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Curriculum Analysis

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Marissa Yolanda


English Curriculum Development

Curriculum Analysis

Curriculum has become the important part of education. The curriculum that has been
launched is important to shift attention to how schools and teachers can be supported to help
their students understand, enjoy and take part in a wide creative education. A good quality
curriculum will encourage teacher to get to know their students and ensure that their teaching
style and their classroom behaviour are directed well.

The history of curriculum in Indonesia is often changed so the quality of education in

Indonesia has not met the clear and steady quality standard. The national education in
Indonesia has been changing in 1947, 1952, 1964, 1968, 1975, 1984, 1994, 2004, 2006, and
latest is 2013. The changes are a logical consequences of political system, social, cultural,
economic, science and technology. Therefore, Dwiyatama (2008) stated that the curriculum
as set of educational plan needs to be developed dynamically in accordance with the
requirement and changes in society.

All nation curriculums were designed based on the same foundation, Pancasila and
UUD 1945, the difference emphasis of educational goals and approaches to make it happen.
Curriculum which currently applied in Indonesia is 2013 Curriculum which is often known as
kurtilas. 2013 curriculum is an adaptation of the previous curriculum, the School-Based
Curriculum (KTSP).

1. Basic Information

a. 2006 Curriculum (KTSP)

Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP) is an operational educational

curriculum developed and implemented in each educational unit in Indonesia (Soehendro:
2006). KTSP is arranged based on students’ potential development and needs for now and for
the future with the consideration of the local and national interest, and the global
requirements with the spirit of the School-Based Management (Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah/
KTSP legally mandated by Law No. 20 of 2003 on National Education System and
the Indonesian Government Regulation No. 19 Year 2005 National Education Standards.
Preparation of KTSP started at the academic year 2007/2008 with reference to the Content
Standards (SI) and Graduate Competency Standards (SKL) for primary and secondary
education, as published through the Minister of National Education Respectively No. 22 of
2006 and No. 23 of 2006, as well as KTSP Development Guided issued by BSNP.

In principle, KTSP is an integral part of SI, but the development is handed over to
school to fit the needs of the school itself. KTSP consists of unit level education objectives,
structure and content of education level curriculum, educational calendar and syllabus.

Content standard is the guidelines to develop the KTSP which content:

1. Basic framework and structure of the curriculum

2. Study credits
3. KTSP developed at the unit level of education, and
4. Education calendar

The general objectives of KTSP application is to independence and empowering

education units through the granting authority (autonomy) to educational institutions or
education units and encourage schools to conduct participatory in making decision in
curriculum development.
Specifically, the objectives of KTSP application are:
 Increase the education quality through school autonomy and initiative in developing
curriculum, managing, and empowering the existing resources.
 Increase the awareness of school member and society to be involved in decision
making about the curriculum development.
 Increase the good competency among the education units about education quality that
will be achieved.

b. 2013 Curriculum

2013 Curriculum (K-13) is fixed curriculum implemented by the government to

replace KTSP which has prevailed for more than 6 years. Curriculum 2013 is arranged and
developed by seeing the potential students, the developing of era, and the students’ needs.
And the important thing is curriculum 2013 offer some models of teaching.
2013 curriculum come into the probation in 2013 by making some schools into
startups schools. In 2014, 2013 curriculum has been applied in grade I, II, IV, and V, while for
junior high are grade VII and VIII and senior high are grade X and XI (Wikipedia, 2014)

According to Ministry of Education and Culture (2012, p. 3) 2013 curriculum has

three aspects of assessment; knowledge aspects, skill aspects, and attitudes and behavior
aspects. In 2013 curriculum, especially in the learning materials, there are materials that
streamlined and added. Materials that streamlined are Bahasa Indonesia, social, PPKn, etc.,
while the materials that added is Mathematic (Afifah, 2015).

The objectives of 2013 curriculum are to prepare the Indonesian to have the ability as
individuals and citizens who believe, productive, creative, innovative, and effective and also
able to contribute to society, nation, state, and world civilization.

According to Ali Modofir, Curriculum 2013 uses the scientific concept (scientific)
with the following characteristics: First, learning material is based on facts and phenomena
that can be explained logically or certain reasoning; not limited to, imaginary, legendary, or
fairy tales. Second, teacher explanations and student responses and interactive teachers are
free from prejudice which immediately, subjective thinking or reasoning deviates from the
logical path of thinking.

Third, encourage and inspire students to think critically, analytically in identifying,

understanding, solving problems and applying learning theory. Fourth, encourage and inspire
students to be able to think hypothetically in seeing differences and similarities and links with
each other. Fifth, encourage and inspire students to be able to understand and apply and
develop rational and objective thinking patterns in responding to learning material.

Sixth, based on concepts, theories, and empirical facts that can be accounted for.
Seventh, learning objectives are formulated in a simple and clear, but interesting presentation
system. Eighth, the learning process brings together three domains, namely: attitude,
knowledge, and skills. Ninth, the 2013 curriculum emphasizes the modern pedagogical
dimension of learning, namely using a scientific approach.
2. The Differences between 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) and 2013 Curriculum

a. General Differences
No 2006 Curriculum 2013 Curriculum
1 Put more emphasis on the aspect of Graduates competence aspects are on the
knowledge. balance of soft skill and hard skill that
include competence attitudes aspects,
skills and knowledge.
2 The amount of lesson hours per week The amount of lesson hours per week are
are less and the amount of subjects are more and the amount of subjects are less
more than 2013 curriculum. than KTSP.
3 The standard od process in learning In every theme of the learning process and
consists of exploration, elaboration, and all the subjects are conducted with a
confirmation. scientific approach, which is standard in
the learning process consists of observing,
asking, reworking, presenting, summing,
and creating.
4 Technology, information and Technology, information and
communication as subject. communication is not a subject but as a
learning media.
5 The assessment is more dominant in Standard assessment using authentic
aspects of knowledge. assessment, which measured the attitudes
of all competencies, skills and knowledge
based on the process and results.
6 Scout is not mandatory extracurricular. Scout becomes mandatory extracurricular.
7 Major specialization start from grade Specialization (majors) start from grade X
IX. for SMA/MA
8 Counseling is about solving students’ Counseling emphasizes about developing
problem. students’ potential.

b. In terms of Process
1. At KTSP, the dominant learning process is cognitive, psychomotor, and affective,
whereas in 2013 Curriculum, the dominant in the teaching and learning process are
affective, psychomotor, and then cognitive. It means, in process, students will highlight
the affective and psychomotor.

2. 2013 curriculum strongly emphasizes balancing between cognitive (intellectual),

psychomotor (movement) and affective (attitude). In contrast to the KTSP 2006 at the
stage of implement tend to focus more on cognitive aspects.

3. In aspects of content standards, the amount of subjects at each level in 2013 curriculum is

4. In standard learning process, significant changes occurred on learning approach which

conducted. In the beginning, the learning use cognitive and behaviorism approach, and
now move to constructivism approach.

5. Changes in assessment standards; KTSP 2006 tends assess using the final assessment
without any assessment on the learning process. At this new curriculum, the assessment
on learning process will be included. Later there will be portfolio assessment of student’s

c. In terms of the assessment

2006 Curriculum

 The curriculum is not fully based on competition according to the demands of the
functions and objectives of national education.

 Competence has not described holistically the domain of attitudes, skills and

 Some of the competencies needed in accordance with the development of needs (eg
character education, methodology, active learning, balance of soft skills and hard
skills, entrepreneurship), have not been accommodated in the curriculum.

 The curriculum is not yet sensitive and responses to social changes that occur at the
local, national and global levels.
 The standard of the learning process has not described the detailed teaching sequence
so that it opens up opportunities for diverse interpretations and leads to teacher-
centered learning.

 The assessment standard has not directed the assessment based on competency
(process and results) and has not explicitly demanded scale-out remediation.

 KTSP requires a more detailed curriculum document so as not to cause multiple


2013 Curriculum

 In the 2013 curriculum the future challenges faced are the flow of globalization and a
knowledge-based economy.

 Future competencies include the ability to communicate, the ability to think clearly
and critically, the ability to consider the moral aspects of an issue of the ability to be
an effective citizen, and the ability to try to understand and be tolerant of different

 Social phenomena that suggest such as student fights, drugs, corruption, plagiarism,
cheating in various types of tests, and social upheaval.

 Public perception that assesses education so far is too focused on the cognitive aspect,
the burden of students who are too heavy and character-filled.

3. English Learning Strategies According to the 2006 Curriculum (KTSP) and 2013

a. 2006 Curriculum (KTSP):

 The material taught is emphasized in grammar and structure of language.

 Students are not accustomed to reading and understanding the text presented.

 Students are not accustomed to composing texts, which are systematic, logical and

 Students are not introduced to text rules according to their needs.

 Less emphasis on the importance of expression and spontaneity in language.

b. 2013 curriculum:

 The material taught is emphasized in language competence as a communication tool

to convey ideas and knowledge.

 Students are accustomed to reading and understanding the meaning of the text and
summarizing and re-presenting it in their own language.

 Students are accustomed to composing the appropriate text so that it is systematic,

logical, and effective through text drafting exercises.

 Students are introduced to the appropriate text rules so that they are not confused in
the process of composing the text (according to the situation and conditions: what,
who, where).

 Students are accustomed to being able to express themselves and his knowledge with
spontaneous convincing language.

4. The Strengths and The Weakness of The Curriculums

a. 2006 Curriculum (KTSP)

The Strengths of 2006 Curriculum:

 Encouraging the realization of school autonomy in conducting education.

 Encourage teachers, principals, and school management to further enhance their

creativity in the implementation of educational programs.

 KTSP provides wider opportunities for schools to develop curricula as needed

 The teacher as a facilitator whose task is to condition the environment for student

 Student-centered learning process

The Weakness of 2006 Curriculum:

 The contents and messages of the curriculum are still too dense, which is indicated by
the many subjects and the vastness of the material and its difficulties beyond the level
of development of the child's age.

 Competencies developed are dominated by aspects of knowledge, not fully describing

the personalities of students (knowledge, skills, and attitudes).

 Implementation of Education Unit Level Curriculum is still not optimal in

implementation, because in teacher learning dominates in classroom learning.

 The evaluation used is still focused on the cognitive domain only, while the affective
and psychomotor domains have not yet been implemented perfectly.

 Learning time for PAI subjects is limited, within one week only 2 hours of learning.

b. 2013 Curriculum

The Strengths of 2013 Curriculum:

 The 2013 curriculum emphasizes the development of competencies in the knowledge,

skills and attitudes of students in a holistic (holistic) manner.

 Make students more active and creative.

 The emergence of character education and character education that has been
integrated into all study programs.

 The addition time of PAI subjects is expected to shape the character and morals of
students to be better.

The Weakness of 2013 Curriculum:

 The 2013 curriculum is not based on an evaluation of the implementation of the 2006
Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) so that it can confuse teachers and
education stakeholders.

 Lack of teacher understanding with the concept of the scientific approach.

 There are still many teachers who do not understand the 2013 Curriculum
comprehensively both the concept, the formulation and practice in the field.
 Lack of human resources who are expected to be able to describe the 2013 curriculum
in existing education units and the low quality of teachers and schools

5. Review

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that there are many differences
between the 2006 KTSP and the 2013 Curriculum. These differences include subject units,
learning implementation hours, learning strategies and the assessment process of graduation
competency standards, etc. 2013 curriculum has a clear goal in forming national character.

Basically, the 2013 curriculum also has a similar basic with the basic competency of
curriculum (curriculum before KTSP) which aims to create the competent and competitive
students. The curriculum emphasizes the development of student competencies which
includes aspects of knowledge, attitudes, and skills in a balanced manner and runs

However, in my opinion, in its implementation KTSP gives very little learning time in
developing these competencies, so that the three competencies are less able to be maximized
because the teacher is more focused on the achievement of the material that being taught.

But in this case, I focus on English subject. In 2013 curriculum, English is one of
controversial subject that discussed by the people because several issues. Those issues are
about the elimination of English, reduction of learning time in English subject, and the range
of English material in English syllabus. In fact, these issues are totally contradictive with the
demands of time, remembering that now Indonesia prepares the generation to face the
ASEAN Economy Community, and English is very important here.

In my opinion, learning English will be more effective when using the 2013
Curriculum. Although only providing limited learning time, the media and learning strategies
offered can overcome them. There are many strategies and learning media that can be applied
in learning English. Teachers also can apply other rules to make learning more effective, such
as requiring students to communicate in English, attaching vocabularies on the classroom’s
wall beautifully, or naming objects in class with English vocabulary, and so on.

In the 2013 curriculum, the contents of textbooks are very diverse. its contents include
a variety of scientific and general knowledge, so that it can add knowledge and insight to
students when teaching English. topics such as globalization, environmental problems,
advances in information technology, scientific and technological conferences, and
knowledge-based economies are very helpful in preparing generations to face the ASEAN
Economy Community.

In conclusion, learning English using the 2013 curriculum is better than the 2006
Curriculum (KTSP). The 2013 curriculum is basically very actual in the context of modern
Indonesia. But, in my opinion the 2013 curriculum cannot be applied as a whole. In order for
this curriculum to be carried out successfully, it is necessary to prepare the necessary tools as
well as possible.

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