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Escobar, Freddy-Humberto; López, Aura-María; Cantillo, José-Humberto Effect of the

pseudotime function on gas reservoir drainage area determination CT&F Ciencia,
Tecnología y Futuro, vol. 3, núm. 3, diciembre, 2007, pp. 113-124 ECOPETROL S.A.
Bucaramanga, Colombia

Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=46530307



Freddy-Humberto Escobar​1*​, Aura-María López​2​*, and José-Humberto


Universidad Surcolombiana, Programa de Ingeniería de Petróleos, Grupo de Investigación en Pruebas de

Pozos, Neiva,
​ Huila, Colombia

Ecopetrol S.A.-Instituto Colombiano del Petróleo, A.A. 4185 Bucaramanga, Santander,

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected]

(Received May 30, 2006; Accepted Aug. 13,


T​ he ​
to conditions satisfy ​
gas flow ​
gas are ​
equation ​ is ​
behavior insignificant, ​ when ​

linearized ​ to ​ allow ​ the ​ liquid ​

drawdown analyzing ​ tests transient are ​ best ​ test analyzed data ​ of ​ gas
solution ​ of ​ the diffusivity ​ equation
using ​ reservoirs. the pseudopressure ​ When ​ wellbore function. ​
storage On the other hand, buildup pressure tests require linearization of both pseudotime and
pseudopressure. It is not the case for the ​TDS ​technique which is indifferently applied to either
drawdown or buildup tests. However, whichever the case, pseudotime has certain effect at very long
testing times in formations of moderate to high permeability.

In this paper, we implemented the Tiab’s Direct Synthesis (​TDS)​ technique, to include pseudotime
effects, and observe its influence on the interpretation results of gas well test data at early and late
time periods. New analytical equations to estimate reservoir permeability, wellbore storage
coefficient, pseudoskin factor and reservoir drainage area are presented. Then, a comparison of
results against rigorous time was carried out for simulated and field cases. We found acceptable
results for permeability, pseudoskin factor and wellbore storage coefficient. However, for the case of
reservoir drainage area, the deviation error was of 4,1% for a simulated case and 17,9% for a field
case. However, the smaller of these deviations may be small if related to pressure transient analysis
results. However, this deviation in a gas reservoir with reserves of one tera standard cubic feet is
equivalent to a huge difference of 38 gigas of standard cubic feet of gas which may have an
economic impact to any oil company.

Keywords: ​reservoir gas, pressure, TDS technique, steady state, permeability, radial flow, mathematical

* * ​To To whom whom correspondence

correspondence may may be be addressed

113 ​CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007

N​ ormalmente, la ecuación de flujo de gas se linealiza para permitir que la solución de

difusividad ​
de los líquidos satisfaga el comportamiento del gas cuando se analizan pruebas de
presión en yacimientos gasíferos. Las pruebas de declinación de presión se analizan mejor usando
la función pseudopresión, cuando los efectos de almacenamiento de pozo son insignificantes. Por
otra parte, las pruebas de restauración de presión requieren la linealización tanto de la
pseudopresión como del pseudotiempo. Sin embargo, cualquiera que sea el caso, la función de
pseudotiempo presenta ciertos efectos a tiempos de prueba muy largos en formaciones de
permeabilidad moderada a alta.

En este artículo, implementamos la técnica de Síntesis Directa de Tiab, (​TDS​), para incorporar los efectos del pseudotiempo,
y observar su influencia en los resultados de interpretación de pruebas de presión en yacimientos de
gas a tiempos tempranos y tardíos. Se desarrollaron nuevas ecuaciones analíticas para la
estimación de la permeabilidad del yacimiento, el coeficiente de almacenamiento del pozo, el factor
de pseudodaño y el área de drenaje del pozo. Luego, para casos de campo y simulados, se efectuó
una com- paración de los resultados contra aquellos donde se usa el tiempo riguroso o normal.
Encontramos valores aceptables de permeabilidad, pseudo factor de daño y coeficiente de
almacenamiento. Sin embargo, para el área de drene del pozo, la desviación fue de 4,1 y de 17,9%
para un caso de campo. La menor de estas desviaciones es un número que resulta pequeño si lo
relacionamos con los resultados producidos en la interpretación de pruebas de presión. Sin
embargo, esta desviación en un yacimiento con reservas de un tera de pies cúbicos a condiciones
normales equivale a una enorme diferencia de 38 gigas de pies cúbicos a condiciones normales lo
cual puede impactar económicamente a cualquier empresa.

Palabras clave: ​yacimientos de gas, presión, técnica TDS, estado estacionario, permeabilidad, flujo radial,
modelos matemáticos.
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​114




A Drainage area, ft​2 ​B Oil volume factor, bbl/STB (crude), bbl/Mpcn (gas) C
Wellbore storage coefficient, bbl/psi ​D ​NonYDarcy flow coefficient, (Mscf/D)​-1 ​c
Compressibility, 1/psi c​t ​Total compressibility, 1/psi h Formation thickness,
ft k Permeability, md m(p) Pseudopressure function, psi​2​/cp p Pressure, psi
q​g Gas
​ ​ ​Well radius, ft s Skin factor s​, ​Pseudoskin factor T
flow rate, Mscf/D ​rw
Temperature, oR t Time, h t​a​(p) Pseudotime function, psi h/cp ​W ̈P S ¶
Pseudopressure derivative function with respect to rigorous/real time ​t​a ​ ̈P S ¶
Pseudopressure derivative function with respect to pseudotime ​Z Gas deviation


̈ Change, drop Ø
Porosity, fraction μ
Viscosity, cp


D Dimensionless e external g gas i Intersection or initial

conditions L Linear pss Pseudosteady state r ​radial flow ​rpi
Intersection between radial and pseudosteady state lines ​sc
Standard conditions t Total w Well

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​115

et al.
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007


Bbl x 0,1589873 ​= m​3 ​cp

x 0,001 = Pa​ s ​ft x
0,3048 ​= m ft​2 ​x

0,09290304 ​= m​2 psi x
6,894 757 ​= KPa ​Ac. x
4046,856 ​= m​2

To simplify the estimation of the pseudotime func- ​tion,

INTRODUCTION Aminiam, Ameri, Abbitt, and Cunningham (1991)
presented an analytical expressions with the aid of
polynomial regression analysis so that the
A very important concept to account for gas flow behavior pseudotime
was introduced by AlYHussainy, Ramey, and function could be easily estimated. They found a
Crawford (1966). This was called the pseudopressure devia​- ​tion of 0,3% which is an adequate range for
function which basically includes the variation of engineering applications.
both gas viscosity and compressibility factor which
are com​- ​bined into a single function. Since the In this work, the application of the pseudotime func​- tion
dimensionless ​time involves the concept is applied to further extend the
viscosity-compressibility product ​which, for gases, application scope of the TDS ​technique. The study
is a function of pressure, then, Agar​- ​wal (1979) presents new ​analytical equations for reservoir
developed the pseudotime function and ​performed a permeability, pseu- ​doskin factor, wellbore storage
practical application to pressure buildup ​test in coefficient and reservoir drainage area as a function of
vertical fractured wells. Besides Agarwal (1979), Lee the pseudotime function. Afterwards, both field and
and Holditch (1982) demonstrated the advantages ​of numerical examples were ​used to test the variation
using the pseudotime function in pressure of the above named parameters obtained from
buildup ​testing of tight formations. the solutions of this study and compared against
the solution using actual time, as proposed by
Graham and Warwick (1984), proposed a new for​- ​mulation Nuñez, Tiab, and Escobar (2002, 2003). It was found
called scaleYtime which is only function of ​time that the reservoir drainage area was affected more
rather than the function of both time and position than ​the remaining parameters (permeability,
as previously defined by Agarwal (1979). They pseudoskin ​factor and wellbore storage coefficient)
demon​- strated easier mathematical which impact was irrelevant.
manipulations but did not ​provide practical
advantages related to well tests.
Later, Spivey and Lee (1986) found the necessity of
applying the pseudotime function to linearize the
equa- ​tions under prevalent conditions of wellboreAgarwal (1979) introduced the pseudotime function ​to
storage ​during the interpretation of pressure account for the time dependence of gas
buildup tests and ​use both pseudotime and viscosity and total system compressibility:
pseudopressure for drawdown cases. They utilized
typeYcurve matching for well test interpretation
purposes. (1
Pseudotime is better defined as a function of pres​- ​sure as
a new function given in h psi/cp:

Notice ​properties. ​that ​ȝ In their ​and ​analysis ​c​t are
​ now pressure dependent for the application of the ​TDS
technique of gas reservoirs, Nuñez et al. (2003) ​used the following dimensionless quantities:
tion Including 3, the dimensionless the pseudotime pseudotime function, is t​a given
​ (p), in by:
Notice that the viscosity-compressibility product is not seen in Equation 4 since they are included in
the ​pseudotime function. However, if we multiply and, ​then, divide dimensionless by time (​ȝF​t​)​i expression,

a similar equation to the Equation 3​, ​general ​will be obtained.
As presented by Tiab (1993, 1995), the governing equation for the well pressure behavior during radial flow is
expressed by:
From a log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseu- dopressure derivative against pseudotime, Figure 1,
several main characteristics are outlined;
1. ​The early unitYslope line originated by wellbore storage is described by the following equation:
Figure 1. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime
Replacing the dimensionless parameters in Equa- tion 9​, a new equation to estimate the wellbore storage
coefficient is obtained:
2. ​The intersection of the early unitYslope line with ​the radial horizontal straight line gives:
From the above relationship is obtained an equation ​to estimate either permeability or wellbore storage
once ​the dimensionless parameters are replaced:
3. ​According to Tiab (1993, 1995), another form of ​Equation 8 ​is obtained when wellbore storage and skin
factor are included:
From the above equation, the derivative of pseudo- ​pressure with respect to ln ​t​Da​/​CD​:
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​117
FromEquation 4, the dimensionless pseudopressure ​
118​ derivative with respect to ln ​t​Da​/​CD ​gives:
Combination of Equation 12 and Equation 13 ​will ​result into an equation to estimate permeability:
4. ​Dividing Equation 11.a by Equation 12, replacing the dimensionless quantities in the resulting
expres- ​sion and, then, solving for the pseudoskin factor will ​yield:
The pseudosteady state solution of the diffusivity equation of closed systems is expressed by:
As suggested by Equation 17.a, the analysis in this ​work is only applicable for circular drainage areas,
then, we have to consider limitations to other reservoir shapes. The pseudopressure derivative of the above
equation is then:
The intersection point of the above straight line and ​the radial flow line is:
Alter substituting the dimensionless pseudotime function into Equation 18​, a new equation for the well
drainage area is presented:
For comparative purposes, we cite the following ​equations developed by Nuñez et al. ​(2003).
The following equation is taken from Nuñez ​et al​. (2002).
Detailed explanation of the appropriate use and ap- plication of the TDS technique are presented by
Tiab ​(1993, 1995), Tiab (1993, 1994), Nuñez ​et al. (2002), Nuñez et al. ​(2003). A summarized procedure is
out​- ​lined as follows:
Step 1. ​Construct a logYlog plot of A​m(p) and t​a​lA​m(p)' versus t​a​.
Step 2. ​Identify the different flow regimes and draw the horizontal line along both radial flow and the
unitYslope line. For the later case, the lines is drawn through both the wellbore storage points and the late
pseudosteadyYstate regime, if given the case.
Step 3. ​Read the intersection point of the wellbore storage line and the radial that: wellbore A​m(p)​storage ​i =

(t​a ​coefficient ̈P(p)’)​i flow
​ ​= ​from ​(t​a line,
​ ̈P(p)’)Equation ​(​t​ai​ ̈P(p)i), ​r note
​ ​and find the ​10 and the
permeability from Equation 15​. Permeability ought to be verified with ​Equation 11.b using the pseudotime
of ​intersection of the early unitYslope and the radial lines.

Step 4. ​Select any convenient pseudotime during ​radial ​value, flow,

​ ​then, determine t​​ a​(p)​r and
​ read the

the pseudoskin corresponding

​ ​factor, ​V¶​, ​A​m(p)​using ​r Equation
​ 16​.
of ​Step 5. ​Read the intersection pseudotime, ​the late pseudosteadyYstate flow regime and ​t​a​(p)​the ​pss​,
horizontal straight line an determine reservoir drainage ​area with ​Equation 19​.
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007
Field example 1
Lee (1982) presented a drawdown test ran in a gas reservoir. The reservoir, gas and well data are given in Table
1. It is required to estimate reservoir permeability, pseudoskin factor, and wellbore storage coefficient using ​the
TDS ​technique for both real time and pseudotime.
Once the pseudopressure and pseudotime were estimated, Figures 2a and 2b were constructed. An average radial
flow line was drawn.The chosen points read from these plots were:
13 ​ 2​ 11 ​ 2​
t​i = ​ 000 psi h/cp (2 482l10​ s KPa/Pa​.​s) ​ ̈P(p)psi​ /cp (2,620*10​i =
​ 0,01 h (36 s) t​a​(p)​i 1 ​ (t​a ​ ̈P(p)’)​ KPa​ i
/Pa= (t​ s)

a​ ̈P(p)’)​r =
​ 5’510,526
Pa​ s)t​a​(p)​r ​247 402,7 psi h/cp (6,141l10​12 ​s KPa/
t​r 2,015
​ h (7254 s) ̈P(p)​r ​54Г119 360 psi​2​/cp (3,520*10​12 ​KPa​2​/Pa​ s)
Figure 2a. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative vs. time for the field example 1
Using Equation 15, 10 and 16, permeability of ​8,519 md, wellbore storage coefficient of 0,012 Mscf/ psi
(0,04928 m​3​/KPa) and pseudoskin factor of Y0,71 were respectively estimated. These same parameters, see
Table 2, were also found for the actual time using ​Equations 20, 21 and 22​. Table 2 displays the results ​of
interpreting the test by means of non-linear regres- ​sion analysis using a commercial software. We are not
satisfied with these results because of poor matching
Table 1. Reservoir, gas and well properties for the worked examples
(1) Determined by non-linear regression analysis from a commercial software (2) From Spivay and Lee (1986)
Paramater Value
pi​ ​, psia 3000 7800 1062 4500 5000 ​k,​ md 8,51​(1) ​0,13​(2) ​- 10 30
S’ ​-1,42​(2) ​3,5​(2) ​- 5 -
C, ​Mscf/psi 0,0247​(3) ​0,1​(2) ​- 2 -
​ R 660 705 570 672 672
T, o
qg​ ,​ M
​ scf/D 1000 415 10000 5000 5000
h, f​ t 10 14,5 40 100 50
ø, % 19 12,5 16 5 5
c​ti​, 1/psi 2,35x10​-3 ​6,45x10​-4 ​0,00103 1,18x10​-4 ​1,32x10​-4 ​μ​i​, cp 0,02024 0,0306 0,013 0,03036 0,026647
Ȗ​g 0,65
​ ​ ​, ​ft 0,365 0,3 0,3 0,3 0,3 ​A, A
0,58 0,9 0,7 ​rw ​ c - - - 14128 -
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​119
for this test is reported in Table 1. Estimate reservoir permeability, pseudoskin factor, and wellbore storage
coefficient using the TDS technique for both real time and pseudotime.
From the pseudopressure and pressure derivative ​plots, Figures 3a and 3b the following data are read:
t​i ​0,162 h (583,2 s) ​ta​​ (p)​i ​81 129,7 psi h/cp (2,014l10​12 ​s KPa/Pa​ s)
̈P(p)psi​2​/cp (5,626*10​i ​= (t​a ​ ̈P(p)’)​12 ​KPa​i 2​​ = /Pa(t​a ​ s)
̈P(p)’)​r 118Г338
​ 700
between the actual pressure trend and the simulated solution.
Pa​ s)t​a​(p)​r ​50Г269 174,4 psi h/cp (1,248l10​15 ​s KPa/
Field example 2

t​r 350,9
​ h (1,26l10​6 ​s)
Spivey and Lee (1986) presented a drawdown test ran in a gas reservoir. The relevant information
Pa​ s)
̈P(p)​r 3​ 670Г356 000 psi​2​/cp (1,745l10​14 ​KPa​2​/
Figure 2b. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime for the field example 1
Table 2. Results of the worked examples
Parameter Field Example 1
k​, md 8,52 8,519 8,51 -0,01
S’ ​-0,1 -0,71 -1,42 85,48
C, ​Mscf/psi 0,02 0,012 0,0247 86,85
Field Example 2
k​, md 0,12 0,12 0,13 0,00
S’ ​8,54 9,17 3,50 6,85
C, ​Mscf/psi 0,01 0,0054 0,10 -84,36
Field Example 3
k​, md 1366 1356 1310 0,73
S’ ​1,33 1,39 7,3 4,31
A, ​Ac 388 329 336 17,93
Simulated Example 1
k​, md 12,481 12,481 10 0,00
S’ ​5,284 5,311 5 0,51
C, ​Mscf/psi 2,180 2,180 2 0,01
Simulated Example 2
A, ​Ac 14670,9 14093,2 14128,4 4,10
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007


required for this test are given in Table 1 along with
the other examples. Estimate reservoir permeability,
pseudoskin factor, and reservoir area with the ​TDS ​technique for both

Using Equation 15, 10 and 16, permeability of ​8,52 md, Figure 4a. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and
pseudopressure derivative vs. time for the field
wellbore storage coefficient of 0,0054 Mscf/ psi
example 3
(0,02218 m​3​/KPa) and pseudoskin factor of Y0,71
were respectively estimated. Same calculations were
performed with using ​Equation 20 through
Equation 22​, as reported in see Table 2. That table
presents not ​only the results from this study but
also those from ​Spivay and Lee (1986) which were
found by typeYcurve matching.

Field example
A drawdown test was run in a unique well of a Colombian
reservoir with pseudopressure and pseudo​- ​pressure
Figure 4b. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and
derivative reported in Figure 4a. Information pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime for the field
concerning well, fluid and reservoir characteristics example 3
Solutio .​
psi​2​/cp (6,506*10​10 ​KPa​2​/Pa​ s) (t​a ​ ̈P(p)’)​r 74 ​
2​ 9​ 2​ .​
750 psi​
The pseudopressure and pressure derivative plots are given in Figures /cp (3,553*10​
4a and 4b for real KPa​
time /Pa​
ands) t​a​(p)​rpi ​=
respectively. The following data are read:
510 000 h (1,266*10​13 ​s KPa/Pa​ s)
Figure 3a. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and
t​r ​1,97 h (7 092 s) A​m(p)​r ​1Г370 865 psi​2​/cp (6,517l10​10 ​KPa​2​/Pa​ s) (​W ̈P(p)’)​r ​74 203 psi​2​/cp (3,572l10​
derivative vs.KPa​
time for/Pa​ ​s)
the .field
example 2

​ h (2 800 s) ​t​a​(p)​r 100

t​rpi 8 ​ 888 psi h/cp
(2,504l10​12 ​sec KPa/Pa​ s) ​ ̈P(p)​r 1Г368
​ 609

CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​121

Figure 3b. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and
pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime for the field
example 2
A permeability of 1366 md, pseudoskin factor of ​
1,33 and reservoir drainage area of 388Ac were de​-
termined using Equation 15, 16 and 19​, respectively. B​ esides these, Table 2 also contains the results
for the same computations performed using Equations 10, 23 and 21, respectively, of Nuñez et al​.
Simulated example 1
A pressure drawdown test in gas reservoir was simulated using a commercial software with the information of
Table 1. Estimate for this system: permeability, pseudoskin factor and wellbore storage coefficient using the
TDS ​technique with both actual time and pseudotime.
Pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative are plotted against both actual time in Figure 5a and
pseu- ​dotime in Figure 5b. The chosen points were: ​122t​i =
​ 0,1 h (360 s)
11 ​ .​
t​a​(p)​i =
​ 25 121 psi h/cp (6,235*10​ s KPa/Pa​ s)

10 ​ .​
̈P(p)psi​2​/cp (9,102l10​i = 2​
​ (t​a ​ ̈P(p)’)​ KPa​ i /Pa=
​ (t​ s)

a​ ̈P(p)’)​r ​1Г914,726
Pa​.​s)t​a​(p)​r ​343Г851 894 psi h/cp (8,535l10​15 ​s KPa/
6​ .​
t​r 1​ 300 h (4,68l10​ s) ​ ̈P(p)​r 58Г922
​ 620 psi​2​/cp (2,801l10​12 ​KPa​2​/Pa​ s)
From Equation 15 ​a permeability of 12,48 md was determined. It was also estimated a pseudoskin factor of
5,31 with ​Equation 16 ​and a wellbore storage coef​- ​ficient of 2,18 Mscf/psi (8,953 m​3​/KPa) with ​Equation 10​.
Practically the same results were obtained using ​Equations 28.b, 18 and 28.c from the reference of Nuñez
et al​. (2003).
Simulated example 2
A pressure drawdown test in a closed circular gas reservoir was also simulated using a commer​- ​cial software
based upon the information of Table 1. Estimate the area of this reservoir using the ​TDS technique and
compare to the reference area given ​in Table 1.
The simulated values of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative against either real time or
pseudotime are presented in Figures 6a and 6b, ​respectively. The intersection point of the radial and ​late
pseudosteady-state lines is found at a pseudotime, Pat​a​(p)​ s) ​pri​and ​, of ​the ​308Г763 is found to be ​Figure
5a Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure
derivative vs. time for the synthetic example 1
737,3 h psi/cp (7,664l10​ s KPa/ corresponding ​1133 hours (4,076l10​real intersection 6​ ​s) from Figure ​time,
18 ​

t​4b. ​pri​,
8​ 2​
The area with the rigorous time using ​Equation 23 ​was of 14 670,9 Ac. (5,938l10​ m​ ). From ​Equation 19 the
estimated area was 14 093 Ac. (5,704l10​8 ​m​2​).
It is observed, from the worked examples, a good agreement between the simulated values of permeabil​- ​ity,
pseudoskin factor and wellbore storage obtained
Figure 5b Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime for the synthetic example 1
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007
using the TDS ​technique when using either regular time or pseudotime. Practically, same values of
permeability, pseudoskin factor and wellbore storage are found no ​matters if either rigorous time or
pseudotime is uti- ​lized. However, as expected and exposed formerly in ​the literature, the estimation of the
reservoir drainage area has a higher deviation resulting from the use of ​real time. The resulting drainage
area using real time has an absolute deviation of 4,1% while the one with pseudotime has a deviation of 3,84%
with respect to the simulated value. Also the deviation of the area when employing pseudotime has a deviation
of 0,25% with respect to the simulated value. From field example 3 was found that the drainage area has an
absolute devia​- ​tion of 17,9% which ir more remarkable. This confirms that the influence of pseudotime is more
relevant for long producing times. Although, the deviation value
of 3,84% may fall into a widely accepted range of the daily measurements normally obtained from well test
analysis, this can introduce significant differences in estimation of reserves.
The non-linear regression analysis simulation ​conducted using a commercial software did not match
perfectly the pseudopressure and pressure derivative curve, therefore, the results may not be as
accurate ​as expected. Consequently, the field cases were not treated in the analysis. Nonetheless, the results of
the permeability reference values agree quite well with ​Figure 6a. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure
derivative vs. time for the synthetic example 2
those from the TDS ​technique.

​ Estimation
​ of the drainage area in gas bearing for- ​
mations is affected when the time is used rigorously.
We found absolute differences between 4,1 and 17,9% which impacts also gas reserves. Therefore, ​to assure
accuracy, care should be taken into account ​when interpreting long drawdown pressure tests. For either
relatively short drawdown tests or highly low ​permeability gas formations, regular time may be ​used for
practical purposes without incurring in a significant error.

​ Additionally,
​ the TDS technique has been extended ​
by incorporating new analytical solutions, which in​-
clude the pseudotime function, for the estimation of ​formation permeability, pseudoskin factor, wellbore
storage coefficient and reservoir drainage area. Field and synthetic examples were carried out to test the
sensitivity of the mentioned parameters when the ​pseudotime function is included, as compared to the
actual time.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the finan​- ​cial support of Ecopetrol S.A. Yinstituto Colom​- biano del
Petroleo (ICP), under the mutual agree- ​ment number 008, signed between this institution ​and Universidad
Surcolombiana (Neiva, Huila, ​Colombia).
CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007 ​123
Figure 6b. Log-log plot of pseudopressure and pseudopressure derivative vs. pseudotime for the synthetic example 2

Agarwal, G. (1979). Real gas pseudoYtime a new function for presssure buildup analysis of MHF gas wells. Paper
presented at the SPE 54​th ​Technical Conference and Ex- hibition of the Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME,
Las Vegas, NV, Sept. 23Y26. SPE 8279.
AlYHussainy, R., Ramey, H.J., & Crawford, P.B. (1966). The flow of real gases through porous media. ​J. Petroleum
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CT&F - Ciencia, Tecnología y Futuro - Vol. 3 Núm. 3 Dic. 2007

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