tter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social
networking and microblogging service which enables its users to send and read
other users' messages called tweets.
Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters displayed on the user's profile
• It is free.
• Twitter allows you to network efficiently and with large groups of people.
• Twitter allows you to communicate directly with your target market instantly.
• Twitter is addictive.
• It's not a great way for people to get to know you, unless you are very good at
expressing yourself in 140 characters or less.
• You may not have any idea who is really following you.
Hi5 is a social networking website targeted at a general audience. It became one of the most popular
social networks through a huge growth spurt during 2007 with much of that popularity coming from
Central America. While it is often found in the top 10 most visited websites in the world, it often fails
to make the top 50 in the U.S.
In these scream you can write down the name of the person who you need to find
Hi5 is used all over the world
Portfolio Definitions
Higher education
Therapy groups
There are three main types of e-portfolios, although they may be referred to
using different terms:
Electrónica mail, commonly called email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages
across the Internet or other computer networks.
What is an e-mail?
Email (or e-mail) is electronic mail that "works" quite like conventional correspondence.
In addition to textual content, email allows you to send photographs, video or sound clips in digital
form or files.
Facebook site allows students to post their photos and tell about themselves, chat rooms, and
comment boxes.
We need to create learning experiences that are interesting, and useful to increase the curiosity to learn
Email (or e-mail) is electronic mail that "works" quite like conventional correspondence. There is a
sender and a recipient and the contents are called the message of the email. In addition to textual
content, email allows you to send photographs, video or sound clips in digital form or files. These
"extra" files are called email attachments and are sent along with the main message but might require
additional programs and software to view. For instance, if you send a song to a friend through email,
he/she would need a program to play this. FYI, most computers are equipped with programs that can
When you create an email account, you get an email address to which people "write" to you. Each
email address is unique which means no two people in the world can have the same email address.
Just like your postal address, which is one of its kinds, your email address belongs only to you -
It’s best to make your email series as focused as possible (and, as a bonus, if you have a lot of
material, you can have multiple email series). Decide if you want to build your series around a
certain topic or an audience.
Once you have decided on your topic, find all of the content you have on the subject. This includes
blog posts, articles, white papers, eBooks, webcasts, and more (for ideas on content you may already
have or content you can create, see these 20 ideas).
Now that you have all of your potential content in one place, organize it in a way that tells a story.
What would a prospect want to know about first, what is the logical next step, and so on? You may
find that you don’t need all of the content you have, and you may need additional content to fill in
the gaps. This isn’t a bad thing: you’re figuring out—and filling—gaps in your prospect’s
At the end of the series, you want to have a call to action; what step do you want the reader to take
once they have read your emails? Make sure that all of your emails build to this. You may also want
to have calls to actions throughout the email series, so consider that as well.
Is a term?
Well sometimes used for a function of email clients where lists of email
address are used to email everyone on the list at once. This can be referred to
as an electronic mailshot. It differs from a mailing list, electronic mailing list or
the email option found in an Internet forum as it is usually for one way traffic
and not for coordinating a discussion. In effect, only members of a distribution
list can send mails to the list.
We need 3 steps:
You`d better keep your distribution list to have your stuff ordered.
Nowadays the most effective way to share your thoughts and opinion is to
create your own blog. But how to start your own blog? Fortunately, starting a
blog site is an easy task.
They are web site address where messages are collected chronologically from
one or more authors on a particular issue as a newsletter or journal
What is BLOG SERVICES that are used or may be used in educational contexts?
The blog application has many built-in functionalities such as posting articles,
HTML editor, commenting, archive, menus, themes, manegement, etc,
Using these technologies students and teachers are able to personalize content
to their specific desires – a revolution from the days of tradition mass media
where they decide what arrangement of content is published.
We find blogging a very powerful tool for learning and teaching in an easy and
funny way.