11.embedded Systems+GS

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M.Gowthami D.Sireesha
E-mail: [email protected]
E-mail:[email protected]

Imagine you control all the systems around just by a simple gesture and the things
respond to you as if it was some magic. This could be possible with embedded system. An
embedded system can be consisting of processors, associated peripherals, and software used for
specific purpose. All manufacturing organizations, and sectors like telecommunications, banking,
health care, avionics, automobile, food processing and also semiconductor industry etc. ±uses
embedded system for automation. In fact the 90 percent of the microprocessors manufactured end
up in embedded system.
The recent breathtaking development in microelectronics, processor speeds are increasing
tremendously and memory costs are dropping rapidly. These development leads to a growing
demand for embedded software development professionals. However, unlike in the olden days,
when embedded system development was considered like ³rocket science,´ which is become
easier today.
Embedded System is combination of hardware and software that forms the component of
larger system. Hardware is normally unique to given application. Computer chips are embedded
into control electronics to manage the product¶s functionality. The embedded system can be
categories into four categories viz.; stand alone system, real-time system, network appliance
system and mobile devices.
The new development tools available today make the task easy. Also the production cost is
decreasing with increase in complexity. All these developments are leading to an era of invisible
computing, or hidden computing where in computer does a job without a ubiquitous and physical
presence. Thus embedded devices are becoming smaller, smarter and more integrated. So
needless to say, embedded software development is a very lucrative business these days.
Π Embedded systems,S/W,H/W,microprocesser

With advent of industrial automation, embedded systems have been around since the
1960s. An embedded system is a computing system hidden inside a product other than a
computer. Hardware is designed Specific to the application. (Not a general purpose).Software is
developed as per the requirement and specific to the hardware.
All embedded systems use either a microprocessor or microcontroller. Some of the
systems perform only some simple functions. Think about an automated vending machine that
dispenses cool drinks. It has to collect the money from customer based on the product selected,
dispense the product and balance money if any. Take another case of an embedded system that
controls printer .This system has to execute more complex functions like checking for paper
availability, printer ink, open door, paper jam, communication with host computer, data integrity
etc are few of them.
The software for the embedded system is called firmware. The firmware will be written
in assembly language for time or resource critical operations or using higher-level languages like
C or embedded C. The software will be simulated using microcode simulators for the target
processor. Since they are supposed to perform only specific tasks, these programs are stored in
Read Only Memories (ROM¶s).
We can observe the application of embedded systems in many areas. Aircraft, Air conditioning
systems, Alarm systems (Fire security process), Automatic vending and teller machines, Traffic
control systems, Automobiles, home appliances, toys, musical instruments, satellites, biomedical
equipments, telecommunication equipment, lifts, answering machines, palmtops, pocket PC¶s
Digital organizers, Personal Digital Assistants (PDA¶s), computer peripheral like printer,
camcorder, digital camera etc are few of them.
Embedded systems are also known as real time systems since they respond to an input or event
and produce the result within a guaranteed time period.

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This categorization is based on whether the system has to work as an independent system or it has
to be networked.
As the name suggests, in a stand-alone mode work is taking input and producing
output, which may be any thing. Also the deadlines to carry out a specific task may not be strict;
a few milliseconds variation not matter much. For example, an air conditioning unit can be set to
turn on when the temperature is out of specified limit.

Some embedded systems are required to carry out specific tasks in a specified time
period. Such systems are called as Real time system. Systems in which real-time constraints are
to be strictly met are called d     

 Systems in which real-time
constraints are not so critical are called as

For example, opening a valve for say 30 milliseconds when humidity crosses the limit
Some embedded systems are connected to a network --typically, one based on a
TCP/IP protocol suit, such as the Internet or companies Intranet. Even the Web server running
HTTP can be embedded into the system. A typical example is to monitor some parameter in the
system and sending information on internet for on-line monitoring. A camera for this can be
incorporated here
With advent of wireless networks that support high speed, mobile devices are capable
of supporting high data rates services in addition to the voice services. Accessing Internet
services such as e-mail, the World Wide Web, and so on can be done while the person is on
move. So for downloading this all information, a power full processor is needed with high speed
which can be an embedded processor.

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  system may need to handle a lot of data in a short period of time.
à  ± system may need to react to events quickly. Mostly for the real-time
embedded system time constrains are strictly met.

 ± setting of equipment to test the embedded software can be difficult.
 ± without a screen or a keyboard, finding out what the software is
doing wrong (other than not working) is a troublesome problem. A host system has
the development tools are used for the development and initial testing [4].
 ± embedded systems must be able to handle any situation without human
intervention. Also system has to work without rebooting or resetting and so the
hardware and software must be reliable.
à   ± memory is limited on embedded systems, you must make the
software and the data fit into whatever memory exists as they don¶t have secondary
memory mostly. The capacity depends upon the cost and its application.
à å   ± you will need special tools to get your software into
embedded systems (programming kit or HDL).
à å  ± portable systems must run on battery power, and the software
in these systems must conserve power. So the hardware design for the processor is
simplified and is reduced.
à å  ± computing that requires large amount of CPU time can complicate
the response problem.
à  ± reducing the cost of the hardware is a concern in many embedded system
projects; software often operates on hardware that is barely adequate for the job. As
the embedded system is mostly for the dedicated application so for the mass
production cost reduces.
These requirement issues are met in today¶s era of Electronics.

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The figure shows the common architecture of embedded system:

External Processor Address External

Reset Crystal Latch for Tri-state
Circuitry External Buffer
Application Chip Select Control
LCD display LED Commun
ADC/DAC Indicators ication



The components are explained bellow:

The processor used in the embedded system can of three types:
 Digital signal processor
Each of these processors is specified by clock speed and data word-length. The higher the clock
speed and bigger the word-length the better the processor.
The choice of the processor depends upon the application in use.

The memory used in an embedded processor can be either internal or external. The
internal memory is very limited. For the small application if this memory is sufficient then no
need to use external memory. Internal memory is faster than the external, also the cost of memory
increases with capacity and speed. Reprogrammable memories are now available.
Processor-based system need to drive external devices such as LED displays, relays, etc.
the processor does not interact directly with these devices. Flip-flop logic chips are used to drive
external devices. These chips hold the processor output data to be sent to the external devices.
This is used for the control of the sensors and the relays etc. used to interface embedded
system to other system under test.
Some embedded system-for instance, those in an unnamed spacecraft or the process
control system we do not need displays. But in system where the user interaction is important,
LCD or other displays are used.
Every embedded systems offer different capabilities for providing user input. For
example, for PDA¶s key pads are used for entering data and sensors in industries (machine).
In order for the embedded system to interact with the external devices, they need
communication interface. Mostly it is serial. But in case of mobile embedded system it may be
serial or parallel.

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In developing the embedded systems, steps are
à Determine the requirements of the embedded system.
à Design the system architecture.
à Select the operating system.
à Choose the processor & associated peripherals.
à Choose the development platform.
à Code the application & optimize the code; follow optimization guidelines.
à ±erify the software on the host system.
à ±erify the software on the target system.

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à PCB making.
à . Emulators.
à iii. Logic analyzers.

à Embedded software development is typically done on a host machine, different from a
target machine on which the software will eventually be shipped to customers.
à A tool for developing embedded software typically contains a cross-compiler, a cross-
assembler, a linker/locator, and a method for loading the software into the target
à The cross-compiler understands the same C languages a native compiler (with a few
exemptions), but its output uses the instruction set of the target microprocessor.
à A cross-assembler understands an assembly language that is specific to your target
microprocessor and outputs instructions for that microprocessor.
à A linker/locator combines separately complied and assembled modules into an
executable image. In addition, it places code, data, startup code, constant strings, and
so on at suitable addresses in ROM and RAM.
à Linker/locator use segments to decide where to put different parts of the code and
à Linker/locators produce output in a variety of formats; it is up to you to ensure that
your linker/locator¶s output is compatible with the tools you use for loading software
into your target.
à You must find a way to load your software into the target system for testing. The most
common ways include PROM programmers, ROM emulators, in-circuit emulators,
flash memory, and monitors.

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Consider application of embedded system in I±RS.

Filter ADC S to P

Filter DAC P to S

Microphone O O

Interface Control

Speaker Interface

Decoder PC


Because of extensive automation tremendous amounts of information are available on computer. Being
able to access this information not just through computers but through telephones as will be a great
boon. Interactive ±oice Response Systems facilitates this. For instance, in many countries, you can use
any telephone to retrieve your bank account balance from the I±R system installed in your bank. An
I±R system is an embedded system connected to the computer holding the bank data base.
Using I±R, the bank can eliminate the expense of additional employees¶ doing the mundane work of
checking the database and informing the account holders.
The PSTN interface receives the telephone calls and answers them. Filters limit the audio
signal to the desired frequency band (up to 4 kHz). The ADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter) converts the
input signal to digital format to send it for further processing. The DAC (Digital- to-Analog Converter)
takes the speech files stores in the I±R system and convert them into analog signal for transmission over
the telephone line. The ADC outputs the digitized voice data in serial format, which is converted into
parallel format using the S-to-P (Serial-to-parallel) converter. Similarly, the data in parallel format from
I±R system is converted to serial format using P-to-S (Parallel-to-Serial) converter. FIFO is buffers that
temporally hold the speech data. The digits entered by the subscriber (such as the account number) are in
the form of DTMF (Duel Tone Multi Frequency) signals. An IC such as MT 8880 is used to decode the
digits from the DTMF signals. Using this technology coupled with speech recognition and speech
synthesis, you can now develop applications to browse the Web through voice commands.

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The advantages of Embedded are

à The overall cost of system is reduced.
à Even if hardware is not re-usable the   advantage is clear and important
à Consider the rapid evolution of domestic electronics, ±CR¶s, televisions and
microwave cookers need control panels/timers. These can be designed and taken to
production quicker using the highly-integrated functionality of microcontrollers to
form the heart of the system [1].
à Other systems (machine tools, telephone switchgear...) can have software upgrades
but utilise existing embedded hardware
à Any systems which would have required expensive hardware upgrades in the past
now need only software changes this can sometimes be done remotely, using
communication links [3].
à Mechanical systems can be more effectively controlled by microprocessor
a. Sensor derived data can lead to more effective control, thus reducing mechanical
b. diagnostics are available
à Development time is reduced because of use of software on host system.
à More complex system can be developed in a simple way.

The pitfalls or problems withdevelopment in embedded system is that hardware fabricated no
chip can never be changed. Also embedded software programmers need to be aware of diversity of
application areas and specific requirement for each.

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Such as toys, air conditioners, refrigerators, microwave oven, CD player, mp3 players, T± sets, web
enable T± sets are embedded system with varying processing power and memory requirements.
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It includes fuel injection control, traction control, and climate control.
Hospitals are full of embedded systems, including X- ray control unit, ECG and EEE units,
equipment use for diagnostic testing such as Endoscopies.
Now with, low-cost 32-bit processors, the computing power on the handheld have increased
The modems that connect two computers- yours with one own by your ISP-is an embedded system.
With network, a web camera with embedded web server can be to the Internet to access web pages from
desktop browser.
Telecommunication infrastructure include networking component such as telephones switches, loop
carriers, ISDN network terminations, ATM switches etc.
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These include mobile phones, PDA, Bluetooth devices such as fax machines, modems cellular phones,
speakers etc [1].

The world of embedded system is dreamer¶s paradise with unlimited possibilities. Embedded
system is rapidly becoming a catalyst for change in computing, data communication,
telecommunications, industrial control etc. New innovative application in these areas will roll out in
near future.
The global market size for embedded software development alone was $7 billion in 2001, which is
expected to reach $31 billion by 2005. As per Nasscom-McKinsey survey, Indian R& D in embedded
system was worth $1.1 billion in 2001, which would grow to $8 billion by 2008.

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[1] Dr. K. ±.K.K. Prasad, ±ikas Gupta, Avinash Dass, Ankur ±erma: ³Programming For Embedded
System´ (Cracking The Code), Wiley- dreamtech India Pvt. (2003) Pg. 1-74.
[2] David Simon: ³Primer Embedded system´ (2003), Pg. 1-25
[3] B Ramakrishna Rau, Michael S. Schlansker: ³Embedded Computer Architecture and Automation´,
computer-April-2001, Pg. 71-86
[4] Nilesh Kakde: ³Possibilities Unlimited With Embedded System´, Electronics For You, November-
2003, 94-101
[5] ±ahid and Givargis: ³Embedded System Design´ (2002), Wiley Pvt. Pg. 45-56
[6]³Embedded System and RTOS´,
[7] ³ Introduction To Embedded System´, www.embedded.com
[8] ³Chip directory´, www.embeddelinks.com/chipdir
[9] ³System On Chip´, www.wipro.com/connect/webcast.htm

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