Exploring Gilroys Theory of The Diaspora Culture

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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

Education, Language and Inter-cultural Communication (ELIC 2020)

Exploring Gilroy’s Theory of the Diaspora Culture

Bo Yang1,*
East University of Heilongjiang, Harbin, Heilongjiang, China
Corresponding author. Email: [email protected]

This paper briefly describes the development of genealogy in the cultural theory of diaspora and
discusses the unique aspects of Gilroy’s diaspora theory. With the development of Hall's ethnic theory,
the paper has developed the combination of British cultural studies and post-colonial theory. It also
provides a strong fulcrum for a better understanding from the black diaspora culture in Britain to the
new post-colonial study. Combined with the current cultural context, the paper explores the problems
and limitations of diaspora culture research and its influence on China’s domestic diaspora literature.

Keywords: ethnic diaspora, Paul Gilroy, cultural studies

lesser analysis of the main causes of the ethnic diaspora
I. THE RESEARCH GENEALOGY OF cannot reflect the root causes of its colonial modernity.
DIASPORA CULTURE The latter directly defines the ethnic diaspora as a leap,
The study of diaspora is the research direction that a critical way, which analyzes the characteristics
emerged in the field of global cultural research at the through these phenomena such as a mixture of cultures
beginning of the twentieth century, mainly for the formed during dispersal etc. The representative scholars
exploration of the social, economic and other cultural are Stuart Hall, Homi Baba, Said, Gilroy and so on.
phenomena of the diaspora. Since the twentieth century, These studies carried out a detailed analysis of the
with the large-scale cross-border movement of people, phenomenon and process of ethnic diaspora or ethnic
diasporas and ethnic interbreeding have arose interbreeding from political, historical cultural and the
gradually, resulting in new cultural challenges for other different directions. Both Said and Baba are
humanity. The concept of ethnicity, then, is also culturally concerned about the inter-ethnic and cross-
evolving, and on the basis of the original definition of cultural phenomena in ethnic mixing, and pointed out
maintaining a unique culture and recognizing common that colonialism has a crucial influence on the ethnic
characteristics, it is more inclined to the group of blood diaspora culture. People are forced to learn and to
or lineage identify with each other, which is to expand understand another traditional culture but cannot truly
into a cultural concept. belong to it, meanwhile, they have to require
themselves to seek self-identity from the contradictions
In general, the concept of diaspora can be analyzed and conflicts between the dominant culture and the
mainly in two directions: one is the study of the ethnic diaspora culture.
diaspora in the direction of social anthropology; the
other is the ethnic diaspora study of cultural studies. As a seeker of the theory of ethnic diaspora, Gilroy
The former interprets the ethnic diaspora as a tool discusses the relationship between globalization,
which can decentralize the characteristics of an ethnic modernity and ethnic diaspora. Appadurai has also
group. There are several aspects including scattered studied the relationship between globalization and the
residence, cultural reproduction, migration to foreign ethnic diaspora, and he believes that the "mass media"
areas, owning the cultural awareness of the original and "movement of people" have had a significant
country, existing more or less the conflict or impact on the ethnic diaspora in several important
contradiction with the original group culture, dimensions of globalization. These cultural dimensions
recognizing the country of their ancestors the place serve globalization, so they can make the imagination
where they and their descendants must return, having of cultural globalization possible. But in the
the responsibility to protect the security and prosperity embodiment of the relationship between modernity and
of the motherland. However, whatever the ethnic diaspora, these cultural dimensions express
classifications are, they only describe and distinguish different meanings. So the modernity represented by
the characteristics of diaspora apparently. And the Gilroy is the modernity of black people reflecting the
profound relationship between slavery and Western
*Fund: The paper is supported by the Research Project of East
modernity. Gilroy believes that pluralism in
University of Heilongjiang, “The application of diaspora theory in globalization is more important in the ethnic diaspora
English Literary Criticism” (Project No.: HDFKY200211). than in the return of the homeland or the country of

Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Atlantis Press SARL.

This is an open access article distributed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license -http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/. 690
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

origin, so that with the territory of a geographical or culture can play a crucial role in social development.
national State as its boundary, the inherent ethnic However, in general, the initial cultural research is
diaspora, is slowly diluted, as well as the racial focused on the generation and development of working-
commonality, specialty and connotation of the ethnic class culture without paying enough attention to other
group. Then, the relationship between the ethnic aspects. This form continued until the 1970s. At that
diaspora and suzerain in cultural conflict is rewritten as time, there was a tendency for the shift of cultural
resistance in adaptation, so there is "anti-nationalism research to race or gender. There are two reasons for
nationalism" with the culture of the original country. this tendency: first, a series of problems in the real
society provide the conditions for this tendency. After
Taking English culture as an example, Hall's theory World War II, the economy was hit hard. The recovery
of ethnic diaspora played an important role in the of the economy requires a large number of workers, and
expansion of Gilroy's theory of ethnic diaspora. as a result, black immigrants are one of the methods to
Through the study of the film culture of the third world, ease labor tensions. But the recession had had a huge
Hall verifies what he considers to be the new impact on British society — rising unemployment,
globalization of American style, and discusses the same increased competition and growing racial problems.
standardized operation of various cultural The British government, however, had passed on the
characteristics in the new era of politics, culture and root causes of these problems to immigrants, using
economy, that is, through this standardization or nationalist language and policies to exclude outsiders.
consumerism mass culture to suppress the culture of
Second, at the beginning of 1950s, the influence of the
difference. On the other hand, this system of consumer black civil rights movement and the democratic power
culture can also assimilate this difference. While movement led by Martin Luther King, a black
advocating showing the true nature of culture, cultural American, inspired the desire of black British people to
differences are also allowed to exist. This is also Hall's fight for their own free and equal rights. Black people
political view of difference culture. For Hall, the status suffered from slavery and apartheid to varying degrees
and the cultural differences of the blacks in the in any non-native country. The special experience of
suzerain, prompted the blacks to assimilate this this whole nation created the strong desire and courage
difference in their effort. So, at the same time, the of the black people for freedom and equality. This
pursuit of acceptance has divided the blacks within their tireless courage also awakened the democratic sense of
own communities. Because of the different classes power of the black British. Then the issue of race is also
within the ethnic groups, this difference has formed a evident in British society. However, cultural changes
new ethnic identity, and this constant process of are not synchronized with society, but on the contrary,
pursuing self-cultural identity is the reconstruction of they still adopt an attitude of resistance and inhibition.
self, that is, the process of cultural ethnic diaspora. On In the early days, in Britain, cultural scholars took a
this basis, Gilroy expanded the theme of the Hall’s neglected approach to race. Their understanding and
cultural ethnic diaspora, in which he believed that black analysis of race is a mixture of patriotism and
British people also re-established their own suzerain nationalism. Some of them still believe that the race
culture in the process of communicating with blacks in problem originated entirely from immigrants from
the rest of the world, and it reflects the cultural Britain. The conflict of race is also due to the
hybridity in ethnic diaspora. But Gilroy believes Hall's competitive mood of the working class against blacks.
ethnic unity will be affected by the status, wealth and This British-style, heavily nationalist approach has led
acceptance of black people in all classes of Britain. to black immigrants being denied for a long time, nor
have they been able to affirm the legitimacy of blacks.
Second, this shift is supported by a corresponding
theory. That is, the turn of "Gramsci cultural hegemony
In the history of British cultural studies, Gilroy has theory". There are two forms of early cultural research:
been considered a representative of the shift in ethnic Williams and Aldous. The former represents
culture since the 1970s. His theory of ethnic diaspora culturalism, while the latter represents structuralism. In
has the far-reaching significance for the study of British contrast, the latter emphasizes ideological theory and
culture and the development of the later post-colonial erases the subjective initiative. This theory holds that
theory. man's subjective initiative is born of ideology and is
non-subjectivity. At this time, Gramsci's theory of
First, his theory of ethnic diaspora has contributed
cultural hegemony holds that there is consultation
to the further development of ethnic studies. At the
between the ruling class and the ruled class. It is only
beginning of the period, British cultural studies were
through this interaction that the ruling class can gain
influenced by Marxism and the New Left. The
cultural leadership. In other words, the ruling class must
representatives are: Williams, Hall, etc. They do not
integrate the culture of the ruled class so that it could
think that Marx's economy and class play a decisive
voluntarily identify with the dominant culture of the
role in cultural development. Instead, they believe that

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

subject. Thus, there must be differences and perspective. This is also one aspect where other post-
contradictions in the culture of such a dominant class. colonial scholars are less involved. Moreover, Gilroy
The emergence of this view, then, freed the cultural was one of the first scholars in British cultural studies
study of the time from class determinism. The scope of to combine the study of black music with British
research has been expanded to include areas that have politics. Black music has an inner expression, so there
not been concerned previously, such as gender or race. is a profound political connotation. He analyzed the
In the field of race, Hall should have been an early important role that black music played in the black
researcher. He criticized the nationalism of the Thatcher people's struggle for freedom, and it was also the black
government and gradually turned to the research of people's appeal to politics. In these activities, music is
black culture. Subsequently, he published these articles, no longer an auxiliary tool, but also forms the center of
which provided an important basis for the theory of expression. It is one of the important forms of black
ethnic diaspora in Gilroy. In Gilroy's writings, race is artist's door to create modern counterculture. Black
an important category of resistance to class. In his music has the style characteristics of improv
book, he recreated the position of race in contemporary performance, which can integrate the performance
British politics, and further analyzed the formation of aesthetics of the blacks everywhere, and construct a
black diaspora music. For Gilroy, race is an inevitable special black cultural space for black people. Because
and important issue in Britain's social development. of the historical and social exclusion of the black group,
Through a step-by-step study, Gilroy combined the the embodiment of black politics is bound to be
issue of race with the cultures of the United States, reflected in other forms. Then the cultural
Africa and other countries to conduct a more in-depth characteristics of black music has become the focus of
analysis of cultural exchanges and mixes. After the 21st contemporary black culture research. Gilroy linked
century, Gilroy also proposed initiatives such as music and political criticism to analysis, which had
transcending race, clarifying the culture of the black been forming a new kind of musical analysis. This had
diaspora and cross-cultural, inter-ethnic and other also given a greater boost to music research in the UK.
aspects. These are the further development and
exploitation of the study of ethnic culture. III. THE UNIQUENESS OF THE GILROY
In post-nationalism theory, Gilroy also made a DIASPORA CULTURE
considerable contribution. Because to a considerable Gilroy's theory of ethnic diaspora is different from
extent, cultural studies overlap and intersect in the Hall's, and he expands Hall's theory of ethnic diaspora,
theories of race and postcolonialism. Gilroy's racial which he believes is a process, a dynamic process that
studies and colonialist thinking also reflect the cultural challenges the traditional idea of ethnic diaspora. It is
manifestations of racial oppression and racial the process by which the diaspora people reach a new
discrimination. Gilroy's theory of ethnic diaspora expansion site from their homes. This understanding of
helped African-American writers interpret American the home and the original diaspora home is
literature and postcolonial theory. In addition, Gilroy's fundamentally different. The home here does not
study and interpretation of black music also had a emphasize regression, but is a state that cannot be
considerable influence on the transformation of western returned. In the case of black British people, the
philosophy and aesthetics. More importantly, Gilroy's diaspora in Britain was a nation far away from their
theory emphasizes the hybridity and non-territorial home. They arrived in English, and they thought of
characteristic of ethnic diaspora culture. This is a new themselves as British, so that Britain was their new
development point in the study of the theory of the home. But especially after World War II, more and
ethnic diaspora. more blacks moved to Britain. Blacks were considered
Finally, Gilroy's focus on black music offered by the local government of England to be a group with
considerable help to Birmingham cultural studies in a high crime rate, and the culture formed by the blacks
musical theory. Among the scholars who studied ethnic themselves was also considered to be harmful to the
diaspora and post-colonialism the same as Gilroy, they noble British national culture. After the war, as a whole
mainly focused on the analysis of literature, film and Britain's economy was damaged. The domestic
other art forms. Instead, they neglected music. Gilroy's situation is unstable. At that time, the diaspora was
study of diaspora music is also reflected in the main rightly regarded as an outsider who invaded Britain and
object of concern of his theory in ethnic diaspora. That was seen as a victim of British nationalist policies.
is, the expression of black music. From the expression Britain is no longer the "home of mine" in the eyes of
of black music, Gilroy analyzed the characteristics of blacks, but the "home of white people" as proclaimed
the black diaspora culture and the rebellion and by the British. So, the black British became the outsider
resistance to the current Western culture. This rebellion of their new home, in a position of oppression and
and resistance also became a link between the evils of unadmitted by the British. But this unacknowledged
slavery and Western modernity, thus allowing people to state has not only a negative side, but also a positive
inspect black modernity initiatives from a slave one. From many literary works of that time, the black

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

people still had an infinite desire for this imaginary capitalism and its political aspects with the diaspora
home in Britain, and they looked forward to this new culture, and so they provided conditions for the black
place of residence. Thus, the concept of Gilroy's ethnic cross-ethnic connection. The theory specifically
diaspora, home or homeland is changing, and this home reflected the detail analysis of black music. In the past,
is no longer what it looked like when they left. It has when mentioned black music, almost all the people who
already changed, and this change has been always there. knew about music would immediately think of black
They can no longer return to their homes existing in American music. While, Gilroy made people have a
their earliest memories. The process did not emphasize better understanding of black music in British through
the home or the return of the country of origin but was a the detail analysis of the British black music and he also
form of diaspora that could not be returned, and also a helped the British black music have an indelible place
reflection of the reality of the British black people — in the black mainstream music. This did not only reflect
the paradox of the British black when facing their music but also a part of the British black diaspora
homeland, and a homeless diaspora, which was the key culture. While breaking the dominance of black
to the formation of the black dual consciousness. In Americans, Gilroy built a British black culture. In the
Gilroy’s idea of diaspora, the black British left their analysis of ethnic diaspora music, Gilroy was
homeland or their motherland, perhaps for the reason of considered to be the most influential theorist. He had a
political asylum, or for the reason of the search for very thorough analysis of the black Music in British,
stability. Their homeland for them was no longer the such as early jazz, and then devoted to the study of the
home before, and the motherland was constantly in formation and rise among the dependence and pressure
change, therefore they would never be able to return to of black Music in the United States, as well as many
the original country. Then, the motherland for them African cultural traditions and world cultures. Also, he
may be the place which was eager to return but could discussed the hierarchy of authority of black British
not reach permanently. It also might be the source of music in the whole process of formation.
silent pain. Some can maintain the connection with the
hometown, then others can only return in spirit. But to a What's more, Gilroy believes that there are two
certain extent, it was quite different from the traditional prejudices in the understanding of the ethnic diaspora
ethnic diaspora theory of the understanding of the lost culture: one is essentialism, which holds that music is
home. The home mentioned is geographical restrictions, the primary means of expressing the nature of black
but not fixed, it is a place to change at any time. The people. The second is the anti-essentialist view that
concept of this process of ethnic diaspora is a kind of there is no black nature, race is historical and social
progressive, cross-cultural, cross-border theory. In creation. For Gilroy, then, the idea of a cross-border in
Gilroy’s theory, it is also a criticism and the challenge the ethnic diaspora questions both views. Gilroy’s
of immanent essentialism. Gilroy believes that concept of race is not the community of imagination. It
understanding the continuity of a nation in an inherent also includes a concern of the blacks about all the
way is not comprehensive, and that the ethnic diaspora experiences of the black race in slavery, liberation,
is a criticism of it. He insisted on an ongoing process of mobility, and so on. This is a typical concept of
mixing, not limited to the distinction between postmodernism. This is called "anti-anti-essentialism"
territories, races and blood ties. The concept of the by later researchers. In the ethnic diaspora theory of
diaspora includes two aspects of origin places and new Gilroy, changes in home and culture are sustained. In
arrival settlements, where ethnicity is not necessarily other words, it is not that there is no essence, but that
anchored in a particular area. So, Gilroy raised the the essence is constantly changing. This change takes
question of national absolutism. In Britain, there is a place in a particular context and circumstances, and is
primitive nationalistic understanding. This not deliberately established. This view is in line with
understanding includes some common characteristics, Crawford's. The diaspora people have cross-ethnic and
such as the same language, religion and culture. Among cross-cultural experiences, even after historicization,
them, the same language and culture is the most they will not become identity symbols replaced by a
important characteristic of maintaining a nation. For race, gender, class and so on. But Gilroy also has a
different side to Crawford, where the trans-national
blacks, different languages and culture are the cultural
differences from those of the Native English people. character of the ethnic diaspora, as he emphasizes, is
The ethnic diaspora challenges this sense of belonging more resolute, firm and unquestionable.
and distinction between the borders of nations and
In addition, Gilroy also enriched his own ethnic
diaspora theory through focusing on black British The emergence of a theory inevitably comes with its
music and literature. On the one hand, the black British problems and limitations. There is no all-encompassing
people gradually formed their own performance culture. theory, and also the complete theory will lose its sharp
On the other hand, the British black people resisted side. First, Gilroy has repeatedly opposed all forms of

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

nationalism. At the end of the 20th century, there were be pure. And this kind of confrontational independent
increasingly intense and diverse nationalist movements, vision is difficult to achieve in real life. After all, the
including racist, secularist and fundamentalist. So culture of the diaspora is a mixture of various cultures,
nationalist theory has been divided into many different but also generates class and economic inequality. In
types since its originality, from John Plummernaz’s real life it will be assimilated by mainstream
East-West nationalism to Hans Cohen's righteous and consumerism of the culture, then its confrontation will
evil nationalism. But both nationalisms accept a also be digested and integrated. Thus, the diaspora
common standard for measuring the development of all confrontational nature of the multiculturalism that
nations. Gilroy's nationalism tends not to recognize this Gilroy expects has its limitations. Multiculturalism in
diversity, a kind of nationalism that focuses on a the existence of mainstream culture will also have
generalization. This is the only form of contemporary different degrees of influence and elimination of the
nationalism in its cognition and can be applied to all diaspora culture. So, the history of the diaspora culture
ethnic groups. This is a conceptual tendency. Gilroy's is also diluted. In addition, the black diaspora in the
criticism of nationalism was formed before the post- West and their native people are also cognitively
colonial period. Several years later, many African unequal. Gilroy believes that the black West can
countries became independent nation-states, but the rule provide guidance at the right time for the ultimate
of the national bourgeoisie continued to follow the national liberation of Africans, as they can use what
previous form of exploitation and oppression, which led they have learned in the West. In fact, the lack of
to the resistance of the people in Africa to nationalism, understanding of the realities of Africa at that time was
and also promoted Gilroy’s further criticism of a hard wound to this idea.
nationalism. In the eyes of Western scholars, nationalist
philosophy is the legacy of western knowledge, which The formation of ethnic diaspora culture is bound to
cannot be applied to third world countries, and there is the contradiction and complementarity between the
obvious unhappiness about the national independence original traditional culture and the mainstream culture.
known as the third world countries. Ali Corduroy thinks Under the influence of postcolonial multiculturalism,
that non-Western nationalism is an imitation of the Gilroy found a way for ethnic diaspora culture to
Western nation but does not benefit the imitators. He counter mainstream culture in order to alleviate the
also thinks that nationalism needs to be further colonial depression brought by the colonial world. This
developed and surpassed on the basis of advanced culture is called "Joy Culture". It hopes to integrate
technology. So, third-world nationalism has no with the mainstream culture and wants to be in the
meaning. In the face of this nationalism, the ethnic position of equal treatment. Cultural differences are
diaspora is the transcendental consequence of the beyond control, and its existence constructs the ethnic
nation-state, which transcends geographical boundaries, culture of the black, then promotes its dual
transcends state governance and transcends state consciousness, and transforms the culture of the
structures. But at the same time, the ethnic diaspora colonists in concept. However, the proposal of this "Joy
people are sometimes limited by the state and the Culture" is difficult to achieve. The inequality between
political connotation, and cannot become another the ethnic diaspora and the main people of the main
embodiment of the state. It is necessary to complete country in politics, economy and so on eventually leads
within the state. So, the nationalism that Gilroy to the hybridization of ethnic culture and the possibility
considers as "post-nationalism" is only one of his of assimilation of the main culture. This culture is
visions of the ethnic diaspora culture, which needs to be swallowed up, integrated in the confrontation of
accomplished on a realistic basis, albeit less likely to be mainstream culture. There is no way to fundamentally
achieved, but expresses criticism and doubts about shake the roots of mainstream culture. While, this
racial identity. ethnic cultural difference also in rhetorical disguised
cleverly the cultural inequality brought by political and
Second, the mainstream confrontation of the Gilroy economic inequality. It can be seen that the cultural
ethnic diaspora culture has its limitations. Gilroy concept of Gilroy is still subordinate to the western
believes that ethnic diaspora culture is potentially mainstream culture, and the widening gap between
adversarial to mainstream culture. As far as black developing countries and western countries is also the
culture is concerned, the black diaspora culture has main cause of the expansion of the contradiction
created a unique black common space for blacks, which between the western black culture and the original
can confront whites. However, the black diaspora culture.
culture fight against the mainstream culture, while at
the same time it also has different degrees of interaction V. THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT OF THE
with the mainstream culture. This influence gradually
constitutes a part of the British mainstream culture.
This is a kind of integration and is also a kind of The theory of ethnic diaspora is facing various
confrontation. This cannot be independent and cannot crises. First of all, the world is developing, and so is

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

culture. The ethnic diaspora, then, has long considered potential strength. In the rapid development of high-
"mixed" nature to begin to lose its specificity. In today's tech future, the real dilemma will be broken. The
world, mixing is almost everywhere, and the more homeland is no longer a place where they are forced to
borderless the world's communication is, the more leave, but a place where one can return freely. As a
common this kind of mixing becomes. Because nothing result, the suffering of the ethnic diaspora will
is pure. In the development of things, there will be gradually disappear, leaving behind valuable experience
different degrees of mixing other factors. So is black across borders. This is also the world of the future that
music. Current forms of culture, even the dominant Gilroy hopes to bring. Although the current borders of
ones, are mixed. Therefore, when this kind of mixing the state and culture still exist, the future that Gilroy
becomes the characteristic of the common thing, it also hopes for is the inevitable direction of culture and
loses its uniqueness and significance of the research. world development. Thus, even if the current dilemma
Secondly, the crisis of ethnic diaspora research is also exists, the theory of ethnic diaspora will offer hope to
reflected in the political and cultural context. In today's mankind.
world, war still exists. As a result of the war, refugees
and political asylum seekers, the problem of their living At present, the theory of ethnic diaspora has had an
spaces is hard to solve. Europe will not accept them, effect influence on the study of diasporic literature.
and Britain's exclusion of its current ethnic minorities According to the works of different writers, it reflects
will still have intensified. In this case, it becomes very different guiding roles. The emergence of diasporic
literature is bound to involve a variety of cultural
difficult to cross borders freely in their personal
capacity. The boundaryless theory supported by the exchanges or collisions, conflicts with mainstream
ethnic diaspora is also difficult to achieve. The borders culture. The author is bound to face the living state of
of culture and national that were once blurred were re- the diaspora. Then the analysis of diasporic literature is
established. Through this boundary, people identify and in line with the analysis of ethnic culture in the theory
distinguish with each other. It redefines ourselves. of ethnic diaspora. For Chinese writers, the expression
These are opposed by Gilroy's theory of ethnic in literature can be interpreted as cultural identity in the
diaspora. theory of ethnic diaspora. The main performance is a
kind of love for the homeland and the desire to return.
So where is the future of the ethnic diaspora? Such This is also a kind of abandoning the original cultural
realities make the theory of ethnic diaspora almost identity of the native country, and strive to integrate
impossible. However, there are also some people cross into the mainstream culture of other countries. The
the borders of the country and live in the way of former's miss of the motherland is also constructed by
diaspora which make the better life. For the theory of the theory of the Gilroy ethnic diaspora. Homeland is
ethnic diaspora, these can still prove the potential the geographical limitation, but it is not fixed. The
power of such theory. As globalization develops faster diaspora cannot return to the memory of the home, and
and economic and cultural exchanges grow, the strong can only adapt to the conflict between foreign culture
barriers between nations cannot be long-term. This and local culture. With globalization approaching,
deliberate resistance will be gradually eliminated. This people no longer need to spend a lot of time to find this
interaction is also a manifestation of ethnic diaspora cultural identity. Cultural diversity also helps Chinese
culture. Nevertheless, in the face of the existing real authors in other countries to find a sense of belonging,
dilemma, and the resistance of western countries to the and adapt to the change of cultural identity, then form
ethnic diaspora culture, how to interpret these sharp the Chinese authors the dual consciousness and
social problems, and intervene in politics by cultural transcendence. The latter, which is opposed by the
mean — these are what Gilroy is currently looking for. Gilroy ethnic diaspora theory, is that Chinese authors
He revealed the reality of the diaspora of blacks by can't completely abandon their Chinese identity. This is
using the study of ethnic sociology. And, he combined a waiver that would discourage Chinese people from
the study of ethnic diaspora culture with the pursuit of the unequal treatment as minorities in the West. Only
justice and equality in order to support the diaspora in by using ethnic theory to break this barrier, forming
pursuing their political and cultural rights. In other their own diversified literary way, and finding their
words, Gilroy's theory of ethnic diaspora means that own way of existence in the mixed cultural conflict, can
western countries must accept the essence of minority they find a more diverse way of identity and the natural
culture and integrate it to achieve common existence.
development in a multiple pattern of the world if they
want to develop. This theory is an idealized theory, a VI. CONCLUSION
desire under cruel reality. Although such a theory does
not give the final solution to the problem, it raises This paper details the genealogy of the study of
valuable questions. By studying and thinking about ethnic diaspora culture, and points out the special
these issues, humans will enter a more effective position and influence of the theory of the ethnic
territory. Thus, the theory of ethnic diaspora still has diaspora culture in this genealogy. His theory combines
British cultural research with post-colonial theory, and

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 490

promotes these two theories to varying degrees. The [10] Martin Baumann. Diaspora: Genealogy of Semantics and
theory of Gilroy's culture is to expand the concept of Trameultural Comparison [J]. Numen: International Review for
the Histroy of Religions, 2004,47(3).
ethnic diaspora in the study of literature and culture.
The ethnic diaspora here becomes a process of repeated
processes. This movement change is the main driving
force for the vitality of the ethnic diaspora culture.
Moreover, Gilroy's black studies let African studies go
further. The study of black people in Britain began with
the turn of race after the study of black Americans,
which had been an important branch of the study of
ethnic diaspora culture until then. And Gilroy's black
studies objectively contributed to this trend. Finally, he
had an analysis of the music of the ethnic diaspora. This
kind of analysis combines music as a manifestation of
political desire, which is expressed by blacks using the
characteristics of fusion music under the oppression and
influence of various class power stratifications. In
addition, the limitations and problems of Gilroy's
theory are also the problems that must be faced in the
study of ethnic diaspora theory. The oppression of
western-dominated culture generates the resistance of
the black diaspora culture, but there was a limit to it.
His shared identity with the dominant ideology of the
West is also exposed. But none of these prevent
scholars from acknowledging the potential impact of
the Gilroy theory on the study of ethnic diaspora culture
in crisis. This influence is also of great benefit to the
study of African-American literature and the study of
Chinese literature in China.

[1] James Clifford, Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late
Twentieth century, Harvard University Press, 1997, 249.
[2] Edward Said, Representations of the Intellectual, New York:
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[3] Safran, William. Diasporas in Modern Societies: Myths of
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[6] Paula M.L. Mola and Michael R. Hames-Garcia. eds.,
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[7] Stuart Hall, “ Cultural Identity and Diaspora,” in P. Williams
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[9] Morrison, Toni. Playing in the Dark, see Julie Rivkin & Michael
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