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Twitter is a microblogging service that allows users to post and read messages called tweets. Tweets are limited to 140 characters. While Twitter is free and allows for efficient networking, it can also be addictive and not provide enough context for people to truly get to know each other. Additionally, Twittering from a cell phone can incur hidden costs if the user does not have an unlimited texting plan. Hi5 is a social networking website that allows users to meet new people, share information, stay in contact with friends and family, and have fun with connections. Portfolios refer to a collection of a person's or organization's investments, creative work, or range of products. Electronic portfolios allow individuals to showcase their work online
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63 views26 pages


Twitter is a microblogging service that allows users to post and read messages called tweets. Tweets are limited to 140 characters. While Twitter is free and allows for efficient networking, it can also be addictive and not provide enough context for people to truly get to know each other. Additionally, Twittering from a cell phone can incur hidden costs if the user does not have an unlimited texting plan. Hi5 is a social networking website that allows users to meet new people, share information, stay in contact with friends and family, and have fun with connections. Portfolios refer to a collection of a person's or organization's investments, creative work, or range of products. Electronic portfolios allow individuals to showcase their work online
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tter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social
networking and microblogging service which enables its users to send and read
other users' messages called tweets.

Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile


• It is free.

• Twitter allows you to network efficiently and with large groups of people.

• Twitter allows you to communicate directly with your target market instantly.

• A Powerful Tool for Obtaining Information.

• Ask Questions Receive Answers.

Promote your own Content

• Twitter is addictive.

• It's not a great way for people to get to know you, unless you are very good at
expressing yourself in 140 characters or less.

• You may not have any idea who is really following you.

You can do it even by means of your cellphone

Danger 1: Loss of quality and relevancy

Am I the only one who doesn’t see any major difference between Twitter and regular instant messaging
conversations or text messages (sms: short messaging service)? The only difference I see between the two is
that Twitter makes your private conversation with another person – a conversation that is in all likeliness
irrelevant to anyone else reading it – available for everyone to view.
Danger 2: Hidden Costs

So before you start Twittering away, keep in mind that every time you do a status update, or publish
something new but equally irrelevant on your Twitter feed, if you do it from your cell phone your carrier will
charge you for every text message you send. And unless you have a plan that includes text messages,
Twittering can be an expensive hobby, as Jason learned the hard way.

Danger 3: TMI: Too Much Information

It is a generally recommended practice for bloggers to disclose some information about themselves. Some
personal disclosure allows your audience to have a more closer connection with you when reading your
content. There is of course the problem of disclosing too much information, or all the wrong kind of
information about yourself.


 Hi5 is a social networking website targeted at a general audience. It became one of the most popular
social networks through a huge growth spurt during 2007 with much of that popularity coming from
Central America. While it is often found in the top 10 most visited websites in the world, it often fails
to make the top 50 in the U.S.






In these scream you can write down the name of the person who you need to find
Hi5 is used all over the world

There is a “Privacy” link at the top of every page where you can set a number of privacy settings
including who sees your profile, accepting comments and message and photo settings.

hi5 allows you to be really specific when setting your privacy options. Each major section of your

profile can have its own privacy setting like friends only, all users, tagging photos and more.
Portfolio Definitions

 group of investments: all the investments held by a person or organization

 portfolio contents: the contents of a portfolio, especially when they represent

somebody's creative work

 range of products: the complete range of products or designs offered by a



 Today, electronic portfolios are gaining popularity in:

 Schools

 Higher education

 Continuing professional development

 Job applications/professional advertisements

 Therapy groups

 Assessment

 Accreditation

 Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Electronic Portfolio

 An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a

collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on
the Web.


 There are three main types of e-portfolios, although they may be referred to
using different terms:

 developmental (e.g., working),

 reflective (e.g., learning), and

 representational (e.g., showcase).

You can creat your own e-portfolio on the web

 Electrónica mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages
across the Internet or other computer networks.

 Today's email systems are based on a store-and-forward model.

What is an e-mail?

 Email (or e-mail) is electronic mail that "works" quite like conventional correspondence.

 In addition to textual content, email allows you to send photographs, video or sound clips in digital
form or files.

It goes without saying that email has become part of the landscape of our communication methods. 
With this happy medium comes some dangers.  I never deal with personal issues over email.  Here
are reasons I do not use email for communication that involves anything other than setting up
appointments or sharing data.

 Emails contain no body language or vocal inflection.

 They are easily misconstrued.
 Emails are cold and heartless.
 They do not reveal true motivations.
 Emails are permanent and searchable.
 Emails can be used against me at a later date.
 Emails can be forwarded to other parties.
 Taking care of negative situations on email is not Biblical.



 Facebook is an online directory that connects people through social networks.

 Facebook site allows students to post their photos and tell about themselves, chat rooms, and
comment boxes.

We need to create learning experiences that are interesting, and useful to increase the curiosity to learn
Do people really have privacy on Facebook?
No. There are all kinds of ways third parties can access information about you. For instance, you
may not realize that, when you are playing the popular games on Facebook, such as FarmVille, or
take those popular quizzes--every time you do that, you authorize an application to be downloaded to
your profile that gives information to third parties about you that you have never signed off on.

Does Facebook share info about users with third parties through things such as Open Graph?
Open Graph is a new concept for Facebook, which unveiled it last month at its F8 conference. It
actually is basically a way to share the information in your profile with all kinds of third parties, such
as advertisers, so they can have a better idea of your interests and what you are discussing, so
Facebook can--as portrayed--"make it a more personal experience."

The theory behind Open Graph--even if it has not implemented it--is its whole business model,
isn't it?
That is the business model--Facebook is trying to get you to share as much information as possible so
it can monetize it by sharing it with advertisers.

Isn't it in Facebook's best interest to get you to share as much info as possible?
It absolutely is. Facebook's mission is to get you to share as much information as it can so it can
share it with advertisers. As it looks now, the more info you share, the more money it is going to
make with advertisers.

Isn't there also a security problem every time it redesigns the site?
Every time Facebook redesigns the site, which [usually] happens a few times a year, it puts your
privacy settings back to a default in which, essentially, all of your information is made public. It is up
to you, the user, to check the privacy settings and decide what you want to share and what you don't
want to share.

Facebook does not [necessarily] notify you of the changes, and your privacy settings are set back to a
public default. Many times, you may find out through friends. Facebook is not alerting you to these
changes; it is just letting you know the site has been redesigned.

Can your real friends on Facebook also can make you vulnerable?
Absolutely. Your security is only as good as your friend's security. If someone in your network of
friends has a weak password, and his or her profile is hacked, he or she can now send you malware,
for example.

There is a common scam called a 419 scam, in which someone hacks your profile and sends
messages to your friends asking for money - claiming to be you--saying, "Hey, I was in London, I
was mugged, please wire me money." People fall for it. People think their good friend needs help--
and end up wiring money to Nigeria.

A lot of Web sites we use display banner ads, but do we have to be wary of them on Facebook?
Absolutely: Facebook has not been able to screen all of its ads. It hasn't done a great job of vetting
which ads are safe and which are not. As a result, you may get an ad in your profile when you are
browsing around one day that has malicious code in it. In fact, last month, there was an ad with
malware that asked people to download antivirus software that was actually a virus.

Is too big a network of friends dangerous?

You know people with a lot of friends--500, 1,000 friends on Facebook? What is the likelihood they
are all real? There was a study in 2008 that concluded that 40 percent of all Facebook profiles are
fake. They have been set up by bots or impostors.

If you have 500 friends, it is likely there is a percentage of people you don't really know, and you are
sharing a lot of information with them, such as when you are on vacation, your children's pictures,
their names. Is this information you really want to put out there to people you don't even know?

Email (or e-mail) is electronic mail that "works" quite like conventional correspondence. There is a

sender and a recipient and the contents are called the message of the email. In addition to textual

content, email allows you to send photographs, video or sound clips in digital form or files. These

"extra" files are called email attachments and are sent along with the main message but might require

additional programs and software to view. For instance, if you send a song to a friend through email,

he/she would need a program to play this. FYI, most computers are equipped with programs that can

read and play/display different types of files.

 What is an email address?

When you create an email account, you get an email address to which people "write" to you. Each

email address is unique which means no two people in the world can have the same email address.
Just like your postal address, which is one of its kinds, your email address belongs only to you -

unless of course you share it with people.

Ten Steps to Create an Email

Select your topic.

It’s best to make your email series as focused as possible (and, as a bonus, if you have a lot of
material, you can have multiple email series). Decide if you want to build your series around a
certain topic or an audience.

Find content to share.

Once you have decided on your topic, find all of the content you have on the subject. This includes
blog posts, articles, white papers, eBooks, webcasts, and more (for ideas on content you may already
have or content you can create, see these 20 ideas).

Structure the order of the content to tell a story.

Now that you have all of your potential content in one place, organize it in a way that tells a story.
What would a prospect want to know about first, what is the logical next step, and so on? You may
find that you don’t need all of the content you have, and you may need additional content to fill in
the gaps. This isn’t a bad thing: you’re figuring out—and filling—gaps in your prospect’s

Figure out what action(s) you want the reader to take.

At the end of the series, you want to have a call to action; what step do you want the reader to take
once they have read your emails? Make sure that all of your emails build to this. You may also want
to have calls to actions throughout the email series, so consider that as well.
Parents should advise their children and explain the dangers by following
these recommendations:

 Never allow a child to send a picture of themselves unless they know the person.
 Webcams should never be allowed to be used by children on their own.
 Tell you children never to give out personal information about themselves, where they live, the
school they go to, etc, unless they know the person.
 Never, under any circumstances, arrange to meet anyone met through contact on the computer. No-
one can guarantee who they will meet in this way.
 Inform your children to let you know what they are doing and the contacts they make on the
 Children should be using computers in the open where parents can observe and monitor.
 www.MySpace.com is a well known chat room facility. Parents need to monitor its use or any other
similar online web site children might be using. Many of these sites do offer tips and advice on this
subject. In particular, as a result of several important cases involving child exploitation over the
internet, MySpace has hired a former Microsoft executive to police the popular community website.
Is a term?

 Well sometimes used for a function of email clients where lists of email
address are used to email everyone on the list at once. This can be referred to
as an electronic mailshot. It differs from a mailing list, electronic mailing list or
the email option found in an Internet forum as it is usually for one way traffic
and not for coordinating a discussion. In effect, only members of a distribution
list can send mails to the list.

 The successful development of mobile learning is dependent on human factors

in the use of new mobile and wireless technologies. The majority of mobile
learning activity continues to take place on devices that were not designed
with educational applications in mind, and usability issues are often reported.
The paper reflects on progress in approaches to usability and on recent

How to create a distribution list?

 We need 3 steps:
You`d better keep your distribution list to have your stuff ordered.
 Nowadays the most effective way to share your thoughts and opinion is to
create your own blog. But how to start your own blog? Fortunately, starting a
blog site is an easy task.

 They are web site address where messages are collected chronologically from
one or more authors on a particular issue as a newsletter or journal

What is BLOG SERVICES that are used or may be used in educational contexts?

 The blog application has many built-in functionalities such as posting articles,
HTML editor, commenting, archive, menus, themes, manegement, etc,

 Using these technologies students and teachers are able to personalize content
to their specific desires – a revolution from the days of tradition mass media
where they decide what arrangement of content is published.

 We find blogging a very powerful tool for learning and teaching in an easy and
funny way.

 It allows us to think things through and write about it.

 It also makes it easier for us to return to our thoughts at a later stage to
remind ourselves what we are thinking previously and compare that thought
with current ideas.

The dangers of using other blogs for inspiration

Blogs are just as much online communities as forums are. Whilst with a blog the author makes much
of the content, really good blogs involve interaction through the comments feature. In this post I
want to write about the dangers of using other blogs for inspiration for your own articles.

If you are committed to your blog, I would suggest making at least one post per day – something
which I always try my best to do. It can be harder on some days than others to find the inspiration to
write an original article. Writer’s block can extend to bloggers too!

During these moments of ‘blogger’s block’ you may start to remember posts you have recently read
on other blogs and decide to write an article on that subject. Whilst there is nothing wrong in using
other blogs for inspiration, you have to be careful.

The dangers of using other blogs for inspiration

Are you adding anything original in your article, or are you just regurgitating the same information
and opinions as the original blogger?

When relying on other bloggers for inspiration it is easy to find yourself simply republishing their
article, but in your own words. Not only can this lead to accusations of plagiarism, but you are
damaging the value of your blog – you are not providing unique, original content. Why should users
visit your blog when it offers nothing but reused articles?

Secondly, I would assume that most of the blogs you read are relevant to your area of interest. This
area of interest is also likely to be the subject of your blog, right? Most bloggers do the same as you
– therefore it is likely they have also visited the same or similar blogs to you before they visit yours.
The last thing they want to see is an article on your blog about the same subject they have just read
on other blogs they have visited.

I am personally finding this becoming ever more common – of the ten or so blogs I visit on a daily
basis, I find that once one blogger posts about something rather unique many of the other bloggers
jump on the bandwagon.

This is boring – I don’t want to read about the same thing in every blog I visit! Be unique and offer
original content – if you want to use other blogs for inspiration perhaps dig around their archives for
ideas rather than relying on the most recent articles which will be fresh in the minds of readers.

Your blog will only be successful if it offers unique, valuable and quality content. Be careful when
drawing inspiration from others, as it can be all too easy to lose sight of these goals.



Wiki spaces are tools that represent a great help for teachers and students in the English
teaching task.

It has a very important characteristic that make it different from another source of the

A wiki is a web site that lets any visitor become a participant:  you can SHARE INFORMATION .
All you need is a computer with an Internet connection. A wiki is continuously “under revision. The
word "wiki" comes from Hawaiian language, meaning "quick" or "fast.“

How to use wikis in educational context?

Wikis are used in the “real world” by people collaborating on projects or trying to share things
online, such as family information and photos, In education, wikis are being used by educators to
conduct or follow-up after professional development workshops or as a communication tool with
parents. The greatest potential, however, lies in student participation in the ongoing creation and
evolution of the wiki.


A positive experience in using wikis is that as we are allowed to create and edit the information
found, many people contribute to create a space that has a piece of every user.

As you know, many brains think best than only one.








What is skype?

 Skype is a software application that allows users to make voice calls over the Internet
 Skype has also become popular for its additional features which include instant messaging,
file transfer, and video conferencing.

Experiences OF Using skype IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE

 The Online Number service allows Skype users to receive calls on their computers dialed by
regular phone subscribers to a local Skype phone number. Keep in touch with friends and
family around the world.
 Skype is a system of videoconferencing that uses a restricted band of frequencies and allows
participants to be connected by telephone lines around the world.


 Skype promotes the use of languages in all the world.

 Knowledge of cultures.
 Development of skills.
 Fun learning.
 Assessment of student`s learning.

Video conferencing is a real time and interactive tool for companies, students and individuals to
communicate via audio, video and computer technology across time zones and locations. Essentially,
it is a live connection between people in separate locations that provides full-motion video images
and high-quality audio

What is a Videoconference?

A videoconference or video conference (also known as a videoteleconference) is a set of interactive

telecommunication technologies which allow two or more locations to interact via two-way video
and audio transmissions simultaneously.


-Eye Contact: It is known that eye contact plays a large role in conversational turn-taking, perceived
attention and intent, and other aspects of group communication.

Appearance Consciousness: A second problem with videoconferencing is being on camera, with the
video stream possibly even being recorded. The burden of presenting an acceptable on-screen
appearance is not present in audio-only communication.

Impact on education

Here are a few examples of how videoconferencing can benefit people around campus:

- faculty member keeps in touch with class while away for a week at a conference
- guest lecturer brought into a class from another institution

- researcher collaborates with colleagues at other institutions on a regular basis without loss of time
due to travel

- schools with multiple campuses can collaborate and share professors [

- faculty member participates in a thesis defense at another institution

administrators on tight schedules collaborate on a budget preparation from different parts of campus

Uses of Video conferencing

Video conferencing can be used in a host of different environments, which is one of the reasons the
technology is so popular. General uses for video conferencing include business meetings, educational
training or instruction and collaboration among health officials or other representatives.

- Telemedicine

- Telecommunicatio

- Education

- Surveillance

- Security

- Emergency Response

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