What's Inside?: Vendors Wanted

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April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 1

April 4, 2019 GOD BLESS AMERICA Vol. 46: No. 29

Contact [email protected]

COMING SOON - JUne 22nd & 23rd

Sussex County Fairgrounds Augusta NJ
Outdoor Vintage Inspired Artisan Market

Look to Our
for all your
Belvidere High School Presented Into The Woods on March 29th-
31st. Into The Woods was adapted from the book by James Lap-
PHOTOS Taken ine with music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. It was directed by
Ms. Stephanie Golda. The cast included: Connor McCrea, Alyssa Bangor and Pen Argyl took it to court, the
By the PRESS Hopkins, Owen Gately, Idalis Natal, Jason Thompson, Izzy Pedraza, tennis court that is, on March 29th in their
Emma Allen, Hailey Biasco, Theresa Hannon, Maria Turker, Gabby rivalry boys tennis match. Bangor beat Pen
Are Available Lesiv, Hailee Knapik, Frank VandeVeegaeta, Cassie Fox, Ryan An- Argyl after a close match, 3-2. Above: Ban-
derson, Brennan Anderson, Kadaysha Little, Johnathan Hajduk, gor’s Grant Kaye hits a two handed back-
online at Juli VandeVeegaete, Morgan Sendgikoski, Annie Noone, Emma Ser- hand return in his second singles match.
www.thepress rano, and Emilia Belet. Photos by Dale Young/The PRESS Photo by Dale Young/The PRESS
time.com PA Sen. Scavello, State Reps Hahn, Emrick and Mako Announce
Northampton County Grants
Main Street
The Commonwealth their combined legisla- for their efforts in join- monwealth.” to Borough – Borough
Market Weekly Financing Authority tive districts. ing with him to secure Grant recipients in- Facility Renovations;
Specials (CFA) this week an- LSA grants support these vital grants for clude:Bangor Borough Upper Mount Bethel
nounced approvals of economic development, Northampton County – Bangor Storm Sewer Township – Minsi Lake
Local Share Account job training, commu- communities. Project & Police Equip- Park Infrastructure;
One-Day ONLY (LSA) grant funds for nity improvement and “These grants are an ment; Bangor Borough, Upper Nazareth Town-
a number of Northamp- public interest projects integral part of eco- Northampton County – ship – Multi-Munici-
FAMOUS ton County projects.
State Senator Mario
through gaming funds
under Act 71 of 2004.
nomic growth for this
area,” Scavello said.
Food Bank Expansion;
East Bangor Borough –
pal Paving Equipment;
Washington Township
MEAT SALE Scavello (R-Northamp-
ton/Monroe) joined
These specific grants
come from Monroe
“We must continue to
invest in infrastructure,
Shared Police Services;
Moore Township – Po-
– Head Wall Trash Rack
& Debris Guard Re-
FLYER State Representatives
Marcia Hahn, Joe Em-
County, which funds
projects in Monroe and
economic development
and public safety to en-
lice Vehicle & Comput-
er System Upgrades;
Additional grant ap-
rick and Zach Mako in its contiguous counties. sure a high quality of Plainfield Township provals are expected at
Page 15 announcing $981,616 Senator Scavello life in our communities – Salt Storage Shed the next CFA meeting
of approved grants in thanked his colleagues and across the Com- Replacement; Rose- in May.
Bangor Presents
Gallery 23 Showcase Local Talented Artists, Yanina Siani and Susan Bogen
san Said, “I first started
working in clay over 40
years ago. The tactile
feel and the spatial forms
that the clay can take on
has always drawn me in. I
especially love functional
pots that beg to be picked
up and held. The fact that
uses wide range of ma- a pot is pleasing to the
terials and techniques eye as well as the touch
Gallery 23 is please to
Page 3 announce their talent- including oil, acrylic is very satisfying. Asian
and watercolor. and Islamic ceramics
ed featured artists for
NWR Presents April, Susan Bogen and Trained as a silver- silver, gold and copper. Stoneware in her studio have always had a strong
smith in Ukraine, Yani- Using traditional met- in Montvale, NJ and influence on me. I strive
MAMA MIA Yanina Siani. to integrate form and de-
Yanina Siani: Yani- na spent several years alsmithing techniques, in Elka Park, NY. Su-
fabricating fine jewelry her handcrafted pieces san teaches ceramics at sign into my work. Once
na was born and raised a pot is formed, it then
in Kiev, the capital of with materials tradi- begin as raw wire and/ The Art School at Old
tionally perceived as or sheets of sterling Church, Demarest NJ, becomes a palette for the
Ukraine. Yanina Siani brushwork designs I’ve
started her artistic edu- precious. In 1998, she silver. Yanina utilizes and Sugar Maples Center
moved to the to New hand-patterned, formed, of the Arts in Maplecrest, developed over the years.
cation at early age. She My work is porcelain and
graduated from Art Col- York City to work as soldered and polished NY. Her work is shown
a bench jeweler. Yani- techniques and com- and available for sale at Stoneware fired in a gas
lege in Kiev, Ukraine. In reduction kiln or a wood-
the years that followed, na resides and works pletes her designs with The Peter’s Valley Craft
in her studio in New patina finish. Her collec- Center, Layton, NJ; Gal- fired salt kiln to cone 10.
she continued her ed-
Page 5 ucation through pri- Jersey since 2003. It is tion displays a colorful lery 23 Blairstown, NJ; All is food safe, dish-
here where she creates palette of stones includ- The Byrdcliffe Gallery, washer and microwave
vate lessons with well
Belvidere Presents known Ukrainian art- custom and one of the ing turquoise, lapis, am- Woodstock, NY; The safe.”
Into The Woods kind pieces of wearable ethyst, coral and many Kaaterskill Fine Arts Stop into Gallery 23,
ists. She tested her abil- located at 23 Main Street
ity to work on the large art jewelry. Yanina’s more custom cut stones. Craft Shop, Hunter, NY;
designs are hand-fab- Susan Bogen: Susan is Just Jersey, Morristown, in Blairstown and take
scale when she worked 10% off one of Susan’s
as a book illustrator. In ricated around colorful a ceramic artist work- NJ; Market House Lo-
gemstones with sterling ing in Porcelain and cal, Westwood, NJ. Su- or Yanina’s work during
her artistic work Yanina the month of April.

Page 6
Rambling Around
the Towns...pg. 2
Community Events...pg. 4
Home & Garden...pg. 7
Horoscopes & Puzzles...pg. 10
Classifieds...pg. 11
Page 2 The PRESS April 4, 2019
bers to crochet or knit 258 of Blairstown. Any
items to be donated to Hardwick residents over
various charities, nurs- the age of 55 are most
ing homes, hospice and welcome to attend and
the needy throughout join if they wish. Call
Warren County. They their President, Laura
meet every Tuesday Randazzo at 908 362
from 9:30am to noon at 8920 for more informa-
Pennsylvania tainance of the cem-
etery. Donations can
award, The Frederick
R. Curcio, Jr. Scholar-
Network tab, in the HS
Guidance Office or the
the Catherine Dickson
Hofman Library, For
Friends & Neighbors
be mailed to St. John’s ship Award, may also SFN office adjacent to more information, call is a club of almost 100
Calling all Slate Belt Cemetery, C/O Carol be applied for at this the Paine Theater and the Anne at 908-459-0453. ladies in Warren Co.
Restaurants! Would Hummel, 136 Messing- time. To qualify a senior Bangor HS Greenhouse. Blairstown North who meet for lunch
you like to participate er Street, Bangor, PA must been enrolled in a Completed applications Warren Senior’s wel- the first wed. of each
in “Slate Belt Restau- 18013. computer science relat- are due at SFN on April comes all Warren month (Oct-May) at
rant Week?” We are The Blue Valley ed course or planning 26th. Call the SFN office County Seniors 55 the Allamuchy Fire
looking to do this event Farm Show has schol- to attend a Technical with any questions at or older to join their House on Alphano Rd
this July 6th through arships available to School of their choice 610-599-7019. club. They meet the 1st at noon. Visitors Wel-
July 14th. Call 610 588 any student who is or or majoring in comput- Reformed Cemetery Thursday of each month come. Call 908-269-
1000 or email info@ has been a member of er science. Applications of Stone Church is Ac- at 1:30 at the Library in 5730 for details
slatebeltchamber.org. Northampton County must be received by cepting Memorial Do- Blairstown. For more Knowlton United
More information is on 4-H clubs. Two $500.00 April 15, 2019. To hon- nation for the mainte- info. Call Gladys 908- Methodist Church wel-
our web site at www. scholarships for the or the recipients, parents nance of the Cemetery. 459-9210 or 862-220- comes music lovers of
slatebeltchamber.org 2019-2020 school year. and friends, a Scholar- Donations can be mailed 2693. all ages to “Memories
The Slate Belt Her- Applications must be ship Awards Dinner is to Reformed Cemetery, Star-Light Small An- Are Made of This” with
itage Center is in the returned by March 31st. planned for May 17th. C/O Ronald A. Sartini, imal Rescue is looking Retired Army Sergeant
process of collecting For more information For more information 10200 Richmond Road, for volunteers to help Craig Johnson. Songs
information on all the contact Audrey Koehler contact the guidance de- Bangor, PA. 18013. with transport and on- from a generation gone
textile and garment at 610-498-3389. partment or the chamber Bangor Womens Club line tasks, and for fos- by with songs from
mills that existed in the Slate Belt Chamber of office at 610-588-1000. GFWC Scholarship ters/adopters. Visit star Johnny Cash, Waylon
Slate Belt. If anyone has Commerce is pleased Slater Family Net- Applications Available lightrescue.webs.com or Jennings, Dean Martin,
a picture of the outside to announce applica- work is sponsoring a at Bangor High School email StarLight_Res- Elvis & Many More!
of their “Families Mill” tions for Scholarship $2,000 scholarship for and Faith Christian cue@ hot mail.com for Saturday, April 6th at 7
to scan it and please send Achievement Award a 2019 Bangor High School Guidance Offic- more information. pm. A donation to the
to the Heritage Center at 2019 are available School graduate. The es. $1000 scholarship to The Hardwick Se- Knowlton United Meth-
[email protected]. Or March 1st at the guid- family of Denny Strou- a senior who will be at- niors in Hardwick, NJ, odist Church Food Pan-
send a photo to” SBHC ance departments of se is also sponsoring tending college this fall. have been busy this try will be taken in lieu
30 North 1st Street, Bangor High School, a $1000 scholarship Deadline to submit ap- year crocheting and of an admission fee.
Bangor, PA Att: Karen Pen Argyl High School, through Slater Family plications is April 15th. knitting scarves and For more details, please
Brewer. Thank you in Faith Christian & Ca- Network for a 2019 Ban- hats for United States call (973) 919-3690.
advance for contributing
to this important project
St. John’s Cemetery
reer Institute of Tech-
nology. One scholarship
to a senior from each
gor High School gradu-
ate. The applications are
now available on the
New Jersey Vets who are in local
Nursing Homes. The
gifts will be distributed
Knowlton UMC is lo-
cated at 509 Route 94in
Columbia, NJ. All our
is accepting memorial of the four area school. school district website North Warren Knit- to the Vets by the Ameri- welcome to join us for
donations for the main- Please note: A separate under the Slater Family Wits needs new mem- can Legion Givens Belet some great music!

hower Road, Blairstown. HQ Branch Tuesday

Ages 18+. FMI, call Glad- April 16th from 1:30
ys at 908-459-9210. to 2:30. Stories, Games,
Face Painting, a Craft and
Costume Jewelry. A Cul- Treats for all. Most of all
tural Stroll Through the Easter Eggs, Eggs and
Decades Ladies Night more Eggs. Sign up re-
reunion: May 18, Out at Warren County quired at www.warrenlib.
Pennsylvania 432-8286. Free Egg Hunt: April
13th, 10:30am. East 6-9pm. To reserve visit Library, HQ Branch: org or call 908-475-6322.
Immaculate Conception Bangor Park. Ages 0-12. paypal.me/pools/ c/89X- April 11 7p.m.-8p.m.
Delaware-Lehigh Ama- School Tricky Tray: Lots of eggs filled with akc9Rk9. RUMMAGE SALE:
teur Radio Club Meet- April 12th, 5pm. 290 candy. Rain or Shine. Panther Valley Ecu- Friday, May 4 from 9am
ing: April 4th, 7:30pm. W Babbitt St. Pen Argyl. New York 911 Memo- menical Church Lenten to 7pm and Saturday,
Bethlehem Township FMI, email icsfundrais- Lookout Fire Co # 1 rial Museum and little Services: Palm Sunday Saturday, May 4 from
Community Center, 2900 [email protected]. “ Sportsmans Drawing Italy Trip: Saturday Service, Sunday, April 9am to 1pm. 1490 Route
Farmersville Road, Beth- And Meat Raffle: April June 29, 2019. Hosted 14th, 10:30am. “Distri- 517, Hackettstown. Ac-
lehem. FMI, visit www. Bangor Church of The 13th, 1-5pm. Weona by PAHS Class of 1973 bution of Palms”; Good cepting clothing for men,
dlarc.org, or contact KE- Nazarene 3rd Annual Park Community Cen- Scholarship Fund. Price Friday Service: Friday, women, and children,
3AW@ARRLnet or 610- ter Rt. 512, Pen Argyl, is $65.00, includes Bus April 19 at 7:00pm; Eas- household items, glass-
Pa. A $10 Admission in- and Ticket into Museum. ter Sunrise Service: Sun- ware, baskets, small ap-
cludes Raffle Ticket (30 Call Margaret to RSVP at day, April 21 at 6:00am; pliances, sporting goods,
prizes), Free food and 610-417-0461. Easter Service: Sunday jewelry, and seasonal
drink, door prizes and April 21 at 10:30am, A items. Bake Sale on Fri-
giveaways. FMI, visit
New Jersey traditional service with
communion. 1490 Rt. 517,
day, May 4 along with
the Rummage Sale. All
CHICKEN DINNER: Hackettstown. FMI, call proceeds from the rum-
Faith Christian School’s April 4th, 5:30-7:30pm 908-852-5444 or www. mage sale will benefit the
Sixth Annual Gala: Sat- Panther Valley Ecumeni- panthervalleychurch.com. ministries of Panther Val-
urday, April 27 from 5 cal Church at 1490 Route ley Ecumenical Church.
to 9pm. 517, Hackettstown. Pro- Easter Egg Hunt: 908-852-5444.
ceeds benefit the minis- Warren County Library,
23rd Annual Senior tries of the church. FMI,
Fitness Walk at the Po- Call 908-852-5444.
cono Family YMCA:
Wednesday, May 15th, Yellow Frame Church’s
Pre-registration started Spring Rummage Sale:
106 Kline St. April 1st. Day-Of reg- April 5th, 9am-3pm.
istration begins at 9am.
FMI contact Deborah St. Jude Ladies Guild
Lang at 570-421-2525 BINGO: April 6th, 2019.
ext. 124 or dlang@poco- Doors open at 6:30 P.M.
noymca.org. and games start at 7:15
P.M. at St. Jude’s Church
Bangor High School McNulty Hall, 7 Eisen-
106 Kline St. Class of 1999, 20 year

Little Corner Cafe

610-452-9170 136 S. 1st St., Bangor, PA
Hours: Tues-Sat, 8am-2pm;
Sunday, 8am-1pm - Breakfast Only

Serving Dinner: Friday

& Saturday Nights, 5-8pm
Dailyals Reservations Suggested

Mike’s Landscaping Stop In Today for

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At Mike’s Landscaping & Lawn Care, you will experience professional work
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973-463-9455 [email protected] PA Reg. #PA058650 Fully Insured & Licensed VW ▪ Audi ▪ Porsche
April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 3

Bangor Area High School Presents: MAMMA MIA

Bangor Area High School Presented Mama Mia as their Spring Musical on March 29th-31st. Mama Mia is based off the book by Catherine
Johnson, with Music and Lyrics by Benny Anderson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, featuring hits by ABBA. The musical takes you on the wild ride
of single mother, Donna and her daughter Sophie. The main cast consisted of: Hannah Almanzar, Sophia, Villano, Cathianne McKenna,
Brookel Sabella, Gianna Graziano, Morgan Shriver, Akah Sareen, Logan Holva, Shemar Petrie, Charles Fassl, Marino Bubba, Seth Diorio,
and Mason Cruz. The cast acted along side a talented group of dancers, crew, and ensemble cast member to help bring the production to
life. Photos by Dale Young/The PRESS

Warren County Hall Seeks 2019 Nominations someone who works or

serves in the county.
contact samir@warren.
The Warren County ample, public service James Goodwin, Rev. Nancy Brown, Doug Deadline for nomi- The Hall of Fame was
Hall of Fame commit- nominations can in- Dr. Frank Fowler, Rob- Steinhardt, Garabed nations is May 15. To established by the War-
tee is currently seeking clude community vol- ert Plenge, Sr., and Wil- “Chuck” Haytaian, and download a nomina- ren County Community
nominations of resi- unteers or a public offi- liam “Billy” Staples. Richard Cotton. tion form go to www. College Foundation to
dents who have “made cial that has positively Among the previous in- All nominees must w c c c f o u n d a t i o n . o rg . recognize the county’s
Warren County proud” impacted the communi- ductees are Sal Simon- have strong ties to For further information finest. This year’s event
through making a dif- ty. Business nominees etti, Kathleen Halpin, Warren County, which email wchalloffame@ will be held in Novem-
ference. Nominees for can be either a business John McCann, Tomas can include a current warren.edu. For more ber at Hawk Pointe Golf
this year’s inclusion person or business it- Gonzales, Dr. Robert or former resident, or details about the event, Club in Washington.
must be submitted by self. Sports nominees Friedman, Christo-
May 15. Nominations have included athletes, pher Maier, Norman
should be based on one sports administrators, Worth, Mattar Mattar, “In the spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of
or more of the follow- and coaches, includ- Ed Rossi, Richard Ma-
ing qualities: Public ing careers in Warren guire, Steve Gandley, weather inside of 24 hours.”-Mark Twain
service, military ser- County and beyond.
vice, business, sports, Arts and entertain-
arts and entertainment, ment nominees also
Don’t Miss

Slate Belt Heritage Center

education, or special may have careers that
recognition (for those
who have impacted the
stretched beyond the
county. Military ser-
county but do not fall
into the previous cate-
vice nominees may be
active or veteran mem-
Main St.
Market Meat
Spring Opening
gories). bers of the armed ser-
Each nomination cate- vices.
gory is broad and may Last year’s inductees Sale!
apply to multiple types
of nominees. For ex-
included Dr. Marc Abo,
Marian Bredin, Dr. 4/4/19!

Sinfully Sun Tanning Saturday, April 13th, 2019 from 12-3pm

April 1st - May 31st Hours: M-F, 11am-7pm Hours from April-October:
Appointment ONLY from 5-7pm (must be scheduled by 3pm)
No Weekend Hours! Saturdays and Sundays 12:00-3:00pm
New Prices Effective 2/6/19 Sundays Year Round: 12:00-3:00pm
Private Tours Available, Email [email protected]
*All Prices
Prices Include
Include 10%
10% Excise
Excise Tax
Tax (effective
(effective 7/31/10)

20 Minute Beds 12 Min Bed &

Single Session - $8.80
5 Sessions - $35.75
11 Min Stand Up
Single Session - $13.20
Featured in the Chamber Room:
10 Sessions - $60.50 5 Sessions - $49.50 “We Are The People: Folk
15 Sessions - $74.25 10 Sessions - $88.00
$4.40 UPGRADE/per session 15 Sessions - $107.25 Art for the Slate Belt”
Providing Sunshine Indoors for 9 years!

337 Blue Valley Dr. - 512 Bangor Plaza

Come enjoy the rich heritage of the Slate Belt Area!
610-588-5283 New Members Always Welcome - 30 North 1st Street, Bangor, PA
Page 4 The PRESS April 4, 2019

North Warren High School Presents: MAMMA MIA

North Warren Regional High School Presented Mama Mia as their Spring Musical on March 29th-31st. Mama Mia is based off the book by
Catherine Johnson, with Music and Lyrics by Benny Anderson and Bjorn Ulvaeus, featuring hits by ABBA. The main cast consisted of: Dan-
iella Archilla, Bella Messina, Caroline Copen, Julia Dieffenbach, Dan Cruz, Jacob Summers, Sean Pergola, Matt Pell, Andrew Merkle, Muriel
Baki, Emily Young, Emily Acosta, Nik Pagano, Justin Perrone, and Immanuel Archilla. Along side the cast was a talented group of musician,
and ensemble cats members, set designers, stage crew members and directors. Together the cast and crew beautifully captured the magic
of Mama Mia. Photos by Dale Young/The PRESS

Continued Improvements to a Local School

The effort to renovate ing Authority’s (CFAs) en place, and now the move existing partition
Five Points Elementary Alternative and Clean building needs reno- walls to create individu-
School in the Bangor Energy Program is the vation. The school dis- al classrooms and better
Area School District is source of the funding. trict’s goal is to meet circulation throughout
moving forward as the Since Five Points was the definition of what the school.
result of a more than built in 1967, only one the National Institute New fixtures, includ-
$1.1 million grant. The upgrade – 27 years of Building Sciences ing an efficient thermal
Commonwealth Financ- ago in 1992 – has tak- deems a High Perfor- building envelope, ener-
mance Building. gy efficient individually

Roseto Bakery
The grant will allow controlled HVAC sys-
the following building tems, energy efficient
improvements to take LED lights with day-
143 Chestnut St., Roseto place: light sensors, more effi-
www.rosetobakery.com Remove asbestos cient plumbing systems,
throughout the school in addition to on-site so- grant is the maximum lished in 2004 as an in-
Don’t forget to place your orders for and lead-containing ce- lar production. allowed under the pro- dependent agency of the
ramic tiles in all the girls Switch to a gas HVAC gram and will facilitate Department of Commu-
Good Friday & Easter Sunday bathrooms and upgrade system, saving approxi- completion of the proj- nity and Economic De-
all restrooms. mately 63 percent in en- ect, which has a total velopment to administer
Now Baking Easter Bread, Finish upgrades in the
addition, as well as re-
ergy costs.
The amount of the
cost of $12.8 million. Pennsylvania’s econom-
The CFA was estab- ic stimulus packages.
& Ricotta Pies
Call To Place Your Order
Happy Hour!
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Main St. Market Meat Sale - April 4th!

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Bingo Starts at 1pm
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William Pensyl Social Hall - 111 State St., Portland, PA
We Remove Oil Tanks! Only One Facility To Maintain
$20 Advance Tickets; $25 at Door No Full Time Salaried Employees
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For Tickets visit eventbrite.com or call 610-216-6716 FuelRitePetroleum.com 610-588-2233
US DEP Lic. #US 479 792; HIC# 13VH01031400
If No Answer, 1-877-306-3850
All Proceeds Benefit Portland Hook & Ladder Co. #1
April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 5

Belvidere High School Presents: INTO THE WOODS

State Stalling The Sale Of Westminster Choir College Is A Good Sign Say Wirths And Space
In a letter to state Su- six months to even re- in downtown Princeton dubious,” said Wirths general’s office. This is with Rider University to
perior Court Judge Paul spond and when it final- to Kaiwen Education. (R-Sussex). “It appears a good sign. I hope it take over Westminster,
Innes on Wednesday, ly did, it only answered The company has no that the Chinese gov- helps stop the sale com- the Chinese govern-
the New Jersey Attor- two of the 49 questions. experience in higher ernment may be using pletely.” ment-owned company
ney General’s Office “I think Rider Univer- education and in fact the guise of academia The FBI warned uni- rolled out the red carpet
requested more time sity’s lack of coopera- prior to 2016, they had to access Princeton’s versities that individ- inviting about 40 West-
to consider the legality tion speaks volumes,” no business in educa- world-class scientists, uals and organizations minster students to tour
of Rider University’s said Assemblyman Hal tion whatsoever. It was researchers, and institu- may misrepresent them- and perform in Beijing.
proposed sale of West- Wirths. a government-owned tions for nefarious pur- selves and their inten- One of the students they
minster Choir College Wirths and fellow Chinese defense con- poses.” tions in order to access interviewed who went
to a Chinese for-profit Assemblyman Parker tractor that manufac- An FBI-issued a white to restricted informa- on the trip said that the
company that is partly Space in the 24th Leg- tured steelwork for paper on higher ed- tion. It said that some group was “pampered,”
owned by the Chinese islative District have bridges, ships, cranes ucation and national foreign governments “treated like celebri-
government. been vocal opponents and power plants. security, says that for- also pressure students ties” and that “Kaiwen
The university has not to the sale, even in- “This company has given governments use who are there for legit- staff dangled the possi-
provided an adequate troducing legislation never offered profes- campuses in the United imate reasons to report bility of future jobs at
response to the state’s (ACR222) to stop it. sional music training. States to steal infor- information to intelli- them.”
questions regarding the Rider University Its interest in the mu- mation, recruit indi- gence officials, often The bill to block the
sale. In one instance, wants to sell the re- sic college for the pur- viduals for espionage, using the promise of sale of the college has
Rider University took nowned music college pose of academia seems and spread false infor- favors. been referred to the
mation for political or An NPR story, said that Assembly Homeland
other reasons. It cited after Kaiwen Education Security and State Pre-
The Church of several examples of the
Chinese government
struck a $56 million deal paredness Committee.

St. Mary’s & St. Luke’s 10 am services at

using colleges and uni-
versities to gain intelli-
Don’t Miss The
St. Mary's on the gence.
An Episcopal Congregation in Warren County, NJ
Main St. Market
“We cannot sell this
1st & 3rd Sundays jewel to the authori-
408 3rd Street, Belvidere 346 High Street, Hope of the month &
Meat Sale!
tarian Chinese gov-
www.stmarysbelvidere.org www.aboutstlukes.com at St. Luke's on the ernment,” said Space
(R-Sussex). “I’m
Contact: 908-818-9661 or [email protected]
2nd & 4th Sundays
of the month pleased with the opin-
ion of the attorney

Hoppin-Into-Spring Spring Has Arrived At

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Page 6 The PRESS April 4, 2019
Blairstown Animal Hospital:
2019 Annual Pet Photo Contest
Email Your Submissions To [email protected]
Ask A Vet - Cardiovascular
As we move through dogs commonly will
a tour of our pet’s body, cough, particularly at
our next stop is the car- night or early morning.
diovascular system. This They will have exercise
includes the heart and intolerance and will often
the blood vessels. The breath faster than normal.
purpose of this system is Chest radiographs and an
to circulate blood around ultrasound of the heart
the body. Blood carries can help us diagnose and
oxygen, glucose, other choose the best medica-
nutrients, and hormones tions for treatment.
to the cells of the body. Large dogs are prone to
It also carries away waste dilated cardiomyopathy
products such as carbon (DCM), which means the
dioxide, urea nitrogen heart becomes enlarged
ALL HE WANTS FOR and creatinine.
We are probably famil-
and the walls become
thin. With the muscle
CHRISTMAS IS YOU iar with the idea that the
heart is a pump. The heart
stretched out, the heart
cannot pump blood well.
Alex asked Santa for a permanent home...
he is available for adoption through Slate beat is stimulated by an This is often difficult to
Belt Animal Advocacy Group Inc, and is electrical impulse with- treat and unfortunately
This is Stewart - he is owned by the Apgar’s in the heart that spreads their prognosis is poor
currently being fostered by Amy Riger. of Pen Argyl, PA. through the muscle and for the long-term. One
creates a coordinated other important note on
motion. Blood enters the DCM- there has been an
heart at the right atrium, increase in this disease
passes through the tri- in breeds of dogs that are
cuspid valve that directs not normally predisposed
the flow into the right to it. The cause seems to
ventricle. From there, it be grain-free dog foods.
exits through the pulmo- It is not clear why this oc-
nary artery into the lungs curs, but I have been ad-
Sophie the speckled This 9 yr old shi- where it discharges car- vising my dog owners to
dog lives with Kath- htzu lives with Doug bon dioxide and takes in not feed grain-free until
ryn Close in Blair- Fielding in Bangor, oxygen. The blood then this is better understood.
stown, NJ. PA. reenters the heart through Cats can also get dilated
the left atrium, goes cardiomyopathy although
through the mitral valve the incidence has greatly
into the left ventricle decreased since taurine
and then finally exits the has been added to cat
heart through the aorta, food. Cats cannot synthe-
the largest blood vessel in size this amino acid and
the body. it must be provided in
Arteries carry blood their diet. Dogs are able
“Chili” the standard Buster, a 3 ½ year away from the heart to make it, although some
poodle getting ready old Lab/PitBull Mix throughout the body. breeds, notably gold-
for Easter! She lives resides with the They become smaller and en retrievers and cocker
with Valeri Maisch in Wagner Family in smaller as they branch off spaniels, can also suffer
Blairstown, NJ. Bangor, PA - and until they become cap- from DCM due to lack of
refuses to share his illaries. Capillaries are taurine. Cats with DCM
toys with other fami- very thin and are just big rarely have a murmur and
ly members! enough for blood cells to unfortunately the most
go through single file so common sign is sudden
Jace the German Shepherd loves to run the exchange of nutri- death.
at the park! He lives with Alyssa Kautz in ents and wastes can take In addition, cats also can
Roseto, PA, place. They then start to get hypertrophic cardio-
join together and increase myopathy (HCM). In this
in size as they return to disease, the heart muscle
the heart as vessels called becomes very thickened.
veins. The chambers of the
Heart disease is quite heart are shrunken down
common in dogs and and little blood can enter
cats. Small breeds of them. The heart starts to
dogs are prone to mitral beat very fast (often 240
insufficiency/tricuspid in- bpm or more), making
sufficiency which means the muscle thicken more.
that those valves to start This can also be a diffi-
leak. With age, they can cult disease to treat and
Pickles was adopt- become stiff and will we mainly try to lower
Muggles the fluff Kci loves greeting new people, while An- lose their smooth surface the heart rate with med-
ball lives with Rose ed from Road Trip gelica is super shy... But they both bring
Rescues by Candace so they do not shut well ication to help the heart
Romanczuk in their owner Michelle Souders a lot of joy in anymore. This will allow work better. Cats with
Branchville, NJ! and Michael Gruver Slatington, PA!
of Bangor, PA. blood to flow backwards either DCM or HCM al-
in the heart and create most never cough, but
turbulence which we hear often will an increased
First, second, third, & fourth prize winners will receive prizes from Leck Veterinary Hospital, as a murmur. Over time, respiratory rate, stop eat-
Blairstown Animal Hospital, Sit Stay ‘N Play, Ruff-ly Purr-fect and Miller’s Egg Ranch respectively. blood overfills the heart ing and be lethargic.
One Grand Prize winner will receive a $100 gift certificate to the pet center at Blairstown Agway. and the heart then has If you have any con-
Deadline for entries is noon on April 9th. Photos will be printed thru April 11th. Winners will be notified to work harder to pump cerns about your pet’s
by phone and announced in the April 11th edition. To enter, submit your photo w/ your name, blood. Eventually, it can heart health, please call
address, phone number & pet’s name to: The PRESS, 1106 Kline St. Bangor, PA 18013; or thepress-
start to fail and isn’t able us at Blairstown Animal
[email protected]. Photos will not be returned. 1 photo per pet is permitted.
to keep the blood flow- Hospital so we can do a

Thank You to Our Sponsors! ing properly. Fluid will

build up in the lungs and/
or the abdomen. These
physical exam right away
and work up a treatment

Blairstown Agway Miller’s Egg Ranch

3 Stillwater Rd. 96 Mt Bethel Hwy, A-1 Full Service Cleaning
Blairstown, NJ Bangor, PA
908-362-6117 610-588-4204
Reclaim Your Free Time...
Blairstown Animal Hospital Leck Veterinary Hospital Let Me Do The Cleaning!
29 Cedar Lake Rd. 115 W. Pennsylvania Ave.
Blairstown, NJ Pen Argyl, PA Call Michelle at
908-362-6430 610-863-3111 862-377-9927
Sit, Stay, ‘N Play Ruff-ly Purr-fect
1501 N 5th St. 436 S 1st St # 2
Stroudsburg, PA Bangor, PA
570-872-9748 599-0454

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April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 7

Senate Advances Oroho Bipartisan Bill Package to Combat Garden Dilemmas? Ask Mary!
Surge in Foreclosures to a year prior to trans-
planting, and more than
Legislation from the istration and Judiciary from having numerous would make changes a year prior for mature
bipartisan foreclosure to find solutions across foreclosed homes. They to the summary action trees. Ideally, it should
bill package sponsored government to lower drive down the number foreclosure process un- be done in the fall for
by Senators Steven Oro- our state’s foreclosure of families interested der the “Fair Foreclo- spring transplants. That
ho, Troy Singleton, and rate, but more needs to in moving to our com- sure Act” by clarifying way the shrub or tree
Dawn Marie Addiego, be done. The package munities, and this can the method by which can put energy into new
which would tackle the of bills we passed in ad- create a domino effect, foreclosed properties feeder roots over win-
surge in foreclosures dressing New Jersey’s which stifles economic can be sold on an expe- ter without the stress of
and streamline the pend- foreclosure crisis is a growth throughout the dited timeline. The bill supporting new plant
ing cases, has passed the major step in the right state,” said Senator Ad- was released from the growth. For plants best
New Jersey Senate. direction.” diego (D-Burlington/ Senate. transplanted in fall, root
The impetus of these “We all are aware that Atlantic/Camden). “This The fourth bill, S-3414, pruning in spring can
bills stems from the re- the surge in foreclosed bill package will help us substituted by A-5002, Mary E. Stone work if you keep the soil
port which was released properties continues to solve this problem and would permit all com- Stone Associates moist during the entire
in May of 2017 by Chief be an anchor that hinders will reform procedures mon interest community Landscape Design growing season. Person-
Justice Stuart Rabner more sustained econom- to make the foreclosure associations to record a ally, though, I’d prefer
and the Special Commit- ic growth in our state,”” process more modern- lien for unpaid assess- & Consulting,
you hold off until fall
tee on Residential Fore- said Senator Singleton ized.” ments. It would also pro- Blairstown to root prune and move
closures. This report was (D-Burlington). “By The following legisla- vide limited priority over Hello Fellow readers, the plant the following
the culmination of work solving the foreclosure tion was sponsored by prior recorded mortgag- Last week we spoke fall to lessen the risk of
from key stakeholders in issue, it will help in- Senator Oroho, Senator es and other liens for six about Early Spring plant stress. Call me cau-
the process such as the crease property values Singleton, and Senator months-worth of unpaid Transplants and the tious...
Administrative Office of and home prices, which Addiego as a part of the customary assessments question of root pruning The same timing proto-
the Courts (AOC). will assist in improving bill package: The fifth bill, S-3415, came up from Brian of col goes for the trench-
“Foreclosures are in- our overall economic The first bill, S-3411, substituted by A-4999, Stone Church PA. Great ing method. Digging a
credibly traumatic for outlook. Therefore, New would require that a no- would require the filing question Brian. Trans- trench around a tree is
families that are already Jersey must adopt pol- tice, with the intention to of certain contact infor- planting is always stress- better than the spade
struggling, and the re- icies and programs that foreclose, would not be mation of creditors with ful for plants especial- technique for mature
sulting vacant properties not only prevent foreclo- sent more than 180 days residential mortgage ly for the feeder roots; trees. In fact, for older
can negatively affect sures, but also stabilize in advance of taking that foreclosure complaint those most responsible established trees, spac-
communities in a variety neighborhoods. action. Currently, a no- and pending legal ac- for bringing nutrients ing out the trenching is
of ways,” said Senator “While this issue is not tice must be sent at least tion. and water to the plant. wise; say halfway around
Steve Oroho (R – Mor- new, the comprehen- 30 days in advance of The sixth bill, S-3416, By pruning roots in ad- then dig further around
ris, Sussex, Warren). sive approach outlined a residential mortgage would clarify that the vance of a transplant, later in the season. The
“I’m glad the Legisla- in this bipartisan bill lender initiating a fore- provisions of the “New you’ll markedly help trench should be twelve
ture has been able to package is. It seeks to closure or other legal Jersey Residential Mort- reduce transplant shock. inches wide and twelve
work with the Admin- build upon the contin- action to take possession gage Lending Act,” also And, you’ll improve sur- inches deep or more for
ued reduction in pending of a residential proper- apply to certain out-of- vival rates by encourag- larger trees. Again, dig
foreclosure cases and ty. The bill was released state persons and entities ing the plant to produce the trench just inside the
shorten the timeline to from the Senate by a involved in residential new feeder roots within intended root ball. Fill
adjudicate these cases. vote of 38-0. mortgage lending in the the future root ball to be the trench with two-parts
This is a reflection of the The second bill, State. Debtors would moved. topsoil mixed with one-
work undertaken by the S-3412, substituted by be provided with a no- One technique is called part compost to provide
executive, judicial and A-5000, would require tice that the lender is
TREE SERVICE, Inc. legislative branches of the Department of Af- licensed in accordance
spading – ideal for
smaller trees and shrubs
a cushy environment for
the new feeder roots.
government,” continued fairs to create an inter- with the Act. The bill and those not in their Keeping the soil moist
Singleton. active database of resi- was released from the current location for more is critical for success —
“There is a negative dential properties under Senate by a vote of 39-0. than a few years. Using a Deeply water each time
impact in neighbor- foreclosure. The seventh bill, sharp spade, cut a circle the soil is dry two or
hoods and communities The third bill, S-3413, S-3417, substituted by around the plant as deep three inches below the
Attention Cindy: A-4997, labeled the as the depth of the spade surface. Before you dig
“Mortgage Servicers out the transplant, check
LAWN & GARDEN AUCTION Licensing Act,” would
and just inside the in-
tended root ball. Recall for a thick web of fibrous
35th Annual Auction mandate persons acting
as a mortgage servicer
from last week’s column feeder roots. If they are
scarce, give the baby
(archived on AskMary-
Commercial SATURDAY, to obtain a license from Stone.com) a basic rule roots more time.
APRIL 6th - 9AM the Commissioner of of thumb for the proper Brian shared his tech-
Lawn Mowing & Mulching www.hilltopsales.com Banking and Insurance. size of a root ball is eight nique of using thick
garyeagle.com 158 Falcone Rd., Bangor, PA • 610-588-4088 The bill outlines specific to twelve inches from cardboard or a tarp to
Buyers Premium of 7% bonding, recordkeeping, the trunk for each inch move a transplant quick-
2% Waived for Cash or Check Purchases filing, and disclosure of the caliper of the tree ly to its already dug new
requirements which the (the width of the trunk at location. That way you
Hartzell’s Auction Gallery, Inc. servicer and any other chest height). So, a two- can forgo a burlap wrap.
AU-000385 Consignments Welcomed! 610-588-5831 licensees must meet. inch caliper tree should No lingering with your
The eighth bill, S-3418, have a sixteen to twenty- roots exposed to the
Above is the ad to run March 21st, 28th & April 4th substituted by A-5001, four-inch-wide and deep drying elements though.
would revise the statute root ball. Get her in the ground!
of limitations for resi- Root pruning should Garden Dilemmas?
dential mortgage fore- be done several months AskMaryStone.com

Don’t Miss The

The last bill, S-3464,
would revise certain
procedures under the
“Fair Foreclosure Act”
to expedite residential ONE DAY ONLY
mortgage foreclosure
proceedings. The bill (Thursday, April 4th)
Famout Main Street
would require the sheriff
to conduct a foreclosure
sale within 120 days of
the sheriff’s receipt of a
writ of execution. The
Market Meat Sale!
bill was released from
the Senate. See the Ad on Page 15
Page 8 The PRESS April 4, 2019

Pen Argyl took on Moravian Academy on March 29th, but were defeat-
ed, 6-2. L-R: Shortstop Nolan Dieter fields a groundball and sets to get
HU the out at first. Nolan had a tripple and an RBI; Travis Roberts fields
of $ GE Sel a single and makes a strong throw to second; Dan Pfeiffer makes
9. ect good contact with the ball and sends it out hard; Pitcher Sean Murray
Bee 99 Dis ion
$10 r cases ount Dotter’s Septic Services, LLC.
puts his whole body
behind the pitch to
OFF & the Moravian bat-
Cas Formerly Albert Lawson Septic Services
es Free Estimates - Pump Septic Tanks & Cesspools - ter. Photos by Dale
11 Years of Experience - Grease Traps - Young/The PRESS
- Septic Repairs & Installations -
Prices Valid through April 14th or while supplies last - Repair Septic Pumps -
Don’t Miss The
Stella Artois
- Electric Eel Services -
- Snow Removal - Main St. Market
12oz bottless, 18 pk - $20.99 610-759-6523 Meat Sale!
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Mon.-Sat. 8am-9pm • Sun. 9am-5pm





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Approval and any rates and terms provided are based on credit worthiness. Tiers will be based on the customer’s credit score obtained by Sheffield Financial. Other financing offers are available. See your local dealer for details. Rates advertised are based on Tier-A customers with credit
scores of 730 and higher and Tier-B customers with minimum credit scores of 700. Minimum amount financed is $1,500; maximum amount financed is $50,000. Other qualifications and restrictions may apply. An origination fee of $0 will be added to the amount financed in the above
example. Financing promotions void where prohibited. Offer effective on eligible and qualified units purchased from a participating Sheffield dealer. See dealer for product eligibility and qualifications between 2/19/2019 and 4/14/2019. Offer subject to change without notice. For the
above finance program, customer must take delivery between 9/1/2019 – 12/31/19. [“E” means estimate.] Promotions are subject to termination or change at any time without notice. Offer may not be assigned, traded, sold or combined with any other offer unless expressly stated herein.
Offer void where restricted or otherwise prohibited by law. BRP reserves the right, at any time, to discontinue or change specifications, prices, designs, features, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Always consult your snowmobile dealer when selecting a snowmobile
for your particular needs and carefully read and pay special attention to your Operator’s Guide, Safety Video, Safety Handbook and to the safety labels on your snowmobile. Always ride responsibly and safely and wear appropriate clothing, including a helmet. Please observe applicable
laws and regulations. Remember that riding and alcohol/drugs don’t mix.
April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 9

Bangor and Pen Argyl went head to head on March 29th in their rival-
ry tennis match. Bangor won, 3-2. Left: Pen Argyl’s Jayson Corsetti
shows good form on his serve in his third singles match. Center:
Bangor’s Anthony Altobelli hits a forehand return in his seconds
singles match. Anthony won, 6-3, 6-3. Right: Pen Argyl’s Brendan
McMahon concentrates on a two handed return. Brendan won his
match by a score of 6-2, 6-1. Photos by Dale Young/The PRESS

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Page 10 The PRESS April 4, 2019
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5143 Palm Passage, Ste. B28/29
P.O. Box 6135
St. Thomas, U.S.V.I. 00804
Catering Available | Room for Private Parties NOTE: This defendant, if served personally, is required to file his/her answer or other defenses with the Clerk
of this Court, and to serve a copy thereof upon the plaintiff’s attorney within twenty one (21) days after service
of this summons, excluding the date of service. The defendant, if served by publication or by personal service
6221 Sullivan Trail, Nazareth, PA • 610-365-7141 outside of the jurisdiction, is required to file his/her answer or other defense with the Clerk of this Court within
thirty (30) days after the completion of the period of publication or personal service outside of the jurisdiction,
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Beautiful home w/gorgeous views of Lake Ho-
patcong! Don’t be deceived by the main road 1-of-a-kind colonial w/numerous custom features!
location...this home feels very private. Must Built-ins/crown moldings/solid cherry wood drs & so Gorgeous 4BR/2.1BA custom colonial set far back
see to appreciate! Lake access available via much more! Too much to list! 4 spacious BRs/3.5BAs. from the road for privacy. 18-ft ceilings in foyer.
separate lot being sold @ 23 Cove Rd. Home Tons of closets! Gorgeous solarium & greenhouse w/ Huge master suite w/3 closets & 24x16 bonus room!
Pictured L-R: has 4 BRs w/1 on 1st flr & 3 on 2nd flr. Kitch- heated flrs (could easily be converted to the perfect hot
tub rm!) Great for entertaining w/whole-hs speaker syst,
Open concept kitchen w/island/granite/stainless.
Beautiful wood floors on both levels. Family room
en remodeled 2018 w/granite counters & por-
McKenna Pennypacker, celain tile. Amazing 16x21 FR w/stone FP in
IGpool w/recent liner, cust outdoor kitchen/BBQ, lush
perennials/raised veg gardens. Inviting den/lib/office
has faux insert w/working propane FP behind. 1st
floor laundry room. Great light throughout entire
Raymond Sosnovik, the full finished basement w/walkout access
to yard. 5 efficient split units for heat/cooling.
w/beautiful woodwork. Back-lit stained glass cabinets
& under-cabinet display in DR. Large open-concept home... open & bright! Large dry basement w/high

& Theresa "Terry" Boch Enjoy the relaxed lakeside vibes from your kitchen w/stunning modern cherry cabinets & granite ceilings & walkout just waiting to be finished. Over-
very own wrap around deck. Attractive de- cntrs w/4-seat brksfst bar. Lg pantry. 11x7 cust laundry sized 2 car garage w/workshop area. Home faces
rm. FR has reclaimed brick masonry w/propane FP in- large tract of state land & preserved farms. Only
tached 2-car garage. Ingram Cove Community sert. Attractive metal fence. 2car attchd gar+addtl gar.
Club membership available. 2mi to Rt 80 for an easy commute. Amazing home
EXIT Realty Connections!
Whole-house generator. Priv-owned propane tank.
& property!!!

A franchise that CARES about 115 Lakeside Blvd., 17 Maines Ln., 1221 Hope Bridgeville Rd.,
their CLIENTS! Offering Hopatcong Boro. $299,900 Blairstown Twp. $464,900 Hope Twp. $449,900
sellers the newest “patented”
marketing services which clients
are RAVING about! Bringing you
the newest technology with GOOD

Thinking about getting your

Real Estate License? American INDOOR POOL! PRICE REDUCED!
School of Business has OPEN
Custom home/converted authentic 1860s barn w/17ft Beautiful 2-unit multi-family! These clean & well-main-
ENROLLMENT every Tuesday & beamed ceilings! Old world charm w/modern convenienc-
es! New 2018 kitchen w/stainless & center island. 13x26
tained units have separate utilities - public water, pub-
lic sewer & natural gas. 1st floor unit has 1BR/1BA.
Thursday evenings at their LR flows to 19x22 FR w/beautiful stone FP. Sliders off main
level to 25x44 deck overlooking 3 gorgeous ponds & beau-
2nd/3rd floor unit has 2BR/1BA. Both units have their
tiful trout-stocked Beaver Brook stream! 4BRs/3.1BA w/ own spacious LR & eat-in kitchen. Inviting front porch. This lakeside lot is being sold
Hackettstown Location. additional 1-2BRs on finished lower level which includes a
fully equipped 2nd kitchen & 2nd LR (open concept “Great
Currently the 1st floor 1BR unit is rented at $800/mo -
separately, but owners also
lease expires Mar 21, 2020. The 2BR unit which is on
For more information, Room”). Lower level also has indoor pool under carpeted
29x44 room, currently used as a massive crafting space.
the 2nd & 3rd floors, is currently vacant, but in the past have their home for sale at 115
call Ray at 908-892-8309.in-
has been rented at $850/mo. Measurements on the 2BR
Lower level has 3 separate outside entrance points. A pri-
vate paradise on 37AC, surrounded by NJ State Parkland, unit: 12x16 eat in kitchen, 12x12 LR, BR1 13x14, BR2 Lakeside Blvd, Hopatcong. Dock
formation, contact Ray at all just 2mi to Rt 80! Possible additional 2 lots available w/
potential income from Green Acres & preservation. Please
12x23. Newer carpet. Window AC “as is”. Great location
and access to major highways. Home being sold AS IS.
being sold with property. This is
908-892-8309. inquire for more details. a non-buildable lot.
1222 Hope Bridgeville Rd., 394 Center St., 23 Cove Rd.,
3 Locations Hope Twp. $910,000 Phillipsburg Twp. $99,900 Hopatcong Boro. $99,900
149 Main St - Hackettstown
200 Woodport Rd - Sparta America’s Mortgage Lender. NMLS I D: 214882, Corporate O ffices, 1 00 S . Jefferson R oad, Suite 1 05, W hippany, N J
07981.Licensed b y California - DBO R esidential M ortgage Lending A ct License License/Registration # : 4131237;
339 Fairview Ave – Westwood Connecticut M ortgage Lender License License/Registration # : ML-214882; D elaware
License/Registration #: DE-C- 01020; Florida Mortgage Lender License
Lender L icense
April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 11

Miracle-Ear Digital
Hearing Aid Sale:
Now through April 30th!

Sale Ends April 30th, 2019

Miracle Ear Miracle Ear Miracle Ear Miracle Ear

352 Blue Valley Drive
Bangor, PA 18013
at Corner Chiropractic Center Center
2232 Route 115 1619 N. Ninth Street Strykers Crossing
610-588-3383 Brodheadsville, PA 18322 Stroud Commons Shopping Center
570-476-9949 (Rear of building) 201 Strykers Rd.,
Stroudsburg, PA 18360 Phillipsburg, NJ 08865
570-476-9949 908-505-1053
Page 12 The PRESS April 4, 2019

12/22-1/19 6/22-7/22
Ooh-la-la, Capricorn. Experi- A financial endeavor pays o ff,
mentation in the k itchen pays off and you have much to celebrate,
with a spectacular feast for t wo. Cancer. Weird happenings a t
You take your significant other by work put everyone o n edge.
surprise, and passion ignites. Relax. I t will a ll p rove t o be a
1/20-2/18 7/23-8/22
Moving at a snail’s pace does not Confidence rises w ith glowing
appeal to you, but it is what you reviews. Way to go, Leo! Bigger
must do to ensure a home project and better projects are sure to
comes to completion. It’s all in the come your way. A financial risk is
details, Aquarius. worth taking.

PISCES VIRGO Acre Giant Poor

2/19-3/20 8/23-9/22 Ages Glass Pops
The craft bug hits, and you churn G o, V irgo, go! The r ace t o the Aims Glow Pure
out projects left and right. Donate finish begins, and you must get Ally Hail Rail
them to a good cause and swing creative to stay ahead of the pack. Also Hairs Sale
the momentum to more challeng- A health crisis comes to an end Asia Heat Scar
ing areas in your life, Pisces. with a new treatment. Bolt Hide Seen
Broom Hike Seldom
ARIES LIBRA Chose Huts Sewing
3/21-4/19 9/23-10/22 Clam Illustrations Shaking
Dies Irish Shoot
A question remains. Look within Forget it, Libra. You’re much too
busy t o volunteer for another Dolly Lady Slit
for the answer, Aries. Opportunity Dream Lame Some
knocks. Don’t let it pass you by. cause. M onetary assistance, on
the other hand, is a good idea. A Drop Lava Spit
Discount purchases a lleviate
budget concerns. family member receives a promo- Echo Lazy Sprang
tion. Eggs Lunar Team
Ends Male Toes
4/20-5/20 10/23-11/21 Flood Masks Train
No doubt about it, Scorpio. You Focus Multiplication Ways
F ree time is a t a p remium t his
week w ith a ll o f the demands. know what you want and you Game Outside Which
Use yours to relax and r ejuve- know how t o get it. Seeing it Germ Oval Will
nate, Taurus, else you will m ost through, however, is where you
falter, but not this time.
certainly fall behind.
ANSWER Columbia, NJ
5/21-6/21 11/22-12/21 908-496-4124 ext 2121
The debate continues at home. N o more shop t alk, Sagittarius. New Hours: 6am-Midnight
Be careful t hat you don’t get People are l osing i nterest and Come visit us for our Easter Open
sucked i n, G emini. A m enu tuning you out. You have m any Easter
hobbies. Start the conversation Buffet & delicious desserts Day
addition brings a welcome change
of pace to the dinner table. there, and you w ill b e surprised *Lent fish specials now - Easter
where it takes you.
Sign-Up for Restaurant Savings Club!

Fully FREE
Insured Estimates
For Fast Service, Call...
Over 50 Years
In Business Full Service
Repair Facility Computer Diagnostics
60 Ft. Bucket Truck


John T. Beautiful Property?

YOU !!!
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Serving the Slate Belt
and Lehigh Valley
1400 Northampton St.
Easton, PA
12 Weeks for
P: 610-253-4000 ONLY $200!
F: 610-258-FAX4 Call us Today
April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 13

Experienced Caregivers Tuscarora Inn &

Student to help w/
Help Wanted Needed.
Weekends & Nights
Conference Center
Life Guard: Seasonal
gardening, yard
work & odd jobs.
Some Lifting Required (Certification Required)
FUN SUMMER Call 610-588-6000 $15/hr. After School Mushroom Soil Free Wood for
JOBS! - Effectively watch over Work and/or Satur-
Part time positions the pools and other wa- for Sale. Outdoor
Ride & Waterpark day Hours. Call or
attendants, Food
available at Blairstown terfront areas, ensuring Small Quantities! Furnace.
ACE and Blairstown Text 215-738-2600 Delivered.
& Retail sales. No Agway an exciting
the safety of the guests 610-509-4296
- Lifeguards will super- 610-588-1034
experience needed! opportunity to be part of vise canoe trips Cal for pricing
Student BONU$ at
end of Season.
our winning team. Retail
experience preferred,
- May be required to
Rentals Seasoned Split
teach swim lessons
908-459-4521 ability to lift 50 lbs. on a during two Family Weeks Firewood
regular basis is required during the summer 1 cord or
as well as schedule - Maintain cleanliness of 2nd Floor Apt. in 3 cords (Special)
flexibility. Working the pool and surrounding Stone Church, PA. Home & Office
Food & Retail Sales, knowledge of general Log Lengths Also
area Cleaning!
Ride & Waterpark hardware, plumbing, - Must be certified to per- $700/mo. Available. Please call
electrical, lawn and gar- Reasonable & Craig at 610-599-8732
attendants. No expe-
den and paint are a plus.
form CPR, AED and other Includes - Heat, Reliable
rience needed! 5/15 - first-aid appropriate to a or 570-460-4879
6/28, 9:15am - 2:30pm.
Apply in person. lifeguard Water, Sewer, 484-541-8944
Family Amusement To fill out a preliminary 1 Mon. Security Firewood
Climber/Ground employment form, please
Park. Fun Jobs!
Person Wanted! Must
Have Valid DL
visit www.tuscarora.org/
Call 610-588-7031
No Smokers.
For Sale Cut-Split-Delivered
$210 a Cord
Call 610-588-1034 570-202-6902
Landscape HORN’S OUTDOOR, INC, Commercial Rental 4-H Tree Sale:
Maintenance Crew Looking for a Good MT BETHEL, PA Space Avail. Fantastic Prices!
Help Wanted! Reliable Person that IS SEEKING TO FILL THE 500sq ft to Healthy tree Wanted to Buy
Experience w/ truck & knows how to do FOLLOWING POSITIONS 1400sq ft.
FT POWERSPORTS seedlings/fruit tree
trailer, ride on mower, construction work or Mt. Bethel Plaza
willing to learn. Good MECHANIC saplings. April CASH FOR OLD
& working well with Where Rt. 512
Pay. Please Call Pick Up. COSTUME,
others preferred. Will Experienced in repairs meets Rt. 611. ANTIQUE, &
train the right person.
484-894-1859 or
of ATV’s, Snowmobiles,
610-599-8822 Contact Mary Jo at tinyurl.com/ ESTATE
M-Sat. Lawn Equipment and
CanAm Roadsters. PA 570-897-2337 fruittree19 or JEWELERY!
Year Round work! Rhinestone, Beads,
Year-round Safety Inspection seedling19.
Call 908-362-7226 Housekeeping License preferred but 3 Bedroom - 1st Pins, Silver, Watch-
opportunity not necessary. floor apt. in es, Clip Earrings,
available at Columbia, NJ. Heat, 2 Gas Washers, Rings & Cufflinks.
TA Travel Center Tuscarora Inn & FT SALESMAN AND Garbage & Water 2 Gas Dryers,
- Many Positions Conference Center PARTS/COUNTER Incl. 1 mo. security 1 Electric Washer, 1 Call Dot at
Avail. MIT in Mt. Bethel, PA. SALES ASSOCIATE & good references. Electric Dryer. 610-588-1267
Positions, Generously Must have sales $1,100/mo. $150 each OBO
compensated at experience, enjoy Call 908-362-7275 LIKE NEW!
Cashiers, Servers $10/hour. working in a fast pace 2 - Upright
& Porters. Inquire Applicants should environment and be able For Rent - 1/2 18cu Freezer,
Within to possess a high to provide excellent Double on S. 2nd 125 each;
mytajobs.com - standard of customer service Street, Bangor, 2 Bed, 2 - 18cu
cleanliness and a support. Must have 1 Bath, Garbage & Refrigerator, $200
Columbia, NJ flexible schedule. knowledge of Sewer Incl. Call 484-695-5085
computers, be able to $850/mo. + Sec.
read parts schematics Deposit. Credit Check,
Tree Company Please visit:
and have general knowl- No smoking, No Pets. Queen
Seeks, FT, PT tuscarora.org/ edge of mechanics. Will All New Flooring! Call
Bedroom Set
Worker. Must employment for also require assisting 610-965-4357
Have Valid DL. more details. with answering phones & Dinning
and receiving
jensentreeexperts and stocking parts Commercial Room Set,
@gmail.com or Short Order Cook orders. Storefront Wood Burning
Weekends a MUST Main Street
call 908-459-4005 Must be punctual, Blairstown, NJ Stove. Call
Warren & Morris Willing to Train friendly & professional
A Cafe in 908-362-8672
Co., NJ with customers, able to
Blairstown, NJ work retail hours
Includes for prices
including Saturdays,
908-362-1600 and able to lift up to 50 Utilities
Auto Detailer
Wanted pounds. Pay will com- 610-888-6613
mensurate with experi-
40+ Hours a week Cook’s helper
ence. Please reply with
Call Tony Danas at wanted for small Cafe. your name, phone # and Rooms for Rent!
484-714-6437 or Must be reliable and resume to set up and Hunter’s Lodge
email available for breakfast. interview to: Muschlitz Excavating, a leader in the
Dottadetailing@ [email protected]
Motel. Nice rooms, uschlitz Excava�ng, a leader in the construc�on industry,
Please call or text construction
is currently looking toindustry, in Eastern, PA is
gmail.com 484-619-4219. rented nightly, weekly, hire:
currently looking for skilled workers to
or monthly. Includes Construc�on Site Superintendents
join our accomplished team.
air conditioning/heat, Pipe/Underground U�lity Foremen
Heavy have state
Equipment of the art equipment and are always on
wifi, dish network TV, Pipe Layers the cutting edge of technology. We offer competitive
trash, water, Paving Equipment Operators
pay, health benefits, 401K+ company Match & More.
microwave, and small Positions Available: Construction Site
Apply online at muschlitz.com/careers
refrigerator. Superintendents,
Email Resume Pipe/Underground Utility
to [email protected]
$70 - Night; $350 - in person atForeman,
Apply 615 Moorestown Drive, Bath, PA 18014
Heavy Equipment Operators,
Week; $850 - Month. Pipe Layers, Paving Equipment Operators,
Call 610-888-6613 Tri-Axle Drivers, Mechanics & Laborers

Don’t Miss The - Equal Opportunity Employer -

Apply Online at Muschlitz.com/Careers
Main St. Market Email Resume to: [email protected]
Meat Sale! Apply in person at: 615 Moorestown Dr., Bath, PA 18014
4/4/19! or Call 610-759-0525
Page 14 The PRESS April 4, 2019

2018 RAM 2500

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April 4, 2019 The PRESS Page 15
Page 16 The PRESS April 4, 2019
March 7, 2019 The PRESS Page 16

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