Roshan Intro

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Speed: Hand counting votes is time consuming

especially in most populated countries like India,
where many candidates are for same position and
voter has to cast vote for many races.
2. Intelligibility: When a system based on pens,
stamps, punch cards or ballot papers is used for
Democracy is an important matter in most
voting in a paper‐based polling system, the result
modern societies. One of the most important
can be ambiguous.
activities within a democracy is the election of
representatives. It is also a very delicate process3. Accessibility: Disabled or duty‐bound people do
that is the subject of various disturbances, such as not have an easy access to the poll booth, but an
inactive citizens, attempts of fraud etc. In this easily touchable system will help them to cast their
thesis, we will discuss some of these problems, vote.
starting from the current democratic situation in4. Transparency: Chances of manipulation of the
India. We will also propose a software solution to results from influencing authorities will almost be
the problem in terms of a prototype that will finished.
display the most important aspects of this problem 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
by implementing the software within a college The aim of the study is to analyze the
election. current election system and suggest an online
1.2 NEED FOR THE STUDY election system which will allow people to cast
In a democracy, the electorate expresses its votes in a more convenient way, by using available
will through the election of representatives. These resources which could facilitate the voters during
elected representatives operate the country, on elections.
behalf of the politic body. In order for the
representatives to appropriately represent and II.REVIEW OF LITERATURE
implement the demands of the people, the elections 2.1 INTRODUCTION
in which they are elected must be held fairly and To offer an online election system, it was
results computed accurately.
necessary to study the current computerized voting
Observing the history we deduce that system or voting machines working in different
Polling Systems based on hand rising had just a countries. Many developed countries USA,
problem with security (elections were not Australia have already adopted an online Election
anonymous). Instead a Paper‐based Polling System system.[11][12]
has at least three problems (discussed below). The 2.2 ELECTRONIC VOTING
paradigm shift from hand‐based polling system to
Technology can include punched cards,
paper‐based polling system is caused due to optical scan voting systems and specialized voting
population growth whereas, now, time and safety kiosks (including self‐contained direct‐recording
are so important that it has driven a new paradigm electronic voting systems, or DRE). It can also
shift from paper to electronic. There is no involve transmission of ballots and votes via
defendable reason to stick with paper polling telephones, private computer networks, or via the
system, but there are many security reasons to Internet.
encourage the use a new electronic polling system
Electronic voting helps voters to cast votes
in order to draw up polling systems to digital era.
in an election through computerized equipment.
In India’s current paper polling system,
Sometimes this term is used to take votes
there are some other troubles as well apart from
over Internet.
low turnout of votes, by looking at those problems,
it is necessary to build a system which could solve
those problems and speed up the election system. 2.2.1 MACHINE COUNTING
Machine‐readable ballot systems provides
help to the voters to mark their votes on a paper
card with marker and remove divots from a
perforated card with a stylus or mechanical hole
puncher. [1]

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