Vision: Syllabus College of Teacher Education Developmental Reading II Group 4

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College of Teacher Education

Developmental Reading II
Group 4

1. Preschool
2. Department of Education’s Vision, Mission, and Goals


We dream of Filipinos
who passionately love their country
and whose values and competencies
enable them to realize their full potential
and contribute meaningfully to building the nation.

As a learner-centered public institution,

the Department of Education
continuously improves itself
to better serve its stakeholders.


To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-
based, and complete basic education where:

Students learn in a child-friendly, gender-sensitive, safe, and motivating

Teachers facilitate learning and constantly nurture every learner.
Administrators and staff, as stewards of the institution, ensure an enabling and
supportive environment for effective learning to happen.
Family, community, and other stakeholders are actively engaged and share
responsibility for developing life-long learners.

College of Teacher Education
Developmental Reading II
Group 4

3. Class Outcomes
By the end of the 4 weeks session (3-hour per day), learners will be able to:
Language & Literacy Skills
i. identify and produce rhyming words
ii. identify initial, middle, and end sounds in words
iii. blend words with 2 – 3 phonemes
iv. identify grade level sight words
v. read 1-3 related sentences
vi. Replicates and forms both upper and lower case letters.
vii. Spells simple words by sounding out letters and letter combinations.
viii. identifies vowels vs. consonants.
ix. Demonstrates comprehension skills and can answer questions about
books after being read.
x. Can select a picture of a certain letter and vice versa.

4. Daily instructional plan

Period Learning Objectives Assessment Task Teaching and
Learning Activity
Week Identifies vowels vs
1 consonants
Can select a picture of a
certain letter and vice

Day 1 - identifying - identifying vowels - nursery

vowels sounds through rhymes (vowel
- a, e, i, o, u picture reading sounds)

Day 2 - identifying - identifying - Imitating

consonant sounds consonant sounds animal sounds
- b, c, d, f, g, h through picture
Day 3 - identifying - identifying
consonant sounds consonant sounds
- j, k, l, m, n, p through
Day 4 - identifying - identifying
consonant sounds consonant sounds
- q, r, s, t, v through
Day 5 - identifying - identifying
consonant sounds consonant sounds
- w, x, y, z through
Week Identify and produce
2 rhyming words.
Identify initial, middle,
College of Teacher Education
Developmental Reading II
Group 4

and end sounds in words.

Blend words with 2 – 3

Day 6 - able to read and -

identify family

Day 7 - able to identify

the initial, middle
and end sounds
of a word.
Day 8 - able to identify
the initial, middle
and end sounds
of a word.
Day 9 - able to combine - Read words
consonants and through Blending-
vowels to create word activities
Day - able to combine
10 consonants and
vowels to create
Week Spells simple words by
3 sounding out letters
and letter combinations
Day - able to spell out
11 three-letter
Day words.
Day - able to spell out
14 simple words
Week Demonstrates reading
4 readiness
Day - Reading aloud - Listen and - Reading aloud
16 (by teacher) answers questions a story “The
College of Teacher Education
Developmental Reading II
Group 4

by the teacher Lion and The

Mouse” by
Day - Reading aloud - Listens and - Reading aloud
17 (by teacher and follows the words a story “The
students) in the book as the Tortoise and
teacher read aloud the Hare” by
the story Aesop’s
- Demonstrates Fables
Day - Read sentences
18 - Practice Reading
Day - Summative Test

5. Homework:
Homework is given on every Monday for the entire week. It is checked
periodically throughout the week. Completed homework is returned to the teacher on
Friday and is counted as a participation grade.

6. Grading Scale:
The grading format for Emergent Learners is as follows:
 P= Proficient
 I= In progress
 N= Needs developing

7. Emergent Learners Expectations:

a. Learners are expected to be RESPECTFUL.
b. Learners are expected to follow directions at all times.
c. Learners are expected to focus on achievement

8. Policies and guidelines:

a. Wear school uniform every day.
b. Use civil language. (no profanity, teasing, or put downs)
c. No unauthorized eating, drinking, or gum chewing in the classroom.
d. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
e. Do not leave the room without permission.
f. Come to school prepared and on time with the requested school supplies.
g. Attendance is counted from the first regular meet up.
College of Teacher Education
Developmental Reading II
Group 4

h. Cheating is strictly prohibited. Any form of dishonesty shall be dealt with

accordingly. Honestly called for at all times.

9. References:

Prepared by:

Eresma, Mary Grace

Manlangit, Charmie Lyn
Salapayne, Anne Marie
Suclan, Donalyn
Tordil, Jocelyn
Velasco, Jonila

Check/Reviewed by:

Prof. Christian Syting

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