10imam Santoso

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Iman Santoso, Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna, Sutiono Mahdi

English Linguistics, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung Indonesia

E-mail : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]


The study was focused on writing short stories in teen magazines. Many authors began to produce writings
teens through the teen magazines or through the internet directly. The purpose of this study to find out
appropriate classification pragmatic communicative functions existing in the short stories for teens where
us can to find out more what the short stories using the classification of teenagers, especially in speech
acts expressed what they think in communicating. This finding speech acts in this story expressed
emotions, sadness, happy and expectation to the reaction of his interlocutor speech act. The study was
taken the data from a teen magazine Creative and Smart with different volumes. This study employed
qualitative analysis of the data.

Keywords : Classification pragmatic, Speech acts, Express, Interlocutor

INTRODUCTION can also be compared with a sheet of paper: thought is the

Some of the most fascinating questions about human behavior front and the sound the back; one cannot cut the front without
deal with language. Few things play as central a role in our cutting the back at the same time; likewise in language, one
everyday lives as language. It is our most important tool in can neither divide sound from thought nor thought from
communicating our thoughts and feelings to each other. sound." This implies that the language has certain rules or the
Language (which is culturally determined) influences what we same pattern, but because of the language used by speakers of
think and how we think, language gives us a way of reflecting heterogeneous social backgrounds and different customs , the
on our thinking, talking about our thinking, thereby enabling language was to be diverse , both at the level of phonological ,
us to greater control over our thinking. Hallidays’s (1975) morphological , syntactic and at the level of the lexicon.
view on language and language learning address the
relationship between social meaning and language form. Language functions such as language personal works. That is,
Instead of describing language as a self contained system of the speaker expressed the attitude towards what is presented.
rules, he has attempted to described it in terms of its use as a The speakers not only express emotions through language, but
symbolic system reflecting the meanings generated and shared also show that when conveying emotion. In this case the
within social group. listener is also able to predict whether the speaker is upset,
angry or excited. D. Barton, Literacy (1994) Language is
Language is a system, that is, the language is formed by symbolic system linking what goes on inside our heads with
several components regularly patterned. The concept of what goes on outside. It mediates between self and society. It
language is a tool to convey your thoughts .Language is a tool is a form of representation, a way of representing the world to
to interact or tools to communicate, in the sense of a tool to ourselves and to other. Therefore, in this paper study focuses
convey thoughts , ideas , concepts or feelings. Ferdinand de on speech act pragmatic. One general classification system list
Saussure, Course in General Linguistics, (1916) " Language

five types of general functions performed by speech acts, such language speakers, who lack pragmatic competence, may
as signifying group identity, social stratification, as well as for produce grammatically flawless speech that nonetheless fails
social grooming and entertainment. to achieve its communicative aims.

The observation from Geoffrey Finch in Linguistic Terms and

LITERATURE REVIEW Concepts. (Palgrave Macmillan, 2000) “Pragmatics focus on
Pragmatics competence is regarded as a part of language what is not explicitly stated and how we interpret utterance in
competence or communicative competence. Rasekh (2005) situational context. They are concerned not so much with the
noted that language competence is divided into areas sense of what is said as with its force, that is, with what is
consisting of ‘organizational competence’ and pragmatic communicated by the manner and style of an utterance “.
competence’. Organizational competence comprises
knowledge of linguistics units and the rules of joining them Yule (1996) points out “Actions performed via utterances are
together at the levels of sentence (grammatical competence) generally called speech acts and, in English, are commonly
and discourse (textual competence) Pragmatic competence given more specific labels, such as apology, complaint,
consists of illocutionary competence, that is, ‘Sociolinguistic compliment, invitation, promise, or request”.
competence’ entails the ability to use language appropriately In general, speech acts are acts of communication. To
according to context. It thus includes the ability to select communicate is to express a certain attitude, and the type of
communicative acts and appropriate strategies to implement speech act being performed corresponds to the type of attitude
them depending on the contextual features of the situation. being expressed. For example, a statement expresses a belief,
a request expresses a desire, and an apology expresses a
According to Levinson (1993 :5) Pragmatics, in a traditional regrets. As an act of communication, a speech act succeeds if
sense, comprises “the study of language usage”, to be the audience identifies, in accordance with the speaker’s
distinguished from syntax, which is “ the study of intention, the attitude being expressed. According to Austin’s
combinatorial properties of words and their parts “,and from theory (1962), what we say has three kinds of meaning:
semantics, “ which is the study meaning “. 1. Locutionary meaning ; the literal meaning of what is said
(1) It’s hot in here
Leech redefines pragmatics for the purposes of linguistics as “ 2. illocutionary meaning ; the social function of what is said
the study of meaning in relation to speech situations “, and (2) ‘It’s hot in here’ could be:
he deals with “utterance meaning”, rather than sentence - an indirect request for someone to open the window
meaning. A distinction between semantic and pragmatic - an indirect refusal to close the window because is
meaning is of particular concern. Whereas semantic meaning cold
is defined purely as “a property of expressions in a given - a complaint implying that someone should know
language”(“ What does X mean ? “), he sees pragmatic better than to keep the windows closed (express
meaning “relative to a speaker or user of the language” emphatically)
(“What did you mean by X?”). 3. Perlocutionary meaning ; the effect of what is said
‘It’s hot in here’ could result in someone opening the
Fraser (2010) defined pragmatic competence as the ability to windows.
communicate our intended message with all its nuances in any
According to Trask (2007:267) the definition of speech acts
socio-cultural contex and to interpret the message of
are an attempt at doing something purely by speaking.
ourinterculator as it was intended. Despite its ability for
Moreover, with speech acts we can do many purpose such as
communication success,pragmatic competence is frequently
make a promise, plans, ask a question, order or request
not given the emphasis it deserves in the teaching of a foreign
somebody to do something, give advice and suggestion, make
or second language, with the result that foreign or second
a threat, give commands .

However, to perform a speech act appropriately and correctly assertions, conclusions, and descriptions, as the example of
is not an easy to things to identified, since the application of the speaker representing the world as he or she believes it
actions requires a great deal with conventional procedures and is.
the ways of using words. In addition, there are some specific a. The earth is flat
conditions that should be met in order to perform speech acts b. Amir didn’t send a magazine.
correctly. On any occasion, the action performed by producing c. Oh, yes a warm sunny day
an utterance will consist of three related acts locutions, In an attempt to describe the world in using a
illocutions and perlocutions. representative, the speaker says how something is, or tries
to make “the words match/it the worlds” (or belief) to use
Both Austin and Searle base their theories on the hypothesis Searle expression (1976:3).
that ’Speaking a language is engaging in a rule-governed form
of behavior”(Searle 1969:11), but whereas Chomsky
conceived of language can be regarded as a form of verbal 3. Expressive are those kinds of speech acts that states and
acting. Searle (1975) finds that communicative functions are can be statements of pleasure, pain, likes, joy, or sorrow, as
reducible to five major classes, there are representatives, the example they are about the speaker’s experience.
directives, expressive, commissives, and declaratives ; a. I’m really sorry
b. Congratulations!
1. Declarations are those kinds of speech acts that change the c. Oh, yes, great, good job!
world via their utterance, as the sample in illustrated, the In using an expressive, the speaker makes words fit the
speaker has to have a special institutional role, in a specific world (or feeling). They express how the speaker feels
context, in order to perform a declaration about the situation. Expressive is vary with regard to
appropriately. propositional content. Another kind of statement that can
a. Priest : I now pronounce you husband and be used in expressive are: thanking, apologizing,
wife welcoming, deploring.
b. Referee : You’re out 4. Directive are those kinds of speech acts that speaker use to
c. Jury Foreman : We find the defendant guilty get someone else to do something. They express what the
Declarations required extra linguistic institutions for their speaker wants. In performing directives, the speaker tries
performance. The direction of fit is both “words to to get the hearer to commit him / herself to some future
world” and “world to words”, as the actual expression of course of action (verbal or non verbal). They are
the declaration brings about a change in reality. commands, orders, invites, advice, begs, request,
In outlining the above functions of language, Searle has suggestions, as the example, they can positive or negative.
made it clear that he considers language as fulfilling a a. Give me a cup of coffee. Make it black.
finite and determinate number of functions. In using a b. Could you lend me a pen, please?
declaration, the speakers change the world via words. They c. Don’t touch me.
change the state of the world in an immediate way. A In using a directive, the speaker attempt to makes world
similar view has been adopted by Leech (1983: 104-105) fit/match the words (via the hearer). They try to make the
who, nevertheless, bases his classification of illocutionary addressee perform an action.
functions on different criteria. 5. Commisives are those kinds of speech acts that speaker
2. Representatives are those kinds of speech acts that state use to commit themselves to some future action. They
what the speakers believe to be the case or not. The express what the speaker intend. They are promises, plans,
speaker’s purpose in performing representatives is to vows, threats, offers, refusals, pledges, and as the example,
commit him / herself to the belief that the propositional they can be performed by the speaker alone, or by the
content of the utterance is true. Statement of fact, speaker as a member of group.

a. I’ll be back. RESEARCH QUESTION
b. I’m going to get it right next time. The present study to describe function speech act in short
c. We will not do that. stories, there for seeks to answer the following questions :
In using a commissives, the speaker undertakes to makes 1. What are general function structure sentences in magazine
short stories ?
world fit the words (via the hearer). They commit the
2. What kind of classification speech acts authors in magazine
speaker to doing something in the future.
short stories ?
Another classification of speech acts has been done by various
linguists, who divided the performative utterances into direct METHODOLOGY
and indirect speech acts. Yule (1996) said that a different The subject of this study was short stories in magazine creative
approach to distinguishing types of speech acts can be made and Smart. The data used in the research from the different
on the basis of structure. In other words, it involves the edition Creative and Smart magazines, different volumes and
comparison between structural forms. A fairly simple years .
structure distinction between three general types of speech acts
are provided there are declarative, interrogative, and
The data from classification about communicative functions
imperative and the three general communicative functions
are reducible to five major classes, there are representatives,
there are statement, question, and command or request ;
directives, expressive, commissives, and declaratives;
a. Tomorrow I will go to the store. (declarative) Data I
b. Did you go to the movies yesterday? (interrogatives) Situational Context;
c. Get me some water. (imperative) (short story Crush (ed))
A declarative used to make a statement is a direct speech act, At the bus Ary and Najwa going to campus for the first time
but a declarative used to make a request is an indirect speech they are going together.
Ary :“No, I mean, what is your major?”
Examples ;
a. It’s cold outside (direct Oh, I’ m sorry! I haven’t introduced myself. My
statement) name’s Ary. What’s your’s?
b. I hereby tell you about the weather (direct Najwa :“Hi, I’am Najwa. There are students majoring in
Physics, chemistry,
geography, biology, and pharmacy in my class,
c. I hereby request of you that you close the door
(indirect request/command) English for Academic Purposes”
d. Leave that a cat alone Ary :”No, I’m the one’s who totally confused. But she
(imperativedirect) …. She can’t be …I mean, can she?
e. What did the teacher say to you yesterday ? Najwa :”I’m going to the Faculty of Mathematics and
Science where I teach”
(Interrogative -> indirect speech act)
Ary :”Oh….”
Direct speech acts is whenever there has direct relationship
between a structure and a function. Three basic types of direct Explanations:
speech acts are assertion, question, order/ request. 1. Diction
An Indirect speech act is whenever there has indirect Based on the conversation above, the researcher found
relationship between a structure and a function. the expressive speech acts. Informality of that expressive
is appeared in sentences No, I’m the one’s totally
confused. In the researcher opinion of the study is the
phrase uttered reflects the embarrassment of speakers.

This phrase reflect that Ary doesn’t know that Najwa is Data 3
one of a lecture which where he studied is. Situational Context
(short story Curly Meant Silents)
2. Sentence structure In the classroom Nina and her friend were talking about the
Based on the utterances above the researcher found article of a person characteristic based on the type of hair on
indirect speech acts in the declarative structure in Magazine.
sentences “I’m going to the Faculty of Mathematics Nina :“What is it?”
and Science where I teach” it means Najwa is a teacher. Gloria : I don’t know about that
Nina :What a silly article! Whoever believed in
(Note: Vol. 11 No.86 February – March 2012). nonsensical things like this? “ ou guys don’t
buy this mumbo jumbo, do you?”
Data 2 “Aw come on,” .You’re supposed to be
Situational Context ; intelligent, sensible, and skeptical people.
(short story Xcelco Cafe) Tell me, is there a logical explanation behind
At the bus Ary and Najwa going to campus for the first time all of this?”
they are going together. Gloria :“But it’s fun!”
daughter : “I’m coming home, Mom” Nina : brave. Eh?
Mami : “What’s wrong, darling?” Soraya :“Yes.”, That’s right.”Very true.”
“ You and Miko alright, darling? “And some of the descriptions do match.”
daughter : “We broke up, Mom.” Nina :“Then how come I’m not open-minded like
Mami : “Want to tell me, darling?” Come home, it says here?”
then, darling” Gloria :“I said some,”
daughter : “Positively, Mom. I’ve already booked a ticket …” Nina : “Okay, okay, whatever.”
Soraya :“Wait, Nina,”. “Let’s try this a bit. Here”
Explanations: ”Now think of someone, recall how his or
1. Diction her hair is, and see if it matches.”
Based on the conversation above, the researcher found the Soraya : Aha! She would just think of him, her
expressive speech acts. Informality of that expressive is crush.
appeared in sentences “We broke up, Mom.” In the Nina : Alright, then. Well, he had soft, curly,
researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered brown hair.
reflects the embarrassment of speakers. In this sentence, it Soraya: : Let’s see what the article said about it.
showed that her mom knows if there something happen to Nina : Why, wasn’t he all that?“”
her even she tried to cover up her problem, sadness and
her embarrassment. Explanations:
2. Sentence structure 1. Diction
Based on the utterances above the researcher found 1) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
indirect speech acts in the imperative structure in found the expressive. Informality of that expressive
sentences ” Come home, then, darling” it is a request is appeared in sentences: ” But it fun! In the
from the speakers. researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered
reflects the gratifying of the speaker. This sentence
(Note: Vol. 8 No.64 May – June 2009) included to expressive because the speaker feel the
pleasure after read the article.

2) Based on the conversation above, the researcher Ren :“She’s our Nana, you silly!”
found the directive. Informality of that directive is Nana :“Wikan, are you OK?”
appeared in sentences: “Let’s try this a bit. Here” Wikan :“I’m OK, Nana, don’t worry.”
In the researcher opinion of the study is the phrase Nana :“Certainly, honey. You will be.”
uttered reflects the gratifying of the speaker. This Suddenly, a handshakes get me out of my reverie
sentence included to directive because they advice (Or is it a dream?)
and makes the speaker do the action. Mom :“Wikan. Wikan!”
2. Sentence structure Mom :“Wikan, wake up. Wake up!”
1) Based on the utterances above the researcher found Wikan :“ Mom?”
indirect speech acts in the interrogatives structure Mom :“Wikan, honey, please hurry and get dressed! Your
in sentences “You guys don’t buy this mumbo grandmother’s passed away “
jumbo, do you?” it is a question from the Wikan : (I close my eyes again, saying a silent goodbye to
speakers. my Nana.) “You’ll” be OK, Nana. I’ll be OK.”
2) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
found direct speech acts in the declarative structure
in sentences “What a silly article” In the Explanations:
researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered 1) Diction
reflects the statement of dissent Nina about the 1) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
article. found the directives. Informality of directives is
appeared in sentences “Hey! Don’t just stand
(Note: Vol. 6 No. 43 October – November 2006) there. Come in!” In the researcher opinion of the
study is the phrase uttered reflects the invitation of
Data 4 the speaker.
Situational context ; 2) The researcher also found the comissives that
(short story Grandma From Nowhere) appeared in sentence “I won’t”. In the researcher
At her house Wikan had a dream met with her grandmother opinion of the study is the phrase uttered reflects
that she didn’t recognize from nowhere. the promises of the speaker to come for the
Nana :“Wikan! Come inside, Kiddo!” invitation.
“Hey! Don’t just stand there. Come in!” 2) Sentence structure
Aunty :“Listen, don’t forget to come tomorrow,” 1) Based on the utterances above the researcher found
Wikan :“I won’t.” (Then I hung up the phone). direct speech acts in the declarative structure in
(Reverie) sentences: “You’ll” be OK, Nana. I’ll be OK.” it is
Nana :” My grandchild! Oh, my beloved grandchild!” a statement from the speakers.
Wikan : Who was this old lady? 2) Based on the utterances above the researcher also
Nana :“I’m your Nana. I’m your grandma, child.” found indirect speech acts in the declarative structure
Wikan :My grandmother! Of course I had a grandma, but this in sentences: “Hey I knew my grandmother, all
woman was nothing like the woman I had been right, and this one was certainly not mine! it is a
calling Grandma. Who was she? statement from the speakers.
Hey I knew my grandmother, all right, and this one
was certainly not mine! (Note: Vol. 6 No.45 January – Februari 2007)
Wikan :“Who is she, Ren(cousin)?
Ren :“You mean you really don’t know her?”
Wikan : ”No.” (I shook my head)

Data 5 Prisoner 2 : “This isn’t quite fair. I need a drink, and
Situational Context ; haven’t had a smoke all day. Haven’t you
(short story Heart and Hands) talked long enough? Take me to the
In the train the unexpected moment the young woman meet smoking couch now, won’t you? I’m half
two prisoners who asking for a help to speak with the marshal dead for a pipe.”
for not make their days harder in Leavenworth prison. Marshal :Good bye, Miss Fairchild. Duty calls, you
Woman :“Well, Mr. Easton, if you will make me know.”
speak first, I suppose I must. Don’t you ever Woman :“It’s too bad you are not going East. “But
recognize old friends when you meet them in you must go on to Leavenworth, I suppose?”
the West?” Easton :“Yes,”. I must go on to Leavenworth.”
Frank (prisoner I) :“Why, it’s Miss Fairchild,“ Prisoner 1 : “That marshal’s a nice man. Some of these
“Excuse me for speaking, miss, but I see Western fellows are all right.”
you’re acquainted with the marshal here. Prisoner 2 :“Pretty young to be a marshal, isn’t he?”
Could you please ask him to put in a good Prisoner 1 :“Young!”. “Why – Oh! Didn’t you get it?”
word for me when we get to prison? It’ll Say – did you ever know an officer to
make things easier for me there. You see, handcuff a prisoner to his right hand?”
he’s taking me to Leavenworth prison. I got
seven years for counterfeiting.” Explanations:
A Woman :“Oh!.” So that is what you are doing out 1. Diction
here? 1) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
Easton (Marshal) :“My dear Miss Fairchild, “I had to do found the Directives. Informality of that is directives
something. Money has a way of vanishing appeared in sentences “Could you please ask him to
into thin air, and you know it takes money to put in a good word for me” In the researcher
keep up with our crowd in Washington. I opinion of the study is the phrase uttered reflects the
saw this opening in the West, and –well, a request from the prisoner.
marshal ship isn’t quite as high a position as 2) Based on the conversation above, the researcher also
that of an ambassador, but.., found the Expressive. Informality of that is
Woman :Ambassador, but“ never calls me anymore. expressive appeared in sentences “This isn’t quite
You ought to know that. And so now you are fair” In the researcher opinion of the study is the
one of these dashing Western heroes, and phrase uttered reflects the complaint from the
you ride and shoot and get into all kinds of speaker.
dangers. That’s different from the 3) Based on the conversation above, the researcher also
Washington life. We’ve missed you, you found the directives. Informality of that is directives
know.” appeared in sentences “Take me to the smoking
Easton (Marshal) :“Don’t you worry about them, miss,” All couch now, won’t you?” In the researcher opinion of
marshals handcuff themselves to their the study is the phrase uttered reflects the request
prisoners to keep them from getting away. from the prisoner or the speaker.
The girl :“ Will see you again soon in Washington?” . 2. Sentence structure
Easton :“Not soon, I think. “My butterfly days are 1) Based on the utterances above the researcher found
over, I fear.” direct speech acts in the declaratives structure in
A girl :“I love the West, sentences: “My butterfly days are over“ and in
Marshal :“Say, sentence “ I love the West” it is a statement from the

2) Based on the utterances above the researcher found Flo :“Right. “I have been looking for you all
indirect speech acts in the interrogatives structure in morning to give you this.
sentences: “Haven’t you talked long enough? “ it is ”You said you gave it to your cousin’s I
a request from the speaker. asked my Dad to buy the exact same cologne
for you. Go on, try it.”
(Note: Vol. 8 No.62 February – March 2009).
Data 6
1. Diction
Situational Contexts;
1) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
(short story The Gift)
found the expressive. Informality of that is expressive
At the school Bobby and Ruben were talking about the
appeared in sentences “It smelled awful “ In the
unexpected a gift from Flo
researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered
Ruben :“Flo has been looking for you since this
reflects the unpleasant and complaint of speakers.
morning. I think she likes you a lot.”
2) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
Bobby :For my birthday last week, she gave
found the directive. Informality of that is directive
cologne. She said her father has brought it abroad.”
appeared in sentences “Go on, try it.” In the
Ruben :“So?”
researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered
Bobby :“So, she said I should use it to school so she
reflects the suggestion from the speakers.
would know that I appreciated her gift.”
3) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
Ruben :“So?”
found the directive. Informality of that is directive
Bobby :“It smelled awful. I didn’t like it. It made
appeared in sentences “why don’t you just tell her
me sick and dizzy.”
the truth that you’re really not interested in her?”
Ruben :“Just tell her the truth. You know the
In the researcher opinion of the study is the phrase
proverb “ Honesty is the best policy. ”Just
uttered reflects the suggestion from the speakers.
tell her: Thank you for the cologne but I
didn’t like the smell of the cologne so he 2. Sentence structure
gave it to him.” Based on the utterances above the researcher found direct
“What did Flo say?” speech acts in the declaratives structure in sentences:
Bobby :“She said I was the sweeties boy in the “Honesty is the best policy” it is a statement from the
whole world. “ I scratched my head. speaker.
Ruben :“See, she likes you even more. Why don’t
you just tell her the truth that you’re (Note: Vol. 12 No.92 Desember 2012 –Januari 2013).
really not interested in her?”
Bobby :“What if she starts crying? Data 7
Ruben :Ah, I don’t need to worry about that Situational Context ;
anymore. I’ve given the cologne to my (short story Your Guardian Angel)
cousin, right? That should give her a hint!” I At the music store, Rifa and Ryan were met for the first time
smiled. to buy the same CD of their favorite song “Your Guardian
Flo :“There you are, Bobby. I’ve been looking Angel” by THE RED JUMPSUIT APPARATUS.
all over for you. Ryan :“Want this, too?”
Bobby :“Hi, Flo, The shopkeeper :“Too bad! this is the only one left in the
Ruben : smiled. “Here he is. You’ve been looking store.
for him since morning, right?” Ryan :Here, you can have it.”

Rifa :“ N-no, it’s OK. You got it first, didn’t couldn’t be with you all the time because I
you?” was taking guitar lessons, so I would be able
Ryan :“Hey, I’m serious! You can have it. “You’re to play for you. “And I was not seeing
the first girl I met who’s into scream songs!” anyone else! Geez, girl! I had to take a part –
I just stood there. time job to pay for the lessons. That’s why I
Two days later, she was sitting on the bench in the campus sometimes had to leave you in a hurry. I’m
park, listening to music through an ear bud sorry I hadn’t called all this time.”
Ryan :“Hey! You’re that screamo girl!” Rifa :“it’s my fault, too. I didn’t want to hear
Rifa :“Oh, h-hello, ” your excuses. I’m sorry.” He gave me his cute grin.
Ryan : “ We have to stop meeting like this.” Ryan :“Hey, I’m not gonna leave you, ever. I’m
“I’m Ryan Classfield. You? “ Rifa Your Guardian Angel, remember?”
Snowheart, at your service.” Rifa :“Yeah, you are My Guardian Angel. Happy
Rifa :“ Is the quitarist awesome or what? “Tell first anniversary,
me about it! Ryan!”
Ryan :I wish I could play like him.
Rifa :Time flies, doesn’t it?” Explanations:
“Ryan, are you OK! You’ve been so quiet
today. 1. Diction
Ryan :“I’m fine. No need to worry,”OK?” 1) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
“ Rifa, I’ve got to go now,” found the expressive. Informality of that is expressive
Rifa : “Yeah, sure. See you when I see you appeared in sentences “it’s my fault” In the
Rifa :“ Ryan, you’re … you’re not seeing anyone researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered
else, are you?” reflects the sadness feeling of speakers.
Ryan :“Why are you asking me that?” 2) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
”Rifa, what in the world gives you that found the comissive. Informality of that comissive is
idea?” appeared in sentences “Hey, I’m not gonna leave
Rifa :“Well, we haven’t seen each other a lot you” In the researcher opinion of the study is the
lately. I mean ….” phrase uttered reflects the promises of speakers.
Ryan :“I told you I’m working on something 3) Based on the conversation above, the researcher
important. And you said you were OK with found the directive. Informality of that directive is
that. Rifa, look at me!” appeared in sentences “Oh! Cut it out!”In the
Rifa : I looked away, avoiding eye contact with researcher opinion of the study is the phrase uttered
him. the commands of speakers.
Ryan :Rifa! Come on! What’s with you?” 2. Sentence structure
1) Based on the utterances above the researcher found
Rifa :“Maybe we’re not meant to be together!” indirect speech acts in the interrogatives structure in
Ryan :“Wait! What do you mean? I told you I’m sentences: “I’m Your Guardian Angel, remember”
not seeing anyone else! it’s” it is a question from the speaker.
Rifa : Oh! Cut it out!” 2) Based on the utterances above the researcher also
Ryan :“Rifa, please stop crying!” found direct speech acts in the imperative structure in
Rifa :“I thought you’d left me …” sentences: “Rifa, please stop crying!” and :Rifa,
Ryan :“I’m sorry Rifa. I just wanted to give you a look at me” it is a command/ request from the
surprise. I didn’t mean to make you sad. ”I speaker.

(Note: Vol. 12 No.93 February – March 2013)

Table I Distribution of speech Acts in Creative and Smart Magazine

No Title / Data Types of Speech act General Fuction classification

Rep Dir Exp com Dec
1 Data 1 / Crushed Expressive Embarrassment 1
2 Data 2/ Xcelco Cafe Expressive Embarrassment 1
3 Data 3 / Curly Meant Expressive Pleasure 1
Directive Advice 1
4 Data 4/Grandma From Directive Invitation 1
Commissive Promises 1
5 Data 5 / Heart and Hands Directives Request 1
Expressive Complaint 1
Directives Request 1
6 Data 6/ The Gift Expressive Complaint 1
Directives Suggestion 1
Directives Suggestion 1
7 Data 7/ Your Guardian Expressive Sadness 1
Commissive Promises 1
Directives Commands 1
7 7 2

Based on the data above, it was found that authors commonly Thanks to Mrs. Ani Lailawardhany at the Library the Faculty
used classification system directive, expressive, commisives of Psychology UNJANI
from general function performed by speech acts and then Thanks to LBPP LIA Bandung
general function from sentences used with embarrassment,
pleasure, promises, request, complaint, and suggestion. References
1. Rasekh, Z. Eslami. 2005. Raising the Pragmatic
CONLUSION Awareness of Language Learners. ELT Journal
Based on the data above, classification system list five types of Volume 59/3
general function performed by speech acts declarations, 2. Fraser, Bruce. (2010). Pragmatics Competence: The
representatives, expressive, directives , commissives more Case of Hedging: Emerald Group Publishing Limited
likely to use ; directive, expressive, commissives when they 3. George Yule, (1998). Pragmatics. Oxford
are making short stories. They were usually being delivered at Introduction to Language Study
the formal situation with long sentences structures in speech 4. Anna Trosborg, (1995). Interlanguage Pragmatics
acts. Requests, Complaints and Apologies. Berlin New
York : Mouton de Gruyter
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT 5. David W.Carroll, (2008). Psychology of Language,
The research is supervised by Dr.Eva Tuckytasari.,M.Hum and Fifth Edition . USA :
Dr. Sutiono Mahdi.,M.Hum

6. Searle, J.R. (1969). Speech acts : An essay in Appendix data 2, title Xcelco Café , Vol. 8. No.64 May –
philosophy of Language. Cambridge, U.K : June 2009
Cambridge University Press Appendix data 3, title Curly Meant Silent , Vol. 6. No.43
7. Searle, J.R. (1975). Inderect speech acts. In P.Cole & October – November 2006
J.L. Morgan (Eds.), Syntax and semantics: Vol. 3. Appendix data 4, title Grandma from Nowhere , Vol. 6.
Speech Acts (pp. 59-82). New York: Seminar No.45 January - February 2007
8. Dasep Supriadi, (2013). Teacher’s Awareness in Appendix data 5, title Heart and Hands , Vol. 8. No.62
Developing Pragmatic Competence of EFL Learners. February – March 2009
Eltin Journal Volume 1/1, October 2013 Appendix data 6, title The Gift , Vol. 12 No.92 December –
January 2013
Appendix Appendix data 7, title Your Guardian Angel , Vol. 12 No.93
Appendix data 1, title Crushed , Vol. 11 .No. 86. February – February – March 2013
March 2012


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