Service List With Definitions
Service List With Definitions
Service List With Definitions
md 8/9/2018
relief a pleasant and relaxed feeling that someone has when something unpleasant stops or does not happen
yard an outdoor area that is next to a house and is usually covered by grass
celebrate to do something enjoyable because it is a special day, or because something good has happened
row a straight line of people or things that are next to each other
capture to catch someone and make them your prisoner; to get control of a place with force
justice the process or result of using laws to fairly judge and punish crimes and criminals
youth the time of life when someone is young : the time when a young person has not yet become an adult
blame to say or think that a person or thing is responsible for something bad that has happened
electronic Electronic equipment consists of things such as computers, televisions, and radios
dealer a person or company that buys and sells things for profit
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hill a usually rounded area of land that is higher than the land around it but that is not as high as a mountain
fruit a usually sweet food (such as a blueberry, orange, or apple) that grows on a tree or bush
fellow used to describe people who belong to the same group or class or who share a situation, experience,
guard a state in which someone is carefully looking for possible danger, threats, problems, etc.
sky the space over the Earth where the sun, moon, stars, and clouds appear
reserve to make arrangements so that you will be able to use or have (something, such as a room, table, or
seat) at a later time minimum the lowest number or amount that is possible
surely used to express surprise that something has happened or is going to happen
thin having a small distance between the top and bottom or front and back surfaces
frequently often
verb a word (such as jump, think, happen, or exist) that is usually one of the main parts of a sentence and
that expresses an action, an occurrence, or a state of being acquisition the process of learning or getting
something; something you have bought
retire to stop a job or career because you have reached the age when you are not allowed to work anymore
or do not need or want to work anymore recover to revive, become healthy after an illness or injury
seed a small object produced by a plant from which a new plant can grow
absence a state or condition in which something expected, wanted, or looked for is not present or does not
fat having a lot of extra flesh on your body : having a lot of body fat
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gene a part of a cell that is passed on from a parent to a child and that controls particular characteristics
neighborhood the people who live near each other or a section of a town or city
smell the quality of a thing that you can sense with your nose
cat a small animal that is related to lions and tigers and that is often kept by people as a pet
lip either one of the two soft parts that surround the mouth
passenger a person who is traveling from one place to another in a car, bus, train, ship, airplane, etc., and
who is not driving or working on it compete to try to get or win something (such as a prize or reward) that
someone else is also trying to win
rush to move or do something very quickly or in a way that shows you are in a hurry
disorder a disease or mental problem; uncontrolled, bad behavior, especially by large groups of people
complaint a statement that you are unhappy or not satisfied with something
careful giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident, make a mistake,
or damage something column one of the vertical blocks of print into which a page of a newspaper,
magazine, dictionary or spreadsheet, is divided religion the belief in a god
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protest when people show that they disagree with something by standing somewhere, shouting, carrying
signs, etc.
approximately close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time
maximum The maximum amount of something is the largest amount that is allowed or possible
qualify to give (someone) the necessary skill or knowledge to do a particular job or activity
assumption something that you think is true without having any proof
plate a flat and usually round dish that is used for eating or serving food
county an area of Britain, Ireland, or the US that has its own local government
circle a perfectly round shape : a line that is curved so that its ends meet and every point on the line is the
same distance from the center joke something said or done to cause laughter
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hat a covering for the head that often has a brim and a rounded or flat top
steal to secretly take something that does not belong to you, without intending to return it
tennis a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a net
merely used to emphasize that something is not large, important, or effective when compared to something
accuse to blame (someone) for something wrong or illegal : to say that someone is guilty of a fault or crime
appoint to choose (someone) to have a particular job : to give (someone) a position or duty
enemy someone who hates another : someone who attacks or tries to harm another
criterion a fact or level of quality that you use when making a choice or decision
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assistant someone whose job is to help a person who has a more important job
closely If you look at or listen to something closely, you look at it or listen to it very carefully.
equally to the same degree or level; into amounts or parts that are the same size
snow soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall to the ground from the sky in cold weather
reward money or another kind of payment that is given or received for something that has been done or that
is offered for something that might be done bother to make someone feel worried or upset
primarily mainly
gray having a color between black and white : having a color that is like the color of smoke
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discipline control that is gained by requiring that rules or orders be obeyed and punishing bad behavior
medicine a substance that is used in treating disease or relieving pain and that is usually in the form of a pill
or a liquid differ to be different; to have a different opinion
wage an amount of money that a worker is paid based on the number of hours, days, etc., that are worked
implication a result or effect that seems likely in the future; something suggested without being said directly
permanent lasting or continuing for a very long time or forever : not temporary or changing
knock to hit something (such as a door) with the knuckles of your hand or with a hard object (such as a
knocker) in order to get people's attention injury damage to someone's body in an accident or attack
producer a company, country, or person that makes goods or grows food; someone who controls how a
film, play, program, or musical recording is made pocket a usually small cloth bag that is sewn into a piece of
clothing, a larger bag, etc., and that is open at the top or side so that you can put things into it alive having
life : living : not dead
king a male ruler of a country who usually inherits his position and rules for life
obligation something that you do because it is your duty or because you feel you have to
resolution an official decision that is made after a group or organization have voted
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phrase a group of words which are often used together and have a particular meaning
storm an occurrence of bad weather in which there is a lot of rain, snow, etc., and often strong winds
democracy a system of government in which people elect their leaders, or a country with this system
shirt a piece of clothing for the upper body that has sleeves and usually a collar and buttons down the front
coat an outer piece of clothing that can be long or short and that is worn to keep warm or dry
habit a usual way of behaving : something that a person does often in a regular and repeated
neck the part of the body between the head and the shoulders
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sir used without a name as a form of polite address to a man you do not know
bloody covered in blood; violent and involving a lot of blood and injuries
bone any one of the hard pieces that form the frame (called a skeleton) inside a person's or animal's body
supplier a company or person who provides things that people want or need
milk a white liquid produced by a woman to feed her baby or by female animals to feed their young
gentleman a man who treats other people in a proper and polite way
soul the spiritual part of a person that is believed to give life to the body and in many religions is believed to
live forever forth out into notice or view
swing to move backward and forward or from side to side while hanging from something
borrow to take and use (something that belongs to someone else) for a period of time before returning it
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exam a test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do something; a series of medical
governor a person who is the leader of the government of a state, province, etc.
boss someone who is responsible for employees and tells them what to do
install to put a piece of equipment somewhere and make it ready to use; to put software on a computer
diet the type of food that someone usually eats; when someone eats less food to lose weight or because of a
medical problem hence from now, later than the present time
convention a large formal meeting of people with the same interest or work
metal a substance (such as gold, tin, or copper) that usually has a shiny appearance, is a good conductor of
electricity and heat, can be melted, and is usually capable of being shaped layer referring to one of several
sheets of a material or object
typically used for saying that something is usual type of a person, thing, place, etc.
sharp having a thin edge that is able to cut things or a fine point that is able to make a hole in things
disappoint to make (someone) unhappy by not being as good as expected or by not doing something that
was hoped for or expected fifteen the number 15
defeat to win a victory over (someone or something) in a war, contest, game, etc.
retirement when you leave your job and stop working, usually because you are old
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self the person that someone normally or truly is — used to describe the way someone acts or feels
reputation the common opinion that people have about someone or something : the way in which people
think of someone or something underlie to lie or be situated under something
creation when someone makes something happen or exist; something that someone has made
lucky having good things happen to you; something that is believed to give good luck
sudden happening, coming, or done very quickly in a way that is not expected
plastic a light, artificial substance that can be made into different shapes when it is soft and is used in a lot of
different ways freeze to be become a hard substance (such as ice) because of cold
peer someone who is the same age, or who has the same social position or abilities as other members of a
tooth one of the hard white objects inside the mouth that are used for biting and chewing
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exception someone or something that is different from others : someone or something that is not included
excuse to forgive someone for making a mistake, doing something wrong, etc.,
perfectly used to emphasize the word that follows it; in a perfect way
thick having a large distance between the top and bottom or front and back surfaces
proud very happy and pleased because of something you have done, something you own, someone you
know or are related to, etc. chip a piece of potato that is cooked in oil; a microchip in a computer
analyst someone whose job is to examine the details of a situation carefully, and give their opinion about it
unusual different and not ordinary, often in a way that is interesting or exciting
criticism a negative comment; judgments and opinions on books, plays, films, etc.
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comfort a state or situation in which you are relaxed and do not have any physically unpleasant feelings
caused by pain, heat, cold, etc. deserve used to say that someone or something should or should not have
or be given
repair to put (something that is broken or damaged) back into good condition : fix
recognition the act of accepting that something is true or important or that it exists
outline a written list or description of only the most important parts of an essay, speech, plan, etc.
depression when you feel very unhappy, or a mental illness that makes you feel very unhappy
partly used to show that something is true to some degree but not completely
minority a part of a group which is less than half of the whole group, often much less
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equation when you show that two amounts are equal using mathematical symbols
unemployment the number of people who are without jobs; not having a job
mom mother
anymore If you do not do something or something does not happen any more, you have stopped doing it or
it does not now happen smart intelligent
wheel one of the round parts underneath a car, wagon, etc., that rolls and allows something to move
efficient capable of producing desired results without wasting materials, time, or energy
database information stored in a computer in an organized structure so that it can be searched in different
port a town or an area of a town next to water where ships arrive and leave from
nose the part of the face or head through which a person or animal smells and breathes
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entertainment shows, films, television, or other performances or activities that entertain people
boundary something (such as a river, a fence, or an imaginary line) that shows where an area ends and
another area begins gender the state of being male or female
assistance help
edition a book, newspaper, etc. that is one of several that are the same and were produced at the same time
specialist someone who has a lot of experience, knowledge, or skill in a particular subject
achievement when you succeed in doing something good, usually by working hard
innovation a new idea or method that is being tried for the first time, or the use of such ideas or methods
festival a series of special events, performances, etc. that often takes place over several days
coverage the way a newspaper, television program, etc. reports an event or subject
pitch in baseball, to throw the ball towards the hitter; to try to persuade someone to buy or decide
gate a place in a wall or a fence that has a movable part which can be opened or closed like a door
scream to make a loud, high noise with your voice, or to shout something in a loud, high voice because you
are afraid, hurt, or angry convert to change into a different form, character, or function
episode one program of a series shown on television; a single event or period of time
preparation the things that you do or the time that you spend preparing for something
silver a soft grayish-white metal that is very valuable and is used to make jewelry, coins, knives, forks, etc.
electricity a type of energy that can produce light and heat, or make machines work
web part of the Internet that consists of all the connected websites (= pages of text and pictures); a spider's
net used to catch insects transition when something changes from one system or method to another, often
crack to break (something) so that there are lines in its surface but it is usually not separated into pieces
cable a wire covered by plastic that carries electricity, telephone signals, etc.
cooperation when you work together with someone or do what they ask you
pub a place where you can get drinks such as beer and usually food
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supporter someone who supports a particular idea, group, or person; a sports fan
inspire to make someone feel that they want to do something and can do it
cloud a white or gray mass in the sky that is made of many very small drops of water
prisoner someone who is being kept in prison as a punishment, or because they have been caught by an
agricultural the work and methods of growing crops and looking after animals which are then used for food
virtually almost
album several songs or pieces of music on a CD or record; a book in which you keep photographs, stamps,
bend to use force to cause (something, such as a wire or pipe) to become curved
exposure when someone experiences something or is affected by it because they are in a particular situation
or place
digital electronic systems that change sounds or images into signals in the form of binary numbers
pour to cause (something) to flow in a steady stream from or into a container or place
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satisfaction a happy or pleased feeling because of something that you did or something that happened to
tension a feeling that you are nervous, worried, and not relaxed
tight difficult to move : fastened, attached, or held in a position that is not easy to move
beer an alcoholic drink made from grain, or a glass or container of this drink
sweep to remove (something, such as dust or dirt) from a surface with a broom or brush or with a quick
movement of your hand, fingers, etc. interpret to understand or translate the meaning of something
essay a short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one written by a student
anger a strong feeling of being upset or annoyed because of something wrong or bad
deposit a payment that you make immediately when you decide to buy something, as proof that you will
really buy it
shower a device that produces a spray of water for you to stand under and wash your body
string a long, thin piece of twisted thread that you use to attach things, tie things together, or hang things
truck a large road vehicle for carrying goods from place to place
shadow a dark shape that appears on a surface when someone or something moves between the surface
and a source of light
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sensitive easily upset by the things that people think or say about you
hero someone who does something brave or good which people respect or admire them for
competitor someone who is trying to win or do better than all others especially in business or
sports : someone who is competing initially at the beginning
vital necessary
stem the main long and thin part of a plant that rises above the soil and supports the leaves and flowers
height a measurement of how tall a person or thing is; the distance from the bottom to the top of a person or
apologize to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done
vice something bad that someone often does; crime that involves sex or drugs
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furniture chairs, tables, beds, etc., that are used to make a room ready for use
strain when you feel worried and nervous about something; an injury to part of your body that is caused by
using it too much random chosen, done without a particular plan or pattern
measurement the process of measuring something; the size and shape of something
meter a piece of equipment for measuring the amount of something such as electricity, time, or light
designer someone who draws and plans how something will be made
guilty ashamed because you have done something wrong; having broken a law
FALSE not real or genuine — used to say that something is not really what it seems to be
demonstration a protest in which people march or stand together; showing how to do something, or how
something works
wound an injury that is caused when a knife, bullet, etc., cuts or breaks the skin
muscle one of many pieces of tissue in the body that are connected to bones and which produce movement
by becoming longer or shorter grass plants that have narrow green leaves, that are eaten by cows, sheep,
horses, etc., and that are commonly grown on lawns and in gardens substance a material of a particular kind
pink a pale red color : a color that is a mixture of red and white
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his belonging to or relating to a male who has already been talked about
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her used to refer to a female who has already been talked about
their belonging to or relating to a group that have already been talked about
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our belonging to or relating to the person who is speaking and one or more other people
them a group of people, animals, or things that have already been talked about
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its belonging to or relating to the thing that has already been talked about
us the person who is speaking or writing and one or more other people
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lot a small piece of land that is or could be used for building something or for some other purpose
pause a temporary stop : a period of time in which something is stopped before it is started again
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ask to request
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book a printed or written work that is bound together and has a cover
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run to move with your legs at a speed that is faster than walking
early at or near the beginning of time, done before the expected time
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thank to tell (someone) that you are grateful for something that he or she has done or given
against in opposition to
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room a space that can be occupied which has its own floor and ceiling
car a vehicle with four wheels and engine that can carry things
actually used when you are saying what is the truth of a situation
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price the amount of money that you pay for something or that something costs
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base the bottom or lowest part of something : the part on which something rests or is supported
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development when someone or something grows or changes and becomes more advanced
language the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other
water the clear liquid which forms the seas, rivers and rain
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mind the part of person that enables us to think, feel, and reason
town a place people live, larger than a village, smaller than a city
class a group of students who often meet and are taught together
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laugh to show that you are happy or that you think something is funny by smiling and making a sound from
your throat
security the things that are done to keep someone or something safe
computer an electronic machine that can store and process large amounts of information
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black having the very dark color of coal or the night sky
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paper the material that is used in the form of thin sheets for writing
choose to decide that a particular person or thing is the one that you want
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phone a communication system that is used to talk to someone who is in another place
decision a choice that you make about something after thinking about it
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travel to go on a trip or journey : to go to a place and especially one that is far away
investment the money that you put in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a profit
patient able to remain calm and not become annoyed when waiting for a long time or when dealing with
problems or difficult people TRUE agreeing with the facts, not false, real or actual
organization an official group of people who work together for the same purpose
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finally after a long time or some difficulty; the last point or idea
sign something which shows that something else exists, is true, or will happen
news new information or a report about something that has happened recently
risk the possibility that something bad or unpleasant (such as an injury or a loss) will happen
sport a contest or game in which people do certain physical activities according to a specific set of rules and
compete against each other road a hard flat surface for people or vehicles can use
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performance an activity (such as singing a song or acting in a play) that a person or group does to entertain
an audience rest not at work, to have time to relax, sleep or do nothing
certainly used to emphasize something and show that there is no doubt about it; used to agree to a request
employee a person who works for another person or for a company for wages or a salary
evidence something that makes you believe that something is true or exists
listen to pay attention to someone or something in order to hear what is being said, sung, played, etc.
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instead used to say that one thing is done or is chosen when another is not chosen
address the words and numbers that are used to describe the location of a building and that are written on
letters, envelopes, and packages so that they can be mailed to that location leader a person in control of a
group, country, or situation
arm each of the two long body parts from shoulder to the hand
chance an opportunity to do something; an amount of time or a situation in which something can be done
mention to talk about, write about, or refer to (something or someone) especially in a brief way
save to keep (someone or something) safe : to stop (someone or something) from dying or being hurt,
damaged, or lost
opinion a belief, judgment, or way of thinking about something : what someone thinks about a particular
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suppose to think of something as happening or being true in order to imagine what might happen
choice the act of choosing : the act of picking or deciding between two or more possibilities
particularly especially
park a piece of public land in or near a city that can be used for pleasure and exercise
whose used in questions to ask who owns something, has something, etc.
knowledge information, understanding, or skill that you get from experience or education
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bank the higher ground that is along the edge of a river, stream, etc.
article a piece of writing about a particular subject that is included in a magazine, newspaper, etc.
management the people who are in control of an office, shop, team, etc.
finish to reach the end of (something) : to stop doing (something) because it is completed
guy a man
fire the light, heat and the flame produced by burning something
heart the organ in your chest that pumps blood through your body
police the people or the department of people who enforce laws, investigate crimes, and make arrests
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poor having little money or few possessions : not having enough money for the basic things that people need
to live properly manage to control or be in charge of something
summer the warmest season of the year that is after spring and before autumn
evening the last part of the day and early part of the night
average a number that is calculated by adding quantities together and then dividing the total by the number
of quantities everyone every person; everybody
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cent a unit of money that is equal to 1/100 of the basic unit of money
race one of the groups that people can be divided into based on certain physical qualities (such as skin
skill the ability to do something that comes from training, experience, or practice
key a device that is used to open a lock or start an automobile ?The usual type of key is a small metal object
that you insert into a narrow opening and turn. nation a large area of land controlled by government, territory
hit to move your hand, a bat, etc., quickly so that it touches someone or something in a forceful or violent
plant a living thing that grows in the ground such as a tree or flower
election the act or process of choosing someone for a public office by voting
review an act of carefully looking at or examining the quality or condition of something or someone
worker someone who works for a company or organization but does not have a powerful position
hotel a place that has rooms in which people can stay especially when they are traveling :a place that
provides food, lodging, and other services for paying guests size the total amount of physical space that a
person or thing occupies
drug a chemical substance used as a medicine; an illegal substance taken for recreation
treatment something which you do to try to cure an illness or injury, especially something suggested or done
by a doctor club a group of people who meet to participate in an activity
bus a large vehicle that is used for carrying passengers especially along a particular route at particular times
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season one of the four periods (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) into which the year is commonly
clothes items such as shirts and trousers that you wear on your body
argue give reasons for or against something : to say or write things in order to change someone's opinion
about what is true, what should be done, etc. lack to not have something
pull to hold onto and move (someone or something) in a particular direction and especially toward yourself
advantage something (such as a good position or condition) that helps to make someone or something
better or more likely to succeed than others identify to indicate who or what someone or something is
discussion the act of talking about something with another person or a group of people : a conversation
about something
tree a usually tall plant that has a thick, wooden stem and many large branches
wide extending a great distance from one side to the other; not narrow
solution something that is used or done to deal with and end a problem : something that solves a problem
machine a piece of equipment with moving parts that does work when it is given power from electricity,
gasoline, etc.
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prove to show the existence, truth, or correctness of (something) by using evidence, logic, etc.
doctor a person who skilled to treat people who are ill, sick and injured
television a piece of equipment with a screen on the front, used for watching programs
card a small piece of stiff paper that is marked with symbols or pictures to show its value, comes in a set,
and is used for playing games potential having or showing a capacity for the future
clock a device that shows what time it is and that is usually placed in a room or attached to a wall
nearly almost
propose to suggest (something, such as a plan or theory) to a person or group of people to consider
guess to form an opinion or give an answer about something when you do not know much or anything about
operation when a doctor cuts into someone's body to remove a sick part
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application a formal and usually written request for something (such as a job
sleep to rest your mind and body by closing your eyes and becoming unconscious
network a system of lines, wires, etc., that are connected to each other
interview a meeting in which someone asks you questions to see if you are suitable for a job or course
hospital a place where sick or injured people are given care or treatment and where children are often born
star any one of the objects in space that are made of burning gas and that look like points of light in the night
pressure the weight or force that is produced when something presses or pushes against something
express to talk or write about (something that you are thinking or feeling)
competition the act or process of trying to get or win something (such as a prize or a higher level of success)
that someone else is also trying to get or win serious having an important or dangerous possible result
conclusion the opinion you have after considering all the information about something; the final part of
brother a boy or man who has one or both of the same parents as you
natural something that exists or happens because of nature; not made or done by people
deep having a large distance to the bottom from the surface or highest point
fish a cold-blooded animal that lives in water, breathes with gills, and usually has fins and scales
sing to use your voice to make musical sounds in the form of a song or tune
sample a small amount of something that gives you information about the thing it was taken from
refer to talk about or write about (someone or something) especially briefly : to mention (someone or
something) in speech or in writing adult a person or animal that is grown up
promise a statement telling someone that you will definitely do something or that something will definitely
happen in the future throw to cause (something) to move out of your hand and through the air by quickly
moving your arm forward
dress a piece of clothing for a woman or a girl that has a top part that covers the upper body and a skirt that
hangs down to cover the legs worth used to indicate the value of something
bar a building or room where alcoholic drinks and sometimes food are served
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object a thing that you can see and touch and that is not alive
push to use force to move (someone or something) forward or away from you
tend used to describe what often happens or what someone often does or is likely to do
exchange an occurrence in which people give things of similar value to each other
middle equally distant from the ends or sides : halfway between two points
reflect to move in one direction, hit a surface, and then quickly move in a different and usually opposite
oil a thick, black liquid that comes from the ground and that is used in making various products (such as
net a device that is used for catching or holding things or for keeping things out of a space and that is made
of pieces of string, rope, wire, etc., woven together with spaces in between successful achieving what you
want to achieve
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box a container that is made of a hard material (such as wood, metal, or cardboard) and that usually has four
straight sides resource an essential supply of something
bill a document that says how much money you owe for something you have bought or used
speech a spoken expression of ideas, opinions, etc., that is made by someone who is speaking in front of a
group of people separate not joined, connected, or combined : placed or kept apart
earn to get (money, a salary, etc.) for work that you have done
exercise physical activity that is done in order to become stronger and healthier
asset a person, skill, or quality which is useful or helps you to succeed; something valuable which is owned
dog a type of animal that is often kept as a pet or trained to work for people by guarding buildings, hunting,
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balance the state of having your weight spread equally so that you do not fall
afternoon the middle part of the day : the part of the day between noon and evening
newspaper a set of large sheets of paper that have news stories, information about local events,
advertisements, etc., and that are folded together and sold every day credit the quality of being believed or
having a good reputation
extend to cause (something, such as your arm or leg) to straighten out or to stretch out
proposal something (such as a plan or suggestion) that is presented to a person or group of people to
dollar a basic unit of money in the U.S., Canada, Australia, and other countries that is equal to 100 cents
sister a girl or woman who has one or both of the same parents as you
nor used after neither to show something is also not true or possible
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original special and interesting because of not being the same as others; the earliest form of something
discover to see, find, or become aware of (something) for the first time
track a path or trail that is made by people or animals walking through a field, forest, etc.
garden an area of ground where plants (such as flowers or vegetables) are grown
screen the usually flat part of a television or computer monitor that shows the images or text : the part of a
television or computer that you look at when you are using it possibility a chance that something may
happen or be true
examine to look at (something) closely and carefully in order to learn more about it, to find problems, etc.
magazine a thin book published every week or month, that has shiny, colorful pages with articles and
rock to move (someone or something) back and forth or from side to side
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agent a person who does business for another person : a person who acts on behalf of another
traditional following the customs or ways of behaving that have continued in a group of people or society for
a long time cross to go from one side of (something) to the other : to go across (something)
sea the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface
weather the state of the air and atmosphere at a particular time and place
administration the work of organizing and arranging the operation of something, such as a company
shoot to cause a bullet, arrow, etc., to move forward with great force from a weapon
absolutely completely
glass a hard usually transparent material that is used for making windows and other products
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difficulty the quality of something that makes it hard to do : the difficult nature of something
generation people born and living during about the same time
committee a group of people who are chosen to make decisions about something
unless used to say what will happen, be done, or be true if something else does not happen, is not done, or
is not true
equipment the things that are used for a particular activity or purpose
telephone a system that uses wires and radio signals to send sounds (such as people's voices) over long
title the name given to something (such as a book, song, or movie) to identify or describe it
budget a plan of how you will spend your money; the amount of money you have for something
blood the red liquid that flows through the bodies of people and animals
scene a division of an act in a play during which the action takes place in a single place without a break in
chair a seat for one person that has a back and usually four legs
copy something that is or looks exactly or almost exactly like something else
negative not having enthusiasm or positive opinions about something; an amount less than zero
block a solid piece of material (such as rock or wood) that has flat sides and is usually square or rectangular
in shape payment the act of paying; the amount of money that is paid
collection the act or process of getting things from different places and bringing them together
hang to attach or place something so that it is held up without support from below
politics activities that relate to influencing the actions and policies of a government or getting and keeping
power in a government medical of or relating to the treatment of diseases and injuries
e-mail a system for sending messages electronically, especially from one computer to another using the
mix to combine (two or more things) to make one thing that is the same throughout
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leg one of the long body parts that are used especially for standing, walking, and running
admit to say usually in an unwilling way that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something)
radio the system or process that is used for sending and receiving signals through the air without using wires
appeal when a lot of people are asked to give money, information, or help; a request to change an official
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cry to produce tears from your eyes often while making loud sounds because of pain, sorrow, or other strong
pair two things that are the same and are meant to be used together
collect to get (things) from different places and bring them together
intend to plan or want to do (something) : to have (something) in your mind as a purpose or goal
sentence a group of words that expresses a statement, question, command, or wish. Usually containing a
subject and verb. farm land that is used for growing crops or raising animals
expression the act of making your thoughts, feelings, etc., known by speech, writing, or some other
method : the act of expressing something dinner the main meal of the day
print to cause (words, images, etc.) to appear on paper or cloth by using a machine
trust belief that someone or something is reliable, good, honest, effective, etc.
ship a large boat used for traveling long distances over the sea
attitude the way you act, think and feel about something
truth the real facts about something : the things that are true
launch to send a spacecraft or missile into the sky, or a ship into the water; to start to sell a new product
wave an area of moving water that is raised above the main surface of an ocean, a lake, etc.
crime an illegal act for which someone can be punished by the government
horse a large animal that is used for riding and for carrying and pulling things
advertise to make the public aware of something (such as a product) that is being sold
chief the person who is the leader of a group of people, of an organization, etc.
slightly a little
double made of two parts that are similar or exactly the same
extent the range, distance, or space that is covered or affected by something or included in something
labor work, especially the type of work that needs a lot of physical effort; workers
library a place where books, magazines, and other materials (such as videos and musical recordings) are
available for people to use or borrow respond to say or write to answer the question
partner someone's husband or wife or the person someone has sexual relations with
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pain the physical feeling caused by disease, injury, or something that hurts the body
taxi a car that carries passengers to a place for an amount of money that is based on the distance traveled
suit a set of clothes that usually consists of a jacket and a skirt or pair of pants that are made out of the same
material spot a small area of a surface that is different from other areas
regular happening over and over again at the same time or in the same way
speaker the part of a radio, CD player, etc. which the sound comes out of; a person who is speaking
shake to move sometimes violently back and forth or up and down with short, quick movements
suggestion an idea about what someone should do or how someone should behave
north the direction that is to your left when you are facing the rising sun
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river a large natural flow of water that crosses an area of land that goes into the ocean
football a game in which two teams of players try to kick, run with, or throw an oval ball across each other's
goal line; a ball used to play football heat energy that causes things to become warmer
reform when changes are made to improve a system, organization, or law, or a change that is made
corner the point or area where two lines, edges, or sides of something meet
audience a group of people who gather together to listen to something (such as a concert) or watch
something (such as a movie or play) struggle to try very hard to do, achieve, or deal with something that is
difficult or that causes problems
roll to move across the ground or another surface by turning over and over
camp a place that is usually far away from cities and that has tents, small houses, etc., that people can live in
for a short period of time feed to give food to someone or something
investor someone who puts money in a bank, business, etc. in order to make a profit
fully completely
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senior having a higher level job or position than someone else; older
expense the amount of money that is needed to pay for or buy something
cook someone who prepares and cooks food for eating at home, in a restaurant, etc.
map a picture or chart that shows the rivers, mountains, streets, etc., in a particular area
contribution something that you do or give to help produce or develop something, or to help make
something successful
weapon something (such as a gun, knife, club, or bomb) that is used for fighting or attacking someone or for
defending yourself when someone is attacking you ball a usually round object that is used in a game or sport
or as a toy
tool something (such as a hammer, saw, shovel, etc.) that you hold in your hand and use for a particular task
mouth the opening through which food passes into the body
gas a substance (such as oxygen or hydrogen) that is like air and has no fixed shape
commercial related to or used in the buying and selling of goods and services
pop to make a short sound like a small explosion, or to make something do this by breaking it (like a balloon)
cancer a serious disease that is caused when cells in the body grow in a way that is uncontrolled and not
brain the organ of the body in the head that controls functions, movements, sensations, and thoughts
reaction something you say, feel, or do because of something that has happened
refuse to say that you will not accept (something, such as a gift or offer)
bag a container made of thin material (such as paper, plastic, or cloth) that opens at the top and is used for
holding or carrying things traffic the cars, trucks, etc. using a road
length the distance from one end of something to the other end
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mountain an area of land that rises very high above the land around it and that is higher than a hill
unfortunately used to say that you wish something was not true or that something had not happened
ticket a piece of paper that allows you to see a show, participate in an event, travel on a vehicle, etc.
smoke the cloud of black, gray, or white gases and dust that is produced by burning something
fan a machine or device that is used to move the air and make people or things cooler
novel a book that tells a story about imaginary people and events
coach someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject
background Sounds or images that are not the main focus; a persons life experience up to now
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package a box or large envelope that is sent or delivered usually through the mail or by another delivery
investigation when officials try to discover all the facts about something, especially a crime or an accident
path a track that is made by people or animals walking over the ground
finger one of the five long parts of the hand that are used for holding things
insurance an agreement in which a person makes regular payments to a company and the company
promises to pay money if the person is injured or dies, or to pay money equal to the value of something (such
as a house or car) if it is damaged, lost, or stolen flower the part of a plant that is often brightly colored, that
usually lasts a short time, and from which the seed or fruit develops consideration something that you have
to think about when you make decisions or plans; the act of thinking about something carefully settle to end
(something, such as an argument) by reaching an agreement
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engineer a person who has scientific training and who designs and builds complicated products, machines,
systems, or structures component one of the parts that consists something
apparently used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not certain
tire to lose energy and begin to feel that you need to rest
breath the air that you take into your lungs and send out from your lungs when you breathe
nurse a person who is trained to care for sick or injured people and who usually works in a hospital or
doctor's office
hardly used to say that something was almost not possible or almost did not happen
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stone a hard substance that comes from the ground and is used for building, carving, etc.
tourist someone who visits a place for pleasure and does not live there
museum a building where you can look at important objects connected with art, history, or science
council a group of people who are chosen to make rules, laws, or decisions about something
jump to move your body upward from the ground and often forward, backward, or sideways through the air
by pushing with your legs healthy physically strong and well; good for your health
fresh newly produced, made, gathered, etc. : not preserved by being frozen, canned, etc.
studio a room where an artist or photographer works; a place where TV, radio, or movies are made or
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winter the coldest season of the year that is after autumn and before spring
sun the star that the Earth moves around and that gives the Earth heat and light
coffee a dark brown drink made from ground coffee beans and boiled water
editor someone whose job is to prepare text, film, etc. by deciding what to include and making mistakes
scientist a person who is trained in a science and whose job involves doing scientific research or solving
scientific problems monitor to observe, watch or check something
tear a drop of liquid that comes from your eyes especially when you cry
minister an official who heads a government department or a major section of a department in some
comfortable Comfortable furniture, clothes, rooms, etc. make you feel relaxed and do not cause any pain
assessment to make a judgment about the quality, size, value, etc. of something
violence the use of physical force to harm someone, to damage property, etc.
hurt to cause pain or injury to (yourself, someone else, or a part of your body)
accident a sudden event (such as a crash) that is not planned or intended and that causes damage or injury
characteristic a typical or obvious quality that makes one person or thing different from others
carefully giving a lot of attention to what you are doing so that you do not have an accident, make a mistake,
or damage something camera a device that is used for taking photographs or for making movies, television
programs, etc.
climb to move or go up (something) using your feet and often your hands
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lawyer a person whose job is to guide and assist people in matters relating to the law
pack to put (something) into a bag, suitcase, etc., so that you can take it with you
kiss to touch (someone) with your lips as a greeting or as a way of showing love or sexual attraction
protein food such as meat, cheese, fish, or eggs that is necessary for the body to grow and be strong
rat an animal that looks like a large mouse and has a long tail
literature written works (such as poems, plays, and novels) that are considered to be very good and to have
lasting importance mainly mostly or to a large degree
stare to look at someone or something for a long time and not move your eyes
totally completely
freedom the state of being free: such as a : the power to do what you want to do : the ability to move or act
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commitment a promise or firm decision to do something; something that you must do that takes your time
description a statement that tells you how something or someone looks, sounds, etc. : words that describe
something or someone capacity ability to hold, involve or contain people or things
skin the natural outer layer of tissue that covers the body of a person or animal
taste the sweet, sour, bitter, or salty quality of a thing that you can sense when it is in your mouth
belong used to say that someone or something should be in a particular place or situation
normally usually
comparison the act of looking at things to see how they are similar or different
till until
belief a feeling of being sure that someone or something exists or that something is true
dangerous If someone or something is dangerous, they could harm you; not safe
signal an event or act which shows that something exists or that gives information about something
fashion a popular way of dressing during a particular time or among a particular group of people
interaction the activity of talking and doing things with other people, or the way you do this
gold a soft yellow metal that is very valuable and that is used especially in jewelry
square a four-sided shape that is made up of four straight sides that are the same length
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shoe an outer covering for your foot that usually has a stiff bottom part called a sole with a thicker part called
a heel attached to it and an upper part that covers part or all of the top of your foot label an attached piece
of paper used to identify something
prison a building where people are kept as punishment for a crime or while they are waiting to go to court
wood the hard substance that makes up the stems and branches of trees and shrubs
ad an advertisement
advertisement a picture, short film, song, etc. which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service:
cup a small round container that often has a handle and that is used for drinking liquids (such as tea and
suspect to think that (someone) is possibly guilty of a crime or of doing something wrong
citizen a person who legally belongs to a country and has the rights and protection of that country
arrest to use the power of the law to take and keep (someone, such as a criminal)
largely mainly
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desk a piece of furniture that is like a table and often has drawers ?People often sit at desks when they are
writing or using a computer. remind to make (someone) think about something again : to cause (someone) to
remember something
loan an amount of money that is given to someone for a period of time with a promise that it will be paid
explore to look at (something) in a careful way to learn more about it; to study or analyze (something)
tea a drink that is made by soaking the dried leaves of an Asian plant in hot water
recommendation a piece of advice about what to do in a particular situation; a suggestion about something
that is good in a certain situation complain to say or write that you are unhappy, sick, uncomfortable, etc., or
that you do not like something
poll when people are asked questions to discover what they think about a subject; a survey
hi hello
escape to get away from a place (such as a prison) where you are being held or kept
fairly more than average, but less than very; something done in a fair way
import to bring something into your country from another country for people to buy
dad father
debt an amount of money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.
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victim someone who has suffered the effects of violence, illness, or bad luck
mouse a very small animal that has a pointed nose and a long, thin tail
researcher a person who studies a subject in detail in order to discover new information about it
root the part of a plant that grows underground, gets water from the ground, and holds the plant in place
chain a series of usually metal links or rings that are connected to each other in a line and used for
supporting heavy things, for holding things together, for decoration, etc. forest a thick growth of trees and
bushes that covers a large area
confidence a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something
frame the basic structure and shape of the body of a person or animal
shot when a bullet is fired from a gun; a photograph; an attempt to score in sports by throwing or kicking a
identity who someone is; the things that make one person or group of people different from others
birth the time when a baby comes out from the body of its mother
threaten to say that you will harm someone or do something unpleasant or unwanted especially in order to
make someone do what you want hire to give work or a job to (someone) in exchange for wages or a salary
latter coming or happening near the end of a process, activity, series, life, etc.
typical having all the qualities you expect a particular person, object, place, etc. to have
judgment an opinion about someone or something that is decided after thinking carefully
concentration the ability to think carefully about something you are doing and nothing else
opposition actions or opinions that show that you disagree with or disapprove of someone or something
entirely completely
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narrow long and not wide : small from one side to the other side
graduate someone who has studied for and received a degree (= qualification) from a school, college, or
insist to say firmly that something is true, especially when other people do not believe you; to demand that
something be done bridge a structure built over something (such as a river) so that people or vehicles can
get across
plenty a large number or amount of something; a number or amount of something that is enough for a
particular purpose
reduction the act of making something smaller in size, amount, number, etc. : the act of reducing something
respectively in the same order as the people or things you have just talked about
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bottle a glass or plastic container that has a narrow neck and usually has no handle Bottles are usually used
to store liquid or tablets. unique something is unlike anything, being the only one
hell according to some religions, the place where bad people go when they die; a very unpleasant
lock a device that keeps something (such as a door, window, or box) from being opened and that is usually
opened by using a key prior existing or coming earlier in time
mechanism a piece of machinery : a mechanical part or group of parts having a particular function
explanation the details or reasons that someone gives to make something clear or easy to understand
succeed to do what you are trying to do : to achieve the correct or desired result
mail the system used for sending letters and packages from one person to another
folk people
engine a machine that changes energy (such as heat from burning fuel) into mechanical motion
disaster something that causes a lot of harm or damage; a very bad situation or result
sigh to breathe out slowly and noisily, often because you are annoyed or unhappy
routine the things you regularly do and how and when you do them
cake a sweet baked food made from a mixture of flour, sugar, and other ingredients (such as eggs and butter)
efficiency the ability to do something or produce something without wasting materials, time, or energy
membership the state of belonging to or being a part of a group or an organization : the state of being a
smooth having a flat, even surface : not rough : not having any bumps, ridges, or uneven parts
mirror a piece of glass with a shiny metallic material on one side which produces an image of anything that is
in front of it resort a place where many people go for a holiday
withdraw to take money out of a bank account; to move out of a position, competition, area, etc.
bid an attempt to achieve something; an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something
tune a series of musical notes that produce a pleasing sound when played or sung
van a vehicle that is used for carrying things but which is smaller than a truck
boot a strong shoe that covers your foot and part of your leg
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platform a raised surface for people to stand on, especially when they are speaking to a lot of people; the
area in a railway station where you get on and off the train whenever at any or every time that
apartment a set of rooms for someone to live in on one level of a building or house
independence when someone looks after themselves and does not need money, help, or permission from
other people
illustration a picture in a book, magazine, etc.; an example that explains or proves something
poem a piece of writing that usually has figurative language and that is written in separate lines that often
have a repeated rhythm and sometimes rhyme damn used to express anger
planet a large, round object in space that moves around the sun or another star
iron a heavy type of metal that is very common, occurs naturally in blood, and is used to make steel and in
many products gradually slowly over a period of time
approval when you think that something or someone is good or right; official permission
evaluation to consider or study something carefully and decide how good or bad it is
sponsor to give money to someone to support an activity, event, or organization, sometimes as a way to
advertise your company or product stupid not intelligent : having or showing a lack of ability to learn and
understand things
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log a long, heavy section of a tree that has fallen or been cut down
button a small, usually round piece of plastic, glass, metal, etc., that is sewn to a piece of clothing and is
pushed through a loop or hole to fasten one part of the clothing to another part extraordinary very
unusual : very different from what is normal or ordinary
hesitate to stop briefly before you do something especially because you are nervous or unsure about what to
creative good at thinking of new ideas or using imagination to create new and unusual things
vegetable a plant that you eat, for example potatoes, onions, beans, etc.
alcohol drinks such as wine and beer that can make you drunk
throat the tube inside the neck that leads to the stomach and lungs
ally someone who supports you, especially when other people are against you; a country that has agreed to
help another country, especially in a war ethnic connected with people who shares a cultural tradition
sugar a sweet substance usually in the form of white or brown crystals or white powder that comes from
plants and is used to make foods sweeter brilliant very good; extremely clever; full of light or color
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liability when you are legally responsible for something; a debt; a disadvantage
seal an animal with smooth fur that eats fish and lives near the sea
flood a large amount of water covering an area of land that is usually dry
compensation money that you pay to someone because you are responsible for injuring them or damaging
something; money paid for work segment one of the parts that something can be divided into
desert an area of very dry land that is usually covered with sand and is very hot
operator a person who uses and controls something (such as a machine, device, or business): someone who
operates something tower a tall, narrow building or structure that may stand apart from or be attached to
another building or structure
newly recently
bath the act of washing the body usually by sitting or lying in a container filled with water
confident having a feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something : having
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regularly often; at the same time each day, week, month, etc.
burden something difficult or unpleasant that you have to deal with or worry about
alarm a loud noise that warns you of danger or is used to wake you
preference a feeling of liking or wanting one person or thing more than another person or thing
discovery the act of finding or learning something for the first time
skirt a piece of clothing worn by women and girls that hangs from the waist down
cigarette a thin tube of paper filled with tobacco, that people smoke
bowl a round container that has tall, curving sides and that is used for preparing or serving foods and liquids
jury a group of people in a court of law who decide if someone is guilty or not
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virus an infectious organism too small to be seen that causes disease, or an illness that it causes; a harmful
computer program anxiety fear or nervousness about what might happen
harm physical or mental damage or injury : something that causes someone or something to be hurt, broken,
made less valuable or successful, etc. survival when someone or something continues to live or exist,
especially after a difficult or dangerous situation
specialize to spend most of your time studying one particular subject or doing one type of business
moderate average in size or amount; neither too much nor too little
limitation when something is controlled so that it is less than a particular amount or number
angle the difference between the direction of two lines or surfaces that come together: the space or shape
formed when two lines or surfaces meet each other comprehensive including most or all things
rival a person or thing that tries to defeat or be more successful than another
tourism the business of providing services for tourists, including organizing their travel, hotels, entertainment,
chest the front part of the body between the neck and the stomach
recovery when a system or situation or person returns to the way it was before something bad happened
gesture a movement you make with your hand, arm, or head to express what you are thinking or feeling
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charm a quality that causes someone or something to be very likable : an attractive quality
slave someone who is legally owned by another person and is forced to work for that person without pay
deficit the amount by which the money that you spend is more than the money that you receive
architecture the design and style of buildings; the profession of designing buildings
opponent someone who you compete against in a game or competition; someone who disagrees with an
idea or action
evolution the way in which living things gradually change and develop over millions of years; a gradual
process of change and development versus used to say that one team or person is competing against
another; used to compare two things or ideas
lend to give (something) to (someone) to be used for a period of time and then returned
custom an action or way of behaving that is usual and traditional among the people in a particular group or
cough to force air through your throat with a short, loud noise often because you are sick
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surgery when a doctor cuts your body open and repairs or removes something
tube a long, hollow object that is used especially to control the flow of a liquid or gas
province one of the large areas which some countries are divided into because of the type of government
they have
twin one of two children who are born to the same mother at the same time
chicken a bird that is raised by people for its eggs and meat
scholar someone who has studied a subject and knows a lot about it
mess Someone or something that is a mess, or is in a mess, is dirty or untidy; a confused or difficult situation
precisely exactly
therapy the work of treating mental or physical illness without using an operation
wealthy rich
tissue the material that animals and plants are made of; a soft piece of paper that you use for cleaning your
stroke a serious illness caused when a blood vessel in your brain suddenly breaks or is blocked
sand the very tiny, loose pieces of rock that cover beaches, deserts, etc.
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promotion when someone is given a more important job in the same organization; an advertising campaign
or sale
charity an official organization that gives money, food, or help to people who need it; money, food, or other
tendency something that someone often does, or something that often happens
barrier something that prevents people from doing what they want to do
cream a very thick liquid or soft substance that is rubbed into the skin to make it softer or is used as a
medicine for the skin rid to no longer have or be affected or bothered by (someone or something that is
unwanted or annoying)
brush a tool with many stiff hairs, fibers, etc., that is used for cleaning, smoothing, or painting something
publisher a company or person who prepares and prints books, newspapers, magazines, etc.
consequently as a result
democratic following or supporting the political system of democracy; where everyone has equal rights and
can help to make decisions abortion a medical operation to end a pregnancy when the baby is still too small
to live
govern to officially control and lead, conduct the policy, make decisions
whilst during the same time; used to compare two different facts or situations
privilege an advantage that only one person or group has, usually because of their position or because they
are rich
cap a small, soft hat that often has a hard curved part (called a visor) that extends out over your eyes
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regret to feel sad or sorry about (something that you did or did not do) : to have regrets about (something)
impressive Someone or something that is impressive makes you admire and respect them
ruin to damage (something) so badly that it is no longer useful, valuable, enjoyable, etc.: to spoil or destroy
(something) density the number of people or things in a place when compared with the size of the place; the
relationship between the weight of a substance and its size resist to fight against (something) : to try to stop
or prevent (something)
coal a black or brownish-black hard substance within the earth that is used as a fuel
institutional relating to a large and important organization, such as a government, university or bank
dust fine dry powder that builds up inside buildings on surfaces that have not recently been cleaned
cancel to say that an organized event will not now happen; to stop an order for goods or services
functional designed to be practical or useful and not only attractive; operating correctly
passion a strong belief in something or a strong feeling about a subject; sexual feelings
module a part of an object that can operate alone, especially a part of a spacecraft; part of a course or a
rail a bar that goes from one post or support to another and that is used to form a barrier
salt a natural white substance that is used especially to flavor or preserve food
bin a container that is used to put waste in; a container for storing things
violent using or involving the use of physical force to cause harm or damage to someone or something
aggressive behaving in an angry and violent way towards others; using forceful methods in order to achieve
sake the benefit of someone or something — used in phrases with for to say that something is done to help
a particular person or thing opera a musical play in which most of the words are sung
embrace to hold, or hug, someone; to accept new ideas, beliefs, etc. in an enthusiastic way
march to walk with regular steps as a group : to walk in the regular and organized way of soldiers
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allege to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but not prove it
grammar the set of rules that explain how words are used in a language
permission the right or ability to do something that is given by someone who has the power to decide if it
will be allowed or permitted regulate to set or adjust the amount, restrict something
compromise when you agree to something which is not exactly what you want
diversity when many different types of things or people are included in something
gallery a room or building that is used for showing paintings and other art to the public
castle a large building usually with high, thick walls and towers that was built in the past to protect against
tackle to try to deal with a problem; in sports, to try to take the ball from someone or knock them down
golf a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of holes using a long, thin stick
boost something that makes you feel more confident and happy, or that helps something increase or improve
pig an animal that has a fat body with short legs, a small tail, and a wide nose and that is raised on a farm or
lives in the wild roughly approximately
announcement something that someone says officially, giving information about something
biological relating to the study of living things such as plants and animals
praise to say or write good things about (someone or something) : to express approval of (someone or
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fulfill to do something that you have promised to do or that you are expected to do
complexity involving a lot of different but connected parts in a way that is difficult to understand
weakness when someone or something is not strong or powerful; a part of something or someone that is
not good
noun a word that is the name of something (such as a person, animal, place, thing, quality, idea, or action)
and is typically used in a sentence as subject or object of a verb or as object of a preposition civilian
someone who is not a member of a military organization or the police
tail the part of an animal's body that extends from the animal's back end
weigh to find how heavy (someone or something) is : to measure the weight of
potentially possibly
gently in a kind and careful way as not to hurt or upset anyone or anything
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server a computer that is used only for storing and managing programs and information used by other
guitar a musical instrument with strings that you play by pulling the strings with your fingers or a piece of
pump a device that forces liquid, air, or gas into or out of something
veteran someone who has been in the military; someone who has done a job or activity for a long time
championship a competition to find the best team or player in a particular game or sport
stake If something is at stake, it is in a situation where it might be lost or damaged; an amount of money
invested in a business gear a set of parts in a vehicle or bicycle that control how fast the wheels turn; the
clothes and equipment used for a particular purpose joy a feeling of great happiness
strengthen to make (someone or something) stronger, more forceful, more effective, etc.
orange a citrus fruit that is round and that has an orange skin
carbon a chemical element present in all animals and plants and in coal and oil (symbol C)
servant a person who is hired to do household or personal duties such as cleaning and cooking
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ski one of a pair of long, thin pieces of wood or plastic that you wear on the bottom of boots to move over
stimulate to make something happen or develop more; to make someone feel interested and excited
adjustment a slight change that you make to something so that it works better, fits better, or is more suitable
printer a machine which is connected to a computer and which produces writing or images on paper
moon the large round object that circles the Earth and that shines at night by reflecting light from the sun
boom a period when there is a big increase in sales or profits; a loud, deep sound
scan to examine something with a machine; to use a machine that copies a document into a computer
shell the hard outer covering of an animal, insect, etc., that protects it
pride a feeling that you respect yourself and deserve to be respected by other people
bunch a group of things of the same kind that are held or tied together or that grow together
pipe a long, hollow tube for carrying water, steam, gas, etc.
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hopefully used, often at the start of a sentence, to express what you would like to happen
stomach the organ in your body where food goes and begins to be digested after you swallow it
destruction the act or process of damaging something so badly that it no longer exists or cannot be repaired
craft an activity in which you make something using a lot of skill, especially with your hands; a boat, airplane,
or spaceship intense very strong, great or extreme in degree
magic special powers that can make things happen that seem impossible
menu a list of food and drinks that you can order in a restaurant; a list of choices on a computer or electronic
greet to meet (someone who has just arrived) with usually friendly and polite words and actions : welcome
concrete a hard substance that is used in building and is made by mixing sand, water, small stones, and
flag a piece of cloth with a special design that is used as a symbol of a nation or group
cow a large animal that is raised by people for milk or meat usually on a farm
knife a usually sharp blade attached to a handle that is used for cutting or as a weapon
wise having or showing wisdom or knowledge usually from learning or experiencing many things
motivation enthusiasm for doing something; the need or reason for doing something
attachment a feeling strong connection to someone or something; a computer file which is sent together
with an email message pray to hope or wish very much for something to happen
catalog a book with a list of all the goods that you can buy from a shop, or of all the books, paintings, etc.
that you can find in a place organic not using artificial chemicals when keeping animals or growing plants for
uncle the brother of your father or mother or the husband of your aunt
coin a small, flat, and usually round piece of metal issued by a government as money
athlete someone who is very good at a sport and who competes with others in organized events
harbor a part of the ocean, a lake, etc., that is next to land and that is protected and deep enough to provide
safety for ships darkness when there is little or no light
stir to mix (something) by making circular movements in it with a spoon or similar object
filter to pass a liquid or gas through a piece of equipment in order to remove solid pieces or other
shelf a flat board which is attached to a wall, frame, etc., and on which objects can be placed
tongue the soft, movable part in the mouth that is used for tasting and eating food and in human beings for
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transportation a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, etc. for getting from one place to
tender very loving and gentle : showing affection and love for someone or something
piano a large wooden musical instrument with strings inside and black and white bars that produce sounds
when you press them envelope an enclosing cover for a letter, card, etc.
belt a band of material (such as leather) that is worn around a person's waist
storage when you put things in a safe place until they are needed
ocean the salt water that covers much of the Earth's surface
fiction literature and stories about imaginary people or events; not real
lover If two people are lovers, they have a sexual relationship but they are not married
hint when you say something that suggests what you think or want, but not in a direct way; a clue
fool a person who lacks good sense or judgment : a stupid or silly person
shade an area of slight darkness that is produced when something blocks the light of the sun
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potato a round vegetable with a brown, yellow, or red skin that grows in the ground
nerve one of the threads in your body which carry messages between your brain and other parts of the body
leather animal skin that is chemically treated to preserve it and that is used in making clothes, shoes,
furniture, etc. qualification a special skill or type of experience or knowledge that makes someone suitable to
do a particular job or activity exhaust to finish all of the supply of something; to make someone very tired
wander to move around or go to different places usually without having a particular purpose or direction
bell a hollow usually cup-shaped metal object that makes a ringing sound when it is hit
grain the seeds of plants (such as wheat, corn, and rice) that are used for food
universe all of space and everything in it including stars, planets, galaxies, etc.
empire a group of countries or regions that are controlled by one ruler or one government
fence a structure like a wall built outdoors usually of wood or metal that separates two areas or prevents
people or animals from entering or leaving luxury something expensive that you enjoy but do not need
bite to press down on or cut into (someone or something) with the teeth
confusion a situation in which people are uncertain about what to do or are unable to understand something
curtain a piece of cloth that hangs down from above a window and can be used to cover the window
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tent a portable shelter that is used outdoors, is made of cloth (such as canvas or nylon), and is held up with
poles and ropes stamp a small piece of paper that you buy and then stick to an envelope or package to pay
the cost of mailing it
shore the land along the edge of an area of water (such as an ocean, lake, etc.)
genuine If a person or their feelings are genuine, they are sincere and honest; real
panic a sudden, strong feeling of worry or fear that makes you unable to think or behave calmly
sheep an animal with a thick woolly coat that is often raised for meat or for its wool and skin
mayor the person who is elected to be the leader of the group that governs a town or city
wherever in what place; where - used in questions that express surprise or confusion
refugee someone who has been forced to leave their country, especially because of a war
rice small white or brown grains that come from a southeast Asian plant and that are used for food
aunt the sister of your father or mother or the wife of your uncle
slice a flat piece of something that has been cut from a larger piece
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thirst an uncomfortable feeling that is caused by the need for something to drink
happening after something else happened
{{c1::afterward}} afterward
in or through a group
{{c1::amongst}} amongst
Being able to paint, write music, etc.
{{c1::artistic}} artistic
toward what is behind you
{{c1::backward}} backward
physically, as when lifting someone
{{c1::bodily}} bodily
a company, usually an airline, that carries things
{{c1::carrier}} carrier
formed by working together as a group
{{c1::collective}} collective
the act of calculating
method of computing
{{c1::computation}} computation
continued existence
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Not likely to change
clearly decided
{{c1::definite}} definite
(living, existing) without being controlled
{{c1::freely}} freely
making a statement about a group from limited data
{{c1::generalization}} generalization
To apply a particular idea to a large group
{{c1::generalize}} generalize
good food value
{{c1::goodness}} goodness
throughout history
{{c1::historically}} historically
in an important way
{{c1::importantly}} importantly
you'll find this surprising
in an interesting way
{{c1::interestingly}} interestingly
Concerning the area around where you are
{{c1::locally}} locally
machines in general
{{c1::machinery}} machinery
something that is easy to recognize or identify
{{c1::marker}} marker
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Having importance
showing someone's intention
{{c1::meaningful}} meaningful
that is to say, specifically
{{c1::namely}} namely
The spirit of love of your country, e.g. leading to war
{{c1::nationalism}} nationalism
Not messy
clean and orderly
simple and effective
{{c1::neat}} neat
in a pleasing way
in a polite way
{{c1::nicely}} nicely
full of noise
{{c1::noisy}} noisy
on or around something
{{c1::outer}} outer
causing or feeling physical pain or hurt
{{c1::painful}} painful
to excuse
{{c1::pardon}} pardon
concerning, or provided by, a parent
{{c1::parental}} parental
not complete
being only part of something
{{c1::partial}} partial
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in part
in some degree
not wholly
{{c1::partially}} partially
concerning the art of making images with cameras
{{c1::photographic}} photographic
notebook for recording appointments or things to do
{{c1::planner}} planner
being difficult to deal with or fix
{{c1::problematic}} problematic
in a quick and easy manner
{{c1::readily}} readily
accepting things as they are, not as you want
{{c1::realism}} realism
looks or appears real
like things really are
{{c1::realistic}} realistic
to write again to improve, or correct errors
{{c1::rewrite}} rewrite
someone who has control over a country or area
{{c1::ruler}} ruler
characterized and distinguished by sex
{{c1::sexuality}} sexuality
to make something easier to do, use or understand
{{c1::simplify}} simplify
at an unknown time in the future
{{c1::sometime}} sometime
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the specific area of your field
{{c1::specialty}} specialty
a small set which is part of a larger set
{{c1::subset}} subset
as some people believe (shows you doubt it)
{{c1::supposedly}} supposedly
done in a thorough, logical or planned way
{{c1::systematic}} systematic
to an extreme degree
{{c1::terribly}} terribly
the distance between the opposite edges of a thing
{{c1::thickness}} thickness
below or beneath something
{{c1::underneath}} underneath
being without a job
{{c1::unemployed}} unemployed
whatever one
{{c1::whichever}} whichever
whatever person
any person at all
{{c1::whoever}} whoever
a way of speaking that shows your dialect or class
{{c1::accent}} accent
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doing things to achieve a specific goal
{{c1::actively}} actively
changing to a new form
thing that is changed
{{c1::adaptation}} adaptation
able to adjust to new conditions
{{c1::adaptive}} adaptive
hard round red or green fruit with a white center
{{c1::apple}} apple
people in positions of power, able to decide things
{{c1::authority}} authority
being present and able to be used
{{c1::availability}} availability
to strike something loudly or forcefully
{{c1::bang}} bang
object used for hitting a ball in various games
{{c1::bat}} bat
being empty
not filled out
with no writing on it
{{c1::blank}} blank
to lose blood because of an injury
{{c1::bleed}} bleed
to go to a specified place
to jump
{{c1::bound}} bound
in a general (not detailed) manner
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{{c1::broadly}} broadly
open container with a handle used to carry liquids
{{c1::bucket}} bucket
process or result of using mathematics
{{c1::calculation}} calculation
a small electronic device used for calculation
{{c1::calculator}} calculator
the way someone or something is described
{{c1::characterization}} characterization
To act in dishonest manner to gain an advantage
{{c1::cheat}} cheat
a toast used when raising your glass to drink
{{c1::cheers}} cheers
Showing intelligence
quick to understand or learn
{{c1::clever}} clever
a metal holder used for keeping things together
{{c1::clip}} clip
a piece of information that helps explain a situation or provide a solution to a problem
{{c1::clue}} clue
explanation or discussion of a written work/event
{{c1::commentary}} commentary
typically, normally
not unusually
{{c1::commonly}} commonly
being similar in some way
{{c1::comparable}} comparable
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action making something harder to do something
{{c1::complication}} complication
depending (on)
{{c1::conditional}} conditional
a device that joins things together
{{c1::connector}} connector
aware of what is going on around you
not knocked out
{{c1::conscious}} conscious
being awake
{{c1::consciousness}} consciousness
an object that can be used to hold things
{{c1::container}} container
a change to make something right
{{c1::correction}} correction
in an accurate or correct manner
{{c1::correctly}} correctly
a medicine or treatment that makes an ill person become healthy
{{c1::cure}} cure
the act of discovering something or solving a crime
{{c1::detection}} detection
concerning the development or growth
{{c1::developmental}} developmental
formal an order from an authority
{{c1::directive}} directive
a noise or something that stops you from continuing what you were doing
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{{c1::disturbance}} disturbance
in an efficient manner
without using too much effort
{{c1::economically}} economically
a person who studies economics
{{c1::economist}} economist
extremely, by a large amount
{{c1::enormously}} enormously
the idea that all people have the same rights
{{c1::equality}} equality
to rotate or turn something over
{{c1::flip}} flip
spirit of a dead person, appearing to the living
{{c1::ghost}} ghost
a fence made with small trees
avoid or try to avoid fulfilling
{{c1::hedge}} hedge
(card or paper) that proves who a person is
{{c1::identification}} identification
very hard to believe
{{c1::incredible}} incredible
extremely, hard to believe
{{c1::incredibly}} incredibly
an instrument that shows conditions in a machine, such as temperature, speed, pressure
in chemistry: a compound that changes color in the presence of an acid or a base
{{c1::indicator}} indicator adv
in a way involving only that person
{{c1::individually}} individually
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process of creating and developing many businesses
{{c1::industrialization}} industrialization
To make into something at an industrial level
{{c1::industrialize}} industrialize
situation where things are not equal/fair
{{c1::inequality}} inequality
having the power to cause change
having influence
{{c1::influential}} influential
not stable
{{c1::instability}} instability
great energy, strength, or concentration
{{c1::intensity}} intensity
needing great effort for a short period of time
{{c1::intensive}} intensive
to cause something to stop happening for a time
{{c1::interrupt}} interrupt
a person who asks questions to obtain information
{{c1::interviewer}} interviewer
someone lower in rank
{{c1::junior}} junior
a metric unit of length equal to 1000 meters
{{c1::kilometer}} kilometer
a place to do scientific experiments
{{c1::lab}} lab
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the chance that something might happen
{{c1::likelihood}} likelihood
a small hard part of something smooth, soft, or continuous
{{c1::lump}} lump
concerning numbers and equations
{{c1::mathematical}} mathematical
to study something so that you remember it
{{c1::memorize}} memorize
(prep) being less than zero in number
{{c1::minus}} minus
an animal related to humans, which lives in trees
{{c1::monkey}} monkey
very bad, unpleasant, or offensive
{{c1::nasty}} nasty
the home of a bird or spider
{{c1::nest}} nest
someone whose job it is to watch or notice things
{{c1::observer}} observer
specific instance of something happening
{{c1::occurrence}} occurrence
happening regularly, but not frequently
{{c1::periodic}} periodic
in a manner related to the body
{{c1::physically}} physically
an electrical connector
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in connection with government matters
{{c1::politically}} politically
definitely or certainly
{{c1::positively}} positively
to think that something is probably true
{{c1::presume}} presume
a machine or company that prepares something and makes it ready for use
{{c1::processor}} processor
doing a lot of work and achieving a lot
{{c1::productive}} productive
rate at which something is made or that people work
{{c1::productivity}} productivity
process of developing over time
{{c1::progression}} progression
believing in modern ideas about social change
{{c1::progressive}} progressive
an image on a screen
{{c1::projection}} projection
to make the sound of a word or letter with your voice
{{c1::pronounce}} pronounce
to make a quick hit with a closed hand
{{c1::punch}} punch
to make someone suffer for bad behavior
{{c1::punish}} punish
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the act of punishing someone
{{c1::punishment}} punishment
for no other reason
only and completely
{{c1::purely}} purely
words that a person has said or written in a play, book or movie
{{c1::quotation}} quotation
the lines of light coming from an object
{{c1::ray}} ray
easily reacting to
{{c1::reactive}} reactive
device to control nuclear energy as a power source
{{c1::reactor}} reactor
directions for making something
{{c1::recipe}} recipe
a quality that makes someone or something dependable and deserving of trust
{{c1::reliability}} reliability **n
the act of putting something new in the place of something that is old, broken or missing
{{c1::replacement}} ** replacement adj
not affected by something
{{c1::resistant}} resistant
something that deserves laughter, is foolish or funny
{{c1::ridiculous}} ridiculous
a thick string made by twisting many fibers together
{{c1::rope}} rope
to move something back and forth along a surface
{{c1::rub}} rub
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choosing through thoughtful comparison
{{c1::selective}} selective
not with another person or thing
{{c1::separately}} separately
a line that seperates
a point of parting
a gap
{{c1::separation}} separation
the degree to which people or things are the same
{{c1::similarity}} similarity
(n,) the state of being a slave
{{c1::slavery}} slavery
an animal with with a long thin body and no arms or legs
{{c1::snake}} snake
being with other people
{{c1::socially}} socially
a detailed description of the design and materials used to make something.
{{c1::specification}} specification verb
to make water or liquid fly in very small drops
{{c1::spray}} spray
to make something stable or consistent, with no major changes
{{c1::stabilize}} stabilize
to change something in order to make everything the same or make everything agree
{{c1::standardize}} standardize n
a long metal weapon with a sharp point and edge
{{c1::sword}} sword
short for 'technology' or 'technician'
{{c1::tech}} tech
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to make someone want something, even if it's bad
{{c1::tempt}} tempt
stretched tight and stiff
{{c1::tense}} tense
something done in a customary or traditional manner
{{c1::traditionally}} traditionally
difficult to do or deal with
something that needs skill
{{c1::tricky}} tricky
likely to move from its position or fall
{{c1::unstable}} unstable
(statistics) degree scores depart from the mean
{{c1::variability}} variability
(statistics) amount of difference in distributions
{{c1::variance}} variance
thing that differs from something of the same kind
{{c1::variant}} variant
knowledge gained from experience in life
{{c1::wisdom}} wisdom
to take in a liquid
soak up
{{c1::absorb}} absorb
process of being absorbed (e.g. liquid, attention)
{{c1::absorption}} absorption
to increase the speed or rate of something
{{c1::accelerate}} accelerate
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increase in the speed or rate of something
{{c1::acceleration}} acceleration
To gather or acquire so that you have more of it
{{c1::accumulate}} accumulate
The act of getting or becoming bigger or more over time
{{c1::accumulation}} accumulation
being exactly right
{{c1::accuracy}} accuracy
exactly and without any mistakes
{{c1::accurately}} accurately
sour substance that reacts with metals e.g. lemon
{{c1::acid}} acid
containing acid
{{c1::acidic}} acidic
the act of taking responsibility for an error or mistake
{{c1::admission}} admission
Teenager developing into an adult
{{c1::adolescent}} adolescent
to state, strengthen or support a belief you have
{{c1::affirm}} affirm
the science of farming
{{c1::agriculture}} agriculture
person or creature from a planet other than Earth
{{c1::alien}} alien
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A group of people or organizations being joined or associated
{{c1::alliance}} alliance
To distribute or set apart for a plan or purpose
{{c1::allocate}} allocate
The distribution of items set apart according to a plan or purpose
{{c1::allocation}} allocation
not exact but close
{{c1::approximate}} approximate
something that is similar, but not an exact copy
{{c1::approximation}} approximation
the study of ancient societies by looking at old tools, bones and buildings
{{c1::archaeology}} archaeology n
person who designs and advises on buildings
{{c1::architect}} architect
an element, feature, or quality of something
{{c1::aspect}} aspect
a group of machine parts forming a tool or machine
{{c1::assembly}} assembly
To state or declare your ideas positively strongly
{{c1::assert}} assert
A duty that you are give to do (especially in the armed forces)
{{c1::assignment}} assignment
fit and strong
physically capable
{{c1::athletic}} athletic
smallest bit that matter can be broken down into
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{{c1::atom}} atom
concerning atoms
{{c1::atomic}} atomic
to examine carefully for accuracy
{{c1::audit}} audit
the very small creatures that sometimes cause disease in humans and animals
{{c1::bacteria}} bacteria
concerning or caused by bacteria
{{c1::bacterial}} bacterial
something bought for a lower price than expected
{{c1::bargain}} bargain
a long piece of metal or wood
a line of light or energy
{{c1::beam}} beam
concerning the way people act
{{c1::behavioral}} behavioral
a person who is selected by others as a contestant for an office or honor
{{c1::candidate}} candidate
cows or bulls on a farm
{{c1::cattle}} cattle
to go round continuously
{{c1::circulate}} circulate
the movement of blood through the body
{{c1::circulation}} circulation
a highly developed society
{{c1::civilization}} civilization
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to state again so that a point is clearer
{{c1::clarify}} clarify
person paying for professional services
{{c1::client}} client
local medical center
department of a hospital
{{c1::clinic}} clinic
of a system where one country controls another
{{c1::colonial}} colonial
country or settlement controlled by another country
{{c1::colony}} colony
cooperative in giving information
{{c1::communicative}} communicative
believer in communism
{{c1::communist}} communist
to give (money) to as a form of correcting a loss
{{c1::compensate}} compensate
fully qualified or capable of doing
{{c1::competent}} competent
a music writer
{{c1::composer}} composer
to think of, or create, something new (e.g. idea, child)
{{c1::conceive}} conceive
an idea or notion
the first stage in pregnancy
{{c1::conception}} conception
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characterized by concepts or the forming of concepts
{{c1::conceptual}} conceptual
the transmission of heat, electricity or sound
{{c1::conduction}} conduction
a meeting or series of meetings for discussion and exchange of information
{{c1::conference}} conference
to keep something or someone within a limited area so it cannot escape
{{c1::confine}} confine
to agree or allow to do something
{{c1::consent}} consent
the management of land and water in ways that stop it from being damaged
{{c1::conservation}} conservation
to keep safe
{{c1::conserve}} conserve
a law determining the fundamental political principles of a government
{{c1::constitution}} constitution
To make someone do something by strong persuasion or force
{{c1::constrain}} constrain
a discussion between people to make a decision
{{c1::consultation}} consultation
how much is spent on things
the process of eating and drinking
{{c1::consumption}} consumption
one of the very large areas of land on Earth that are usually divided into several countries
{{c1::continent}} ** continent verb
to disagree, to say the opposite is true
{{c1::contradict}} contradict
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the act of saying that something is not true or very different
{{c1::contradiction}} contradiction
containing information, statements, or beliefs that do not agree with one another
{{c1::contradictory}} contradictory n
strong public disagreement about something
{{c1::controversy}} controversy
to bring order and organization to something
in maths: any of the magnitudes that serve to define the position of a point or line by reference to a
fixed figure or system of lines.
{{c1::coordinate}} coordinate n
organizing people or things to make them work together effectively
{{c1::coordination}} coordination
to show the relationship between two items or events.
{{c1::correlate}} correlate
a measure of the relationship between two variables
{{c1::correlation}} correlation
Communication by letters, emails or text messages
{{c1::correspondence}} correspondence
actions that are illegal or morally questionable, often performed by a person in a position of power
{ {c1::corruption}} corruption n
standard used to make judgments or decisions
{{c1::criteria}} criteria
in a way that is serious or dangerous
{{c1::critically}} critically
a solid formed by the solidification of a chemical
{{c1::crystal}} crystal
group of related courses in a school or college
{{c1::curriculum}} curriculum
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a series of regular and repeated actions
{{c1::cyclic}} cyclic
a little wet
{{c1::damp}} damp
in a careful, considered manner
{{c1::deliberately}} deliberately
person who shows how something works e.g. product
{{c1::demonstrator}} demonstrator
very thick and difficult to see/get through
{{c1::dense}} dense
to describe someone or something
{{c1::depict}} depict
something that has developed or been obtained from something else
{{c1::derivative}} derivative
to speak while another person (or computer) writes the words down
{{c1::dictate}} dictate
having parts that extent in a number of directions
{{c1::dimensional}} dimensional
a condition that limits a person's ability to do something
{{c1::disability}} disability
to release someone or something
{{c1::discharge}} discharge
talk, conversation
{{c1::discourse}} discourse
the ability to recognize the difference between things
treating different groups of people unfairly
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{ {c1::discrimination}} discrimination n
- in statistics: an arrangement of values showing frequency of occurrence - in engineering: the way in
which the fuel-air mixture is supplied to each cylinder of an engine - in commerce: delivery of
products or services.
{{c1::distribution}} distribution adj
very different from each other
{{c1::diverse}} diverse
{{c1::dominant}} dominant
{{c1::domination}} domination
an amount of medicine to be taken at any one time
{{c1::dose}} dose
a pipe that removes water, or other liquids
{{c1::drain}} drain
to move slowly
{{c1::drift}} drift
the degree of how well something works or is done
{{c1::effectiveness}} effectiveness
to be made or done with great care or with much detail
{{c1::elaborate}} elaborate
to make something higher
{{c1::elevate}} elevate
the height of a place
{{c1::elevation}} elevation
the act or process of removing or being removed
{{c1::elimination}} elimination
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important people of high status
{{c1::elite}} elite
the process of emerging/coming out
{{c1::emergence}} emergence
a substance (e.g. gas) released into the air
{{c1::emission}} emission
formal to release or send out (a gas, etc)
{{c1::emit}} emit
the act or process of making sure that rules are followed
{{c1::enforcement}} enforcement
basically, primarily
{{c1::essentially}} essentially
guess at the value of
{{c1::estimation}} estimation
plain, clear
{{c1::evident}} evident
concerning evolution
{{c1::evolutionary}} evolutionary
To kill someone, usually as an official punishment
{{c1::execute}} execute
killing a person as a (usually legal) punishment
{{c1::execution}} execution
clearly stated
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{{c1::explicit}} explicit
{{c1::explicitly}} explicitly
to use something or someone selfishly or unethically
{{c1::exploit}} exploit
{{c1::fabric}} fabric
To make an action or process easier
{{c1::facilitate}} facilitate
the teachers in a school or college
{{c1::faculty}} faculty
the state of a female being able to produce young
{{c1::fertility}} fertility
a thin, threadlike part of an animal hair or plant tissue
an artificial thread
body cells that form muscles and nerves
a food substance
{{c1::fiber}} fiber n
the soft parts of the body
{{c1::flesh}} flesh
the quality of being able to be bent or stretched
{{c1::flexibility}} flexibility
in a formal manner
{{c1::formally}} formally
the development of a plan, system, or proposal
{{c1::formulation}} formulation
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to be based on, started or created by
{{c1::founds}} founds
in a basic and important way
{{c1::fundamentally}} fundamentally
caused or controlled, or by genes
{{c1::genetically}} genetically
the scientific study of genes, how a living things develop between generations
{{c1::genetics}} genetics n
international spread of something, e.g. company
{{c1::globalization}} globalization
general term for things that are bought or sold
{{c1::goods}} goods
to grip something firmly with the hands
{{c1::grasp}} grasp
the force that makes things fall down towards the ground
{{c1::gravity}} gravity
total amount
extreme or unreasonable
{{c1::gross}} gross
the upper part of the leg
{{c1::hip}} hip
ideas or beliefs which form theory and policy
{{c1::ideology}} ideology
not affected by something, such as a disease
{{c1::immune}} immune
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a striking effect or result to hit with force
{{c1::impact}} impact
in a manner being free from the control of another
{{c1::independently}} independently
happening with complete certainty
{{c1::inevitably}} inevitably
to give someone a disease
{{c1::infect}} infect
capable of causing infection, by the spreading of a bacteria or virus to others
{{c1::infectious}} infectious verb
to start
{{c1::initiate}} initiate
a formal entry into an organization, position or office
{{c1::initiation}} initiation
to put medicine into someone with a syringe
{{c1::inject}} inject
a way to put (inject) a drug or another substance into your body
{{c1::injection}} injection
to put something in something
{{c1::insert}} insert
the natural way a person or animal thinks or behaves, knowledge that is not learned
{{c1::instinct}} instinct n
act of bringing things together into a whole
{{c1::integration}} integration
an action that is answered by a reaction, verbal or physical
{{c1::interact}} interact
to get involved in the business of others without invitation
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{{c1::interfere}} interfere
to get involved, to prevent trouble
{{c1::intervene}} intervene
an entry into a place for the purpose of taking control
{{c1::invasion}} invasion
not important, not related to the topic
{{c1::irrelevant}} irrelevant
a reason or fact that explains why something happens or exists
{{c1::justification}} justification
a junior teacher in university
{{c1::lecturer}} lecturer
old story generally believed, although not proven
{{c1::legend}} legend
being reasonable and sound
{{c1::legitimate}} legitimate
legally responsible for something
{{c1::liable}} liable
{{c1::logical}} logical
having the properties of a magnet, being able to attract.
{{c1::magnetic}} magnetic
to control something or someone
{{c1::manipulate}} manipulate
the act of controlling something or someone
{{c1::manipulation}} manipulation
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needing the use of physical strength or work
a book of information or instructions
{{c1::manual}} manual adj
very small
on the edge
not important
{{c1::marginal}} marginal
a person who looks after machinery
{{c1::mechanic}} mechanic
using or having to do with machines
{{c1::mechanical}} mechanical
means of communication (tv, newspapers, internet)
{{c1::media}} media
to cause two or more things to become combined into one
{{c1::merge}} merge
system of practices or techniques to show how to do tasks
{{c1::methodology}} methodology
to move from place to another to live or work
{{c1::migrate}} migrate
the process by which people or animals move to another place
{{c1::migration}} migration
a weapon, usually thrown, shot or launched
{{c1::missile}} missile
the ability to move
{{c1::mobility}} mobility
a small change to a machine, system, or plan
{{c1::modification}} modification
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about or caused by molecules
{{c1::molecular}} molecular
two or more atoms chemically combined
{{c1::molecule}} molecule
beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong
{{c1::morality}} morality
the quality or state of being human and being able to die
{{c1::mortality}} mortality
a reason for doing something
{{c1::motive}} motive
a popular belief that is false or unsupported by fact
{{c1::myth}} myth
not wearing any clothes
without covering
{{c1::naked}} naked
not involved
without strong feeling
without electrical charge
not acidic or akaline
{ {c1::neutral}} neutral n
reason for not supporting or agreeing with a plan
{{c1::objection}} objection
To be given or to earn something through efforts
{{c1::obtain}} obtain
a career or regular job
{{c1::occupation}} occupation
by mouth
{{c1::oral}} oral
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large wind instrument similar to a piano
{{c1::organ}} organ
the ability to locate oneself in your environment with reference to time, place, and people
{{c1::orientation} } orientation n
a person of low social status, usually who works on a farm
{{c1::peasant}} peasant
a person who studies ideas about things such as the meaning of life and truth
{{c1::philosopher}} philosopher adj
concerning philosophy
{{c1::philosophical}} philosophical
a dry substance made up of very small pieces
{{c1::powder}} powder
a person working in a profession, such as medicine
{{c1::practitioner}} practitioner
to go before
{{c1::precede}} precede
a statement of what will happen next.
{{c1::prediction}} prediction
a system or piece of equipment that is used to get information
in medicine: a long thin instrument used for looking inside your body
{{c1::probe}} probe adj
showing a lot of deep knowledge or thought
{{c1::profound}} profound
being important or well known
{{c1::prominent}} prominent
concerning or used in psychiatry
{{c1::psychiatric}} psychiatric
an expert who studies the mind and behavior
{{c1::psychologist}} psychologist
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the study of the mind and how it affects behaviour
{{c1::psychology}} psychology
to prepare a book, journal, magazine and make it available
{{c1::publish}} publish
a problem that requires thought and skill to be solved
{{c1::puzzle}} puzzle
the describing or measuring of quantity.
{{c1::quantitative}} quantitative
energy that is radiated or transmitted in the form of rays, waves or particles.
{{c1::radiation}} radiation verb
to arrange in a random order
{{c1::randomize}} randomize
with no pattern or clear purpose
by chance
{{c1::randomly}} randomly
based on facts
{{c1::rational}} rational
being able to think clearly
{{c1::rationality}} rationality
to rebuild something after it has been destroyed
{{c1::reconstruct}} reconstruct
a system of management
a form of government
{{c1::regime}} regime
to strengthen
{{c1::reinforce}} reinforce
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the act of refusing to consider or believe something
{{c1::rejection}} rejection
to cause someone or something to behave in a particular way, or to enter into a particular condition
{ {c1::render}} render verb
to make a copy of something
{{c1::reproduce}} reproduce
the process that produces the next generation
{{c1::reproduction}} reproduction
a country governed by elected representatives
{{c1::republic}} republic
to be similar to someone or something in looks or manner
{{c1::resemble}} resemble
a significant change in something
{{c1::revolutionary}} revolutionary
a pattern of sound and beats in music
{{c1::rhythm}} rhythm
performed as part of a formal ceremony
{{c1::ritual}} ritual
to make things separate and go in different directions
{{c1::scatter}} scatter
having the ability to judge something reasonably
{{c1::sensible}} sensible
being sensitive
in physiology: the ability of an organism or part of an organism to react to stimuli
in electronics: the ability of a radio device to react to incoming signals
{{c1::sensitivity}} sensitivity adv
{{c1::shortly}} shortly
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at the same time as
{{c1::simultaneously}} simultaneously
a bad act
to do something bad
{{c1::sin}} sin
to make more complex or refined
{{c1::sophisticate}} sophisticate
money given to a student to pay for education
{{c1::sponsorship}} sponsorship
about statistics
{{c1::statistical}} statistical
with respect to statistics
{{c1::statistically}} statistically
a type of mathematics that provide specific information or prove something
{{c1::statistics}} statistics adj
concerned with strategy
well thought out
{{c1::strategic}} strategic
restricted to something
{{c1::strictly}} strictly
a person or thing acting or serving in place of another
to put (a person or thing) in the place of another.
to a degree great enough to do something
{{c1::sufficiently}} sufficiently
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the act of purposely killing yourself because you no longer wish to live
{{c1::suicide}} suicide
higher quality
{{c1::superior}} superior
capable of continuing for a long time at the same level
does not damage the environment
{ {c1::sustainable}} sustainable verb
to become larger than normal, often because of injury
{{c1::swell}} swell
representing a larger quality
{{c1::symbolic}} symbolic
in an exact and particular manner
{{c1::technically}} technically
a person who forms new ideas
{{c1::theorist}} theorist
by that means
because of that
{{c1::thereby}} thereby
a unit of weight equal to 907 kilograms
{{c1::ton}} ton
an exchange
in business this usually involves money
{{c1::transaction}} transaction
a complete change in shape or form of something
{{c1::transformation}} transformation
changing from one form to another. e.g. changing from one language to another
{{c1::translation}} translation n
an electronic signal that has been sent by radio waves
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an agreement between nations
{{c1::treaty}} treaty
having great size, excellence, or power
{{c1::tremendous}} tremendous
a racial group united by language, religion and customs
{{c1::tribe}} tribe
happening or coming at the end of process, final
{{c1::ultimate}} ultimate
being in full agreement
being joined together
{{c1::unity}} unity
being useful
a public service such as gas, water, or electricity that is used by everyone
{{c1::utility}} ** utility adj
not clearly stated
{{c1::vague}} vague
{{c1::valid}} valid
how true something is
in statistics: the ability of a test to measure what it is intended to measure.
{ {c1::validity}} validity n
a good quality
{{c1::virtue}} virtue
to make something by crossing threads over and under each other
{{c1::weave}} weave
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To make something start working
{{c1::activate}} activate
very serious or severe
{{c1::acute}} acute
being close or near to a border, wall, or point
{{c1::adjacent}} adjacent
negative or harmful
{{c1::adverse}} adverse
concerning the sense of artistic beauty
{{c1::aesthetic}} aesthetic
very light silvery-white metal used to make cans
{{c1::aluminum}} aluminum
a person from your family that lived in the past
{{c1::ancestor}} ancestor
the study of human origins and the development of society
{{c1::anthropology}} anthropology
a large group of people or things
a regular order or arrangement
in maths: a series of figures.
{ {c1::array}} array n
a symbol to give direction
a long piece of wood shot from a bow
{{c1::arrow}} arrow
to express something clearly using language
{{c1::articulate}} articulate
not made by people
not created by nature
{{c1::artificial}} artificial
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To sell to a person offering the highest price
{{c1::auction}} auction
concerning sound
{{c1::audio}} audio
the power to make independent decisions
{{c1::autonomy}} autonomy
a round container with curved sides and flat ends
{{c1::barrel}} barrel
a sink
a place in a bathroom to wash your face
{{c1::basin}} basin
a scientist who studies living things
{{c1::biologist}} biologist
the study of living things
{{c1::biology}} biology
odd or strange
{{c1::bizarre}} bizarre
extra money for achieving/exceeding target
{{c1::bonus}} bonus
a small ball of air inside of a liquid
{{c1::bubble}} bubble
big size
{{c1::bulk}} bulk
metal object fired from a gun
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{{c1::bullet}} bullet
a group of things that are tied together
{{c1::bundle}} bundle
a substance important for human and animal health, particularly for making bones and teeth
{{c1::calcium}} calcium .
the site of an institution, such as a university campus
{{c1::campus}} campus
economic system based on private ownership of money
{{c1::capitalism}} capitalism
one believing in private ownership of money
{{c1::capitalist}} capitalist
to remove parts of a book, film or letter for moral, religious, or political reasons
{{c1::censor}} censor
the study of the structure of substances
{{c1::chemistry}} chemistry
over a long time
{{c1::chronic}} chronic
a large bit of something
thick lump
{{c1::chunk}} chunk
a place for showing movies
{{c1::cinema}} cinema
putting similar items into groups or sets
{{c1::classification}} classification
To arrange things into groups of similar items
{{c1::classify}} classify
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heavy, sticky earth used to make pottery
{{c1::clay}} clay
to press a computer mouse to do something on a computer
{{c1::click}} click
to make an exact copy of a living thing
{{c1::clone}} clone
the act of closing something
{{c1::closure}} closure
the process of knowing and remembering
{{c1::cognitive}} cognitive
(of language/ideas) logical and well-organized
{{c1::coherent}} coherent
Something useful or valuable, usually for sale
{{c1::commodity}} commodity
packed together
closely united
{{c1::compact}} compact
expressing a difference in degree
{{c1::comparative}} comparative
ability to do something in a fully satisfactory way
{{c1::competence}} competence
something needed to complete or make perfect
{{c1::complement}} complement
to act in agreement with another's wishes
to obey a rule
{{c1::comply}} comply
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ability to understand
{{c1::comprehension}} comprehension
a shape or outline
a method of arrangement
{{c1::configuration}} configuration
a decision that is shared by most of the members of a group
{{c1::consensus}} consensus
{{c1::contrary}} contrary
a long, strong material, thicker than string but not as thick as rope
an electrical wire
{{c1::cord}} cord n
quality of being believable or deserving of trust
{{c1::credibility}} credibility
a review of the quality of a work
{{c1::critique}} critique
basic or made without skill, such as a crude drawing
{{c1::crude}} crude
a date or time before which something must be done
{{c1::deadline}} deadline
to be slowly broken down by natural processes
{{c1::decay}} decay
a problem
a fault
{{c1::defect}} defect
without something that is necessary
{{c1::deficiency}} deficiency
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relying on someone for (financial) support
{{c1::dependence}} dependence
the place one is traveling to
{{c1::destination}} destination
to determine the cause of something, e.g. an illness
{{c1::diagnose}} diagnose
a judgment by a doctor about a person’s illness
{{c1::diagnosis}} diagnosis
a drawing intended to explain how something works
{{c1::diagram}} diagram
the distance across the center of an object
{{c1::diameter}} diameter
blank book in which you write what you did each day
{{c1::diary}} diary
a book with the spellings and meanings of many words
{{c1::dictionary}} dictionary
to see or show a difference between things
{{c1::differentiate}} differentiate
a discrimination between things as different and distinct
{{c1::differentiation}} differentiation
a position in which a person must make difficult choices
{{c1::dilemma}} dilemma
an oxide containing two oxides per molecule
{{c1::dioxide}} dioxide
a negative point
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a downside
{{c1::disadvantage}} disadvantage
the act of taking the place of something or someone else
{{c1::displacement}} displacement
to melt into a liquid so that a substance mixes with the liquid itself
{{c1::dissolve}} dissolve
a field of action, thought or influence
an area of knowledge
{{c1::domain}} domain
a person or group that gives gifts or money to help support an organization or cause
{{c1::donor}} donor
the length of time that something lasts
{{c1::duration}} duration
always active or changing
in physics: a force related to motion
{{c1::dynamic}} dynamic
concerning the environment, plants, or animals
{{c1::ecological}} ecological
a negatively charged particle
{{c1::electron}} electron
basic, simple, or essential
{{c1::elementary}} elementary
man who rules an empire
{{c1::emperor}} emperor
based on observation or experiment
{{c1::empirical}} empirical
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something that is real
{{c1::entity}} entity
the most important part or quality of something
{{c1::essence}} essence
morally right or wrong
{{c1::ethical}} ethical
the moral principles, standards, and rules for deciding what is right and wrong
{{c1::ethics}} ethics n
a door that you go through to leave a place
{{c1::exit}} exit
the special knowledge that an expert has
{{c1::expertise}} expertise
a high body temperature
{{c1::fever}} fever
a material that can easily flow. e.g. water
{{c1::fluid}} fluid
meeting where people can openly discuss a subject
{{c1::forum}} forum
a plant or animal that has become rock after many thousands of years
{{c1::fossil}} fossil
a part of a whole
{{c1::fraction}} fraction
the result of breaking a hard material
a crack
{{c1::fracture}} fracture
the edge of something
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when different styles, ideas or designs combine to form something new
in physics: when atoms combine to produce nuclear energy
{{c1::fusion}} fusion n
a tool used to measure things
{{c1::gauge}} gauge
small animal with beard and horns
{{c1::goat}} goat
image expressing numerical data in lines or shapes
{{c1::graph}} graph
a metal structure with bars that is used to cover a hole
{{c1::grid}} grid
the parts inside: a human body, animal body or a machine
{{c1::gut}} gut
the natural place, or type of place, where a plant or animal lives
{{c1::habitat}} habitat
the time of year to bring crops in from the fields
{{c1::harvest}} harvest
a system for organizing people or things according to their importance
{{c1::hierarchy}} hierarchy
the line where the earth or sea meets the sky
{{c1::horizon}} horizon
flat or level
{{c1::horizontal}} horizontal
a chemical produced by the body to control some function
{{c1::hormone}} hormone
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the lightest of all chemical elements, has no smell or color
{{c1::hydrogen}} hydrogen
an image that seems real, but is not real
{{c1::illusion}} illusion
not stated directly
{{c1::implicit}} implicit
a sudden desire to do something that is not planned
{{c1::impulse}} impulse
the rate that something happens
{{c1::incidence}} incidence
a slope or surface that rises uphill
{{c1::incline}} incline
act of including
person/thing that is included
{{c1::inclusion}} inclusion
a lack of enthusiasm or interest in things
seeming not to care
{{c1::indifference}} indifference
living or growing naturally in an area, not brought from somewhere else
{{c1::indigenous}} indigenous
having a path that is not straight or direct
{{c1::indirect}} indirect
to cause, to persuade
{{c1::induce}} induce
an opinion that you form based on information you already have
{{c1::inference}} inference
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without an end
{{c1::infinite}} infinite
not official
not done by the rules
{{c1::informal}} informal
to make it difficult for a process to start or continue in a normal way
{{c1::inhibit}} inhibit
the process whereby nerves can retard or prevent the functioning of an organ
the act of blocking or holding back
{{c1::inhibition}} inhibition n
a small animal with 6 legs, such as a bee or ant
{{c1::insect}} insect
part of something
{{c1::integral}} integral
a shared boundary between two persons or systems through which information is communicated.
{{c1::interface}} ** interface n
the distance between two points, numbers or times
{{c1::interval}} interval
to enter a place with an aim of taking control of it
{{c1::invade}} invade
a type of American music known for its energetic beat and parts that musicians make up as they go
{ {c1::jazz}} jazz n
the green part of a tree or plant
{{c1::leaf}} leaf
time when you have no work to do and can relax
{{c1::leisure}} leisure
a handle that one pulls to operate a machine
{{c1::lever}} lever
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in the same way, in addition to
{{c1::likewise}} likewise
leg, arm or wing
{{c1::limb}} limb
made of lines
{{c1::linear}} linear
belonging to language
{{c1::linguistic}} linguistic
the study of human languages
{{c1::linguistics}} linguistics
a large organ in the body that helps to absorb food and clean the blood
{{c1::liver}} liver
a round shape
{{c1::loop}} loop
an organ used to breathe
{{c1::lung}} lung
size or importance
{{c1::magnitude}} magnitude
a document, a piece of writing
{{c1::manuscript}} manuscript
a kind of stone
metamorphosed limestone
{{c1::marble}} marble
a substance, situation, or environment in which something has its origin - in math: an arrangement of
numbers in rows and columns
{{c1::matrix}} matrix verb
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to bring about an agreement between persons or groups, act as a helper
{{c1::mediate}} mediate
a figure of speech based on analogy
{{c1::metaphor}} metaphor
a substance naturally formed in the ground
{{c1::mineral}} mineral
the smallest possible
{{c1::minimal}} minimal
to make something as small as possible
{{c1::minimize}} minimize
speed or force that is gained when something moves
{{c1::momentum}} momentum
concerning money, often referring to a country's economic system
{{c1::monetary}} monetary
complete control of the market for a service or product
{{c1::monopoly}} monopoly
to increase greatly in number
{{c1::multiply}} multiply
something that you must have or do
{{c1::necessity}} necessity
having personal qualities that people admire
{{c1::noble}} noble
in spite of that, nevertheless
{{c1::nonetheless}} nonetheless
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not in a line
{{c1::nonlinear}} nonlinear
an established standard of performance or behavior
{{c1::norm}} norm
not famous, unknown by most people
not easy to understand
{{c1::obscure}} obscure
concerning vision or helping people see
{{c1::optical}} optical
living thing, often one that is small
{{c1::organism}} organism
a way for something to be released
a pipe, hole or wire through which gas, liquid or electricity flows
{ {c1::outlet}} outlet adj
located above your head or in the sky
{{c1::overhead}} overhead
To lie over or cover a part of something else
{{c1::overlap}} overlap
a gas in the air that has no smell or taste, and that all animals need to breathe
{{c1::oxygen}} oxygen
a saying that seems contrary to popular belief, but which may be true
{{c1::paradox}} paradox
a characteristic or constant factor, a limit.
{{c1::parameter}} parameter
a very small piece of something
{{c1::particle}} particle
not connected to the main or important part of something
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{{c1::peripheral}} peripheral
a medical doctor
{{c1::physician}} physician
the study of heat, light, and other forms of energy and how they affect objects
{{c1::physics}} physics adj
refers to more than one person or thing
{{c1::plural}} plural
concerning the areas near the North or South poles
{{c1::polar}} polar
a list of the financial assets held by an individual or other financial institution
{{c1::portfolio}} portfolio verb
to represent something or someone in a particular way, often for artistic purposes
{{c1::portray}} portray **adj
the way that something or someone is represented in a book, film, picture or other context
{{c1::portrayal}} ** portrayal n
a large, printed notice or picture
{{c1::poster}} poster
an animal that feeds itself by killing and eating other animals
{{c1::predator}} predator
in a way that is larger, greater or has more power than others
{{c1::predominantly}} predominantly
an unreasonable hatred for a group of people, usually a race or a religion
{{c1::prejudice}} prejudice
{{c1::preliminary}} preliminary
widespread, common, general
{{c1::prevalence}} prevalence
an animal that is killed and eaten by another animal
{{c1::prey}} prey
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being of an early time period in the past
{{c1::primitive}} primitive
an idea
a suggestion
{{c1::proposition}} proposition
a set of rules
computers use protocol so they can exchange information
{{c1::protocol}} protocol
beat of the heart
{{c1::pulse}} pulse
form used to get information from many people
{{c1::questionnaire}} questionnaire
a frame, stand or hook on which things are set or hung
{{c1::rack}} rack
the area ruled by a king or queen
{{c1::realm}} realm
going back
in statistics: a type of correlational procedure that focuses on predicting the values of an outcome
based on its correlation with another variable.
{{c1::regression}} regression n
a scheme to help someone who has been ill or in prison to return to a healthy, independent, and
useful life
{ {c1::rehabilitation}} rehabilitation adj
concerning the last little bit, after the rest has gone or ended
{{c1::residual}} residual
left over after part or most is taken away
{{c1::residue}} residue
to find and get something from somewhere
{{c1::retrieve}} retrieve
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the study of public speaking or writing techniques
{{c1::rhetoric}} rhetoric
a mechanical creature that acts like a human
{{c1::robot}} robot
to move or turn around a central point
{{c1::rotate}} rotate
movement in a circle around a central point
{{c1::rotation}} rotation
an outline
an imagined sequence of events in a plan or project
{{c1::scenario}} scenario
money given to a student to pay for education
{{c1::scholarship}} scholarship
a small class at a college or university
{{c1::seminar}} seminar
a feeling that is experienced by the body, usually through the sense of touch
{{c1::sensation}} sensation
not deep
a small distance between the lowest and highest point
{{c1::shallow}} shallow
to look, feel, or behave like something
to copy
{{c1::simulate}} simulate
a copy
a method that is used to study and analyze the characteristics of the real world
{{c1::simulation} } simulation n
a drawing made quickly that lacks detail
{{c1::sketch}} sketch
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to not do
to jump
{{c1::skip}} skip
a long narrow opening, into which you put or fit something
{{c1::slot}} slot
a soft, white chemical element
{{c1::sodium}} sodium
concerning the sun, or its heat
{{c1::solar}} solar
the amount of time something lasts
{{c1::span}} span
about space
{{c1::spatial}} spatial
an example of something, especially of a plant or an animal
a small amount of blood or urine
{ {c1::specimen}} specimen n
the wavelengths of colors from red to violet
{{c1::spectrum}} spectrum
a round 3D object. e.g. a ball
{{c1::sphere}} sphere
something that happens on its own, seemingly without cause
{{c1::spontaneous}} spontaneous
To put one thing on top of another e.g. books
{{c1::stack}} stack
very large building with a sports field and rows of seats all around that is used for various events
{ {c1::stadium}} stadium n
a position or opinion that is stated to the public
{{c1::stance}} stance
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an idea or belief about what someone or something is like, often unfair or untrue
{{c1::stereotype}} stereotype .
something that makes a change.
{{c1::stimulus}} stimulus
easy to do or understand
not complicated
{{c1::straightforward}} straightforward
something that is plaited or twisted as a rope-like length
{{c1::strand}} strand
a long, thin part of something which is a different color from the parts beside it
{{c1::stripe}} stripe
the use of personal feelings and opinions, rather than facts
{{c1::subjective}} subjective
a doctor who performs surgery
{{c1::surgeon}} surgeon
more than is needed
{{c1::surplus}} surplus
a group of signs and symptoms that accompany a disease
{{c1::syndrome}} syndrome
building something complex from simple parts
{{c1::synthesis}} synthesis
the end of something
{{c1::terminal}} terminal
a long essay
a position taken in an argument supported by a set of reasons
{{c1::thesis}} thesis
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a long, very thin, soft material used to join or make cloth
{{c1::thread}} thread
a level or point at which something would start or stop happening.
{{c1::threshold}} threshold
the short, thick finger on the side of your hand
{{c1::thumb}} thumb
{{c1::toxic}} toxic
a characteristic
{{c1::trait}} trait
something written
{{c1::transcription}} transcription
a medical operation in which a new organ is placed inside a patient's body
{{c1::transplant}} transplant
a very severe or upsetting experience
{{c1::trauma}} trauma
a closed shape with three straight sides
{{c1::triangle}} triangle
hot and humid
near to the equator
{{c1::tropical}} tropical
a mass of abnormal cells that develops when cancerous cells divide and grow uncontrollably
{{c1::tumor}} tumor n
a teacher
{{c1::tutor}} tutor
to weaken or destroy something secretly and usually slowly
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{{c1::undermine}} undermine
to join or bring together
{{c1::unify}} unify
moving toward a higher point or position
{{c1::upward}} upward
to use something practically for a particular purpose
{{c1::utilize}} utilize
something that is said
{{c1::utterance}} utterance
one of the little tubes that return blood from the body to the heart
{{c1::vein}} vein
using speech, rather than being written
{{c1::verbal}} verbal
a line going up/down
not horizontal
{{c1::vertical}} vertical
able to be done
{{c1::viable}} viable
a substance that is healthy for your body and can be found in foods or taken as a medicine
{{c1::vitamin}} vitamin adj
Concerned with the abdomen or stomach
{{c1::abdominal}} abdominal
a sum total amount of something
{{c1::aggregate}} aggregate
a step-by-step problem-solving feature
{{c1::algorithm}} algorithm
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the height of something above sea level
{{c1::altitude}} altitude
comparison of things based on their similarity
{{c1::analogy}} analogy
concerning medicine that is used to fight certain diseases
{{c1::antibiotic}} antibiotic
a defense provided by the body against disease
{{c1::antibody}} antibody
additional information at the end of a document
{{c1::appendix}} appendix
the sound made by clapping a performance or speech
{{c1::applause}} applause
{{c1::arbitrary}} arbitrary
a line about which a rotating body, such as the earth, turns.
{{c1::axis}} axis
a 90 degree piece of metal used to support a wall shelf
{{c1::bracket}} bracket
a number multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression.
{{c1::coefficient}} coefficient
made of more than one different part
{{c1::composite}} composite
a 3D shape with a circular base
a part of the eye
{{c1::cone}} cone
to come together
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{{c1::converge}} converge
coming together
{{c1::convergence}} convergence
a word or action during a stage play to tell an actor to speak
{{c1::cue}} cue
a shape or object with flat, circular ends and long, straight sides
{{c1::cylinder}} cylinder
to treat someone without respect
to reduce in amount or strength
{{c1::degrade}} degrade
the place a river divides before entering a larger body of water
{{c1::delta}} delta
not standard or normal
in statistics: the difference between one of a set of values and some fixed value, usually the mean of
the set.
{{c1::deviation}} deviation adj
to do with finding out the cause of a problem
{{c1::diagnostic}} diagnostic
{{c1::differential}} differential
the movement of light in many directions
{{c1::diffusion}} diffusion
to mix
to reduce in strength, concentration, quality or purity
{{c1::dilute}} dilute
the state of being more powerful, successful, or important than others
{{c1::dominance}} dominance
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a liquid that colors hair or cloth
{{c1::dye}} dye
the study of plants, animals, people, and their environments
{{c1::ecology}} ecology
able to return to original shape or size after stretching
{{c1::elastic}} elastic
the ability to stretch easily and then quickly return to the original shape
{{c1::elasticity}} elasticity
to place or set inside rock, etc
{{c1::embed}} embed
a protein made by cells
{{c1::enzyme}} enzyme
a disease affecting many people
{{c1::epidemic}} epidemic
a state of balance
{{c1::equilibrium}} equilibrium
to remove written information or information on a computer memory
{{c1::erase}} erase
being very tired
{{c1::fatigue}} fatigue
a group of plants that grow on dead materials and have no flowers, e.g. mushrooms
{{c1::fungus}} fungus n
a metric unit of weight
{{c1::gram}} gram
a large bird that gets its food by killing smaller birds and animals
{{c1::hawk}} hawk
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a person who holds a particular office or position
{{c1::incumbent}} incumbent
not as good as something else
{{c1::inferior}} inferior
{{c1::intermediate}} intermediate
a charged atom
{{c1::ion}} ion
an organ in the body that cleans the blood
{{c1::kidney}} kidney
on the side
moving sideways
{{c1::lateral}} lateral
a large shopping center with many individual stores
{{c1::mall}} mall
having to do with being a mother
{{c1::maternal}} maternal
a thin covering of tissue.
{{c1::membrane}} membrane
someone who delivers a messages
{{c1::messenger}} messenger
a distinctive form, shape or figure in a design
{{c1::motif}} motif
involving many countries
{{c1::multinational}} multinational
a change
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a small area
a specialised business, job or activity
{{c1::niche}} niche
a colorless chemical element without a smell that forms most of the earth's atmosphere
{{c1::nitrogen}} nitrogen n
an intersection or junction point in a network
a part on a plant where a new leaf grows
{{c1::node}} node adj
in name or thought but not reality
{{c1::nominal}} nominal
control center of a cell
{{c1::nucleus}} nucleus
includes numbers
{{c1::numerical}} numerical
a chemical, food, that animals and plants need to live, develop, and be healthy
{{c1::nutrient}} nutrient
the child of a person or the young of a plant or animal
{{c1::offspring}} offspring
the beginning
{{c1::onset}} onset
{{c1::optimal}} optimal
to focus your attention or efforts on something
{{c1::orient}} orient
a description of the main features of something
{{c1::overview}} overview
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the usual amount
{{c1::par}} par
a set of ideas that are used for understanding or explaining something
{{c1::paradigm}} paradigm
a package or box wrapped in paper, a thing bigger than a letter that is sent in the mail
{{c1::parcel}} parcel n
an unwanted insect or small animal that eats plants or food supplies
{{c1::pest}} pest
a chemical substance used to kill pests
{{c1::pesticide}} pesticide
a large area of plants, usually in a hot climate
{{c1::plantation}} plantation
being reasonable and possibly true
{{c1::plausible}} plausible
dealing with problems in a reasonable, practical manner
{{c1::pragmatic}} pragmatic
to cause to happen
{{c1::precipitate}} precipitate
rain, snow or hail
{{c1::precipitation}} precipitation
concerning how good something is, rather than quantity
{{c1::qualitative}} qualitative
the smallest unit or amount of energy
{{c1::quantum}} quantum
a device that sends out radio waves for finding out the position of another object
{{c1::radar}} radar
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to repeat something, such as an experiment, study or process
{{c1::replicate}} replicate
the act of making copies
{{c1::replication}} replication
a lake, usually artificial, where water is collected and stored for the use of a community or industry
{ {c1::reservoir}} reservoir n
the holy books of a particular religion
{{c1::scripture}} scripture
the material that settles to the bottom of a liquid
{{c1::sediment}} sediment
the different meanings of words
{{c1::semantic}} semantic
a vehicle that carries passengers or items between two places
{{c1::shuttle}} shuttle
{{c1::singular}} singular
a thick, flat slice of something
{{c1::slab}} slab
to cut violently
{{c1::slash}} slash
to smell by short intakes of air.
{{c1::sniff}} sniff
to teach people to behave in a way which is acceptable in their culture
to spend time with people
{ {c1::socialize}} socialize adj
being unchangeable or unmovable
{{c1::static}} static
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concerning surgery
{{c1::surgical}} surgical
at risk of developing a certain illness or problem
{{c1::susceptible}} susceptible
to trade or exchange
{{c1::swap}} swap
not natural
made from artificial materials
{{c1::synthetic}} synthetic
concerning time
{{c1::temporal}} temporal
with reference to some source of heat
{{c1::thermal}} thermal
a willingness to let people do, say or believe what they wish, without judging or challenging them
{ {c1::tolerance}} tolerance n
a large stretch of land
{{c1::tract}} tract
{{c1::trivial}} trivial
moving violently and unevenly
{{c1::turbulent}} turbulent
a college student who is working toward his or her first degree
{{c1::undergraduate}} undergraduate
that cannot be understood
{{c1::unintelligible}} unintelligible
yellow liquid waste from the body
{{c1::urine}} urine
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the way something is used
{{c1::usage}} usage
a device along a pipe that can either open and allow something to flow, or close and block it
{{c1::valve}} valve n
{{c1::vegetation}} vegetation
speed in a given direction
{{c1::velocity}} velocity
the words that a person knows
{{c1::vocabulary}} vocabulary
a kind of grain that is used to make flour for bread
{{c1::wheat}} wheat
by which
by that thing
{{c1::whereby}} whereby
an ancient period
something made a long time ago
{{c1::antiquity}} antiquity
having two parts
using only 2 numbers, 1 and 0
{{c1::binary}} binary
a game of strategy, for two players
{{c1::chess}} chess
cell structures that carry the genetic material that is copied and passed to the next generation.
{ {c1::chromosome}} chromosome n
the shape of the outside edge of something
{{c1::contour}} contour
concerning the heart
{{c1::coronary}} coronary
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a body
in linguistics: a body of words
{{c1::corpus}} corpus
to make someone believe something that is not true
{{c1::deceive}} deceive
the action of making something move in a different direction
{{c1::deflection}} deflection
be a name or symbol for
{{c1::denote}} denote
a way of speaking a language that is used only in a particular area or by a particular group
{{c1::dialect}} ** dialect adj
composed of distinct parts
{{c1::discrete}} discrete
to change a message or information into code
{{c1::encode}} encode
the science of how diseases spread
{{c1::epidemiology}} epidemiology
a part of something
{{c1::facet}} facet
the flat, thin body parts of a fish that sticks out and helps guide it through water
{{c1::fin}} fin
having limits
lasting for a limited time
{{c1::finite}} finite
a state of flow and change
{{c1::flux}} flux
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the act of sliding two objects against each other
{{c1::friction}} friction
a disease of the liver that causes inflammation, yellow skin and a fever
{{c1::hepatitis}} hepatitis
bringing about, or causing
{{c1::induction}} induction
to turn something upside down
{{c1::invert}} invert
supplying land with water using pipes
{{c1::irrigation}} irrigation
metric unit for measuring liquid or gas
{{c1::liter}} liter
a place or location
in genetics: the location of a gene on a chromosome
{{c1::locus}} locus
an experienced or wise person who teaches or helps another person
{{c1::mentor}} mentor
a heavy, silver-white metal that is used in thermometers to measure temperature
a planet
{{c1::mercury}} ** mercury n
the chemical processes of the body in which food is converted to energy
{{c1::metabolism}} metabolism
a small animal with dark fur that lives under the ground
a unit for measuring molecules
{{c1::mole}} mole n
a nerve cell
the basic building block of the nervous system.
{{c1::neuron}} neuron
a set of written signs or shapes that are used in music or mathematics
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{{c1::notation}} notation
a person with little or no experience in a particular activity, skill, or subject
{{c1::novice}} novice
{{c1::onwards}} onwards
movement, from side to side at a steady speed
a frequent change in size, strength, or direction between two limits
{{c1::oscillation}} oscillation n
a wall, screen, or piece of glass used to separate one area from another
{{c1::partition}} partition
concerning how the body functions
{{c1::physiological}} physiological
a game in which players answer questions on a specific topic
{{c1::quiz}} quiz
a given area or a range around a certain point
a line from the center of a circle to its edge
{ {c1::radius}} radius n
a device that receives information
in physiology: a nerve ending that changes stimuli into impulses
{ {c1::receptor}} receptor n
a collection of skills or accomplishments.
{{c1::repertoire}} repertoire
to do with breathing
{{c1::respiratory}} respiratory
a long rolled piece of paper with writing on it
to move up and down a computer screen
{{c1::scroll}} scroll verb
to produce a liquid
{{c1::secrete}} secrete
referring to the five senses (hearing, sight, smell, taste and touch)
{{c1::sensory}} sensory
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something that dissolves or can melt another substance
{{c1::solvent}} solvent
male sex cell
{{c1::sperm}} sperm
a unit of speech
{{c1::syllable}} syllable
specific words and expressions used in a particular field
{{c1::terminology}} terminology
to write something spoken
{{c1::transcribe}} transcribe
a quantity that has both size and direction.
{{c1::vector}} vector
a single-celled fungi used to make bread and beer
{{c1::yeast}} yeast
a substance that combines to form the structure of proteins
{{c1::amino}} amino
object made by humans, e.g. ancient tool
{{c1::artifact}} artifact
being able to speak two languages well
{{c1::bilingual}} bilingual
the treatment of diseases, such as cancer, using chemicals
{{c1::chemotherapy}} chemotherapy
to confuse and greatly surprise someone, so that they are unable to explain a situation
{{c1::confound}} confound n
the act or process of cutting something
{{c1::dissection}} dissection
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an in-depth paper submitted for a doctorate degree
{{c1::dissertation}} dissertation
a person who enters a contest
{{c1::entrant}} entrant
concerning a fetus, an unborn baby
{{c1::fetal}} fetal
a measure of how steep something is
{{c1::gradient}} gradient
concerning grammatical rules
{{c1::grammatical}} grammatical
with out end
{{c1::infinity}} infinity
present in a person or animal from the time of birth
{{c1::innate}} innate
going from the top to the bottom of something
{{c1::longitudinal}} longitudinal
a soft, fatty tissue inside bones
{{c1::marrow}} marrow
1/1000th of a meter
{{c1::millimeter}} millimeter
the study of form and structure
{{c1::morphological}} morphological
the study of the forms and structures of plants, animals and words
{{c1::morphology}} morphology
about the nerves or nervous system
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{{c1::neural}} neural
having no impact
{{c1::null}} null
the best or most desirable
{{c1::optimum}} optimum
unusual, remarkable
{{c1::phenomenal}} phenomenal
a salt or compound used to help grown plants
{{c1::phosphate}} phosphate
a common, soft, silvery white metal that is usually used for farming or industrial purposes
{{c1::potassium}} ** potassium n
a book that covers the basics of a subject
a kind of paint
{{c1::primer}} primer
a very small part of an atom that has a positive electrical charge
{{c1::proton}} proton
can be mixed with a liquid, e.g. salt is soluble in water
{{c1::soluble}} soluble
a substance which a catalyst or enzyme has an effect on
{{c1::substrate}} substrate
to take away, e.g. 20 - 5 = 15
{{c1::subtract}} subtract
the teaching schedule for a course in a school or university
{{c1::syllabus}} syllabus
the path followed by an object moving through space
{{c1::trajectory}} trajectory
the amount you can see through something
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{{c1::transparency}} transparency
a speech sound
a, e , i, o, u and sometimes y
{{c1::vowel}} vowel
a period of time during which important, significant changes take place
{{c1::watershed}} watershed
mathematics using letters and symbols in place of some numbers
{{c1::algebra}} algebra
the breadth, width or largeness of something
{{c1::amplitude}} amplitude
the variation in an environment, the number of different types of life found there
{{c1::biodiversity}} biodiversity n
a chemical compound that is a mixture of chlorine and something else
{{c1::chloride}} chloride
an approximate time period
{{c1::circa}} circa
a speech sound
any letter in the alphabet that is not a vowel.
{{c1::consonant}} consonant
the outer part of an organ or structure
{{c1::cortex}} cortex
a change in position of things so they become the opposite
{{c1::inversion}} inversion
about words
{{c1::lexical}} lexical
a prefix meaning 'more than one'
{{c1::multi}} multi
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concerning sound
{{c1::phonological}} phonological
graduate studying for a further degree
{{c1::postgraduate}} postgraduate
to loudly blow air out of your nose or mouth in a sudden uncontrolled way
{{c1::sneeze}} sneeze
{{c1::syntactic}} syntactic
the study of a system, such as the system of words in a sentence
{{c1::syntax}} syntax
a statement that can be proved
{{c1::theorem}} theorem
a container that sprays liquid under pressure
{{c1::aerosol}} aerosol
a statement that is accepted as true
{{c1::axiom}} axiom
a type of mathematics used for calculating such things as the slopes of curves
{{c1::calculus}} calculus
very small blood vessels
{{c1::capillary}} capillary
mark showing a pause or list in a sentence
{{c1::comma}} comma
having the same shape and size
{{c1::congruent}} congruent
the bottom number in a fraction
{{c1::denominator}} denominator
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when something is equal to something else
{{c1::equivalence}} equivalence
a constant e raised to a power equal to a given expression: e.g. e3x is the exponential of 3x.
{ {c1::exponential}} exponential n
a 3D spiral shape
{{c1::helix}} helix
a poison that kills weeds
{{c1::herbicide}} herbicide
a prefix meaning 'half'
{{c1::semi}} semi
act of connecting two pieces of rope or wire into one
{{c1::splice}} splice
an association
an implication
{{c1::connotation}} connotation
a label
something that describes
{{c1::descriptor}} descriptor
to convert (an element) into an oxide
combine with oxygen - to rust
{{c1::oxidize}} oxidize
one of two symbols ( and ), used in writing
{{c1::parenthesis}} parenthesis
half a year in school or college
{{c1::semester}} semester
a prefix meaning 'across', 'through' or 'changing thoroughly'
{{c1::trans}} trans
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the act of making a conscious choice
{{c1::volition}} volition
concerning factors or factorials
{{c1::factorial}} factorial
a substance that has dissolved in a solvent and become part of the liquid, so that they form a solution
{ {c1::solute}} solute adj
at (or near) the middle point
{{c1::mid}} mid
a machine that flies through the air
{{c1::airplane}} airplane
photographs or pictures in a printed publication
{{c1::artwork}} artwork
when normal activity or behaviour stops
{{c1::breakdown}} breakdown
room in a school where lessons take place
{{c1::classroom}} classroom
a response to a message
information about a person's behavior
{{c1::feedback}} feedback
extra information at the bottom of a page
{{c1::footnote}} footnote
a middle point between two extremes
{{c1::halfway}} halfway
a piece of paper with information, often given out before a presentation
{{c1::handout}} handout
work that a student is given to do at home
{{c1::homework}} homework
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plan or design of something, e.g. of book page
{{c1::layout}} layout
the type of life that you have
{{c1::lifestyle}} lifestyle
the time between birth and death
{{c1::lifetime}} lifetime
a path or way that you can walk
{{c1::pathway}} pathway
water falling from the sky
{{c1::rainfall}} rainfall
a book that is used to study
{{c1::textbook}} textbook
to make someone feel happier or more hopeful
{{c1::uplift}} uplift
the size of a wave
a shared understanding
{{c1::wavelength}} wavelength
happening or existing in many places
affecting many people
{{c1::widespread}} widespread
a brief intensive course for a small group
emphasizes problem solving
{{c1::workshop}} workshop
a prefix meaning 'against' or 'opposed'
{{c1::anti}} anti
a prefix meaning out of, from, or not
{{c1::ex}} ex
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a prefix meaning 'very small', such as microchip
{{c1::micro}} micro
a prefix meaning 'recent' or 'new'
{{c1::neo}} neo
a prefix meaning 'not'
{{c1::non}} non
the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle
approximately equal to 3.14
{{c1::pi}} pi
a long, narrow piece of metal or wood, that is used to hold or support something
{{c1::pole}} pole
a prefix meaning 'before'
{{c1::pre}} pre
a prefix meaning 'under' or 'instead of'
{{c1::sub}} sub
of the highest quality
{{c1::super}} super
the main office of a company or organisation
{{c1::headquarter}} headquarter
the same in every way
{{c1::identical}} identical
do away with
{{c1::abolish}} abolish
cause to become one with
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{{c1::accelerate}} accelerate
the act of taking something that is offered
(contract law) words signifying consent to the terms of an offer (thereby creating a contract)
banking: a time draft drawn on and accepted by a bank
the state of being acceptable and accepted
the act of accepting with approval
favorable reception
a disposition to tolerate or accept people or situations
the mental attitude that something is believable and should be accepted as true
{{c1::accordance}} accordance
in accordance with
(sentence connectors) because of the reason given
{{c1::accountability}} accountability
liable to account for one's actions
{{c1::accountable}} accountable
someone who maintains and audits business accounts
{{c1::accountant}} accountant
the act of accumulating
{{c1::accrual}} accrual
grow by addition
come into the possession of
{{c1::accrue}} accrue
collect or gather
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{{c1::accumulate}} accumulate
the act of accumulating
(finance) profits that are not paid out as dividends but are added to the capital base of the corporation
several things grouped together or considered as a whole
an increase by natural growth or addition
{{c1::accurately}} accurately
an assertion that someone is guilty of a fault or offence
a formal charge of wrongdoing brought against a person
the act of imputing blame or guilt
{{c1::actively}} actively
advocating or engaged in activism
noun a militant reformer
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{{c1::activist}} activist
in an adequate manner
in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree
{{c1::administrative}} administrative
someone who manages a government agency or department
the party appointed by a probate court to distribute the estate of someone who dies without a will or
without naming an executor
someone who administers a business
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{{c1::adverse}} adverse
someone whose business is advertising
{{c1::advertiser}} advertiser
an expert who gives advice
{{c1::advisor}} advisor
giving advice
noun an announcement that usually advises or warns the public of some threat
{{c1::affordable}} affordable
happening at a time subsequent to a reference time
{{c1::afterward}} afterward
gathered or tending to gather into a mass or whole
formed of separate units in a cluster
noun a sum total of many heterogenous things taken together
the whole amount
verb gather in a mass, sum, or whole
amount in the aggregate to
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{{c1::alas}} alas
very attentive or observant
(usually followed by `to') showing acute awareness
mentally perceptive
not unconscious
especially having become conscious
mentally responsive
noun a warning serves to make you more alert to danger
condition of heightened watchfulness or preparation for action
an automatic signal (usually a sound) warning of danger
verb warn or arouse to a sense of danger or call to a state of preparedness
{{c1::algorithm}} algorithm
place in a line or arrange so as to be parallel or straight
bring (components or parts) into proper or desirable coordination correlation
align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
align with
be or come into adjustment
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statements affirming or denying certain matters of fact that you are prepared to prove
(law) a formal accusation against somebody (often in a court of law)
{{c1::allegedly}} allegedly
a formal agreement establishing an association or alliance between nations or other groups to
achieve a particular aim
an organization of people (or countries) involved in a pact or treaty
a connection based on kinship or marriage or common interest
the state of being allied or confederated
the act of forming an alliance or confederation
{{c1::allocate}} allocate
(computer science) the assignment of particular areas of a magnetic disk to particular data or
the act of distributing by allotting or apportioning
distribution according to a plan
a share set aside for a specific purpose
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{{c1::aluminum}} aluminum
a diplomat of the highest rank
accredited as representative from one country to another
an informal representative
{{c1::amend}} amend
payment of an obligation in a series of installments or transfers
the reduction of the value of an asset by prorating its cost over a period of years
{{c1::amortize}} amortize
of a proposition that is necessarily true independent of fact or experience
expressing a grammatical category by using two or more words rather than inflection
using or skilled in using analysis (i.e., separating a whole--intellectual or substantial--into its
elemental parts or basic principles)
using or subjected to a methodology using algebra and calculus
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{{c1::annuity}} annuity
(Latin) year
{{c1::annum}} annum
not in favor of (an action or proposal etc.)
noun a person who is opposed (to an action or policy or practice etc.)
{{c1::appetite}} appetite
fruit with red or yellow or green skin and sweet to tart crisp whitish flesh
native Eurasian tree widely cultivated in many varieties for its firm rounded edible fruits
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{{c1::appropriately}} appropriately
located close together
very close in resemblance
not quite exact or correct
verb be close or similar
judge tentatively or form an estimate of (quantities or time)
{{c1::arguably}} arguably
an arrangement of aerials spaced to give desired directional characteristics
especially fine or decorative clothing
an impressive display
an orderly arrangement
verb align oneself with a group or a way of thinking
lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line
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{{c1::attributable}} attributable
the public sale of something to the highest bidder
a variety of bridge in which tricks made in excess of the contract are scored toward game
now generally superseded by contract bridge
verb sell at an auction
{{c1::automate}} automate
operating with minimal human intervention
independent of external control
like the unthinking functioning of a machine
without volition or conscious control
noun a pistol that will keep firing until the ammunition is gone or the trigger is released
light machine gun
{{c1::availability}} availability
(usually followed by `to') strongly opposed
{{c1::averse}} averse
the act of turning yourself (or your gaze) away
a feeling of intense dislike
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{{c1::await}} await
not at ease socially
unsure and constrained in manner
causing inconvenience
hard to deal with
especially causing pain or embarrassment
not elegant or graceful in expression
lacking grace or skill in manner or movement or performance
difficult to handle or manage especially because of shape
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{{c1::behavioral}} behavioral
a surveyor's mark on a permanent object of predetermined position and elevation used as a reference
a standard by which something can be measured or judged
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{{c1::beverage}} beverage
someone who makes an offer
someone who makes a bid at cards
{{c1::bidder}} bidder
having two sides or parts
affecting or undertaken by two parties
having identical parts on each side of an axis
{{c1::biography}} biography
proceeding from or exhibiting great hostility or animosity
expressive of severe grief or regret
one of the four basic taste sensations
sharp and disagreeable
like the taste of quinine
very difficult to accept or bear
marked by strong resentment or cynicism
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verb show off
wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner
{{c1::bondholder}} bondholder
anything that tends to arouse
an additional payment (or other remuneration) to employees as a means of increasing output
spring back
spring away from an impact
move up and down repeatedly
leap suddenly
refuse to accept and send back
come back after being refused
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{{c1::broadly}} broadly
a small book usually having a paper cover
{{c1::brochure}} brochure
a businessman who buys or sells for another in exchange for a commission
verb act as a broker
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{{c1::bureaucrat}} bureaucrat
of or relating to or resembling a bureaucrat or bureaucracy
{{c1::bureaucratic}} bureaucratic
a person engaged in commercial or industrial business (especially an owner or executive)
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{{c1::buyout}} buyout
a piece of furniture resembling a cupboard with doors and shelves and drawers
for storage or display
housing for electronic instruments, as radio or television
a storage compartment for clothes and valuables
usually it has a lock
persons appointed by a head of state to head executive departments of government and act as
official advisers
{{c1::campus}} campus
the act of cancelling
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{{c1::capitalism}} capitalism
of or relating to capitalism or capitalists
favoring or practicing capitalism
noun a person who invests capital in a business (especially a large business)
a conservative advocate of capitalism
{{c1::cargo}} cargo
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a business engaged in the manufacture of automobiles
{{c1::carmaker}} carmaker
(genetics) an organism that possesses a recessive gene whose effect is masked by a dominant allele
the associated trait is not apparent but can be passed on to offspring
a rack attached to a vehicle
for carrying luggage or skis or the like
a self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed specifically to carry something
a person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages
(medicine) a person (or animal) who has some pathogen to which he is immune but who can pass it
on to others
a boy who delivers newspapers
someone whose employment involves carrying something
an inactive substance that is a vehicle for a radioactive tracer of the same substance and that assists
in its recovery after some chemical reaction
a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for takeoffs and landings
a man who delivers the mail
a radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
{{c1::cattle}} cattle
the trait of being cautious
being attentive to possible danger
judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger
a warning against certain acts
the trait of being circumspect and prudent
verb warn strongly
put on guard
{{c1::census}} census
make central
{{c1::centralize}} centralize
something that is certain
the state of being certain
{{c1::certainty}} certainty
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
a formal declaration that documents a fact of relevance to finance and investment
the holder has a right to receive interest or dividends
verb authorize by certificate
present someone with a certificate
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{{c1::classroom}} classroom
someone whose occupation is cleaning
the operator of dry-cleaning establishment
a preparation used in cleaning something
{{c1::cleric}} cleric
showing inventiveness and skill
skillful (or showing skill) in adapting means to ends
showing self-interest and shrewdness in dealing with others
mentally quick and resourceful
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{{c1::cognitive}} cognitive
be the same
go with, fall together
happen simultaneously
{{c1::coincide}} coincide
act of working jointly
act of cooperating traitorously with an enemy that is occupying your country
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{{c1::collectively}} collectively
composed of many distinct individuals united to form a whole or colony
of or relating to or characteristic of or inhabiting a colony
of animals who live in colonies, such as ants
noun a resident of a colony
{{c1::commissioner}} commissioner
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articles of commerce
{{c1::commodity}} commodity
under normal conditions
{{c1::commonly}} commonly
a political theory favoring collectivism in a classless society
a form of socialism that abolishes private ownership
{{c1::compel}} compel
make payment to
make amends for
pay compensation for
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adjust for
do or give something to somebody in return
make reparations or amends for
make up for shortcomings or a feeling of inferiority by exaggerating good qualities
{{c1::competitiveness}} competitiveness
use a computer program to translate source code written in a particular programming language into
computer-readable machine code that can be executed
put together out of existing material
get or gather together
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{{c1::comply}} comply
consisting of separate interconnected parts
of or relating to or belonging to the plant family Compositae
noun considered the most highly evolved dicotyledonous plants, characterized by florets arranged in
dense heads that resemble single flowers
a conceptual whole made up of complicated and related parts
{{c1::compulsory}} compulsory
the procedure of calculating
determining something by mathematical or logical methods
problem solving that involves numbers or quantities
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{{c1::conceptual}} conceptual
a contract granting the right to operate a subsidiary business
the act of conceding or yielding
a point conceded or yielded
{{c1::confer}} confer
a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
a prearranged meeting for consultation or exchange of information or discussion (especially one with
a formal agenda)
an association of sports teams that organizes matches for its members
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deprive of freedom
take into confinement
place limits on (extent or access)
restrict or confine, ""I limit you to two visits to the pub a day""
to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
close in or confine
{{c1::congressional}} congressional
a member of the United States House of Representatives
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{{c1::congressman}} congressman
an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences
(astronomy) apparent meeting or passing of two or more celestial bodies in the same degree of the
the grammatical relation between linguistic units (words or phrases or clauses) that are connected by
a conjunction
something that joins or connects
the temporal property of two things happening at the same time
the state of being joined together
{{c1::consensus}} consensus
permission to do something
verb give an affirmative reply to
respond favorably to
{{c1::considerably}} considerably
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a harmonious uniformity or agreement among things or parts
(logic) an attribute of a logical system that is so constituted that none of the propositions deducible
from the axioms contradict one another
the property of holding together and retaining its shape
logical coherence and accordance with the facts
{{c1::consistently}} consistently
make firm or secure
make or form into a solid or hardened mass
form into a solid mass or whole
unite into one
bring together into a single whole or system
{{c1::consortium}} consortium
a plot to carry out some harmful or illegal act (especially a political plot)
a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act
a group of conspirators banded together to achieve some harmful or illegal purpose
{{c1::constituency}} constituency
constitutional in the structure of something (especially your physical makeup)
noun (grammar) a word or phrase or clause forming part of a larger grammatical construction
a member of a constituency
a citizen who is represented in a government by officials for whom he or she votes
an artifact that is one of the individual parts of which a composite entity is made up
especially a part that can be separated from or attached to a system
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{{c1::constrain}} constrain
constructing or tending to construct or improve or promote development
emphasizing what is laudable or hopeful or to the good
{{c1::consultancy}} consultancy
a conference between two or more people to consider a particular question
a conference (usually with someone important)
the act of referring or consulting
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{{c1::continually}} continually
the property of a continuous and connected period of time
a detailed script used in making a film in order to avoid discontinuities from shot to shot
uninterrupted connection or union
{{c1::continuously}} continuously
someone (a person or firm) who contracts to build things
(law) a party to a contract
the bridge player in contract bridge who wins the bidding and can declare which suit is to be trumps
a bodily organ that contracts
{{c1::contractual}} contractual
resistant to guidance or discipline
very opposed in nature or character or purpose
of words or propositions so related that both cannot be true but both may be false
in an opposing direction
noun a logical relation such that two propositions are contraries if both cannot be true but both can
be false
exact opposition
a relation of direct opposition
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make known
pass on, of information
transmit a title or property
transfer to another
serve as a means for expressing something
go or come after and bring or take back
take something or somebody with oneself somewhere
transmit or serve as the medium for transmission
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{{c1::correctly}} correctly
mutually related
noun either of two correlated variables
verb bring into a mutual, complementary, or reciprocal relation
to bear a reciprocal or mutual relation
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{{c1::costly}} costly
fabric woven from cotton fibers
thread made of cotton fibers
erect bushy mallow plant or small tree bearing bolls containing seeds with many long hairy fibers
soft silky fibers from cotton plants in their raw state
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{{c1::countryside}} countryside
a brilliant and notable success
a sudden and decisive change of government illegally or by force
{{c1::creativity}} creativity
a document attesting to the truth of certain stated facts
{{c1::credential}} credential
the quality of being believable or trustworthy
{{c1::credibility}} credibility
appearing to merit belief or acceptance
capable of being believed
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{{c1::cumulative}} cumulative
an edge between a sidewalk and a roadway consisting of a line of curbstones (usually forming part of
a gutter)
a horse's bit with an attached chain or strap to check the horse
the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess
a stock exchange in New York
verb keep to the curb
place restrictions on
to put down by force or authority
lessen the intensity of
hold in restraint
hold or keep within limits
{{c1::customize}} customize
recurring in cycles
{{c1::cyclical}} cyclical
a quick run
the act of moving with great haste
distinctive and stylish elegance
the longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code
a footrace run at top speed
a punctuation mark (-) used between parts of a compound word or between the syllables of a word
when the word is divided at the end of a line of text
verb add an enlivening or altering element to
destroy or break
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{{c1::deadline}} deadline
a certificate or voucher acknowledging a debt
a bond that is backed by the credit of the issuer but not by any specific collateral
{{c1::debit}} debit
a person who owes a creditor
someone who has the obligation of paying a debt
{{c1::decentralize}} decentralize
divided by tens or hundreds
numbered or proceeding by tens
based on ten
noun a number in the decimal system
a proper fraction whose denominator is a power of 10
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{{c1::deem}} deem
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loss due to not showing up
act of failing to meet a financial obligation
an option that is selected automatically unless an alternative is specified
loss resulting from failure of a debt to be paid
verb fail to pay up
{{c1::defer}} defer
lack of an adequate quantity or number
the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable
resist or confront with resistance
elude, especially in a baffling way
{{c1::demise}} demise
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of or relating to demography
noun a statistic characterizing human populations (or segments of human populations broken down
by age or sex or income etc.)
{{c1::denominate}} denominate
have as a meaning
be a sign or indication of
make known
make an announcement
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{{c1::deployment}} deployment
a person who has deposited money in a bank or similar institution
{{c1::depositor}} depositor
lose in value
lower the value of something
{{c1::depreciate}} depreciate
a decrease in price or value
decrease in value of an asset due to obsolescence or use
a communication that belittles somebody or something
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{{c1::deter}} deter
become worse or disintegrate
grow worse
{{c1::deteriorate}} deteriorate
having the power or quality of deciding
noun a determining or causal element or factor
a square matrix used to solve simultaneous equations
the site on the surface of an antigen molecule to which an antibody attaches itself
{{c1::devastate}} devastate
photographic equipment consisting of a chemical solution for developing film
someone who develops real estate (especially someone who prepares a site for residential or
commercial use)
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{{c1::dioxide}} dioxide
a gymnastic exercise on the parallel bars in which the body is lowered and raised by bending and
straightening the arms
a brief swim in water
a candle that is made by repeated dipping in a pool of wax or tallow
a brief immersion
tasty mixture or liquid into which bite-sized foods are dipped
(physics) the angle that a magnetic needle makes with the plane of the horizon
a depression in an otherwise level surface
a sudden sharp decrease in some quantity
a thief who steals from the pockets or purses of others in public places
verb stain an object by immersing it in a liquid
go down momentarily
scoop up by plunging one's hand or a ladle below the surface
immerse in a disinfectant solution
place (candle wicks) into hot, liquid wax
dip into a liquid
slope downwards
appear to move downward
lower briefly
dip into a liquid while eating
immerse briefly into a liquid so as to wet, coat, or saturate
switch (a car's headlights) from a higher to a lower beam
(computer science) a listing of the files stored in memory (usually on a hard disk)
{{c1::disable}} disable
the quality of having an inferior or less favorable position
verb put at a disadvantage
hinder, harm
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{{c1::disclosure}} disclosure
put an end to a state or an activity
come or be at an end
prevent completion
{{c1::discrete}} discrete
the trait of judging wisely and objectively
knowing how to avoid embarrassment or distress
freedom to act or judge on one's own
the power of making free choices unconstrained by external agencies
refined taste
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{{c1::dismal}} dismal
take off or remove
take apart into its constituent pieces
tear down so as to make flat with the ground
move (people) forcibly from their homeland into a new and foreign environment
put out of its usual place, position, or relationship
remove or force from a position of dwelling previously occupied
cause to move, both in a concrete and in an abstract sense
take the place of or have precedence over
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be of different opinions
express opposition through action or words
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{{c1::diverse}} diverse
the act of introducing variety (especially in investments or in the variety of goods and services
the condition of being varied
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{{c1::downside}} downside
a worsening of business or economic activity
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{{c1::downturn}} downturn
extending or moving from a higher to a lower place
adv. spatially or metaphorically from a higher to a lower level or position
{{c1::drawback}} drawback
a horizontal (or nearly horizontal) passageway in a mine
the pervading meaning or tenor
a general tendency to change (as of opinion)
something that is heaped up by the wind or by water currents
a force that moves something along
the gradual departure from an intended course due to external influences (as a ship or plane)
a process of linguistic change over a period of time
verb be piled up in banks or heaps by the force of wind or a current
be subject to fluctuation
drive slowly and far afield for grazing
cause to be carried by a current
move in an unhurried fashion
vary or move from a fixed point or course
move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
be in motion due to some air or water current
wander from a direct course or at random
live unhurriedly, irresponsibly, or freely
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{{c1::duly}} duly
a place where supplies can be stored
(computer science) a copy of the contents of a computer storage device
sometimes used in debugging programs
a piece of land where waste materials are dumped
a coarse term for defecation
verb drop (stuff) in a heap or mass
sever all ties with, usually unceremoniously or irresponsibly
throw away as refuse
sell at artificially low prices
knock down with force
fall abruptly
{{c1::economist}} economist
of or relating to an article stating opinions or giving perspectives
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{{c1::efficiently}} efficiently
marked by complexity and richness of detail
developed or executed with care and in minute detail
verb work out in detail
add details, as to an account or idea
clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
produce from basic elements or sources
change into a more developed product
make more complex, intricate, or richer
{{c1::electoral}} electoral
the body of enfranchised citizens
those qualified to vote
{{c1::electorate}} electorate
relating to or concerned with electricity
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{{c1::eligible}} eligible
selected as the best
noun a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
{{c1::empower}} empower
the act of conferring legality or sanction or formal warrant
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{{c1::empowerment}} empowerment
act out
represent or perform as if in a play
order by virtue of superior authority
{{c1::enforce}} enforce
capable of being enforced
{{c1::enforceable}} enforceable
the act of enforcing
insuring observance of or obedience to
{{c1::enforcement}} enforcement
employment for performers or performing groups that lasts for a limited period of time
the act of sharing in the activities of a group
contact by fitting together
a hostile meeting of opposing military forces in the course of a war
the act of giving someone a job
a mutual promise to marry
a meeting arranged in advance
{{c1::enhancement}} enhancement
make larger
become larger or bigger
make large
add details, as to an account or idea
clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing
{{c1::enrich}} enrich
the act of entailing property
the creation of a fee tail from a fee simple
land received by fee tail
verb impose, involve, or imply as a necessary accompaniment or result
have as a logical consequence
limit the inheritance of property to a specific class of heirs
{{c1::enthusiastic}} enthusiastic
that which is perceived or known or inferred to have its own distinct existence (living or nonliving)
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{{c1::erode}} erode
any substance possessing to a high degree the predominant properties of a plant or drug or other
natural product from which it is extracted
a toiletry that emits and diffuses a fragrant odor
the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some idea or experience
the central meaning or theme of a speech or literary work
{{c1::essentially}} essentially
a judgment of the qualities of something or somebody
an approximate calculation of quantity or degree or worth
the respect with which a person is held
a document appraising the value of something (as for insurance or taxation)
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{{c1::eventual}} eventual
capable of being seen or noticed
clearly revealed to the mind or the senses or judgment
{{c1::ex}} ex verb
to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth
do something to an excessive degree
{{c1::exclusively}} exclusively
sign in the presence of witnesses
kill as a means of socially sanctioned punishment
murder in a planned fashion
carry out the legalities of
put in effect
carry out or perform an action
carry out a process or program, as on a computer or a machine
{{c1::expertise}} expertise
the act of expelling air from the lungs
euphemistic expressions for death
a coming to an end of a contract period
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{{c1::explicitly}} explicitly
increase rapidly and in an uncontrolled manner
burst outward, usually with noise
be unleashed
emerge with violence or noise
cause to burst with a violent release of energy
show (a theory or claim) to be baseless, or refute and make obsolete
show a violent emotional reaction
drive from the stage by noisy disapproval
cause to burst as a result of air pressure
of stop consonants like /p/, /t/, and /k/
destroy by exploding
burst and release energy as through a violent chemical or physical reaction
""the bomb detonated at noon""
a sudden outburst
a violent release of energy caused by a chemical or nuclear reaction
the noise caused by an explosion
a sudden great increase
the terminal forced release of pressure built up during the occlusive phase of a stop consonant
{{c1::exporter}} exporter
the quality or state of being outside or directed toward or relating to the outside or exterior
{{c1::feasible}} feasible
response to an inquiry or experiment
the process in which part of the output of a system is returned to its input in order to regulate its
further output
ruthless in competition
marked by extreme and violent energy
{{c1::financially}} financially
involving financial matters
{{c1::fiscal}} fiscal
(physics) the six kinds of quarks
the taste experience when a savoury condiment is taken into the mouth
the general atmosphere of a place or situation and the effect that it has on people
verb lend flavor to
{{c1::flee}} flee
moving very fast
noun a group of warships organized as a tactical unit
a group of steamships operating together under the same ownership
group of motor vehicles operating together under the same ownership
group of aircraft operating together under the same ownership
verb disappear gradually
move along rapidly and lightly
skim or dart
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{{c1::forbid}} forbid
someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge)
{{c1::formally}} formally
at a previous time
{{c1::formerly}} formerly
prepare according to a formula
elaborate, as of theories and hypotheses
put into words or an expression
come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort
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{{c1::franc}} franc
a statutory right or privilege granted to a person or group by a government (especially the rights of
citizenship and the right to vote)
an authorization to sell a company's goods or services in a particular place
a business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or
services in a particular area
verb grant a franchise to
intended to deceive
{{c1::fraudulent}} fraudulent
in a free manner
{{c1::freely}} freely
transporting goods commercially at rates cheaper than express rates
the charge for transporting something by common carrier
goods carried by a large vehicle
verb load with goods for transportation
transport commercially as cargo
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{{c1::frustrate}} frustrate
an act of hindering someone's plans or efforts
a feeling of annoyance at being hindered or criticized
the feeling that accompanies an experience of being thwarted in attaining your goals
{{c1::furnish}} furnish
United States liquid unit equal to 4 quarts or 3.785 liters
a British imperial capacity measure (liquid or dry) equal to 4 quarts or 4.545 liters
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{{c1::genocide}} genocide
in accordance with truth or fact or reality
with authority
{{c1::geographic}} geographic
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determined by geography
of or relating to the science of geography
{{c1::globalization}} globalization
throughout the world
{{c1::globally}} globally
a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented
the 3rd planet from the sun
the planet we live on
an object with a spherical shape
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inspiring horror
causing dejection
characterized by hopelessness
filled with gloom
harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance
harshly ironic or sinister
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{{c1::handful}} handful
telephone set with the mouthpiece and earpiece mounted on a single handle
{{c1::handset}} handset
(computer science) the mechanical, magnetic, electronic, and electrical components making up a
computer system
major items of military weaponry (as tanks or missile)
instrumentalities (tools or implements) made of metal
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{{c1::highway}} highway
a bar chart representing a frequency distribution
heights of the bars represent observed frequencies
{{c1::historically}} historically
used in negative statement to describe a situation that has existed up to this point or up to the
present time
{{c1::homeowner}} homeowner
the range of interest or activity that can be anticipated
the line at which the sky and Earth appear to meet
the great circle on the celestial sphere whose plane passes through the sensible horizon and the
center of the Earth
a specific layer or stratum of soil or subsoil in a vertical cross section of land
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{{c1::hugely}} hugely
feeling hunger
feeling a need or desire to eat food
(usually followed by for') extremely desirous <br><br> {{c1::hungry}}** *hungry*
**noun <br> a light movable barrier that competitors must leap over in certain
races <br> an obstacle that you are expected to overcome <br> the act of jumping
over an obstacle <br> verb jump a hurdle <br><br> {{c1::hurdle}}** *hurdle*
**adj <br> produced by crossbreeding <br> noun an organism that is the offspring
of genetically dissimilar parents or stock <br> especially offspring produced by
breeding plants or animals of different varieties or breeds or species <br> a
composite of mixed origin <br> a word that is composed of parts from different
languages (e.g.,monolingual' has a Greek prefix and a Latin root)
{{c1::ideally}} ideally
(of twins) derived from a single egg or ovum
coinciding exactly when superimposed
having properties with uniform values along all axes
exactly alike
incapable of being perceived as different
being the exact same one
not any other:
{{c1::ideological}} ideological
imaginary or visionary theorization
an orientation that characterizes the thinking of a group or nation
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{{c1::imminent}} imminent
(usually followed by `to') not affected by a given influence
relating to or conferring immunity (to disease or infection)
secure against
relating to the condition of immunity
noun a person who is immune to a particular infection
{{c1::impair}} impair
damage that results in a reduction of strength or quality
the act of making something futile and useless (as by routine)
the occurrence of a change for the worse
the condition of being unable to perform as a consequence of physical or mental unfitness
a symptom of reduced quality or strength
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{{c1::incomplete}} incomplete
displaying a lack of consistency
not capable of being made consistent or harmonious
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not in agreement
{{c1::incorrect}} incorrect
increasing gradually by regular degrees or additions
{{c1::incremental}} incremental
currently holding an office
necessary (for someone) as a duty or responsibility
morally binding
lying or leaning on something else
noun the official who holds an office
{{c1::independently}} independently
a device for showing the operating condition of some system
a signal for attracting attention
(chemistry) a substance that changes color to indicate the presence of some ion or substance
can be used to indicate the completion of a chemical reaction or (in medicine) to test for a particular
a number or ratio (a value on a scale of measurement) derived from a series of observed facts
can reveal relative changes as a function of time
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{{c1::indirectly}} indirectly
apart from others
{{c1::individually}} individually
reason or establish by induction
cause to do
cause to act in a specified manner
cause to arise
cause to occur rapidly
produce electric current by electrostatic or magnetic processes
{{c1::inefficiency}} inefficiency
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not producing desired results
lacking the ability or skill to perform effectively
{{c1::inequality}} inequality
incapable of being avoided or prevented
invariably occurring or appearing
noun an unavoidable event
{{c1::inevitably}} inevitably
contaminate with a disease or microorganism
communicate a disease to
affect in a contagious way
contaminate with ideas or an ideology
{{c1::inflationary}} inflationary
the process of flowing in
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{{c1::inflow}} inflow
having or exercising influence or power
{{c1::influential}} influential
a message received and understood
{{c1::info}} info
not formal
used of spoken and written language
not officially recognized or controlled
having or fostering a warm or friendly and informal atmosphere
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{{c1::inspection}} inspection
a high ranking police officer
an investigator who observes carefully
an unstable order
a lack of balance or state of disequilibrium
{{c1::instructor}} instructor
of a quantity not able to fulfill a need or requirement
{{c1::insufficient}} insufficient
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a financial institution that sells insurance
{{c1::insurer}} insurer
an organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a constituted government through the use of
subversion and armed conflict
{{c1::inter}} inter
act together or towards others or with others
{{c1::interact}} interact
used especially of drugs or muscles that work together so the total effect is greater than the sum of
the two (or more)
capable of acting on or influencing each other
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chemical phases)
(computer science) computer circuit consisting of the hardware and associated circuitry that links
one device with another (especially a computer and a hard disk drive or other peripherals)
the overlap where two theories or phenomena affect each other or have links with each other
(computer science) a program that controls a display for the user (usually on a computer monitor) and
that allows the user to interact with the system
{{c1::intermediary}} intermediary
lying between two extremes in time or space or degree
around the middle of a scale of evaluation of physical measures
noun a substance formed during a chemical process before the desired product is obtained
verb act between parties with a view to reconciling differences
{{c1::internally}} internally
throughout the world
{{c1::internationally}} internationally
a computer network consisting of a worldwide network of computer networks that use the TCP/IP
network protocols to facilitate data transmission and exchange
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{{c1::irrelevant}} irrelevant
the act of isolating something
setting something apart from others
a country's withdrawal from international politics
a feeling of being disliked and alone
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which memory of an unacceptable act or impulse is separated
from the emotion originally associated with it
a state of separation between persons or groups
in collaboration or cooperation
{{c1::jointly}} jointly
decreed by or proceeding from a court of justice
relating to the administration of justice or the function of a judge
belonging or appropriate to the office of a judge
expressing careful judgment
{{c1::lab}} lab
the act of slowing down or falling behind
one of several thin slats of wood forming the sides of a barrel or bucket
the time between one event, process, or period and another
verb cover with lagging to prevent heat loss
throw or pitch at a mark, as with coins
hang (back) or fall (behind) in movement, progress, development, etc.
lock up or confine, in or as in a jail
{{c1::landlord}} landlord
a portable computer small enough to use in your lap
{{c1::laptop}} laptop
an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation
an optical device that produces an intense monochromatic beam of coherent light
{{c1::lately}} lately
convert illegally obtained funds into legal ones
cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water
{{c1::legacy}} legacy
in a legal manner
by law
conforming to the law
{{c1::legally}} legally
of or relating to or created by legislation
relating to a legislature or composed of members of a legislature
noun persons who make or amend or repeal laws
{{c1::legislature}} legislature
lawfulness by virtue of being authorized or in accordance with law
undisputed credibility
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{{c1::lender}} lender
a tenant who holds a lease
{{c1::lessee}} lessee
smaller in size or amount or value
of less size or importance
{{c1::lesser}} lesser
someone who grants a lease
{{c1::lessor}} lessor
investing with borrowed money as a way to amplify potential gains (at the risk of greater losses)
strategic advantage
power to act effectively
the mechanical advantage gained by being in a position to use a lever
verb provide with leverage
supplement with leverage
{{c1::liberalization}} liberalization
make liberal or more liberal, of laws and rules
become more liberal
{{c1::lifestyle}} lifestyle
the period during which something is functional (as between birth and death)
{{c1::likelihood}} likelihood
in addition
in like or similar manner
{{c1::likewise}} likewise
of or in or along or relating to a line
involving a single dimension
designating or involving an equation whose terms are of the first degree
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measured lengthwise
of a leaf shape
long and narrow
of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input
{{c1::locally}} locally
capable of or reflecting the capability for correct and valid reasoning
marked by an orderly, logical, and aesthetically consistent relation of parts
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{{c1::logo}} logo
a textile machine for weaving yarn into a textile
verb appear very large or occupy a commanding position
come into view indistinctly, often threateningly
hang over, as of something threatening, dark, or menacing
{{c1::lucrative}} lucrative
a compact mass
a large piece of something without definite shape
an awkward stupid person
abnormal protuberance or localized enlargement
verb put together indiscriminately
group or chunk together in a certain order or place side by side
{{c1::macroeconomic}} macroeconomic
the branch of economics that studies the overall working of a national economy
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{{c1::mainstream}} mainstream
mercantile establishment consisting of a carefully landscaped complex of shops representing leading
usually includes restaurants and a convenient parking area
a modern version of the traditional marketplace
a public area set aside as a pedestrian walk
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{{c1::marketer}} marketer
an area in a town where a public mercantile establishment is set up
the world of commercial activity where goods and services are bought and sold
{{c1::materially}} materially
characterized by the exactness or precision of mathematics
statistically possible though highly improbable
beyond question
of or pertaining to or of the nature of mathematics
relating to or having ability to think in or work with numbers
{{c1::maximize}} maximize
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having a meaning or purpose
{{c1::meaningful}} meaningful
during the intervening time
noun the time between one event, process, or period and another
{{c1::memo}} memo
a written proposal or reminder
{{c1::memorandum}} memorandum
a wise and trusted guide and advisor
verb serve as a teacher or trusted counselor
{{c1::merchandise}} merchandise
a businessperson engaged in retail trade
{{c1::merchant}} merchant
join or combine
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become one
mix together different elements
{{c1::merge}} merge
the combination of two or more commercial companies
an occurrence that involves the production of a union
{{c1::micro}} micro
used in combination to denote the middle
{{c1::mid}} mid
habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work
noun traveler who moves from one region or country to another
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{{c1::minimal}} minimal
make small or insignificant
cause to seem less serious
play down
represent as less significant or important
{{c1::mister}} mister
interpret in the wrong way
{{c1::misunderstand}} misunderstand
make less severe or harsh
lessen or to try to lessen the seriousness or extent of
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{{c1::mobility}} mobility
free from ostentation or pretension
not large but sufficient in size or amount
not offensive to sexual mores in conduct or appearance
marked by simplicity
having a humble opinion of yourself
free from pomp or affectation
limited in size or scope
humble in spirit or manner
suggesting retiring mildness or even cowed submissiveness
low or inferior in station or quality
{{c1::monetary}} monetary
someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling something
{{c1::monopolist}} monopolist
a board game in which players try to gain a monopoly on real estate as pieces advance around the
board according to the throw of a die
exclusive control or possession of something
(economics) a market in which there are many buyers but only one seller
{{c1::mosque}} mosque
causing or able to cause motion
impelling to action
noun the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal
the reason for the action
that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
a theme that is elaborated on in a piece of music
{{c1::multinational}} multinational
the number by which a multiplicand is multiplied
{{c1::multiplier}} multiplier
in several ways
in a multiple manner
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{{c1::mutually}} mutually
a traditional story accepted as history
serves to explain the world view of a people
{{c1::namely}} namely
exasperatingly difficult to handle or circumvent
offensive or even (of persons) malicious
disgustingly dirty
filled or smeared with offensive matter
characterized by obscenity
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{{c1::neo}} neo
of something that is lacking hue
lacking distinguishing quality or characteristics
not supporting or favoring either side in a war, dispute, or contest
neither moral nor immoral
neither good nor evil, right nor wrong
possessing no distinctive quality or characteristics
having no net electric charge
not electrified
having no personal preference
having only a limited ability to react chemically
chemically inactive
noun one who does not side with any party in a war or dispute
{{c1::newcomer}} newcomer
report or open letter giving informal or confidential news of interest to a special group
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{{c1::non}} non
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despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession)
{{c1::nonetheless}} nonetheless
a standard or model or pattern regarded as typical
a statistic describing the location of a distribution
{{c1::notably}} notably
inform (somebody) of something
{{c1::notify}} notify
lacking any legal or binding force
noun a quantity of no importance
{{c1::null}} null
designated by or expressed in numbers
relating to or having ability to think in or work with numbers
measured or expressed in numbers
of or relating to or denoting numbers
{{c1::obituary}} obituary
(law) a procedure whereby a party to a suit says that a particular line of questioning or a particular
witness or a piece of evidence or other matter is improper and should not be continued and asks the
court to rule on its impropriety or illegality
the speech act of objecting
the act of protesting
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{{c1::occurrence}} occurrence
the likelihood of a thing occurring rather than not occurring
the ratio by which one better's wager is greater than that of another
{{c1::officially}} officially
a plate makes an inked impression on a rubber-blanketed cylinder, which in turn transfers it to the
structure where a wall or building narrows abruptly
a natural consequence of development
a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips
a compensating equivalent
the time at which something is supposed to begin
verb produce by offset printing
create an offset in
cause (printed matter) to transfer or smear onto another surface
compensate for or counterbalance
make up for
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{{c1::ongoing}} ongoing
in an open way
{{c1::openly}} openly
being in effect or operation
of or intended for or involved in military operations
pertaining to a process or series of actions for achieving a result
fit or ready for use or service
{{c1::opt}} opt
most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied
{{c1::optimal}} optimal
a general disposition to expect the best in all things
the optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well
{{c1::optimization}} optimization
act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the world
modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost
make optimal
get the most out of
use best
{{c1::organizational}} organizational
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(poetic) eastern
noun the hemisphere that includes Eurasia and Africa and Australia
the countries of Asia
verb determine one's position with reference to another point
cause to point
be oriented
{{c1::oust}} oust
a sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
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{{c1::outgoing}} outgoing
the act of spending or disbursing money
money paid out
{{c1::outlay}} outlay
activity that frees or expresses creative energy or emotion
an opening that permits escape or release
a place of business for retailing goods
receptacle providing a place in a wiring system where current can be taken to run electrical devices
{{c1::outperform}} outperform
a wantonly cruel act
the act of scandalizing
a disgraceful event
a feeling of righteous anger
verb strike with disgust or revulsion
force (someone) to have sex against their will
violate the sacred character of a place or language
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{{c1::outweigh}} outweigh
periodic maintenance on a car or machine
the act of improving by renewing and restoring
verb make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to
travel past
{{c1::oversee}} oversee
a mistake resulting from inattention
an unintentional omission resulting from failure to notice something
management by overseeing the performance or operation of a person or group
{{c1::overstate}} overstate
beyond the regular time
noun work done in addition to regular working hours
playing time beyond regulation, to break a tie
{{c1::overview}} overview
charge someone with too many tasks
overcome, as with emotions or perceptual stimuli
overcome by superior force
cover completely or make imperceptible
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{{c1::pact}} pact
causing physical or psychological pain
causing physical discomfort
exceptionally bad or displeasing
causing misery or pain or distress
{{c1::partially}} partially
a function word that can be used in English to form phrasal verbs
a body having finite mass and internal structure but negligible dimensions
(nontechnical usage) a tiny piece of anything
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{{c1::pending}} pending
the beneficiary of a pension fund
{{c1::pensioner}} pensioner
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an entertainer who performs a dramatic or musical work for an audience
{{c1::performer}} performer
recurring or reappearing from time to time
happening or recurring at regular intervals
recurring at regular intervals
{{c1::periodically}} periodically
for a long time without essential change
{{c1::permanently}} permanently
occurring so frequently as to seem ceaseless or uninterrupted
uninterrupted in time and indefinitely long continuing
continuing forever or indefinitely
{{c1::persist}} persist
not shed
continually recurring to the mind
{{c1::physically}} physically
a licensed medical practitioner
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{{c1::physician}} physician
the science of matter and energy and their interactions
{{c1::physics}} physics
a dose of medicine in the form of a small pellet
something that resembles a tablet of medicine in shape or size
a contraceptive in the form of a pill containing estrogen and progestin to inhibit ovulation and so
prevent conception
something unpleasant or offensive that must be tolerated or endured
a unpleasant or tiresome person
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{{c1::plaintiff}} plaintiff
a notebook for recording appointments and things to be done, etc.
a person who makes plans
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{{c1::policeman}} policeman
an insured person
the client in whose name an insurance policy is written
{{c1::popularity}} popularity
an advocate of democratic principles
{{c1::populist}} populist
of a motor designed to be attached to the outside of a boat's hull
easily or conveniently transported
noun a small light typewriter
usually with a case in which it can be carried
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{{c1::positively}} positively
a sign posted in a public place as an advertisement
a horse kept at an inn or post house for use by mail carriers or for rent to travelers
someone who pastes up bills or placards on walls or billboards
{{c1::postpone}} postpone
someone who practices a learned profession
{{c1::practitioner}} practitioner
furnish with a preface or introduction
move ahead (of others) in time or space
be the predecessor of
come before
be earlier in time
go back further
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{{c1::precision}} precision
one who precedes you in time (as in holding a position or office)
{{c1::predecessor}} predecessor
determine beforehand
cause to be biased
{{c1::predetermine}} predetermine
capable of being foretold
{{c1::predictable}} predictable
the act of predicting (as by reasoning about the future)
a statement made about the future
{{c1::prepayment}} prepayment
issue commands or orders for
{{c1::prescribe}} prescribe
available only with a doctor's written prescription
noun written instructions from a physician or dentist to a druggist concerning the form and dosage of
a drug to be issued to a given patient
written instructions for an optician on the lenses for a given person
directions prescribed beforehand
the action of prescribing authoritative rules or directions
a drug that is available only with written instructions from a doctor or dentist to a pharmacist
{{c1::presidency}} presidency
take liberties or act with too much confidence
constitute reasonable evidence for
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{{c1::prevention}} prevention
the quality of being secluded from the presence or view of others
the condition of being concealed or hidden
{{c1::privatization}} privatization
change from governmental to private control or ownership
{{c1::privatize}} privatize
apparently destined
likely but not certain to be or become true or real
noun an applicant likely to be chosen
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{{c1::procurement}} procurement
a pointed instrument that is used to prod into a state of motion
a verbalization that encourages you to attempt something
verb urge on
cause to act
poke or thrust abruptly
to push against gently
{{c1::profitability}} profitability
promoting benefit or gain
yielding material gain or profit
providing profit
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productive of profit
{{c1::programmer}} programmer
advancing in severity
favoring or promoting reform (often by government action)
favoring or promoting progress
(of taxes) adjusted so that the rate increases as the amount of income increases
gradually advancing in extent
noun a tense of verbs used in describing action that is on-going
a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
{{c1::prohibit}} prohibit
any structure that branches out from a central support
the representation of a figure or solid on a plane as it would look from a particular direction
a prediction made by extrapolating from past observations
the projection of an image from a film onto a screen
the acoustic phenomenon that gives sound a penetrating quality
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism by which your own traits and emotions are attributed to someone
any solid convex shape that juts out from something
the act of expelling or projecting or ejecting
the act of projecting out from something
a planned undertaking
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{{c1::prone}} prone
pronounce judgment on
speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
{{c1::pronounce}} pronounce
a support placed beneath or against something to keep it from shaking or falling
a propeller that rotates to push against air
any movable articles or objects used on the set of a play or movie
verb support by placing against something solid or rigid
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{{c1::prosper}} prosper
the condition of prospering
having good fortune
an economic state of growth with rising profits and full employment
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{{c1::prototype}} prototype
someone who provides the means for subsistence
someone whose business is to supply a particular service or commodity
{{c1::prudent}} prudent
the science of mental life
{{c1::psychology}} psychology
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the quality of being open to public view
a message issued in behalf of some product or cause or idea or person or institution
{{c1::punish}} punish
the act of punishing
{{c1::punishment}} punishment
a person who buys
{{c1::purchaser}} purchaser
restricted to something
{{c1::purely}} purely
(followed by `to') in conformance to or agreement with
{{c1::pursuant}} pursuant
the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture
a search for an alternative that meets cognitive criteria
a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)
an auxiliary activity
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{{c1::quantify}} quantify
expressible as a quantity or relating to or susceptible of measurement
(of verse) having a metric system based on relative duration of syllables
relating to the measurement of quantity
{{c1::quasi}} quasi
an instance of questioning
verb pose a question
{{c1::query}} query
a form containing a set of questions
submitted to people to gain statistical information
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{{c1::randomly}} randomly
the crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
the act of despoiling a country in warfare
Eurasian plant cultivated for its seed and as a forage crop
verb destroy and strip of its possession
force (someone) to have sex against their will
{{c1::ratify}} ratify
the food allowance for one day (especially for service personnel)
a fixed portion that is allotted (especially in times of scarcity)
verb distribute in rations, as in the army
restrict the consumption of a relatively scarce commodity, as during war
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on the underside
most swim by moving the pectoral fins
any of the stiff bony rods in the fin of a fish
a branch of an umbel or an umbelliform inflorescence
(mathematics) a straight line extending from a point
the syllable naming the second (supertonic) note of any major scale in solmization
a column of light (as from a beacon)
a group of nearly parallel lines of electromagnetic radiation
verb emit as rays
expose to radiation
extend or spread outward from a center or focus or inward towards a center
{{c1::readily}} readily
aware or expressing awareness of things as they really are
of or relating to the philosophical doctrine of realism
representing what is real
not abstract or ideal
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{{c1::reap}} reap
give or restore confidence in
cause to feel sure or certain
cause to feel sure
give reassurance to
{{c1::rebuild}} rebuild
an acknowledgment (usually tangible) that payment has been made
the act of receiving
verb mark or stamp as paid
report the receipt of
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{{c1::receivable}} receivable
set that receives radio or tv signals
a football player who catches (or is supposed to catch) a forward pass
earphone that converts electrical signals into sounds
a person who gets something
(law) a person (usually appointed by a court of law) who liquidates assets or preserves them for the
benefit of affected parties
{{c1::recipe}} recipe
a person who gets something
the semantic role of the animate entity that is passively involved in the happening denoted by the verb
in the clause
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{{c1::recycle}} recycle
convert into cash
of commercial papers
pay off (loans or promissory notes)
to turn in (vouchers or coupons) and receive something in exchange
restore the honor or worth of
exchange or buy back for money
under threat
save from sins
{{c1::redesign}} redesign
repetition of an act needlessly
the attribute of being superfluous and unneeded
(electronics) a system design that duplicates components to provide alternatives in case one
component fails
repetition of messages to reduce the probability of errors in transmission
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{{c1::refinance}} refinance
make more precise or increase the discriminatory powers of
attenuate or reduce in vigor, strength, or validity by polishing or purifying
reduce to a fine, unmixed, or pure state
separate from extraneous matter or cleanse from impurities
treat or prepare so as to put in a usable condition
make more complex, intricate, or richer
improve or perfect by pruning or polishing
(psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state
an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely
{{c1::regulatory}} regulatory
one of a pair of long straps (usually connected to the bit or the headpiece) used to control a horse
any means of control
verb stop or check by or as if by a pull at the reins
stop or slow up one's horse or oneself by or as if by pulling the reins
keep in check
control and direct with or as if by reins
{{c1::reinforce}} reinforce
information that makes more forcible or convincing
a military operation (often involving new supplies of men and materiel) to strengthen a military force
or aid in the performance of its mission
an act performed to strengthen approved behavior
a device designed to provide additional strength
(psychology) a stimulus that strengthens or weakens the behavior that produced it
{{c1::relational}} relational
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the relation of something to the matter at hand
{{c1::relevance}} relevance
the quality of being dependable or reliable
{{c1::reliability}} reliability
certainty based on past experience
the state of relying on something
{{c1::reliance}} reliance
provide physical relief, as from pain
alleviate or remove (pressure or stress) or make less oppressive
take by stealing
free from a burden, evil, or distress
provide relief for
grant exemption or release to
relieve oneself of troubling information
lessen the intensity of or calm
free someone temporarily from his or her obligations
save from ruin, destruction, or harm
grant relief or an exemption from a rule or requirement to
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{{c1::remarkably}} remarkably
a medicine or therapy that cures disease or relieve pain
act of correcting an error or a fault or an evil
verb provide relief for
set straight or right
{{c1::removal}} removal
a substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry walls
verb cause to become
pass down
coat with plastic or cement
give or supply
give back
make over as a return
melt (fat or lard) in order to separate out impurities
restate (words) from one language into another language
show in, or as in, a picture
give an interpretation or rendition of
to surrender someone or something to another
provide or furnish with
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{{c1::repeatedly}} repeatedly
a collection of works (plays, songs, operas, ballets) that an artist or company can perform and do
perform for short intervals on a regular schedule
the entire range of skills or aptitudes or devices used in a particular field or occupation
{{c1::reportedly}} reportedly
a separately printed article that originally appeared in a larger publication
a publication (such as a book) that is reprinted without changes or editing and offered again for sale
verb print anew
{{c1::resale}} resale
appear like
be similar or bear a likeness to
{{c1::resemble}} resemble
the act of keeping back or setting aside for some future occasion
something reserved in advance (as a hotel accommodation or a seat on a plane etc.)
a statement that limits or restricts some claim
the written record or promise of an arrangement by which accommodations are secured in advance
a district that is reserved for particular purpose
the act of reserving (a place or passage) or engaging the services of (a person or group)
an unstated doubt that prevents you from accepting something wholeheartedly
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{{c1::respective}} respective
noun someone who responds
the codefendant (especially in a divorce proceeding) who is accused of adultery with the
{{c1::restate}} restate
hold back
to close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement
keep under control
keep in check
place limits on (extent or access)
to compel or deter by or as if by threats
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{{c1::restructure}} restructure
a summary of your academic and work history
short descriptive summary (of events)
verb take up or begin anew
return to a previous location or condition
assume anew
give a summary (of)
{{c1::retailer}} retailer
the act of retaining something
the power of retaining liquid
the power of retaining and recalling past experience
358 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::revaluation}} revaluation
a change from one state to the opposite state
a judgment by a higher court that the judgment of a lower court was incorrect and should be set
a decision to reverse an earlier decision
turning in an opposite direction or position
a major change in attitude or principle or point of view
the act of reversing the order or place of
turning in the opposite direction
an unfortunate happening that hinders or impedes
something that is thwarting or frustrating
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{{c1::rightly}} rightly
incapable of or resistant to bending
designating an airship or dirigible having a form maintained by a stiff unyielding frame or structure
incapable of compromise or flexibility
incapable of adapting or changing to meet circumstances
fixed and unmoving
{{c1::risky}} risky
a mechanism that can move automatically
{{c1::robot}} robot
rough and crude
physically strong
strong enough to withstand or overcome intellectual challenges or adversity
marked by richness and fullness of flavor
{{c1::routinely}} routinely
royal persons collectively
payment to the holder of a patent or copyright or resource for the right to use their property
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a document or escort providing safe passage through a region especially in time of war
verb make safe
escort safely
{{c1::satisfactory}} satisfactory
someone who saves (especially money)
someone who saves something from danger or violence
cause to separate
move away from each other
to cause to separate and go in different directions
strew or distribute over an area
{{c1::scorecard}} scorecard
a small piece of something that is left over after the rest has been used
the act of fighting
any contest or struggle
a small fragment of something broken off from the whole
worthless material that is to be disposed of
verb make into scrap or refuse
have a disagreement over something
dispose of (something useless or old)
{{c1::seemingly}} seemingly
the act of dividing or partitioning
separation by the creation of a boundary that divides or keeps apart
(embryology) the repeated division of a fertilised ovum
{{c1::seldom}} seldom
365 / 507 8/9/2018
tending to select
characterized by careful choice
characterized by very careful or fastidious selection
{{c1::seller}} seller
a trailer having wheels only in the rear
the front is supported by the towing vehicle
a truck consisting of a tractor and trailer together
one of the two competitions in the next to the last round of an elimination tournament
{{c1::senator}} senator
aware intuitively or intellectually of something sensed
readily perceived by the senses
able to feel or perceive
showing reason or sound judgment
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{{c1::separately}} separately
the act of dividing or disconnecting
the social act of separating or parting company
sorting one thing from others
the termination of employment (by resignation or dismissal)
coming apart
the space where a division or parting occurs
the state of lacking unity
(law) the cessation of cohabitation of man and wife (either by mutual agreement or under a court
the distance between things
367 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::shipment}} shipment
someone who visits stores in search of articles to buy
a commercial agent who shops at the competitor's store in order to compare their prices and
merchandise with those of the store that employs her
368 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::simplify}} simplify
make a pretence of
create a representation or model of
reproduce someone's behavior or looks
369 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::simultaneously}} simultaneously
someone who habitually doubts accepted beliefs
{{c1::skeptic}} skeptic
denying or questioning the tenets of especially a religion
marked by or given to doubt
370 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::slim}} slim
a favorite saying of a sect or political group
{{c1::slogan}} slogan
a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail)
a slot machine that is used for gambling
(computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board
a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are
the trail of an animal (especially a deer)
a position in a hierarchy or organization
a time assigned on a schedule or agenda
verb assign a time slot
{{c1::slowdown}} slowdown
a noticeable deterioration in performance or quality
a long-term economic state characterized by unemployment and low prices and low levels of trade
and investment
verb fall heavily or suddenly
decline markedly
fall or sink heavily
assume a drooping posture or carriage
go down in value
371 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::smuggle}} smuggle
the act of rising upward into the air
verb go or move upward
fly upwards or high in the sky
rise rapidly
fly a plane without an engine
fly by means of a hang glider
{{c1::socially}} socially
relating to or derived from the sun or utilizing the energies of the sun
{{c1::solar}} solar
not divided or shared with others
being the only one
single and isolated from others
noun right-eyed flatfish
many are valued as food
most common in warm seas especially European
the underside of footwear or a golf club
the underside of the foot
lean flesh of any of several flatfish
verb put a new sole on
{{c1::solely}} solely
belonging to some prior time
adv. at some indefinite or unstated time
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{{c1::sometime}} sometime
a worldly-wise person
verb make more complex or refined
alter and make impure, as with the intention to deceive
make less natural or innocent
practice sophistry
change the meaning of or be vague about in order to mislead or deceive
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{{c1::spokesman}} spokesman
the act of sponsoring (either officially or financially)
{{c1::sponsorship}} sponsorship
a person's partner in marriage
{{c1::spouse}} spouse
a screen-oriented interactive program enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen
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someone entrusted to hold the stakes for two or more persons betting against one another
must deliver the stakes to the winner
{{c1::stance}} stance
cause to conform to standard or norm
evaluate by comparing with a standard
{{c1::statistical}} statistical
with respect to statistics
{{c1::statistically}} statistically
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a branch of applied mathematics concerned with the collection and interpretation of quantitative data
and the use of probability theory to estimate population parameters
{{c1::statute}} statute
prescribed or authorized by or punishable under a statute
relating to or created by statutes
{{c1::steadily}} steadily
water at boiling temperature diffused in the atmosphere
verb cook something by letting steam pass over it
clean by means of steaming
get very angry
rise as vapor
emit steam
travel by means of steam power
378 / 507 8/9/2018
highest in quality
noun British money
especially the pound sterling as the basic monetary unit of the UK
{{c1::stimulus}} stimulus
being or having a random variable
{{c1::stochastic}} stochastic
someone who holds shares of stock in a corporation
{{c1::stockholder}} stockholder
pointed directly ahead
free from ambiguity
without evasion or compromise
without concealment or deception
{{c1::streamline}} streamline
restricted to something
in a stringent manner
in a rigorous manner
{{c1::strive}} strive
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a submersible warship usually armed with torpedoes
a large sandwich made of a long crusty roll split lengthwise and filled with meats and cheese (and
tomato and onion and lettuce and condiments)
different names are used in different sections of the United States
verb be a substitute
380 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::subsidy}} subsidy
in a strong substantial way
to a great extent or degree
{{c1::substantially}} substantially
the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: ""he sent Smith in for Jones but the
substitution came too late to help""
an event in which one thing is substituted for another
{{c1::subtract}} subtract
a residential district located on the outskirts of a city
{{c1::suburb}} suburb
acquisition of property by descent or by will
the action of following in order
a group of people or things arranged or following in order
(ecology) the gradual and orderly process of change in an ecosystem brought about by the
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{{c1::successive}} successive
a thing or person that immediately replaces something or someone
a person who inherits some title or office
a person who follows next in order
{{c1::sufficiently}} sufficiently
the act of killing yourself
a person who kills himself intentionally
{{c1::suicide}} suicide
apartment consisting of a series of connected rooms used as a living unit (as in a hotel)
a musical composition of several movements only loosely connected
a matching set of furniture
the group following and attending to some important person
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{{c1::supervisory}} supervisory
believed or reputed to be the case
{{c1::supposedly}} supposedly
383 / 507 8/9/2018
to put down by force or authority
put out of one's consciousness
keep under control
keep in check
control and refrain from showing
of emotions
come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority
{{c1::surveillance}} surveillance
being of a suspicious nature
the state of being suspected
doubt about someone's honesty
an impression that something might be the case
{{c1::suspicious}} suspicious
the property of being sustainable
{{c1::sustainability}} sustainability
capable of being sustained
{{c1::sustainable}} sustainable
an equal exchange
verb move (a piece of a program) into memory, in computer science
exchange or give (something) in exchange for
{{c1::swiftly}} swiftly
an inclination to support or be loyal to or to agree with an opinion
sharing the feelings of others (especially feelings of sorrow or anguish)
a relation of affinity or harmony between people
whatever affects one correspondingly affects the other
organize into or form a syndicate
join together into a syndicate
{{c1::systematic}} systematic
a plan for attaining a particular goal
{{c1::tactic}} tactic
of or pertaining to tactic or tactics
{{c1::tactical}} tactical
(sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)
a game in which one child chases the others
the one who is caught becomes the next chaser
a label made of cardboard or plastic or metal
a small piece of cloth or paper
verb provide with a name or nickname
attach a tag or label to
touch a player while he is holding the ball
supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes
go after with the intent to catch
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{{c1::tariff}} tariff
(of goods or funds) subject to taxation
{{c1::taxable}} taxable
the imposition of taxes
the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
government income due to taxation
charge against a citizen's person or property or activity for the support of government
{{c1::taxpayer}} taxpayer
a school teaching mechanical and industrial arts and the applied sciences
{{c1::tech}} tech
with regard to technical skill
with regard to technique
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{{c1::technically}} technically
based in scientific and industrial progress
of or relating to a practical subject that is organized according to scientific principles
{{c1::template}} template
for a limited time only
not permanently
{{c1::temporarily}} temporarily
try presumptuously
dispose or incline or entice to
give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting
try to seduce
induce into action by using one's charm
provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion
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{{c1::testify}} testify
something that serves as evidence
an assertion offering firsthand authentication of a fact
a solemn statement made under oath
{{c1::theft}} theft
from that time on
{{c1::thereafter}} thereafter
by that means or because of that
{{c1::thereby}} thereby
painstakingly careful and accurate
very thorough
exhaustively complete
{{c1::thrive}} thrive
390 / 507 8/9/2018
the part of a glove that provides a covering for the thumb
the thick short innermost digit of the forelimb
a convex molding having a cross section in the form of a quarter of a circle or of an ellipse
verb feel or handle with the fingers
travel by getting free rides from motorists
look through a book or other written material
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{{c1::tonne}} tonne
(law) any wrongdoing for which an action for damages may be brought
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{{c1::tort}} tort
the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons
in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other
unbearable physical pain
the act of distorting something so it seems to mean something it was not intended to mean
intense feelings of suffering
acute mental or physical pain
extreme mental distress
verb subject to torture
torment emotionally or mentally
{{c1::trader}} trader
according to tradition
in a traditional manner
{{c1::traditionally}} traditionally
someone who is being trained
{{c1::trainee}} trainee
a distinguishing feature of your personal nature
{{c1::trait}} trait
a portion of something (especially money)
{{c1::tranche}} tranche
the act of transacting within or between groups (as carrying on commercial activities)
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{{c1::traveler}} traveler
a depository (a room or building) where wealth and precious objects can be kept safely
the government department responsible for collecting and managing and spending public revenues
the British cabinet minister responsible for economic strategy
the funds of a government or institution or individual
the federal department that collects revenue and administers federal finances
the Treasury Department was created in 1789
{{c1::treaty}} treaty
extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
extraordinarily good
used especially as intensifiers
extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact
{{c1::tribal}} tribal
(biology) a taxonomic category between a genus and a subfamily
a federation (as of American Indians)
a social division of (usually preliterate) people
group of people related by blood or marriage
395 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::tribunal}} tribunal
marked by skill in deception
having concealed difficulty
not to be trusted
397 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::unauthorized}} unauthorized
ambiguous (especially in the negative)
not established beyond doubt
still undecided or unknown
lacking or indicating lack of confidence or assurance
not certain to occur
not inevitable
not consistent or dependable
not established or confirmed
subject to change
{{c1::unchanged}} unchanged
remove all or part of one's clothes to show one's body
make visible
{{c1::uncover}} uncover
an estimation that is too low
an estimate that is less than the true or actual value
verb make too low an estimate of
make a deliberately low estimate
assign too low a value to
398 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::undervalue}} undervalue
guarantee financial support of
protect by insurance
{{c1::underwrite}} underwrite
a financial institution that sells insurance
an agent who sells insurance
a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities
{{c1::undoubtedly}} undoubtedly
not engaged in a gainful occupation
noun people who are involuntarily out of work (considered as a group)
{{c1::unexpectedly}} unexpectedly
not fair
marked by injustice or partiality or deception
showing favoritism
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{{c1::unnecessary}} unnecessary
not paid
without payment
engaged in as a pastime
{{c1::unpaid}} unpaid
regarded with disfavor or lacking general approval
{{c1::unpopular}} unpopular
having no precedent
400 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::unprecedented}} unprecedented
unknown in advance
not capable of being foretold
not occurring at expected times
{{c1::unrelated}} unrelated
without financial security
not firmly fastened or secured
{{c1::unsecured}} unsecured
to a remarkable degree or extent
{{c1::unusually}} unusually
remove the veil from
remove the cover from
make visible
{{c1::unveil}} unveil
in spite of contrary volition
not disposed or inclined toward
{{c1::unwilling}} unwilling
the act of improving something (especially machinery) by raising it to a higher grade (as by adding or
replacing components)
hardware that provides better performance than an earlier version did
the property possessed by a slope or surface that rises
a reservation that is improved
software that provides better performance than an earlier version did
an upward slope or grade (as in a road)
verb to improve what was old or outdated
401 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::urgent}} urgent
accepted or habitual practice
the act of using
{{c1::usage}} usage
capable of substituting in any of several positions on a team
used of beef
usable but inferior
noun the service (electric power or water or transportation) provided by a public utility
a facility composed of one or more pieces of equipment connected to or part of a structure and
designed to provide a service such as heat or electricity or water or sewage disposal
the quality of being of practical use
a company that performs a public service
subject to government regulation
(economics) a measure that is to be maximized in any situation involving choice
(computer science) a program designed for general support of the processes of a computer
{{c1::utilization}} utilization
402 / 507 8/9/2018
convert (from an investment trust to a unit trust)
put into service
make work or employ (something) for a particular purpose or for its inherent or natural purpose
{{c1::valuation}} valuation
the quality of being subject to variation
the quality of being uneven and lacking uniformity
403 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::vendor}} vendor
communicated in the form of words
relating to or having facility in the use of words
expressed in spoken words
of or relating to or formed from a verb
of or relating to or formed from words in general
404 / 507 8/9/2018
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an endorsement made in a passport that allows the bearer to enter the country issuing it
verb approve officially
provide (a passport) with a visa
406 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::warehouse}} warehouse
a writ from a court commanding police to perform specified acts
a type of security issued by a corporation (usually together with a bond or preferred stock) that gives
the holder the right to purchase a certain amount of common stock at a stated price
a written assurance that some product or service will be provided or will meet certain specifications
formal and explicit approval
verb stand behind and guarantee the quality, accuracy, or condition of
show to be reasonable or provide adequate ground for
{{c1::willingness}} willingness
having no wires
noun transmission by radio waves
a communication system based on broadcasting electromagnetic waves
an electronic receiver that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals
medium for communication
{{c1::woe}} woe
the force of workers available
{{c1::workforce}} workforce
a place where work is done
{{c1::workplace}} workplace
a sheet of paper with multiple columns
used by an accountant to assemble figures for financial statements
a piece of paper recording work planned or done on a project
{{c1::worsen}} worsen
sufficiently valuable to justify the investment of time or interest
{{c1::worthwhile}} worthwhile
morally admirable
409 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::acceptance}} acceptance
a female actor
{{c1::actress}} actress
furthermore, also
{{c1::additionally}} additionally
{{c1::advertiser}} advertiser
{{c1::affordable}} affordable
{{c1::afterward}} afterward
anyway, besides
{{c1::anyhow}} anyhow
410 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::anytime}} anytime
{{c1::artistic}} artistic
travel bags
{{c1::baggage}} baggage
{{c1::banker}} banker
to be new at something
{{c1::beginner}} beginner
{{c1::booklet}} booklet
brought to life
{{c1::born}} born
opposite of 'hello'
{{c1::bye}} bye
{{c1::caller}} caller
{{c1::careless}} careless
{{c1::carrier}} carrier
{{c1::cleaner}} cleaner
{{c1::cleanliness}} cleanliness
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{{c1::collector}} collector
{{c1::colorful}} colorful
to do something easily
{{c1::comfortably}} comfortably
{{c1::completion}} completion
{{c1::cooler}} cooler
{{c1::costly}} costly
{{c1::dealership}} dealership
{{c1::definite}} definite
to taste good
{{c1::delicious}} delicious
reliable, trustworthy
{{c1::dependable}} dependable
{{c1::dislike}} dislike
{{c1::enjoyable}} enjoyable
{{c1::explanatory}} explanatory
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to make final
{{c1::finalize}} finalize
{{c1::fitness}} fitness
brochure, leaflet
{{c1::flyer}} flyer
happily, luckily
{{c1::fortunately}} fortunately
{{c1::gardener}} gardener
an idea that is true most of the time but not all of the time
{{c1::generalization}} generalization
{{c1::heater}} heater
{{c1::homeless}} homeless
really, truly
{{c1::honestly}} honestly
{{c1::hourly}} hourly
{{c1::hungry}} hungry
made of ice
{{c1::icy}} icy
{{c1::incomplete}} incomplete
413 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::indoor}} indoor
{{c1::inexpensive}} inexpensive
{{c1::inexperience}} inexperience
{{c1::internet}} internet
{{c1::lately}} lately
in a specific area
{{c1::locally}} locally
{{c1::loudly}} loudly
tools, equipment
{{c1::machinery}} machinery
{{c1::managerial}} managerial
{{c1::meaningful}} meaningful
{{c1::mileage}} mileage
{{c1::mislead}} mislead
414 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::mister}} mister
{{c1::nationwide}} nationwide
tidy, clean
{{c1::neat}} neat
too loud
{{c1::noisy}} noisy
{{c1::outdoor}} outdoor
{{c1::painter}} painter
{{c1::partial}} partial
In part
in some degree
not wholly
{{c1::partially}} partially
{{c1::payable}} payable
{{c1::photographer}} photographer
{{c1::photography}} photography
{{c1::placement}} placement
{{c1::planner}} planner
415 / 507 8/9/2018
not enough
not sufficient
{{c1::poorly}} poorly
{{c1::postage}} postage
{{c1::postal}} postal
{{c1::pottery}} pottery
{{c1::presenter}} presenter
{{c1::probable}} probable
{{c1::programmer}} programmer
{{c1::protective}} protective
every 4 months
{{c1::quarterly}} quarterly
{{c1::rainy}} rainy
{{c1::realistic}} realistic
{{c1::reconsider}} reconsider
416 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::renew}} renew
{{c1::renewal}} renewal
the act of paying for the use of something (as an apartment or house or car)
{{c1::rental}} rental
to open again
{{c1::reopen}} reopen
{{c1::rewrite}} rewrite
{{c1::rider}} rider
{{c1::rose}} rose
{{c1::runner}} runner
{{c1::safely}} safely
{{c1::seller}} seller
{{c1::sender}} sender
{{c1::shipment}} shipment
{{c1::shopper}} shopper
417 / 507 8/9/2018
a lack of something
{{c1::shortage}} shortage
{{c1::shorten}} shorten
{{c1::simplify}} simplify
{{c1::sleepy}} sleepy
{{c1::snowy}} snowy
{{c1::sometime}} sometime
{{c1::spacious}} spacious
in particular
{{c1::specially}} specially
{{c1::specialty}} specialty
{{c1::sticker}} sticker
{{c1::sunny}} sunny
{{c1::sunshine}} sunshine
{{c1::tablecloth}} tablecloth
418 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::taker}} taker
{{c1::tasty}} tasty
in need of water
{{c1::thirsty}} thirsty
{{c1::timely}} timely
{{c1::timer}} timer
{{c1::trainee}} trainee
{{c1::trainer}} trainer
{{c1::traveler}} traveler
{{c1::uncomfortable}} uncomfortable
having no job
{{c1::unemployed}} unemployed
to be a surprise
{{c1::unexpected}} unexpected
{{c1::unhappy}} unhappy
{{c1::unload}} unload
419 / 507 8/9/2018
not needed
{{c1::unnecessary}} unnecessary
{{c1::unpaid}} unpaid
{{c1::unreal}} unreal
{{c1::unsure}} unsure
{{c1::unused}} unused
{{c1::unusually}} unusually
anyone who
{{c1::whoever}} whoever
{{c1::willingness}} willingness
{{c1::windy}} windy
{{c1::yearly}} yearly
{{c1::accent}} accent
{{c1::accessible}} accessible
therefore, so
{{c1::accordingly}} accordingly
420 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::actively}} actively
{{c1::adapter}} adapter
{{c1::advisable}} advisable
{{c1::advisor}} advisor
{{c1::advisory}} advisory
to entertain
{{c1::amuse}} amuse
{{c1::announcer}} announcer
to bother or irritate
{{c1::annoy}} annoy
{{c1::apple}} apple
{{c1::appreciation}} appreciation
{{c1::asleep}} asleep
{{c1::assurance}} assurance
{{c1::attendant}} attendant
421 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::attendee}} attendee
{{c1::authority}} authority
{{c1::automatic}} automatic
{{c1::availability}} availability
{{c1::bake}} bake
{{c1::baker}} baker
a place where baked goods (breads and cakes and pastries) are made and sold
{{c1::bakery}} bakery
{{c1::basket}} basket
{{c1::battery}} battery
{{c1::bean}} bean
{{c1::blanket}} blanket
{{c1::brake}} brake
to widen
{{c1::broaden}} broaden
422 / 507 8/9/2018
an insect
{{c1::bug}} bug
{{c1::butter}} butter
{{c1::cage}} cage
{{c1::calculation}} calculation
{{c1::calculator}} calculator
{{c1::captain}} captain
{{c1::cart}} cart
uncertain, unplanned
{{c1::casual}} casual
{{c1::ceiling}} ceiling
{{c1::centimeter}} centimeter
{{c1::cheer}} cheer
{{c1::clip}} clip
{{c1::cloth}} cloth
423 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::cloudy}} cloudy
a hint, a tip
{{c1::clue}} clue
{{c1::commerce}} commerce
frequently, usually
{{c1::commonly}} commonly
{{c1::complication}} complication
{{c1::conditioner}} conditioner
{{c1::container}} container
a builder
{{c1::contractor}} contractor
{{c1::copier}} copier
{{c1::correction}} correction
{{c1::correctly}} correctly
{{c1::creativity}} creativity
{{c1::deck}} deck
424 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::decorate}} decorate
the act of decorating something (in the hope of making it more attractive)
{{c1::decoration}} decoration
{{c1::departmental}} departmental
{{c1::desirable}} desirable
{{c1::desperate}} desperate
{{c1::developer}} developer
have supper
eat dinner
{{c1::dine}} dine
{{c1::diner}} diner
{{c1::directory}} directory
{{c1::disappointment}} disappointment
{{c1::disgust}} disgust
{{c1::dive}} dive
425 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::drawer}} drawer
{{c1::drum}} drum
of good value
{{c1::economical}} economical
{{c1::economically}} economically
{{c1::economist}} economist
{{c1::economize}} economize
{{c1::editorial}} editorial
to do with electricity
{{c1::electrical}} electrical
{{c1::electrician}} electrician
a large animal with a long trunk and big ears found in Africa and Asia
{{c1::elephant}} elephant
{{c1::energetic}} energetic
{{c1::engagement}} engagement
{{c1::environmentally}} environmentally
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{{c1::equip}} equip
{{c1::excellence}} excellence
{{c1::familiarity}} familiarity
{{c1::familiarize}} familiarize
{{c1::faulty}} faulty
{{c1::favorable}} favorable
to upset someone
{{c1::frustrate}} frustrate
to cook in a pan
{{c1::fry}} fry
{{c1::garage}} garage
{{c1::grocery}} grocery
{{c1::guidance}} guidance
{{c1::handy}} handy
damaging, hurtful
{{c1::harmful}} harmful
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{{c1::hesitation}} hesitation
{{c1::hobby}} hobby
a document that shows who a person is, e.g. passport, driver's licence
{{c1::identification}} identification
a signal or a warning
{{c1::indicator}} indicator
{{c1::individually}} individually
{{c1::influential}} influential
{{c1::inspect}} inspect
{{c1::inspection}} inspection
{{c1::inspector}} inspector
to teach
{{c1::instruct}} instruct
{{c1::instructor}} instructor
concentrate closely
{{c1::intently}} intently
{{c1::interrupt}} interrupt
428 / 507 8/9/2018
something that comes before the main event, e.g. introductory speech
{{c1::introductory}} introductory
to be of great worth
{{c1::invaluable}} invaluable
{{c1::irregular}} irregular
{{c1::jam}} jam
{{c1::jeans}} jeans
{{c1::juice}} juice
{{c1::junior}} junior
{{c1::kilometer}} kilometer
{{c1::knowledgeable}} knowledgeable
{{c1::lab}} lab
{{c1::lamp}} lamp
a narrow road
{{c1::lane}} lane
{{c1::lawn}} lawn
429 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::lengthy}} lengthy
{{c1::librarian}} librarian
not as heavy as
{{c1::lighter}} lighter
{{c1::lightweight}} lightweight
{{c1::mask}} mask
{{c1::memorize}} memorize
{{c1::microwave}} microwave
{{c1::mower}} mower
a long, thin piece of metal used to hold pieces of wood together banged in with a hammer
{{c1::nail}} nail
{{c1::occurrence}} occurrence
{{c1::officially}} officially
in working order
{{c1::operational}} operational
{{c1::optional}} optional
430 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::organizational}} organizational
{{c1::organizer}} organizer
{{c1::oven}} oven
{{c1::pan}} pan
{{c1::performer}} performer
{{c1::periodical}} periodical
{{c1::periodically}} periodically
{{c1::pet}} pet
{{c1::pie}} pie
to fill in a hole
{{c1::plug}} plug
{{c1::polish}} polish
{{c1::polite}} polite
{{c1::pollute}} pollute
431 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::popularity}} popularity
{{c1::productive}} productive
{{c1::productivity}} productivity
{{c1::professionally}} professionally
{{c1::projection}} projection
{{c1::provider}} provider
{{c1::purchaser}} purchaser
{{c1::quit}} quit
{{c1::ray}} ray
{{c1::rearrange}} rearrange
{{c1::reassure}} reassure
{{c1::recipe}} recipe
432 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::redecorate}} redecorate
{{c1::referral}} referral
{{c1::refrigerator}} refrigerator
{{c1::relaxation}} relaxation
{{c1::reliability}} reliability
{{c1::relocate}} relocate
{{c1::relocation}} relocation
{{c1::reminder}} reminder
{{c1::removal}} removal
many times
{{c1::repeatedly}} repeatedly
{{c1::repetition}} repetition
{{c1::replacement}} replacement
{{c1::reschedule}} reschedule
433 / 507 8/9/2018
to put something on hold for use later, e.g. car, hotel room
{{c1::reservation}} reservation
{{c1::salad}} salad
{{c1::sandwich}} sandwich
{{c1::scenery}} scenery
{{c1::seasonal}} seasonal
{{c1::seeker}} seeker
{{c1::separately}} separately
{{c1::sew}} sew
{{c1::similarity}} similarity
{{c1::smoothly}} smoothly
{{c1::sock}} sock
{{c1::soup}} soup
{{c1::specification}} specification
434 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::spray}} spray
{{c1::steadily}} steadily
{{c1::steak}} steak
{{c1::suspicious}} suspicious
{{c1::tech}} tech
{{c1::tempt}} tempt
{{c1::tomato}} tomato
{{c1::toner}} toner
{{c1::towel}} towel
{{c1::traditionally}} traditionally
{{c1::tray}} tray
{{c1::unattended}} unattended
{{c1::unavailable}} unavailable
435 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::unfamiliar}} unfamiliar
without end
{{c1::unlimited}} unlimited
{{c1::unpleasant}} unpleasant
{{c1::unplug}} unplug
not trustworthy
{{c1::unreliable}} unreliable
{{c1::wisely}} wisely
{{c1::wool}} wool
to take in or soak up
{{c1::absorb}} absorb
{{c1::accommodate}} accommodate
{{c1::accomplishment}} accomplishment
{{c1::accumulate}} accumulate
{{c1::accuracy}} accuracy
{{c1::accurately}} accurately
436 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::administrative}} administrative
{{c1::administrator}} administrator
{{c1::admission}} admission
{{c1::affirmative}} affirmative
{{c1::alert}} alert
{{c1::allocate}} allocate
another option
{{c1::alternatively}} alternatively
every 12 months
{{c1::annually}} annually
{{c1::apology}} apology
{{c1::approximate}} approximate
{{c1::architect}} architect
{{c1::architectural}} architectural
a part or a feature
{{c1::aspect}} aspect
437 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::assemble}} assemble
{{c1::assembly}} assembly
a project or task
{{c1::assignment}} assignment
to do with sports
{{c1::athletic}} athletic
{{c1::audit}} audit
{{c1::auditor}} auditor
{{c1::authorization}} authorization
{{c1::authorize}} authorize
{{c1::bacteria}} bacteria
{{c1::bargain}} bargain
{{c1::bench}} bench
{{c1::cabinet}} cabinet
{{c1::cancellation}} cancellation
438 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::candidate}} candidate
{{c1::chairperson}} chairperson
{{c1::chilly}} chilly
{{c1::circuit}} circuit
{{c1::circulate}} circulate
{{c1::circulation}} circulation
{{c1::clarify}} clarify
{{c1::client}} client
{{c1::clinic}} clinic
{{c1::collaboration}} collaboration
{{c1::compensate}} compensate
{{c1::conductor}} conductor
{{c1::conference}} conference
439 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::confirmation}} confirmation
to give permission
{{c1::consent}} consent
to a large degree
{{c1::considerably}} considerably
{{c1::consistently}} consistently
{{c1::consultation}} consultation
{{c1::consumption}} consumption
{{c1::contestant}} contestant
{{c1::continental}} continental
{{c1::contradict}} contradict
{{c1::contradiction}} contradiction
{{c1::convey}} convey
{{c1::cooperate}} cooperate
to organize or manage
{{c1::coordinate}} coordinate
440 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::coordinator}} coordinator
communication by letter
{{c1::correspondence}} correspondence
{{c1::counselor}} counselor
{{c1::criteria}} criteria
{{c1::cruise}} cruise
{{c1::dedication}} dedication
{{c1::delegate}} delegate
{{c1::descriptive}} descriptive
{{c1::designate}} designate
to destroy completely
{{c1::devastate}} devastate
{{c1::disable}} disable
{{c1::disagreement}} disagreement
{{c1::disposal}} disposal
441 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::dispose}} dispose
{{c1::disrupt}} disrupt
{{c1::disruption}} disruption
{{c1::distribution}} distribution
{{c1::distributor}} distributor
{{c1::documentation}} documentation
{{c1::donate}} donate
{{c1::donation}} donation
{{c1::dose}} dose
{{c1::drill}} drill
{{c1::eager}} eager
{{c1::effectiveness}} effectiveness
{{c1::efficiently}} efficiently
442 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::electronically}} electronically
{{c1::elevate}} elevate
{{c1::elevator}} elevator
{{c1::enthusiasm}} enthusiasm
{{c1::enthusiast}} enthusiast
{{c1::enthusiastic}} enthusiastic
{{c1::enthusiastically}} enthusiastically
to be clear or obvious
{{c1::evident}} evident
beyond excellent
{{c1::exceptional}} exceptional
{{c1::excessive}} excessive
{{c1::exclusive}} exclusive
{{c1::exclusively}} exclusively
{{c1::explorer}} explorer
443 / 507 8/9/2018
material, cloth
{{c1::fabric}} fabric
{{c1::facilitate}} facilitate
{{c1::faculty}} faculty
{{c1::flavor}} flavor
{{c1::flexibility}} flexibility
{{c1::formally}} formally
{{c1::foster}} foster
{{c1::founder}} founder
{{c1::generous}} generous
{{c1::goods}} goods
{{c1::graduation}} graduation
{{c1::graphic}} graphic
images or pictures
{{c1::graphics}} graphics
444 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::hazard}} hazard
to be dangerous
{{c1::hazardous}} hazardous
{{c1::highway}} highway
in a perfect world
{{c1::ideally}} ideally
{{c1::illogical}} illogical
{{c1::impact}} impact
{{c1::inappropriate}} inappropriate
{{c1::inefficient}} inefficient
to make bigger
{{c1::inflate}} inflate
{{c1::ingredient}} ingredient
to ask about
{{c1::inquire}} inquire
{{c1::insert}} insert
{{c1::inspiration}} inspiration
445 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::installation}} installation
{{c1::institute}} institute
not enough
{{c1::insufficient}} insufficient
{{c1::interactive}} interactive
{{c1::interfere}} interfere
{{c1::internationally}} internationally
{{c1::interpreter}} interpreter
{{c1::invention}} invention
{{c1::irrelevant}} irrelevant
an airplane
{{c1::jet}} jet
{{c1::leak}} leak
to rent
{{c1::lease}} lease
an instructor or professor
{{c1::lecturer}} lecturer
446 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::lobby}} lobby
to do with reason
{{c1::logical}} logical
{{c1::loyal}} loyal
{{c1::loyalty}} loyalty
{{c1::mechanic}} mechanic
to do with machines
{{c1::mechanical}} mechanical
{{c1::media}} media
{{c1::merge}} merge
when one company buys another company to create one big company
{{c1::merger}} merger
{{c1::mild}} mild
{{c1::modification}} modification
{{c1::nominate}} nominate
{{c1::nomination}} nomination
447 / 507 8/9/2018
to have to do
{{c1::obligate}} obligate
{{c1::oblige}} oblige
to get
{{c1::obtain}} obtain
{{c1::occupancy}} occupancy
{{c1::occupant}} occupant
profession or job
{{c1::occupation}} occupation
{{c1::orientation}} orientation
{{c1::overlook}} overlook
{{c1::pad}} pad
{{c1::pepper}} pepper
for ever
{{c1::permanently}} permanently
{{c1::precede}} precede
{{c1::prediction}} prediction
448 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::profitable}} profitable
not allowed
{{c1::prohibit}} prohibit
important, significant
{{c1::prominent}} prominent
{{c1::promotional}} promotional
{{c1::promptly}} promptly
{{c1::prospective}} prospective
{{c1::publish}} publish
{{c1::puzzle}} puzzle
{{c1::reception}} reception
{{c1::receptionist}} receptionist
{{c1::recession}} recession
{{c1::recruiter}} recruiter
{{c1::recruitment}} recruitment
449 / 507 8/9/2018
to make stronger
{{c1::reinforce}} reinforce
{{c1::relieve}} relieve
{{c1::reluctant}} reluctant
{{c1::reproduce}} reproduce
{{c1::resemble}} resemble
{{c1::residence}} residence
{{c1::residential}} residential
{{c1::resignation}} resignation
{{c1::respondent}} respondent
{{c1::resume}} resume
{{c1::retailer}} retailer
{{c1::retreat}} retreat
{{c1::reviewer}} reviewer
450 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::revision}} revision
{{c1::revolutionize}} revolutionize
{{c1::rumor}} rumor
{{c1::satellite}} satellite
a figure or statue
{{c1::sculpture}} sculpture
very soon
{{c1::shortly}} shortly
in a quiet manner
{{c1::silently}} silently
{{c1::spill}} spill
{{c1::statistics}} statistics
{{c1::strategic}} strategic
{{c1::strictly}} strictly
{{c1::subsidize}} subsidize
{{c1::substantially}} substantially
451 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::suburb}} suburb
{{c1::superior}} superior
{{c1::supervise}} supervise
{{c1::supervisor}} supervisor
{{c1::tactic}} tactic
{{c1::temporarily}} temporarily
{{c1::thorough}} thorough
{{c1::thoroughly}} thoroughly
{{c1::thrill}} thrill
{{c1::ton}} ton
{{c1::transaction}} transaction
{{c1::translation}} translation
{{c1::translator}} translator
452 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::transmission}} transmission
{{c1::transmit}} transmit
extraordinary or excellent
{{c1::tremendous}} tremendous
{{c1::tunnel}} tunnel
{{c1::unspecified}} unspecified
{{c1::urgent}} urgent
{{c1::urgently}} urgently
{{c1::utility}} utility
{{c1::valid}} valid
{{c1::violate}} violate
{{c1::violation}} violation
the act of taking something away or out of something, e.g. bank withdrawal
{{c1::withdrawal}} withdrawal
{{c1::aboard}} aboard
453 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::absent}} absent
{{c1::accountant}} accountant
to get used to
{{c1::accustom}} accustom
{{c1::activate}} activate
{{c1::adhere}} adhere
{{c1::adjacent}} adjacent
to manage an office
{{c1::administer}} administer
{{c1::alike}} alike
another option
{{c1::alternate}} alternate
{{c1::amateur}} amateur
{{c1::ambassador}} ambassador
{{c1::ambitious}} ambitious
a date to remember
{{c1::anniversary}} anniversary
454 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::antique}} antique
relating to
{{c1::applicable}} applicable
{{c1::applicant}} applicant
an evaluation
{{c1::appraisal}} appraisal
{{c1::archive}} archive
to get or achieve
{{c1::attain}} attain
{{c1::attorney}} attorney
{{c1::auction}} auction
{{c1::authentic}} authentic
{{c1::auto}} auto
{{c1::automobile}} automobile
{{c1::await}} await
{{c1::balloon}} balloon
455 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::bankrupt}} bankrupt
{{c1::bankruptcy}} bankruptcy
{{c1::baseball}} baseball
{{c1::basement}} basement
{{c1::behalf}} behalf
{{c1::beneficial}} beneficial
{{c1::bicycle}} bicycle
{{c1::biography}} biography
{{c1::biology}} biology
{{c1::bonus}} bonus
{{c1::broker}} broker
{{c1::bulb}} bulb
in big amount
{{c1::bulk}} bulk
456 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::cab}} cab
{{c1::cabin}} cabin
something you hang on the wall that has the months of the year on it
{{c1::calendar}} calendar
{{c1::campus}} campus
{{c1::cargo}} cargo
{{c1::cater}} cater
{{c1::caterer}} caterer
a warning to be careful
{{c1::caution}} caution
to be careful
{{c1::cautious}} cautious
someone famous
{{c1::celebrity}} celebrity
{{c1::certificate}} certificate
written proof that you did something or that something is good enough
{{c1::certification}} certification
{{c1::certify}} certify
457 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::chef}} chef
{{c1::chemistry}} chemistry
{{c1::chronic}} chronic
a movie theatre
{{c1::cinema}} cinema
{{c1::classify}} classify
{{c1::clerk}} clerk
to press a button
{{c1::click}} click
{{c1::closure}} closure
{{c1::commute}} commute
{{c1::commuter}} commuter
{{c1::compact}} compact
to go well with
{{c1::compatible}} compatible
{{c1::compile}} compile
458 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::compliance}} compliance
to obey a rule
{{c1::comply}} comply
{{c1::comprehension}} comprehension
{{c1::confidential}} confidential
to be like others
{{c1::conform}} conform
{{c1::congratulate}} congratulate
{{c1::congratulation}} congratulation
opposite to
{{c1::contrary}} contrary
{{c1::convenience}} convenience
to be easy to do
{{c1::convenient}} convenient
{{c1::conveniently}} conveniently
{{c1::copyright}} copyright
electric cable
{{c1::cord}} cord
459 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::cordless}} cordless
{{c1::costume}} costume
a kindness to someone
{{c1::courtesy}} courtesy
{{c1::deadline}} deadline
{{c1::deduct}} deduct
{{c1::deduction}} deduction
{{c1::defect}} defect
{{c1::defective}} defective
{{c1::delicate}} delicate
to leave
{{c1::depart}} depart
{{c1::departure}} departure
{{c1::dependence}} dependence
{{c1::destination}} destination
460 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::detach}} detach
{{c1::deteriorate}} deteriorate
{{c1::diagnose}} diagnose
{{c1::diagram}} diagram
{{c1::dial}} dial
{{c1::diamond}} diamond
to throw away
{{c1::discard}} discard
to send out
{{c1::dispatch}} dispatch
{{c1::distract}} distract
{{c1::distraction}} distraction
{{c1::dividend}} dividend
{{c1::dock}} dock
{{c1::documentary}} documentary
461 / 507 8/9/2018
not exciting
{{c1::dull}} dull
{{c1::duration}} duration
{{c1::dynamic}} dynamic
fine or beautiful
{{c1::elegant}} elegant
able to be chosen
{{c1::eligible}} eligible
{{c1::embassy}} embassy
to surround fully
{{c1::enclose}} enclose
{{c1::enroll}} enroll
{{c1::enrollment}} enrollment
{{c1::entrepreneur}} entrepreneur
to go with someone
{{c1::escort}} escort
{{c1::ethics}} ethics
462 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::evacuate}} evacuate
in equal ways
{{c1::evenly}} evenly
{{c1::exemption}} exemption
to leave
{{c1::exit}} exit
{{c1::exotic}} exotic
{{c1::expertise}} expertise
{{c1::fare}} fare
{{c1::fax}} fax
{{c1::ferry}} ferry
to do with money
{{c1::fiscal}} fiscal
{{c1::flaw}} flaw
{{c1::fleet}} fleet
{{c1::flour}} flour
463 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::fog}} fog
to not allow
{{c1::forbid}} forbid
eating utensil
{{c1::fork}} fork
{{c1::forum}} forum
{{c1::franchise}} franchise
to put furniture in
{{c1::furnish}} furnish
{{c1::gallon}} gallon
{{c1::generic}} generic
{{c1::genre}} genre
{{c1::glove}} glove
{{c1::gossip}} gossip
{{c1::graph}} graph
{{c1::grill}} grill
464 / 507 8/9/2018
tools or equipment
{{c1::hardware}} hardware
{{c1::helmet}} helmet
{{c1::hurricane}} hurricane
{{c1::immigration}} immigration
{{c1::impatient}} impatient
{{c1::inconvenience}} inconvenience
{{c1::indirect}} indirect
{{c1::infer}} infer
{{c1::inference}} inference
{{c1::informal}} informal
{{c1::ink}} ink
{{c1::innovative}} innovative
{{c1::integral}} integral
465 / 507 8/9/2018
to bother
{{c1::irritate}} irritate
a kind of music
{{c1::jazz}} jazz
gold, silver, stones etc. you wear for decoration, e.g. necklace
{{c1::jewelry}} jewelry
{{c1::keyboard}} keyboard
{{c1::kit}} kit
{{c1::ladder}} ladder
{{c1::landlord}} landlord
{{c1::laundry}} laundry
{{c1::leisure}} leisure
{{c1::likewise}} likewise
a place to relax
{{c1::lounge}} lounge
{{c1::maximize}} maximize
{{c1::meantime}} meantime
466 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::merchant}} merchant
to deserve praise
{{c1::merit}} merit
{{c1::mineral}} mineral
{{c1::minimize}} minimize
{{c1::monument}} monument
{{c1::necessity}} necessity
{{c1::nutrition}} nutrition
{{c1::omit}} omit
still happening
{{c1::ongoing}} ongoing
to make a choice
{{c1::opt}} opt
{{c1::optimistic}} optimistic
{{c1::orchestra}} orchestra
{{c1::outfit}} outfit
467 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::outlet}} outlet
a view point
{{c1::outlook}} outlook
{{c1::overhead}} overhead
{{c1::overnight}} overnight
to supervise
{{c1::oversee}} oversee
{{c1::packet}} packet
walk or march
{{c1::parade}} parade
{{c1::patent}} patent
{{c1::patience}} patience
{{c1::patron}} patron
{{c1::petition}} petition
A doctor of medicine
{{c1::physician}} physician
{{c1::physics}} physics
468 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::pill}} pill
{{c1::pillow}} pillow
{{c1::portfolio}} portfolio
{{c1::poster}} poster
{{c1::postpone}} postpone
{{c1::preliminary}} preliminary
{{c1::premium}} premium
{{c1::prescribe}} prescribe
{{c1::prescription}} prescription
{{c1::prestigious}} prestigious
{{c1::publicity}} publicity
{{c1::questionnaire}} questionnaire
{{c1::rack}} rack
469 / 507 8/9/2018
proof of payment
{{c1::receipt}} receipt
{{c1::recipient}} recipient
{{c1::recreation}} recreation
{{c1::recreational}} recreational
happens again
{{c1::recur}} recur
to find another use for something that is going to be put in the trash
{{c1::recycle}} recycle
{{c1::refinery}} refinery
{{c1::refresh}} refresh
{{c1::refreshment}} refreshment
{{c1::rehearsal}} rehearsal
{{c1::rehearse}} rehearse
{{c1::retrieve}} retrieve
{{c1::rubber}} rubber
470 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::rug}} rug
{{c1::satisfactory}} satisfactory
an amount of money given to an able student to help pay for their studies
{{c1::scholarship}} scholarship
{{c1::seldom}} seldom
{{c1::seminar}} seminar
{{c1::signature}} signature
with honesty
{{c1::sincerely}} sincerely
{{c1::sketch}} sketch
{{c1::sleeve}} sleeve
a narrow opening
{{c1::slot}} slot
{{c1::soap}} soap
{{c1::soar}} soar
ball game played by two teams who try to score goals without handling the ball
{{c1::soccer}} soccer
471 / 507 8/9/2018
to do with the sun, like sunlight or the heat from the sun
{{c1::solar}} solar
{{c1::spouse}} spouse
{{c1::stack}} stack
{{c1::stadium}} stadium
a work of art, usually a model of a person or animal, made from hard material
{{c1::statue}} statue
{{c1::steer}} steer
{{c1::stimulus}} stimulus
{{c1::stripe}} stripe
{{c1::subscribe}} subscribe
{{c1::subscriber}} subscriber
the amount of money that you pay to receive a service or product regularly
{{c1::subscription}} subscription
{{c1::suite}} suite
very good
{{c1::superb}} superb
472 / 507 8/9/2018
a label
{{c1::tag}} tag
{{c1::telecommunication}} telecommunication someone who pays rent for the use of property like land
or rooms
{{c1::tenant}} tenant
the place where a transport line ends, like the final train station on the line
{{c1::terminal}} terminal
bring to an end
{{c1::terminate}} terminate
{{c1::termination}} termination
the taking and keeping of something that does not belong to you
{{c1::theft}} theft
a thin slab of material, often made of clay, used for covering roofs and floors
{{c1::tile}} tile
{{c1::tropical}} tropical
{{c1::turnover}} turnover
{{c1::upgrade}} upgrade
{{c1::validate}} validate
{{c1::vendor}} vendor
473 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::venue}} venue
{{c1::verbal}} verbal
{{c1::verify}} verify
a natural substance found in food and drink that your body needs to be healthy
{{c1::vitamin}} vitamin
{{c1::waiter}} waiter
a woman whose job it is to bring meals to your the table in a restaurant or cafe
{{c1::waitress}} waitress
an electoral district, a small area within which the people can all vote for the same thing
{{c1::ward}} ward
a building where a large number of things are stored while they are waiting to be sold
{{c1::whale}} whale
partner in crime
{{c1::accessory}} accessory
{{c1::aisle}} aisle
condition that means you get ill if you come into contact with a particular material
{{c1::allergy}} allergy
{{c1::ample}} ample
474 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::appendix}} appendix
{{c1::appliance}} appliance
{{c1::apprentice}} apprentice
{{c1::arc}} arc
To make a process that does a task over and over again by machine
{{c1::automate}} automate
a small piece of material with your name and details on that you wear to show who you are
{{c1::badge}} badge
a small floor area with a wall or fence round it that is joined to the outside of a building
{{c1::balcony}} balcony a game played by two teams who try to score goals by throwing the ball
{{c1::basketball}} basketball
{{c1::brochure}} brochure
{{c1::bulletin}} bulletin
a very sweet food, made from sugar and other things, that is good to eat
{{c1::candy}} candy
{{c1::charitable}} charitable
{{c1::circus}} circus
475 / 507 8/9/2018
hitting your hands together to make a noise to show you enjoyed something
{{c1::clap}} clap
{{c1::comb}} comb
a part of a closed area that has been separated from a bigger one
{{c1::compartment}} compartment
{{c1::compliment}} compliment
{{c1::complimentary}} complimentary
a blockage
something that blocks it up
{{c1::congestion}} congestion
{{c1::consecutive}} consecutive
{{c1::cosmetic}} cosmetic
{{c1::crane}} crane
{{c1::cushion}} cushion
{{c1::delete}} delete
{{c1::dentist}} dentist
476 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::dessert}} dessert
{{c1::diagnostic}} diagnostic
{{c1::discrepancy}} discrepancy
{{c1::dissatisfy}} dissatisfy
very seriously
{{c1::drastically}} drastically
{{c1::drought}} drought
{{c1::duplicate}} duplicate
{{c1::durable}} durable
when the ground shakes due to the natural movement of rocks underground
{{c1::earthquake}} earthquake
{{c1::embed}} embed
to remove or delete
{{c1::erase}} erase
{{c1::expiration}} expiration
Come to an end
{{c1::expire}} expire
477 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::factual}} factual
{{c1::farewell}} farewell
fix together firmly
{{c1::fasten}} fasten
{{c1::fatigue}} fatigue
{{c1::fixture}} fixture
illness that you catch from other people, that gives you a fever for a few days
{{c1::flu}} flu
{{c1::fluctuate}} fluctuate
{{c1::fountain}} fountain
{{c1::freight}} freight
{{c1::freighter}} freighter
something made of material that you can wear, like pants or a dress
{{c1::garment}} garment
{{c1::generator}} generator
{{c1::gram}} gram
478 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::gum}} gum
{{c1::gym}} gym
{{c1::gymnasium}} gymnasium
{{c1::hacker}} hacker
a flat round cake of minced beef that is fried and then eaten in a bread roll
{{c1::hamburger}} hamburger
{{c1::hike}} hike
{{c1::hiker}} hiker
{{c1::imperative}} imperative
{{c1::incur}} incur
{{c1::intersection}} intersection
{{c1::inventory}} inventory
a gentle run
{{c1::jog}} jog
{{c1::journalism}} journalism
479 / 507 8/9/2018
useless item
{{c1::junk}} junk
{{c1::logo}} logo
{{c1::mall}} mall
{{c1::mandatory}} mandatory
{{c1::massage}} massage
{{c1::medication}} medication
{{c1::memo}} memo
{{c1::messenger}} messenger
device used by singers and public speakers to make their voice louder
{{c1::microphone}} microphone
a device that makes very small things look bigger so you can study them closer
{{c1::microscope}} microscope
a device that lets you send information from one computer to another
{{c1::modem}} modem
the confidence in how a group of people all feel, usually at a difficult time
{{c1::morale}} morale
480 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::mosquito}} mosquito
{{c1::noon}} noon
{{c1::notify}} notify
{{c1::oval}} oval
{{c1::overview}} overview
{{c1::parcel}} parcel
official document containing information about you, that allows you to enter other countries
{{c1::passport}} passport shaped and dried dough, made from flour and water, often used in Italian
{{c1::pasta}} pasta
a food made of flour, fat and water and baked with other food inside it
{{c1::pastry}} pastry
{{c1::pedestrian}} pedestrian
{{c1::pharmaceutical}} pharmaceutical
a packed meal to take with you and eaten in the open air
{{c1::picnic}} picnic
a round piece of baked dough, covered with tomato, cheese and other ingredients
{{c1::pizza}} pizza
481 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::plausible}} plausible
{{c1::plow}} plow
{{c1::plumber}} plumber
{{c1::portable}} portable
{{c1::publicize}} publicize
{{c1::purse}} purse
question, inquire
{{c1::query}} query
the person who oversees something to make sure that the rules are followed
{{c1::referee}} referee
{{c1::remainder}} remainder
{{c1::renovate}} renovate
{{c1::renovation}} renovation
{{c1::renown}} renown
when people get together to meet up after not meeting for a long time
{{c1::reunion}} reunion
482 / 507 8/9/2018
a store where you can get a particular service, like getting your hair styled
{{c1::salon}} salon
a long, narrow piece of material you wear round your neck to keep you warm
{{c1::scarf}} scarf
{{c1::serial}} serial
{{c1::shuttle}} shuttle
{{c1::signify}} signify
{{c1::skate}} skate
{{c1::snack}} snack
a long soft seat with a back, big enough for at least two people to sit on
{{c1::sofa}} sofa
a place you can go to relax and improve your health, or how you look
{{c1::spa}} spa
{{c1::spectator}} spectator
{{c1::spite}} spite
{{c1::stereo}} stereo
{{c1::submission}} submission
483 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::surf}} surf
a warm item of clothing worn over the arms and upper body, made of wool,
{{c1::sweater}} sweater
{{c1::tablet}} tablet
{{c1::tailor}} tailor
{{c1::technician}} technician
{{c1::teen}} teen
{{c1::terrific}} terrific
{{c1::tidy}} tidy
{{c1::toll}} toll
{{c1::tow}} tow
{{c1::transit}} transit
{{c1::umbrella}} umbrella
to call attention to
{{c1::underline}} underline
484 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::usage}} usage
{{c1::vacant}} vacant
{{c1::vacation}} vacation
{{c1::vacuum}} vacuum
a jug or urn to put cut flowers in, to make a room look pretty
{{c1::vase}} vase
{{c1::vegetarian}} vegetarian
{{c1::violin}} violin
travel permit that allows you to enter a particular country for a period of time
{{c1::visa}} visa
a piece of paper that you can use to buy goods or to get them at a reduced price
{{c1::voucher}} voucher
a small case that can fit in a pocket, used by men to hold money and credit cards
{{c1::wallet}} wallet
{{c1::wireless}} wireless
there is some value to it
{{c1::worthwhile}} worthwhile
a crease or fold
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{{c1::wrinkle}} wrinkle
{{c1::zoo}} zoo
put up with
{{c1::abide}} abide
{{c1::acclaim}} acclaim
Something, like a swimming pool in a town, that makes life more comfortable and enjoyable.
{{c1::amenity}} amenity a try out done by a performer to test whether they have the skills to do the job
{{c1::audition}} audition
{{c1::banquet}} banquet
{{c1::barbecue}} barbecue
earlier in time
{{c1::beforehand}} beforehand
a drawing or plan to show what the finished thing will look like
{{c1::blueprint}} blueprint
{{c1::booth}} booth
a small case with a handle usually used for carrying business papers
{{c1::briefcase}} briefcase
look or leaf through casually, like looking through a book without really reading it
{{c1::browse}} browse
a meal consisting of a number of different dishes from which people serve themselves
{{c1::buffet}} buffet
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{{c1::carpenter}} carpenter
a piece of the equipment that is a sealed unit, and that can be taken out and replaced
{{c1::closet}} closet
{{c1::contraction}} contraction
a piece of paper that you can use to buy goods or to get them at a reduced price
{{c1::coupon}} coupon
{{c1::cumulative}} cumulative
knock down
completely destroy
{{c1::demolish}} demolish
relating to teeth
{{c1::dental}} dental
{{c1::diploma}} diploma
cut off or detach
{{c1::disconnect}} disconnect
{{c1::drawback}} drawback
{{c1::euro}} euro
{{c1::excursion}} excursion
487 / 507 8/9/2018
someone whose job it is to put out fires or save people from dangerous situations
{{c1::firefighter}} firefighter a small stick-like object that, when lit with a flame, goes off with a bang and
flashes of colored light
{{c1::fluent}} fluent
{{c1::folder}} folder
{{c1::freelance}} freelance
something that is worthless
{{c1::garbage}} garbage
{{c1::handbook}} handbook
{{c1::hesitant}} hesitant
{{c1::hospitality}} hospitality
{{c1::humidity}} humidity
how you keep yourself and your surroundings clean and so that you stay healthy
{{c1::hygiene}} hygiene
includes everything
{{c1::inclusive}} inclusive
{{c1::induction}} induction
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{{c1::informative}} informative
a stuent or trainee who is doing a job, often without pay, to get work experience
{{c1::intern}} intern
a position or placement for someone to learn a job through work, sometimes without pay
{{c1::kilogram}} kilogram
{{c1::liter}} liter
a small cupboard you can store personal items in securely for a period of time
{{c1::locker}} locker
Bags and cases that you carry your clothes in when you go on a journey
{{c1::luggage}} luggage
{{c1::memorandum}} memorandum
{{c1::mentor}} mentor
{{c1::merchandise}} merchandise
{{c1::mini}} mini
{{c1::nap}} nap
{{c1::necklace}} necklace
489 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::overcrowd}} overcrowd
a small paper leaflet or booklet that tells you about a single subject
{{c1::pamphlet}} pamphlet
{{c1::pant}} pant
{{c1::payroll}} payroll
{{c1::pharmacist}} pharmacist
{{c1::pharmacy}} pharmacy
{{c1::preview}} preview
{{c1::reflexive}} reflexive
{{c1::refund}} refund
money that can be returned if you change your mind about a purchase
{{c1::refundable}} refundable
give back the money for an expense that has been paid out
{{c1::reimburse}} reimburse
the money that is given to cover the cost of an expense that has been paid out
{{c1::reimbursement}} reimbursement the pipes that carry water and waste away from toilets
{{c1::sewer}} sewer
490 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::skim}} skim
{{c1::spreadsheet}} spreadsheet
short thin piece of wire that is punched through sheets of paper to fasten them together
{{c1::streamline}} streamline
garbage or waste
something worthless
{{c1::trash}} trash
{{c1::tuition}} tuition
{{c1::tuna}} tuna
happening now
{{c1::underway}} underway
{{c1::vacancy}} vacancy
to give up or do without
{{c1::waive}} waive
{{c1::warranty}} warranty
{{c1::yen}} yen
{{c1::auditorium}} auditorium
491 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::beverage}} beverage
a brush with a long handle used for sweeping the dirt from the floor
{{c1::broom}} broom
a box made of cardboard or plastic in which things like milk and juice are sold
{{c1::carton}} carton
{{c1::consignment}} consignment
relating to cooking
{{c1::culinary}} culinary
{{c1::customize}} customize
stop doing it
{{c1::discontinue}} discontinue
{{c1::extinguisher}} extinguisher
{{c1::foreman}} foreman
{{c1::habitual}} habitual
{{c1::intonation}} intonation
a written request for payment for the goods and services listed
{{c1::invoice}} invoice
{{c1::luncheon}} luncheon
492 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::misplace}} misplace
{{c1::needy}} needy
{{c1::overdue}} overdue
{{c1::password}} password
to punish someone
{{c1::penalize}} penalize
{{c1::personalize}} personalize
{{c1::photocopier}} photocopier
{{c1::photocopy}} photocopy
{{c1::proficiency}} proficiency
an amount of money given back to you as part of the deal when you buy goods or services
{{c1::rebate}} rebate
{{c1::redesign}} redesign
{{c1::subtract}} subtract
493 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::subway}} subway
person who works in a bank, who pays out and takes in money
{{c1::teller}} teller
a flavoring used in ice cream and other sweet foods to make them taste good
{{c1::vanilla}} vanilla
{{c1::anew}} anew
uneasy, worried
{{c1::apprehensive}} apprehensive
{{c1::attire}} attire
{{c1::automotive}} automotive
{{c1::cafeteria}} cafeteria
the person whose job it is to take the money you pay for goods or services
{{c1::cashier}} cashier
{{c1::cookie}} cookie
{{c1::courier}} courier
{{c1::debit}} debit
small, fried, very sweet piece of dough covered in sugar and good to eat
{{c1::donut}} donut
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{{c1::gasoline}} gasoline
{{c1::hotline}} hotline
{{c1::itinerary}} itinerary
to be older than
{{c1::outdated}} outdated
saying it again but putting the same meaning into different words
{{c1::paraphrase}} paraphrase
{{c1::projector}} projector
{{c1::remodel}} remodel
{{c1::restatement}} restatement
{{c1::stationery}} stationery
{{c1::stockbroker}} stockbroker
happening soon
{{c1::upcoming}} upcoming
leave empty
move out of
{{c1::vacate}} vacate
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{{c1::yoga}} yoga
{{c1::considerate}} considerate
{{c1::malfunction}} malfunction
{{c1::sauna}} sauna
a ballgame for two teams who try to hit a large ball backwards and forwards across a central net
{ {c1::volleyball}} volleyball a group discussion to come up with a lot of ideas very quickly
{{c1::brainstorm}} brainstorm
a building that has lots of apartments in it, all owned and lived in by different people
{{c1::deluxe}} deluxe
a moving stairway
{{c1::escalator}} escalator
{{c1::expedite}} expedite
{{c1::hereby}} hereby
arriving on time
{{c1::punctual}} punctual
{{c1::sedan}} sedan
{{c1::semester}} semester
496 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::spam}} spam
{{c1::vend}} vend
phone that connects to the system by radio so that you can use it anywhere
{{c1::cellphone}} cellphone
{{c1::overpay}} overpay
{{c1::realtor}} realtor
{{c1::toiletry}} toiletry
the person in a hotel whose job it is to arrange things for the guests
{{c1::concierge}} concierge
{{c1::overcharge}} overcharge
{{c1::outage}} outage
someone who works in a law company but who has not trained as a lawyer
{{c1::paralegal}} paralegal
an officer aboard a ship who keeps accounts and attends to the passengers' needs
{{c1::purser}} purser
{{c1::login}} login
there is a choice about when to start and finish working a set number of hours
{{c1::flextime}} flextime
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{{c1::sue}} sue
{{c1::airfare}} airfare
{{c1::airplane}} airplane
{{c1::airport}} airport
{{c1::backpack}} backpack
{{c1::ballroom}} ballroom
{{c1::bathroom}} bathroom
{{c1::birthday}} birthday
{{c1::boardroom}} boardroom
{{c1::bookcase}} bookcase
{{c1::bookstore}} bookstore
{{c1::businessperson} } businessperson the latest time that you must vacate a hotel room
498 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::checkout}} checkout
{{c1::cheeseburger}} cheeseburger
{{c1::classmate}} classmate
{{c1::cookbook}} cookbook
land outside of cities and towns, that does not have buildings on it
{{c1::countryside}} countryside
The time between when the sun rises and when it goes down
not nightime
{{c1::daytime}} daytime
{{c1::desktop}} desktop
{{c1::dishwasher}} dishwasher
Someone whose job it is to stand at entrance to a hotel to let people go in and out
{{c1::doorman}} doorman
{{c1::download}} download
{{c1::downsize}} downsize
{{c1::downstairs}} downstairs
{{c1::downtown}} downtown
499 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::downturn}} downturn
information given to the provider about how good or bad the goods or services were
{{c1::feedback}} feedback
{{c1::footwear}} footwear
{{c1::fundraise}} fundraise
{{c1::getaway}} getaway
{{c1::hallway}} hallway
{{c1::hardworking}} hardworking
{{c1::headache}} headache
a set of small speakers that fit into each ear so that only you can hear the sound
{{c1::healthcare}} healthcare
{{c1::homemade}} homemade
{{c1::homeowner}} homeowner
{{c1::homework}} homework
500 / 507 8/9/2018
someone whose job it is to take care of and clean another person's house
{{c1::housekeeper}} housekeeper
just arriving
{{c1::incoming}} incoming
{{c1::laptop}} laptop
the act of ending a worker's job because there is not enough work, or not enough money to pay for it
{{c1::layout}} layout
the printing at the top of a letter that tells you the name and details of the company sending it
{ {c1::letterhead}} letterhead the person whose job it is to keep people safe at the beach or at pool
{{c1::lifeguard}} lifeguard
{{c1::lifestyle}} lifestyle
The time between when a person is born and when they die
{{c1::lifetime}} lifetime
{{c1::lunchtime}} lunchtime
12 o'clock at night
{{c1::midnight}} midnight
{{c1::motorcycle}} motorcycle
{{c1::newsletter}} newsletter
501 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::newsstand}} newsstand
{{c1::outstanding}} outstanding
{{c1::overtime}} overtime
{{c1::paperback}} paperback
{{c1::paperwork}} paperwork
the piece of paper that tells a worker how much they have earned
{{c1::paycheck}} paycheck
{{c1::postcard}} postcard
{{c1::proofread}} proofread
{{c1::railway}} railway
a water-resistant coat
{{c1::raincoat}} raincoat
Water that falls from the clouds in the sky, in little drops
{{c1::rainfall}} rainfall
room in a building which contains one or more toilets for public use
{{c1::restroom}} restroom
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a man whose job it is to get people to buy things from his company
{{c1::salesman}} salesman
men and women whose job it is get people to buy things from their company
{{c1::salespeople}} salespeople
a man or woman whose job it is get people to buy things from their company
{{c1::salesperson}} salesperson
{{c1::seafood}} seafood
a place right by the ocean where people can go to relax and have fun
{{c1::seaside}} seaside
an area where goods for sale are set out so people can look at them
{{c1::showroom}} showroom
{{c1::sidewalk}} sidewalk
{{c1::sightsee}} sightsee
a flat board with small wheels on the bottom that you move by pushing on the ground with one foot
{{c1::someday}} someday
one man or woman who speaks officially for the rest of the group
{{c1::spokesperson}} spokesperson
{{c1::stockholder}} stockholder
a room where things can be kept when they are not being used
{{c1::storeroom}} storeroom
503 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::suitcase}} suitcase
a cream spread on the skin that protects your skin from the sun
{{c1::sunscreen}} sunscreen
{{c1::supermarket}} supermarket
{{c1::takeover}} takeover
{{c1::textbook}} textbook
{{c1::thunderstorm}} thunderstorm
a series of related events arranged in the order they happen, and displayed in a row
{{c1::timeline}} timeline a list of events and when they are going to happen
{{c1::timetable}} timetable
{{c1::trademark}} trademark
{{c1::underground}} underground
{{c1::upstairs}} upstairs
{{c1::videoconference}} videoconference
{{c1::walkway}} walkway
504 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::webpage}} webpage
a set of internet pages that give information about a particular person or organization
{{c1::website}} website All the working days in a week, usually Monday to Friday
{{c1::weekday}} weekday
a seat, that has wheels, that allows a person who cannot walk to move about
{{c1::wheelchair}} wheelchair
{{c1::wildlife}} wildlife
a file containing information about a particular subject, and relatated problems to be solved by the
{{c1::workforce}} workforce
{{c1::workplace}} workplace
{{c1::workshop}} workshop
{{c1::worldwide}} worldwide
a small device for telling the time that you wear on your lower arm
{{c1::wristwatch}} wristwatch
{{c1::pole}} pole
{{c1::coworker}} coworker
505 / 507 8/9/2018
{{c1::headquarter}} headquarter
{{c1::wellness}} wellness
{{c1::sharply}} sharply
{{c1::manual}} manual
{{c1::advancement}} advancement
{{c1::ma'am}} ma'am
{{c1::appetizer}} appetizer
{{c1::checkup}} checkup
{{c1::healthful}} healthful
{{c1::housekeep}} housekeep
someone who pays money to have the use of something for a period of time
{{c1::renter}} renter
506 / 507 8/9/2018
a small device used to fix papers together with a small thin piece of wire called a staple
{{c1::bound}} bound
{{c1::distractor}} distractor
{{c1::repairperson}} repairperson
{{c1::unauthorized}} unauthorized
{{c1::misidentify}} misidentify
507 / 507