Fire Services: This Subject Is Intended To

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Level 3
Contact Hours Lect/Sem:28
Tut:9 Lab:9
Student Effort 120
Assessment Examination 70% Subject Aim:
Method Coursework 30%
Credit Value 3 This subject is intended to:
Pre-requisites BSE222, BSE251
or equivalent 1. Provide base knowledge sufficient to enable students to
design and appraise fire engineering systems, based on a
Co-requisites Nil second understanding of the background concepts.
Exclusions BSE336
Subject Leader/ (BSE)
Learning Outcome:

Students will demonstrate their ability to:-

1. Understand and appraise the background behind legislation and codes of practices related to fire services
in building.
2. Design and make rational choices of system, materials and equipment based on requirements from local
regulations as well as performance from basic fundamentals.
3. Be able to develop in depth studies in fire engineering and research by delivering fundamentals in fire

Syllabus Content:

Fundamental Concepts of Fire:

Fire triangle, properties of fuel, fire extinguishing mechanisms.

Local regulations, code of practices, building regulations, legislative issues, role of engineers in fire services.

Fire Control Systems:

Theory and principle of water-based systems: standpipe, sprinkler, spray, foam, drencher, water mist. Theory
and principle of gas systems: CO2, clean agent, environmental effect. Chemical dry powder. Portable fire

Smoke Control Systems:

Fire safety principles in smoke management and in ventilation and air conditioning systems. Pressurisation of
staircases and safety zones in hazardous areas, smoke extraction, smoke vents.

Fire Detection and Alarm Systems:

Principles of fire detection and alarm systems, unwanted alarm, interface with other installations and building

Fire Resisting Construction:

Properties of material under fire environment, fire resisting period, compartmentation. Means of access and
Learning and Teaching Approach:

The realisation of the aims will be based on lectures, tutorials, assignments, laboratories, directed reading and
industrial/site visits. Lectures will be used to introduce various systems and the necessary engineering design
knowledge, backed up by films and slides. Tutorials will provide the opportunity for questions and discussions
on problems related to lectures, assignments, and case studies. Assignments will emphasise on practical design
solutions and performance appreciation. There will be a two-hour test.

Laboratories will develop student ability to understand physical phenomena of fire services and to interpret
experimental data with practical design criteria of systems. Laboratory sessions will be jointly organised
together with other technical subjects of Stage 2 of the programme. Industrial visits will allow students to
appreciate system operation, maintenance and installation.


Based on an examination mark 70% and continuous assessment mark 30%.

The continuous assessment mark is made up from one in class tests, one seminar and laboratory reports.

Reading List:


SEPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering (2nd Ed.), NFPA, 1995

Fire Protection Handbook (18th Ed.), NFPA, 1997

Building Regulations, SAR, Hong Kong Government

Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment, FSD, H.K., 1994

Manual of Firemanship, HMSO

Rules for Automatic Sprinklers Installations, LPC, 1990


Design of Smoke Management Systems, ASHRAE, 1992

Code of Practice for the Provision of Means of Access for Firefighting and Rescue, BD, H.K., 1995

Code of Practice for the Provision of Means of Escape in Case of Fire, BD, H.K., 1996

Related Laboratory Work:

Investigation of the sensitivity of a fire detection system
Study of the operating characteristics of a sprinkler/water mist system
Smoke movement

Related Design Work:

Automatic Sprinkler System
Hose Reel/Fire Hydrant Systems
Smoke Extraction Systems
Fire Detection and Alarm Systems

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