Compliance Statement For SLCC (Aacm)
Compliance Statement For SLCC (Aacm)
Compliance Statement For SLCC (Aacm)
15.19.7 - Material to
be submitted with Each Contractor shall be submit with his offer numbers of each type of Comply
offer cut out required for and fully assembled. The Materials are to be
accompanied manufacturer's operating instructions.
15.20.1 GENERAL
This section contains a description and the specificationsfor the lighting control panelsas indicatedon the drawings,described in the BOQ and as Comply
specified herein: The Cabinet shall contain all the electrical components necessary for Comply
automatic lighting of luminairesin night hoursor poor light conditions
The cabinet shall be numbered with non fading material due to high Comply intensity UV radiation, as directed by water and electricity authority
All ratings specified for Busbars, Circuit breakers and other components Comply for 50 Deg Celcius shall be with continuos currents at an enclosure temp of 60deg C
All lighting control cabinet components including technical details,
Noted & Comply, However photocell is not
Incoming/Outgoing breakers, Busbars, photocell, contactor etc shall be
applicable as per AACM requirement approved by AACM
Control cabinets shall be manufactured from Hot moulded, glass fibre
reinforced, self extinguishing polyester and UV stabilized for outdoor
Comply , IP-55
applications. They shall be free standing and be protected by IP65 according to IEC 529
Noted, However RCC not in our scope of
The cabinets shall be mounted on reinforced steel concrete baseswith
supply provision for cable entry through the bottom of the panel. The overall dimensions should be 150X120X30 cm Comply
The external side of the cabinet shall be protected from weather agents
by adequate gel coat later containing the coloyr pigment(light grey).The
wall thickness shall not be less than 4.5mm on the side and more than
6.0mm on the load bearing points. All metallic parts used in the cabinet,
Comply, However RCC not in our scope of
including but not limited to bolts, nuts, lateches and glanding plated
shall be totally non corrosive in the environmental conditions prevailing
in Al AIn. The cabinets shall be installed directly on levelled concrete
foundation with anchor bolts, extra wide flat washers, spring washer
and galvanized/stainless steel nuts. The unit shall be installed on top of
levelled concrete foundation. The cabinet shall be facing the adjacent roadways and parking areas and shall be parallel to the kerb lines.
The top level of the concrete should be 20cm above the kerbed stone or
Noted, However RCC not in our scope of
as instructed by the client/engineer.
Double doors shall be provided which can be securely locked.Access
Comply shall be from the front only.
The armouring of the cables shall be bonded by brass lugsand solidly Comply earthed. The aromouring shall be earthed at both ends of the cable.
The cabinets shall be certified to 35kA for 1.0 sec and a short circuit test 46kA for 0.5 Sec as per type test design cert. shall be submitted along with the shop drawings.
The cabinet should have 4 louvers for diagonal ventilation Prevention of
the ingress of dust through louvers shall be provided to maintain the
degree of protection of IP55 of IEC 529. The colour of the enclosure shall be beige (RAL 7032).
A pre fabricated sloped canopy of suitable dimensions shall be provided
Comply to protect the cabinet from water and direct sunlight.
An air gap of 1.5cm shall be provided between the canopy and the
Comply cabinet for air ventilation.
The cabinet doors shall be pad lockable. The padlock and master key
shall be supplied. In addition to the padlocks two separate latches shall
also be provided with the doors, Ome lockable with the key and another Comply
internally lockable sliding bolts. The stainless steel grade AISI 316 or gun
metal and the key entry shall be dust light. The enclosure shall have toughened glass window for photocell
A Metal pocket for the schematic diagram and the as built diagram shall
be provided in the enclosure door. The diagram shall not be stuck to the Comply door.
The doors shall be designed in a way that opening of 120 degree can be
attainedto allow maximum access for cabling and maintainance. An
anodized aluminum long life label, 15 years non fading material,
preferable dual colour bearing AACM In both Arabic and English, and
SLCC shall be attached to the door in a proper location and firmly
attached with rivets as shown in the drawings.The circuit numbers shall
be fixed with the rivets or other acceptable manner. The sticked one
with glue is not acceptable.All hinges shall be gun metal or stainless steel and three hinges shall be provided for each door.
The enclosure shall be provided with switch operated internal
illumination lamp circuit complete with 26watt self controlled gear,
compact fluoroscent lamp suitably protected from accidental damage and located on the top side of the panel.
All devices and equipments shall be accessible from the front of the Comply panel. All hinges or locks are to be easily removable or replaceable.
The panel shall be provided with a removable 3 pieces of gland plate at Comply the bottom to fix compression type brass glands along with earth tags.
Cable gland entry holes are to be factory punched and knockout type or
sealed with appropriate rubber cover. The number of cable entry holes shall not be less than seven and shall be according to the cable size.
Comply Two lugs shall be fixed on the Top/sides of the cabinet easy handling ASTA certificate should be available. Comply
There shall be one MCCB for the incoming feederto each control panel.
The MCCB shall be rated at 160Ampsfor three phases, 400V AC, 50 HZ
to IEC 157-1. The MCCB shall be adjustable between 0.6 and 1 times of rated current.
Only MCCB is considered in the incomer
feeder, since outgoing feeders are The MCCB should be fitted with ELR of 30-300mA rating. considered with RCCB
The control cabinet shall have a set of bus bars, 40X5 mm of hard
Comply as noted. RYBN Busbar size shall be
drawn, high conductivity tinned copper and rigidly supported.The phase
of 30X10mm, earth busbar size shall be of
and neutral bars to have a rating of 400A, 35kA for 1 Sec at an enclosure
40X05mm and branch circuit busbar shall be
temp of 60 deg C The bars are to be positioned to give maximum
of 15X06mm
accessand covered with PVC covering for identification and protection
against accidental contact. The size of the droppers shall be cross
sectional area 15 as 15X5 All droppers for branch circuits shall be of bus bar type of rating not less than 100A.
A tin plated copper earth bar , shall be providedat the bottom and
securedwith stainless steel boltsof grade AISI 316so as to give electrical
connection. In addition a 12mm terminal shall be providedon the Earth busbar size shall be of 40X05mm
cabinet body and connected to the earth bar. Provision shall be made in
the enclosure to terminate the earth bus bar with the earth electrode outside.
Comply, However cable glands are not in our All cable glands should be connected to the earth bar. scope of supply
A 100A, 400V contactor shall be provided to control each of the four,six Contactor rating shall be 40A (AC-1) as per or eight outgoing circuits. SLD
The remote control shall be of single actuated, electrically operated,
suitable to carry not less than the rated current of the main circuit Comply for 50 Deg C ambient Temp
breakerat 60 deg C ambient and shall be obtained without the use of the latchesor semi-permanent magnents.
All secondary internal wiring within the control cabinet shall be with
heat resisting, 1000V hard grade PVC/XLPE insulated copper cables ,
colour coded or sleeved for easy phase identification suitable for circuit
wiring , arranged neatly and firmly attached. All the wiring leads shall be Comply
so arranged to allow current reading with a clip on ammeter on each
phase of main incoming and all outgoing circuits.All wiring shall be
housed in wiring trunking forming an integral part of the enclosure whenever possible.
All wire terminals into connectors shall have wire ends or straight lugs.
All the wires selected should have the amperage rating 60 deg ambient and sufficient allowance for enclosure de-rating. The Suppliers attention is drawn to the fact that:
All cables shall have brass compression type cable gland complying to
Cable Glands are not in our scope of supply
BS 6121 with earth tags and lock buds for XLPE/SWA/PVC cables for 4 core. All cable glands to be supplied with matching cable sleeves.
Cable glands shall be weatherproof, with inner and outer seals suitable
for steel wire armoured cables . The contractor shall drill for the Cable Glands are not in our scope of supply installation of the glands where necessary.
Glands shall be fitted with PVC shrouds filled with waterproof plastic
Cable Glands are not in our scope of supply compound and made fast to the cable with PVC tape.
The photo electric control switch or cell for the cabinet shall operate
from a supply voltage of 230V and rated for a load of 1000 watts. They
shall be adjustable for turning on and turning off within a range of 2 to
2000 lux. It shall be suitable for operation within 0 to 60 deg C temp
range. It shall have a fail safe feature so that the lighting remains
energized in the event of component failure. The photo electric switch The switching of the lighting shall be
shall be housed and mounted inside the control cabinet. An on-off auto through timer, However photocell is not
switch of 5 amp rating shall be providedand properly labelled for applicable as per AACM requirement
controlling and by passing the photo electric cell. A resistor type surge
protection shall be provided in parallel to the photo electric switch.
Photocell to be fitted inside the cabinet in the front, right hand side of
the panelbehind a fatory made transparent ultra violet resistant
window of typical size 10cmX 10 cm. The photoelectric cell shall be fully
electronically operated type complying with BS 5792 and shall operate
A. at the present levels.
Detailed scale drawingfor the fixed components in the panel includig Comply
C. important maintenance and operating instructions of manufacturer.
General description of the material, manufacturing, fabrication, coating
D. and treatment of control cabinets.
E. Door Hinges, locks and flap drawings Comply
F. Internal cabinet ventilations (circualtion and air flow design) Comply
G. Detailed general arrangement drawing. Comply
H. Single line diagram Comply
I. Chart slowing yearly on/Off times. Comply
All components catalogues, manufacturers raring, cable galnds,
Comply, However cable glands are not in our
calculations and detailed drawings are to be attached with the control
scope of supply cabinets material submittal, for the engineer's approval
However, The approval of the engineer shall not absolve the
contractorof the contractual obligationsas to the performace Noted complaince to the specification requirements.
15.20.12 TESTING
the cabinets and and the internal main circuitryshall be manufactured
and tested in accordance to the testing specifications of BS EN 60439- Comply 1:1999and IEC 60439-1:1999
The contractor shall submit ASTA or KEMA certificates for routine and
Comply, refer enclosed type test certificate
type test from independent approved laboratories to show the
for proposed SLCC compliance of his prodcut.