Morphology of The Caudal Vertebrae in RH

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Paludicola 9(3):144-158 October 2013-10-03

© Rochester Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology



Adam S. Smith

Nottingham Natural History Museum, Wollaton Hall, Nottingham, NG8 2AE, UK; [email protected]

The holotype of the large plesiosaurian Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus from the Toarcian (Lower Jurassic) of England comprises
an almost complete skeleton, including the caudal vertebral series. The osteology of the tail is described and two morphological
characteristics are interpreted as evidence for a caudal fin in Rhomaleosaurus: 1. A distinct node consisting of two relatively
anteroposteriorly shortened vertebrae; and 2. Laterally compressed terminal caudal centra. This inference is based on
osteological correlates derived from other marine reptile groups that possessed a vertically oriented bilobed dermal tail fin in
life (ichthyosaurs, thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs, and mosasaurs). This corroborates evidence from other plesiosaurian taxa
and suggests that a caudal fin may have been widespread among plesiosaurians, with implications for locomotion and behavior.

INTRODUCTION Although the cranial anatomy of rhomaleosaurids

has received considerable research attention and is
Plesiosaurians are an iconic group of extinct generally well understood (Cruickshank 1994, 1996;
marine reptiles with an extensive stratigraphic range Gasparini, 1997; Sato and Wu, 2008; Smith and Dyke,
spanning approximately 135 million years from the 2008; Smith and Vincent 2010; Vincent and Benson,
early Jurassic to the late Cretaceous (Ketchum and 2012), the postcranial anatomy of these plesiosaurians
Benson, 2010). Plesiosaurians belong the diapsid is more poorly known. This paper provides a
group Sauropterygia, and were adapted for aquatic life, description of the caudal vertebrae in the
with a sturdy trunk region and four large wing-like rhomaleosaurid Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (Phillips,
limbs, used to propel themselves through water in Anon, 1854) to improve knowledge of the caudal
(Robinson, 1975). This paraxial or appendicular anatomy in this taxon, and plesiosaurians in general.
locomotory style represents an unusual deviation from
the general convergent trend towards axial (oscillatory) Institutional Abbreviations—NHMUK, The
locomotion in the majority of derived secondarily Natural History Museum, London, UK; NMING,
aquatic reptiles (Robinson, 1975; Massare, 1988; National Museum of Ireland (Natural History
Storrs, 1993; Motani et al., 1996; Motani, 2005; Division), Dublin, Ireland; MB, Naturkundemuseum
Lindgren et al., 2010, 2013). Plesiosaurians were Berlin, Germany; USNM, Smithsonian Institution,
entirely carnivorous and comprised an important Washington, D.C; WM, Whitby Museum, UK;
component of oceanic ecosystems during the Mesozoic YORYM, Yorkshire Museum, UK.
Era (Massare, 1987). They exhibit a variety of body
plans ranging between two extremes: short-necked MATERIALS AND METHODS
large-headed ‘pliosauromorphs’ and long-necked
small-headed ‘plesiosauromorphs’ (O’Keefe, 2002; The holotype of the large-headed plesiosaurian
O’Keefe and Carrano, 2005). Recent studies have Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503) from the
demonstrated that plesiosaurian body proportions were Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) of the Yorkshire Coast, UK,
evolutionarily plastic and that these two extreme comprises an almost complete skeleton. The skull was
morphotypes arose multiple times independently in described and figured by Taylor (1992a) and the
several clades (Bakker, 1993; O’Keefe, 2002; O’Keefe postcranial skeleton was briefly described with an
and Carrano, 2005; Benson and Druckenmiller 2013; emphasis on its taphonomy and preservation (Taylor,
Benson et al., 2013). 1992b). The caudal series is complete (with the
Rhomaleosaurids are a clade of Early–Middle possible exception of one or two terminal vertebrae)
Jurassic plesiosaurians, morphologically intermediate and forms the basis of the present study. The tail of a
between the plesiosauromorph and pliosauromorph referred specimen of Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus is
extremes (Cruickshank 1994; Smith and Dyke, 2008). incomplete (WM851.S, previously ‘Rhomaleosaurus


propinquus’) and is therefore unavailable for two terminal vertebrae missing according to Taylor
comparison (Vincent and Smith, 2009). (1992b). The relative proportions of the measured
There is no major taphonomic distortion of any of caudal vertebrae (v4–32) are presented in Table 1 and
the elements in YORYM G503 (Taylor, 1992b). They Figure 2. Few neural spines, ribs, or chevrons are
are preserved in three dimensions allowing accurate preserved with the specimen, so the following
measurement of vertebral dimensions. The tail description concentrates on the vertebral centra.
vertebrae were consecutively numbered from the first Most of the caudal centra (v1–24) have concave
caudal vertebra (v1) to the terminal-most vertebra (a sub-hexagonal anterior and posterior faces (Figures 3E,
partial centrum, v32). Vertebra 3 (at the proximal base H, K, 4B, D, 5B, E, H, K, 6E, F, 7B), anteroposteriorly
of the tail) is damaged, precluding accurate concave lateral surfaces, and flat ventral surfaces. The
measurement. It therefore provides a natural break to facets for the caudal ribs are situated dorsally on the
the measured sequence, which extends from v4 lateral surface of the centrum, have raised rims, and
(proximally) to v32 (distally). Measurements of the always retain a connection to the neural arch (Figure 1,
vertebrae were taken using callipers to the nearest tenth 3A, D, G, J, 4A, C, 5A, D, G, J 6A-D). The rib facets
of a millimeter (Table 1). For consistency, decrease steadily in size posteriorly and are completely
anteroposterior vertebral length was measured along absent in the terminal vertebrae 22–32 (Figures 1A, B,
the median ventral surface of the centrum, and 6A–D, 7A, D, G, J). In vertebra 21 the rib facets are
dorsoventral height and mediolateral width were taken asymmetrical in that the left facet is significantly
from the anterior articular face of the centrum. The smaller and less pronounced than the right (Figure
anterior face was selected to include the partially 6A,B). Asymmetrical caudal vertebrae have been
preserved distal-most vertebra (v32) in the results. To documented in other plesiosaurs (e.g. Wilhelm and
quantify variation in proportions along the caudal O’Keefe, 2010), where they have been interpreted as
vertebral column, two indices were calculated. 1. pathological in origin. There is no supporting evidence
Relative centrum length along the vertebral column for pathology in the tail of Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus
was quantified using a vertebral length index (VLI) (YORYM G503), and so the asymmetry in v21 is
(Brown, 1981), where length is expressed as a considered non-pathological. The neural arch facets
percentage of the average centrum diameter (in this have diamond shaped outlines, and the base of the
case, the average diameter calculated from height and neural canal is constricted midlength and bears
width measurements from the anterior surface). 2. longitudinally oriented rugosities anteriorly (Figure 4E,
Relative width of the articular faces along the vertebral 5C,I, 6C, 7C). All of the caudal centra bear
column was quantified as a simple index, where width anteroposteriorly oriented rugose ornamentation on
is expressed as a percentage of vertebral height. The their lateral and ventral surfaces. A pair of widely
sequence of vertebrae in Figures 1–7 represent the spaced nutritive foramina is situated on the ventral
sequence as mounted, however, vertebrae 6, 10, 13, surface of the centrum in v1–20, located mid-centrum
and 14, are oriented back-to-front, so this was length and slightly medial to the chevron facets
corrected for in the analysis (the measurements were (Figures 1C, D, 3F, L, 4F, 5F, L, 6D). These ventral
taken from the anatomically anterior faces). Otherwise, nutritive foramina are absent in distal vertebrae 21–32,
there are no obviously misplaced or out of position but nutritive foramina are sometimes present on the
centra in the sequence. Finally, to assess whether lateral surfaces of the distal vertebrae, e.g. v27 (Figure
Rhomaleosaurus had a dermal tail fin or not, a suite of 7A, D). The chevron facets in vertebrae 16–32 are
comparative osteological correlates was compiled relatively large and formed by the posteroventral and
based on other marine reptiles (Table 2). anteroventral surfaces of the centrum, whereas in v1–
15 they are relatively small and formed by the
ANATOMICAL DESCRIPTION posteroventral surfaces only (i.e. anterior chevron
facets are completely absent or diminutive) (Figures
Taylor (1992b) identified at least 33 caudal 3F, L, 4F, 5F, L). Vertebrae 23 and 24 are notably
vertebrae in Rhomlaeosaurus zetlandicus but only 32 shortened relative to the rest of the caudal sequence
were identified in the present study. It is difficult to and form a distinct node (Figures 1, 2, 6A, B, G–J).
confidently identify the transition from sacral to caudal These two conspicuous vertebrae participate equally
vertebrae in the genus Rhomaleosaurus because the rib towards a pair of relatively enlarged chevron facets
facets never return entirely to the centrum (Figure 3A, (Figure 6J). The posteroventral margin of v23 is
D, and see below), which may account the discrepancy concave (Figure 6J), in contrast to the convex
in vertebral counts. At the distal-most end of the posteroventral margin present in every other caudal
sequence the anterior part of v32 is preserved (Figures vertebra. There is no fusion, distortion or rugosity to
1A, 7G, I–L) so only height and width measurements suggest this node is a pathology, and it is therefore
could be taken from this vertebra. There may be at least

TABLE 1. Measurement data and calculated ratios/indices for the caudal vertebrae in YORYM G503, the holotype of Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus.

Ratio Ratio (Width/

Vertebra Length Length Width Height
VLI Length: Length: Height)
Number (Ventral) (Dorsal) (Anterior) (Anterior)
Width Height *100
4 49.7 ? 94.1 88 54.6 0.53 0.56 106.9
5 49.6 ? 92.1 90.5 54.3 0.54 0.55 101.8
6 47.2 ? 94.3 87.0 52.1 0.50 0.54 108.4
7 46.6 45.0 92.8 85.0 52.4 0.50 0.55 109.2
8 43 40.0 89.3 82.3 50.1 0.48 0.52 108.5
9 45.9 42.7 85.8 81.6 54.8 0.53 0.56 105.1
10 42.5 39.5 84.5 79.5 51.8 0.50 0.53 106.3
11 42.6 37.6 82.4 76.0 53.8 0.52 0.56 108.4
12 44.0 42.8 79.0 76.9 56.4 0.56 0.57 102.7
13 39.3 41.5 79.0 70.1 52.7 0.50 0.56 112.7
14 38.0 38.8 77.0 72.0 51.0 0.49 0.53 106.9
15 42.8 39.5 74.0 68.4 60.1 0.58 0.63 108.2
16 42.5 36.8 73.4 72.0 58.5 0.58 0.59 101.9
17 38.5 35.0 72.4 68.9 54.5 0.53 0.56 105.1
18 35.0 39.9 67.1 68.0 51.8 0.52 0.51 98.7
19 36.1 37.7 63.0 63.8 56.9 0.57 0.57 98.7
20 37.1 38.7 64.2 65.4 57.3 0.58 0.57 98.2
21 36.1 32.5 62.8 60.5 58.6 0.57 0.60 103.8
22 34.3 32.5 57.1 58.0 59.6 0.60 0.59 98.4
23 26.0 26.5 65.5 59.5 41.6 0.40 0.44 110.1
24 21.0 19.1 61.2 60.0 34.7 0.34 0.35 102.0
25 34.1 28.5 49.0 49.0 69.6 0.70 0.70 100.0
26 31.1 25.0 48.6 46.4 65.5 0.64 0.67 104.7
27 23.1 22.5 46.5 41.0 52.8 0.50 0.56 113.4
28 26.8 23.2 35.0 39.2 72.2 0.77 0.68 89.3
29 23.1 20.0 29.0 36.3 70.8 0.80 0.64 79.9
30 15.0 20.2 23.3 39.2 48.0 0.64 0.38 59.4
31 21.8 15.0 21.0 33.8 79.6 1.04 0.64 62.1
32 ? ? 12.8 26.5 – – – 48.3

regarded as anatomically natural. The vertebral centra
posterior to the node (vertebrae 25–32) become Evidence for a Dermal Tail Fin in Mesozoic
increasingly mediolaterally compressed (Figures 1, 2, Marine Reptiles—Direct soft tissue evidence for a
7), and their articular faces dorsoventrally oriented sub- bilobed dermal tail fin in ichthyosaurs is provided by
rectangles (Figure 7B, E, H, K). Small cracks on the exceptionally preserved specimens from the Sulphur
right ventrolateral surface of v31 and v32 (Figure 7G) Mountain Formation (Lower–Middle Triassic) of
indicate a minimal amount of postmortem British Columbia (Nicholls and Manabe, 1999; Motani,
compression, which accounts for some, but not all, of 2005) Lower Triassic deposits of China (Motani et al.,
the mediolateral compression in these vertebrae. The 1996; but see Nicholls and Manabe, 1999; and Motani,
sudden shift in vertebral morphology at the node 2005); Charmouth Mudstone Formation (Sinemurian)
coincides with a subtle ventral displacement of the of England (Martill, 1995); Posidona Shale (Toarcian)
vertebrae, or a kink in the tail (Figure 6A, B; Smith, of Germany (Wiman, 1920, 1946; McGowan, 1992;
2007), but the preservation is too poor to positively Lingham-Soliar, 2001; Motani, 2005) and Solnhofen
identify this morphology. Formation (Tithonian) of Germany (Bardet and
Fernandez, 2000). A similarly well-preserved

FIGURE 1. The posterior portion of the articulated series of caudal vertebrae (caudal vertebrae 12-32) in YORYM G503, the holotype of
Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus, A. photograph and B. interpretive illustration of the series in left lateral view, C. photograph and D. interpretive
illustration of the series in ventral view. The region labelled “node” indicates the position of two foreshortened vertebrae. E. Reconstruction of the
skeleton and outline of Rhomaleosaurus showing a vertically oriented dermal tail fin (from Smith and Dyke 2008). Abbreviations: cf, chevron facets;
nf, nutritive foramina; rf, rib facets. Scale bar in A–D = 200 mm, scale bar in E = 1000 mm.

specimen of the metriorhynchid thalattosuchian Jordan (Lindgren et al., 2013). Since there is direct
crocodylomorph Racheosaurus from the Mörnsheim evidence for a dermal tail fin in these marine reptiles,
Formation (Tithonian), Germany (Fraas, 1902; Young osteological correlates can be established and used to
et al., 2010) provides soft-tissue evidence for a infer a fin in other taxa. Table 2 summarizes the
dorsoventrally expanded tail fin with a dorsal dermal osteological correlates of a dermal caudal fin in these
lobe in derived crocodylomorphs. A large bilobed three major groups of Mesozoic marine reptiles, and
dermal tail fin has been inferred in the derived also provides details of the distribution of these
mosasaurs Plotosaurus and Platecarpus based on correlates among selected plesiosaurian genera. Four
compelling osteological evidence (Lindgren et al., osteological correlates are identified: Mediolaterally
2007, 2010), and there is direct soft tissue evidence for compressed distal caudal vertebrae. Mediolaterally
this in a specimen of the mosasaur Prognathodon from compressed distal caudal centra are present in derived
the Muwaqqar Chalk Marl Formation (Maastrichtian), ichthyosaurs (Andrews, 1910; Buchholtz, 2001),

FIGURE 2. Graph showing the proportions of caudal vertebrae four to 32 in YORYM G503, the holotype of Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus. See text
for explanation of indices. Only the anterior face of vertebra 32 is preserved so there is no VLI measurement for this element. Note that vertebrae 23
and 24 are foreshortened and form a distinct node. Vertebra thirty is also notably foreshortened, and the last seven preserved vertebrae become
increasingly compressed mediolaterally. The sequence of vertebrae represents the order as mounted, which appears to be correct.

thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs (Andrews 1913), and caused by the caudal node, but can also be present
mosasaurs (Lindgren et al., 2008). Mediolateral along the length of the fluke itself due to wedge shaped
compression of the vertebrae is associated with a vertebrae (Lindgren, 2007, 2013). High angle tail
mediolaterally compressed dermal tail fin. bends in ichthyosaurs supported high aspect ratio
A caudal node. A short sequence of conspicuous caudal fins (Bucholtz, 2001).
vertebrae, described here as a ‘node’, is present in A region of reversed inclination of the neural
ichthyosaurs (Merriam, 1908; Andrews, 1910; spines. The angle of inclination of the neural spine
McGowan, 1989, 1992; Buchholtz, 2001) and changes along the vertebral column in ichthyosaurs
thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs (Metriorhynchus, (Buchholtz, 2001) and mosasaurs (Lindgren et al.,
Andrews, 1913). In mosasaurs a similar node is formed 2007, 2008, 2013). This shift is correlated with a dorsal
by a short sequence of anteroposteriorly shortened lobe of the tail fin.
intermediate vertebrae (Lindgren et al., 2007, 2008,
2010). This region is regarded as the point of origin for The Case for a Tail Fin in Rhomaleosaurus—
a dermal lobe in ichthyosaurs, thalattosuchians, and Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus presents two osteological
mosasaurs. correlates for a vertically oriented dermal tail fin
Ventral displacement of the vertebral column. (Table 2): a distinct node, and mediolaterally
Ventral displacement of the vertebral column results in compressed distal vertebral centra (Figures 1, 2, 6G–J,
a hypocercal fluke in ichthyosaurs (Merriam, 1908; 7). A vertically oriented dermal tail fin can therefore be
Andrews, 1910; McGowan, 1989, 1992; Buchholtz, inferred for Rhomaleosaurus (Figure 1E). In addition, a
2001), crocodylomorphs (Fraas, 1902; Young et al., subtle ventral displacement of the vertebrae at the node
2010) and mosasaurs (Lindgren et al., 2007, 2010, may be present (Figures 1A, B, 6A–B) but preservation
2013). This ventrally directed fluke supported the is too poor to positively identify this morphology. The
ventral lobe of a bilobed caudal fin in these taxa. The angle of the neural spines and the size and morphology
degree of ventral displacement is related to deflection of the chevrons is unknown in Rhomaleosaurus,

FIGURE 3. Posterior sacral vertebrae and caudal vertebrae one–six in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503). A–F, posterior sacral vertebrae
and caudal vertebrae one–three in A, right lateral, B, anterior, C, dorsal, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. G–L, caudal vertebrae four–
six in G, right lateral, H, anterior, I, dorsal, J, left lateral, K, posterior, and L, ventral view. Scale bar = 20 mm.

FIGURE 4. Caudal vertebrae seven–11 in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503). A, right lateral, B, anterior, C, left lateral, D, posterior, E,
dorsal, and F, ventral view. Scale bar = 20 mm.

however, the enlarged chevron facets situated on the pygostyle-like structure, as evidence for a tail fin. In
ventral surface of the caudal node (Figures 1C, D, 6G– particular, the distal-most neural spines become
J) may indicate an increase in chevron size in this inclined anteriorly, and the 17th caudal neural arch is
region. The caudal vertebral series is incomplete or relatively larger and more anteroposteriorly expanded
obscured in other Rhomaleosaurus specimens. The than those preceding it. Wilhelm (2010, p. 48 fig. 3.6)
caudal series is incomplete in Rhomaleosaurus therefore reconstructed the tail of Cryptoclidus with a
thorntoni (NHMUK R4853; Andrews, 1922) and a dorsal dermal lobe. Similarly, O’Keefe et al. (2011)
referred specimen of R. zetlandicus (WM 851.S; reconstructed the closely related cryptoclidid
Vincent and Smith, 2009). In R. cramptoni (NMING Tatenectes with a dermal tail fin. A node of the kind
F8785) the tail appears to be complete (Smith, 2007), described in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus has not been
but it is obscured by paint and plaster. In the closely observed in any other plesiosaur taxa, even specimens
related Meyerasaurus victor (Fraas 1910) the tail is with complete tails, suggesting it may be an
almost completely preserved but the associated autapomorphy of this taxon. However, fused caudal
chevrons obscure the centra (Smith and Vincent, 2010). vertebrae, and pygostyle-like structures, have been
described in several other plesiosaurians belonging to a
DISCUSSION variety of clades (Dames, 1895; Wegner, 1914; Welles,
1943; Kear et al., 2006; Kear, 2006; Wilhelm, 2010;
Plesiosaurians are sometimes portrayed with a Kubo et al., 2012). In Seeleyosaurus (Dames, 1895) the
vertically oriented caudal fin on the end of the tail (e.g. neural arches of the four terminal vertebrae are fused to
Dames, 1895; Woodward, 1896; Zarnik, 1925; each other, in Brancasaurus (Wegner, 1914) the neural
Newman and Tarlo, 1967). This trend may have been arches of the seven terminal vertebrae are fused, and in
initiated when Richard Owen noted the terminal caudal Archaeonectrus an uncertain number of terminal
vertebrae in a Lower Jurassic plesiosaurian vertebrae are fused (Wegner, 1914). In Cryptoclidus
(Archaeonectrus rostratus) were compressed and five to six terminal caudal vertebrae are fused into a
“probably supported some development of the terminal pygostyle-like structure (Wegner, 1914; Wilhelm,
dermal expanse” (Owen, 1865, p. 26). The only known 2010), in Morenosaurus the terminal five vertebrae are
soft-tissue evidence for a caudal fin in a plesiosaur was “fused into a pointed mass” (Welles, 1943 p.166), in
described in the holotype of Seeleyosaurus Umoonasaurus at least five terminal vertebrae are
guilelmiimperatoris (MB R.1992; Dames, 1895), for fused (Kear et al., 2006; Kear, 2006), and in
which a black carbonaceous silhouette was identified at Albertonectes seven terminal vertebrae are heavily
the tip of the tail. This taxon was subsequently restored fused into a “dorsoventrally flattened structure” (Kubo
with a large diamond-shaped caudal fin at the tip of the et al., 2012, p. 562), although the dorsoventral
tail (Dames, 1895; Zarnik, 1925). This specimen has flattening is possibly a taphonomic artefact (Kubo et
since been covered with paint, obscuring any preserved al., 2012). The presence of such a pygostyle in adults
soft tissue, so this evidence cannot currently be might be a synapomorphy of Cryptoclidia (Benson and
verified. Later depictions of plesiosaurians with a Druckenmiller 2013, char 195). The widespread
caudal fin have been based on this single piece of soft- presence of partial or complete fusion of the terminal
tissue evidence. For example, ‘Plesiosaurus’ caudal vertebrae in multiple different plesiosaurs,
macrocephalus has been portrayed with a diamond- shows that it is not of pathological origin. The
shaped dermal tail fin (Woodward, 1896), and Tarlo significance of the pygostyle-like structures is unclear,
(1957) speculated on the presence of a tail fin in but it may be related to a dermal tail fin. Fraas (1910)
pliosaurs, including a triangular fin in a reconstruction and Wegner (1914) even proposed a mediolaterally
of the pliosaurid Liopleurodon (Newman and Tarlo, expanded tail, or horizontal tail fin, in plesiosaurians,
1967). on the basis of the pygostyle-like structure (and well-
Other authors have considered the osteology of developed lateral processes [caudal ribs]). Ketchum
plesiosaurian tails and how it might relate to the soft and Smith (2010) described wedge shaped caudal
tissue anatomy. The tails of some plesiosaurians have vertebrae (caudal vertebrae 17 and 18) midway along
been observed to “turn up slightly near the extremity, the tail in Macroplata, resulting in a ventral deflection
as though for the support of a small terminal fin” of the distal portion of the tail. In conjunction with the
(Williston, 1914, p. 80; without further details). evidence presented here for Rhomaleosaurus, there is
Wilhelm (2010) described the tail of the cryptoclidids therefore a growing body of osteological evidence
Cryptoclidus and Muraenosaurus and interpreted suggesting a dermal tail fin was present in a variety of
lateral compression of the caudal vertebrae, changes in plesiosaurian taxa (including rhomaleosaurids,
caudal rib and neural spine morphology, and a fused cryptoclidids, leptoclidids, and basal plesiosauroids).

FIGURE 5. Caudal vertebrae 12–17 in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503). A–F, caudal vertebrae 12–14 in A, right lateral, B, anterior, C,
dorsal, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. G–L, caudal vertebrae 15–17 in G, right lateral, H, anterior, I, dorsal, J, left lateral, K,
posterior, and L, ventral view. Scale bar = 20 mm.

FIGURE 6. Caudal vertebrae 18–24 in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503). A–F, caudal vertebrae 18–24 in A, right lateral, B, left lateral,
C, dorsal, D, ventral, E, anterior, and F, posterior view. G–J, close up of caudal vertebrae 23–34, the node, in G, dorsal, H, right lateral, I, left lateral,
J, ventral view. Note the asymmetry in v21. Abbreviations: con, concave posteroventral margin of v23. Scale bars = 20 mm.

FIGURE 7. Caudal vertebrae 25–32 in Rhomaleosaurus zetlandicus (YORYM G503). A–F, caudal vertebrae 25–27 in A, right lateral, B, anterior, C,
dorsal, D, left lateral, E, posterior, and F, ventral view. G–L, caudal vertebrae 28–32 in G, right lateral, H, anterior, I, dorsal, J, left lateral, K,
posterior, and L, ventral view. Abbreviations: cr, cracks, nf, nutritive foramina. Scale bar = 20 mm.

The presence of a tail fin has potential et al., 2010). The evolutionary history of most other
implications for plesiosaurian behaviour in terms of marine reptiles (and fully aquatic vertebrates in
swimming speed, manuverability and stability in the general) is dominated by a convergent trend towards
water column. Plesiosaurians propelled themselves axial locomotion, culminating in the tail-based
through the water using four large wing-like flippers propulsive system in ichthyosaurs, mosasaurs and
(Robinson, 1975; Frey and Riess, 1982; Godfrey, 1984; thalattosuchian crocodylomorphs. A distinct lunate
Riess and Frey, 1991; Lingham-Soliar, 2000; Carpenter caudal fin evolved independently in each of these

plesiosaurian taxa. Symbols: , present; X, absent; ?, uncertain

TABLE 2. Summary of osteological correlates for a vertical dermal caudal fin and their distribution among marine reptile clades and individual

Osteological correlate of tail fin

Ventral Distinct node: Soft tissue

Taxonomic group Mediolateral Shift in angle Tail fin present?
displacement wedge-shape/ evidence
compression of of neural
along vertebral foreshortened
distal vertebrae spines
column vertebra(e)

Ichthyosauria    ?  Yes (McGowan, 1992)

    
Yes (Fraas, 1902; Young
et al. 2010)

    
Yes (Lindgren et al.
2007, 2008, 2010, 2013)

? (possible subtle

ventral ? X Inferred (present study)
(present study)

 
Inferred (see Wilhelm,
Cryptoclidus X X X

 
Inferred (see Wilhelm,
Muraenosaurus X X X
Plesiosauria 2010)
 (But
Seeleyosaurus ? ? ? ? Inferred (Dames, 1895)

Archaeonectrus  ? ? ? X Inferred (Owen, 1865)

 
Inferred (Ketchum and
Macroplata X ? X Smith, 2010)

groups (Lindgren et al., 2010). Turtles adopted a locomotion (but see Lingham-Soliar, 2000) is another
paraxial locomotory repertoire, however, they are unique adaptation among aquatic vertebrates. Given
constrained by their carapace and plastron, and a these adaptations for paraxial propulsion it is unlikely
requirement for the females to move on land to lay that the caudal fin, where present, was used as a
eggs, whereas plesiosaurs and their ancestors gave propulsive organ. Instead, it may have been used to
birth to live young in the water and were fully aquatic increase efficiency of the tail as rudder (Buckland,
(Cheng et al., 2004; O’Keefe and Chiappe, 2011). The 1837), providing additional manuverability and
evolution of paraxial locomotion in plesiosaurs may be stability during locomotion (Robinson, 1975). Wilhelm
the direct result of evolutionary constraints developed and O’Keefe (2010) suggested that rounded edges on
in the ancestors of plesiosaurs (Storrs, 1993), but may the articular centrum facets in the proximal caudal
also represent a solution to the problem of Carrier’s vertebrae of a possible Pantosaurus skeleton (USNM
Contraint (Cowen, 1996). However, the primitive 536965) may have increased lateral flexibility of the
diapsid ancestors of sauropterygians and the most basal proximal tail and allowed it to play a role in
members of the clade (pachypleurosaurs) swam using locomotion. Experimental analysis will be required to
lateral undulations of the body and tail (Storrs, 1993), determine the true function of the plesiosaur tail, and
so there was a considerable behavioural shift from an the exact outline of the dermal tail fin in different
axial to paraxial locomotory repertoire between basal plesiosaurian clades remains speculative pending the
sauropterygians and derived plesiosaurs. The paraxial discovery of specimens with preserved soft tissues.
condition in plesiosaurians is therefore unique among
diapsid marine reptiles (Massare, 1988) and represents ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
a deviation from the typical convergent trend towards
tail-propelled (oscillatory) swimming seen in the I wish to thank Camilla Nicholl, Isla Gladstone,
majority of fully-aquatic vertebrates. Furthermore, the and Sarah King, for access to material in the Yorkshire
presence of two pairs of limbs for use in propulsive Museums Trust (Yorkshire Museum). Sandra

Chapman, Nigel Monaghan, and Matthew Parkes, also Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as
kindly provided access to comparative material in their Manifested in the Creation: Treatise 6. Geology
care. Mike Taylor, Benjamin Wilhelm and Robin and Mineralogy Considered with Reference to
O’Keefe offered interesting and constructive Natural Theology. Pickering.
discussion, and Jo Hellawell and Alan O’Connor Carpenter, K., F. Sanders, B. Reed, J. Reed, and P.
provided useful comments on early drafts of the Larson. 2010. Plesiosaur swimming as
manuscript. I also acknowledge Leslie Noè and an interpreted from skeletal analysis and
anonymous reviewer for helpful reviews. experimental results. Transactions of the Kansas
Academy of Science 113:1–34.
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