(First, Middle, Last Initial) - (Numeric Date, No Dashes) - CN: Plain Statement of Fact

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And same are accepted for value and exempt from levy.

I depose and say as follows:

I, Your True and Proper First,Middle,Last Name, a natural (male or female) and competent
witness, do state with the first-hand knowledge the facts herein and in the nature of
unalienable rights, claim, without prejudice, a commercial unlimited possessory security
interest and common law right of, in and to my Copyright(s), Trademark(s) and Trade-
Name(s) listed below. See <ucc>; United States Codes 15 USC §1125, and 18 USC §35711.
I am the Secured Party of the herein said Copyright(s), Trademark(s) or Trade-Name(s), as
supported by a voluntary Copyright Notice in my possession, dated [Date A.D.]

Common Law Copyright Notice

(first,middle,last initial)-(Numeric Date,no dashes)-CN

Copyright Notice: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of trade-name/trade-mark,

™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME©, as well as any and all derivatives and
variations in the spelling of said trade-name/trade-mark - Common Law Copyright © (Date of
Birth)+current age-unlimited by ™Your True and Proper First,Middle,Last Name©.

Said common-law trade-name/trade-mark, ™©, may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in
whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without the prior, express, written consent and
acknowledgment of ™(Your True and Proper Name)© as signified by the red-ink signature of
___ hereinafter “Secured Party.”

Use of copyrighted codes and statutes within this document is only to notice the reader and all who would infringe upon this
copyright to that which is applicable to them and is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to mean that the Secured Party confers,
submits to, or has entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby.
With the intent of being contractually bound, any juristic person, as well as the agent of said
juristic person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said juristic person, nor
the agent of said juristic person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the common-law
trade-name/trade-mark ™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME©, nor the common-
law copyright described herein, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of,
™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME© without the prior, express, written
consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, as signified by Secured Party’s signature in red

Secured Party neither grants, nor implies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use
of ™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME©, and all such unauthorized use is
strictly prohibited.

Secured Party is not now, nor has ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the
purported debtor, i.e. “™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME,” nor for any
derivative of, nor for any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person,
and is so-indemnified and held harmless by Debtor, i.e. “™YOUR ALL CAPS
FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME,” in Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement (first,middle,last
initial)-(Numeric Date,no dashes)-HHIA dated the Day of Month in the Year of Our Lord Two
Thousand and Eleven, against any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments,
demands, liabilities, losses, depositions, summonses, lawsuits, costs, fines, liens, levies,
penalties, damages, interests and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due
and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by,
imposed upon, and incurred by Debtor for any and every reason, purpose and/or cause

Take note also that Common Law Copyright is claimed by Secured Party over, including, but not
restricted or limited to, all means of personal identification of Debtor defined as; all fingerprints,
footprints, palm prints, thumbprints, hand-prints, toe-prints, RNA materials, DNA materials,
blood and blood fractions, biopsies, surgically removed tissue, body parts, organs, hair, teeth,
nails, semen, urine, faeces, excrement, other body fluids and matter of any kind, and breath
samples, voice-print, retinal image, and the description thereof, and all other corporeal
identification factors, and said factors physical counterparts, any and all body tissues of any kind,
in any form, and all records and record numbers, including the results, recorded or otherwise, of
all and any tests performed on any material relating to Debtor, and information pertaining
thereto, and any visual image, photographic or electronic, notwithstanding any and all claims to
the contrary.

In addition, Creditor retains absolute control and mastery over the property of his body, mind
and mental faculties to the extent that no medications, foods or otherwise may be administered to
him without his express consent in written form, using red ink, and freely given in full formal

Use of copyrighted codes and statutes within this document is only to notice the reader and all who would infringe upon this
copyright to that which is applicable to them and is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to mean that the Secured Party confers,
submits to, or has entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby.
Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this
Copyright Notice, both the juristic person and the agent of said juristic person, hereinafter jointly
and severally “User,” consent and agree that any use of ™YOUR ALL CAPS
FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME© other than Authorized use as set forth above constitutes
unauthorized use, counterfeiting, of Secured Party’s common-law copyrighted property,
contractually binds User, and renders this Copyright Notice a Security Agreement wherein User
is Debtor and ™Your True and Proper First,Middle,Last Name© is Secured Party, and signifies
that User:

(1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all User’s assets, land, and personal property, and
all of User’s interest in assets, land, and personal property, in the sum certain amount of
$80,000.00 (eighty thousand) dollars in pre 1933 gold and silver coin per each occurrence of use
of the common-law-copyrighted trade-name/trade-mark ™YOUR ALL CAPS
FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME©, as well as for each and every occurrence of use of any and all
derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of, ™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST
NAME©, plus costs, plus triple damages;

(2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User is Debtor and ™Your True and Proper
First,Middle,Last Name© is Secured Party, and wherein User pledges all of User’s assets, land,
consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial
tort claims, letters of credit, letter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts,
accounts, documents, and general intangibles and all User’s interest in all such foregoing
property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever
located, as collateral for securing User’s contractual obligation in favour of Secured Party for
User’s unauthorized use of Secured Party’s common-law-copyrighted property;

(3) consents and agrees with Secured Party’s filing of a UCC Financing Statement in the UCC
filing office, as well as in any county recorder’s office, wherein User is debtor and ™Your True
and Proper First,Middle,Last Name© is Secured Party;

(4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph “(3)” is
a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party’s filing of
any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party’s perfected security interest
in all of User’s property and interest in property, pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement
and described above in paragraph “(2),” until User’s contractual obligation theretofore incurred
has been fully satisfied

(5) consents and agrees with Secured Party’s filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as
described above in paragraph’s “(3)” and “(4),” as well as the filing of any Security Agreement,
as described above in paragraph “(2),” in the UCC filing office, as well as in any county
recorder’s office;

(6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings described in paragraphs “(4)” and “(5)”
above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will not claim that any such
filing is bogus;
(7) waives all defences; and

(8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User’s default
re User’s contractual obligations in favour of Secured Party as set forth below under “Payment
Terms” and “Default Terms,” granting Secured Party full authorization and power for engaging
in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record
on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems appropriate, and
User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized
Representative for User, effective upon User’s default, is irrevocable and coupled with
a security interest.

User further consents and agrees with all of the following additional terms of Self-executing
Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use:

Payment Terms: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of ™YOUR ALL CAPS
FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST NAME© as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User
shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees in full within ten (10) days of date invoice is
sent Secured Party’s invoice, hereinafter “Invoice,” itemizing said fees.

Default Terms: In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten
(10) days of date Invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and: (a) all of User’s property
and property pledged as collateral by User, as set forth above in paragraph “(2),” immediately
becomes, i.e. is, property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User’s Authorized
Representative as set forth above in “(8)”; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party
may take possession of, as well as otherwise dispose of in any manner that Secured Party, in
Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction,
at any time following User’s default, and without further notice, any and all of User’s property
and interest, described above in paragraph “(2),” formerly pledged as collateral by User, now
property of Secured Party, in respect of this “Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in
Event of Unauthorized Use,” that Secured Party, again in Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems

Terms for Curing Default: Upon event of default, as set forth above under “Default Terms,”
irrespective of any and all of User’s former property and interest in property, described above in
paragraph “(2),” in the possession of, as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as Authorized
above under “Default Terms,” User may cure User’s default only re the remainder of User’s said
former property and interest property, formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the
possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of date of
User’s default only by payment in full.

Terms of Strict Foreclosure: User’s non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemised
in invoice within said twenty (20) day period for curing defaults as set forth under “Terms for
Curing Default” authorises Secured Party’s immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and
all remaining former property and interest in property, formerly pledged as collateral by User,
now property of Secured Party, which is not in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by,
Secured Party, upon expiration of said twenty (20) day default-curing period.
Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement and Security
Agreement filed with the UCC filing office. Record owner: ™Your True and Proper
First,Middle,Last Name©, Autograph Common Law Copyright©Date of Birth+current

Unauthorized use of “™Your True and Proper First,Middle,Last Name©” incurs same
unauthorized-use fees as those associated with ™YOUR ALL CAPS FIRT,MIDDLE,LAST
NAME©, as set forth above in paragraph “(1)” under “Self-executing Contract/Security
Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use.”

Notice for the county clerk for any county in (Your State) and record court for original jurisdiction, is notice
for all.

NOTICE: Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does it alter My status in
any manner. The purpose for notary is verification and identification only; not for entrance into any foreign
I certify and solemnly affirm on my own commercial liability, under penalties of perjury by the
Laws of (Your State) and in the nature of [ 28 U.S.C. § 1746 ], that I have read the contents herein
and to the best of my knowledge and belief state same are true, correct, complete and not

(Your True and Proper First,Middle,Last Name), Secured Party, All Rights Reserved, U.C.C. §1-308

State of (Your State) )

) ss. JURAT
Your County )

On the ___ day of ________, 20__, (Your True and Proper Name)personally appeared before me and proved to
me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed hereto and acknowledged to
me that he/she executed the same under oath or asseveration, and accepts the facts thereof. Subscribed and
affirmed before me this day.
Witness my hand and seal this _____ day of ____, 20 . Seal:

Notary Signature

Printed Name of Notary

Commission Expires

Use of copyrighted codes and statutes within this document is only to notice the reader and all who would infringe upon this
copyright to that which is applicable to them and is not intended, nor shall it be construed, to mean that the Secured Party confers,
submits to, or has entered into any jurisdiction alluded to thereby.

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