Monthly Case Law Update: Contents Page
Monthly Case Law Update: Contents Page
Monthly Case Law Update: Contents Page
Vol: 1
September, 2012
When letter in question had not been 7. 2012 CLD 1582 (Banking Laws)
executed by the competent person---
Before Ch. Shahid Saeed and Ijaz Ahmad, JJ
Mere signing of a letter could not be
termed as a “valid agreement” within the ALLAH DITTA VS. ZARAI TARAQIATI BANK
meaning of S.2 of the Contract Act, 1872, LIMITED ETC.
therefore, the plaintiffs were not entitled Appellant deposited amount as per
to any decree of enforcement of the letter
offer of the bank but afterword
in question.
account was not closed by the bank
Before Muhammad Khalid Mehmood Khan MRS. QAMAR KHALID RASOOL VS. FAYSAL
and Muhammad Ameer Bhatti, JJ BANK LIMITED ETC.
MIAN AFTAB A. SHEIKH ETC VS. M/S TRUST Appeal was filed against rejection of
MODARBA ETC. petition under Order 21 Rule 90 CPC.
Appellant had questioned the Petitioner/Appellant questioned the
jurisdiction of tribunal, established auction proceeding being mala fide and
under Modaraba Companies and collusive.
Mr. Justice Mian Fasih-ul-Mulk, J Mr. Justice Nasir-Ul- Mulk , Asif Saeed Khan
HAKEEM FAZAL ELLAHI V/s MUHAMMAD Khosa, Sarmad Jalal Osmany, Ejaz Afzal
DIN ETC. KhanIjaz Ahmad Ch, Gulzar Ahmad and
Muhammad Athar Saeed
Dismissal of private complaint for non- CONTEMPT PROCEEDINGS AGAINST SYED
prosecution---Principles---Once the Trial YOUSAF RAZA GILANI; SUO MOTU CASE
Court summons the accused after having NO. 4 OF 2010
formed an opinion that sufficient While incorporating Art 10 A in the
grounds were available for proceeding Constitution and making the right to a “Fair
against them, private complaint cannot Trial” a fundamental right, the legislature did
be dismissed for non-prosecution as it not define or describe the requisites of a fair
trial, which showed that perhaps the intention
becomes a State case. was to give it the same meaning as is broadly
universally recognized and embedded in
11. P L D 2012 S C 774 (Constitution) jurisprudence in Pakistan.
Hon’ble Chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad
Chaudhry, Jawwad S. Khawaja and Khilji Arif
Sugar (Deceased) (Represented by Fiona
Where a judgment was pronounced by
Paveley) (Appellant) v British
the Supreme Court in exercise of its
Broadcasting Corporation (Respondent)
original jurisdiction under Art.184 (3),
[2012] UKSC 4
although an aggrieved person had the
The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously
right to seek review thereof under
that an internal BBC report into its
Art.188 of the Constitution, but the
coverage of the Israeli Palestinian conflict
framers of the Constitution in their
was “information held for the purposes of
wisdom had not provided a right of journalism, art or literature” and therefore
appeal against it--- need not be released to the public under the
Legislature was presumed to know the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
state of law as it existed, and as such, no Four of the justices were of the view that
premium could be allowed to be made even if information is held only partly for
on account of any provision of the the purposes of journalism, art or
Constitution or the law…. literature, it is outside the scope of the
Speaker did not enjoy an appellate FOIA. Lord Wilson however, was of the
authority or a review jurisdiction to look opinion that if information is held
into the merits of the judgment, nor did predominantly for the purposes of
she have the power to set such a journalism, art or literature, it is outside
conviction aside. the scope of FOIA and that the Balen
Report was held predominantly for those
Election Commission could not sit in appeal purposes. The BBC will be relieved that the
over a concluded judgment of a superior “partly” view prevailed, as the
court, and had to decide the question in the “predominately” test might in practice have
affirmative that the convicted person had brought a lot of internal documents within
become disqualified, therefore, his/her seat the scope of the FOIA.
should become vacant.