the people who are in control of an office, shop, team, etc.

manager someone in control of an office, shop, team, etc.

section one of the parts that form something

 to reach the end of (something) : to stop doing (something) because it is


guy a man
fine good, acceptable, or satisfactory
store a building or room where things are sold 

attack to act violently against or to try to hurt, injure or destroy

discuss  to talk about (something) with another person or group 

stock the supply of goods available for sale in a store

prepare to make something ready for use

fire the light, heat and the flame produced by burning something

piece a part that is cut or separated from a whole

heart the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your body

forget to be unable to think of or remember (something)

the people or the department of people who enforce laws, investigate

crimes, and make arrests

recent happening or beginning not long ago, close to the present

behavior the way a person or animal acts or behaves

represent to act or speak officially for someone or something

growth the process of growing

page one side of a sheet of paper especially in a book, magazine, etc. 

holiday a special day of celebration

affect to make an effect on someone or something

establish to set or create something that last for a long time

wonder something that is very surprising or amazing

having little money or few possessions : not having enough money for

the basic things that people need to live properly 

manage to control or be in charge of something

addition a new or extra thing which is added to something

bed a piece of furniture that people sleep on

simply in a way which is not complicated or difficult to understand

recently not long ago

yesterday the day before today

surprise an unexpected event, piece of information, etc.

sorry feeling sorrow or regret 

art a human creative skill using the imagination
method a way of doing something
fast moving or able to move quickly 
stuff materials, supplies, or equipment 
international involving two or more countries

drink to take a liquid into your mouth and swallow it

purchase to buy something, to get by paying money for it

myself the reflexive form of the pronouns 'me' or 'I'

worry to think about problems or fears

whatever anything or everything that or no matter what

private for the use of a single person or group

determine cause to occur in a particular way

summer the warmest season of the year that is after spring and before autumn

evening the last part of the day and early part of the night 

influence the power to change or affect someone or something

exactly completely correct

a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then

dividing the total by the number of quantities

everyone every person; everybody

drop to let something fall
miss to fail to hit, catch, reach, or get (something)
significant large enough to be noticed or have an effect

production the process of making or growing something for sale or use

inside an inner side, edge, or surface of something

tomorrow the day after today

attempt to try to do something or to accomplish or complete

region a part of a country, of the world, area, etc.

cent a unit of money that is equal to 1/100 of the basic unit of money

one of the groups that people can be divided into based on certain
physical qualities (such as skin color)

shall expressing the future tense, to expect to happen

contract a legal written agreement between people

an expression on your face that shows happiness, amusement or


the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or


medium a middle size, something between other things

necessary needing to be done

economy a large system of production and consumption

various used to refer to several different or many different things

notice to become aware of (something or someone) by seeing, hearing, etc. 

nature the physical world and everything in it

population the number of people who live in a place

a device that is used to open a lock or start an automobile ◊The usual

key type of key is a small metal object that you insert into a narrow opening
and turn. 

nation a large area of land controlled by government, territory

to move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches someone or

something in a forceful or violent way

occur to happen, to take place

plant a living thing that grows in the ground such as a tree or flower

catch to use your hands to stop and hold

election the act or process of choosing someone for a public office by voting 
a person who manages an organized group of people or a part of an

an act of carefully looking at or examining the quality or condition of

something or someone

military of or relating to soldiers or the armed forces

statement something that someone says or writes officially

someone who works for a company or organization but does not have a
powerful position

respect a feeling of admiring someone that is good or valuable

paint a liquid that dries to form a thin colored layer

capital having the main offices of a government

player someone who plays a sport or game

press newspapers, magazines, and TV news reports

movie a film or video

tax money that a government requires people to pay

environment the conditions that surround people, animals or plants

son a male child

a place that has rooms in which people can stay especially when they are
hotel traveling :a place that provides food, lodging, and other services for
paying guests 

size the total amount of physical space that a person or thing occupies

item an individual article, unit or piece of information

image a picture, sculpture or painting of something

a chemical substance used as a medicine; an illegal substance taken for


simple not hard to understand or do

indeed without any question- used to stress the truth of a statement

series a number of things that happen one after another

final happening or coming at the end of a series

purpose the reason for which something is done

window an opening in a wall or door that usually contains a sheet of glass

something which you do to try to cure an illness or injury, especially
something suggested or done by a doctor

club a group of people who meet to participate in an activity

file a folder or box for documents that are similar

department a division of a larger part or organization

a large vehicle that is used for carrying passengers especially along a

particular route at particular times

wall the layer of brick or stone that separates areas

direct to cause to turn or move in a desired way

character the way someone thinks, feels and behaves
gain to get something wanted or valued

fit proper or acceptable : morally or socially correct

enter to go or come into something

agreement a promise or decision made between two or more people

fail to not succeed : to end without success

one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which
the year is commonly divided 

college an school or educational institution for adults

seek to search for; to try to find; look for

achieve to reach a goal, to get something
beautiful very attractive
station a place where buses or trains regularly stop

alone not including or without anyone or anything else

below in or to a lower place

clothes items such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your body

attend to go to and be present at (an event, meeting, etc.)

success to accomplish a purpose or achieving something

 give reasons for or against something : to say or write things in order to

change someone's opinion about what is true, what should be done, etc.

lack to not have something

comment to discuss or write an opinion on something
option something which may be chosen

to hold onto and move (someone or something) in a particular direction

and especially toward yourself

church a building used for Christian religious worship or services

herself the reflexive form of the pronoun 'she'

something (such as a good position or condition) that helps to make

someone or something better or more likely to succeed than others

identify to indicate who or what someone or something is

link to join or connect together, a relationship

indicate to show something, direct attention to or point out

aim to have a specified goal or purpose

income earned money from work, investments or business

specific special or particular, clearly presented or stated

floor the part of a room on which you stand

the act of talking about something with another person or a group of

people : a conversation about something

associate to relate two things, people, etc. in your mind

recognize to know and remember because of previous knowledge or experience

a usually tall plant that has a thick, wooden stem and many large

unit a single thing, person or group that is a part of something larger

loss failure to keep or to continue to have something

mark to make or leave a visible mark on something

challenge to try, to say or show that something may not be true

depend to need (someone or something) for support, help, etc.

wide extending a great distance from one side to the other; not narrow

anyway despite something that has been stated before 

mile a unit of measurement used in the US that is about 1600 meters

board a long, thin, flat piece of wood

something that is used or done to deal with and end a

problem : something that solves a problem 

clearly in a way that is easy to see, hear, read, or understand

anyone any person

a piece of equipment with moving parts that does work when it is given
power from electricity, gasoline, etc.

relation a person who is a member of your family

marry to become the husband or wife of (someone)

despite without being affected by something: in spite of

theory an idea that is explain facts or events academically

introduce to make (someone) known to someone else by name 

to show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using

evidence, logic, etc. 

ability the power or skill to do something

popular liked or enjoyed by many people 
modern relating to the present or recent time

doctor a person who skilled to treat people who are ill, sick and injured

release to allow to leave a jail, cage, prison, etc.

score the number of points someone gets in a game or test

access a way of getting near to somewhere

a piece of equipment with a screen on the front, used for watching


target something that you are trying to do or achieve

ready prepared to do something

strike to hit something in a forceful way

a small piece of stiff paper that is marked with symbols or pictures to

show its value, comes in a set, and is used for playing games

potential having or showing a capacity for the future

pattern a repeated form or design especially that is used to decorate something

a device that shows what time it is and that is usually placed in a room or
attached to a wall 

organize to arrange systematically

village  a small town in the country 
nearly almost

prefer to like (someone or something) better than someone or something else 

movement a change of position or place

to suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of

people to consider 

 to form an opinion or give an answer about something when you do not
know much or anything about it 

operation when a doctor cuts into someone's body to remove a sick part

fear an unpleasant feeling caused by being aware of danger

hair a thin threadlike growth from the skin of a person or animal

trip a journey to a place 

supply the amount of something that is available to be used

quickly fast or in a short time

application a formal and usually written request for something (such as a job

to rest your mind and body by closing your eyes and becoming

network a system of lines, wires, etc., that are connected to each other 

strategy a careful plan or method for reaching a goal

a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable
for a job or course

a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and
where children are often born 

husband a married man : the man someone is married to

red having the color of blood

degree a unit for measuring temperature or the size of an angle

any one of the objects in space that are made of burning gas and that
look like points of light in the night sky 
restaurant a place where you can buy and eat a meal
generally usually, or in most situations
author a person who writes book
yourself the reflexive form of the pronoun 'you'

the weight or force that is produced when something presses or pushes

against something

task a piece of work to have done given by a person

express to talk or write about (something that you are thinking or feeling) 

the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a

higher level of success) that someone else is also trying to get or win

serious having an important or dangerous possible result

reference  the act of mentioning something in speech or in writing

treat the way you behave towards someone

the opinion you have after considering all the information about
something; the final part of something

brother  a boy or man who has one or both of the same parents as you 

something that exists or happens because of nature; not made or done

by people

touch to put your hand, fingers, etc., on someone or something

everybody every person; everyone

beyond on or to the farther part or side, in addition
define to state the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.

basis something from which another thing develops

trouble problems or difficulties

deep having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point

energy having physical or mental strength

a cold-blooded animal that lives in water, breathes with gills, and usually
has fins and scales 

dark having very little light, not light in color

sing to use your voice to make musical sounds in the form of a song or tune
a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing
it was taken from 

to talk about or write about (someone or something) especially

briefly : to mention (someone or something) in speech or in writing 

adult a person or animal that is grown up

positive good or useful in qualities, constructive, confident

except not including or other than

disease  an illness that affects a person, animal, or plant

a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something or that

something will definitely happen in the future 

to cause (something) to move out of your hand and through the air by
quickly moving your arm forward

a piece of clothing for a woman or a girl that has a top part that covers
the upper body and a skirt that hangs down to cover the legs 

worth used to indicate the value of something

clean free from dirt, marks, etc. : not dirty 
fill to make something full or to spread through

property something that is owned by a person or business

profit money that is made in a business, through investing, etc.

somebody person who is not known, named, or specified

operate to function or behave in a proper or particular way

a building or room where alcoholic drinks and sometimes food are


advance to move forward

goal something you try to do or achieve, an aim or result

quarter one of four equal parts of something 

central in or near the center of a place or object
cold having a very low temperature

object a thing that you can see and touch and that is not alive 

style a particular way something is done or created

obviously in a way that is easy to understand or see

push  to use force to move (someone or something) forward or away from you

used to describe what often happens or what someone often does or is

likely to do

assume to accept a responsibility or debt

normal conforming to a standard, usual, ordinary, not strange

exchange an occurrence in which people give things of similar value to each other 

suffer to experience pain, illness, or injury 

middle equally distant from the ends or sides : halfway between two points 

blue  having the color of the clear sky 

someone or something that is equal to or as good as another person or


officer a person who has an important position in a company or organization

avoid  to stay away from (someone or something) 

 to move in one direction, hit a surface, and then quickly move in a
different and usually opposite direction

useful helpful for doing or achieving something

fun someone or something that is amusing or enjoyable

huge extremely large

instance an example of a particular action or situation
seat something (such as a chair) that you sit on
document an official record that gives information

a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground and that is used in
making various products (such as gasoline)

message a piece of information that is sent or given to someone 

a device that is used for catching or holding things or for keeping things
net out of a space and that is made of pieces of string, rope, wire, etc.,
woven together with spaces in between 

successful achieving what you want to achieve

a container that is made of a hard material (such as wood, metal, or

cardboard) and that usually has four straight sides

resource an essential supply of something

pound  a unit of weight that is equal to 16 ounces or 0.4536 kilograms 

throughout in every part of a place; during the whole of a period of time

facility a place where a particular activity happens

argument an angry discussion with someone in which you both disagree

a document that says how much money you owe for something you have
bought or used 

debate a formal discussion between people

a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone

who is speaking in front of a group of people 

separate not joined, connected, or combined : placed or kept apart 

male characteristic of boys or men 

baby a very young child

earn to get (money, a salary, etc.) for work that you have done 

maintain to keep exist or continue without changing

career a job that you do for a long period of your life

hot having a high temperature 

billion the number 1,000,000,000
doubt to be uncertain about something

exercise physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier

previous existing or happening before the present time

daily happening, done, made, used, or existing every day 

search  to carefully look for someone or something 

suddenly quickly and unexpectedly
fly to move through the air with wings 

basic forming or relating to the most important part of something

ring a piece of jewelry that is worn usually on a finger 

a person, skill, or quality which is useful or helps you to succeed;

something valuable which is owned

science knowledge about or study of the natural world based on facts

a type of animal that is often kept as a pet or trained to work for people
by guarding buildings, hunting, etc. 
perform to do an action or activity that usually requires training or skill

balance the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall 

song a short piece of music with words that are sung

weekend  Saturday and Sunday

dead no longer alive or living , no longer having life

encourage to make (someone) more determined, hopeful, or confident 

protect to keep (someone or something) from being harmed, lost, etc. 

damage physical harm that is done to something or to someone's body

imagine to think of or create something in one's mind that is not real

the middle part of the day : the part of the day between noon and

estimate a rough idea or guess

photo a picture produced with a camera
context a set of facts surrounding a person or event

a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about
newspaper local events, advertisements, etc., and that are folded together and sold
every day

credit the quality of being believed or having a good reputation

daughter a female child

variety a number or collection of different things or people 

version a particular form of something and other forms

to cause (something, such as your arm or leg) to straighten out or to

stretch out 

something (such as a plan or suggestion) that is presented to a person or

group of people to consider 

professional relating to a job that requires special skill

a basic unit of money in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and other countries
that is equal to 100 cents

sister a girl or woman who has one or both of the same parents as you

whom used in formal writing or speech

memory  the power or process of remembering what has been learned

mine that which belongs to me : my one : my ones 

ahead in or toward the front 

nor used after neither to show something is also not true or possible

request an act of politely or formally asking for something

post letters or packages sent by post

special and interesting because of not being the same as others; the
earliest form of something

female characteristic of girls or women 

green having the color of growing grass
dance to move your body with rhythm to music

dream a series of thoughts, visions, or feelings that happen during sleep

observe to notice or perceive carefully

inform to give information or facts about something
communication the act of communicating with other people

discover to see, find, or become aware of (something) for the first time 

a path or trail that is made by people or animals walking through a field,

forest, etc.

 an area of ground where plants (such as flowers or vegetables) are


agency  a business that provides a particular service 

the usually flat part of a television or computer monitor that shows the
screen images or text : the part of a television or computer that you look at
when you are using it 

possibility a chance that something may happen or be true

to look at (something) closely and carefully in order to learn more about

it, to find problems, etc. 

legal of or relating to the law, required by the law

recommend to say that (someone or something) is good and deserves to be chosen 

university a high-level educational school where academic research is done

text the original words in main writing or speech

direction the course or path on which something is moving or pointing

responsibility something that it is your job or duty to do or deal with

conversation an informal talk involving two people or a small group of people

a thin book published every week or month, that has shiny, colorful
pages with articles and pictures

easily with no difficulty

favorite most liked 

rock to move (someone or something) back and forth or from side to side

independent not controlled or ruled by anyone else

additional extra to what already exists

a person who does business for another person : a person who acts on
behalf of another 

complex difficult, not easy to understand or explain

appropriate right or suited for some situation or purpose

invite to ask (someone) to go somewhere or do something 

following the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a

group of people or society for a long time

to go from one side of (something) to the other : to go across


sea the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface

famous known or recognized by many people

reply  to say, write, or do something as an answer or response

software programs that you use to make a computer do different things

weight a measurement that indicates how heavy a person or thing is 

shape the form or outline of an object

completely in every way or as much as possible

trial a formal meeting in a court in which evidence about crimes

weather the state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place

the work of organizing and arranging the operation of something, such as

a company

fix to make (something) whole or able to work properly again 

to cause a bullet, arrow, etc., to move forward with great force from a
judge a person who has the power to make a decision

absolutely completely

user someone who uses a product, machine, or service

welcome used as a friendly greeting to someone who has arrived at a place

element an essential or particular part of something

announce to tell people about something officially or with force or confidence

requirement something that is needed or demanded

a hard usually transparent material that is used for making windows and
other products 

laughter the action or sound of laughing

stick a cut or broken branch or twig 

the quality of something that makes it hard to do : the difficult nature of


effective producing a result that is wanted or having an intended effect

survey an act of studying to make a judgment about it

majority more than half of a group of people or things

invest to use money to earn more money

primary most important, most basic or essential

generation people born and living during about the same time

federal a system of government

wind a natural movement of air outside
replace to be used instead of (something) 

writer someone whose job is writing books, stories, articles, etc.

stress a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems

committee a group of people who are chosen to make decisions about something

principle a moral rule or belief that governs person's behavior

content  the things that are in something 

immediately now or without waiting or thinking about something

used to say what will happen, be done, or be true if something else does
not happen, is not done, or is not true
percentage an amount of something, expressed as a number out of 100

equipment the things that are used for a particular activity or purpose

a system that uses wires and radio signals to send sounds (such as
people's voices) over long distances

the name given to something (such as a book, song, or movie) to identify

or describe it 

a plan of how you will spend your money; the amount of money you have
for something

transfer to move from one place to another

blood the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals 

a division of an act in a play during which the action takes place in a

single place without a break in time

conduct to direct, lead or guide something

chair a seat for one person that has a back and usually four legs 

sector an area that includes certain kinds of job

expensive costing a lot of money 
executive people who have important jobs in business
beat to hit (something) repeatedly
wonderful very good
warm somewhat hot : not cool or cold 

copy something that is or looks exactly or almost exactly like something else

none not any of a group of people or things

not having enthusiasm or positive opinions about something; an amount

less than zero

annual happening once a year

prevent to stop (something) from happening or existing 

rich having a lot of money and possessions

a solid piece of material (such as rock or wood) that has flat sides and is
usually square or rectangular in shape

payment the act of paying; the amount of money that is paid

the act or process of getting things from different places and bringing
them together 

advice an opinion or suggestion about what someone should do 

remove to move, erase or take away from a place
ensure to make something sure, certain, or safe

to attach or place something so that it is held up without support from


activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a

government or getting and keeping power in a government

medical of or relating to the treatment of diseases and injuries

relative compared to someone or something else or to each other 

directly with no other person or thing involved or between

count to add (people or things) together to find the total number

safe not able or likely to be hurt or harmed in any way : not in danger 

transport to carry things from one place to another

a system for sending messages electronically, especially from one

computer to another using the Internet

to combine (two or more things) to make one thing that is the same

display to put where people can see it

ride to sit on and control the movements of a horse or vehicle

flow to move in a steady and continuous way

highly very or to a large degree

flat having a smooth, level, or even surface : not having curves or bumps 

one of the long body parts that are used especially for standing, walking,
and running 

contrast to compare, the state of being different

procedure the official or usual way of doing something
straight not having curves, bends, or angles
correct true or accurate; agreeing with facts

connection something that joins or connects two or more things 

institution a large and important organization, such as a university or bank

 to say usually in an unwilling way that you accept or do not deny the
truth or existence of (something) 

consumer someone who buys or uses goods or services

reveal to make known, to show or prove

video a film or television program recorded on videotape

the system or process that is used for sending and receiving signals
through the air without using wires 

otherwise in a different way or in all ways except the one mentioned

nobody no person, no one

aware knowing or feeling that something exists

when a lot of people are asked to give money, information, or help; a

request to change an official decision

alternative to give or express a choice

status the position or rank compared in a society
heavy having great weight or difficult to lift or move

award a prize given to someone for something they have achieved

surface an outside or upper layer of something

handle a part of something that is designed to be held by your hand 

sex the state of being male or female mostly biological

introduction the act of making a person known to others by name

deliver to take (something) to a person or place

 to produce tears from your eyes often while making loud sounds
because of pain, sorrow, or other strong emotions

pair  two things that are the same and are meant to be used together 

tour a journey through the different parts of a country, region, etc.

collect to get (things) from different places and bring them together 

extra more than is usual or necessary : additional 

crowd a large group of people who are together in one place 

to plan or want to do (something) : to have (something) in your mind as a

purpose or goal 

reader someone who reads

cheap not costing a lot of money 
decade a period of 10 years
a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or
wish Sentences usually contain a subject and verb.

farm land that is used for growing crops or raising animals

overall when everything is included

moreover in addition to what has been said 
concert a performance of music and singing

the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing,
or some other method : the act of expressing something

dinner the main meal of the day

to cause (words, images, etc.) to appear on paper or cloth by using a


decline to become lower, smaller or fewer in amount

responsible having the duty of dealing with something important

grant to agree to do, give, or allow something

physical relating to the body of a person

belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective,


ship a large boat used for traveling long distances over the sea

speed the rate at which someone or something moves or travels

south the direction that is the opposite of north

select to choose from a group, something most suitable

category a group of people or things that are similar in some way

fair agreeing with what is thought to be right or acceptable

attitude the way you act, think and feel about something

peace freedom from any disturbance; when there is no war or fighting

truth the real facts about something : the things that are true

band a group of people or animals

lay to place (someone or something) down gently in a flat position 

importance the quality or state of being important

perfect having no mistakes or flaws
to send a spacecraft or missile into the sky, or a ship into the water; to
start to sell a new product

an area of moving water that is raised above the main surface of an

ocean, a lake, etc. 

presence the fact of being in a particular place : the state of being present

crime an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government

horse a large animal that is used for riding and for carrying and pulling things

progress movement forward or toward a place 

global relating to the whole world

to make the public aware of something (such as a product) that is being


chief the person who is the leader of a group of people, of an organization, etc.

slightly a little

scale a device that is used for weighing people or things 

double made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same 

nuclear relating to atomic power

warn to tell (someone) about possible danger or trouble

the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or

included in something 

work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort;

a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and
musical recordings) are available for people to use or borrow 

respond to say or write to answer the question

edge the line or part where an object or area begins or ends 

someone's husband or wife or the person someone has sexual relations


experiment a scientific test to observe the effect in order to learn

satisfy  to cause (someone) to be happy or pleased 

the physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the
slow not moving quickly or not able to move quickly

a car that carries passengers to a place for an amount of money that is

based on the distance traveled

a set of clothes that usually consists of a jacket and a skirt or pair of pants
that are made out of the same material 

spot  a small area of a surface that is different from other areas 

regular happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way

excite to cause feelings of enthusiasm in (someone)

concept an abstract idea of something or how it works

guide a person who leads or directs other people on a journey 

initial existing or occurring at the beginning

the part of a radio, CD player, etc. which the sound comes out of; a
person who is speaking

dry having no or very little water or liquid

secretary a person whose job is to do routine work for someone else

photograph a picture made by a camera 

scheme a clever plan to do or get something

 to move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short,
quick movements 

technique a way of doing by using special knowledge or skill

tonight this night or the night following this day 

apart separated by an amount of space 

rain water that falls in drops from clouds in the sky

cool somewhat cold : not warm or hot

suggestion an idea about what someone should do or how someone should behave 

defense the act of defending someone from attack

distance the amount of space between two places or things

north the direction that is to your left when you are facing the rising sun

lift to move (something or someone) to a higher position

conflict a struggle or fight for an idea, power, property, etc.

excellent very good : extremely good 

a large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land that goes into
the ocean

expert a person who is very skillful or knowledgeable

favor a kind or helpful act that you do for someone 

funny causing laughter 

eventually in the end, especially after a long time

a game in which two teams of players try to kick, run with, or throw an
oval ball across each other's goal line; a ball used to play football

heat energy that causes things to become warmer

mistake something that is not correct : a wrong action, statement, or judgment

dear loved or valued very much

improvement when something gets better or when you make it better

chapter one of the main sections, periods of a book

emerge to become known or prominent
demonstrate to prove by showing examples

artist someone who creates art, especially paintings and drawings

when changes are made to improve a system, organization, or law, or a

change that is made

adopt to begin to use or have (a different manner, method, etc.) 

corner  the point or area where two lines, edges, or sides of something meet 

a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a

concert) or watch something (such as a movie or play)

 to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is difficult or
that causes problems

decrease  to become smaller in size, amount, number, etc. 

roll to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over

island an area of land that is surrounded by water

a place that is usually far away from cities and that has tents, small
houses, etc., that people can live in for a short period of time

feed to give food to someone or something

surround  to be on every side of (someone or something)

someone who puts money in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a


fully completely

fee an amount of money paid for a particular action

senior having a higher level job or position than someone else; older

arrange to move and organize (things) into a particular order or position

expense the amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something 

combine to cause (two or more things) to be together or to work together

 someone who prepares and cooks food for eating at home, in a

restaurant, etc.

cultural relating to the habits, traditions, art, beliefs, etc. of a society

 a picture or chart that shows the rivers, mountains, streets, etc., in a

particular area 

meal the foods eaten or prepared for eating at one time 

shift to move or to cause a different place, position

something that you do or give to help produce or develop something, or

to help make something successful

 something (such as a gun, knife, club, or bomb) that is used for fighting
weapon or attacking someone or for defending yourself when someone is
attacking you 

ball a usually round object that is used in a game or sport or as a toy

cash money in the form of coins or notes (= paper money)

entire complete or full, with no part left out, whole

reality the way things or situations really are

solve to find a way to deal with and end (a problem)

lesson an activity that you do in order to learn something 

kitchen a room in which food is cooked 

circumstance a condition or fact affects a situation, environment

confirm to make sure something is true or correct

failure the act or result of failing
busy actively doing something 
contribute to give (money) or help to something

something (such as a hammer, saw, shovel, etc.) that you hold in your
hand and use for a particular task 

mouth the opening through which food passes into the body 

objective based on facts not influenced by feelings or opinions

 a substance (such as oxygen or hydrogen) that is like air and has no fixed

lady a woman who behaves in a polite way

quick done or happening in a short amount of time
currently happening or existing now
glad feeling pleasure, joy, or delight
driver someone who drives a vehicle
beach an area of sand or rocks next to the sea

commercial related to or used in the buying and selling of goods and services 

basically in the most important or fundamental ways

spread to open, arrange, or place (something) over a large area 

to make a short sound like a small explosion, or to make something do

this by breaking it (like a balloon)

variable changing often

a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that
is uncontrolled and not normal

the organ of the body in the head that controls functions, movements,
sensations, and thoughts 

reaction something you say, feel, or do because of something that has happened

proceed to continue to do something、carry on

crisis a situation or time that is extremely dangerous or difficult

neither not one or the other of two people or things 

hide  to put (something) in a place where it cannot be seen or found 

refuse to say that you will not accept (something, such as a gift or offer) 

consequence the result of an action or situation, especially a bad result

volume the amount of sound, a book forming part, series

trend a general direction of developing, proceeding

a container made of thin material (such as paper, plastic, or cloth) that

opens at the top and is used for holding or carrying things 

traffic the cars, trucks, etc. using a road

mass a usually large amount of a substance that has no particular shape 

left located on the same side of your body as your heart 

owner someone who legally owns something

length the distance from one end of something to the other end 

vary to be different or to be different, have variation

revenue money that is made by or paid to a business

duty something that is done as part of a job
repeat to say (something) again 

 an area of land that rises very high above the land around it and that is
higher than a hill 

used to say that you wish something was not true or that something had
not happened

survive to remain alive; to continue to live

schedule a plan of things that will be done
bedroom  a room used for sleeping 

employ to provide someone with a job that pays wages or a salary

marriage the relationship that exists between a husband and a wife

essential extremely important and necessary

used to describe negative comments or judgments about something or


a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event,

travel on a vehicle, etc.

the cloud of black, gray, or white gases and dust that is produced by
burning something
a machine or device that is used to move the air and make people or
things cooler

flight a journey in an aircraft; the act of flying

relatively quite, when compared to other things or people

equal the same in number, amount, degree or quality

egg a hard-shelled oval thing from which a young bird is born 

bottom the lowest part, point, or level of something

novel a book that tells a story about imaginary people and events

somewhere in, at, or to a place not known, named, or specified 

plus having a value that is above zero

someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or

school subject

 a feeling of happiness, enjoyment, or satisfaction : a pleasant or pleasing


promote to raise the rank or position to a higher

Sounds or images that are not the main focus; a persons life experience
up to now

union an organization of workers formed to protect the rights

neighbor  a person who lives next to or near another person 

provision a rule that is part of a law or an agreement

appreciate to be grateful, thankful for (something)

plane a vehicle that flies and has an engine and wings

topic a matter people talk or write about

enable to make it possible to do something

a box or large envelope that is sent or delivered usually through the mail
or by another delivery service 

code a set of letters or numbers that identifies information

secret  kept hidden from others

manufacture to make (something) usually in large amounts by using machines 

shareholder someone who owns shares (stock) in a company

when officials try to discover all the facts about something, especially a
crime or an accident
attract  to cause (someone) to like or be interested in something 

path a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground 

bird an animal that has wings and is covered with feathers 

bond something that is shared between people or groups

swim to move through water by moving your arms and legs

afraid worried that something will cause pain or injury

environmental relating to the environment

finger one of the five long parts of the hand that are used for holding things

anybody any person : anyone 

colleague a person you work together or cooperate with

an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company

and the company promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies,
or to pay money equal to the value of something (such as a house or car)
if it is damaged, lost, or stolen 

the part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that usually lasts a short
time, and from which the seed or fruit develops 

something that you have to think about when you make decisions or
plans; the act of thinking about something carefully

settle to end (something, such as an argument) by reaching an agreement

powerful having a lot of strength or force

quiet making very little noise 
burn to give off heat, light, and gases 

a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds
complicated products, machines, systems, or structures

component one of the parts that consists something

waste to use (something valuable) in a way that is not necessary or effective

aid to provide what is useful or needed

extremely very, or much more than usual
earth the planet on which we live
desire to want or wish for something
apparently used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not certain

tire to lose energy and begin to feel that you need to rest

the air that you take into your lungs and send out from your lungs when
you breathe

delay a situation in which something happens later than it should 

strength the quality or state of being physically strong

connect to join (two or more things) together

a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually
works in a hospital or doctor's office 

sum the result of adding two or more numbers together

brief lasting , having only a short period of time

soldier a person who is in the military

used to say that something was almost not possible or almost did not

lunch a light meal eaten in the middle of the day

religious relating to religion; having a belief in religion

strange different from what is usual, normal, or expected

whereas in contrast, comparison, show the differences

battle a military fight between groups of soldiers, ships, airplanes, etc.

construction the work of building houses, offices, bridges, etc.

engage to interest someone in something and keep them thinking about it

district an area or section of a country, city, or town

hate a very strong feeling of dislike

boat a small vehicle that is used for traveling on water

a hard substance that comes from the ground and is used for building,
carving, etc. 

gather  to bring (things or people) together into a group or collect things

tourist someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there

divide  to separate (something) into two or more parts or pieces

expand to become bigger or larger in size and amount

historical relating to events or people in the past, or the study of history

delivery the act of taking something to a person or place

tradition a way of thinking, behaving that used for a long time

a building where you can look at important objects connected with art,
history, or science

mostly mainly or most of the time

host a person (especially a man) who is entertaining guests socially or as a job 

broad  large from one side to the other side

spring the season between winter and summer

a group of people who are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions about

shoulder the part of your body where your arm is connected 

troop a group of people, especially soldiers or theater actors

to move your body upward from the ground and often forward,
backward, or sideways through the air by pushing with your legs 

healthy physically strong and well; good for your health

newly produced, made, gathered, etc. : not preserved by being frozen,

canned, etc. 

conclude to stop or finish: to come to the end of something

furthermore in addition to what has been said

finance management of money that a company uses

threat someone or something that could cause trouble, harm, etc.

a room where an artist or photographer works; a place where TV, radio,

or movies are made or broadcast

bomb a weapon that explodes and causes damage

safety freedom from harm or danger : the state of being safe 

active requiring physical movement or energy

winter the coldest season of the year that is after autumn and before spring
export to send goods to be sold in another country
acquire to get something

blow to cause (air or something carried by air) to move 

the star that the Earth moves around and that gives the Earth heat and

obvious easy to see notice or understand

coffee a dark brown drink made from ground coffee beans and boiled water

generate to produce, create or be produced

visitor someone who visits a person or place 

bind to tie or wrap (something) with rope, string, etc. 

tape a long, narrow piece of material used to stick things

cycle a series of regular and repeated actions

assess to judge something

someone whose job is to prepare text, film, etc. by deciding what to

include and making mistakes correct

spirit the non-physical part of a person, our emotions and soul

a person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing

scientific research or solving scientific problems

monitor to observe, watch or check something

tear a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes especially when you cry

location a place or position

actual to be real or existing in fact
actor a person who acts in a play, movie, etc.
corporate involving or associated with large group
twice two times

an official who heads a government department or a major section of a

department in some countries

murder the crime of deliberately killing a person

Comfortable furniture, clothes, rooms, etc. make you feel relaxed and do
not cause any pain

pool a small area of water 

wash to clean (something) with water and usually soap

assessment to make a judgment about the quality, size, value, etc. of something
register an official list, book or system for keeping records

regulation an official rule that controls how something is done

temperature a measurement that indicates how hot or cold something is

violence the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc.

hurt to cause pain or injury to (yourself, someone else, or a part of your body) 

route a way to get from one place to another place

recall to remember something

impossible unable to be done or to happen : not possible 

army a large group of soldiers organized to fight battles on land 

sight the ability to see 

a sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and that
causes damage or injury 

error something that is not correct, a mistake

usual the way things occur most of time, in most cases

tough very difficult to do or deal with 

opposite located at the other end, side, or corner of something

wine an alcoholic drink made from the juice of grapes

relax to become or free from tense, tight, or stiff

a typical or obvious quality that makes one person or thing different from

noise a loud or unpleasant sound 

giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an
accident, make a mistake, or damage something

a device that is used for taking photographs or for making movies,

television programs, etc.

possibly used when something is not certain

convince to cause someone to believe that something is true

arrangement an agreement between two people or groups; a plan

a sudden usually unpleasant or upsetting feeling caused by something

oppose to disagree with or disapprove of (something or someone) 

climb to move or go up (something) using your feet and often your hands 

slowly at a low speed

relevant relating to a subject in an considerable way

consist to have as an essential, necessary or main part

principal most important person, main importance

a person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to

the law

manner the way that something is done or happens 

gun a weapon that shoots bullets or shells

locate to discover the place or position of something

onto to a position that is on (something, such as a surface, area, or object) 

commit to decide to do something for a particular purpose

domestic of, relating to, or made in your own family, country

to put (something) into a bag, suitcase, etc., so that you can take it with

to touch (someone) with your lips as a greeting or as a way of showing

love or sexual attraction

food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs that is necessary for the body to
grow and be strong

branch a part of a tree that grows out from the trunk 

rat an animal that looks like a large mouse and has a long tail

voter someone who votes or who is officially allowed to vote

vehicle a machine (such as a car) that is used to carry things

civil related to the people who live in a country

written works (such as poems, plays, and novels) that are considered to
be very good and to have lasting importance

mainly mostly or to a large degree

theater a building where plays, shows, etc., are performed on a stage 

stare to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes
totally completely

the state of being free: such as a : the power to do what you want to
do : the ability to move or act freely 

quote to repeat exactly, to copy out

industrial connected with industry; with a lot of factories

significantly in a way that is easy to see or by a large amount

guest a person who is invited to visit or stay in someone's home 

a promise or firm decision to do something; something that you must do

that takes your time

a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds,

etc. : words that describe something or someone

capacity ability to hold, involve or contain people or things

fifty the number 50

the natural outer layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or

the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a thing that you can sense when
it is in your mouth 

perspective a way of thinking, an attitude toward something

used to say that someone or something should be in a particular place or


normally usually
ought used to indicate what is expected
participant someone who is involved in an activity

comparison  the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different 

till until

a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that

something is true 

dangerous If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm you; not safe

representative typical of a particular group of people or of a particular thing 

 an event or act which shows that something exists or that gives
information about something
a popular way of dressing during a particular time or among a particular
group of people 

technical the practical use of machines or science in industry

the activity of talking and doing things with other people, or the way you
do this

deny to refuse to accept

friendly acting like a friend : kind and helpful 

previously before the present time or the time referred to

a soft yellow metal that is very valuable and that is used especially in

danger the possibility that you will be hurt or killed 

participate to take part with others in doing something
occasion a special event or time

a four-sided shape that is made up of four straight sides that are the
same length

leadership a position as a leader of a group, organization, etc. 

gift something that is given to another person or to a group or organization 

mobile able to move or be moved easily

border a line separating one country or state from another 

an outer covering for your foot that usually has a stiff bottom part called
shoe a sole with a thicker part called a heel attached to it and an upper part
that covers part or all of the top of your foot 

label an attached piece of paper used to identify something

load something that is lifted and carried 

a building where people are kept as punishment for a crime or while they
are waiting to go to court

 the hard substance that makes up the stems and branches of trees and

ad an advertisement

internal existing or situated on the inside of something

suitable acceptable or right for someone or something

west the direction where the sun sets; opposite of east

affair work or activities done for a purpose

discount a reduction in price

outcome something that happens as a result, consequence

a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a
product or service:

ignore to pay no attention to something or someone

a small round container that often has a handle and that is used for
drinking liquids (such as tea and coffee) 

 to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing

something wrong 

a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and
protection of that country 

definition an explanation of the meaning of a word or phrase

to use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a

largely mainly

destroy to cause (something) to end or no longer exist

hall the area inside the entrance of a building 

investigate to try to find out the facts, to carry out research

a piece of furniture that is like a table and often has drawers ◊People

often sit at desks when they are writing or using a computer. 

to make (someone) think about something again : to cause (someone) to

remember something 

familiar  frequently seen, heard, or experienced 

an amount of money that is given to someone for a period of time with a

promise that it will be paid back

to look at (something) in a careful way to learn more about it; to study or

analyze (something)

a drink that is made by soaking the dried leaves of an Asian plant in hot

index a written or printed order list

a piece of advice about what to do in a particular situation; a suggestion

about something that is good in a certain situation
to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or that
you do not like something 

when people are asked questions to discover what they think about a
subject; a survey

hi hello
wed to marry someone
switch to change from one thing to another

to get away from a place (such as a prison) where you are being held or

fairly more than average, but less than very; something done in a fair way

lovely attractive or beautiful especially in a graceful way 

permit to allow something to happen or to give permission for

to bring something into your country from another country for people to

association an organized group of people who have the same interest

dad father
bright producing a lot of light 
predict say or estimate that will or might happen

division to say that (someone or something) is good and deserves to be chosen 

debt an amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.

shout to say (something) very loudly

device an object, machine, or equipment for a specific use

wake to cause (a person or animal) to be awake after sleeping 

proper correct according to social or moral rules 

definitely without any doubt

to examine the details of something carefully, in order to understand or

explain it

victim someone who has suffered the effects of violence, illness, or bad luck

necessarily (esp. in negatives) in all cases; as an expected result

commission people who are given the job of doing something

amaze to make someone very surprised

combination a mixture of different people or things
employment when someone is paid to work for a person or company

conservative not trusting sudden changes or new ideas

guarantee a assurance that the quality of something is good

rank a position in a society, organization, group, etc.

protection the state of being kept from harm, loss, etc.

mouse a very small animal that has a pointed nose and a long, thin tail 

nevertheless in spite of that, notwithstanding

abuse violent, cruel treatment of someone

 a person who studies a subject in detail in order to discover new

information about it

yield to produce or provide (something, such as a plant or crop)

the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground,
and holds the plant in place

secure protected from danger or harm, keep things safe

elect to select (someone) for a position, job, etc., by voting 

a series of usually metal links or rings that are connected to each other in
chain a line and used for supporting heavy things, for holding things together,
for decoration, etc.

forest a thick growth of trees and bushes that covers a large area

a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at


frame the basic structure and shape of the body of a person or animal 

when a bullet is fired from a gun; a photograph; an attempt to score in

sports by throwing or kicking a ball

who someone is; the things that make one person or group of people
different from others

arise to begin to occur or to exist

afford to be able to pay for (something) 

birth the time when a baby comes out from the body of its mother

tie to attach (someone or something) to something with a string, rope, etc. 

brand a product that is made by a particular company

instrument  a tool or device used for a particular purpose 

hole  an opening into or through something

grade a level of study that is completed by a student

to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or

unwanted especially in order to make someone do what you want

hire to give work or a job to (someone) in exchange for wages or a salary

moral concerning or relating to what is right and wrong in human behavior

latter coming or happening near the end of a process, activity, series, life, etc.

phase a distinct part or step in a process

approve  to believe that something or someone is good or acceptable 

having all the qualities you expect a particular person, object, place, etc.
to have

strongly very much or in a very serious way

channel a station of TV, or radio

factory a building or group of buildings where products are made 

an opinion about someone or something that is decided after thinking


proportion an amount that is a part of a whole thing

the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing

resident someone who lives in a particular place

selection when someone or something is chosen; a thing or person who is chosen

empty containing nothing

actions or opinions that show that you disagree with or disapprove of

someone or something 

entirely completely
session a period during which you do one activity
sexual relating to the activity of sex
ice frozen water 

master someone who has control or power over others

narrow  long and not wide : small from one side to the other side 
someone who has studied for and received a degree (=
qualification) from a school, college, or university

increasingly more and more

to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not
believe you; to demand that something be done

a structure built over something (such as a river) so that people or

vehicles can get across 

license to give someone official permission to do or have something

concentrate to think about or give attention to something

a large number or amount of something; a number or amount of

something that is enough for a particular purpose

entry when you come into or go into a place

 the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc. : the

act of reducing something

respectively in the same order as the people or things you have just talked about

farmer someone who owns or looks after a farm

notion an idea or opinion about doing something
rent to pay money in return for being able to use

odd to be strange or different from what is usual or expected

musical relating to music; skilled at music

appearance the way that someone or something looks
bore to make someone feel bored
faithfully in a loyal way or a way that can be trusted

adviser someone whose job is to give advice about a subject

reasonable fair and sensible 

rely rely on; to need for support, depend on
presidential relating to the president of a country
sequence the order in which things (should) happen

soft easy to press, bend, cut, etc. : not hard or firm 

stretch to make (something) wider or longer by pulling it 

considerable something large in size, amount, or quantity

fuel a substance that is burned to provide heat or power

a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and usually has no
handle Bottles are usually used to store liquid or tablets.

unique something is unlike anything, being the only one

atmosphere the feeling which exists in a place or situation

practical relating to what is real rather than to what is possible or imagined 

presentation a talk giving information about something

theme the main subject to discuss or describe

according to some religions, the place where bad people go when they
die; a very unpleasant experience

a device that keeps something (such as a door, window, or box) from

being opened and that is usually opened by using a key

prior existing or coming earlier in time

secondly used for introducing the second reason, idea, etc.

peak the highest level or value of something; the top of a mountain

a piece of machinery : a mechanical part or group of parts having a

particular function 

the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or

easy to understand

nowadays at the present time 

native  born in a particular place 

succeed to do what you are trying to do : to achieve the correct or desired result 

the system used for sending letters and packages from one person to

cast to choose an actor for a particular part in a film or play

wild living in nature without human control or care : not tame

folk people

intelligence the ability to learn things or to consider situations

sheet  a large piece of cloth that is used to cover something 

ear the part of the body that you hear with 

journey an act of traveling from one place to another : trip 

tiny extremely small
terrible very shocking and upsetting 

online connected to a system of computers, especially the Internet

multiple with several parts

declare to say or state (something) in an official or public way 

a machine that changes energy (such as heat from burning fuel) into
mechanical motion 

besides other than or in addition to

he person (especially a man) who is in charge of a meeting, committee,

or event 

mental of or relating to the mind

specifically for a particular reason, purpose, etc.

a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something

unpleasant stops or does not happen

professor a teacher of high rank in a university or college

yard an outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass

to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because

something good has happened

personality  the way you are as a person

construct to build or create something
joint a point where two bones meet in the body 
via by going through, by way of

row a straight line of people or things that are next to each other

to catch someone and make them your prisoner; to get control of a place
with force

the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and

constant things happening always or at a regular rate

the time of life when someone is young : the time when a young person
has not yet become an adult 

coast the land along or near a sea or ocean

expectation when you expect something to happen

witness : a person who sees something (such as a crime) happen 

to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for something bad

that has happened 
tone the quality of a sound, especially of someone's voice

seriously in a serious way; not joking

honor respect that is given to someone who is admired

ourselves the reflexive form of the pronoun 'we'

Electronic equipment consists of things such as computers, televisions,

and radios

dealer a person or company that buys and sells things for profit

disk a flat, round shape or object; a CD or DVD

northern  located in or toward the north 
chemical something relating to chemistry
somehow  in a way that is not known or certain 

a usually rounded area of land that is higher than the land around it but
that is not as high as a mountain 

a usually sweet food (such as a blueberry, orange, or apple) that grows

on a tree or bush 

used to describe people who belong to the same group or class or who
share a situation, experience, etc.

 a state in which someone is carefully looking for possible danger,

threats, problems, etc. 

sky the space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear

vision the ability to see, sight, eyesight

impose to make someone to do or endure something

to make arrangements so that you will be able to use or have

(something, such as a room, table, or seat) at a later time

minimum the lowest number or amount that is possible

used to express surprise that something has happened or is going to


having a small distance between the top and bottom or front and back

variation a difference in amount or quality

formal  requiring or using serious and proper clothes and manners 

frequently often
a word (such as jump, think, happen, or exist) that is usually one of the
verb main parts of a sentence and that expresses an action, an occurrence, or
a state of being

acquisition the process of learning or getting something; something you have bought

to stop a job or career because you have reached the age when you are
not allowed to work anymore or do not need or want to work anymore

recover to revive, become healthy after an illness or injury

seed a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow 

tip the end of something that is usually long and thin

instruction something that you have been told to do

chart a table or diagram that shows information

mission an important job, usually traveling somewhere

a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for

is not present or does not exist

fat having a lot of extra flesh on your body : having a lot of body fat 

east the direction where the sun rises

derive to take, obtain or get from something

ordinary normal or usual : not unusual, different, or special 

critic a person who gives opinions about something

helpful useful; willing to help

a part of a cell that is passed on from a parent to a child and that controls
particular characteristics

anywhere in, at, or to any place 

lean to bend or move from a straight position 
glance to look somewhere for a short time

ideal exactly right for a particular purpose, situation, or person

neighborhood the people who live near each other or a section of a town or city

smell the quality of a thing that you can sense with your nose

silence  a lack of sound or noise

disappear to stop being visible : to pass out of sight 
a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by
people as a pet 

lip either one of the two soft parts that surround the mouth 

 a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car, bus, train,
ship, airplane, etc., and who is not driving or working on it 

to try to get or win something (such as a prize or reward) that someone

else is also trying to win

representation speaking or doing something officially for another person

 to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a

a disease or mental problem; uncontrolled, bad behavior, especially by

large groups of people

shut to close (something) 

complaint a statement that you are unhappy or not satisfied with something

giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an
accident, make a mistake, or damage something

one of the vertical blocks of print into which a page of a newspaper,

magazine, dictionary or spreadsheet, is divided

religion the belief in a god

legislation a law or a set of laws

employer a person or company that pays people to work for them

widely including a lot of different places, people, subjects, etc.

when people show that they disagree with something by standing

somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.

ancient very old : having lived or existed for a very long time

illustrate explain with examples to make easier to understand

faith strong belief or trust in someone or something 

observation when someone watches someone or something carefully

reject to refuse, deny to believe, accept, or consider

imply to express in an indirect way

ban to officially say that someone must not do something

implement to put something in place

command to give (someone) an order

close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or


The maximum amount of something is the largest amount that is allowed

or possible

to give (someone) the necessary skill or knowledge to do a particular job

or activity 

somewhat in a small amount or degree; to some degree

regional relating to a region (= particular area)

assumption something that you think is true without having any proof

temporary continuing for a limited time, not permanent

attractive having a pleasing appearance 

plate a flat and usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food

sad not happy : feeling or showing grief or unhappiness 

frequency the fact or condition of happening often : common occurrence 

weak having little physical power or ability : not strong 

slip to slide out of the proper position 

victory success in defeating an opponent or enemy

academic related to education, schools, universities, etc.

county an area of Britain, Ireland, or the US that has its own local government

a perfectly round shape : a line that is curved so that its ends meet and
every point on the line is the same distance from the center 

joke something said or done to cause laughter

hat a covering for the head that often has a brim and a rounded or flat top 

dozen a group of 12 people or things 

kick  to hit (someone or something) with your foot

to secretly take something that does not belong to you, without

intending to return it

unable to not be able to do something

settlement an official agreement that finishes an argument

symptom a problem that is caused by and shows a more serious problem

reporter describes the news on television, radio, or in a newspaper

accommodation a place where you live or stay

household a family or group of people who live together in a house

a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a

used to emphasize that something is not large, important, or effective

when compared to something else

emotion a feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general

tall greater in height than the average person, building, etc.

sick affected with a disease or illness

calculate  to find (a number, answer, etc.) by using mathematical processes 

to blame (someone) for something wrong or illegal : to say that someone

is guilty of a fault or crime

criminal involving illegal activity : relating to crime 

scientific of or relating to science 
estate land that a person owns
unlike different from someone or something

interpretation an explanation or opinion of what something means

corporation a large company or group of companies

to choose (someone) to have a particular job : to give (someone) a

position or duty 

 someone who hates another : someone who attacks or tries to harm


criterion a fact or level of quality that you use when making a choice or decision

beside by the side of (someone or something) : next to (someone or something) 

firstly used to introduce the first idea, reason, etc. in a series

assistant someone whose job is to help a person who has a more important job

sweet  containing a lot of sugar 

competitive wanting to win or to be more successful than other people

consistent always behaving or happening in a similar, usually positive, way

If you look at or listen to something closely, you look at it or listen to it

very carefully.

equally to the same degree or level; into amounts or parts that are the same size

advise to give an opinion or suggestion to someone about what should be done

liberal believing government should actively support social needs

meanwhile at or during the same time : in the meantime 

impression an idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone

existence the state of being real 

accompany to visit somewhere with someone
output the amount of something that is produced

exhibition when objects such as paintings are shown to the public

salary an amount of money that an employee is paid each year

attach to be associated or connected with

acknowledge to consider or regard something

soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground from the sky in
cold weather 

properly correctly, or in a satisfactory way

breast one of the two soft, round parts on a woman's chest

prime most important, chief importance in value

intention  the thing that you plan to do or achieve : an aim or purpose 

ill not well or healthy : sick or unhealthy 

money or another kind of payment that is given or received for

reward something that has been done or that is offered for something that might
be done

bother to make someone feel worried or upset

primarily mainly

 having a color between black and white : having a color that is like the
color of smoke

expose to make visible, without any covering or protection

childhood the period of time when a person is a child

control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and
punishing bad behavior 

everywhere  in or to every place 

a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is

usually in the form of a pill or a liquid

differ to be different; to have a different opinion

input to put in information, advice or opinions

politician  someone who is active in government usually as an elected official

an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours,

days, etc., that are worked 

a result or effect that seems likely in the future; something suggested

without being said directly

substantial large in size or amount

infant a baby or very young child

lasting or continuing for a very long time or forever : not temporary or


rare not common or usual, not often

remark the act of noticing or making a comment about something

angry  filled with anger : having a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed 

to hit something (such as a door) with the knuckles of your hand or with
a hard object (such as a knocker) in order to get people's attention

injury damage to someone's body in an accident or attack

a company, country, or person that makes goods or grows food;

producer someone who controls how a film, play, program, or musical recording is

 a usually small cloth bag that is sewn into a piece of clothing, a larger
pocket bag, etc., and that is open at the top or side so that you can put things
into it 

alive having life : living : not dead 

currency the money system that a country uses
manufacturer a company that manufactures something

 a male ruler of a country who usually inherits his position and rules for
something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you
have to

initiative a plan or activity that is done to solve a problem or improve a situation

talent a natural ability to do something

breakfast the first meal of the day

resolution an official decision that is made after a group or organization have voted

emotional showing strong feelings, or making people have strong feelings

enhance make effect to increase or improve

core the central part of something that is important

framework the basic structure of something

found to start an organization, especially by providing money

a group of words which are often used together and have a particular

southern in or from the south part of an area

gap a space between two people or things 

an occurrence of bad weather in which there is a lot of rain, snow, etc.,

and often strong winds

undertake to begin or attempt, commit oneself to and begin

distinguish to notice or recognize a difference between people or things 

draft a former version of something to make final

priority the fact that is more important than other things

a system of government in which people elect their leaders, or a country

with this system

pursue to follow and try to catch or to reach a goal

urge to try to persuade (someone) in a serious way to do something 

pilot someone who flies an aircraft

 a piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a
collar and buttons down the front 

an outer piece of clothing that can be long or short and that is worn to
keep warm or dry 

lake a large area of water that is surrounded by land 

emphasize to show that something is especially important or needs special attention

a usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular

and repeated 

immediate happening or done without delay or existing now

yellow having the color of the sun or of ripe lemons 

communicate to give and exchange information by speaking or writing

neck the part of the body between the head and the shoulders 

vast extremely big

breathe  to move air into and out of your lungs

origin the point or place where something begins or is created

stable in a good situation or condition not likely changed

used without a name as a form of polite address to a man you do not


enormous very large in size or amount

negotiation when people try to make or change an agreement by discussion

resolve to find an answer to solve problems

terrorist someone who is involved in terrorism

bloody covered in blood; violent and involving a lot of blood and injuries

retain to continue to have or use, keep the quality

any one of the hard pieces that form the frame (called a skeleton) inside
a person's or animal's body 

mathematics the study or science of numbers and shapes

supplier a company or person who provides things that people want or need

a white liquid produced by a woman to feed her baby or by female

animals to feed their young 

passage a long, narrow space that connects one place to another 

fundamental forming a necessary part, base, or core

pupil a child or young person who is being taught : student 

publication the process of producing a book, magazine

winner someone who wins a game, competition, or election

elsewhere in or to another place 

examination when someone looks at something very carefully; an exam

gentleman a man who treats other people in a proper and polite way 

the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and
in many religions is believed to live forever 

forth out into notice or view

contemporary happening or beginning currently or now
urban belonging or relating to a town or city

incident an event, especially one that is bad or unusual

integrate to combine, join or create something

to move backward and forward or from side to side while hanging from

panel a group of people who answer questions or give opinions

ratio the quantitative relationship in size, etc.

to take and use (something that belongs to someone else) for a period of
time before returning it

sufficient having or providing enough when needed

motion  an act or process of moving

a test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do
something; a series of medical tests

governor a person who is the leader of the government of a state, province, etc. 

boss someone who is responsible for employees and tells them what to do

effectively in a way that is successful and achieves what you want

to put a piece of equipment somewhere and make it ready to use; to put

software on a computer

premise an idea that you use to support another theory

abroad in or to a foreign country 

the type of food that someone usually eats; when someone eats less
food to lose weight or because of a medical problem

hence from now, later than the present time

convention a large formal meeting of people with the same interest or work
a substance (such as gold, tin, or copper) that usually has a shiny
metal appearance, is a good conductor of electricity and heat, can be melted,
and is usually capable of being shaped 

layer referring to one of several sheets of a material or object

typically used for saying that something is usual type of a person, thing, place, etc.

grateful feeling or showing thanks

crash to hit something hard enough to cause serious damage or destruction 

incorporate to include or involve as part of something else

formation the development of something into a particular thing or shape

classic something popular or famous for a long time

aircraft a vehicle that can fly

highlight the best or most interesting part of something

having a thin edge that is able to cut things or a fine point that is able to
make a hole in things

climate the weather conditions that an area usually has

to make (someone) unhappy by not being as good as expected or by not

doing something that was hoped for or expected

fifteen the number 15

to win a victory over (someone or something) in a war, contest, game,


retirement when you leave your job and stop working, usually because you are old

defend to fight in order to keep (someone or something) safe 

truly used to emphasize a description of something

the person that someone normally or truly is — used to describe the way
someone acts or feels

clinical relating to medical treatment and tests

nearby not far away
distribute to hand in or deliver something to people

the common opinion that people have about someone or

something : the way in which people think of someone or something
underlie to lie or be situated under something

when someone makes something happen or exist; something that

someone has made

specify to state, name or mention exactly and clearly

exclude to prevent someone from access to a group

exhibit to display or make available for people to see

extreme very great in degree

appointment a time you have arranged to meet someone or go somewhere

brown having a color like coffee or chocolate

journalist someone whose job is journalism

having good things happen to you; something that is believed to give

good luck

occupy to live in, fill or take up something

soil the top layer of earth in which plants grow
educational providing education, or relating to education

upper located above another or others of the same kind 

slide to move smoothly along a surface 

correspond to have similarity or equality with something

sudden happening, coming, or done very quickly in a way that is not expected

gay  sexually attracted to someone who is the same sex

a light, artificial substance that can be made into different shapes when it
is soft and is used in a lot of different ways

freeze to be become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold

someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or
abilities as other members of a group

one of the hard white objects inside the mouth that are used for biting
and chewing

 someone or something that is different from others : someone or

something that is not included 

excuse to forgive someone for making a mistake, doing something wrong, etc.,

bet to risk money on the result of a game, competition, etc.

plain having no pattern or decoration, easy to see or understand

crop a plant or plant product that is grown by farmers 

equivalent having equality in value, use or meaning

rural relating to the countryside and not to towns

complicate to make (something) more difficult or less simple

meat the flesh of an animal used as food 

collapse to break down and fall apart suddenly

dish a shallow container that you cook or serve food in 

enterprise a business or organization

luck  the things that happen to a person because of chance

restrict to prevent from doing something

subsequent happening or coming after, later
originally at the beginning or before any changes

perfectly used to emphasize the word that follows it; in a perfect way

having a large distance between the top and bottom or front and back

encounter unexpectedly be faced with or experience

invitation when someone invites you to do something or go somewhere

very happy and pleased because of something you have done, something
you own, someone you know or are related to, etc.

chip a piece of potato that is cooked in oil; a microchip in a computer

someone whose job is to examine the details of a situation carefully, and

give their opinion about it

valuable worth a lot of money, very useful or helpful

bike bicycle; motorbike / motorcycle

retail when products are sold to customers from shops

calm not angry, upset, excited, etc. 

unusual different and not ordinary, often in a way that is interesting or exciting

criticism a negative comment; judgments and opinions on books, plays, films, etc.

personally done by you and not someone else

plot the things that happen in a story; a plan to do something bad

beauty the quality of being physically attractive

preserve to keep (something) in its original state or in good condition 

emergency a serious or dangerous situation that needs immediate action

a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any
physically unpleasant feelings caused by pain, heat, cold, etc. 

used to say that someone or something should or should not have or be


to put (something that is broken or damaged) back into good

condition : fix 

update to add new information

severe very bad, serious, or unpleasant 

recognition the act of accepting that something is true or important or that it exists 

secondary less important than something else

proof something which shows that something else is true or correct

capable having the ability to do something

a written list or description of only the most important parts of an essay,

speech, plan, etc. 

when you feel very unhappy, or a mental illness that makes you feel very

evaluate to form an idea to judge something carefully

pension money that a person receives after retirement

external to be outside of something

cope to deal successfully with a difficult situation

emphasis a special quality in the way something is said

restriction a rule or law that limits what people can do

partly used to show that something is true to some degree but not completely

aside to or toward the side

massive very big

intellectual using or relating to your ability to think and understand things

a part of a group which is less than half of the whole group, often much

the attempt by many people to end the rule

of one government
submit accept to a superior force, obey to someone
prospect the possibility that something will happen

equation when you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols
unemployment the number of people who are without jobs; not having a job

when someone intervenes, especially to prevent something from


delight a strong feeling of happiness : great pleasure or satisfaction 

mom mother

If you do not do something or something does not happen any more, you
have stopped doing it or it does not now happen

smart intelligent
numerous existing in large numbers 
illness a disease of the body or mind; sickness
abandon to give up or quit, something not finished yet

confuse to make (someone) uncertain or unable to understand something 

one of the round parts underneath a car, wagon, etc., that rolls and
allows something to move 

crucial extremely important

capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or


dominate to have power or influence over

information stored in a computer in an organized structure so that it can

be searched in different ways

split  to break apart or into pieces especially along a straight line

trace find, describe or discover by investigation

isolate to keep in a place or situation apart from others

a town or an area of a town next to water where ships arrive and leave

drama a play that is performed on stage, theater, or TV

the part of the face or head through which a person or animal smells and

rapidly happening or moving very quickly

dispute a disagreement, especially one that lasts a long time

landscape the appearance of an area of land, especially in the countryside

spell to say, write, or print the letters of (a word or name) 

ultimately finally, after a series of things have happened; in the end

 a unit of measurement equal to 1⁄36 yard or 1⁄12 of a foot (2.54

profile a short description of someone's life, character, work, etc.

phenomenon a fact that can observed and studied

shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain


something (such as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line) that shows

where an area ends and another area begins 

gender the state of being male or female

assistance help

dramatic very sudden or noticeable; full of action and excitement

educate to teach (someone) especially in a school, college, or university

a book, newspaper, etc. that is one of several that are the same and were
produced at the same time

wing a part of an animal's body that is used for flying or gliding

similarly in a similar way

someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular


formula a plan, rule or method for doing or making something

achievement when you succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard

a new idea or method that is being tried for the first time, or the use of
such ideas or methods

a series of special events, performances, etc. that often takes place over
several days

the way a newspaper, television program, etc. reports an event or


in baseball, to throw the ball towards the hitter; to try to persuade

someone to buy or decide something

a place in a wall or a fence that has a movable part which can be opened
or closed like a door 

unknown not known; not famous

distinction a difference between two similar things
slight  very small in degree or amount 
roof  the cover or top of a building, vehicle, etc. 
to make a loud, high noise with your voice, or to shout something in a
loud, high voice because you are afraid, hurt, or angry

convert to change into a different form, character, or function

minor not so large in size, not important or valuable

negotiate to try to make or change an agreement by discussion

era a period of time in history that is special for a particular reason

one program of a series shown on television; a single event or period of


volunteer to offer to do something without being asked or told to do it

infection a disease in a part of your body that is caused by bacteria or a virus

the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for

arrival when someone or something arrives somewhere

a soft grayish-white metal that is very valuable and is used to make

jewelry, coins, knives, forks, etc. 

electricity a type of energy that can produce light and heat, or make machines work

sink to go down below the surface of water, mud, etc. 

unlikely not expected to happen

grand involving or including many people or things : very large in scope 

part of the Internet that consists of all the connected websites (= pages
of text and pictures); a spider's net used to catch insects

when something changes from one system or method to another, often


upset angry or unhappy 

forecast a report saying what is likely to happen in the future

pollution damage caused to water, air, etc. by harmful substances or waste

eliminate completely remove, to get rid of

agenda a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting

wire a thin, flexible thread of metal

prize  something that is won in a contest or given as an award 

to break (something) so that there are lines in its surface but it is usually
not separated into pieces

deeply very much

cable a wire covered by plastic that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc.

apparent easy to see or clearly understand

zone an area where a particular thing happens:

fault responsibility for a problem, mistake, bad situation, etc. 

cooperation when you work together with someone or do what they ask you

pub a place where you can get drinks such as beer and usually food

to be typical of someone or something; to describe or show someone or

something in a particular way

honest good and truthful : not lying, stealing, or cheating 

supporter someone who supports a particular idea, group, or person; a sports fan

inspire to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it

whisper to speak very softly or quietly

hunt to chase and kill (wild animals) for food or pleasure

toy something a child plays with 

welfare a program for poor or unemployed people help living

everyday used or seen every day : suitable for every day 

a white or gray mass in the sky that is made of many very small drops of

constraint something that limits what you can do

perceive to notice or become aware of something

ease freedom from pain or trouble : comfort of body or mind 

solid firm or hard : not having the form of a gas or liquid 

someone who is being kept in prison as a punishment, or because they

have been caught by an enemy

expansion when something increases in size or amount

the work and methods of growing crops and looking after animals which
are then used for food

virtually almost
knee the joint that bends at the middle of your leg

several songs or pieces of music on a CD or record; a book in which you

keep photographs, stamps, etc.

to use force to cause (something, such as a wire or pipe) to become


when someone experiences something or is affected by it because they

are in a particular situation or place

alter to change a part of something

electronic systems that change sounds or images into signals in the form
of binary numbers

to cause (something) to flow in a steady stream from or into a container

or place 

a happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or

something that happened to you

tension a feeling that you are nervous, worried, and not relaxed

wet covered or soaked with water or another liquid : not dry 

perception what you think or believe about someone or something

dimension a measurable extent of length, width, or height

difficult to move : fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not

easy to move 

restore to put or bring back into existence or use, mend

beer an alcoholic drink made from grain, or a glass or container of this drink

to remove (something, such as dust or dirt) from a surface with a broom

or brush or with a quick movement of your hand, fingers, etc.

interpret to understand or translate the meaning of something

assist to support or help someone

crew a team of people with special skills who work together

a short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one written
by a student

assure to make sure of something

 a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong

or bad

a payment that you make immediately when you decide to buy

something, as proof that you will really buy it

a device that produces a spray of water for you to stand under and wash
your body 

 a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to attach things, tie
things together, or hang things

elderly a more polite word for 'old', used to describe people

extensive large in size or amount : very full or complete 

truck a large road vehicle for carrying goods from place to place

uniform same designed clothing that identifies belongings

mood the way someone feels at a particular time

detect to discover or identify the presence of something

beneath in or to a lower position : below 

a dark shape that appears on a surface when someone or something

moves between the surface and a source of light 

mode a particular form, way or type of something

territory land that is owned or controlled by a particular country

trail a path through the countryside, often where people walk

nervous worried and anxious

parallel very similar and often occurring at the same time

sail to travel on water in a ship or boat

sensitive easily upset by the things that people think or say about you 

someone who does something brave or good which people respect or

admire them for

someone who is trying to win or do better than all others especially in

business or sports : someone who is competing 

initially at the beginning

transform to change the shape completely in a good way

strip  to remove your clothing

stream a natural flow of water that is smaller than a river 

breed a type of dog, sheep, pig, etc.

attribute to say that something is because of something else

vital necessary
awful very bad, of low quality, or unpleasant

devote to decide to use or give something for something else

the main long and thin part of a plant that rises above the soil and
supports the leaves and flowers 

a measurement of how tall a person or thing is; the distance from the
bottom to the top of a person or thing

apologize to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done

alright good enough, although not very good; safe or well

owe to need to pay or repay money to a person, bank, business, etc.

genetic relating to genes (= parts of cells which control particular characteristics)

persuade to cause (someone) to do something by asking, arguing, or giving reasons

 to try to persuade someone to work for a company or to join an


vice something bad that someone often does; crime that involves sex or drugs

steady not shaking or moving : held firmly in one place or position

heavily a lot or to a great degree

entrance  the act of entering something

furniture chairs, tables, beds, etc., that are used to make a room ready for use 

when you feel worried and nervous about something; an injury to part of
your body that is caused by using it too much

random chosen, done without a particular plan or pattern

justify giving reasons for doing something

measurement the process of measuring something; the size and shape of something
rarely not often

a piece of equipment for measuring the amount of something such as

electricity, time, or light

pace the speed at which someone or something moves or does something

western located in or toward the west 

constitute to make up or form something

spare kept as something extra that can be used if it is needed 

designer someone who draws and plans how something will be made

mature being an adult, being fully developed physically

evil morally bad, causing harm or injury to someone

curve a smooth, rounded line, shape, path, etc. 

guilty ashamed because you have done something wrong; having broken a law

jacket a short coat

not real or genuine — used to say that something is not really what it
seems to be

a protest in which people march or stand together; showing how to do

something, or how something works

wound an injury that is caused when a knife, bullet, etc., cuts or breaks the skin

frighten to cause (someone) to become afraid 

one of many pieces of tissue in the body that are connected to bones and
which produce movement by becoming longer or shorter

 plants that have narrow green leaves, that are eaten by cows, sheep,
horses, etc., and that are commonly grown on lawns and in gardens 

substance  a material of a particular kind 

pink a pale red color : a color that is a mixture of red and white

symbol an action, object that represents a particular idea or quality

foundation the action of establishing an organization

cite to write or say the words from a book or other source

extension the act of making something longer or greater 

tank a large container for storing liquid or gas

something that causes a lot of harm or damage; a very bad situation or


to breathe out slowly and noisily, often because you are annoyed or

routine the things you regularly do and how and when you do them

a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other
ingredients (such as eggs and butter) 

the ability to do something or produce something without wasting

materials, time, or energy

the state of belonging to or being a part of a group or an

organization : the state of being a member

having a flat, even surface : not rough : not having any bumps, ridges, or

uneven parts 

portion a part of a whole

a piece of glass with a shiny metallic material on one side which produces
an image of anything that is in front of it

resort a place where many people go for a holiday

to take money out of a bank account; to move out of a position,

competition, area, etc.

resistance refusal to accept something new or different

giant extremely big, or much bigger than other similar things

an attempt to achieve something; an offer to pay a particular amount of

money for something

naturally as you would expect; something that happens because of nature

summary a brief statement that gives the most important info

radical a very new and different from what is traditional

a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing sound when played or


van a vehicle that is used for carrying things but which is smaller than a truck

mutual shared between two or more people

boot a strong shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg

fascinate to interest someone a lot

entitle to give someone the right to do or have something

god the creator and ruler of the universe

broadcast to send out (signals, programs, etc.) by radio or television 

singer someone who sings

a raised surface for people to stand on, especially when they are
platform speaking to a lot of people; the area in a railway station where you get on
and off the train

whenever at any or every time that 

apartment a set of rooms for someone to live in on one level of a building or house

conventional Usual or traditional

when someone looks after themselves and does not need money, help,
or permission from other people

reverse to change to an opposite state ,way or condition

a picture in a book, magazine, etc.; an example that explains or proves


loud making or causing a lot of noise : strong and noticeable in sound

loose not tightly fastened, attached, or held 

quantity an amount or number of something

 a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written
poem in separate lines that often have a repeated rhythm and sometimes

damn used to express anger

pose to put someone in a position to be photographed

depth a distance below a surface

significance the importance or meaning of something

planet a large, round object in space that moves around the sun or another star

a heavy type of metal that is very common, occurs naturally in blood, and
is used to make steel and in many products 

gradually slowly over a period of time

when you think that something or someone is good or right; official


evaluation to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is

wealth a large amount of money and possessions 

visual relating to seeing or to the eyes, sight
consult to talk about something to make a decision

to give money to someone to support an activity, event, or organization,

sometimes as a way to advertise your company or product

not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and

understand things 

trap a device that is used for catching animals 

badly very seriously; in a way that is of low quality or in an unpleasant way

log a long, heavy section of a tree that has fallen or been cut down 

crazy stupid or strange

adjust to change a position to be comfortable
dirty not clean
zero the number 0

to look for a long time at someone or something or in a particular


a small, usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal, etc., that is sewn to a
button piece of clothing and is pushed through a loop or hole to fasten one part
of the clothing to another part 

extraordinary very unusual : very different from what is normal or ordinary 

to stop briefly before you do something especially because you are

nervous or unsure about what to do 

an organization or business; when an organization, school, business, etc.

is started

good at thinking of new ideas or using imagination to create new and

unusual things

constantly happening a lot or all the time

probability how likely it is that something will happen

vegetable a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc.

alcohol drinks such as wine and beer that can make you drunk

remarkable very unusual or noticeable in a way that you admire

throat the tube inside the neck that leads to the stomach and lungs

dependent decided or controlled by something else

steel a strong, hard metal made of iron and carbon 

sustain to keep providing what is needed

someone who supports you, especially when other people are against
ally you; a country that has agreed to help another country, especially in a

ethnic connected with people who shares a cultural tradition

pleasant causing a feeling of happiness or pleasure 

exceed to be greater in number than something

historian someone who studies or writes about history

 a sweet substance usually in the form of white or brown crystals or

white powder that comes from plants and is used to make foods sweeter

brilliant very good; extremely clever; full of light or color

involvement when someone or something is involved in an activity or event

philosophy a study of ideas about the fundamental nature of life

hypothesis an idea that leads to further study or discussion

bread a baked food made from a mixture of flour and water

drag to pull (someone or something that is heavy or difficult to move) 

edit to make changes so that something can be used

inner on the inside, or near the middle of something

statistic a number that represents a piece of information

liability when you are legally responsible for something; a debt; a disadvantage

anticipate to expect or look ahead to something positively

league a group of teams which compete against each other in a sport

seal an animal with smooth fur that eats fish and lives near the sea

grab to take hold of something or someone suddenly

flood a large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually dry 

money that you pay to someone because you are responsible for injuring
them or damaging something; money paid for work

segment one of the parts that something can be divided into

compound combining two or more parts to form something new

occasionally not happening often

spin to turn or cause someone or something to turn around repeatedly

desert an area of very dry land that is usually covered with sand and is very hot 

a person who uses and controls something (such as a machine, device, or

business): someone who operates something

a tall, narrow building or structure that may stand apart from or be

attached to another building or structure

newly recently

paragraph a section of writing that usually deals with one subject

advocate to push for something positive

the act of washing the body usually by sitting or lying in a container filled
with water 

blind unable to see 

having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at

something : having confidence 

overcome to defeat (someone or something) 

briefly lasting only for a short time
pure not mixed with anything else 

regularly often; at the same time each day, week, month, etc.

counsel a lawyer; advice

disturb to stop (someone) from working, sleeping, etc.

something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry


silent not speaking or making noise

behave to act in an acceptable way : to act properly

tap to hit (someone or something) lightly especially with a small sound

alarm a loud noise that warns you of danger or is used to wake you

fantastic very good

valley an area of low land between hills or mountains 

a feeling of liking or wanting one person or thing more than another

person or thing

discovery the act of finding or learning something for the first time

dare to have enough courage or confidence to do something

a piece of clothing worn by women and girls that hangs from the waist

eastern located toward the east 

poverty  the state of being poor 

registration when a name or information is recorded on an official list

cigarette a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, that people smoke

criticize to make negative comments about something or someone

a round container that has tall, curving sides and that is used for
preparing or serving foods and liquids 

cousin a child of your uncle or aunt

a criminal act; something that causes a person to be hurt, angry, or


clause a part of a sentence that has its own subject

impress to make someone admire or respect you

jury a group of people in a court of law who decide if someone is guilty or not

venture a new activity that may not be successful

an infectious organism too small to be seen that causes disease, or an

illness that it causes; a harmful computer program

anxiety fear or nervousness about what might happen

illegal not allowed by law

wrap to cover (something) by winding or folding a piece of material around it 

physical or mental damage or injury : something that causes someone or

something to be hurt, broken, made less valuable or successful, etc. 
when someone or something continues to live or exist, especially after a
difficult or dangerous situation

teenager someone who is between 13 and 19 years old

to spend most of your time studying one particular subject or doing one
type of business

moderate average in size or amount; neither too much nor too little

when something is controlled so that it is less than a particular amount or


modify to make minor change to something

accurate there is no mistake or error 

the difference between the direction of two lines or surfaces that come
angle together: the space or shape formed when two lines or surfaces meet
each other 

comprehensive including most or all things

rival a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful than another 

adequate enough for someone's needs

universal done or experienced by everyone 

the business of providing services for tourists, including organizing their

travel, hotels, entertainment, etc.

chest the front part of the body between the neck and the stomach 

expenditure when you use energy, time, or money

margin the edge or border of a page on above, below

when a system or situation or person returns to the way it was before

something bad happened

mount to increase in amount or level

mate a friend; an animal's sexual partner

admire  to feel respect or approval for (someone or something) 

a movement you make with your hand, arm, or head to express what you
are thinking or feeling

musician a person who writes, sings, or plays music

rapid happening in a short amount of time

stair a series of steps that go from one level or floor to another 

a quality that causes someone or something to be very likable : an
attractive quality 

someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work

for that person without pay

scare to frighten a person or animal

amendment a change in the words of a document, or the process of doing this

incentive something that encourages a person to work hard

format the form, design, or arrangement of something

consultant someone who advises people about a particular subject

the amount by which the money that you spend is more than the money
that you receive

mortgage money that you borrow to buy a home

abstract relating to something that doesn't exist

overseas in or to a foreign country that is across a sea

literary of or relating to literature 

experimental relating to tests, especially scientific ones

architecture the design and style of buildings; the profession of designing buildings

possess to have or own (something) 

dig to move soil, sand, snow, etc., in order to create a hole 

someone who you compete against in a game or competition; someone

who disagrees with an idea or action

the way in which living things gradually change and develop over millions
of years; a gradual process of change and development

used to say that one team or person is competing against another; used
to compare two things or ideas

to give (something) to (someone) to be used for a period of time and

then returned 

an action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among the

people in a particular group or place

keen very interested or enthusiastic; very good or well developed

translate to change words from one language into another language

to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise often because
you are sick

distinct recognizably different in nature from something else

rough having a surface that is not even 

surgery when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something

buyer someone who buys something

burst  to break open or into pieces in a sudden and violent way 

pen a writing instrument that uses ink 

quietly making little or no noise
laboratory a room used for scientific work

a long, hollow object that is used especially to control the flow of a liquid
or gas 

capability the ability or power to do something

one of the large areas which some countries are divided into because of
the type of government they have

twin one of two children who are born to the same mother at the same time

adapt to change something to fit a new purpose

chicken a bird that is raised by people for its eggs and meat 

scholar someone who has studied a subject and knows a lot about it

Someone or something that is a mess, or is in a mess, is dirty or untidy; a

confused or difficult situation

precisely exactly

therapy the work of treating mental or physical illness without using an operation

frequent happening often

wealthy rich

journal a book for recording personal experiences and thoughts

composition  the way in which something is put together or arranged 

mad very angry

the material that animals and plants are made of; a soft piece of paper
that you use for cleaning your nose

flash a sudden bright light 

a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly
breaks or is blocked 

champion a person, animal, or team that wins a competition

sand  the very tiny, loose pieces of rock that cover beaches, deserts, etc. 

when someone is given a more important job in the same organization;

an advertising campaign or sale

an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who

need it; money, food, or other help

bury to put (a dead person or animal) in a grave 

tendency something that someone often does, or something that often happens

barrier something that prevents people from doing what they want to do

a very thick liquid or soft substance that is rubbed into the skin to make it
softer or is used as a medicine for the skin

to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (someone or something

that is unwanted or annoying) 

a tool with many stiff hairs, fibers, etc., that is used for cleaning,
smoothing, or painting something

dialog a short conversation, especially written

a company or person who prepares and prints books, newspapers,

magazines, etc.

consequently as a result

following or supporting the political system of democracy; where

everyone has equal rights and can help to make decisions

a medical operation to end a pregnancy when the baby is still too small
to live

govern to officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions

exact fully and completely correct or accurate

hurry to move, act, or go quickly 

whilst during the same time; used to compare two different facts or situations

an advantage that only one person or group has, usually because of their
position or because they are rich

creature an animal of any type 

dismiss to send (someone) away : to cause or allow (someone) to leave 

a small, soft hat that often has a hard curved part (called a visor) that
extends out over your eyes 

participation to be involved with other people in an activity

visible can see , easily seen or understood

narrative a story or description of a series of events

classical music by people like Mozart and Stravinsky; traditional in style

assign to give someone a particular job or something to do

 to feel sad or sorry about (something that you did or did not do) : to
have regrets about (something) 

twist to bend or turn (something) in order to change its shape

Someone or something that is impressive makes you admire and respect


motor a machine that produces motion or power for doing work

prompt to cause (someone) to do something 

to damage (something) so badly that it is no longer useful, valuable,

enjoyable, etc.: to spoil or destroy (something)

the number of people or things in a place when compared with the size
density of the place; the relationship between the weight of a substance and its

resist to fight against (something) : to try to stop or prevent (something) 

rescue to save (someone or something) from danger or harm 

implementation to make a law, system, plan, etc. start to happen or operate

a black or brownish-black hard substance within the earth that is used as

a fuel

lecture a talk or speech about a particular subject

awareness when you know about something

maintenance the work that is done to keep something in good condition

greatly very much

inflation the rate at which prices increase, or a continuing increase in prices

psychological relating to the human mind and feelings

relating to a large and important organization, such as a government,
university or bank

 fine dry powder that builds up inside buildings on surfaces that have not
recently been cleaned 

successfully in a way that acomplishes what you want to achieve

to say that an organized event will not now happen; to stop an order for
goods or services

designed to be practical or useful and not only attractive; operating


scope the area that is included in or dealt with

species a group of plants or animals which share similar characteristics

float to rest on top of a liquid 

absolute complete and total

a strong belief in something or a strong feeling about a subject; sexual


airline a company that provides regular flights to places

motivate to make someone enthusiastic about doing something

a part of an object that can operate alone, especially a part of a

spacecraft; part of a course or a textbook

fold  to bend one part of (something) over or against another part 

theoretical related to an explanation that has not been proved

react to behave or make change in a particular way

wooden made of wood 

poet a person who writes poems

insight the capacity to understand something very clearly

partnership when two people or organizations work together to achieve something

counter to prevent something or reduce the bad effect that it has

stain to leave a mark on something

automatically without human control

penalty a punishment for doing something which is against a law or rule

a bar that goes from one post or support to another and that is used to
form a barrier 

a natural white substance that is used especially to flavor or preserve


contest a competition or election

bin a container that is used to put waste in; a container for storing things

using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to

someone or something 

behaving in an angry and violent way towards others; using forceful

methods in order to achieve

the benefit of someone or something — used in phrases with for to say

that something is done to help a particular person or thing

opera a musical play in which most of the words are sung

undergo to experience or endure, be subjected to

to hold, or hug, someone; to accept new ideas, beliefs, etc. in an

enthusiastic way

divorce when two people officially stop being married

pile a group of things that are put one on top of another 

to walk with regular steps as a group : to walk in the regular and

organized way of soldiers 

pale light in color

acceptable good enough; allowed or approved of

literally having the real or original meaning of a word or phrase

to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but not prove

grammar the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language

the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the
power to decide if it will be allowed or permitted 

regulate to set or adjust the amount, restrict something

cluster a group of similar things that are close together

compromise when you agree to something which is not exactly what you want
diversity when many different types of things or people are included in something

immigrant someone who comes to live in a different country

historic important in history or likely to be important in history

a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to the

dedicate to give energy and time to something

pretend  to act as if something is true when it is not true

a large building usually with high, thick walls and towers that was built in
the past to protect against attack

to try to deal with a problem; in sports, to try to take the ball from
someone or knock them down

a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of holes
using a long, thin stick

celebration when you celebrate a special day or event

embarrass to make someone feel ashamed or shy
personnel the people who work for an organization

something that makes you feel more confident and happy, or that helps
something increase or improve

extract to remove or take out

an animal that has a fat body with short legs, a small tail, and a wide nose
and that is raised on a farm or lives in the wild

roughly approximately
injure do physical harm or damage

mixture something made by combining two or more ingredients 

something that someone says officially, giving information about


biological relating to the study of living things such as plants and animals

 to say or write good things about (someone or something) : to express

approval of (someone or something)

disagree to have a different opinion : to fail to agree 

electric of or relating to electricity 

excess an amount that is more than the usual or necessary amount 

to do something that you have promised to do or that you are expected
to do

depress to make feel sad or depressed

fancy to want to have or do (something)

compose to come together to form or make (something) 

continuous happening or existing without stopping

involving a lot of different but connected parts in a way that is difficult to


friendship the state of being friends : the relationship between friends

stability when something is not likely to change or move

accomplish to succeed in doing something good

comprise to make up or form something
holder someone who officially owns something
inquiry a request for information 

when someone or something is not strong or powerful; a part of

something or someone that is not good

 a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place,

noun thing, quality, idea, or action) and is typically used in a sentence as
subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition 

civilian someone who is not a member of a military organization or the police

racial relating to people's race

tail the part of an animal's body that extends from the animal's back end 

tale a story, especially one which is not true or is difficult to believe

weigh to find how heavy (someone or something) is : to measure the weight of 

evolve to slowly change or develop into something better

potentially possibly

mere used to say that something is small, unimportant, etc.

fortune a very large amount of money

gently in a kind and careful way as not to hurt or upset anyone or anything

poetry poems in general, or the writing of poetry

a computer that is used only for storing and managing programs and
information used by other computers
sanction a punishment for not obeying a rule or a law

a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with
your fingers or a piece of plastic

profession a type of job that requires special education or skill

pump a device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something 

chamber a room used for an official or special purpose

someone who has been in the military; someone who has done a job or
activity for a long time

shine to give off light 

a competition to find the best team or player in a particular game or


If something is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost or

damaged; an amount of money invested in a business

a set of parts in a vehicle or bicycle that control how fast the wheels turn;
the clothes and equipment used for a particular purpose

joy  a feeling of great happiness

remote far away

entertain  to have people as guests in your home or in a public place 

reliable able to be trusted or believed

to make (someone or something) stronger, more forceful, more

effective, etc. 

orange a citrus fruit that is round and that has an orange skin 

cheek the soft part of your face below your eye

jail a place where criminals are kept as a punishment

forever for all time in the future

imagination the ability to create ideas or pictures in your mind

bias a tendency to believe certain people or ideas

possession the condition of having or owning something 

chat to talk with someone in a friendly and informal way

dramatically suddenly or unexpectedly; with much drama

a chemical element present in all animals and plants and in coal and oil
(symbol C)
a person who is hired to do household or personal duties such as
cleaning and cooking 

curious having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone 

structural relating to the structure of something

neglect to fail to take care of or to give attention to (someone or something)

compute to find out by calculating or estimating

rear the back part of something

one of a pair of long, thin pieces of wood or plastic that you wear on the
bottom of boots to move over snow

pot a deep, round container that is used for cooking 

revise to make changes, add something to improve

snap to break something, such as a pencil, making a short, loud sound

to make something happen or develop more; to make someone feel

interested and excited

grin to smile a big smile

a slight change that you make to something so that it works better, fits
better, or is more suitable

a machine which is connected to a computer and which produces writing

or images on paper

the large round object that circles the Earth and that shines at night by
reflecting light from the sun 

a period when there is a big increase in sales or profits; a loud, deep


to examine something with a machine; to use a machine that copies a

document into a computer

cheese a yellow or white solid food that is made from milk

shell the hard outer covering of an animal, insect, etc., that protects it 

a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other


grandmother the mother of your mother or father

situate to put something in a particular position
resign to give up (a job or position) in a formal or official way

supplement something that is added to make it complete, help understanding

a group of things of the same kind that are held or tied together or that
grow together 

clothing clothes, especially of a particular type

barely only just

ceremony a formal act or event that is a part of a social or religious occasion

firmly not gently, with some force

pipe a long, hollow tube for carrying water, steam, gas, etc. 

maker the person or company that makes a product

used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to

trigger a lever on a gun that you pull to fire

the organ in your body where food goes and begins to be digested after
you swallow it 

the act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer

exists or cannot be repaired 

an activity in which you make something using a lot of skill, especially

with your hands; a boat, airplane, or spaceship

intense very strong, great or extreme in degree

pregnant A pregnant woman has a baby developing inside her uterus

logic a proper or linear way of thinking about something

indication a sign showing that something exists or is likely to be true

subsequently happening after something else

presumably used to say what you think is the likely situation

happiness the feeling of being happy

interior the inside part of something

magic special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible

a list of food and drinks that you can order in a restaurant; a list of
choices on a computer or electronic device

mystery something that is not known 

pro someone who earns money for playing a sport

to meet (someone who has just arrived) with usually friendly and polite
words and actions : welcome 

humor the ability to laugh and recognize that something is funny

a hard substance that is used in building and is made by mixing sand,

water, small stones, and cement

a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation

or group 

chocolate a sweet, brown food that is made from cocoa

shelter a structure that covers or protects people or things

guideline a rule, instruction or principle

cow a large animal that is raised by people for milk or meat usually on a farm 

ownership  the state or fact of owning something

summarize to describe briefly the main facts or ideas of something

a usually sharp blade attached to a handle that is used for cutting or as a


bless to make (something or someone) holy by saying a special prayer 

trick an action that is meant to deceive someone

having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or

experiencing many things

motivation enthusiasm for doing something; the need or reason for doing something

a feeling strong connection to someone or something; a computer file

which is sent together with an email message

pray to hope or wish very much for something to happen

strict used to describe a command, rule, etc., that must be obeyed

silly stupid, small and not important

a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy from a shop, or of all
the books, paintings, etc. that you can find in a place

not using artificial chemicals when keeping animals or growing plants for

reckon to think that something is probably true

uncle  the brother of your father or mother or the husband of your aunt 
surprisingly in an unexpected way that makes someone feel surprised

regardless without thinking about problems or difficulties

a small, flat, and usually round piece of metal issued by a government as


attraction  something interesting or enjoyable that people want to visit, see, or do 

someone who is very good at a sport and who competes with others in
organized events

 a part of the ocean, a lake, etc., that is next to land and that is protected
and deep enough to provide safety for ships

darkness when there is little or no light

to mix (something) by making circular movements in it with a spoon or

similar object 

to pass a liquid or gas through a piece of equipment in order to remove

solid pieces or other substances

romantic relating to feelings or stories of love

when someone continues trying to do something, although it is very


 a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., and on which objects
can be placed 

the soft, movable part in the mouth that is used for tasting and eating
food and in human beings for speaking

reasonably in a fair way, showing good judgment

a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from
one place to another

very loving and gentle : showing affection and love for someone or


vessel a ship or large boat 

a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and
white bars that produce sounds when you press them

envelope an enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc.

slope ground that slants downward or upward : ground that slopes 

golden made of gold 

belt a band of material (such as leather) that is worn around a person's waist
attendance the number of people who go to an event, meeting, etc.

storage when you put things in a safe place until they are needed

pregnancy when a woman is pregnant

invent to create or produce (something useful) for the first time 

controversial causing a lot of disagreement or argument

horrible very unpleasant or bad

ocean the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface 

uncertainty not known, or not completely certain

fiction literature and stories about imaginary people or events; not real

If two people are lovers, they have a sexual relationship but they are not

when you say something that suggests what you think or want, but not in
a direct way; a clue

liquid a substance that is able to flow freely

nowhere not in or at any place 

anxious afraid or nervous especially about what may happen :feeling anxiety 

stranger someone you have never met before

leap to jump from one place to another

fool  a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly person 

adventure an exciting or dangerous experience 

carpet thick material for covering floors, often made of wool

an area of slight darkness that is produced when something blocks the

light of the sun 

portrait a painting, drawing, or photograph of someone

hook  a curved or bent tool for catching, holding, or pulling something 

a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows in the

reflection an image that is seen in a mirror or on a shiny surface 

one of the threads in your body which carry messages between your
brain and other parts of the body

animal skin that is chemically treated to preserve it and that is used in

making clothes, shoes, furniture, etc.
 a special skill or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone
suitable to do a particular job or activity 

exhaust to finish all of the supply of something; to make someone very tired

fragment a small piece of something

to move around or go to different places usually without having a

particular purpose or direction

distant existing or happening far away in space

unite to join together, to come together for the same goal

 a hollow usually cup-shaped metal object that makes a ringing sound

when it is hit 

grain the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food 

monthly happening or produced once a month

altogether completely and fully : totally, entirely 

differently not in the same way as someone or something else

universe all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, etc.

weekly happening once a week or every week

 a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler or one


royal of or relating to a king or queen 

a structure like a wall built outdoors usually of wood or metal that

fence separates two areas or prevents people or animals from entering or

luxury something expensive that you enjoy but do not need

bite to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth

comedy entertainment such as a film, play, etc. which is funny

a situation in which people are uncertain about what to do or are unable

to understand something clearly

 a piece of cloth that hangs down from above a window and can be used
to cover the window 

consume to eat, drink, buy or use up something

flexible capable of being easily bent changed without breaking

innocent not guilty of committing a crime

a portable shelter that is used outdoors, is made of cloth (such as canvas
or nylon), and is held up with poles and ropes 

a small piece of paper that you buy and then stick to an envelope or
package to pay the cost of mailing it 

shore the land along the edge of an area of water (such as an ocean, lake, etc.)

voluntary done or given by their own will and not forced to do

genuine If a person or their feelings are genuine, they are sincere and honest; real

swear to state (something) very strongly and sincerely

a sudden, strong feeling of worry or fear that makes you unable to think
or behave calmly

an animal with a thick woolly coat that is often raised for meat or for its
wool and skin 

the person who is elected to be the leader of the group that governs a
town or city

gentle having or showing a kind and quiet nature : not harsh or violent 

precise very accurate and exact expression or detail

raw not cooked, or in a natural state; not treated or prepared

in what place; where - used in questions that express surprise or


someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially because
of a war

listener someone who listens

weird very strange

substitute a person or thing that makes the place instead of something

small white or brown grains that come from a southeast Asian plant and
that are used for food 

aunt  the sister of your father or mother or the wife of your uncle 

excitement a happy and enthusiastic feeling

fade  to lose strength or freshness 

wipe  to clean or dry (something) by using a towel, your hand, etc.

chase to run after someone or something in order to catch them

slice a flat piece of something that has been cut from a larger piece

alongside next to someone or something

suspend to stop something for a usually short period of time

autumn the season between summer and winter 

ugly unpleasant to look at : not pretty or attractive 

hello used as a greeting

fortunate having good luck : enjoying good fortune : lucky 

insure to buy insurance for (something, such as property or health)

lazy not liking to work hard or to be active 

ashamed feeling shame, guilt or embarrassment

hunger a very great need for food : a severe lack of food 

an uncomfortable feeling that is caused by the need for something to

requiring that rules be followed closely

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