RNA Bldg. Lot 16 Blk.124 Quirino Highway Greater Lagro, Fairview, Novaliches, Quezon City

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RNA Bldg. Lot 16 Blk.124 Quirino Highway

Greater Lagro, Fairview, Novaliches, Quezon City
Tel. 239-3018; 418-4284. e-mail [email protected]

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HMP102 Kitchen Essentials and basic 3 units
food preparation
Designer Noted by. Approved to take effect on 1st Semester SY2018-19


1. Professional Cooking 8th ed., Author Wayne Gisslen a. ISBN

number 978-1-118-63672-5
2. Professional Cooking 7th ed. Study Guide, Author Wayne

A study of the fundamental principles of food preparation and cookery to include Brigade System, cooking techniques, material handling, heat
transfer, sanitation, safety, nutrition, and professionalism.
1. Name and identify cooking techniques, to handle and understand cooking materials.
2. Use nutrition, safety and sanitation principles as should be applied to the industry.
3. Understand the Brigade System and professionalism
Prerequisite / Co-prerequisite None

Grading system

Periodic Examination - 25 %
Class Performance - 35 %
Project / Activities - 40 %
TOTAL 100 %

Course Intended Learning Outcomes Program Intended Learning Outcomes Institutionalized Intended Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be (SO)
able to:
1. Demonstrate skills in knife, tool and Utilize information technology applications
equipment handling, and operate for tourism and hospitality GA 1 - LIFE LONG INTEGRATE self-motivated
equipment safely and correctly. LEARNERS and self –directed principle.
Performance Indicators
2. Demonstrate proficiency in dry and moist  Evaluate common tools, technology and GA 2 - WELL- DEMONSTRATE
heat cooking methods; produce a variety techniques used in the Tourism and ROUNDED characteristic of a God –
of food products applying principles of Hospitality Industry. PROFESSIONALS fearing, peaceful, healthy
food handling and preparation.  Appreciate the impact of technological and productive successful
innovations to the economy, the industry, citizen.
the organization’s business model and to
3. Discuss Occupational Safety and Health specific function/operations of the GA 3 - CATALYSTS OF PERFORM effectively and
Administration (OSHA) requirements and organization CHANGE independently in multi-
effective workplace safety programs.  Apply technology in hospitality related disciplinary and multi-
cultural environment.
4. Describe food storage and refrigeration Manage and market a service-oriented
techniques; explain sanitation of dishes, business organization GA 4 - GLOBAL UTILIZE quality research
equipment, and kitchens including COMPETITIVE CITIZENS output that could be applied
cleaning material, garbage, and refuse Performance Indicators in real-life situation and
disposal.  Propose social responsibility in practicing become productive
and developing marketing goods and successful citizens.
 Create different strategies and techniques
5. Implement professional standards in food on handling people and doing good
production. service.
 Make active action plan for handling
people and business and operation.
Plan and implement a risk management
program to provide a safe and secure

Performance Indicators
 Identify key hazards and risks associated
with the individual work place.
 Check own work area to identify hazards
and risks.
 Take corrective actions within individual
scope of responsibilities to minimize risk
in accordance with the enterprise food
safety program.

Produce food products and service

complying with enterprise standards

Performance Indicators
 Demonstrate food preparation for hot and
cold meals.
 Apply safety procedures and standards
for handling foodstuffs.
 Perform food and beverage service
according to standard enterprise

Perform and maintain various housekeeping

services for guest and facility operations

Performance Indicators
Demonstrate housekeeping services to guest,
prepare room for guest, clean premises,
provide valet service, launder linen and guest

Intended Learning Topics Teaching and Learning Assessment Task REFERENCE TIME
Outcomes Activities
1. Interactive discussion  Recitation
 1. Name and on profession and careers  Short Quiz
describe four major in the computing fields,  Seat Work 1. Professional 3 hours
developments that A. The Food Service Industry domains, disciplines, and  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
significantly knowledge areas  Case Study Author Wayne
changed the food- a. History of Modern Food Service 2. Case Studies  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
service industry in b. The Organization of modern 3. Reading Assignments  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
the twentieth Kitchens  Rubrics 63672-5
century. c. Standards of Professionalism 2. Professional
 2. Identify seven Cooking 7th ed.
major stations in a Study Guide, Author
classical kitchen. Wayne Gisslen
 3. Explain how the
size and type of an
operation influence
the organization of
the modern kitchen.
 4. Identify and
describe three skill
levels of food
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Describe steps to B. Nutrition, Safety, and Science in the 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
prevent food Food Service Industry 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
poisoning and food- structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
borne diseases in a. Food Hazard 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
the following areas: b. Personal Hygiene  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
personal hygiene, c. Preventing Cuts and Burns  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
food handling and 63672-5
 Rubrics
storage techniques, 2. Professional
cleaning and Cooking 7th ed.
sanitizing Study Guide, Author
techniques, and Wayne Gisslen
pest control.
 2. Demonstrate
safe workplace
habits that prevent
injuries from the
following: cuts,
burns, operation of
machinery and
equipment, and
 3. Identify safe
workplace habits
that minimize the
likelihood of fires
and falls.
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
2. Discussions  Short Quiz
 Identify the dos and C. Tools and Equipment 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
don’ts associated structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
with the safe and a. Introduction to Quality Food 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
efficient use of Equipment  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
standard kitchen b. Processing equipment  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
equipment; 63672-5
 Rubrics
processing 2. Professional
equipment; holding Cooking 7th ed.
and storage Study Guide, Author
equipment; Wayne Gisslen
measuring devices;
and knives, hand
tools, and small
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Name the most D. Basic principles of cooking and food 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
important science 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
components of structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
foods and describe Basic concepts of food science 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
what happens to  What is heat?  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
them when they are  Effects of heat on food  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
cooked.  Emulsion  Rubrics
 2. Explain the  Heat transfer 2. Professional
composition of  Heat management Cooking 7th ed.
temporary and Cooking Methods Study Guide, Author
permanent Building flavor Wayne Gisslen
 3. Name and
describe three
ways in which heat
is transferred to
food in order to
cook it.
 4. Describe the two
factors or changes
in cooked foods
that determine
 5. List three factors
that affect cooking
 6. Explain the
advantage of
boiling or
simmering in a
covered pot.
Describe three
situations in which
a pot should not be
covered during
simmering or
 7. Explain how
temperature affects
the doneness
characteristics of a
food item.
 8. Describe the two
main steps in the
process of cooking
sous vide.
 9. List six safety
guidelines for
cooking sous vide.
10. Explain the
difference between
a seasoning and a
flavoring ingredient
and give examples
of each.
 11. Identify
appropriate times
for adding
ingredients to the
cooking process in
order to achieve
optimal results.
 12. List eleven
guidelines for using
herbs and spices in
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation
1. Explain how the Menu, Recipes and Cost Management 2. Discussions  Short Quiz 1. Professional 3 hours
makeup of a menu 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work Cooking 8th ed.,
depends on the  Menu Forms and structures  Long Quiz Author Wayne
type of meal and on Function 4. Case Studies  Case Study Gisslen a. ISBN
the institution using  Building Menu  Hands On number 978-1-118-
it.  The written recipe  Video Presentation 63672-5
2. Describe the  Measurements  Rubrics
2. Professional
differences  Converting recipes Cooking 7th ed.
between static and  Food cost calculations Study Guide, Author
cycle menus, and  Controlling food cost Wayne Gisslen
between à la carte
and table d’hôte
3. List in order of
their usual service
the courses that
might appear on
modern menus.
4. Devise balanced
menus that contain
an adequate variety
of foods and that
can be efficiently
and economically
5. Describe the
problems and
limitations of written
recipes and the
importance of using
judgment when
6. Discuss the
structure and
functions of
7. Use and
understand the
recipes in this book
to practice basic
cooking techniques.
8. Measure
ingredients and
9. Use metric
10. Convert recipes
to higher or lower
11. Perform yield-
cost analysis.
12. Calculate raw
food costs.
 Assess the student  Prelim Exam Pen and Paper Written Exam Table of 1 hour
written examination Specification
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. List and describe F. Nutrition 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
the six categories  Nutrients 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
of nutrients, explain  The Balance Diet structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
their functions in  Cooking healthful meals 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
the body, and name  Understanding vegetarian diets  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
some food sources  Menus for vegetarian diets  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
of each. 63672-5
 Rubrics
 2. Define the term 2. Professional
calorie and Cooking 7th ed.
describe the Study Guide, Author
relationship Wayne Gisslen
between calories
and weight gain.
 3. List and
describe the eight
guidelines for
maintaining a
healthful diet.
 4. Describe ways
that cooks can
incorporate nutrition
principles into their
cooking and their
menu construction.
 5. Describe the
main types of
vegetarian diets.
 6. Describe
proteins and
describe how to
include them in the
 7. List three
nutrients other than
proteins that
nonvegetarians get
mostly from animal
products, and
describe how
vegetarians can
include these
nutrients in their
 8. List seven
guidelines for
building a
vegetarian menu.
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 Prepare basic H. Stocks, Soups, and Sauces 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
mirepoix.  Stocks 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
 2. Flavor liquids -Ingredients structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
using a sachet -Procedure 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
d’épices, or spice -Reductions and glazes  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
bag. -Convenience bases  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
 3. Prepare white  Sauces  Rubrics
veal or beef stock, -understanding sauces 2. Professional
chicken stock, fish -Roux Cooking 7th ed.
fumet, and brown -Other thickening agents Study Guide, Author
stock. -Finishing techniques Wayne Gisslen
 4. Cool and store -Sauce families
stocks correctly. -Production
 5. Prepare meat,  Soups
chicken, and fish -Understanding soups
glazes. -Clear soups
 6. Evaluate the -Thick soups
quality of
convenience bases,
and use
convenience bases.
 7. Explain the
functions of sauces,
and list five
qualities a sauce
adds to food.
 8. Prepare white,
blond, and brown
roux, and use them
to thicken liquids.
 9. Prepare and use
beurre manié.
 10. Thicken liquids
with cornstarch and
other starches.
 11. Prepare and
use egg yolk and
cream liaison.
 12. Finish a sauce
with raw butter
(monter au beurre).
 13. Prepare the five
leading sauces:
béchamel, velouté,
brown sauce or
espagnole, tomato,
and hollandaise.
 14. Prepare small
sauces from
leading sauces.
 15. Identify and
prepare five simple
butter sauces.
 16. Prepare
compound butters
and list their uses.
 17. Prepare pan

1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours

 18. Describe two  Soups 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
basic categories of -Understanding soups 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
soups. -Clear soups structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
 19. Identify -Thick soups 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
standard appetizer  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
and maincourse  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
portion sizes for  Rubrics 63672-5
soups. 2. Professional
 20. State the Cooking 7th ed.
procedures for Study Guide, Author
holding soups for Wayne Gisslen
service and for
serving soups at
the proper
 21. Prepare
 22. Prepare
vegetable soups
and other clear
 23. Prepare cream
 24. Prepare purée
25. Prepare
bisques and
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation
 Describe the factors J. Understanding Vegetables 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
that influence texture,  Controlling quality change 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional 3 hours
flavor, color, and during cooking structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
nutritional changes  Controlling texture 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
when cooking change  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
vegetables.  Controlling flavor change  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
 Cook vegetables to  Controlling nutrient losses  Rubrics
their proper  General rules of 2. Professional
doneness. vegetable cookery Cooking 7th ed.
 Judge quality in  Standards of quality of Study Guide, Author
cooked vegetables cooked vegetables Wayne Gisslen
based on color,  Handling vegetables
appearance, texture,  Processed vegetables
flavor, seasonings,  Storage
and appropriateness
of combination with
sauces or other
 Perform pre-
preparation tasks for
fresh vegetables.
 Determine the quality
of frozen, canned,
and dried vegetables.
 Prepare vegetables
using the batch
cooking method and
the blanch-andchill
 Store fresh and

1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours

 1. Identify Cooking vegetables 2. Discussions  Short Quiz 1. Professional
vegetables that are  Boiling and steaming 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work Cooking 8th ed.,
well suited to the  Sautéing and pan-frying structures  Long Quiz Author Wayne
different vegetable  Braising 4. Case Studies  Case Study Gisslen a. ISBN
cooking methods.  Baking  Hands On number 978-1-118-
 2. Cook vegetables  Broiling and grilling  Video Presentation 63672-5
by boiling and  Deep-frying 2. Professional
 Rubrics
steaming. Cooking 7th ed.
 3. Cook vegetables Study Guide, Author
by sautéing and Wayne Gisslen
 4. Cook vegetables
by braising.
 5. Cook vegetables
by baking.
 6. Cook vegetables
by broiling and
 7. Cook vegetables
by deep-frying.
 Assess the student  Midterm Exam Pen and Paper Written Exam Table of 1 hour
written examination Specification

1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours

 1. Classify potatoes Potatoes 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
into two types,  Understanding potatoes 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
describe the  Cooking potatoes structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
general properties 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
of each type, and  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
identify the most  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
suitable cooking 63672-5
 Rubrics
method for each 2. Professional
type. Cooking 7th ed.
 2. Identify Study Guide, Author
characteristics of Wayne Gisslen
potatoes, and
describe how to
store them.
 3. Cook potatoes
by boiling and
 4. Prepare potato
 5. Cook potatoes
by baking,
sautéing, pan-
frying, and deep-
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Distinguish the Legumes, grains, Pasta and 2. Discussions  Short Quiz
major types of dried other starches 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work 1. Professional
legumes.  Dried legumes structures  Long Quiz Cooking 8th ed.,
 2. Cook dried  Grains 4. Case Studies  Case Study Author Wayne
legumes.  Pasta and noodles  Hands On Gisslen a. ISBN
 3. Distinguish the  Video Presentation number 978-1-118-
major types of rice. 63672-5
 Rubrics
 4. Distinguish the 2. Professional
major types of other Cooking 7th ed.
grains used in food Study Guide, Author
service. Wayne Gisslen
 5. Prepare grains
by simmering and
by the pilaf and
risotto methods.
 6. Distinguish major
kinds and shapes
of commercial
pasta, and
determine their
 7. Prepare fresh
and commercial
pasta products, and
list the steps
involved in the
alternate steam-
table method of its
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Explain the Cooking methods for meat, poultry and 2. Discussions  Short Quiz 1. Professional
procedure for fish 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work Cooking 8th ed.,
roasting and baking  Roasting and baking structures  Long Quiz Author Wayne
meats, poultry, and  Barbecuing 4. Case Studies  Case Study Gisslen a. ISBN
seafood, and  Broiling and grilling  Hands On number 978-1-118-
evaluate foods  Sautéing  Video Presentation 63672-5
cooked by this  Pan-frying 2. Professional
 Rubrics
method.  Deep-frying Cooking 7th ed.
 2. Explain the  Simmering and submersion Study Guide, Author
procedure for poaching Wayne Gisslen
barbecuing meats,  Shallow poaching
poultry, and  Steaming
seafood, and  Braising
evaluate foods  Sous vide cooking
cooked by this
 3. Explain the
procedure for
grilling and broiling
meats, poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 4. Explain the
procedure for
sautéing meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 5. Explain the
procedure for pan-
frying meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 6. Explain the
procedure for deep-
frying meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 7. Explain the
procedure for
simmering and
poaching meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 8. Explain the
procedure for
meats, poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 9. Explain the
procedure for
steaming meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 10. Explain the
procedure for
braising meats,
poultry, and
seafood, and
evaluate foods
cooked by this
 11. Explain basic
sous vide
procedures, as they
are applied to
meats, poultry, and
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Describe the 2. Discussions  Short Quiz 1. Professional
composition and Understanding meats and games 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work Cooking 8th ed.,
structure of meat,  Composition, structure and structures  Long Quiz Author Wayne
and explain how basic quality factors 4. Case Studies  Case Study Gisslen a. ISBN
they relate to meat  Understanding the basic cuts  Hands On number 978-1-118-
selection and  Cooking and handling meats  Video Presentation 63672-5
cooking methods. 2. Professional
 Rubrics
 2. Explain the use Cooking 7th ed.
of the federal meat Study Guide, Author
inspection and Wayne Gisslen
grading system in
selecting and
purchasing meats.
 3. Explain the effect
of aging on meat,
and identify the two
primary aging
 4. Identify the
primal cuts of beef,
lamb, veal, and
pork, and list the
major fabricated
cuts obtained from
each of them.
 5. Select
appropriate cooking
methods for the
most important
meat cuts, based
on the meat’s
tenderness and
 6. Prepare variety
 7. Identify the
characteristics of
game meats, and
select the
appropriate cooking
methods for them
 . 8. Determine
doneness in
cooked meat.
 9. Store fresh meat
and frozen meat to
gain the maximum
shelf life
1. Interactive lecturing  Recitation 3 hours
 1. Explain how the Understanding fish and shellfish 2. Discussions  Short Quiz 1. Professional
cooking qualities of  Fin fish 3. Cooperative learning  Seat Work Cooking 8th ed.,
fish are affected by  Shell fish structures  Long Quiz Author Wayne
its lack of 4. Case Studies  Case Study Gisslen a. ISBN
connective tissue.  Hands On number 978-1-118-
 2. Determine  Video Presentation 63672-5
doneness in 2. Professional
 Rubrics
cooked fish. Cooking 7th ed.
 3. Demonstrate the Study Guide, Author
appropriate cooking Wayne Gisslen
methods for fat and
lean fish.
 4. List seven basic
market forms of
 5. Dress and fillet
round fish and
 6. List and describe
common varieties
of saltwater and
freshwater fin fish
used in North
American food
 7. Identify the
characteristics of
fresh fish, and
contrast them with
characteristics of
not-so-fresh fish.
 8. Store fish and
fish products.
 9. Understand the
popular varieties of
shellfish, and
discuss their
 10. Outline the
special safe
handling and
cooking procedures
for shellfish.
 11. Open clams
and oysters, split
lobsters, and peel
and devein shrimp

 Assess the student  Final Exam Pen and Paper Written Exam Table of 1 hour
written examination Specification

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