HTM 103 Risk Management As Applied To Safety Security and Sanitationdoc
HTM 103 Risk Management As Applied To Safety Security and Sanitationdoc
HTM 103 Risk Management As Applied To Safety Security and Sanitationdoc
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1. Research & Product Development: Demonstrate ability to develop researches and to produce scientific and entrepreneurial outputs.
2. Moral and Spiritual Accountability: Embrace moral/ spiritual values in living one’s life. Apply moral/ spiritual practices in all aspects of life.
3. Multicultural Advocacy: Demonstrate knowledge of values and beliefs of various cultures; effectively engage in a multicultural society; interact with others; develop a global
4. Understanding the Discipline: Demonstrate a systematic and coherent understanding of an academic field of study.
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6. Information and Technology Literacy: Access, evaluate, use variety of relevant sources and produce materials of the same.
7. Critical Thinking: Identify relevant assumptions or implication; evaluate arguments; apply analytic thought to analyze coherent arguments.
8. Communication Skills: Express ideas clearly in unity; speak articulately; use media as appropriate in order to communicate effectively.
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10. Collaboration and Community Engagement: Demonstrate responsible participation; engage in meaningful activities in the academe, in the community, and beyond.
1. Mcswane, H.S.D, David. Food Safety and Sanitation. 5th Edition. (2012).
2. Gissle, Wayne. Professional Cooking. 6th Edition.(2011).
3. The Maya Culinary Arts Center. Managing a Food-Safe Kitchen. (2013).
4. Guidelines for Food Safety on Merchant Ships and Fishing Vessels
1-2 1. Understand the I. Overview of the Course Interactive Discussion and Recitation Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
overview of the A. Classroom Policies, Rules Sharing of Real-Life Experience Test Paper Simulation Room
course and it’s and Regulations Quiz
requirements; 1. Attendance, Grading Lecture forum
System and Course Seatwork
2. Identify and state Requirements Use brochure about Guidelines
examples of each 2. Grooming Policies for Food Safety. Students will Video Presentation on
of the four main and Decorum explain, site causes of food- Foodborne Illness
types of borne illness.
foodborne II. Review to Basic Microbiology Identify the foods that spoils
hazards. A. Definition of Terms easily
B. Disease-Causing
3. Identify potential Microorganisms and the
problems related Conditions they Need to
to temperature Grow .
abuse of food and
explain how it can III. Ways to prevent the spread of
cause bacterial microorganism
IV. Major Foodborne Illnesses
3-4 1. Recognized the I. Foodborne Hazards Use clippings & Recitation Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
importance of II. Providing Safe Food News papers and cite real life Test Paper Simulation Room
food safety & A. Definition of terms examples Classroom Activity supported
sanitation. B. Cost of Foodborne Illness with rubrics
C. High Risk Populations
2. State the effects D. Potentially Hazardous Video on Safe Food
of foodborne Foods Handling
3. Identify potentially
hazardous foods
5 1. Discuss the 3 I. Hazards in the Workplace Interview forum. Recitation Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
categories of Interview friends and relatives Seatwork Test Paper Simulation Room
hazards II. Role of the Food Industry to who experienced Quiz
responsible for Protect the guests from Contamination.
outbreaks of food contamination and allergies Activity: Students will share
borne illness stories about food allergies
and reactions they may have
7 1. Identify possible I. The Food Handler Power point Laboratory: Proper hand Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
problems related A. Cross contamination Presentation and Video washing technique. Using Test Paper Simulation Room
to food worker’s B. Good personal hygiene the brochure, Personal
poor personal C. The proper hand washing Regular check on student’s hygiene and Fitness to work.
hygiene. procedures personal hygiene. Identify what are the
D. Handling illness and injury. possible contaminants from
2. Explain how to Laboratory: Proper Handwashing the food handler. What are
improve personal II. Time and Temperature Abuse Technique the cases given that food
hygiene to reduce A. Types of Food Measuring handler is not fit to work?
the risk of Devices Video –Proper Hand
foodborne illness. B. Calibrating Thermometer Washing Technique
3. Discuss
procedures and
methods to
prevent cross
1. To describe the I. The Food Product Flow Practice proper receiving Laboratory Activity supported Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
8-9 flow of the food A. Purchasing and Receiving guidelines. with rubrics on the Actual Test Paper Simulation Room
through operation. Safe Food Calibration of Food
B. List ways to choose a Demonstration on when to accept Measuring Devices Suing
2. Apply purchasing reliable supplier or reject food items Boiling Point and Ice point
& receiving C. General Receiving Guides Methods
procedures that D. Receiving fresh meat Laboratory: Actual Calibration of
enhance the E. Receiving fresh poultry Food Thermometers
protection of food F. Receiving fresh fish and
products. seafoods
G. Receiving fresh eggs and
3. Know how to used dairy
devices to H. Products.
measure food I. Receiving fresh fruits and
temperatures vegetables
9 1. Understand the I. Storage Guidelines Present different storage Form 2 groups. The other Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
principles in A. FIFO Principles practices of the Fast Food Chain group will list five different Test Paper Simulation Room
keeping food safe. B. Prevent cross (Mc Donald’s and Jollibee) foods and the other
contamination describes how they
2. Apply the effective C. Check food and storage Brainstorming: should be properly stored.
storage procedure temperatures. List and explain the principles Then switch roles
to avoid food D. Wrap and label foods behind FIFO.
spoilage. E. Proper storage of
chemicals and cleaning
3. Employ measures supplies
to prevent
contamination and
contamination of
10 1. Identify safety I. Protecting Food during Actual demonstrations to Students will instruct to cite Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
measures in Preparation describe the methods use to three examples of cross- Test Paper Simulation Room
handling food prevent cross contamination of contamination that can occur
safely in the II. How to handle food safely bacteria during preparation,
kitchen. during cooking, cooling and reheating. after food has been cooked.
A. Preparation
2. Classify different B. Cooking
ways of protecting C. Cooling
food against D. Reheating
11 1. Understand that I. Protecting Food during Service Video Presentation on Basic Active participation in an Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
food should be Food Handling interactive discussion Test Paper Simulation Room
served properly to II. Holding foods for service
the guests. Students will present a skit on
III. Proper/Improper service proper and improper methods of
13 1. Apply important I. Sanitary Facilities and Using a provided checklist, Quiz Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
considerations for Equipment students will identify what causes Case study Test Paper Simulation Room
sanitary facilities. A. Kitchen layout accident in the workplace Checklist
B. Material selection
2. Develop safe C. Equipment arrangement.
work habits to D. Utilities
avoid injuries and E. Waste management
other common
hazards in the II. Equipment and supplies in a
kitchen. hand washing station.
14 1. Discuss how a I. Cleaning vs. Sanitizing Access the Power point Recitation Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
clean and sanitary A. Cleaning Fixed Equipment Presentation through Moodle Group participation Test Paper Simulation Room
facility can help B. Cleaning Environmental Identify materials in the facility Quiz
prevent a pest Areas that rodents could use for nesting
infestation. C. Pest Management and material, and determine
Control what could be done to reduce or
2. Recognize the D. Proper storage and eliminate these materials.
need for proper disposal of garbage
garbage disposal
to have a safe
and clean
15 1. Eliminate hazards I. Accident Prevention And Facilitate student’s demonstration Recitation Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
in the Management of first aid plan & prevention of Actual demonstration Test Paper Simulation Room
environment injury while in the operation.
II. Safety in Food Establishments
2. Train workers
about hazards III. First aid plan on the common
and train how to types of injuries
3. Recognize how
human error leads
to accident.
1. Identify the I. Seven Principles of a HACCP Students will explain how a Quiz Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
16 principles involved System HACCP system can protect the Recitation Test Paper Simulation Room
in implementing most vulnerable guests HACCP Forms with
HACCP system. II. Five Prerequisites programs supported rubrics
for the HACCP Plan
2. Be able to list
hazards related to
each products
being discussed.
3. State measures to
correct the
1. Identify and I. Five S of Good Housekeeping Students will present the 5 S and Lecture – Workshop on the Guided Rubrics Audio-Visual Unit
17 eliminate all A. Definition of Terms how it can be applied in their Five (5) of Good Test Paper Simulation Room
unnecessary 1. Seiri (Sort) daily life Housekeeping Practices
items in the 2. Seitan (Systematize)
workplace; 3. Seiso (Sweep) Activity: How to Practice
2. Apply into action 4. Seiketsu (Sanitize) Five (5) S of Good
the proper 5. Shitsuke (Self Housekeeping
implementation of – Discipline)
the 5 S of good B. How to Practice 5 S
housekeeping; C. Benefits and Importance Activity: Evaluation on the
and, of 5 S Application of the Five (5) S
D. How to Motivate People to of Good Housekeeping
3. Practice the Practice 5 S
benefits that good
housekeeping can
For a student to pass the course, one should get a grade of 75% in his semestral grade, which is computed from the following terms:
Preliminary, Midterm and Finals Period
Class Standing 60%
Attendance 5%
Class Participation 5%
Activities 20%
Assignment 10%
Quizes 20%
Major Examination 40%
TOTAL 100%
The Semestral Grade is obtained by getting the sum of the 33% of the Prelim Grade (PG), 33% of Midterm Grade (MG), and
34% of the Final Grade (FG) for the course.
2. On ID
Students should always wear their ID inside the campus.
3. On Cleanliness
Students should help in the maintenance of cleanliness and orderliness inside the classroom.
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