Lwsson Plan Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

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At the end of the period, the students should be able to,

1. Define balance, unbalance forces and net force..

2. Relate net force to an objects motion.
3. Describe illustrations showing balance and unbalance forces.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Balanced and Unbalanced Forces

B. Learning Materials:

 Paper and pen

 A block of wood

 PowerPoint presentation

C. References:
Grade 8 TeachingGuide (Dep.Ed)

D. Science Process Skills

Explaining and constructing

E. Value Integration
Showing interest during the teaching-learning process.

F. Teaching Strategy
Discussion, Collaborative Activity and PowerPoint Presentation

III. Developmental Task

Teacher’s Activity Students Activity

Good day Class! How are you all? How Students: Good morning sir! We’re fine
was your vacation? thank you!

Before we begin our lesson for today, let’s

first have a game......but this is not just a
game...it is also an excercise to awaken the
force on your body. Are you ready class? Student: Yes Sir, we are!
Are you familiar with arm wrestling? Perly: Yes sir, it is a battle of arm strength
and endurance.
Yes, that’s right Perly

I will divide you into two groups. Each

group will choose 1 representatives,

The mechanics of the game is simple. A

pair of participant will do arm wrestling.
There will be 3 matches from both
cathegories, boys and girls who will do the
game. Whoever wins in each matches will
gain one point. The team who gets the
highest point wins.

I want you to count off by two so that there

will be two groups.

After the activity.............

(The students will count off)

Okay class you may now take your seat and

be quiet.

Congratiolations to the winners!

What do you feel now class? Some are

happy because they won..some are
obviously not happy...but don’t worry, we
have more games as we go on with our

Anyways, I have to ask you Dharlene.

Please stand up.

Why do you think you won the arm

wrestling against Perly. What is in your
arm that made you win the game?
Dharlene: Yes sir?
Talking about force, who can tell me what
is a force? Dharlene: I won because I am bigger and
heavier than Perly. I assume that I have a
Right! Is mea correct? great amount of force to exert than her.

Alright! Can you eleborate more about the Mea: A force is a push or a pull that moves
force that you have compare to Perly? object.
(Refering to Dharlene)
Students: Yes sir.

Dharlene: Well, obviously sir, my arms are

bigger compare to her. I have well defined
muscular structure than her also. And with
So does it mean that having a heavier and that I can say that I can exert a greater
taller body can give you advantage to win amount of force to move her arm against
the arm wrestling? my own. And as what I have said, I have
greater mass compare to her and I am also

Jeiril: Yes sir, that is true but not all the

time. In my own understanding...even if
you have a height compare to you
contender but you have a mass lesser than
him you have the tendency not to win the
That’s Jeiril..very nice explanation. battle. A massive object can create a greater
amount of force because obviously it
What can you say now about the force posses greater amount of energy that can
exerted by Dharlene to defeat Perly in the move objects with less mass.
arm wrestling? Mea?

Good Mea, that’s correct.Do you agree

with that Jeiril? Mea: It only means sir that Dharlene has a
greater force compare to Perly that’s why
she won.

Jeiril: Yes absolutely sir. Also, In order to

move and defeat Perly’s arm in the arm
wrestling, Dharlene should have a greater
amount of force. Likewise, in moving a
Alright!..that is very good Jeiril cabinet for example, in order for you to
move it you should have a greater amount
(The teacher will introduce the lesson) of force to counter act with the weight of
the cabinet and the friction on the ground.

Well, talking about force as what Mea have

said awhile ago...it is a push or pull. There
is two types of force that we’re gonna talk
about this morning. This Balance and
Unbalance forces.
Speaking of balance and unbalance can you
tell your thoughts about these?

Dharlene: I remember the time when I walk

How about balance, Perly? in the mud and I suddenly lost my balance
and I slipped and fall on the
ground..hehe...That’s what we call as
unbalance sir.

Perly: Based on experience sir, when we

say balance it means things are in proper
place and order. Like a seesaw for example
sir, the fulcrum is place on the middle so
that it could provide support and balance on
the flat board. Moreover, if two persons
That’s right. Very good! will sit at both sides of the seesaw,
assuming that they have the same weight,
they create balance. Neither of them will
(The teacher will prepare for another move up or down just balance.

On our next activity, we’re going to

describe how force or forces affect(s)
objects motion. Again, same group will
participate but you will choose another
participants to perform the next activity.

You are familiar with the tug of war, right


Dharlene, can you tell me how to play the

tug of war?

Students: Yes sir!

Dharlene: Tug of war is played by two

groups of people. Both competing members
should have equal number of participants as
the other group. Each group is free to
choose their best members who preferable
That’s right Dharlene, very nice, thank you! strong enough to win the game. The group
Now, I’m gonna call on 7 members of each will pull each other up using a string. The
group who will participate. group who could pull their contenders
towards their centerline wins.
I just like to remind you that this is not a
rough competition if you lose it’s okay. For
the safety of all please bear with me
always. Okay class, are you ready?

Now, here’s my final instruction. When I

say go you start the game by pulling your
opponent until they pass this line. And
when I say stop, ALL STOP!. Am I clear? Students: yes sir!

(After the game the teacher will discuss

about what happened on the tug of war)

Okay class. Please settle down now. Students: Sir yes sir!

Congratiolations to group A for winning the

competition, I’m gonna ask one of the
members of this group. Jeiril, why do you
think you won the tug of war against the
group of Dharlene? What do you think are
your advantage?

Jeiril: Thank you sir, first of all our group

members worked as one to win the game.
We really did our best. Our greatest
advantage is that, my classmates Paul Jay
Alright! That’s true. So what do you say and I are undeniably bigger than other
about the force exerted by the group of members of the group B and so speaking
Jeiril compare to the group of Dharlene we can exert greater amount of force to pull
why they won the tug of war game, Mea? them through the line and win the game.

Mea: Considering that two of their

members Jeiril and Paul Jay has a bigger
With that explanation, what do you think is body they had greater amount of force to
the effect of force to a certain body defeat the group of Dharlene which
especially when it is stationary? Yes Perly? obviously smaller body and smaller amount
of force.
Very good! Now, look at this book above Perly: Force can cause object to move or
the table. What can you say about the change its direction. The objects motion
motion of the book...is it moving or will it depends on the amount or magnitude of
has the chance to move or change its force being excerted to that object.
motion or position if we let it stay there?
Dharlene? Dharlene: The book will remain in its
position forever unless we apply force on it
by pulling or pushing it.

Correct. What else? How can we move or Jeiril: If we remove the table we can move
change the position of the book above the the book because it will fall on the ground
table? Yes Jeiril? sir.

Why do you think it will fall on the Jeiril: Because of the attraction of gravity
ground? sir. Any object near the Earth’s surface are
being pulled by the force of gravity towards
its center. Even our moon which revolves
around the Earth is being pulled by gravity
that’s also the reason why we have high
tide and low tide.

Now, what can you say about the amount of Perly: The force acting on the book is zero
force acting on the book? sir, since it is stationary or not moving at

Alright, that’s how we can say that the

forces acting on the are balance. Let;s look
at this picture.

(The teacher will present a picture of the

book above the table)

Dharlene: The picture shows a science

book resting above the table. The table is
pushing up the book opposing the pull of
gravity downward.

Dharlene: The forces acting on the book are

Please describe the picture. Yes Dharlene? all balance since the normal force applied
on the book by the table balances with
equal amount of force of gravity acting on
the book which directed downward.

What can you say about the forces acting

on the book?

Mea: If we remove the table, the book will

fall towards the ground because of the force
That’s right! Very good. of gravity pulling downward. In this case,
the force acting on the book is unbalance.
How about if we remove the table. What Unbalance in the sense that other forces are
will happen to the book and the force greater than the other...like the force of
acting on it. Yes Mea? gravity that pulls the book downward after
removing the table where it is place.

Jeiril: The book place on the table signifies

Very nice explanation Mea. Thank you. a balance force since it is not moving,it is
still there. The force of gravity that pulls
Based on what mea and dharlene told us the book downward is being counter by the
about their explanation on balance and normal force provided by the table. All
unbalance force. Who can differentiate the forces are balance and equal in magnitude
two? Yes Jeiril? or size and opposite in direction. However,
if we remove the table, the book will
eventually fall on the ground because we
remove the normal force which is provided
by the table. The gravitational force will
then pull it downward thus, we have an
unbalance force. Unbalance force therefore
happens when ar force acting on the object
is greater than the other.

Students: Yes sir!

Alright. You already know that forces
always come in pairs right class?
Perly: A vector quantity sir.
Is force a scalar or a vector quantity? Who
can tell me?
Perly: Because it has both magnitude and
Why do you say so? direction compare to scalar quantity which
may either have magnitude y or direction
but not both.

Good. That is correct. Now let us go back

to our previous activity the tug of war. Who
can tell me where is the direction of force
applied by Group A in pulling group B? Mea: The direction of the force exerted by
Anyone? Yes Mea? group A to pull group B is towards them
because they are pulling.

You already know that force has direction.

Either to the left or to the right, up or down.
Also, forces always comes in pair. When
multiple forces acting on an object, the sum
of all that forces is what we call the NET
FORCE. What is a net force? Let us look at
this book on table again. Please describe Perly: The book is at rest sir. It is not
the forces acting on this book Perly. moving. Therefore, all forces acting on it
are balanced. The table pushes the book
with an upward direction providing normal
force which counteracts gravitational force
pulling downward.

Very good. Now, I want a volunter. Please

come here in front. Yes Dharlene.

I want you push the book slowly until it

falls on the ground.

Now, can you describe what happened to

the forces acting on the book before and
after you move and slide the book
Dharlene? (Dharlene do what the teacher say)

Dharlene: Before I drag the book, it is at

rest therefore, all forces are balance. The
table creates the normal force on the book
pushing it upward counteracting a
downward force of gravity. However, at the
moment I push it to the left I applied a
force directed to the left or same direction
as the book. Likewise, when I push it
leaving the table, gravitational force acted
upon it with a downward direction that’s
why it fell on the ground.

What can you say about the forces acted on Jeiril: Basically, there was five forces acted
the book then ? Yes Jeiril? on the book when it was on the stationary
position until Dharlene push it and fell on
the ground. These forces are the normal
force, gravitational force, friction force on
surface of the table assuming that the table
is rough,the air resistance at the moment it
falls on the ground and the force exerted by
the Dharlene when she pushed the book.
These created unbalance to the forces
acting on the book that’s why it moved.

Alright very good.

But how can we relate net force on the

motion of the book why it fell on the
ground? Please Perly? Perly: We talked awhile ago that net force
is the vector sum of all the forces acting on
the book.

Perly: A vector some because it has

What do you mean a vector sum? direction sir and when we are talking about
force we should always consider its

Students: No sir!
That’s right. Very good. Is there any
question before we proceed class?
IV- Application

Alright. Please look at our illustration here.

( The teacher presents a PowerPoint

Here is the picture of the book above the

table and if we put a value on magnitude of
the forces acted on it when it is stationary
until Dharlene pushed it and fell on the
ground, we can determine the net force.

Dharlene: The picture shows the physics

book resting above the table. The forces
acting on the bokk are balanced since the
normal force provided by the table is10
Newton conteracting the force of gravity
which is also equal to 10 N.

Mea: The picture showing a physics book

falling towards the ground. Air resistance
pushes the book by 2N with an upward
direction. The force of gravity also pulls the
book by 6N downward. The net force is
equal to 4N, downward.
Can you describe the picture to us?

Students: No sir!

Jeiril: Balance force can only occur to an

object at rest. When an object is not moving
like example the book placed above the
table as what we have discussed awhile
ago, the normal force acts pushing the book
upward which is being balanced by the
force of gravity pulling downward. Balance
force also signifies that the magnitude of
the forces acting on an object are equal in
magnitude and opposite in direction thus,
the net force is zero.

Perly: An object will move if an unbalance

force acts on it. Like example in the tug of
war that we have performed awhile ago.
Group A was able to knock off Group B by
pulling them towards the centerline because
of an unequal forces being exerted by both
teams. Undeniable group A has bigger and
stronger members compare to group B even
though there were equal number of players
in each group. Moreover, group A was able
to pull group B and move them out of the
line because they have greater force being
exerted against their opponent thus we can
say that force is unbalance since the force
on the other side is greater than the other .

Yes that’s correct. Thank you Dharlene. Mea: Net force is the vector some of all the
forces acting on an object. There are
I’m gonna show you another picture. Who instances that there are mulitple forces
can describe the picture? Mea Please? acting on object in different direction. Net
force determines the magnitude of force
acting on an object and the direction where
it moves. Example when we look back on
the book falling towards the ground, the air
resistance force pushes the book upward at
the moment it falls counteracted by the
force of gravity pulling downward. Since
the resistance force is too weak to prevent
the book from falling the gravity
accelerates the book towards the ground.
Net force therefore can be determined by
calculating the size or amount/ magnitude
of gravitational force minus the air
resistance force. The direction of the
objects motion is determined by the
magnitude of force acts on the object. In
the case of the book falling towards the
ground, the force of gravity is greater than
the air resistance force that is why the
direction of the book is downward.

Students: No sir!

Very good. You always have to remember

that in determining the net force you must
indicate the direction because the direction
tells the motion of the object. Alright class?
Any question about our lesson? Some

V. Generalization

Since you have no question, who can tell

me what is a balance force and what are the
conditions where balance force occurs?

That is a good explanation Jeiril. Thank

you. How about unbalance force? How
does unbalance forces affect objects
motion?Please give an example to illustrate
you explanation. Yes Perly?

How about the net force? Mea?

Yes very good!
Any question or clarification.

Please prepare for a short quiz.

VI. Assessment
I. Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of your best answer.

1. A force is a push or pull that causes an object to?

A. Move
B. Stop
C. Change the direction
D. All of the above.

2. Forces are______________if they are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

A. Unbalanced
B. Greater
C. Balanced
D. Both B and C.

3. If the forces are balanced, the object will,

A. Remain at rest if initially at rest.

B. Continue moving in a straight line if initially moving in a straight line.
C. Both A and B
D. Neither A nor B.

4. Which of the following indicate the the object has been subjected to an unbalanced

A. The object speeds up.

B. The object slows down.
C. The objects changes direction.
D. Any of the above.

5. The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is_____________.

A. directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force.

B. in the same direction as the net force.
C. and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.
D. All given choices are correct.

II. Identify the diagram whether it is BALANCED or UNBALANCED.


25N 25N


10N 15N


35N 50kg 30N


1N 3N

III. Draw and label the forces and their magnitude acting on the object and determine
whether it is BALANCED or UNBALANCED.(5 points each)

A. A cart pulling a 25 N box with a force of 25 N.

B. An apple is falling on the ground attracted to the pull of gravity of 2.5N defying air
resistance of 0.005 N.

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