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Stream Cipher Design

An evaluation of the eSTREAM candidate Polar Bear


Master of Science Thesis

Stockholm, Sweden 2006
Stream Cipher Design

An evaluation of the eSTREAM candidate Polar Bear


Master’s Thesis in Computer Science (20 credits)

at the School of Engineering Physics
Royal Institute of Technology year 2006
Supervisor at CSC was Johan Håstad
Examiner was Johan Håstad

TRITA-CSC-E 2006:111

Royal Institute of Technology

School of Computer Science and Communication

SE-100 44 Stockholm, Sweden

URL: www.csc.kth.se
As a response to the lack of efficient and secure stream ciphers, ECRYPT (a 4-year
Network of Excellence funded by the European Union) manages and coordinates a multi-
year effort called eSTREAM to identify new stream ciphers suitable for widespread adop-
tion. Polar Bear, one of the eSTREAM candidates, is a new synchronous stream cipher
proposed by Johan Håstad, and Mats Näslund. In this thesis, the first known attack
is presented. It is a guess-and-determine attack with a computational complexity of
O(278.8 ) that recovers the initial state. We propose that this weakness is fixed by adding
a key-dependent pre-mixing of the dynamic permutation in conjunction with the key
schedule. Further suggested tweaks strengthen the security and improves performance
on long sequences. The updated Polar Bear specification that will be sent to eSTREAM
before June 30, 2006, is based on tweaks suggested in this thesis. We have also optimized
the source code of Polar Bear, which enables it to run almost twice as fast. We have not
found any other weaknesses in Polar Bear, and it seems resistant to all known generic

Konstruktion av strömkrypton
En utvärdering av eSTREAM-kandidaten Polar Bear

På grund av bristen på säkra och effektiva strömkrypton driver ECRYPT (ett fyra år
långt EU-projekt) ett delprojekt kallat eSTREAM för att identifiera nya strömkrypton
lämpliga för implementation. Polar Bear, en av kandidaterna, är ett nytt strömkrypto
skapat av Johan Håstad och Mats Näslund. I denna uppsats presenterar vi den första
kända attacken. Det är en guess-and-determine attack som bestämmer det initiala
tillståndet med en tidkomplexitet på O(278.8 ). Vi föreslår att liknande attacker und-
viks genom att den dynamiska permutationen blandas under nyckelschemat. Ytterligare
förslag förstärker säkerheten och förbättrar prestandan vid långa sekvenser. Den up-
daterade Polar Bear-specifikationen kommer att bygga på dessa förslag. Vi har också
optimerat källkoden, vilket nästan fördubblar prestandan. Vi har inte hittat några andra
svagheter i designen, och Polar Bear verkar stå emot alla kända typer av attacker.
I like to thank the people at the Communication Security Lab at Ericsson Research
in Kista for making my time there as enjoyable as it was. Especially my supervisor Mats
Näslund that always answered the questions that I had. And Eva Gustafsson and Rolf
Blom for letting my go to the SASC workshop in Leuven, Belgium.
I also want to thank Johan Håstad, my supervisor and examiner at the Royal Institute
of Technology.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 Classification of Ciphers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2 This Master’s Project and eSTREAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.3 Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.4 Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.5 Definitions and Notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

2 Stream Cipher Design 7

2.1 Design Approaches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.1 Information-theoretic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.1.2 System-theoretic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.3 Complexity-theoretic approach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.1.4 Randomized stream ciphers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2 Shift Registers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.1 Linear feedback shift register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2.2 Boolean functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2.3 Nonlinear feedback shift register . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.4 The 2-adic integers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.2.5 Feedback shift register with carry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.3 Stream Ciphers Based on LFSRs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3.1 Nonlinear combination generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3.2 Nonlinear filter generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.3 Clock-controlled generators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4 Stream Ciphers Based on Block Ciphers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.1 Cipher feedback mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.2 Output feedback mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.4.3 Counter mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

3 Basic Characteristics 15
3.1 Statistical Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.1.1 Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.2 Golomb’s randomness postulates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.1.3 Statistical tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.2 Measures of Complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.2.1 Linear complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.2 Quadratic span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.2.3 Maximum order complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.4 2-adic span . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.2.5 Ziv-lempel complexity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3.3 Key, State and IV size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

4 Generic Attacks on Stream Ciphers 21

4.1 Exhaustive Key Search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.2 Time Memory Trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Distinguishing Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.4 Guess-and-Determine attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
4.5 Correlation Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5.1 Basic correlation attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.5.2 Fast correlation attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
4.6 Algebraic Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.7 Side channel attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.8 Implementation Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

5 Description of Polar Bear 30

5.1 Rijndael . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.1.1 Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5.2 RC4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.2.1 Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
5.3 Polar Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.3.1 Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
5.3.2 The output cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

6 Results 35
6.1 Permutation Error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.2 A Guess-and-Determine Attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.2.1 An improved attack . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.2.2 Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
6.3 Evaluation with Respect to Other Attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3.1 Time-memory trade-offs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3.2 Algebraic attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.3.3 Correlation attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.4 A new version of Polar Bear - Pig Bear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.4.1 Key schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.4.2 The output cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.4.3 Security analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.5 Statistical Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.6 Optimization and Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.6.1 Further performance tweaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

7 Conclusions 46
7.1 Future Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Bibliography 48
List of Figures

1.1 Initiation and output cycle of a synchronous stream cipher . . . . . . . . . 3

1.2 Additive stream cipher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

2.1 Feedback shift register with carry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

2.2 Nonlinear combination generator and nonlinear filter generator . . . . . . 12

5.1 Key and IV schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

5.2 The output cycle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
List of Tables

1.1 The eSTREAM timetable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

6.1 Performance figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

6.2 Performance figures for the speed tweaks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Chapter 1


The need to keep information secret, especially in communications, is obvious in many

circumstances such as military, diplomatic, and business affairs. One early example
found in The Code Book by Simon Singh [50], is the story about Histiaeus that, in 499
BC was planning a revolt in Ionia. His solution to the problem of secrecy was that he
shaved the head of his messenger, tattooed a message on his head, and then waited for
the hair to grow back before he sent him away. Such secret communication, achieved
by hiding the existence of a message, is known as steganography. The word is derived
from the Greek words steganos, meaning “covered,” and graphein, meaning “to write”
[50]. This way of secret communication has its limits as the message is revealed if it is
found. Hence, in parallel with the development of steganography, there was the evolution
of cryptography, derived from the Greek word kryptos, meaning “hidden”. The aim of
cryptography is not to hide the existence of a message, but rather to hide its meaning
A specific method to hide the meaning of a message is called a cipher, and the
process of transforming the message or plaintext to a coded message, or ciphertext, is
known as encryption. The reverse process of transforming the ciphertext back to the
original plaintext is known as decryption. A cipher can be seen as a combination of
a general cryptographic algorithm and a key that decides the encryption details in the
specific case [50]. If we compare with ordinary locks, all the locks of a specific type works
in the same way, but all the keys are different. The key in modern ciphers is often a
sequence of bits (zeros and ones). As the general algorithm is often publicly known, the
confidentiality of the message depends on the secrecy of the key (Kerckoff’s law). One
of the most famous ciphers in modern time is Enigma, that was used by Nazi Germany
in the WWII. The breaking of Enigma by British intelligence affected the outcome of
the war. Today when so much information is transmitted over open channels like the
Internet and wireless channels (GSM, UMTS, Wi-Fi, WiMAX etc.), cryptography is
more important than ever.
As old as the need of secrecy is the urge to read others encrypted messages. Crypt-
analysis is the science of recovering information without knowledge of the key. The term
cryptology is sometimes used for the area of cryptography and cryptanalysis together.

The scientific study of cryptology started around WWII with a pioneering paper [47]
written by Shannon. Cryptology uses ideas from several other fields such as information
theory, computer science, number theory, and abstract algebra. Cryptologic research
has historically been done by governments and kept secret. Only the last decades there
has been a widespread open research in cryptology. But the number of researchers
involved in and the money spent on secret research still far exceed that in open research.
Traditionally even publicly used cryptosystems like the GSM cryptosystems A5/1 and
A5/2 have been kept secret, but this has changed recently. The international standards
DES (Data Encryption Standard) and AES (Advances Encryption Standard) used by
governments and financial institutions are publicly known.

1.1 Classification of Ciphers

Cryptosystems can either be secret key and symmetric (AES, DES, RC4), or public
key and asymmetric (ElGamal, McEliece, RSA). In a symmetric system the sender and
receiver have agreed on a secret key, that is used for both encryption and decryption. In
an asymmetric cryptosystem the sender uses the receiver’s publicly available public key
to encrypt, and the receiver can then decrypt with his private key. The idea of public
key cryptography was proposed as recently as 1976 by Diffie and Hellman [18]. The
first public key cryptosystem was RSA, which was proposed in 1977 by Rivest, Shamir
and Adleman [40]. The letters RSA are the initials of their surnames. Government
Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), a part of the British intelligence, later revealed
that some of its researchers discovered public key cryptography earlier. They have also
released previously secret papers to provide evidence for their claims. But the credit
for the discovery must remain with the researchers who first published their work in the
open scientific literature. In secret key cryptography a public key cryptosystem is often
used to distribute the secret key.
Symmetric cryptosystems is usually divided into block ciphers and stream ciphers.
Rueppel [42] describes the difference as:

Block ciphers operate with a fixed transformation on large block of plain-

text data; stream ciphers operate with a time-varying transformation on
individual plain-text digits.

This classification is not absolute, and any block cipher can be used as a stream cipher
by using certain modes of operation (see Section 2.4).
The state of a stream cipher can informally be defined as the values of the set of
variables that describes the current status of the cipher. For each new state, the cipher
outputs some bits, and then jumps to the next state where the process is repeated. The
output digits zi of the cipher are called the keystream, and the ciphertext ci , i = 0, 1, . . .
is a function of the keystream and the plaintext.
Stream ciphers are further classified as being either synchronous or self-synchronizing.
In a synchronous cipher, the keystream depends only on the key and the position i, but
is independent of the plaintext and the ciphertext. In a self-synchronous cipher, the

keystream depends on the key and a fixed amount of previous ciphertext, but is indepen-
dent of the position i. Both designs have their respective advantages and disadvantages.
In a synchronous stream cipher the sender and receiver have to be synchronized. If
synchronization is lost because a ciphertext digit is lost in the transmission, the decryp-
tion fails and the cipher has to be re-synchronized. A synchronous stream cipher has no
error propagation as a modified ciphertext digit does not affect the decryption of any
other ciphertext digits.
As the decryption in a self-synchronizing stream cipher is independent of the position
and only depends on a fixed amount of ciphertext, the cipher is able to automatically re-
establish decryption when a ciphertext digit is lost. Suppose that the state depends on
the t preceding ciphertext digits. If a single ciphertext digit is lost, inserted or modified it
will affect the decryption of t other ciphertext digits. A self-synchronizing steam cipher
is therefore said to have a limited error propagation.
Self-synchronizing stream ciphers seem to be vulnerable to chosen-ciphertext attacks
where the attacker has access to a decryption unit (see Chapter 4). The most common
way of constructing self-synchronizing stream ciphers is to use a block cipher in some
mode (see Section 2.4).

k - Key schedule
k key 
zi keystream
σi  f
? IV initiation vector 
σi state
IV - IV schedule 
g - zi


Figure 1.1: Initiation and output cycle of a synchronous stream cipher

The output cycle of a synchronous stream cipher can be described by the equations

σi+1 = f (σi ),
zi = g(σi ),
ci = h(zi , mi )

where σ0 is the initial state and may be determined from the key k and the initiation
vector IV , f is the next-state function, and g is the output function. The schematic can
be seen in Figure 1.1.
A (binary) additive stream cipher is a synchronous cipher where the ciphertext is
obtained by combining the keystream and the plaintext using the exclusive or (XOR)
operation (see Figure 1.2). Almost all currently suggested stream ciphers are additive,
and these are the main topic of this thesis. In many common uses of ciphers, the
transmission is not error free. In such cases frequent reinitialization is required due to

k k

k key
Keystream Keystream
zi keystream
generator generator
mi plaintext
ci chipertext
zi zi

mi ci ci mi

Encryption Decryption

Figure 1.2: Additive stream cipher

the need of resynchronization. To share a new secret key is slow, so reinitialization is

usually done by sharing a non-secret initialization vector IV. The initialization can be
seen in Figure 1.1. A stream cipher intended for such use should describe how such a
reinitialization should be done as bad choices can give extremely insecure ciphers. For
an example, see Section 4.8.
As stated in [44], there are several benefits of stream ciphers compared to block
- Stream ciphers are generally much faster than block ciphers.

- The keystream can be sometimes be generated prior to encryption/decryption. (in

the synchronous case)

- No or limited error propagation

- Low hardware complexity

1.2 This Master’s Project and eSTREAM

There are a variety of efficient and trusted block ciphers. Unfortunately the same is not
true for stream ciphers. It is likely that the though requirements listed above as benefits,
too often have had negative consequences on the security. As a response to the lack of
efficient ciphers, ECRYPT (a 4-year Network of Excellence funded by the European
Union) manages and coordinates a multi-year effort called eSTREAM to identify new
stream ciphers suitable for widespread adoption. The timetable for eSTREAM [1] can
be found in Table 1.1. This master’s project began in September 2005 and ended in
May 2006. The initial call for Primitives resulted in 34 candidates. The stream cipher
Polar Bear, that is specifically studied in this thesis is one of these candidates. It was
created by Johan Håstad and Mats Näslund, and claimed to be suitable for both profile

Table 1.1: The eSTREAM timetable

Date Event
November 2004 Call for Primitives
April 2005 The beginning of the first evaluation phase of eSTREAM
March 2006 The end of the first evaluation phase of eSTREAM
July 2006 The beginning of the second evaluation phase of eSTREAM
End of 2006 Second classification
September 2007 The end of the second evaluation phase of eSTREAM
January 2008 The final report of the eSTREAM

I (software) and profile II (hardware). In this thesis we present the first known attack on
Polar Bear. Our attack is a so called guess-and-determine attack with a computational
complexity of O(279 ). This kind of attack is not practical as is would take a billion
years on a standard PC. It is however of theoretical interest as is indicates a major
weakness in the design. As Polar Bear uses a key size of 128 bit, no attack should have a
computational complexity lower than O(2128 ), see Section 4.1. Recently a similar attack
with the improved complexity of O(257.4 ) has been presented by Hasanzadeh et al. [31].
We analyze why these attacks are possible, and suggest how the cipher can be tweaked
to avoid this type of attack. We have also optimized the source code of Polar Bear,
which enables it to run almost twice as fast. We have not found any other weaknesses
in the design.

1.3 Purpose
This master’s project aims to evaluate the security and performance of the stream cipher
Polar Bear. The four main goals were:
• Evaluation of Polar Bear’s security

• Evaluation with respect to statistical tests

• Deliver a highly optimized implementation written i C

• If necessary, suggest enhancements and tweaks

1.4 Outline of the Thesis

The remaining parts of this thesis are organized as follows. In Chapter 2 an introduction
to design principles and building blocks of stream ciphers are given. In Chapter 3 cer-
tain characteristics such as period, statistical properties, and complexities are discussed.
Chapter 4 is a general introduction to attacks on stream ciphers. Chapter 5 describes
the Stream Cipher Polar Bear and also briefly RC4 and AES. Chapter 6 presents the
main results of this thesis, the attack on Polar Bear, optimization, analysis, and tweaks.

Parts of this chapter have previously been published in [35]. The results are summarized
and discussed in chapter 7.

1.5 Definitions and Notation

With a few exceptions, most of the notation is standard. The reader is assumed to
be familiar with basic probability and statistics and basic discrete mathematics, such
as finite fields, sets and set operations, modular arithmetic, and primes. This may be
found in e.g. [7].
The reader is also assumed to know basic complexity theory, such as the notations
O(f (n)) and Θ(f (n)) for algorithm complexity. This may be found in e.g. [13].
Hexadecimal values are indicated with the subscripted suffix HEX . We use || to denote
concatenation, and ⊕ denotes bitwise modulo 2 sum. So for instance 70HEX ||A9HEX =
70A9HEX , and 70A9HEX ⊕ CA73HEX = BADAHEX .
We will write Fq for the unique (up to isomorphism) finite field with q = pn elements,
where p is prime.
Whenever we say “AES” or “Rijndael”, we refer to [17], and not the AES specification
[3], since we need the support for 256-bit blocks.
We use the notation dH (x, y) to denote the Hamming distance between two strings
of equal length. The Hamming distance is the number of positions for which the corre-
sponding symbols are different. We use wt(x) for the Hamming weight of a string. The
weight can be defined as the distance to the string consisting of only zeros. For example
dH (1011101, 1001001) = 2 and wt(1011101) = dH (1011101, 0000000) = 5.

Chapter 2

Stream Cipher Design

The two main goals when designing a practical cipher system are security and perfor-
mance. Given a fixed level of security the goal is to optimize performance. Performance
can be measured as speed, chip area, or power consumption. Other important features
is clarity of the design and flexibility in its implementation. It seems like it is difficult
to design both a fast and secure stream cipher, as most proposed stream ciphers have
documented weaknesses.
When designing a stream cipher there is also a trade-off between the speed in soft-
ware and hardware, as it is difficult to optimize for both at the same time. The A5/1
and A5/2 stream ciphers that are used in the GSM standard uses linear feedback shift
registers (LFSR) over the finite field F2 (see Section 2.2.1). Consequently they are fast
in hardware, but slow in software. Other ciphers like SNOW [19] uses a LFSR over the
finite field F232 , and are very fast in software on 32-bit processors. Henceforth, we will
write Fq for the unique finite field with q = pn elements (p is prime). Another cipher
designed for good performance in software is SEAL [41].

2.1 Design Approaches

Rueppel distinguishes four principal approaches to the construction of stream ciphers
[42]. The approaches differ in their assumption of the cryptanalyst’s capacity and in
definition of security and cryptanalytic success. Some are more theoretical than practical,
and focus on provable security, which is often not possible for practically used ciphers.

2.1.1 Information-theoretic approach

In this approach the cryptanalyst is assumed to have both unlimited time and computing
power. Cryptanalysis is to determine the message or key given only the ciphertext
and the distributions of the plaintext and key. A cipher system is perfectly secure or
unconditionally secure if the plaintext and ciphertext are statistically independent. An
example of a perfectly secure cipher is the one-time pad or Vernam cipher [47]. A cipher
is ideally secure if there is no unique solution for the plaintext given unlimited amount of

ciphertext. This does not mean that the system is secure, as the set of possible plaintext
may be very small.

2.1.2 System-theoretic approach

This is the method used for designing most practically used cryptosystem including AES,
DES, and RC4. Cryptanalysis of a new cipher should be a difficult problem, and the
cipher should have provable properties such as period, linear complexity, etc. These
properties are discussed in Chapter 3. It should also be able to withstand all known
cryptanalytic attacks like linear and differential cryptanalysis, correlation attacks, and
algebraic attacks. None of these attack should be faster than an exhaustive key search
where all the possible keys are tried, one after another (see Chapter 4).
It seems like this approach leads to cryptanalysis resistant ciphers with smaller keys
than other approaches. This is the approach and methodology that will mainly be
discussed in this report.

2.1.3 Complexity-theoretic approach

The goal of the complexity-theoretic approach is not to make the plaintext and cipher-
text statistically independent, but to make the plaintext computationally inaccessible.
Cryptanalysis is to distinguish the keystream from a random sequence. The attacker is
assumed to be limited to polynomial time attacks. A cipher is perfect if it is indistin-
guishable by all polynomial-time attacks. As no such ciphers are known, the proposed
generators are often proven to be perfect under the assumption that a “famous” problem,
such as discrete log, quadratic residue, or inverting RSA is hard. Rueppel [42] writes
that it can be discussed how much the asymptotic analysis proves, since all implementa-
tion are finite. But in practice the theoretical results can be used to get estimations and
bounds. An example of this is the fixed parameter analysis in the BMGL paper [24].

2.1.4 Randomized stream ciphers

This approach focuses on the size of the cryptanalytic problem instead of the work effort.
The main idea is to use a large random string for encryption and decryption. This string
is publicly known and accessible by any attacker. The key specifies which part of the
string to use, whereas the attacker is forced to search through all of the random data.
The security is measured as the average amount of bits a cryptanalyst has to examine.
It is possible to prove lower bounds on the security for this type of cipher systems.
But the ciphers are not practically usable as they are far to slow.

2.2 Shift Registers

2.2.1 Linear feedback shift register
A linear feedback shift register (LFSR) of length n over the finite field Fq consists of n
stages [sn−1 , sn−2 , . . . , s0 ] with si ∈ Fq , and a polynomial p(x) = 1+c1 x+c2 x2 +. . .+cn xn

over Fq . The contents of [sn−1 , sn−2 , . . . , s0 ] is called the state of the LFSR, and p(x) is
called the feedback or connection polynomial. The register is controlled by a clock, and
at each stepping the elements are moved to the right so that si = si+1 for i = 0 . . . n − 2
and s0 is outputted. The contents of sn−1 is calculated according to

sn−1 = c1 sn−1 + c2 sn−2 + . . . cn s0 .

A polynomial r(x) over Fq is called a primitive polynomial iff it generates all the elements
of an extension field of Fq . All primitive polynomials are irreducible (can not be factored
into polynomials of lower degree). An irreducible polynomial r(x) of degree n over Fp ,
p prime, is primitive if the smallest positive integer m such that r(x) divides xm − 1 is
m = pn − 1. If the feedback polynomial p(x) is a primitive polynomial of degree n each
of the non-zero initial states produces an output sequence with the maximum possible
period q n − 1. Such a LFSR is called a maximum-length LFSR. The output sequence of
a maximum-length LFSR is called a m-sequence.

2.2.2 Boolean functions

The elements of the finite field F2 are denoted 0 and 1. Addition and multiplication in F2
corresponds to the Boolean operations XOR and AND. Variables that range over F2 are
called Boolean variables or bits. A vector whose coordinates are bits is called a Boolean
vector. A Boolean function f (x) is a function from a Boolean vector x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn )
to a single bit y.
f : Fn2 → F2 : x → y = f (x)
Every Boolean function f (x) can be uniquely written as a sum over all distinct products
of its variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xn . As x2i = xi , the number of distinct products equals the
number of subsets of {x1 , x2 , . . . , xn }. This is called the algebraic normal form. There
exists unique constants a0 , a1 , . . . , an , a12 , . . . , a12...n ∈ F2 such that

f (x) = a0 ⊕ a1 x1 ⊕ . . . ⊕ an xn ⊕ a12 x1 x2 ⊕ . . . ⊕ a12...n x1 x2 . . . xn . (2.1)

The nonlinear order or algebraic degree of a Boolean function is the maximum order of
the terms in the algebraic normal form (2.1). A Boolean function f (x) is balanced if

P (f (x) = 0) = P (f (x) = 1) = 0.5

when x is chosen uniformly in Fn2 . A Boolean function f (x) is k th -order correlation

immune if y = f (x) is statistically independent of any k-subset {xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xik } of the
input variables. A Boolean function that is both balanced and k th -order correlation
immune is called a k-resilient function.

Example Take for example the Boolean function used in the Geffe generator [22]. The
algebraic normal form is

f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x1 x2 ⊕ x2 x3 ⊕ x3 .

The nonlinear order is 2. It is balanced but only 0th -order correlation immune because
P (f (x) = 0|x1 = 0) = 0.75.
Siegenthaler showed that there is a trade-off between the nonlinear order k and the
correlation immunity m [48]. A m-th order correlation immune function can have at
most nonlinear order n − m.

2.2.3 Nonlinear feedback shift register

A feedback shift register (FSR) is a generalization of a LFSR where the feedback function
is any Boolean function f of n variables. It works in the same way as a LFSR, but the
contents of sn−1 is calculated according to
sn−1 = f (sn−1 , sn−2 , . . . , s0 ).
If f is a linear function, the FSR is an LFSR, and otherwise it is called a nonlinear
FSR. If every output sequence is periodic the FSR is called non-singular. If every
output sequence has the maximum period 2n the FSR is called a de Bruijn FSR and the
sequence a de Bruijn sequence.

2.2.4 The 2-adic integers

Just as the real numbers R are the completion of the rationals Q with respect to the
Euclidean metric d(x, y) = |x − y|, the 2-adic numbers Q2 are the completion of Q with
d(x, y) = |x − y|2 . The 2-adic integers Z2 ⊂ Q2 is the set of
respect to the 2-adic metric P
all formal power series α = ∞ i
i=0 ai 2 with ai ∈ {0, 1}. The coefficients αi is called the
2-adic digits of α. Addition in Z2 is defined by “carrying” overflow bits to next term, so
that 2i + 2i = 2i+1 . Multiplication is defined by shift and addition in the natural way.
Under these operations Z2 is a ring with the additive identity 0 and the multiplicative
identity 1 = 1·20 . The nonnegative integers can be represented in a natural way by finite
sequences in Z2 . But a surprising fact is that Z2 also contains the negative integers.
For example is −1 represented by the infinite sequence 1 + 21 + 22 + 23 . . . which can
be seen by adding 1 to each of them. Any other negative integer can be represented
by −q = −1 · q. The 2-adic integers also contains numbers which are not integers, so
Z ⊂ Z2 .

2.2.5 Feedback shift register with carry

The feedback shift register with carry (FCSR) (see Figure 2.1) was introduced by Klapper
and Goresky [29]. It can be seen as a LFSR with memory. Every FCSR is associated
with an odd positive integer q ∈ Z called the connection integer. The feedback is given
by the 2-adic digits of q + 1.
q + 1 = q 1 2 + q 2 22 + . . . + q r 2r
The shift register uses r = blog(q + 1)c stages and a maximum of blog(r)c additional bits
of memory. The state of the register is given by the r bits [ar−1 , ar−2 , . . . , a0 ] and the
memory integer m. In each stepping, the following operations are done.

m - ar−1 ar−2 ...... a1 a0 -


q1 q2 ......... qr−1 qr
div 2 mod 2 


Figure 2.1: Feedback shift register with carry

1. Form the integer sum σ = 1 qk ar−k +m

2. Shift the register to the right and output a0

3. Let ar−1 = σ (mod 2)

4. Let m = bσ/2c

If 2 is a primitive root to the connection integer q, the output sequence is called an `-

sequence and has good statistical properties equal to that of an m-sequence. The period
of such a sequence is q − 1. There are two degenerate initial loadings: m = ai = 0, and
ai = 1 and m = wt(q − 1) − 1 where wt is the Hamming weight. FCSRs can be analyzed
using the algebra over the ring of 2-adic integers.
The LFSR, FSR, FCSR and d-FCSR were generalized by Xu and Klapper [30] to
what they call a Algebraic Shift Register (AFSR), that is defined over any ring with a
principal prime ideal.

2.3 Stream Ciphers Based on LFSRs

The vast majority of modern stream ciphers use one or several linear feedback shift
registers as building blocks. The main reasons are that they have large period, good
statistical properties, are conveniently analyzed using the algebra over finite fields, and
can be implemented fast in both hardware and software. As the output from a LFSR
is easy to predict in a known-plaintext attack, the linear properties must be destroyed.
There are three main methodologies for doing so. It should be noted that all proposals
based only on these methodologies have been broken.

2.3.1 Nonlinear combination generators

A nonlinear combination generator uses several maximum-length LFSRs (see Figure
2.2). The keystream is generated as a nonlinear Boolean function f of the outputs of
these LFSRs. The function f is called the combining function.

If n maximum-length LFSRs with lengths `1 , `2 , . . . , `n are used together with the
boolean function f , the linear complexity (see Section 3.2.1 for a definition) of the
keystream is

f (`1 , `2 , . . . , `n ) = a0 + a1 `1 + . . . + an `n + a12 `1 `2 + . . . + a12...n `1 `2 . . . `n

where a0 , a1 , . . . are the coefficients in the algebraic normal form of f , and the expression
is evaluated over the ordinary integers instead of the finite field F2 . Thus, it is desirable
to use a combining function with a high nonlinear order. It is also desirable that f has
high correlation immunity to withstand correlation attacks. The trade-off between high
linear complexity and high correlation immunity can be avoided by permitting f to have
memory as in the summation generator. Let the memory at time t be mt . In each
step the integer sum of the output bits x1 , x2 , . . . , xn and the memory mt is calculated.
The least significant bit is outputted and the remaining bit form the new memory mt+1 .
Unfortunately, this makes the 2-adic span of the sequence low. A fact that was used to
attack the summation generator [29]. An examples of a nonlinear combination generators
is the broken Geffe generator.


sn−1 sn s2 s1 s0



Figure 2.2: Nonlinear combination generator and nonlinear filter generator

2.3.2 Nonlinear filter generators

A nonlinear filter generator uses a single maximum-length LFSR, and the keystream is
generated as a nonlinear function f of the stages of the LFSR (see Figure 2.2). The
function f is called the filtering function. If the LFSR
Pm has length n and f has nonlinear
order m, the linear complexity is at most Lm = i=1 i .
If n is a prime, the probability that the sequence will have linear complexity Lm is
Pm ≈ e−Lm /n·2 > e−1/n .

So for large n, the probability is close to one. An example of a nonlinear filter generators
is the unsecure knapsack generator.

2.3.3 Clock-controlled generators

A Clock-controlled generator consists of at least one LFSR, which is irregularly clocked
by some other part of the cipher. In the alternating step generator, the output of one
LFSR decide which one of the other two LFSRs that should be clocked. In the shrinking
generator, two LFSRs are regularly clocked. If the output of the first LFSR is 1, the
output of the second forms part of the keystream.

2.4 Stream Ciphers Based on Block Ciphers

The three following modes of operation for block ciphers are all part of the international
standard ISO/IEC 10116:2006. The different modes of operation turns a block cipher
into a stream cipher. They can be proven secure under the assumption that the block
cipher is secure. In the descriptions, Ci is a ciphertext block, Pi is a plaintext block,
and Ek is the encryption function of the block cipher.

2.4.1 Cipher feedback mode

The cipher feedback mode (CFB) turns a block cipher into a self-synchronizing stream
cipher. The combining function is XOR, and the next block of keystream is determined
by encrypting the last block of ciphertext.

Ci = Pi ⊕ Ek (Ci−1 )
C−1 = IV

2.4.2 Output feedback mode

The output feedback mode (OFB) is structurally similar to the CFB mode, but as the
resulting stream cipher is synchronous instead of self-synchronizing, the resulting cipher
is vastly different. Instead of encrypting the last block of ciphertext, the last block of
keystream is encrypted.

Ci = Pi ⊕ Zi
Zi = Ek (Zi−1 )
Z−1 = IV

2.4.3 Counter mode

The Counter Mode (CTR) is newer than the other modes. The keystream is obtained by
encrypting a block consisting of the IV concatenated with a counter. The counter can be
any function f (i) that does not repeat for a long time. The simplest and most popular

choice is an actual counter f (i) = i. CTR mode allows a random access property for

Ci = Pi ⊕ Ek (Bi )
Bi = IV ||f (i)

Chapter 3

Basic Characteristics

A pseudo-random bit generator (PRBG) is a deterministic algorithm, that given a ran-

dom binary string of length k outputs a binary string of length ` ≫ k, that appears
to be random. Every good synchronous stream cipher is therefore a PRBG. The out-
put string can not be truly random, as there are only 2k possible output strings and 2`
strings of length `. For ciphers it is utterly important that it is hard to guess the next
bit given all the proceeding bits. If no polynomial-time algorithm exist that is able to
guess the next-bit with a probability significantly greater than 0.5, the PRBG is called
a cryptographically secure PRBG. Some applications of PRBGs, like simulations, do not
seem to rely on this property, but it is difficult to find a weaker mathematical definition
with useful provable properties.

Bernoulli distribution The Bernoulli distribution is a discrete probability distribu-

tion with probability function

1 − p for n = 0
P (n) =
p for n = 1

Random sequence A random bit sequence r = {ri }∞ i=0 is a sequence such that every
bit ri follows a Bernoulli distribution with p = 0.5, and all the bits are independent of
each other. The goal of every stream cipher is to be computationally indistinguishable
from such a sequence.

3.1 Statistical Properties

A random sequence has many properties with a high probability. For example, the
relative frequencies of zeros and ones are likely to be almost equal for long sequences.
Such properties can be used to distinguish a pseudo-random sequence from a truly

3.1.1 Period
Having a period is clearly a statistical defect, that distinguish a sequence from a random
one. A cipher with a too small period is obviously easy to predict. The period must be
large enough to ensure that is is never repeated. It is usually done by using a building
block that can be proven to have a large period, for instance a maximum-length LFSR.

3.1.2 Golomb’s randomness postulates

Golomb’s randomness postulates are highly structured conditions that a sequence should
fulfill to appear random. These conditions are far from being sufficient. Let s = {si }∞
be a binary sequence with period N . A run of s is a subsequence consisting of only 0’s
or 1’s, and neither preceded nor succeeded by the same symbol. The autocorrelation of
s is defined as
X −1
C(τ ) = (−1)si +si+τ .
The sequence s satisfies Golomb’s postulates if
- The number of 1’s in every period differ from the number of 0’s by at most one.
- In every period, at least half of the runs must have length 1, at least one-fourth
length 2, etc., as long as the number of runs so indicated exceeds one. Moreover,
for each of these lengths, there must be (almost) equally many runs of 0’s and 1’s.
- s is a 2-level autocorrelation sequence. That is

N if τ ≡ 0 (mod N )
C(τ ) =
−1 otherwise

A binary sequence that satisfies Golomb’s postulates is called a pseudo-noise sequence

or a pn-sequence. Examples of pn-sequences are m-sequences and `-sequences, that both
appears as output sequences of shift registers, see Section 2.2.1 and 2.2.5.

3.1.3 Statistical tests

There is a large number of different statistical tests used for evaluating PRBGs. All
tests evaluate if a bit sequence has some property, that a random sequence is likely to
have. Because random sequences do not have nontrivial statistical properties with a
probability equal to one, the test only determine if it is likely that the tested sequence
is random or not.
The significance level α, is the probability of rejecting the hypothesis that the se-
quence is a random bit sequences, even though the hypothesis is true. In practice a
significance level between 0.001 and 0.05 is used.
Examples of useful statistical tests are the frequency test, serial test, poker test, runs
test, and autocorrelation test.1 Another interesting test is Maurer’s universal statistical
For a detailed explanation of these tests, see [37].

test, that is able to detect a very general class of defects including the ones detectable
by the five tests above. The idea behind the test is that it should not be possible to
significantly compress a random sequence. FIPS 140-2 is a NIST standard, that specifies
a set of tests and significance levels, that a cipher should satisfy to qualify for a specific
security rating (1–4, from lowest to highest). All the tests above are empirical and
not theoretical in the sense that samples of sequences are generated from which certain
statistics are evaluated.
Passing a fixed set of statistical tests is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for
a stream cipher to be secure. Passing a test only makes it unlikely that the keystream
has a specific defect.
For cryptographic purposes it is important that any sequence obtained by concate-
nating bits from several keystream sequences also is indistinguishable from a random
sequence. Therefore, it is important to test that the nth bit is Bernoulli distributed with
p = 0.5. It is done by generating a sequence consisting of the nth bit from a large number
of sequences (perhaps with related keys).

Test suites
Several test suites with batteries of statistical test aimed at making it easy to test PRNGs
exist. All of the following test suites are freely available for download.

- Marsaglia’s Diehard Battery of Tests is the oldest and most well known test suite.
It contains 15 statistical tests. [33]

- NIST Statistical Test Suite contains 16 statistical tests and is developed and main-
tained by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology. They provide
guidance in the use and application of the tests. [2]

- DieHarder is a test suite by Robert G. Brown, that aims to include test from
Diehard, the NIST STS, and several other test in a single package. It fixes several
problems with the Diehard package, and uses the GNU Scientific Library interface.
The test suite is still under active development. [8]

3.2 Measures of Complexity

The different complexities all try to measure how hard a sequence is to produce. For a
complexity measure to be practically useful for cryptographic purposes, two requirements
have to be fulfilled.

- An efficient algorithm to calculate the complexity has to be known.

- The distribution of the complexity for random sequences has to be known

If these requirements are fulfilled, the complexity measure can be used as a statistical
test. Complexity measures are often more interesting in cryptology than other statistical

tests, as some of them give methods to recreate the sequence using building blocks com-
monly used in stream ciphers. For the linear complexity, the distribution for a random
sequence has been exactly calculated. It has been approximated for the maximum order
complexity. Some complexity measures are only of theoretical interest because there is
no efficient algorithm to calculate them.

3.2.1 Linear complexity

The linear complexity or linear span of a binary sequence sn = {si }n−1
i=0 is the smallest
nonnegative integer L such that there exists a linear recursion with fixed constants
c1 , c2 , . . . , cL ci ∈ {0, 1} satisfying

sj + c1 sj−1 + . . . + cL sj−L = 0 L ≤ j < n.

This is also the length of the smallest LFSR that can be used to duplicate the sequence.

Berlekamp-Massey algorithm
The Berlekamp-Massey algorithm [34] is an efficient algorithm to find the linear com-
plexity of a binary sequence of length n. The iterative algorithm finds one or all of the
shortest LFSR capable of generating the sequence. The running time of the algorithm
is O(n2 ).
Let s = {si }∞
i=0 be a binary sequence with linear complexity L. Then the Berlekamp-
Massey algorithm finds a LFSR of length L which generates s, given a subsequence of
length 2L.
The original Berlekamp-Massey algorithm works for sequences over the binary field
F2 , but can be generalized to an arbitrary finite field Fq .

Linear complexity profile

Given a random bit sequence r n = {ri }i=0 , with n moderately large, it was proved by
[37] that the expectation and variance of the linear complexity L(r n ) is
 n  86
E L(r n ) ≈ and V L(r n ) ≈ .
2 81
This can be used as a statistical test. The linear complexity profile of a stream cipher
should be indistinguishable from the linear complexity profile of a random sequence.

3.2.2 Quadratic span

The quadratic span Q(sn ) is the length of the shortest quadratic recurrence that gener-
ates the sequence sn . It is stated in [53] that for a moderately large n, the expectation
of the quadratic span of a random sequence of length n is
E Q(r n ) ≈ 2n.

This measure is only of theoretical interest as no efficient algorithm to determine the
quadratic span of a sequence is known, and the statistics of random sequences is un-

3.2.3 Maximum order complexity

As with the quadratic span, no efficient algorithm has been found for complexities with
any fixed maximum order larger than one. However for recursions without a fixed
maximum order, efficient algorithms exists. The maximum order complexity or maximum
order span of a sequence s is the length M of the shortest feedback shift register that
can generate that sequence. This can be efficiently computed in linear time. For a given
sequence sn = {si }n−1
i=0 it is obvious that

M (sn ) ≤ Q(sn ) ≤ L(sn ).

Approximate values for the mean and variation were found by [20]. For a random bit
sequence r n = {ri }n−1
i=0 , the expected maximum order complexity is

E M (r n ) ≈ 2 lg n.

3.2.4 2-adic span

In analogy with the definition of linear complexity, the 2-adic span is intended to measure
how large FCSR is required to generate a sequence. It was proposed by Klapper et al.
in 1997 [29]. Let λ be the number of bits in the register and memory of a FCSR. The
2-adic span λ2 (s) of an eventually period binary sequence s = {si }∞ i=0 is the smallest
value of λ, which occurs among all FCSRs whose output is the sequence s. They also
found an efficient algorithm to calculate the 2-adic span of a given sequence. It needs
only 2M + 2 lg(M ) bits, where M is the 2-adic span of the sequence. Like the linear
complexity profile, the 2-adic complexity profile for a random binary sequence of length
n grows approximately as n/2.
The 2-adic span was used to attack [29] the summation cipher, that gives sequences
with large linear complexity, but much smaller 2-adic complexity. A typical example is
a linear complexity of 279 , but a 2-adic span of 218 .

3.2.5 Ziv-lempel complexity

The Ziv-lempel complexity is another measure of complexity. It has it roots in the field
of data compression and quantifies the rate at which new patterns appear in a sequence.
It measures how much the sequence can be compressed with the Ziv-lempel compression
algorithm. The measure is of practical interest, and is used in the NESSIE statistical

3.3 Key, State and IV size
It is obvious that a cipher should never have a state smaller than the size of the key.
Otherwise it would be faster to search through the internal states than the keys. This
is however not enough. By using various time memory trade-offs (TMTO) attacks, the
attack time can be severely cut at the expense of memory. Babbage [5] suggest the

If a secret key length of k bits is required, a state size of at least 2k bits i


Hong et al. [27] discovered another generic TMTO attack, and proposes the following
design principle:

The entropy of the key and the IV should always be at least twice the key

It implies that the IV size should be at least as big as the key size. For an explanation
of the attacks behind these recommendations, see Section 4.2.

Chapter 4

Generic Attacks on Stream


The methods for attacking a stream cipher can be classified according to the information
available to the cryptanalyst, the aim of the attack, or the way the attack is done. It is
often assumed that the attacker has knowledge of the cryptographic algorithm, but not
the key. To attack an unknown cipher is a much harder problem, and it is the reason
why all military ciphers are kept secret. History has however showed that it is diffucult
to keep the cryptographic function secret.
Jönsson [28] lists four different categories according to the information available to
the attacker.

1. Ciphertext-only The worst case for the cryptanalysist. Given only the ciphertext
the attacker tries to recover the key or plaintext. The plaintext must have redun-
dancies for such an attack to be successful.

2. Known-plaintext The attacker knows the ciphertext and all or part of the plain-
text. For additive stream ciphers this is equivalent of knowing all or part of the
keystream. The aim is to deduce the key or more plaintext.

3. Chosen-plaintext The attacker has access to an encryption unit and can encrypt
any chosen plaintexts. The aim is to deduce the key.

4. Chosen-ciphertext The attacker has access a decryption unit and can decrypt any
chosen ciphertext. The aim is to deduce the key.

This can also be seen as an ordering of how realistic the different kinds of attacks are.
Because ciphertext is transmitted in public, it is easy to access. To get access to a
corresponding plaintext is more difficult. It is possible that the attacker guesses some
parts of the message, for example names or numbers that are likely to appear. In
several implementations, the first encrypted characters are known or partly known. For
example, most file types have a fixed header in the beginning of the file. If the attacker
can get someone to encrypt the messages, the chosen-plaintext attack can be realistic.

The chosen-ciphertext attack is less realistic, but a good cipher should be secure against
even this kind of attack.
For a synchronous stream cipher, category 2–4 above are equivalent. This is not true
for a self-synchronizing stream cipher, where chosen-ciphertext attack often are most
effective. Other categories are chosen-IV attacks, were the attacker can chose initiation
vectors, and related key attacks were the attacker can chose a specific relation between
the keys.
The Nessie report [44] classifies attacks depending on the aim of the attack. The
assumption is that the plaintext is known.
1. Key recovery A method to recover the key.

2. Prediction A method for predicting a bit or sequence of bits of the keystream with
a probability better than guessing.

3. Distinguishing A statistical method to distinguish the keystream from a random

To recover the key is obviously the most powerful of the three as it enables both predic-
tion and distinguishing. Prediction enables distinguishing, but a distinguishing can also
be thought of as a kind of prediction.
An important result connecting statistical properties and prediction was found by
Yao [52]. Yao proved that a pseudo-random generator can be efficiently predicted iff
the generator can be efficiently distinguished from a perfectly random source. This is
however only true in the black and white world where all polynomial time algorithms
are runnable and all non polynomial algorithms are not.

4.1 Exhaustive Key Search

Exhaustive Key Search is a trivial way to recover the key. It can be used against any
stream cipher. Given a keystream the attacker tries all different keys until the right one
is found. If the key is n bits, the attacker has to try 2n keys in the worst case and 2n−1
keys on average. The computational complexity of an attack is often stated like O(279 ),
which should be read as c · 279 where c is some ‘small’ constant. An attack with a higher
computational complexity than an exhaustive key search is not considered an attack at
The time complexity of an exhaustive key search can however be considerably lower
with a so called time-memory trade-off (TMTO) technique (see Section 4.2).

4.2 Time Memory Trade-offs

A time memory trade-off (TMTO) attack is an attack were large amounts of precom-
puted data is used to lower the computational complexity. The name comes from the
fact that there is often a trade-off between the amount of memory used for data storage
and the amount of time used for computations.

The first TMTO attack on stream ciphers is due to Babbage [5], and was used by
Golić to break the A5 cipher used in GSM standard [23]. The Babbage-Golić attack is
a birthday attack. Assume that we have a stream cipher with a key size of k bits and
an state size of s bits. Suppose we generate keystream for 2m different states and store
them in a table. We then observe 2d different keystreams. By the birthday paradox, we
will on average be able to break one of these keystreams when
m + d = s, with the special case m=d= .
So if the state size is smaller than twice the key size, these complexities will be lower
than an exhaustive key search.
Hong et al. [27] was the first to realize that trade-offs can work on key/IV pair
instead of the state. The birthday attack below is taken from [11]. We have a stream
cipher with a key size of k bits and an IV size of v bits. Suppose we generate keystream
for 2m different key/IV pairs and store them in a table. We then observe 2d different
keystreams. By the birthday paradox, we will be able to break one of these keystreams
m + d = k + v, with the special case m = d = .
So if the IV size is smaller than the key size, these complexities will be lower than an
exhaustive key search. In this case we can also break all the other keystreams that uses
the found key.
To avoid the known TMTO attacks for stream ciphers, the state size should be at
least twice the key size, and the IV size should be at least as large as the key size.
Otherwise the security level of the cipher can never be as large as the key size.

4.3 Distinguishing Attacks

A distinguishing attack is a method for distinguishing the keystream from a truly random
sequence. Distinguishing attacks can be generic in the sense that they are likely to work
on a category of ciphers, or very specific and targeted at a specific cipher. A typical
specific distinguishing attack uses the fact that some part of the keystream, with a high
probability, is a function of some other parts of the keystream.

Zi = f (Zi−1 , Zi−1 , . . . , Zi−n )

If a cipher fails any of the ordinary statistical tests, this can be used to distinguish the
keystream. But as the generic statistical tests, see Section 3.1.3, were designed to evalu-
ate randomness properties of PRNGs, they seldom find weaknesses in new stream cipher
proposals. As a result, they are only used for catching implementation errors. Several
new tests have been developed specifically toward stream ciphers [43] [51]. They concen-
trate on the correlation between key, IV, and keystream. Saarinen describe a chosen-IV
distinguishing attack that is able to distinguish 6 of the 35 eSTREAM candidates. The
attack can be summarized as

1. Choose n bits x = (x1 , x2 , . . . , xn ) in the IV as variables . The rest of the IV and
the key are given a fixed value.

2. Find the boolean function f from x to a single keystream bit (typically, the first).

3. Check if the ANF (Algebraic Normal Form) expression of the Boolean function has
the expected number of d-degree monomials. A monomial is a product of positive
integer powers of a fixed sets of variables, for example, x1 , x1 x3 , or x2 x3 x7 .

Distinguishing attacks often require large amounts of keystream. An easy way to get
away from such attacks is to state that the cipher must be rekeyed after a certain amount
of keystream. For example the authors of the cipher SNOW 2.0 states that the cipher
must be rekeyed after at most 250 words [19]. For block ciphers in OFB or counter mode,
there exists generic distinguishing attacks [26]. As the encryption function in a block
ciher is a permutation, the ciphertext blocks in these modes will all be different. For a
random funtion
√ on n bit blocks, there is likely to be a match when the number of blocks
m equals 2n .

4.4 Guess-and-Determine attacks

In a Guess-and-Determine attack, the strategy is to guess a few of the unknown variables
in the cipher, and from the guessed values deduce the values of other unknown variables.
This is often not possible to do faster than exhaustive key search due to nonlinearities and
irregularities in the cipher. Because of this, an assumption is made that makes the cipher
more linear. If the probability that the assumption holds is p, the expected number of
tries until the assumption holds are 1/p. After the unknown values are deduced, the
cipher is iterated, producing output that can be compared with the actual output. The
three steps of the attack can be summarized as

1. Guess some parts of the key or state of the cipher.

2. Determine other parts of the key/state under some assumption. The assumption
is that the key/IV pair is of some subset of the total set that makes the cipher

3. By calculating keystream from the deduced values and compare with the known
keystream we can check if the guess is right and the assumption holds.

The attack is successful if 2g · (1/p) · w < 2k , where g is the number of guessed bits, p
is the probability that the assumption holds, w is the work needed to determine if the
guess is right and the assumption holds, and k is the key size. The work involved in each
step w is often very small compared to the other values and ignored.
In Section 6.2, a guess-and-determine attack on Polar Bear is given.

4.5 Correlation Attacks
Correlation attacks is probably the most important class of general attacks on stream
ciphers, and efficient correlation attacks have been found for many stream ciphers. For
a correlation attack to be applicable, the keystream z1 , z2 , . . . must be correlated with
the output sequence a1 , a2 . . . of a much simpler internal device, such as a LFSR. The
two sequences are correlated if the probability P (zi = ai ) 6= 0.5. If this is the case, it
might be possible to recover the initial state of the target LFSR.

4.5.1 Basic correlation attack

The first correlation attack was proposed by Siegenthaler [49]. Siegenthaler’s attack is
aimed at a nonlinear combination generator (see Section 2.3.1), and was ciphertext only,
but the description here is a known-plaintext attack as described in [28]. If there is a
correlation between the keystream sequence z and the output sequence a from one of
the internal LFSRs, the attacker can mount a divide-and-conquer attack and determine
the initial states of the LFSRs, one by one until the whole key is known.
Assume that we have observed the keystream z from a nonlinear combination genera-
tor with n LFSRs, and that there is a correlation P (zi = ai ) = 1−p > 0.5 with the output
sequence a of a LFSR of length `. For each possible initial state u0 = (u1 , u2 , . . . , u` ),
the output sequence a is generated.
Define β = N − dH (a, z), where dH (a, z) is the Hamming distance between u and z,
and N is the length of u and z. If we run through all 2` possible initial states, and if N
is large enough, β will with high probability take its largest value when u0 is the correct
initial state.
If a correlation can be foundQ
for each of the LFSRs, the computational complexity of
recover the key is reduced from ni=1 (2`i − 1) for exhaustive key search, to ni=1 (2`i − 1)
where `i is the length of LFSR i. The attack is applicable when the length of the shift
registers are small, and when the combining function leaks information about individual
input variables.
An standard example of a bad combining function vulnerable to correlation attacks
is the one used in the Geffe generator.
f (x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x3 ⊕ x1 x2 ⊕ x2 x3
It is a poor choice because
P (f (X) = X1 ) = P (f (X) = X3 ) = .
The definition of a nth order correlation immune combining function (see Section 2.2.2)
was proposed after discovery of this attack.

4.5.2 Fast correlation attack

Meier and Staffelbach presented a modification called fast correlation attacks [36]. The
description below is mainly from [28]. These attacks are, when applicable, significantly

faster than exhaustive search over the target LFSR, but requires received sequences of
large length. Instead of using exhaustive search, the attacks use certain parity check
equations that are created from the feedback polynomial. The attacks have two phases.
In the first, a set of parity check equations are found. In the second these equations are
used in a decoding algorithm to recover the transmitted codeword (the internal output
Parity check equations can be created in the following way. Suppose that the feedback
polynomial g(x) has t non-zero coefficients (g(x) has weight t).

g(x) = 1 + c1 x + c2 x2 + . . . + c` x`

From this we get t different parity check equations for the digit ai . And by noting that
for a polynomial over F2
k k k+1 k
g(x)2 = 1 + c1 x2 + c2 x2 + . . . + c` x`2

we get t more equations for each squaring of the polynomial g(x). This can easily be
generalized to polynomials over any finite field by taking the polynomial to the power
of the characteristic of the field, instead of squaring. The obtained equations are valid
for all indexes i. The total number of check equations that can be obtained by squaring
the feedback polynomial is
m ≈ t log( )
where N is the length of the sequences u, z. The m parity check equations can be written

u i + b1 = 0
u i + b2 = 0
u i + bm = 0

where bj is the sum of t − 1 different digits in the sequence u, not including ui . If we

substitute ui with zi we get the following expressions.

zi + y1 = L1
zi + y2 = L2
zi + ym = Lm

where yj is the sum of t − 1 different digits in the sequence z, not including zi . By

counting the number of equations that hold (Li = 0) we can calculate the probability

p∗ = P (zi = ui |h equations hold).

Two different algorithms were suggested. One in which p∗ is calculated for each observed
symbol and the l positions with highest value of p∗ are used to find the correct initial
state, and one iterative algorithm.
The algorithm works when the weight t is small, but for LFSRs with many taps
the algorithm fails, as the number of required equations is to large. The correlation
probability p, that the algorithm can handle is much lower for polynomials with many
taps. As a consequence, feedback polynomials of large weight should be used.
This algorithm has been improved in several ways. There are other methods of finding
parity equations of low weight using matrix representation of the LFSR, polynomial
division, and linear codes.

4.6 Algebraic Attacks

Where correlation attacks tries to find a linear approximation of the output function f ,
an algebraic attack uses expressions of higher degree. The first algebraic attacks were
called high order correlation attack [16], and used low order approximations. Purely
algebraic attacks where the equations are not approximations were made possible by
efficient ways to lower the degree of the equations [14]. Such attacks are called fast
algebraic attacks.
Algebraic attacks consists of four steps:

1. Find a system of equations in keystream bits zi , and the unknown initial state s.

2. Reduce the degree of the equations.

3. Insert the observed keystream bits zi .

4. Recover the state by solving the system of equations.

Algebraic attacks are more time-consuming than correlation attacks, but requires less
keystream. Algebraic attacks are the fastest known attacks on several ciphers and they
have been used to break Toyocrypt, E0 (used in Bluetooth), and a modified version of

Finding equations
For a pure combiner (one without memory), the keystream is a function of the input
variables zi = f (xi1 , xi2 , . . . , xin ). But xij is typically a linear function of the initial state
s so xi = Li (s) where Li is a linear function in matrix form applied i times. For each
observed keystream symbol we get an equation

z1 = f (L1 (s))
z2 = f (L2 (s))

This system of equations can be solved with the algorithms described below. For
combiners with memory this strategy do not work directly. The equations look like
zi = f (Li (s), mi ), where mi is the m memory bits at time i. These equations have
too many unknowns, and inserting mi = g(mi−1 ) gives equations with a degree that
increases exponentially with i. Armknecht et al. [4] solved this by showing that for
a combiner with m memory bits, it is always possible to find a boolean function H of
degree at most ds(m + 1)/2e such that H(f (Li (s), zi , . . . , zi+r−1 )) = 0 and r > m. They
also described a systematic way of finding such a function. This requires larger amounts
of keystream, and is only practical when the number of memory bits m is small.

Equation Solving
The problem of solving systems of multivariate polynomial equations over any finite
field is NP-complete. When the number of equations m is the same as the number of
unknowns n, the best known algorithm for small fields is exhaustive search. For vastly
overdetermined systems, somewhat faster algorithms exists. Most of these algorithms is
based on linearization. The basic idea is that we linearize by replacing each monomial
with a new variable. The system is then solved as a linear system. Take for example the

x+y+z = 0
xyz + xy + z = 0
y + xyz = 0

Substituting u = xyz and v = xy gives

x+y+z = 0
u+v+z = 0
y+u = 0

Some of the suggested algorithms include XL (eXtended Linearization) and XSL (eX-
tended Sparse Linearization). In XL, each equation is multiplied by all monomials of
some bounded degree. The expanded system is then linearized. In XSL, the monomials
are more carefully selected.
Another option is to use algorithms involving Gröbner bases. However, it is difficult
to predict the complexity of these algorithms, and therefore attacks involving them.

4.7 Side channel attacks

Side channel attacks differ greatly from the other attacks, as they use information from
the physical implementation instead of theoretic weaknesses. Any information that can
be measured, and is dependent on the key, state, or plaintext can potentially be used in
a side channel attack.

In a timing attack the attacker tries to break a cipher by analyzing the execution time
for encryption or decryption. It can be done if the encryption or decryption time depends
on the input. This is usually the case for asymmetric algorithms. An example is the
common algorithm for modular exponentiation (usually used in RSA implementations),
where execution time is proportional to the Hamming weight of the input. In 2003 Boneh
and Brumley [9] presented a practical timing attack on SSL-enabled web servers, that
recovered the private key in hours. The vulnerability used was an RSA-implementation
with an optimized Chinese remainder theorem.
Power analysis is similar to a timing attack, but the attacker studies the power
consumption of a cryptographic device (smart card, CPU).
Other information that has been suggested includes leaked electromagnetic radiation
and sound. Shamir and Tromer showed that it might be possible to conduct a timing
attack based only on the humming noise of the CPU [46].
To circumvent side channel attacks, blinding should be used. Blinding means that
the execution time and power consumption are made independent of the inputs. This is
often possible, but the downside is that it often leads to a less efficient cipher and higher
development costs.

4.8 Implementation Issues

Even though a stream cipher does not have any known theoretical flaws, the implemen-
tation of the cipher can make the cipher weak and vulnerable to attacks. Historically
cryptosystems have often been broken because of a bad implementation.
The most important factor when using a synchronous stream cipher is to never use
the same key/IV twice. By taking the XOR of the two ciphertexts c1 and c2 , an attacker
get the XOR of the plaintexts m1 ⊕ m2 , which may be enough to recover both of the
To claim that a cipher has a security equal to its key size is wrong if the keys does
not come from a uniform distribution. If the distribution is highly non-uniform, the
expected time for an exhaustive-search can be much smaller.
One of the most well known examples of bad implementations is the use of RC4 in
the WEP standard used in Wi-Fi (see Section 5.2.1).

Chapter 5

Description of Polar Bear

Polar Bear reuses parts of the block cipher Rijndael, and the dynamically changing
table from the stream cipher RC4. These ciphers are also included as benchmarks in the
eSTREAM testing framework. The two ciphers are here presented briefly.

5.1 Rijndael
The Rijndael block cipher was selected as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
in October 2000. It is intended to be used by U.S. Governments, but has like DES
become a global standard for software and hardware encryption. The difference between
the original Rijndael proposal and the AES standard is that Rijndael allows the block
length and the key length to be any multiple of 32 bits in the range 128–256 bits, whereas
the AES standard fixes the block length to 128 bits and allows key lengths of 128, 192
and 256 bits only.
Rijndael was designed to be simple, fast, and resist all known attacks, including linear
and differential attacks. It is a key-iterated block cipher, and consists of the repeated
application of a round transformation of the state. The key is enlarged to an expanded
key, and a part of the expanded key is added to the state before and after each round
For a block length of 128 bits, two rounds of Rijndael provides ‘full diffusion’, in the
sense that every state bit depends on all state bits two rounds ago. Change in one state
bit is likely to affect half of the state bits after two rounds. For block lengths larger than
128 bits, three round are needed. For a detailed description of the design of Rijndael,
see [17].

5.1.1 Attacks
As of 2006, the only successful attacks against AES have been side channel attacks.
On AES with reduced rounds there exist several attacks. Examples of such attacks are
Truncated differentials attack and Boomerang attacks. Attacks faster than exhaustive
key search exists for AES-128 with 7 rounds, AES-192 with 8 rounds, and AES-256 with

9 rounds. This should be compared with the 10,12, and 14 rounds used in full round
AES. None of these attacks seems to be able to attack the full round AES, and they
require an extremely large number of chosen plaintexts.
In 2002, Courtois et al. claimed that AES could be broken with an algebraic attack
using the XSL algorithm [15]. The equation system obtained from Rijndael is over
defined, sparse, and very structured. Courtois writes that AES seem over designed in
respect to linear and differential cryptanalysis, and that it is an extremely bad cipher
from the point of algebraic attacks. There has been much debate over this claim and the
effectivity and reliability of the XSL algorithm. Several problems have been found in the
underlying mathematics of the XSL algorithm, and the ECRYPT AES Security Report
[12] states that “AES cannot currently be considered vulnerable to such attacks”. They
also conclude that “There are still no discernible cryptographic weaknesses in the AES.”
Another indication of the security of AES is that in 2003, NSA extended their support
for AES. As the first publicly available cipher it was approved for the security levels
SECRET and TOP-SECRET (192 or 256 bit keys).

5.2 RC4
RC4 is probably the currently most used stream cipher. It is used in the SSL/TLS
standard for secure communication between web browsers and servers, and in the WEP
protocol used in 802.11 wireless LAN. It was designed by Ron Rivest in 1987 for RSA
Security. The algorithm was long held as a trade secret, but in 1994 the source code was
anonymously leaked to the Cypherpunks mailing list.
The inner state of RC4 consists of a dynamically changing table S, and two byte
variables. A key of variable length k (8–2048 bits) is used to permute S, which initially
contains the values 0 . . . 255 in ascending order.

For i = 0 to 255
j = (j + S[i] + key[i mod k]) mod 256
Swap(S[i], S[j])

Output is then generated depending on the state, and in each step some elements in
S are permuted. The huge state size of log(256!) ≈ 1684 bits seems to rule out linear
cryptanalysis. Analysis by Robshaw shows that the period with very high probability
exceeds 10100 .

5.2.1 Attacks
Somewhat surprisingly for such a widely known and analyzed cipher, Mantin and Shamir
found a trivial distinguishing attack as late as 2001 [32]. The first few hundred output
bytes are non-random and leak information about the key. Especially the first few bytes
are highly biased and the second output byte of RC4 takes on the value 0 with probability
2−7 instead of the expected 2−8 .

The reason for these weaknesses, is that the table S does not have a uniform distri-
bution after the initial permutation. Mossel et al. [39] showed that for a table of size n,
shuffling by semi-random transpositions have a computation complexity of Θ(n log n) to
get the table uniformly permuted. In the paper [38], Mironov shows that the only pass
used in RC4 is clearly insufficient.
This weakness can be used to recover the key in the WEP protocol of the IEEE
802.11b standard. By analyzing only a small amount of keystream from a a few sessions,
it is possible to recover the key instantly. The reason is that in WEP, the session key
is created by concatenating the secret key and the IV. This turns out to be extremely
weak. The SSL standard is not affected as it uses a hash function to combine the secret
key with the IV.
If the first thousand bytes are discarded, such practical attacks can be avoided.
But even then RC4 are not theoretically secure as there exists a distinguishing attack
requiring 233 bytes of keystream [21].

5.3 Polar Bear

The new stream cipher Polar Bear is one of 35 candidates submitted to eSTREAM. It
was created by Johan Håstad and Mats Näslund, and claimed to be suitable for both
profile I (software) and profile II (hardware). Polar Bear is the main subject of this
thesis. For a more detailed description of Polar Bear, including variations, see [25].

5.3.1 Description
The cipher uses one 7-word (112-bit) LFSR R0 and one 9-word (144-bit) LFSR R1 .
These are viewed as acting over F216 , which is represented as

F2 [y]/(y 16 + y 8 + y 7 + y 5 + 1).

Besides these registers, the internal state of the cipher also depends on a word quantity,
S, and a dynamic permutation of bytes, D8 .
The cipher is primarily designed for a key length of 128 bits. The IV can be any
number of bytes up to a maximum of 31. The key schedule is (in the case of 128-bit
keys) identical to the Rijndael key schedule.
On each message to be processed, the cipher is initialized by taking the key (more
precisely, the expanded Rijndael key), interpreting the IV as a plaintext block, and
applying a (slightly modified) five round Rijndael encryption with block length 256.
The resulting cipher text block is loaded into R0 and R1 . Finally, D8 is initialized to
equal the table T8 , the Rijndael S-box, and S is set to zero (see Figure 5.1).
Output is produced 4 bytes at a time. To this end, the two LFSRs are first irregularly
clocked, determined by S. Eight bytes, selected from R0 and R1 , are run through the
permutation D8 to produce the four output bytes. Selected entries in D8 are swapped.
Finally, S and R0 are modified in preparation for the next output cycle. Entries in R1
are not modified apart from the LFSR stepping.

Figure 5.1: Key and IV schedule

5.3.2 The output cycle

After each update of the cipher’s internal state, four bytes are outputted. Before the
first output byte, and between consecutive output pairs of bytes, a state update function
is performed as specified below. See also Figure 5.2.

Next state function

Let `0 = 7 and `1 = 9 be the lengths of the registers. Register Ri is stepped 2 +
(bS/214+i c mod 2) steps with a sparse feedback where each step consists of

• set f i ← θi Rji i + µi R0i for constants1 θi , j i , and µi , where j 0 = 1 and j 1 = 5.

• set Rji ← Rj+1

i for j = 0, 1, . . . , `i − 2

• feedback R`i i −1 ← f i .

After stepping both R0 and R1 above, do the following steps, first for i = 0, then repeat
them for i = 1:

• Write (R`i i −1 , R`i i −2 ) as four bytes α0i ||α1i ||α2i ||α3i .

• Let βji = D8 (αji ) for j = 0, 1, 2, 3.

• Swap elements2 in D8 by D8 (α0i ) ↔ D8 (α2i ) and D8 (α1i ) ↔ D8 (α3i ).

Next, update S and R0

The constants have the values: µ0 = 5CEBHEX , µ1 = 2C62HEX , θ0 = 8B5AHEX , and θ1 = 689AHEX .
This is not the original swap as explained in Section 6.1.

Figure 5.2: The output cycle

• Update S according to S ← S + β01 ||β11 mod 216 .

• Update R0 according to R50 ← R50 + β21 ||β31 mod 216 .

At this point, the internal state is updated, and the output is formed from the above
(βj0 , βj1 )-pairs as described next.

Output generation
Form four output bytes b0 ||b1 ||b2 ||b3 where

bj = βj0 ⊕ βj1 .

If more output bytes are required, the output cycle above is repeated.

Chapter 6


6.1 Permutation Error

The first weakness that we found in the original Polar Bear specification comes from the
proposed permutation of D8.
1. new D8 (α0 ) = old D8 (α2 )
2. new D8 (α1 ) = old D8 (α0 )
3. new D8 (α2 ) = old D8 (α3 )
4. new D8 (α3 ) = old D8 (α1 )
The rows should be executed in the above order. If all four α-values are different, this is
a valid permutation consisting of one cycle (D8 (α0 ), D8 (α1 ), D8 (α3 ), D8 (α2 )) with three
transpositions. But when two or three of the α-values are equal, it might not be a
permutation at all. If for example α0 = α1 6= α2 6= α3 6= α0 , the permutation will only
affect three elements in D8, and the above ‘permutation’ will result in
new D8 (α0 ) = old D8 (α0 )
new D8 (α2 ) = old D8 (α3 )
new D8 (α3 ) = old D8 (α0 )
The value D8 (α2 ) disappears and and the value D8 (α0 ) multiplies. The result is that
the number of different values in D8 are decreasing until only one value remains. As the
keystream is generated by XORing elements from D8, this has severe consequences for
the security of the cipher. The relative frequency of 0’s in the keystream will increase
until it after a few million bytes consists of zeros only. After this, the cipher will output
the unencrypted plaintext as ciphertext.
As the Polar Bear documentation clearly states that it should be a permutation, this
is to be seen as a typo. The error was corrected and the correct permutation was stated
to be
1. Swap(D8 (α0 ), D8 (α2 ))
2. Swap(D8 (α1 ), D8 (α3 ))

which consists of two transpositions. All further references to Polar Bear will be Polar
Bear with this corrected permutation.

6.2 A Guess-and-Determine Attack

In this section we present an effective guess-and-determine attack on Polar Bear requiring
only a very small amount of known plaintext. Under the assumption of a certain stepping
of the registers, a certain sequence of α-values, and a known plaintext, the initial state
can be recovered in O(279 ) time. The key are not recovered, but as the state is recovered
at time t = 0, the whole message can be determined. Only knowledge of the first 24
bytes of plaintext is needed.
Let the state of LFSR Ri after t steppings of the register be
i i
(Rt+` i −1
, Rt+` i −2
, . . . , Rti )

where `i is the length of register Ri . The notation ∗Ri0 will be used for stages in R0 after
their update.
Let the first 24 bytes of plaintext be known, and let the corresponding first twelve
16-bit block of keystream be Z0 , Z1 , . . . , Z11 .
For the attack to be successful, three assumptions have to be made.

1. During the first six updates of the state, let the steppings for both LFSR R0
and R1 be 2-steppings, where the register is stepped two steps. This happens if
the fourteenth and fifteenth bit of the word quantity S are 0. Because the word
quantity S is initialized to zero, the first stepping for both registers is always a
2-stepping. The probability that the six first steppings is 2-steppings can therefore
be assumed to be (1/2)10 = 2−10 .

2. Let no pair of the first eight α be equal. The probability for this is
≈ 0.90.
(256 − 8)! · 2568

3. Let no pair of the following forty α be equal. The probability for this is
≈ 0.04.
(256 − 40)! · 25640

Because all the steppings for both the registers are 2-steppings, all the stages in both
LFSRs are used to generate keystream. The probability that all three of the above
assumptions holds is greater than 2−14.8 .
Under these assumptions, it suffices to guess the four stages R91 , R10
1 , R1 and R1 , a
11 13
total of 64 bits, to recover the state. The state can now be recovered with the four equa-
tions obtained from the feedback polynomials, the output function, and the nonlinear

update of R0 .
Ri0 = θ0 ·(∗)Ri−6
+ µ0 ·(∗)Ri−7
Ri1 = 1 1
θ · Ri−4 + µ1 · Ri−9
0 1
Zi = ∆(Ri+7 ) + ∆(Ri+9 ) (6.3)
∗ 0
Ri = Ri + Ri+2 mod 216
0 1
The operations in (6.1)–(6.3) are in the finite field F216 , whereas the + in (6.4) is addition
modulo 216 . The constants are the ones from the feedback polynomials, and the function
∆(x) is obtained by looking up the two bytes of x in D8, and then concatenate them.
From R91 , R10
1 , R1 , R1 , and (6.3), we get R0 , R0 , R0 , and R0 . With a knowledge
11 13 7 8 9 11
of the four stages R70 , R80 , R91 , and R10
1 , we can calculate how D8 will be permuted after

the first update of the inner state. Let the result of this permutation be D80 . As the
next 32 α-values are all different, we can treat D8 as a constant equal to D80 during
the next five updates of the state. The rest of the stages in the registers can now be
determined in the following order.
(Where Ri , (6.3) → Rj should be read as Ri and (6.3) gives Rj )
R70 , R90 , R110 , R1 , R1 , R1 , (6.4) → ∗R0 , ∗R0 , ∗R0
9 11 13 7 9 11
∗R0 , R0 , ∗R0 , (6.1) → R140 , R0
7 8 9 15
R140 , R0 , (6.3) → R161 , R1
15 17
R150 , R1 , (6.4) → ∗R0
17 15
R111 , R1 , (6.2) → 1
1 , (6.3)
R20 → 0
∗R0 , R0 , (6.1) → 0
11 18
0 , (6.3)
R12 → 1
1 , (6.2)
R91 , R14 → 1
R18 , (6.3) → 0
∗R0 , R0 , (6.1) → 0
9 16
0 , (6.3)
R10 → 1
R10 0 , ∗R0 , (6.3) → 0
0 , (6.3)
R17 → 1
R170 , R1 , (6.4) → ∗R0
19 17
R101 , R1 , (6.2) → 1
R151 , (6.3), (6.4) → R130 , ∗R0

From R90 , R10

0 , . . . , R0 , and starred and unstarred R0 , R0 , . . . , R0 , we can determine D8
17 7 7 13
and S, which is the whole state. From this, all future keystream can be calculated.
To try all possible values for the 4 register stages takes O(264 ) time, and the prob-
ability that such an attack is successful is 2−14.8 . The time complexity for the above
attack is therefore O(278.8 ).

6.2.1 An improved attack

Hasanzadeh et al. have lowered the time complexity in a recently presented paper [31].
By using the same attack principle, but with a more careful analysis and selection of

steppings and ‘guessed’ values, they reach an overall attack complexity of O(257.4 ). The
attack assumes that R0 is clocked two steps in the first eight steppings, and that the
stepping sequence for R1 is {2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 3, 2}. In this way, they only need to guess
the values of two stages. They also notice that, because of the known stepping, only 231
of the 232 values are possible.

6.2.2 Analysis
There are several unfortunate coincidences that make these attacks possible. It is rela-
tively straightforward to see that the attack resistance of Polar Bear does not meet it’s
key size. For instance, by guessing one (the shorter) LFSR value, it is possible to deduce
the value of the other, by observing output. Hence, we have an attack with complexity
about 2112 . A solution to this would be to make one, or both, of the LFSRs longer.
But the LFSRs would have to be almost double the length to withstand attacks like the
two describes above. The IV schedule would have to be expanded in some way, that
probably would decrease performance.
A second observation is that the dynamic permutation of bytes D8 is not permuted
before encryption starts, and therefore initially known. If the table D8 were mixed
during the key/IV schedule, like in RC4, guess-and-determine attacks of this kind would
be avoided. But to do a good mixing is slow (The mixing in RC4 is both slow and
insufficient). A mixing during each IV schedule would severely reduce the performance
on short packages. A better solution, if possible, is to mix the D8 table only during the
key schedule.
A third observation is that is to easy to determine more values as soon as some of the
stages are known. The reason is that the relations between the register stages and the
keystream involves few terms, and are easy to invert, see Section 6.2. These relations
come from the feedback trinomials, the choice of the nonlinear updating, and the output
generation. It should be mentioned, that an invertible next-state function is desirable to
ensure that the state does not loose entropy and converge to a fixpoint. We have tested
many different combinations of trinomials, and all seems to be equally vulnerable. If
polynomials with more taps than three were used, attacks like the one above would be
more difficult, but the cycles/byte performance would be further decreased.
Our last observation is that, even though our attack depends on the possibility of a
regular stepping, it is possible that the irregular stepping of Polar Bear actually lowered
the attack resistance. Our analysis shows that with a constant 2-stepping, it is impossible
to guess fewer than four stages. This implies that no guess-and-determine attack similar
to the two described above can have a computational complexity lower than O(261 ). So
as far as we know, the irregular stepping of Polar Bear actually had a negative impact
on security. It is however possible that a constant 2-stepping would enable other attacks
with an even lower complexity.

6.3 Evaluation with Respect to Other Attacks
6.3.1 Time-memory trade-offs
The huge state of 1956 bits seems to rule out any trade-off involving the state. A birthday
attack on the set of key/IV pairs is however possible when the IV is smaller than the
key. Polar Bear allows IV sizes as small as 8 bits. This makes a birthday attack with 268
bits memory and computational complexity 268 possible. This is not practical due to
the huge amount of memory used, and the attack is not specific to Polar Bear. Almost
all eSTREAM candidates allows IVs smaller than the key, and are therefore vulnerable
to this kind of generic attack. To avoid such attacks, an IV size v of at least the key size
k should be used, or the security of the cipher should be stated to be (k + v)/2.

6.3.2 Algebraic attacks

An algebraic attack could potentially be used to recover the initial states of the LFSRs.
But as the combiner in Polar Bear consists of the table D8, with 1684 memory bits, such
attacks seems impossible. Typically, an algebraic attack can only be used when there
are very few memory bits.

6.3.3 Correlation attacks

The huge size of the combiner seems to rule out all correlation attacks. The correlation
between the key, IV, internal state, and keystream of Polar Bear have been rigorously
tested by Turan et al. [51]. They could not find any significant correlations for Polar
Bear. They did however find significant correlations for six of the other eSTREAM

6.4 A new version of Polar Bear - Pig Bear

As the original version of Polar Bear apparently has some weaknesses, a tweak is needed.
We have found tweaks that as far as we can tell makes Polar Bear not only secure, but
also faster. The main difference is that the table D8 is permuted during the key schedule.
We have decided to give the tweaked version of Polar Bear the nickname Pig Bear. The
name comes from a Swedish rhyme for children [45].
En grisbjörn, en grisbjörn
Min mamma är en isbjörn
Min pappa är en gris
Då ser man ut på detta vis!
Our translation to english (without the last rhyme)
A pig bear, a pig bear
My mother is a polar bear
My father is a pig
Then you look like this!

As small IV sizes enables birthday attacks on the set of key/IV pairs, we recommend
that the allowed minimum size is raised. We also think that the consequences of such
small IVs should be clearly stated.

6.4.1 Key schedule

We propose that the security is enhanced by adding a key-dependent premixing of the
D8 table in conjunction with the key schedule. We propose that three full rounds of
mixing of D8 is used to this end:

1. Expand the key to 768 bytes of expanded key

2. For i = 0 to 767
Swap(D8[i (mod 256)], D8[key[i]])

This will only affect the performance of the key schedule. As far as we have been
able to tell, no other change is needed.
The reason that the table is mixed three full rounds is that the complexity to get a
uniform distribution with the above algorithm is Θ(n log n), where n is the size of the
table [39]. And this is when the expanded key is a truly random sequence. The RC4
key schedule only mixes the table one full round, and this makes the cipher vulnerable
to attacks. According to Mironov [38], this weakness do not disappear unless the table
are shuffled two or three full rounds. The AES key expansion is far from random, it
is in fact quite weak, especially when related keys are considered. Our analysis shows
that if two 128 bits keys with one bit different are used, the resulting expanded keys will
on average differ in as few as 49 bits of the first 64 bytes, depending on where the the
different bit is. The AES key schedule is therefore insufficient for the above purpose. To
fix this another key expansion can be used. We suggest than the key expansion from the
Hash function Whirlpool [6] is used instead. We also suggest that this expanded key is
used in AES during the IV schedule. Very little of AES security depends on properties
of the key schedule. For that reason we do not think that the change makes Polar Bear’s
IV schedule weaker from a security perspective.

6.4.2 The output cycle

Polar Bear can be made more secure by simply changing a few indexes. The idea
behind these two tweaks, is to use different combinations of β-values in different parts
of the output cycle. The effect is that it is more difficult to determine LFSR stages from
knowledge of other LFSR stages. These two tweaks raises the computation complexity of
our attack but are not alone enough to make Polar Bear secure. In our implementations
they have no effect on performance.

Update R30 instead of R50 and change the indexes of the β-values.

• Update S according to S ← S + β01 ||β31 mod 216 .

• Update R0 according to R30 ← R30 + β11 ||β21 mod 216 .

Output generation
Change the indexes of the β-values in the output generation. Form four output bytes
b0 ||b1 ||b2 ||b3 where

b0 = β00 ⊕ β11
b1 = β10 ⊕ β21
b2 = β20 ⊕ β31
b3 = β30 ⊕ β01

Permutation tweak
During the permutation of D8, D8(α1 ) or D8(α3 ) might have been changed in the first
swap. Because of this, they have to be read from memory a second time, which decreases
performance. By reading the β-values in two steps instead of one, the performance
of Polar Bear can be increased without affecting security. We propose the following

1. Let β0 = D8 (α0 ) and β2 = D8 (α2 ).

2. Swap elements in D8 by D8 (α0 ) ↔ D8 (α2 ).

3. Let β1 = D8 (α1 ) and β3 = D8 (α3 ).

4. Swap elements in D8 by D8 (α1 ) ↔ D8 (α3 ).

On a Pentium M, this makes Pig Bear approximately 1.7 cycles/byte faster on long
streams than Polar Bear.

6.4.3 Security analysis

It is natural to discuss the security of Pig Bear based on existing attacks on Polar Bear,
RC4, and AES.

RC4 attacks
The main weaknesses of RC4 are that the first output bytes are not uniformly distributed,
and that there exist weak keys that reveals information about specific key bits. No similar
weaknesses have been found for Polar Bear, and Pig Bear should be even stronger in
this aspect. As the table in Pig Bear are far better shuffled than in RC4 and the output
from the LFSRs have nice statistical properties, we do not think that such weak keys
should exist.

Related keys
It is generally bad practice to use related keys, but the topic should be discussed anyhow.
If the AES key expansion had been used, related key attacks could have been an issue.
But as Pig Bear uses the strong key expansion from Whirlpool, a changed bit in the key
will result in that half of the bits in the expanded key changes. Hence, as far as we can
see, related keys will not be a security issue.

Chosen-IV attacks
If an attacker is able to determine the D8 permutation, a guess-and-determine attack can
probably be used to attack Pig Bear. From a security perspective, the worst case is when
one key is used a large number of times, and the attacker can choose the corresponding
IVs. We now have a constant D8 unknown for the attacker.
But such an attack would be harder than to break reduced round AES, as the attacker
do not have knowledge of the AES ciphertext. The attacker has only knowledge of a
complex function of the AES ciphertext.
If patterns in the output from the LFSRs are detectable in the keystream, this could
be used to determine the permutation. A simplified version with only one LFSR can be
broken in this way, but we believe that by outputting the XOR of the β-values, such
attacks are impossible.

6.5 Statistical Testing

Polar Bear and the Pig Bear where both evaluated with respect to the NIST Statistical
Test Suite. Both versions passed all the tests since no significant deviations from a
random sequence could be found. For the tests, a sample size of 100 keystream sequences
of length 106 bits were used. Each sequence was created with a randomly chosen key
and IV.

6.6 Optimization and Performance

We have been able to optimize the reference code submitted with Polar Bear from 39.1
cycles/byte on a Pentium M to 22.7 cycles/byte. The performance was mainly improved
by changing 8 and 16 bit data types to 32 bit only, outputting 32 bit at a time, and
arranging operations involving a specific variable consecutively to improve locality. The
functions that stepped the registers one step, and that were called two or three times,
were changed to functions that step the registers two and three steps at once. A number
of other approaches of how to optimize the register stepping were tested, but discarded
as they did not improve performance.
Because of the small tweak that changes how the permutation of the table D8 is done,
Pig Bear is faster than Polar Bear on long sequences as can be seen in the performance
figures for the Pentium M 1.6 GHz. This makes Polar Bear faster than AES-CTR (AES
in counter mode). All the performance tests in Table 6.1 were done with the eSTREAM

Table 6.1: Performance figures
CPU Name Stream 40 bytes Agility Key Setup IV Setup
AMD Athlon 64 1.8 GHz AES-CTR 18.96 23.78 20.57 187.95 12.09
Polar Bear∗ 27.63 43.66 30.07 297.81 606.64
HP 9000/785 975 MHz AES-CTR 17.56 25.92 19.64 215.98 79.57
Polar Bear∗ 36.57 57.91 41.12 354.60 819.02
Intel Pentium M 1.7 GHz SNOW-2.0 4.61 29.82 5.98 63.81 801.73
RC4∗∗ 7.52 335.37 19.52 112.41 13005.38
AES-CTR 21.78 28.79 24.59 217.74 43.01
Polar Bear∗ 39.31 59.29 42.95 273.67 783.70
Intel Pentium M 1.6 GHz Pig Bear 20.96 . . . .
Optimized PB 22.69 45.37 26.06 281.81 906.70
Polar Bear∗ 39.11 60.74 42.66 269.29 851.63
PowerPC G4 1.67 GHz AES-CTR 27.06 35.55 31.67 242.69 36.10
Polar Bear∗ 44.45 74.52 50.86 276.64 1099.51
UltraSPARC-III 750 MHz AES-CTR 25.05 34.62 28.50 547.06 121.50
Polar Bear∗ 46.50 87.46 49.94 344.22 1646.77
Intel Pentium 4 2.4 GHz AES-CTR 22.77 31.81 26.69 259.43 68.11
Polar Bear∗ 53.40 80.06 59.27 322.85 785.01
Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz SNOW-2.0 5.19 39.04 7.78 90.26 1209.19
RC4∗∗ 10.98 581.88 15.33 193.34 22663.12
AES-CTR 24.13 33.91 28.01 286.04 93.16
Optimized PB 30.91 58.22 34.71 343.57 859.00

Stream – Asymptotic encryption rate (cycles/byte). 40 bytes – Packet encryption rate (cycles/byte). Agility –
Parallel encryption rate (cycles/byte). Key and IV setup – The efficiency of the key setup and IV setup (cycles)
∗ These performance tests are made with first reference code that included the permutation error. The corrected

code takes approximately 2 cycles/byte more on a Pentium M.

∗∗ The key size and IV size was 128 bit for AES-CTR, Polar Bear, and SNOW 2.0. As RC4 do not include

support for initialization vectors, the benchmarks are for RC4 with a 256 bit key.

testing framework, and all data except the ones for Intel Pentium M 1.6 GHz are taken
from the framework’s homepage [10]. The performance figures for the Pentium M 1.6
were created by us with the testing framework Live CD. The Live CD includes Ubuntu
Linux, Intel C++ Compiler 8.1, Microsoft Visual C++ Toolkit 2003, and several different
version of GCC. The source code is compiled with all three compilers with a large number
of compiler options, and the one with the fastest stream performance is chosen.
The stream performance is probably the most important criteria as it is here that
stream ciphers has the biggest potential advantage over block ciphers. The key setup is
probably the least critical as the time for key setup is typically negligible to the work
needed to generate and exchange the key [10].
It should be noted that the data from the two Pentium 4 processors cannot be directly
compared as the 3.0 GHz version actually perform less per clock cycle (probably because
of memory bottlenecks).
As all optimization was done on a Pentium M, the difference in performance can be
expected to be largest on this architecture. As the values in the table above were created
with the compiler and options that gave the best performance on long streams, the other
benchmarks, such as the numbers of cycles for IV schedule, are not comparable. The IV
schedule is not slower in the optimized code, than in the original code. The optimized
code is actually a little bit faster, but the value changes with different compiler options.

All variants of the Polar Bear code are fastest with Intel’s compiler, SNOW 2.0 and
RC4 are fastest with GCC, whereas Microsoft Visual C++ creates the fastest code for

6.6.1 Further performance tweaks

These tweaks are listed here, and not under Section 6.4, as they are intended to improve
the performance, and although we do no think so, might have negative impact on security.

Reduced round IV schedule

With the premixing of the D8 table, we believe that the key diffusion during the IV
schedule can be reduced. We therefore propose that the number of AES rounds is
reduced from five to four. This increases the performance of the IV schedule with up to
20 percent.

Table 6.2: Performance figures for the speed tweaks

Name Stream
Pig Bear RF∗ 12.69
Pig Bear R 15.68
Pig Bear F∗ 18.62
Pig Bear 20.96
Optimized PB 22.69
Asymptotic encryption rate in cycles/byte on Pentium M 1.6 GHz.
∗ These figures are from a modified Pig Bear source, and can likely be optimized further.

Regular stepping
As it is not sure that the irregular stepping improved the security, one might argue
that it should be removed. Such a tweaked version (Pig Bear R) with only 2-steppings,
improves the stream performance drastically (see table 6.2). The reason is probably that
the branch prediction of the CPU works better.

Fewer swaps
Another tweak that improves the performance, is fewer swaps in the table D8. The
fact is that Polar Bear does twice as many swaps per outputted byte as RC4. If the
α-values from the LFSR R0 are not filtered through D8 (Pig Bear F), the encryption
speed for long streams is improved (see Table 6.2). The four output bytes b0 ||b1 ||b2 ||b3

now becomes

b0 = α00 ⊕ β11
b1 = α10 ⊕ β21
b2 = α20 ⊕ β31
b3 = α30 ⊕ β01

If the tweaks are combined, the output measured in Mbit/s is improved with 65 percent
over Pig Bear. The tweaked versions of Pig Bear, R and F, are not as optimized as the
Pig Bear implementation and can probably be optimized further. The above tweaks are
not recommended on short streams, unless further analysis of their security implications
is made. We do however recommend that the tweaks are used on long streams. The
cipher could switch to this simpler form when the table are thoroughly shuffled, perhaps
after 768 or 1024 outputted bytes. We believe that the D8 table makes the cipher secure

Chapter 7


The original Polar Bear specification had a major weakness as it could be attacked
using a guess-and-determine attack with a computational complexity of only O(257.4 )
(Hasanzadeh et al.). We believe that Polar Bear can be made secure by adding a key-
dependent pre-mixing of the D8 table in conjunction with the key schedule. Further
tweaks strengthen the security and improves the performance on long sequences.
We have not found any other weaknesses in Polar Bear, and it seems resistant to all
known generic attacks. Polar Bear and Pig Bear passes all of the statistical tests in the
NIST statistical test suite. Polar Bear also passes new statistical tests that focuses on
correlation and are tailored for stream ciphers.
The first evaluation phase of eSTREAM ended in late march 2006. The 35 candidates
are initially classified into three categories.
• Focus Phase 2 – Ciphers of particular interest. Mainly unbroken ciphers with very
good performance.
• Phase 2 – Ciphers moved to the second phase. Mostly broken ciphers with good
• Archived – Ciphers no longer considered for the final portfolio.
The main criteria for the classification are cryptanalysis and performance, but instead
of exact limits, a committee is evaluating each cipher. Further, patented ciphers have
not been placed in the focus category. The authors are permitted to submit tweaks to
their algorithms before June 30, 2006.
Polar Bear has advanced to the second phase of eSTREAM in both the software
and hardware profile. Polar Bear is in both cases placed in the Phase 2 category. The
tweak will consist of the one suggested in this thesis. Unfortunately, Polar Bear with its
current implementation do not have any ”significant performance advantage compared
to AES”. The performance tests show that Polar Bear perform worst of the remaining
ciphers in the software profile. It is a reasonable guess that Polar Bear will not survive
the second classification in the end of 2006 unless this is changed.
It might be argued that it is unfair to compare the performance of new ciphers
with the best known C implementation of AES, a cipher that since five years ago is an

international standard. The number of hours devoted by a large number of people to
optimize the performance of AES can probably be counted in the tenths of thousands.

7.1 Future Work

Stream ciphers are a relatively new field of scientific study and much remain to be done.
There is no real understanding of how to create a both secure and fast stream cipher.
In the case of Polar Bear, the new tweaked version that we intend to make available
to the eSTREAM community soon should and will be extesivly evaluated. The hardware
performance of Polar Bear is currently unknown, hopefully this will change when the
eSTREAM hardware testing framework is done.


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TRITA-CSC-E 2006: 111


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