Evolution of The Jaw

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J. Anat.

(2004) 205, pp335–347

Blackwell Publishing, Ltd.

Evolution of the vertebrate jaw: comparative embryology

and molecular developmental biology reveal the factors
behind evolutionary novelty
Shigeru Kuratani
Laboratory for Evolutionary Morphology, Center for Developmental Biology, RIKEN, Kobe, Japan

It is generally believed that the jaw arose through the simple transformation of an ancestral rostral gill arch. The
gnathostome jaw differentiates from Hox-free crest cells in the mandibular arch, and this is also apparent in the
lamprey. The basic Hox code, including the Hox-free default state in the mandibular arch, may have been present
in the common ancestor, and jaw patterning appears to have been secondarily constructed in the gnathostomes.
The distribution of the cephalic neural crest cells is similar in the early pharyngula of gnathostomes and lampreys,
but different cell subsets form the oral apparatus in each group through epithelial–mesenchymal interactions: and
this heterotopy is likely to have been an important evolutionary change that permitted jaw differentiation. This
theory implies that the premandibular crest cells differentiate into the upper lip, or the dorsal subdivision of the
oral apparatus in the lamprey, whereas the equivalent cell population forms the trabecula of the skull base in gna-
thostomes. Because the gnathostome oral apparatus is derived exclusively from the mandibular arch, the concepts
‘oral’ and ‘mandibular’ must be dissociated. The ‘lamprey trabecula’ develops from mandibular mesoderm, and is not
homologous with the gnathostome trabecula, which develops from premandibular crest cells. Thus the jaw evolved
as an evolutionary novelty through tissue rearrangements and topographical changes in tissue interactions.
Key words evolutionary novelty; Hox genes; jaw; lamprey; neural crest; pharynx.

innovations in the evolution of vertebrates and is

Introduction: the mandibular arch and the jaw
derived from the mandibular arch (MA). Evolution of
The head of the vertebrate embryo is characterized by the jaw therefore can be viewed as the establishment
the possession of neural crest-derived ectomesenchyme of a developmental programme for the ectomesen-
and the pharyngeal arches (PAs), which are primarily chyme of the MA to form a dorsoventrally articulated
equivalent to the gill arches. The skeletal elements in pattern, consisting of upper and lower jaws. However,
the PAs are derived exclusively from the ectomesen- the evolutionary scenario of the jaw, or the history of
chyme, not from the mesoderm (Le Lièvre, 1974, 1978; changes in the developmental programmes to create
reviewed by Le Douarin, 1982; Gans & Northcutt, the jaws, remains largely unknown. The lamprey, a
1983; Hall & Hörstadius, 1988; Noden, 1988; Hall, 1999; jawless vertebrate, is thought to represent the out-
Le Douarin & Kalcheim, 1999; Kimmel et al. 2001; group to the jawed vertebrates and may suggest the
Morriss-Kay, 2001; Trainor et al. 2003). The jaw in ancestral developmental programmes shared by the
gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) is one of the earliest common ancestor, as well as the changes introduced to
form the jaw in gnathostome lineages.
According to the classic morphological concept, the
jaw in gnathostomes is assumed to have arisen by
Dr S. Kuratani, Laboratory for Evolutionary Morphology, Center for
Developmental Biology (CDB), RIKEN, 2-2-3 Minatojima-minami, transforming one of the rostral gill arches of the ances-
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo 650–0047, Japan. E: [email protected] tral vertebrate (reviewed by Sewertzoff, 1911, 1928;
Accepted for publication 15 September 2004 Goodrich, 1930; Gregory, 1933; de Beer, 1937; Romer,

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Fig. 2 Pharyngeal anatomy of the ammocoete larva of the

lamprey. The pharynx of the lamprey larva has been cut
horizontally and its dorsal half is illustrated from the ventral
view. Mandibular, hyoid (HA), and two branchial arches
( Ba1–2) are shown. The arches are coloured as in Fig. 1.
Abbreviations: tr, trabecula of the lamprey; ulp, upper lip;
vel, velum. Redrawn from Gaskell (1908).
Fig. 1 Visceral skeletal systems in various gnathostomes.
Visceral skeletons of Chimaera monstrosa (A: Holocephali),
Callorhynchus (B: Holocephali), Chlamidoselachus This is also true for the lamprey, a modern agnathan
(C: Elasmobranchii), Acipenser sturio (D: Chondrostei),
(jawless) vertebrate (Kuratani et al. 2001). In this ani-
Gasterosteus aculeatus (E: Teleostei) and Triron cristatus
(F: Urodela) are shown. Mandibular arches are coloured pink, mal, the MA differentiates into the velum, the pump-
the hyoid arch light blue, and the more posterior respiratory ing apparatus that lets water into the pharynx, as well
arches (real branchial arches) grey. Note that, in each as the lower lip, which resembles the gnathostome
gnathostome species shown here, mandibular and hyoid
lower jaw (Fig. 2; Mallatt, 1996; Kuratani et al. 2001;
arches are morphologically differentiated to take distinct
shapes, whereas the branchial arches look similar to each Shigetani et al. 2002; see below). An ancestral animal
other. Redrawn from Edgeworth (1935) (A, B, E, F) and with simple gill arches with no mandibular or hyoid
Gregory (1933) (C and D).
identities is purely hypothetical. Recent embryological
and molecular developmental analyses of lampreys,
1966; Moy-Thomas & Miles, 1971; Romer & Parsons, the living agnathans, have suggested instead a more
1977; Jarvik, 1980; Mallatt, 1984, 1996; Carroll, 1988; complicated scenario for the evolution of the gnathos-
Janvier, 1996; Kuratani et al. 2001). However, the fossil tome jaw.
record has not revealed any ancestral animals with an
undifferentiated series of gill arches in their pharynx.
Mandibular arch and the Hox-free default
Moreover, in all the gnathostome embryos observed so
far, PA1 and PA2 can be recognized as modified from
the rest of the arches (branchial arches), and specifi- The idea that the jaw is a transformed PA fits the devel-
cally called the mandibular (MA) and hyoid arches opmental sequence of the gnathostome embryo better
(HA), respectively (Fig. 1; and see Gregory, 1933; Edge- than the actual fossil record. A specific class of homeobox-
worth, 1935; de Beer, 1937; Romer, 1966; Jarvik, 1980). containing genes, called Hox genes, are expressed

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sequentially along the anteroposterior axis of the

embryonic pharynx, thereby constituting a nested pat-
tern of gene expression, or the ‘Hox code’ in the
ectomesenchyme (Fig. 3A; Hunt et al. 1991a,b). Hox
genes in amniotes are arranged tandemly in four clus-
ters, each of which is found on a different chromosome
(reviewed by McGinnis & Krumlauf, 1992). There is a
tendency called ‘spatial collinearity’ in that the genes
located in the 3′ direction of a cluster are more likely to
be up-regulated in the anterior part of the embryo,
whereas the more 5′ genes are transcribed towards
the posterior part of the embryo. Thus, each one of the
PAs carries a different and specific subset of Hox tran-
scripts that determines its specific developmental path-
way (Fig. 3; Hunt et al. 1991a,b). Hox genes, encoding
transcription factors, play developmental roles as the
‘homeotic selector’ genes by providing positional cues
to the ectomesenchyme filling each PA. It is important
to note that there are no Hox genes expressed in the
MA (Fig. 3A).
Part of the jaw-patterning programme in gnathos-
tomes appears to be regulated by the ‘Hox-free
default’ state of the MA, as has been shown by a
number of experiments. First, gain- and loss-of-function
experiments on Hoxa-2, a Hox gene expressed in the
HA and posterior to it, result in the transformation of
the MA into the HA, and that of the HA into the MA,
respectively (Gendron-Maguire et al. 1993; Rijli et al.
1993; Grammatopoulos et al. 2000; Pasqualetti et al.
2000). This is consistent with the ‘law of posterior prev-
alence’ (Lufkin et al. 1992), in which loss of function of Fig. 3 Evolution of the gene expression patterns and the
origin of the jaw. (A) Simplified Hox codes in gnathostomes
a Hox gene leads to anteriorization, whereas gain-of- (top) and the lamprey larva (bottom) are summarized.
function leads to the posteriorization of morphological Gnathostome-specific regulatory gene expression domains
identities. Second, transplantation of the Hox-free are shown in bold, and crest cells in grey. In gnathostomes
(in this figure, amniotes), distinct sets of Hox transcripts are
neural crest into the rhombomere 4 level of the hind-
distributed in a nested pattern in the pharyngeal arches (PAs)
brain, which is destined to become the HA, leads to the with the mandibular arch (PA1) defined by the Hox-free
duplication of MA skeletal elements in the HA domain default state and by the expression of Otx cognates. Along the
(Noden, 1983; Couly et al. 1998). The growth factor dorsoventral axis of the arches, a Dlx code is established to
differentiate the dorsoventral pattern of each PA. In the
FGF8 (fibroblast growth factor 8), released from the lamprey, such nested expression of Dlx genes has not been
embryonic mid-hindbrain boundary, possibly inhibits detected. Note that the PA1 is commonly at the state of Hox-
expression of Hox genes in the rostral hindbrain crest free default, and PG2 and PG3 Hox genes have the same
rostral boundaries of expression along the PAs between
(Trainor et al. 2002). Thus, in the gnathostome devel-
lamprey and gnathostomes, implying the deep origin of the
opmental process, the differentiation of the jaw from three morphological identities to differentiate PA1, PA2 and
the rostral crest cells is permitted by the absence of the the rest of the arches. (B) Evolutionary changes in regulations
Hox transcripts from the crest cells in the MA. The ques- of Otx expression, Dlx-, and Hox codes have been placed along
the phylogenetic tree. Abbreviations: hy, hyoid arch; llp, lower
tion then arises as to whether the Hox-free state of the lip; mhb, mid-hindbrain boundary; mn, mandibular process;
MA was established at the outset of gnathostome evo- mx, maxillary process; n, notochord; ot, otic vesicle; r1–5,
lution, or if it was already present in agnathans, or rhombomeres; ulp, upper lip; vel, velum; 1– 8, pharyngeal
slits or pouches. Based on Murakami et al. (2004) and Takio
even in cephalochordates (e.g. amphioxus).
et al. (2004).

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In the above context, Cohn (2002) reported in a pre- This scenario further implies that evolution of the
liminary study on a lamprey species, Lampetra fluviatilis, developmental programme that forms the jaw involved
that one of the Hox genes, HoxL6, was developmentally changes in molecular mechanisms downstream of the
up-regulated throughout the PAs, implying that the shared Hox code of ancestral vertebrates, again consist-
presence of Hox transcripts in the agnathan MA inhibited ent with the idea that the MA is morphologically equiv-
the differentiation of the jaw in this animal group. There alent as a developmental unit between the lamprey
is no doubt that an MA can be identified morphologi- and gnathostomes by having the same topographical
cally in these animals, even if they lack jaws (de Beer, relationships with other embryonic structures, as well
1937; reviewed by Kuratani et al. 2001). By contrast, as with the same positional value defined by the
recent analyses by Takio et al. (2004) did not confirm absence of Hox transcripts (Figs 3 and 5; see also
this scenario: 11 Hox genes were isolated from a species, Kuratani et al. 2001, for morphological value of the
Lethenteron japonicum, including the orthologue of vertebrate MA).
HoxL6, but none of the genes was expressed in the
embryonic MA. This is consistent with the finding that
Dlx and Otx genes
LjFgf8/17 (the lamprey cognate for Fgf8) is expressed in
the mid-hindbrain boundary, as in gnathostome embryos The shared developmental features identified between
(Fig. 3; Murakami et al. 2001; Shigetani et al. 2002), the lamprey and gnathostomes are most likely to rep-
and with the generally accepted notion for Hox code resent the ancestral programme possessed by the com-
evolution in chordates (Schilling & Knight, 2001, and mon ancestor (Fig. 3B; also see Trainor et al. 2003, for
references therein). Moreover, Hox2 was clearly expressed a similar method of speculation), whereas there can
in the crest cells of the HA and in the more posterior PAs, also be programmes that have arisen or lost only in one
and similarly, Hox3 was expressed in the crest cells of of the lineages. It is mportant to realize that molecular
the PA3 and more posterior regions, reminiscent of the phylogenetic analyses of regulatory gene cognates
nested, collinear pattern of the gnathostome Hox code often indicate the polarity of changes along the phylo-
(Fig. 3). Although the difference of Hox6 expression genetic tree, making the evolutionary scenario a more
between Lampetra fluviatilis and Lethenteron japonicum plausible one (reviewed by Kuratani et al. 2002). For a
maybe due to a species- or genus-specific difference in possible example of the gnathostome-specific derived
the regulatory mechanism for Hox6, at the very least it feature (gnathostome synapomorphy), it is worth not-
is conceivable that some agnathans and gnathostomes ing that gnathostome MA is also dorsoventrally pat-
share the same basic Hox code (Hox-free default state terned through the nested expression of Dlx genes
of PA1; PG2 and PG3 genes expressed in PA1 and PA2, along the dorsoventral axis of the arch (Depew et al.
respectively). Importantly, almost all the vertebrate 2002). Thus, simultaneous disruption of Dlx5 and Dlx6
species possess more or less differentiated MAs (jaws in expressed in the ventral half of the MA leads to the
gnathostomes; velum and lower lip in the lamprey) and mirror-image duplication of the upper jaw segment in
HAs, followed by respiratory branchial arches that are the domain of the lower jaw. Preliminary data on the
similar across species (Figs 1 and 2). It seems most likely lamprey Dlx genes and their expression patterns, and the
that this type of ‘primitive’ Hox code was already estab- dorsoventrally symmetrical morphology of the lamprey
lished in the common ancestor of the lamprey and gna- branchial cartilages, indicate that the Dlx code for dor-
thostomes – with differentiated PA1 and PA2 – with soventral polarity is not a pan-vertebrate developmen-
distinctive identities as opposed to the morphologically tal feature: expression patterns of Dlx cognates are not
identical, more posterior PAs (Fig. 3). In this connec- localized in the MA, as seen in mouse embryos (Myojin
tion, it is interesting to note that the Cambrian fossil et al. 2001; Neidert et al. 2001; also see Kuratani et al.
animal Haikouella appeared to have possessed an oral 2002; Fig. 3).
apparatus that resembled that of the lamprey ammo- Like the Hox code in vertebrates, expression of Otx
coete larva (Mallatt & Chen, 2003; Mallatt et al. 2003; cognates is highly conserved between gnathostomes
but also see Shu et al. 2003): well-differentiated oral and the lamprey, both in the neural tube and in the MA
apparatus, which would have been at least in part dif- (Ueki et al. 1998; Tomsa & Langeland, 1999; Murakami
ferentiated from the MA in this animal, is consistent et al. 2001). In the mouse embryo, Otx2-expression and
with the deep origin of the Hox-free default MA. Hox-free default states appear to pattern the distal and

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proximal portions of the MA in a complementary

fashion (Rijli et al. 1993; Gendron-Maguire et al. 1993;
Matsuo et al. 1995; also see Kuratani et al. 1997, and
Kuratani et al. 2001, 2002, for reviews). Such a division
appears to be partly due to the migration and distribu-
tion patterns of the crest cells in MA, the rostral part
of which preferentially receives cells from the Otx2-
positive midbrain and segregates from the Hox-free
crest originated from the rostral hindbrain (Osumi-
Yamashita et al. 1994; see also Köntges & Lumsden, 1996,
for chick development). It will be intriguing to determ-
ine if a similar complementary pattern exists in the lam-
prey MA during development. In this context, based on
vital-dye labelling studies, the origin and migration
patterns of crest cells in the MA are not identical
between the lamprey and amniotes, as discussed below
(Shigetani et al. 2002; McCauley & Bronner-Fraser, 2003).
The gnathostome jaw now seems to have arisen
as one of several variations in differentiation pro- Fig. 4 Comparison of mesenchymal developmental
grammes at the radiation of the ancestral vertebrates, patterning. In the lamprey and gnathostome embryonic
heads, shared patterns of mesodermal (yellow) and
based on the shared ground plan of craniofacial pat- ectomesenchymal (green) distribution can be detected. The
terning with the shared basic expression patterns of endodermal derivatives are coloured pink. The crest cells
some homeobox genes. However, the variation in gna- rostral to the first pharyngeal pouch (pp1) are collectively
called the trigeminal crest cells that can be divided into those
thostome patterning also seems to involve a change in
in the mandibular arch (mandibular crest cells; MC) and the
global interactions between mesenchyme and epithe- premandibular crest cells (PMC). The posterior region
lium, as seen in the various types of craniofacial designs comprising the mandibular crest cells surrounds the
found in the Palaeozoic fossils (Janvier, 1996). premandibular mesoderm (pmm) that arises rostral to the tip
of the notochord (n). Different subsets of the trigeminal crest
cells are patterned on this shared pattern on mesenchymal
distribution, as the oral apparatus in each animal groups arises
Oral apparatus and the mandibular arch: through different distribution of growth factors such as FGF8
heterotopy and loss of homology and BMP4 that define the mouth (shown by blue bars). In the
lamprey, the upper lip arises from PMC and the lower lip from
According to Wagner & Müller (2002), an ‘evolutionary MC, whereas in gnathostomes both the upper and the lower
novelty’ can be defined as a new structure that arises jaw arise from MC, and the PMC differentiate into the
by overriding ancestral developmental constraints, so prechordal cranial elements. Blue arrows indicate the position
of mouth openings. Abbreviations: Ba1–2, branchial arches;
that morphological homology is lost between the di, diencephalon; e, eye; hm, hyoid mesoderm; ph, pharynx;
novel and ancestral structures. Thus, the gnathostome pp1–3, pharyngeal pouches; pog, preoral gut.
jaw could be counted as an evolutionary novelty, as dis-
cussed below. In the following discussion, we have to
bear in mind that the term ‘mandibular arch’ univer- embryos observed, there are three distinct crest cell
sally refers to an identical developmental unit among populations, and the most rostral one not only popu-
vertebrates (morphologically homologous throughout lates the MA, but also expands rostrally to the entire
vertebrates), whereas the ‘oral apparatus’ or ‘oral pharynx (Noden, 1988; Osumi-Yamashita et al. 1994;
region’ may differentiate from different regions of the Kuratani, 1997; Graham, 2001; Kuratani et al. 2001;
embryonic head in each animal group. Graham et al. 2004; reviewed by Horigome et al. 1999,
Although the classical transformation theory of the and Kuratani et al. 2001; Figs 4 and 5 top). At the early
jaw predicts the initially identical, undifferentiated pharyngula stage, when cephalic crest cells cease emi-
pharyngeal arches, the cephalic crest cells (ectomesen- gration, the distribution pattern of the crest cells is very
chyme) never simply form single divided cell streams similar between gnathostome and the lamprey – the
each filling a single PA. Instead, in all the vertebrate cephalic crest cells form three major streams of migration,

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Fig. 5 Comparisons of oral patterning.

Distribution patterns of cephalic crest
(A), expression of Fgf8/17 and Bmp2/4
cognates in the ectoderm (B), ventral
view of embryonic oral regions (C), and
the medial sagittal sections (D) are
schematically represented. (A) In the early
pharyngula, cephalic crest cells form
three distinct cell populations called
trigeminal, hyoid (HC) and branchial
crest cells (BC). The trigeminal crest cell
population can be further subdivided
into the mandibular crest cells (mc) and
two domains of premandibular crest
cells (pmc), based on the topographical
relationships with the first pharyngeal
pouch (p1), eye (e), premandibular
mesoderm (pmm) and the mandibular
mesoderm. Note that in the gnathostome
embryo the maxillary process (mx) or the
upper jaw primordium secondarily grows
from the dorsal part of the mandibular
arch (arrow; for descriptions see Kuratani
& Horigome, 2000; Kuratani et al. 2001).
(B) Expressions of Fgf8/17 (blue lines)
and Bmp2/4 (red lines) are shown on
embryos at similar stages to those in A.
(C,D) In the lamprey, nasal placodes and
hypophysial placodes develop as a single
primordium, the nasohypophysial plate
(nhp) that lies rostral to the oral ectoderm
(oe). Because of the presence of this plate,
the premandibular crest cells (pmc) form
the upper lip (ulp) that grows beneath the
plate as the floor of the nasohypophysial
duct. In the gnathostomes, the hypophysis
arises as a part of the oral ectoderm, or
Rathke’s pouch (Rp), which develops
separate from the nasal placodes (np),
leaving a median space, which permits
the premandibular (pmc) and mandibular
crest cells (mc) to grow to form the
trabecula and upper jaw, respectively. For
induction of the hypophysis, the posterior
part of the nasohypophysial plate in the
lamprey has to grow posteriorly to reach
the hypothalamic anlage (ht). The same
topographical relationship is established
early in gnathostome development.
Abbreviations: lj, lower jaw; llp, lower
lip; mo, mouth; n, notochord; ot, otic
vesicle; ph, pharynx; vel, velum.

and the most rostral cell population (trigeminal crest the premandibular crest cells are defined as those crest
cells) is distributed in the MA as well as in the premand- cells that surround the premandibular mesoderm, as
ibular (PM) region (Fig. 5A; Horigome et al. 1999; opposed to the MA crest cells that surround the
Shigetani et al. 2000). Here the term ‘premandibular’ mandibular mesoderm. Owing to the absence of the
does not imply the presence of a ‘premandibular arch’ pharyngeal pouch that normally limits the MA ros-
once assumed by comparative morphologists, but simply trally, only the mesodermal component can be used as
indicates the position rostral to the MA. [In this review, a landmark. This terminology inevitably relates to the

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Fig. 6 Comparisons of equivalent ectomesenchymal regions between the lamprey and gnathostomes. Terminology for the
crest cell populations and subpopulations is based on the topographical distribution of the crest cells with respect to the other
embryonic structures such as mesoderm and pharyngeal pouches, not in terms of their developmental fates. This division defines
the morphological homology of ectomesenchymal portions, which can be applied throughout vertebrates, laid down at the early
pharyngula stages (see Figs 4 and 5). Note, however, that different portions of ectomesenchyme are utilized to differentiate into
the ‘oral apparatus’ in the lamprey and gnathostomes (shaded). Because of this heterotopic shift in tissue interactions, the
ectomesenchymal part with the same name in the lamprey and gnathostomes do not always differentiate into the same skeletal
elements (see Kuratani et al. 2001; Shigetani et al. 2002). For the homology of the cartilages called ‘trabeculae’ between the two
animal groups, see Kuratani et al. (2004).

classical concept of head segmentation in vertebrates, 2000, 2002), and the oral apparatus is formed in differ-
which used to be based primarily on the segments in ent ways between gnathostomes and the lamprey (it
the head mesoderm (see de Beer, 1937; Jarvik, 1980; is composed of upper and lower jaws in the gnathos-
Jefferies, 1986). However, as has been discussed previ- tomes; of upper and lower lips in the ammocoete larva
ously (Kuratani et al. 1999), neither lamprey nor gnath- of the lamprey). Each domain of the trigeminal
ostome embryos show any sign of segmentation in the ectomesenchyme can be identified by its topographical
cephalic mesoderm, except for the late-forming pre- relationships with the mesodermal components
mandibular mesoderm that is more or less separated (reviewed by Kuratani et al. 2001; Figs 4–6). The MA
from the rest of the cell population, and the lateral crest cells surround the mandibular mesoderm and the
part of the head mesoderm, which is partially and sec- postoptic part of the PM crest cells surrounds the pre-
ondarily divided by the growth of pharyngeal pouches. mandibular mesoderm (primordia of the extrinsic eye
Thus, primary mesodermal segmentation is not assumed muscles in gnathostomes; Koltzoff, 1901; see Boorman
in the vertebrate head in this review. For more discussion & Shimeld, 2002, for a case of specific gene expression
on head segmentation and metamerism, see Kuratani in the premandibular mesoderm of lamprey embryos;
(2003). The term ‘trigeminal crest cells’ stems from the and see Kuratani et al. 1999, for comparative embryo-
fact that the distribution of these cells corresponds to logy of this mesoderm). Interestingly, both the upper
the peripheral distribution patterns of the trigeminal and the lower jaws develop from the MA crest cells,
nerve in the later embryo (see Kuratani, 1997; Kuratani whereas in the lamprey the MA differentiates only
et al. 2001; Fig. 6). The crest cells in the PM region are into the velum and the lower lip, and the upper lip is
further subdivided into preoptic and postoptic cell derived from PM crest cells (Kuratani et al. 2001; Shigetani
populations (Figs 4, 5A and 6). et al. 2002). Based on the basic architecture of the
Importantly, at an early stage of pharyngular devel- embryo therefore the term ‘mandibular arch’ should
opment, there is no clear boundary between the PM be reserved for the specific PA found in the same rela-
and MA regions (Kuratani et al. 1999; Shigetani et al. tive position in the embryo, as a developmental unit

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that is specifically and topographically associated with Actually, implantation of an FGF8-soaked bead into the
the mandibular mesoderm, irrespective of its fate in later PM region mimics the lamprey-type Dlx1 expression in
developmental stages, which can differ in each animal the chick embryo (Shigetani et al. 2000, 2002).
lineage. Thus, in gnathostomes, the oral apparatus called These experimental results imply that epithelial–
the ‘jaw’ develops from the MA, whereas the lamprey mesenchymal interactions have been topographically
oral region also requires the PM region as an embry- shifted in the transition from the lamprey-like agn-
onic material (Figs 4 – 6). The term ‘oral apparatus’, on athan to the gnathostome states, based on a shared
the other hand, implies only a functional resemblance pattern of embryonic tissues. As a result, morphologi-
of structures, which can be derived from varied sets of cal homology was apparently lost between the lamprey
embryonic tissues. It is important to note that a gene and gnathostome oral apparatus; expression patterns
expression pattern is not always associated with a homo- of orthologous genes are not associated with morpho-
logous set of cell populations, as is discussed below. logically equivalent cell populations. This evolutionary
In the amniote MA, BMP4 in the distal ectoderm implication is curious: even if these genes always func-
induces the expression of the target gene, Msx1, in the tioned in defining the oral apparatus, their regulation
underlying ectomesenchyme, and the proximally dis- does not seem to be restricted to the same (homologous)
tributed FGF8 induces Dlx1 expression in the proximal embryonic component during this transition (see
ectomesenchyme (Barlow & Francis-West, 1997; Neu- Manzanares & Nieto, 2003, for a similar discussion on
büser et al. 1997; Tucker et al. 1998; Shigetani et al. gene usage). Such a situation simultaneously implies
2000). Shigetani et al. (2002) have also found that mol- that the invention of the jaw deserves to be understood
ecules involved in the proximodistal patterning of the in the context of evolutionary novelty as defined by
gnathostome jaw are apparently used in similar pat- Wagner & Müller (2002): because the newly acquired
terning of the upper and lower lips of the lamprey pattern is not homologous with the ancestral pattern,
larva, as if lips and jaws were homologous to each the former was brought about by overriding ancestral
other (Fig. 5B). Namely, LjFgf8/17 (the lamprey cognate developmental constraints, not simply modifying it
of Fgf8) and LjDlx1/6 (the lamprey cognate of Dlx1) are for adaptation.
expressed widely in the oral ectoderm and mesen- Alternatively, it is also possible that lips and jaws are
chyme, respectively. Moreover, LjBmp2/4a (the lamprey homologous, derived from homologous cell popula-
cognate of Bmp4) and LjMsxA (the lamprey cognate of tions with homologous gene expressions. In this case,
Msx1) are expressed in the tips of lips, respectively however, morphological identities of crest cell popula-
(Fig. 5B; also see Shigetani et al. 2002). As the functions tions cannot rely on the mesodermal components that
of ectomesenchymally expressed homeobox genes are are shared in vertebrates (Kuratani et al. 1999). Fur-
most prominent in the MA-derivatives in gnathos- thermore, the developmental nature of the lamprey
tomes (Satokata & Maas, 1994; Martin et al. 1995; Qiu trabecula, the premandibular cartilage, does present a
et al. 1995, 1997; Yamada et al. 1995; reviewed by Hall, conundrum and cannot be explained using this consid-
1998), and apparently masked by the Hox gene expres- eration, as will be discussed below.
sion in HA and posterior PAs (Mallo & Gridley, 1996),
the Hox-free default state of the lamprey MA is again
Trabecula cranii and hypophysis
consistent with the apparently similar functions of
these gene cognates in the lamprey (proximodistal The above heterotopic scenario of jaw evolution leads
specification in oral patterning). In the above compar- us to question the homology of the so-called ‘trabecu-
ison, homologous sets of genes are not expressed in lar cartilage’ reported in various vertebrate embryos
homologous embryonic materials, but rather are asso- and larvae. In many, the trabecular cartilage has been
ciated with functionally similar structures, namely the illustrated to arise as a pair of rod-like primordia, ros-
oral apparatus (see below for a similar discussion on tral to the MA domain, and for this mode of develop-
adenohypophysial differentiation). To resume the ment, this cartilage has often been equated with the
agnathan mode of Dlx1 gene expression, which pharyngeal arch skeleton as a remnant of the pre-
denotes the oral and pharyngeal region in the mandibular arch (reviewed by de Beer, 1931, 1937;
ectomesenchyme, the domain of the upstream factor, Kuratani et al. 1997, 2001). However, there is no clear
FGF8, has to be expanded in the gnathostome embryo. embryological or palaeontological evidence to support

© Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2004

Jaw evolution, S. Kuratani 343

the presence of the premandibular arch as a basic com- placode. In the gnathostomes, nasal placodes are pat-
ponent of the vertebrate head. Regardless, in gnathos- terned as a pair of structures beneath the forebrain,
tome development, this cartilage appears most likely rostral to the Rathke’s pouch anlage (which differ-
to develop from the PM ectomesenchyme (Le Lièvre & entiates as a part of the oral ectoderm). Such pla-
Le Douarin, 1975; Couly et al. 1993), and is then incor- codal morphology allows premandibular crest cells of
porated into the rostral part of the cranial base. As gnathostomes to invade rostrally in the cranial base
opposed to the more caudal part of the neurocranium, to form the prechordal cranium (Fig. 5C, right). In the
which is derived from the mesoderm and requires the lamprey, by contrast, nasal and hypophysial placodes
presence of the notochord to chondrify, the trabecula initially form a single ectodermal plate rostral to the
derivatives and some associated cartilages similarly oral ectoderm (Fig. 5C; for embryology see Gorbman &
derived from the crest are called the ‘prechordal cra- Tamarin, 1985; Kuratani et al. 2001; Uchida et al. 2003).
nium’ (Couly et al. 1993). If this cartilage is derived Thus the premandibular crest cells in the lamprey
from the PM crest cells in gnathostomes, can it also cannot grow rostrally to form a median septum in the
develop in the lamprey, which uses the PM crest cells to cranial base as seen in the gnathostomes; instead the
differentiate into the upper lip? A pair of rod-like car- upper lip primordia arise behind this hypophysial plate
tilages actually develops beneath the brain in the chon- and grow beneath the plate to form the floor of the
drocranial base of the lamprey, and they are termed nostril, or the nasohypophysial duct (Fig. 5A,C; see
‘trabeculae’ (Johnels, 1948; see McBurney & Wright, Kuratani et al. 2001). The hagfish, which follows a
1996, for its histogenesis). similar developmental pattern of placodes, has an
By injecting vital dyes into the mandibular mesoderm equivalent duct that opens into the pharynx, unlike
in the young lamprey embryo, it has been shown that the lamprey (Gorbman, 1983; Gorbman & Tamarin,
both the trigeminal nerve-innervated muscles and 1986; Janvier, 1996). It is important to realize that
the trabecular cartilage primordium were labelled the hypophysis arises through interaction between
(Kuratani et al. 2004). The latter was seen as a strand of the ectoderm and the ventral diencephalon, or the
mesenchymal condensation lateral to the notochord. hypothalamic anlage. Again, the topographical rela-
As noted above this is a site that is more suitable for tionships of tissues form a central problem. With
the mesodermally derived neurocranium, which does respect to the mouth openings (oral ectoderm) and
require the notochord (Couly et al. 1993). Moreover, at nasal placodes, the hypophysial primordia arise in
the initial stage of its development, the trabecula has non-equivalent topographies between the lamprey and
been found at the level of the MA (dorsal to the first gnathostomes – again the morphological homology is
aortic arch) by Johnels (1948). Therefore, it seems that lost in a strict sense. Still, the primordia have to come
the so-called trabecula in the lamprey might represent into contact with the same inducer, or the hypotha-
a rostrally elongated parachordal cartilage, not a crest- lamic anlage, to differentiate as the hypophysis in both
derived prechordal skeletal element (see Fig. 6), animal groups. A close relationship between the oral
although it cannot be ruled out that the rostral part of ectoderm and hypothalamic anlage is established early
the lamprey trabecula may receive contributions from in amniote development (Couly & Le Douarin, 1985;
the neural crest, or there would be a cryptic boundary reviewed by Uchida et al. 2003). This relationship does
in the rostral part of the lamprey trabecula, delineating not greatly change through later development. In the
the mesodermally derived and crest-derived parts as lamprey, by contrast, the hypophysial placode has to
seen in the gnathostome neurocranium. Moreover, grow towards the hypothalamus secondarily in the late
several studies have so far alluded to the contribution embryonic period. No similar pattern of tissue growth
of the neural crest to the lamprey trabecula (Newth, appears in gnathostome development.
1956; Langille & Hall, 1988; but also see Newth, 1951). Uchida et al. (2003) examined regulatory gene
Importantly, although the detailed mapping of the expression patterns and speculated on the develop-
lamprey cranium is still incomplete, the mesodermal mental patterning of the hypophysis in the lamprey.
contribution to the lamprey trabecula is consistent For example, Pitx genes are known to specify the ros-
with the heterotopy theory of jaw evolution. tral ectoderm during early gnathostome embryogene-
The lamprey-specific use of PM crest cells is made sis, and play essential roles in development of the
possible by a unique patterning of the nasohypophysial hypophysis (Szeto et al. 1999). In the lamprey, the Pitx

© Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland 2004

344 Jaw evolution, S. Kuratani

and Pax6 cognates are also expressed in rostral ecto- to indicate the evolutionary changes in developmental
derm, and the expression domain becomes divided programmes behind the acquisition of the jaw, unless
anteroposteriorly into two parts, the nasohypophysial the features were secondarily lost in the lineage of the
plate and the oral ectoderm, by the secondary growth lamprey. As has been discussed elsewhere (Kuratani
of the upper lip primordia. Similarly, TTF-1, a marker et al. 2001), the craniofacial pattern with a pair of nos-
gene for the gnathostome hypothalamus, is also trils (diplorhiny) in gnathostomes appears to be apo-
expressed in an equivalent portion of the brain anlage morphic with respect to that with single nostril
in the lamprey (Fig. 5D; Murakami et al. 2001; Ogasa- (monorhiny) in many of agnathans (also see Janvier,
wara et al. 2001; Uchida et al. 2003). Of the genes that 1996). In this transition of developmental programmes,
have been examined thus far, the expression of tran- there is a tendency that cell-autonomously functioning
scription factors, which act in a cell-autonomous man- genes, mostly transcription factor-encoding genes,
ner, is associated with the equivalent cell type or are always associated with the functionally equivalent
specific structure in both lamprey and gnathostomes. structures or cell types, whereas the non-cell-autonomously
In contrast, the expression patterns of genes encoding functioning genes, such as growth factor-encoding,
non cell-autonomously functioning signalling mole- genes tend to shift their regulation topographically,
cules, such as growth factors, are not comparable possibly as the molecular basis for heterotopy. In this
between the lamprey and gnathostomes (Uchida et al. way, a specific function is not always associated with
2003). Unlike the mouse, neither the Fgf8/17 or the the same cell lineage or homologous embryonic cell
Bmp2/4 cognates are expressed in the lamprey hypoth- population, and morphological homology is often
alamus, whereas the Fgf8/17 cognate is expressed in lost during this type of evolution. The gnathostome
the hypophysial placode of the lamprey. jaw therefore is apparently an ‘evolutionary innovation’
As already seen in the relatively expanded expression by the definition of Wagner & Müller (2002), being
domain of Fgf8 (LjFgf8/17 ) in the lamprey, changes in made possible by a heterotopic shift of gene regulation.
the distribution patterns of signalling molecules in the For the same reason, the morphological concepts ‘oral’
two animal groups may explain the different topogra- and ‘mandibular’ must be dissociated in the discussion
phy and behaviour of embryonic tissues: it is conceiv- of vertebrate history.
able that these growth factor-encoding genes have As far as the ‘jaw’ is defined as a derivative from the
to be regulated differently in those embryos with ‘mandibular arch’, the jaw homologue cannot be
non-comparable topography to realize identical tissue found in the lamprey, no matter how well the larval
interactions. Morphological homology may be lost dur- lips resemble jaws. As suggested from some fossil
ing evolutionary changes of oral patterning, but the records (Janvier, 1996), agnathans would have already
cell-autonomous developmental roles of regulatory enjoyed a dorsoventrally movable oral apparatus
genes tend to be conserved and are thus always patterned through identical molecular cascades (FGF8–
attached to specific cell types or structures, such as Msx BMP4 signalling cascades onto Hox-negative ectomes-
cognates always expressed in the tips of oral fringes enchyme) that now pattern the vertebrate jaw. In
(lips and jaws). It may rather be the changes in regula- other words, shape and function were already there,
tion of signalling molecule-encoding genes that form but the place to create them was not fixed. This is rem-
the base for heterotopy. iniscent of the hypothesis by Janvier (1996) that the
In conclusion, comparative embryology and molecu- morphological pattern of the gnathostome head,
lar developmental biology of the lamprey embryo have including the patterning of the mouth, nose and hypo-
allowed us to distinguish between the common fea- physis, would have been merely one of the various pos-
tures in development shared by lampreys and gnathos- sible evolutionary experiments invented in the
tomes, and unique developmental programmes Palaeozoic era. With the advance of genomic sciences,
possessed by each of these animal lineages. As seen in it may become possible in the near future to compare
the basic Hox code in PAs and the Hox-free default the regulation of genes in various animals at the
state of the MA, these shared developmental pro- genomic level in an evolutionary developmental con-
grammes are most likely to have been established in text, and we will be able to relate such changes directly
their common ancestor in the Cambrian sea, whereas to the heterotopic changes in embryonic patterning
the unique features in gnathostome embryos are likely programmes at the morphological level.

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Jaw evolution, S. Kuratani 345

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