Elmer and I Lab Development Plan

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Action Plan (Recommended

Strengths Development Needs Developmental Intervention) Timeline

Learning Objectives Intervention

A. Functional Competencies
Objective 2, KRA 1 To Acquire effective Applying new learning
use a range teaching teaching techniques and from attending courses/
strategies that strategies that will seminars/ workshops/ LAC
enhance learner develop learner success sessions
achievement in in literacy and numeracy
literacy and skill. year- round
numeracy skill.

Undergoing structured
mentoring and coaching
during INSET
to 1st quarter

Objective 3, KRA 1 To Promote skills in Using feedback to try new

apply a range of developing different approach to an old
teaching strategies group activities that will problem
to develop critical enhance critical and
and creative creative thinking skills.
thinking, as well as
other higher-order year- round
thinking skills.

Applying new learning

from attending courses/
seminars/ workshops/ LAC
year- round

Equipping myself with

pedagogical skills to
develop activities that
would enhance the
creative thinking of my year- round
Objective 3, KRA 2 To Provide approriate Applying new learning
use differentiated, learning differentiated from attending courses/
developmentally intructions to address seminars/ workshops/ LAC
appropriate learning learners gender, needs, sessions
experiences to strengths, interests and
address learners experiences.
gender, needs,
strengths, interests
and experiences. year- round

Equipping myself with

pedagogical skills to
develop activities that
would enhance the
creative thinking of my year- round

Objective 3, KRA 3 To Acquire and use Participating in Learning

select, develop, appropriate teaching Action Cells (LAC);
organize and use and learning resources
appropriate teaching especially the use of ICT.
and learning
resources, including
ICT, to address
learning goals. year- round

Undergoing structured
mentoring and coaching
year- round

Monitored and evaluated

learner progress and
achievement using
learner attainment data.

B. Core Behavioral Competencies

*Teamwork *Self-Management *Make a sense priority Having increased span of year- round
in any work tasks. control.

*Professionalism and *Having a sense of Having increased decision year- round

Ethics urgency any work tasks making.
to attain goals.
*Result Focus *Attain maximum of trying new work and year- round
time and resources. solving problems within

*Service *Acquire skills that Coaching Regular

Organization enable myself to initiate Coaching
programs in promoting
advocacy for men and
women empowerment.

*Innovation *Particularly examining Using feedback to try new year- round

the root cause of approach to an old
problem and suggest problem
effective solution.


ELMER C. ANDILAB APRIL JOY S. PECATO _______________________

Resources Needed

Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School
Head, Personal Funds,

Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School
Head, Personal Funds,
Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School
Head, Personal Funds,

Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School
Head, Personal Funds,

Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School
Learning and
Development Team,
Supervisors/ School


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