Sergio Arboleda University Geopolitics and Security Geopolitics and Ethnicity, The Afro-Descendant Case Daniela Perez Hinestroza
Sergio Arboleda University Geopolitics and Security Geopolitics and Ethnicity, The Afro-Descendant Case Daniela Perez Hinestroza
Sergio Arboleda University Geopolitics and Security Geopolitics and Ethnicity, The Afro-Descendant Case Daniela Perez Hinestroza
Geopolitics and Security differentiate some ethnic groups from others and
determine their living conditions and
Geopolitics and ethnicity, the afro- development, in a globalized world and
descendant case considering the racial mixture that exists for
example in countries like Colombia. Countries in
Daniela Perez Hinestroza
which, even though black people represent a
Geopolitics is a discipline that integrates significant portion of the total population, their
different aspects, such as: political, geographical, living conditions and opportunities in almost all
territorial, economic, but also cultural elements. areas of development are unequal. From my point
Geopolitics has defined the direction of society of view, this should be considered a sociocultural
from all domestic and international levels. And but also geopolitical discussion, seen as a
undoubtedly the geopolitical dynamics in the consequence of a geopolitical process. For
world have determined both the history and the example, in Colombia even in 2019, most Afro-
destiny of different ethnic and cultural groups. descendants live in concentrated areas, in certain
departments and even there is still a Palenque.
Although globalization has brought enormous Generally, these places where black communities
cultural integration, while it has partially settle, have a lower level of economic
removed borders by bringing people closer development, levels of unsatisfied basic needs
together, ethnic differences are still very marked are higher, educational opportunities are not the
all over the world. This is the case of the black best and even in some places exist a condition of
population, as an example of this dynamic. misery.
Today, the gaps of inequality that existed in terms
of people's abilities because of their skin color Another example of this phenomenon is given by
should be reevaluated. However, we can still language, recently the Spanish newspaper El País
show that there are many discrimination gaps that (2018) published the article "This map reveals
are reflected in the living conditions of black that white Europeans associate black faces with
people and, above all, in the opportunities and negative concepts", in which he claimed that for
obstacles they must go through. European whites It was easier to associate the
traits of black people with negative concepts such
All this is a response to geopolitical dynamics not as bad or evil. This can easily be identified as a
so recent, some States in defense of their social construction resulting from ancient
interests, instrumentalized complete ethnic geopolitical processes in history.
groups for their benefit. Despite the passage of
time and the development of society, the The defense of some States, subtracted rights and
consequences of this piece of history are still humanity from other ethnic groups, in this case
evident for certain ethnic communities. The the black communities, and despite the passage
culture that is inherent to the communities can of time, contemporary societies are still going
adapt and even mix through the generations, through the consequences of this dynamic. From
which is a very common dynamic in the most my point of view, this cultural, political, and
recent history of the world. However, black social reality that has economic effects on the
communities tend to retain many cultural traits population, concerns to a large extent a
over time as a rooted construction of their geopolitical discussion as such.