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Clinical Practice Guidelines JOURNAL


EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition

in chronic liver diseaseq

European Association for the Study of the Liver*

Summary these observations, malnutrition and sarcopenia should be

A frequent complication in liver cirrhosis is malnutrition, which recognised as complications of cirrhosis, which in turn worsen
is associated with the progression of liver failure, and with a the prognosis of cirrhotic patients.
higher rate of complications including infections, hepatic Whether malnutrition can be reversed in cirrhotic patients is
encephalopathy and ascites. In recent years, the rising preva- controversial. Although there is general agreement about the
lence of obesity has led to an increase in the number of cirrhosis need to improve the dietary intake of these patients, by avoiding
cases related to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. Malnutrition, limitations and restrictions that are not evidence based, amelio-
obesity and sarcopenic obesity may worsen the prognosis of ration of the nutritional status and muscle mass is not always
patients with liver cirrhosis and lower their survival. Nutritional achievable.10–12
monitoring and intervention is therefore crucial in chronic liver Although the term ‘‘malnutrition” refers both to deficiencies
disease. These Clinical Practice Guidelines review the present and to excesses in nutritional status, in the present CPGs ‘‘mal-
knowledge in the field of nutrition in chronic liver disease and nutrition” refers to ‘‘undernutrition”. More recently, in addition
promote further research on this topic. Screening, assessment to undernutrition, overweight or obesity are increasingly
and principles of nutritional management are examined, with observed in cirrhotic patients because of the increasing number
recommendations provided in specific settings such as hepatic of cirrhosis cases related to non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
encephalopathy, cirrhotic patients with bone disease, patients (NASH). Muscle mass depletion may also occur in these
undergoing liver surgery or transplantation and critically ill cir- patients, but due to the coexistence of obesity, sarcopenia might
rhotic patients. be overlooked. Obesity and sarcopenic obesity may worsen the
Ó 2018 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by prognosis of patients with liver cirrhosis.13–15,3
Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. No previous guidelines released by the European Association
for the Study of Liver Disease (EASL) have dealt with nutrition in
advanced liver disease and/or have evaluated the relationship
Introduction between nutritional status and the clinical outcome of patients.
Malnutrition is frequently a burden in patients with liver cirrho- Therefore, the EASL Governing Board has asked a panel of
sis, occurring in 20–50% of patients. The progression of malnutri- experts in the field of nutrition and hepatology to produce the
tion is associated with that of liver failure. While malnutrition present CPGs.
may be less evident in patients with compensated cirrhosis it
is easily recognisable in those with decompensated cirrhosis.
Malnutrition has been reported in 20% of patients with compen- Methodology
sated cirrhosis and in more than 50% of patients with decompen- The panel initially established the most relevant questions to
sated liver disease.1 Both adipose tissue and muscle tissue can be answer, considering relevance, urgency and completeness of
depleted; female patients more frequently develop a depletion the topics to be covered. The main questions addressed were:
in fat deposits while males more rapidly lose muscle tissue.2,1 How can nutritional problems be recognised? In which condi-
As detailed in these clinical practice guidelines (CPGs), mal- tions are nutritional assessments recommended? What are the
nutrition and muscle mass loss (sarcopenia), which has often available methods of evaluation? What are the consequences
been used as an equivalent of severe malnutrition,3 are associ- of malnutrition and its correction? Different clinical scenarios
ated with a higher rate of complications4 such as susceptibility have been considered with special attention paid to nutrition
to infections,5 hepatic encephalopathy (HE)6 and ascites, 4 as in HE and before and after liver transplantation. A section
well as being independent predictors of lower survival in cirrho- devoted to bone metabolism in chronic liver disease has also
sis7,8 and in patients undergoing liver transplantation.9 Given been included. Each expert took responsibility and made pro-
posals for statements for a specific section of the guideline.
The literature search was performed in different databases
Clinical Practice Guideline Panel: Chair: Manuela Merli, EASL Governing Board
(PubMed, Embase, Google Scholar, Scopus) and a list of perti-
representative: Annalisa Berzigotti, Panel members: Shira Zelber-Sagi, Srinivasan nent articles was derived from this ‘‘first line” search The initial
Dasarathy, Sara Montagnese, Laurence Genton, Mathias Plauth, Albert Parés. key words were: ‘‘Nutrition” OR ‘‘Nutritional status” OR ‘‘Mal-
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: European Association for the Study of the Liver
nutrition” OR ‘‘Sarcopenia” AND ‘‘Liver cirrhosis” OR ‘‘Chronic
(EASL), The EASL Building – Home of Hepatology, 7 rue Daubin, CH 1203 Geneva,
Switzerland. Tel.: +41 (0) 22 807 03 60; fax: +41 (0) 22 328 07 24. liver Disease”. Further, more specific key words were also uti-
E-mail address: easloffice@easloffice.eu. lised: ‘‘nutritional assessment”, ‘‘nutrition risk”, ‘‘hepatic

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

encephalopathy”, ‘‘osteoporosis”, ‘‘liver transplantation” for peer-reviewed by external expert reviewers and approved by
each specific topic of the guideline. The selection of references the EASL Governing Board.
was then based on appropriateness of study design, number of These guidelines are directed at consultant hepatologists,
patients, and publication in peer-reviewed journals. Original specialists in training, and general practitioners and refer specif-
data were prioritised. The resulting literature database was ically to adult patients with cirrhosis. Their purpose is to pro-
made available to all members of the panel. vide guidance on the best available evidence to deal with
All recommendations were discussed and approved by all nutritional problems in patients with chronic liver disease. A
participants. The Committee met on two occasions during inter- few schemes were produced by the panel and are included in
national meetings with experts who were available to partici- these guidelines to help with the management of nutritional
pate, two ad hoc teleconferences also took place for discussion problems in patients with liver cirrhosis.
and voting. For clarity, the terms and definitions used in the present
The evidence and recommendations in these guidelines have CPGs are summarised (Box 1).
been graded according to the Grading of Recommendations
Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) system.16
The classifications and recommendations are therefore based Screening and assessment for malnutrition and
on three categories: the source of evidence in levels I through obesity in liver cirrhosis: Who, when and how
III; the quality of evidence designated by high (A), moderate Given the worse prognosis associated with malnutrition, all
(B), or low quality (C); and the strength of recommendations patients with advanced chronic liver disease, and in particular
classified as strong (1) or weak (2) (Table 1). All recommenda- patients with decompensated cirrhosis are advised to undergo
tions based on expert opinion because of the lack of available a rapid nutritional screen. Those at risk of malnutrition should
data were graded as III. The recommendations were complete a more detailed nutritional assessment to confirm

Table 1. Evidence quality according to the GRADE scoring system.

Level of evidence
I Randomised, controlled trials
II-1 Controlled trials without randomisation
II-2 Cohort or case-control analytical studies
II-3 Multiple time series, dramatic uncontrolled experiments
III Opinions of respected authorities, descriptive epidemiology
Quality of evidence
A High: Further research is very unlikely to change our confidence in the estimated effect
B Moderate: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimated effect and may change the
C Low: Further research is likely to have an important impact on our confidence in the estimated effect and is likely to change the
estimate. Any change of estimate is uncertain
Grade of recommendation
1 Strong: Factors influencing the strength of recommendation included the quality of evidence, presumed patient-important
outcomes, and costs
2 Weak: Variability in preferences and values, or more uncertainty. Recommendation is made with less certainty, higher costs, or
resource consumption

Box 1. Terminology and definitions.

Malnutrition A nutrition-related disorder resulting from lack of intake or uptake of nutrition that leads to altered body composition (decreased fat
free mass) and body cell mass, leading to diminished physical and mental function and impaired clinical outcome from disease. In the
present CPGs, we have used “malnutrition” as a synonym of “undernutrition”

Undernutrition Synonym of malnutrition (see above)

Muscle wasting The active, progressive loss of muscle mass due to an underlying disease, ultimately leading to muscle atrophy. Most inflammatory
diseases, malnutrition and increased catabolism induce muscle wasting

Sarcopenia A generalised reduction in muscle mass and function due to aging (primary sarcopenia), acute or chronic illness (secondary
sarcopenia), including chronic liver disease

Frailty Loss of functional, cognitive, and physiologic reserve leading to a vulnerable state. Frailty may be considered a form of
nutrition-related disorder

Immunonutrition Use of specific nutrients in an attempt to modulate the immune system (not necessarily in the presence of malnutrition) and function
to improve health state. Examples include enteral nutritional formulas enriched with ω-3 fatty acids, arginine, glutamine and

Deconditioning Deterioration of muscle functional capacity related to immobility and chronic debilitating disease

2 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
the presence and severity of malnutrition,17–19 in order to since CT scanning is frequently available in cirrhotic patients
actively manage this complication. (second line imaging for screening hepatocellular carcinoma,
evaluation for liver transplant, evaluation of vascular shunts
Nutrition screening tools or portal thrombosis), it can be utilised at least once for assess-
Two simple criteria stratify patients at high risk of malnutrition: ment of sarcopenia.
being underweight, defined as a body mass index (BMI) (kg.body All measures require normal values that are based on age,
weight [BW]/[height in meters]2) < 18.5 kg/m2,20 in which the gender and ethnicity. In addition, there are gender differences
vast majority of cirrhotic patients have sarcopenia, and having in the interpretation of muscle mass and function, indicating
advanced decompensated cirrhosis (Child-Pugh C patients).17,21 lower predictive validity in women.21,25 Normal CT measures
There are several possible scoring tools to classify patients and cut-off values to define sarcopenia were initially derived
who are at risk of malnutrition. Most have not been validated from an oncologic population.26 Cut-off values derived from cir-
in cirrhotic patients, and are prone to bias in cases of fluid reten- rhotic patients on the liver transplant list and based on clinical
tion, which should be accounted for. There are two liver disease- outcomes have only recently been suggested (50 cm2/m2 for
specific tools, however, both need further validation. The Royal men and 39 cm2/m2 for women),27 and still need to be further
Free Hospital-nutritional prioritizing tool (RFH-NPT) score was validated. The predictive role of CT-assessed skeletal muscle
reported to correlate with clinical deterioration, severity of dis- mass in liver transplant candidates was demonstrated in a
ease (Child-Pugh score, model for end-stage liver disease meta-analysis, showing an independent association between
[MELD] score), and clinical complications such as ascites, hepa- low muscle mass and post-transplantation mortality (pooled
torenal syndrome, and episodes of HE.22 Furthermore, improve- hazard ratios of sarcopenia 1.84, 95% CI 1.11–3.05), independent
ment in RFH-NPT score was associated with improved of the MELD score.28
survival.22 This scheme takes less than 3 mins to be completed Body mass assessment can also be performed by simple bed-
and can be used by non-specialist staff. The liver disease under- side anthropometric methods29 including mid-arm muscle cir-
nutrition screening tool is based on six patient-directed ques- cumference (MAMC, defined as mid-arm circumference minus
tions regarding: nutrient intake, weight loss, subcutaneous fat [triceps skinfold (TSF)  0.314]),30 mid-arm muscular area
loss, muscle mass loss, fluid accumulation and decline in func- [MAMA = (MAMC)2/4  0.314] and TSF, which are simple to
tional status. However, it relies almost completely on the perform, rapid, low cost, and not affected by the presence of
patient’s subjective judgment and has low negative predictive fluid retention. Both MAMC and TSF have a demonstrated prog-
value.23 If the initial screening using these tools is negative, it nostic value for mortality among cirrhotic patients, with MAMC
is recommended that the evaluation be repeated over time. having a higher prognostic power than TSF.31 If performed by
trained personnel, these measurements have good intra and
Detailed nutritional assessment inter-observer agreement (intra-class correlation of 0.8 and
It is advisable that patients who are at risk of malnutrition dur- 0.9 for TSF and MAMC, respectively).32 Compared to the diagno-
ing screening undergo a detailed nutritional assessment for the sis of sarcopenia by cross-sectional imaging (by CT or magnetic
diagnosis of malnutrition, preferably by a registered dietitian or resonance), the predictive value of MAMC was shown to be
nutrition expert. In patients with cirrhosis whose screening good, with an area under the receiver operating characteristic
results indicate a high risk of malnutrition, it is suggested that curve (AUROC) of 0.75 for men and 0.84 for women.30 In a small
each component be assessed and documented every 1–6 sample study, a significant but moderate correlation was
months in the outpatient setting and for inpatients, at admis- observed between CT measurement and MAMC in cirrhotic
sion and periodically throughout the hospital stay.17 men (r = 0.48, p < 0.001), but not in women.31 In addition, low
The components of a detailed nutritional assessment include MAMC was found to be an independent predictor of mortality
evaluation of: muscle mass, global assessment tools and a after liver transplant,33 and in a large sample of the general pop-
detailed dietary intake assessment, as described below. ulation, but only among men.34
Whole body dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA)
Sarcopenia: How to assess allows measurement of bone mineral density, fat mass and
Sarcopenia is a major component of malnutrition. Direct quan- fat-free mass. However, fat-free mass is not only skeletal muscle
tification of skeletal muscle mass requires cross-sectional imag- mass. Radiation exposure, cost and logistics are additional lim-
ing.24 Computed tomographic (CT) image analysis at the L3 itations, while water retention may limit the validity of the for-
vertebra is almost universally recognised as a specific method mula applied to assess body composition. The ability to quantify
to quantify muscle loss. Psoas muscle and possibly para spinal limb muscle mass, which could be more reliable and has corre-
and abdominal wall muscles are considered core skeletal mus- sponding cut-offs in the healthy population, is an advantage and
cles that are relatively independent of activity and water reten- may overcome the confounding effect of overhydration.
tion, but are consistently altered by the metabolic and Tetrapolar bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) uses the
molecular perturbations of cirrhosis. Any of the several possible two-compartment model, and segmental BIA measurements
image analysis software packages can be used to analyse the allow limb non-fat mass quantification. Low cost, portable
total cross-sectional area (cm2) of abdominal skeletal muscles equipment and ease of use are advantages of BIA. However,
at L3. This area is then normalised to height to calculate the the validity of these methods also depends on stable hydration
skeletal muscle index (cm2/m2). Even though magnetic reso- status, which may be altered in patients with cirrhosis.35
nance imaging has also been suggested, data in patients with Skeletal muscle contractile function is not a direct measure
liver cirrhosis are scarce and normal values are still required. of muscle mass but has been used as a measure of sarcopenia.
The routine use of CT imaging for nutritional assessment, Handgrip strength is a simple, inexpensive, and effective
especially for repeated assessments, is obviously limited in clin- method to detect malnutrition in cirrhotic patients; predicting
ical practice, due to cost and exposure to radiation. However, incidence of major complications and mortality.36–38

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 3

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

Measures of frailty, defined as patient’s vulnerability to implement in those with advanced disease. Therefore, repeated
stress, decreased physiologic reserve and functional status 24 h dietary recalls are also optional.51 The 24 h recall technique
deficits39,40 can also be used in the assessment of cirrhotic requires short-term recall, is less burdensome, less likely to alter
patients. There are several measures of frailty that are used in eating behaviour than food diary, and can be used across diverse
geriatrics and were also demonstrated to have predictive value populations because it does not require a high level of literacy.52
in cirrhotic patients. The Fried frailty phenotype is characterised At a minimum, patients should be asked if their relative food
by five domains: unintentional weight loss, self-reported intake has changed and, if so, by how much (by half etc.) and
exhaustion, weakness (grip strength), slow walking speed, and over what period of time (for example, as indicated in the
low physical activity.39 An increase in the Fried frailty score SGA – nutritional assessment tool).53
was demonstrated to be associated with increased risk of liver
transplant waitlist mortality, even when adjusting for MELD.40 Obesity in cirrhosis: Assessment and interpretation
The short physical performance battery (SPPB) consists of timed With the increasing prevalence of obesity and NASH-related cir-
repeated chair stands, balance testing, and a timed 13-ft walk rhosis, attention needs to be paid to obesity in patients with cir-
and takes 2–3 mins to complete. Although the SPPB does not rhosis. Obesity does not rule out malnutrition. The combination
correlate with CT-based muscle mass in men or women,38 it of loss of skeletal muscle and gain of adipose tissue is termed
predicts liver transplant waitlist mortality.38,40 At present, there sarcopenic obesity and is observed in a significant number of
are no standardised or universally accepted criteria to diagnose patients with cirrhosis.14,54,55 Moreover, post-transplant obesity
frailty in cirrhosis. and metabolic syndrome are common and weight gain after
transplantation is considered to be primarily due to an increase
Global assessment tools in cirrhosis in the adipose tissue, with concomitant loss in skeletal mus-
The technique of subjective global assessment (SGA) uses data cle.55,56 Therefore, malnutrition needs to be estimated routinely
collected during clinical evaluation to determine nutritional sta- and treated in the obese cirrhotic patient. In clinical practice,
tus without recourse to objective measurements.32 Overall, SGA BMI is adequate to recognise obesity (defined as BMI equal or
has fair to good inter-observer reproducibility41 and is associ- greater than 30 kg/m2) in cirrhotic patients, in the absence of
ated with various clinical and prognostic variables of liver trans- fluid retention. In the case of fluid retention, BW needs to be
plantation.42 However, agreement of SGA with other methods of corrected by evaluating the patient’s dry weight, commonly
assessment of nutritional status (total lymphocyte count, estimated by post-paracentesis BW or weight recorded before
MAMC, MAMA, TSF, subscapular skinfold thickness, BMI and fluid retention if available, or by subtracting a percentage of
handgrip measurement) is low (K <0.26).43 Furthermore, SGA weight based upon the severity of ascites (mild 5%; moderate
underestimates the prevalence of muscle loss in liver disease 10%; severe 15%), with an additional 5% subtracted if bilateral
patients, compared with other objective measures.36,44–47 pedal oedema is present, as performed in several studies.21,30
The Royal Free Hospital-global assessment (RFH-GA),32 for This is still not validated but excellent inter-observer agreement
determining nutritional status in patients with cirrhosis is has been demonstrated. The dry-weight BMI is then calculated
reproducible, correlates with other measures of body composi- by dividing the patient’s estimated dry weight (kg) by the
tion and predicts survival and post-transplant complica- square of the patient’s height (m).
tions.32,48,49 Patients are stratified into one of three categories The proposed process for nutritional screening and assess-
based on their dry weight-based BMI and their MAMC: ade- ment in patients with chronic liver disease is summarised
quately nourished, moderately malnourished (or suspected to (Fig. 1).
be), or severely malnourished. The limitations of this tool
include the time required, and the need for trained personnel
for consistent results. Recommendations

Reported dietary intake  Perform a rapid nutritional screen in all patients with
Dietary interviews provide practical information for nutritional cirrhosis and complete a detailed assessment in those
interventions by identifying what and how much the patient is at risk of malnutrition, to confirm the presence and
willing and capable of eating and determining specific nutrient severity of malnutrition. (Grade II-2, B1)
deficiencies that need to be corrected. A detailed assessment of
 Assume risk for malnutrition to be high if BMI
dietary intake is suggested to include: food, fluids, supplements,
<18.5 kg/m2 or Child-Pugh C. Utilise nutritional screen-
number of meals and their timing throughout the day (e.g. inter-
ing tools to assess the risk of malnutrition in all other
val between meals, breakfast and late-night meals as recom-
instances. (Grade II-2, B1)
mended), as well as calories and quality and quantity of
protein intake. It should also include barriers to eating: nausea,  In the diagnosis of obesity (BMI >30 kg/m2) always
vomiting, aversion to certain foods, taste, low-sodium diet, early consider the confounding effect of fluid retention and
satiety, gastrointestinal pain and diarrhoea or constipation. The estimate dry BW, even though the accuracy is low.
symptoms section of the abridged scored patient-generated (Grade II-2, B2)
subjective global assessment (abPG-SGA) can be used to con-  Include an assessment of sarcopenia within the nutri-
struct the questions.50 tional assessment. (Grade II-2, B1)
Evaluation of dietary intake is time consuming, requires
skilled personnel and relies on patient recall and cooperation.  Whenever a CT scan has been performed, assess muscle
The best method that relies the least on patient recall is a mass on images by this method. Anthropometry, DEXA
three-day food diary. However, it requires patients to cooperate or BIA are possible alternatives, which also allow for
and follow detailed instructions, which may make it difficult to serial measurements. (Grade II-2, B1)

4 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Energy and protein requirements in cirrhosis
 Assess muscle function, in the clinical setting, with the Cirrhosis is a state of accelerated starvation demonstrated by a
most appropriate tool, such as handgrip strength and/ rapid post absorptive physiology which is characterised by a
or the short physical performance battery. (Grade II-2, reduction in the respiratory quotient.61,62 The reduction in the
B1) respiratory quotient is the manifestation of a metabolic switch
in the primary fuel from glucose to fatty acids. During this state
 Assess dietary intake by trained personnel (ideally a of accelerated starvation, protein synthesis is decreased and
dietician with knowledge of managing patients with
gluconeogenesis from amino acids is increased, necessitating
liver disease) working as part of a team with the hepatol-
proteolysis, which contributes to sarcopenia. Gluconeogenesis
ogist. Assessment should include: quality and quantity is an energy-expensive procedure which may further increase
of food and supplements, fluids, sodium in diet, number resting energy expenditure (REE) in these patients. Accelerated
and timing of meals during the day and barriers to eat-
starvation is aggravated by reduced dietary intake due to a vari-
ing. (Grade II-2, B1) ety of factors including dysgeusia, anorexia of chronic disease,
salt restricted food that is not tasty, portal hypertension that
contributes to impaired gut motility, decreased nutrient absorp-
tion and protein losing enteropathy.63–66 Additional factors that
result in decreased dietary intake include inappropriate dietary
Nutritional management principles in patients with protein restriction, hospitalisation with periods of fasting for
liver cirrhosis diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, encephalopathy and
Since malnutrition and sarcopenia are independent predictors gastrointestinal bleeding.
of adverse clinical outcomes including survival57–59,17,60 any Energy supply needs to balance total energy expenditure
nutritional approach in cirrhotic patients needs to be guided (TEE), which includes REE, food-related thermogenesis and
by some general principles of nutritional management. energy expenditure related to physical activity. TEE is measured

Cirrhosis/advanced chronic liver disease

Calculate Child-Pugh score

Assess whether Estimate dry weight

fluid retention if needed†
Child C Child A or B

Underweight <18.5 kg/m2 BMI ≥30 kg/m2 Obesity

18.5-29.9 kg/m2

Screen Nutritional assessment

for malnutrition + lifestyle intervention Consider assessing
Utilize nutritional in compensated + sarcopenia
screening tools cirrhosis/ACLD

Follow up re-screen
High risk Medium risk Low risk at least 1/year

Assess sarcopenia Detailed nutritional assessment (expert dietician)

• Consider CT scan to measure muscle • Subjective global assessment (SGA)
area at L3 • Royal Free Hospital-Global Assessment
• Consider DEXA or BIA if no fluid retention • Reported dietary intake

Sarcopenia Malnutrition No malnutrition

Nutrition supplementation and appropriate follow-up
(repeat assessment every 1-3 months in the 1st year)

Fig. 1. Nutritional screening and assessment in patients with cirrhosis. All patients should undergo a rapid screening of malnutrition using validated,
accepted tools. A liver specific screening tool which takes into consideration fluid retention may be advisable (Royal Free Hospital Nutritional Prioritizing Tool
(RFH-NPT). Patients found to be at high risk of malnutrition should undergo a detailed nutritional assessment, and based on the findings they should receive
either supplementation or regular follow-up. yIn a case of fluid retention, body weight should be corrected by evaluating the patient’s dry weight by post-
paracentesis body weight or weight recorded before fluid retention if available, or by subtracting a percentage of weight based upon severity of ascites (mild,
5%; moderate, 10%; severe, 15%), with an additional 5% subtracted if bilateral pedal oedema is present. BIA, bioelectrical impedance analysis; BMI, body mass
index; CT, computed tomography; DEXA; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 5

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

ideally with doubly labelled water or in a respiratory chamber, period of fasting are therefore recommended in cirrhotic
but these methods are not feasible in the clinical setting. Phys- patients.
ical activity is reduced in patients with decompensated cirrhosis Protein needs are based on the minimum protein intake
and negligible when patients are hospitalised. In cirrhotic required to maintain nitrogen balance. In alcoholic
patients, TEE varies between 28 to 37.5 kcal/kg.BW/d.63,67–70 cirrhosis, nitrogen balance was achieved with intakes of
Some studies evaluated whether decompensated liver cirrhosis 0.8 g/kg.BW/d.81 This cut-off was confirmed in studies wherein
affected REE. One small longitudinal study suggested that cirrhotic patients received diets with increasing protein con-
ascites increases REE.71 However, a cross-sectional study found tent.70,82 These studies also showed that cirrhotic patients are
no difference in REE between patients with varying levels of able to utilise up to 1.8 g/kg.BW/d of protein.70 In the past, there
liver disease severity and fluid retention.72–74 Measured REE has been controversy about whether patients suffering from HE
may be higher than predicted, a situation termed hyperme- should undergo a transient restriction in protein intake, in order
tabolism. However, hypermetabolism cannot be identified by to limit the synthesis of ammonium and the deamination of
clinical or laboratory parameters,75 the severity and the aetiol- protein to aromatic amino acids. However, normal to high pro-
ogy of liver cirrhosis and the presence of ascites.25 REE may tein intake does not precipitate HE83,84 and may even improve
be estimated by predictive formulae but these are inaccurate mental status85,86 (see paragraph on hepatic encephalopathy).
in advanced cirrhotic patients, and thus measurement by indi- The recommended protein intake in patients with a
rect calorimetry is advisable whenever possible.61,62 The avail- diagnosis of liver cirrhosis is 1.2–1.5 g/kg.BW/d to prevent loss
ability of the hand held calorimeter at the bedside is a of muscle mass and reverse muscle loss in those who are sar-
possible alternative to determine a patient’s daily caloric copenic. Indeed, sarcopenia, as previously stated, contributes
needs.76 to worse clinical outcomes, independent of the severity of liver
The approach of most nutritional intervention studies in liver disease.27,63 Options for the treatment of sarcopenia will be
cirrhosis is to supply at least 35 kcal/kg.BW/d. The use of actual discussed in the next section.
BW, corrected for ascites (see previous section), is considered Short dietary advice for use when treating a cirrhotic patient
safe. This can be achieved primarily by tailoring the oral dietary at bedside or during an outpatient visit is provided (Box 2).
intake, even though this goal is frequently difficult to accom-
plish. The role of a nutrition support team has recently been
underlined by a retrospective study showing that nutritional Approach to sarcopenia in patients with liver cirrhosis
intervention, led by a multidisciplinary team, and in which cir- Factors related with sarcopenia in patients with cirrhosis
rhotic patients participated in teaching sessions about the rele- Skeletal muscle mass is the largest protein store in the body. A
vance of appropriate nutrition in chronic liver disease, was able balance between skeletal muscle protein synthesis and break-
to improve survival rates and quality of life.77 down is responsible for protein homeostasis (or proteostasis)
Whether frequent feeding can help prevent accelerated star- that maintains skeletal muscle mass.66,87,88 In the past, whole
vation and the related proteolysis has also been extensively body protein turnover studies have yielded conflicting results
evaluated. Since the longest inter-meal duration is at night, with unaltered, increased or decreased protein synthesis and
strategies to shorten nocturnal fasting with a late evening snack breakdown in cirrhosis.3,89 Skeletal muscle mass depends on a
have been explored, achieving an improvement in metabolic number of physiological factors including age, gender and eth-
profile and quality of life, although muscle mass did not show nicity. The severity and aetiology of liver disease also affects
consistent improvement.78 The adoption of a breakfast contain- muscle mass, with cholestatic and alcoholic liver disease lead-
ing some proteins79 and a late evening snack80 to shorten the ing to the most severe muscle loss independently of the severity

Box 2. Short, practical dietary advice for bedside or outpatient clinic use.

• Most of what you have heard/read on the relationship between food and the liver has limited scientific evidence to support it. Generally, healthy eating of a
variety of foods is advisable for all patients.
• Virtually no food other than alcohol actually damages the liver and/or is genuinely contraindicated in patients with chronic liver disease.
• In most patients with chronic liver disease, eating an adequate number of calories and protein is much more important than avoiding specific types of food,
so it is important that you have a good, varied diet that you enjoy.
• You should try to split your food intake into 3 main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and 3 snacks (mid-morning, mid-afternoon, late evening). The
late-evening snack is the most important, as it covers the long interval between dinner and breakfast.
• You should try to eat as many fruit and vegetables as you can. If you feel that this makes you feel bloated, and that it makes you eat less, please report to
your doctor or dietician.
• You should try not to add too much salt to your food. It may take some time to adjust, but it usually gets easier with time. However, if you keep feeling that
this makes your food unpleasant to eat, and that it makes you eat less, please report to your doctor or dietician.
• A limited proportion of patents with liver disease have a complication called hepatic encephalopathy, which may make them tolerate animal protein (meat)
less well than vegetable protein (beans, peas etc.) and dairy proteins. Before you make any changes to your protein intake, you should always ask your
doctor or dietician. Please do not reduce your total protein intake as it is not advisable in cirrhosis.
• Some patients with liver disease have other diseases, for example diabetes or overweight/obesity, which require dietary adjustments. Please remember to
tell your doctor about all your illnesses and about any dietary advice you have already received from other doctors, nurses or dieticians.

6 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
of the underlying liver disease, although data on alcoholic liver Nutritional supplementation
disease are not consistent.66,90 Hepatocellular dysfunction and It is advised that any nutritional interventions follow the gen-
portosystemic shunting also result in biochemical and hor- eral recommendations reported as ‘‘energy and protein require-
monal perturbations in cirrhosis that contribute to sarcopenia. ments in cirrhotic patients” (previous paragraph). However, an
Increased skeletal muscle ammonia, reduction in testos- adequate calorie and protein intake is difficult to achieve in
terone and growth hormone, endotoxemia, as well as decreased malnourished sarcopenic patients with advanced liver disease.
dietary nutrient intake contribute to sarcopenia.89,91–93 In addi- Oral nutritional supplement and branched chain amino acid
tion, amino acid perturbations, specifically reduction in the (BCAA) supplements have been utilised in clinical trials to over-
branched chain amino acid, L-leucine, and consequent impaired come this issue110,111 showing some benefits.
global protein synthesis has also been reported to contribute to In patients with malnutrition and cirrhosis, who are unable
sarcopenia in cirrhosis.3,94–97 to achieve adequate dietary intake with the oral diet (even with
To better understand how to correct the progressive deple- oral supplements), short-term enteral or parenteral nutrition
tion of muscle mass in cirrhotic patients, molecular mechanisms should be used to overcome the phase of underfeeding. Nutri-
of muscle wasting have recently been investigated (Fig. 2). tional guidelines proposed by international medical societies
Molecular pathways that regulate skeletal muscle mass include for enteral and parenteral nutrition in patients with chronic
myostatin, a TGFb superfamily member that inhibits protein liver disease are reported (Table S1).
synthesis and potentially increases proteolysis.88 Data in animal Enteral feeding has been utilised in malnourished cirrhotic
models, humans and cellular systems have consistently shown patients admitted to hospital, but despite promising individual
that myostatin expression is increased in cirrhosis.95,98,99 In studies, systematic meta-analyses have not shown significant
addition to impaired protein synthesis, proteolysis is also benefits in terms of survival.11,12,112 There are also conflicting
required for loss of muscle mass.63,66 The ubiquitin proteasome data on the benefits of parenteral nutritional supplementation
pathway and autophagy are currently believed to be the domi- in patients with cirrhosis, but this is likely to have a beneficial
nant mechanisms of skeletal muscle proteolysis.63,100 Human role during prolonged periods of poor oral intake including
skeletal muscle from patients with cirrhosis and preclinical encephalopathy, gastrointestinal bleeding and impaired gut
models of hyperammonaemia show increased autophagy with motility or ileus.113 The use of enteral and parenteral nutrition
impaired or unaltered proteasome-mediated proteoly- in the perioperative setting is dealt with in a dedicated section.
sis.95,100,101 A more extensive view of molecular mechanisms There is limited but consistent data that supplemental nutri-
of muscle wasting in patients with liver cirrhosis is reviewed tion improves quality of life if it results in an increase in lean
in Refs. 63,65. body mass, even though direct studies on sarcopenia are cur-
rently unavailable.114
Strategies to improve muscle mass in cirrhosis
A number of potential therapeutic strategies to improve muscle Exercise and physical activity
mass in patients with cirrhosis have been evaluated. These In addition to nutritional supplementation, increased physical
include dietary manipulations, increased physical activity and activity and exercise are also anabolic stimuli that can improve
exercise,3,102–104 hormone replacement therapies, 105
muscle mass and function. However, consistent long-term
ammonia-lowering strategies and targeting the underlying liver data in cirrhosis are lacking.87,115 Endurance or aerobic
disease.106–109 exercise improves skeletal muscle functional capacity but not


Supplemental calories/protein/amino acids

Portosystemic shunting Late evening snack
Hepatocellular dysfunction
Hormone Accelerated
replacement starvation
Aromatase Ammonia
inhibitors lowering Tx
↑ Ammonia

↓ Testosterone Amino acids ↓ BCAA

↓ Growth hormone antagonists Intermediates ↓ Anaplerotic agents
Endotoxin Myostatin
Zinc-gut permeability

Mitochondrial ↓ ATP
dysfunction ↑ ROS
Mitoprotective Structured
agents exercise
Muscle mass Muscle contractile

Fig. 2. Mechanisms and potential targets for anabolic resistance and dysregulated proteostasis resulting in sarcopenia and/or failure to respond to
standard supplementation. Adapted from Dasarathy S. et al. 2016.65 BCAA, branched chain amino acid; ROS, reactive oxygen species; Tx, treatment.

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 7

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

necessarily muscle mass.116 Resistance exercise promotes an quality data are lacking, particular attention must be paid to
increase in skeletal muscle mass.116 However, exercise also the protein intake needed to maintain muscle mass, because
increases muscle ammonia generation and portal pres- of the potential risk of exacerbating sarcopenia during weight
sure,117,118 both of which can have adverse effects in cirrhotic loss interventions.
patients. Despite these potential adverse responses, beneficial No clear-cut data is available regarding the best type of phys-
effects have been reported.103,104 Since both muscle loss and ical exercise (aerobic vs. anaerobic; endurance vs. resistance/
impaired contractile function are components of sarcopenia in strength training) and its duration in this population. In patients
cirrhosis, a combination of resistance and endurance exercise with portal hypertension, avoidance of abdominal pressure
would probably be appropriate and beneficial, as confirmed by seems reasonable even though there is some data suggesting
emerging data indicating the benefit of a moderate intensity that resistance exercise is probably safe.126 Exercise needs to
exercise regimen in cirrhosis.104 be tailored to the patient’s ability, beginning with moderate
Nutrient supplementation following physical activity is ben- intensity and maintained for the long-term.
eficial in physiological states, but whether such an intervention
is beneficial in cirrhosis is currently unknown.119,120 Continued
impaired functional capacity and reduced peak oxygen con- Recommendations
sumption are associated with decreased survival and poor
post-transplant outcomes.121,122 Hence measures to increase  Nutritional counselling should be performed in cirrhotic
functional capacity are likely to improve long-term clinical out- patients with malnutrition, when possible by a multidis-
comes in cirrhosis.102 ciplinary team, helping patients to achieve adequate
caloric and protein intake. (Grade II-2, C2)
Other strategies
 Optimal daily energy intake should not be lower than
Hormone replacement therapy utilising growth hormone or
the recommended 35 kcal/kg. actual BW/d (in non-
testosterone has been proposed but has not been consistently
obese individuals). (Grade II-2, B1)
effective.91,92,123,124 Furthermore caution is needed when using
testosterone because of the possibility of increasing the risk of  Optimal daily protein intake should not be lower than
hepatocellular carcinoma.105 the recommended 1.2–1.5 g/kg. actual BW/d. (Grade
A number of reports in preclinical models have shown that II-2, B1)
hyperammonaemia results in impaired protein synthesis and  Include late evening oral nutritional supplementation
increased autophagy, both of which result in loss of muscle and breakfast in dietary regimen of malnourished
mass.99,100 decompensated cirrhotic patients. (Grade II-1, B1)
Long-term ammonia-lowering strategies may result in
increased muscle mass and contractile strength but the data  BCAA supplements and leucine enriched amino acid sup-
are derived from preclinical studies and require validation in plements should be considered in decompensated cir-
human studies.109 rhotic patients when adequate nitrogen intake is not
achieved by oral diet. (Grade II-1, C1)

Nutritional approach and management of obesity in  In patients with malnutrition and cirrhosis who are
unable to achieve adequate dietary intake with the oral
patients with liver cirrhosis
diet (even with oral supplements), a period of enteral
Two studies have shown that obesity is at least as frequent in
nutrition is recommended. (Grade II-1, B1)
compensated cirrhosis as it is in the general population, ranging
from 20 to 35%,13,125 regardless of the origin of liver disease. In  Patients with cirrhosis, whenever possible, can be
NASH-related cirrhosis obesity is present in most cases. More- encouraged to avoid hypomobility and to progressively
over, a sedentary lifestyle is highly prevalent in patients with increase physical activity to prevent and/or ameliorate
cirrhosis and might be seen as a cofactor, leading to an increase sarcopenia. (Grade II-1, C2)
in BW in this population. In the HALT-C trial125 the risk of his-  Implement a nutritional and lifestyle programme to
tological progression or decompensation increased by 14% for achieve progressive weight loss (>5–10%) in obese cir-
each increase in BMI quartile, and the risk of progression rhotic patients (BMI >30 kg/m2 corrected for water
increased by 35% in patients whose BW increased by >5% at retention). (Grade II-2, C1)
one year.
In a randomised controlled trial comparing the use of timolol  A tailored, moderately hypocaloric (-500–800 kcal/d)
or placebo to prevent the onset of gastroesophageal varices, BMI diet, including adequate protein intake (>1.5 g pro-
was associated with clinical decompensation, independently of teins/kg.ideal BW/d) can be adopted to achieve weight
portal hypertension and albumin, in patients with no varices loss without compromising protein stores in obese cir-
and an hepatic venous pressure gradient ≥6 mmHg.13 rhotic patients. (Grade II-1, C2)
Data from different studies suggest that a reduction in BW
improves outcomes in obese patients with compensated cirrho-
sis.102,125,126 This was achieved by a programme of lifestyle New research should address the following topics
intervention including nutritional therapy and supervised mod-
erate intensity physical exercise. A weight decrease ≥5–10% is 1. Does the improvement in muscle mass and/or muscle func-
considered an adequate goal, associated with a reduced rate of tion improve clinical outcomes (lower the risk of first decom-
disease progression in patients included in the HALT-C trial.125 pensation, ascites, infection and encephalopathy, reduce
Dietary intake is aimed to guarantee both moderate caloric hospital readmissions, decrease length of hospital stay,
restriction and adequate protein intake. Indeed, although good reduce risk of falls, improve survival)?

8 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024

2. Do ammonia-lowering strategies in decompensated cirrhosis Wernicke’s encephalopathy, even in the absence of a history/
reverse muscle loss and improve clinical outcomes? clinical signs during life.135 If Wernicke’s encephalopathy is sus-
pected, generous parenteral thiamine supplementation is
3. Does a gradual increase in physical activity delay or mandatory. Deficiencies in pyridoxine (B6), folate (B9) and
reverse muscle loss and contractile dysfunction? What cobalamin (B12) may also develop rapidly in chronic liver dis-
type and duration of exercise are beneficial in cirrhotic ease resulting from diminished hepatic storage.136 However,
patients? good quality data on their prevalence and/or need for supple-
mentation are scarce. As vitamin status is not easily assessed
4. Is the addition of supplements (leucine, isoleucine or other and multivitamin supplementation is cheap and substantially
nutrient supplements) needed to lower ammonia and side effect free, a course of oral multivitamin supplementation
increase mitochondrial intermediates during training? could be justified in decompensated patients.
Hyponatraemia is common in patients with cirrhosis and is
5. How can therapies targeting the muscle protein synthesis more likely to occur when the intake of sodium is low, and that
pathway or dysregulated muscle autophagy be of water unchanged or increased.137 Thus, careful monitoring of
implemented? both sodium and water intake is required. If severe hypona-
traemia is corrected, this needs to be done slowly, to avoid the
6. How can anabolic resistance be overcome, or the underlying risk of central pontine myelinolysis.138 A reduction in dietary
causes of anabolic resistance in cirrhotic patients be sodium intake is recommended in patients with ascites,139
reversed? although evidence in this respect is limited and conflicting.140
Sodium intake should certainly not be reduced below 60
mmol/d, as this makes the diet unpalatable, potentially compro-
Micronutrients mising energy and protein intake.141 Reductions in circulating
In general, vitamin deficiencies in liver disease are related to levels of calcium, magnesium, and iron need to be considered
hepatic dysfunction, diminished reserves and, with increasing and corrected.142 Tissue zinc concentrations are reduced in
disease severity, inadequate dietary intake and malabsorption. patients with cirrhosis and zinc has been implicated in the
Fat-soluble vitamin deficiencies are common. A retrospective pathogenesis of HE. However, data on the effects of zinc supple-
study reported that the majority of liver disease patients being mentation on mental performance have been conflicting.143–145
considered for transplantation presented with vitamin A and D Selenium deficiency has been related to the severity of hepatic
deficiencies.127 fibrosis in patients with hepatitis C and identified as one of the
The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency in the general pop- factors contributing to insulin resistance in these patients.146
ulation ranges from 20 to 100% when referring to serum 25- Patients with cirrhosis have elevated total body manganese
hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentrations <20 ng/ml, and levels, which may result in selective manganese accumulation
affects all age groups.128 In patients with chronic liver disease in the basal ganglia.147 While there is no clear relationship
vitamin D (25(OH)D) levels below 20 ng/ml have been between such a phenomenon and HE, it is probably reasonable
reported in between 64 and 92% of patients, predominantly to avoid nutritional supplements containing manganese.
in chronic cholestatic conditions, and usually inversely corre- Specific evidence about the beneficial effect of micronutri-
lated with more advanced disease and Child-Pugh score.129,130 ents and vitamin supplementation in cirrhotic patients is not
Although low vitamin D levels might, in part, be due to available. However, confirmed or clinically suspected deficiency
decreased plasma binding proteins in the presence of liver should be treated based on accepted general recommendations
insufficiency, some evidence in pre-cirrhotic stages provide and common practice.
support for a true nutritional deficit. Recent data suggest a
close correlation between vitamin D levels and response to Recommendations
treatment in patients with hepatitis C virus infection, non-
alcoholic fatty liver disease and those who develop hepatocel-
lular carcinoma.130–132  In cirrhotic patients, administer micronutrients and vita-
Based on these data, it is advisable to assess plasma vitamin mins to treat confirmed or clinically suspected defi-
D (25(OH)D) levels in all patients with chronic liver disease, par- ciency. (Grade II-1, C1)
ticularly in those with advanced disease,128,130 non-alcoholic  Assess vitamin D levels in cirrhotic patients, as defi-
fatty liver and cholestatic disorders.133 Although there are no ciency is highly prevalent and may adversely affect clin-
specific recommendations in patients with chronic liver disease ical outcomes. (Grade II-3, B1)
except for those with chronic cholestasis, it seems reasonable to
 Supplement vitamin D orally in cirrhotic patients with
supplement all chronic liver disease patients with vitamin D
vitamin D levels <20 ng/ml, to reach serum vitamin D
levels below 20 ng/ml with oral vitamin D until reaching a
(25(OH)D) >30 ng/ml. (Grade II-1, B1)
serum vitamin D level above 30 ng/ml. Higher doses may be
necessary in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.134  In cirrhotic patients with ascites under sodium restric-
Vitamin K deficiency should always be considered in patients tion (recommended intake of sodium 80 mmol day =
who are jaundiced or whose liver disease is cholestatic in origin, 2 g of sodium corresponding to 5 g of salt added daily
and parenteral supplementation might be needed. to the diet according to EASL guidelines) take care to
Patients with both alcohol and non-alcohol related cirrhosis improve diet palatability as this regime may cause a
are prone to deficiencies in water-soluble vitamins, particularly reduction in caloric intake. (Grade II-2, B1)
thiamine (B1). They often exhibit evidence at autopsy of

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 9

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

Nutritional treatment options for hepatic ammonia levels in 150 patients with overt HE.85 One of the
encephalopathy advantages of vegetable diets may be due to their fibre content
The relationship between malnutrition and HE has been known rather than protein content, as fibre has both prebiotic and lax-
since the seminal observation that decreased energy intake ative properties. While increased dietary fibre may be of value
determines weight loss and coma in Eck’s fistula dogs.148 in patients with HE, the available literature is limited,165 and
Human studies also support this association. HE occurs more increasing fibre consumption is difficult even in the healthy
frequently in malnourished patients with cirrhosis, and there population. Notably, support from a multidisciplinary nutrition
is an inverse relationship between muscle mass and blood team has been shown to be useful in patients with cirrhosis77
ammonia levels.149,150 Sarcopenia, as assessed by the skeletal and should be considered in patients with HE.
muscle index, is an independent risk factor for the development A decreased serum ratio of BCAA to aromatic amino acids has
of HE after transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt place- been associated with a poor prognosis,166 but there is limited
ment.151 Muscle plays an important role in ammonia evidence that the original assumptions behind BCAA supple-
removal152 by increasing glutamine synthesis, a reaction that mentation in HE are correct. However, BCAA supplements, in
is catalysed by the enzyme glutamine synthetase.153 This has daily divided doses, may facilitate the provision of an adequate
generally been thought of as a straightforward, benign process nitrogen intake in patients who are intolerant to meat pro-
of ammonia disposal but evidence is accumulating that hyper- tein.167,168 The replacement of meat with dairy/vegetable pro-
ammonaemia may impair muscle function and contribute to tein plus BCAA supplements is likely to be preferable to a
muscle loss,154 thus establishing a vicious circle. There is also reduction in total protein intake. Long-term, oral BCAA supple-
evidence that lowering ammonia levels can reverse sarcopenia mentation may also have nutritional value.110,169 Palatability
in animal models.155 Recently a randomised clinical trial has proven to be a significant issue. In addition, costs and the
showed that nutritional intervention (30–35 kcal/kg.BW/d, possibility to prescribe BCAA as a drug (vs. a food supplement)
1.0–1.5 g vegetable protein/kg.BW/d for six months) was able vary considerably between countries.
to improve neuropsychiatric performance in patients with min- It has also been shown that L-leucine alone can reverse the
imal HE, and decrease their risk of developing overt HE com- decrease in disturbed muscle protein homeostasis (proteostasis)
pared to no nutritional intervention.114 due to hyperammonaemia.170 A Cochrane meta-analysis
Energy requirements in patients with cirrhosis and HE are included 16 randomised clinical trials, comparing oral or intra-
thought to be the same as those of patients with cirrhosis per venous BCAA supplementation vs. a control intervention in 827
se.156 Patients with HE need to avoid long periods of fasting, and patients with HE.171 Oral BCAA had a positive impact on HE.
should be encouraged to split their caloric and protein intake into However, oral or intravenous BCAA did not influence mortality,
small, frequent meals. It is advisable that breakfast79 and a late quality of life or nutritional status. No firm conclusions could be
evening snack80 also include some proteins (see also paragraph: reached on their nutritional effects and on how they compare
Energy and protein requirements in patients with liver cirrhosis). with non-absorbable disaccharides/antibiotics.172 Their use
Dysregulated nitrogen metabolism plays a major role in the intravenously for episodic overt HE is not supported by the
development of HE and its modulation is key to HE manage- available evidence.
ment. Up until the middle of the 20th century, meat protein In patients with HE grade III-IV, as oral dietary intake is
was administered to patients with cirrhosis to avoid unfeasible or impossible, in keeping with common practice in
catabolism.157 Then, a few uncontrolled studies showed that patients with neurologic coma, nutrition should be provided
decreased protein intake was associated with better mental sta- by nasogastric tube or parenterally.
tus in patients with HE and porto-systemic shunts,158 leading to
a widespread practice of chronic protein restriction.159 Protein
restriction is now considered detrimental, except perhaps, for
very short periods of time, in patients with severe overt HE
and gastrointestinal bleeding. There is sufficient evidence that,  Nutritional status and the presence of sarcopenia should
in general, patients with HE tolerate diets with a normal protein be evaluated in patients with HE. (Grade II-3, B1)
content,86 and their nitrogen requirements are the same as
 Avoid protein restriction in patients with HE. (Grade
those of patients with cirrhosis per se.160
II-1, A1)
The type of protein ingested may be important. The original
demonstration that Eck’s fistula dogs fed with fish/milk protein  Optimal daily protein and energy intake should not be
rather than meat developed fewer/no behavioural abnormali- lower than the general recommendations for cirrhotic
ties161 led to the idea that patients with HE may benefit from patients (recommendations 14 and 15). (Grade II-1, A1)
the replacement of meat with dairy/vegetable protein. Subse-  Encourage the consumption of vegetables and dairy pro-
quent uncontrolled, human studies showed that dairy protein tein. (Grade II-3, B1)
is better tolerated than protein from mixed sources and that
 BCAA supplementation should be considered to improve
vegetable protein is better tolerated than meat protein.83,162,163
neuropsychiatric performance and to reach the recom-
While there is a good pathophysiological basis for the use of
mended nitrogen intake. (Grade I-1, A1)
dairy/vegetable diets in patients with HE, the results of the clin-
ical studies undertaken remain unconvincing.164 In addition,  Oral dietary intake is preferred in patients who can tol-
concerns have been raised in relation to tolerability/palatability, erate it. In patients with grade III-IV encephalopathy,
and thus potential negative effects on overall caloric intake.156 who are unable to eat, provide nutrition by nasogastric
This is likely to depend on the features of the staple diet. Inter- tube (in patients with protected airways) or parenterally.
estingly, a 14-day casein-vegetable, high-protein, high-calorie (Grade II-1, B1)
diet was shown to improve mental performance and to decrease

10 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024

Nutritional treatment options in cirrhotic patients in transplanted patients have reduced the incidence of
with bone diseases fractures.203
‘Hepatic osteodystrophy’, including osteoporosis and osteoma- According to the WHO, bone densitometry of the lumbar
lacia, has been used for years to describe the bone disease of spine and hip is the gold standard procedure for the diagnosis
patients with liver damage. Osteoporosis, characterised by loss of osteoporosis and osteopenia. Lateral X-rays of dorsal and
of bone mass and quality that leads to fragility fractures, is com- lumbar spine should also be performed to disclose vertebral
mon in patients with chronic liver disease.173 Osteomalacia fractures.204 Laboratory measurements to identify abnormal
resulting from poor bone mineralisation is uncommon and only calcium and vitamin D metabolism are also appropriate. The
present when associated with persistent vitamin D deficiency in biochemical markers of bone turnover can be determined, but
individuals with severe and long-lasting cholestasis and intesti- they are most helpful for monitoring the response to therapy.
nal malabsorption.174 Nutritional, hormonal, metabolic, genetic, Undecalcified transiliac bone biopsy is recommended only in
and inflammatory factors play a significant role in the patho- the exceptional cases with presumed osteomalacia.
genesis of osteoporosis in patients with chronic liver disease, The diagnosis and management of bone disease in patients
mainly because of decreased bone formation. with chronic liver disease is summarised in (Fig. 3). Bone densit-
The diagnosis of osteoporosis is based on bone mineral den- ometry should be evaluated in patients with previous fragility
sity (BMD) that is generally measured by DEXA. According to fractures and those treated with corticosteroids and before liver
World Health Organization, osteoporosis is considered when transplantation.180,204 Bone densitometry needs to be assessed
BMD is 2.5 standard deviations below the young average value in patients with cholestatic diseases or if any of the described
(T-score ≤2.5) and osteopenia when the T-score is between 1 risk factors are found, and in cirrhotics. In patients within nor-
and 2.5, and severe or ‘established’ osteoporosis refers to indi- mal BMD, it is advisable to repeat DEXA after two to three years,
viduals who meet densitometric criteria and have one or more as is suggested in the non-cirrhotic population. In conditions
fragility fractures.175 associated with rapid bone loss, such as in cholestatic patients
Prevalence of osteoporosis in patients with chronic liver dis- with more than one risk factor for osteoporosis, and in those
ease depends mostly on patient selection and diagnostic crite- in whom high-dose corticosteroid therapy has recently been ini-
ria. In summary, about 30% of patients have osteoporosis, with tiated, DEXA can be repeated in a shorter interval of approxi-
higher prevalence in patients with cholestasis including pri- mately one year. This schedule is also recommended for
mary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and primary sclerosing cholangi- patients with advanced cirrhosis, particularly in those eligible
tis.176–188 In patients eligible for liver transplantation the for transplantation. Inaccuracies in BMD and bone marker mea-
prevalence of osteoporosis is 30%.188–191 Fracture prevalence surements in patients with cirrhosis or chronic cholestasis need
ranges between 7% and 35%,176–188,192–198 being more frequent to be taken into consideration.205,206 Recognition of the risk fac-
in postmenopausal women than in young women and men,182 tors for bone loss including those for osteoporosis and fractures
and in patients receiving corticosteroid therapy.199 Vertebral in patients with chronic liver disease is recommended, as in
fractures are associated with osteoporosis and osteopenia with general population and in postmenopausal women (Table 2).204
a T-score lower than 1.5 in patients with PBC and primary A balanced diet is recommended because patients with
sclerosing cholangitis.180. Patients with a T-score below 1.5 chronic liver disease are often malnourished. Supplements of
have a high risk of hip and vertebral fractures, supporting this calcium (1,000–1,500 mg/d) and 25(OH)D (400–800 IU/d or
T-score as a practical guide for starting specific therapy. 260 lg every two weeks) or the dose required to preserve nor-
Osteoporosis is frequently observed in transplanted mal levels should be provided. However, there is no definite
patients,200 and associated with a high incidence of fractures data confirming the efficacy of these supplements in preventing
(25 to 35%) within the first year after liver transplanta- bone loss in patients with liver disease.134 Physical activity is
tion.201,202 Improvements in the management of bone health recommended, in particular with exercises designed to improve

Diagnosis Management

DEXA Treatment

Bone densitometry (DEXA) Repeat in 2-3 yr

Normal Ca + 25(OH)D*
of lumbar spine and hip T-score >-1.5

Repeat in 1-2 yr**

Lateral X-rays of dorsal Osteopenia Ca + 25(OH)D*
and lumbar spine T-score ≤-1.5 >-2.5 Bisphosphonates***

Laboratory measurements Repeat in 1 yr** Ca + 25(OH)D*

to identify abnormal calcium Bisphosphonates
T-score ≤-2.5
and vitamin D metabolism New agents

Fig. 3. Diagnosis and management of bone disease in patients with chronic liver disease. *Calcium (1,000–1,500 mg/d) and 25(OH)D (400–800 IU/d or
260 lg every two weeks) to preserve normal levels. **According to the severity of liver disease and cholestasis, and in patients taking corticosteroids.
***Depending on additional risk factors. 25(OH)D, 25-hydroxyvitamin D. DEXA; dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 11

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

Table 2. Risk factors for the development of osteoporosis in chronic liver therapy for osteoporosis in these patients223 as well as deno-
disease. sumab, a human monoclonal IgG antibody that binds to RANKL
Risk factors and inhibits bone resorption.
Alcohol abuse
Body mass index lower than 19 kg/m2
Male hypogonadism
Early menopause
Secondary amenorrhea of more than 6 months  Evaluate BMD in cirrhotic patients and in patients with
Family history of osteoporotic fracture cholestatic liver diseases, those receiving long-term cor-
Treatment with corticosteroids (5 mg/d or more of prednisone for 3
ticosteroid treatment, and before liver transplantation.
months or longer)
(Grade II-2, A1)
Advanced age
 Utilise lumbar and femoral densitometry (DEXA) to diag-
nose osteoporosis and osteopenia. Lateral X-rays of dor-
sal and lumbar spine for diagnosing vertebral fractures.
the mechanics of the spine. Factors that contribute to bone loss (Grade II-3, A1)
need to be reduced to a minimum, including alcohol and tobacco
use. Corticosteroids ought to be minimised whenever possible.  Repeat DEXA after two to three years in patients within
Different pharmacological therapies have been proposed for normal BMD, and within one year when rapid bone loss
improving bone mass in patients with chronic liver disease, but is expected. (Grade II-1, B1)
most studies have included small numbers of patients, and  Include supplements of calcium (1,000–1,500 mg/d) and
therefore it is difficult to reach any definite conclusions. Fur- 25(OH)D (400–800 IU/d or 260 lg every two weeks) in
thermore, no clear anti-fracture effect has been demonstrated, patients with chronic liver disease and a T-score below
and except for osteoporosis in PBC and after liver transplanta- -1.5. (Grade II-3, A1)
tion, no systematic studies have been reported.
 Utilise bisphosphonates in cirrhotic patients with osteo-
There is no general agreement concerning the appropriate
porosis and in those waiting for liver transplantation.
time to start treatment, but patients with established osteo-
(Grade I, A1)
porosis, and therefore with fragility fractures, should be treated
to reduce the risk of further fractures. Since patients with PBC  Consider testosterone supplementation and venesection
with a lumbar or a proximal femur T-score lower than <1.5 in males with hemochromatosis and hypogonadism.
have a high risk of vertebral fracture, it seems reasonable to (Grade II-2, B1)
consider specific therapy in these patients,180 and in all patients
with osteoporosis before transplantation.
Bisphosphonates are anti-catabolic drugs which increase New research should address the following topics
bone mass and reduce the incidence of fractures in post-
menopausal osteoporosis. Their effects in chronic liver disease 1. The use and safety of anabolic drugs, such as PTH 1–34 and
are not entirely defined, mostly because of the very limited num- denosumab as potential new therapies for osteoporosis in
ber of studies and small numbers of patients.207–212 Nonetheless, patients with cirrhosis.
etidronate, alendronate and ibandronate increase bone mass in
patients with PBC, resulting in these patients achieving similar Clinical scenarios requiring special considerations
bone mass as patients with osteoporosis associated with other Malnutrition in patients undergoing liver transplantation
causes.208,211 Serious adverse events have not been observed and liver surgery
and potential harmful effects of bisphosphonates have not been Preoperative nutrition
reported in liver patients. Moreover, bisphosphonates appear to Both severe under nutrition (BMI <18.5 kg/m2) and severe obe-
be well tolerated, although it would be reasonable to exercise sity (BMI >40 kg/m2) prior to liver transplantation are associ-
caution in using the drug in cirrhotics with recent oesophageal ated with increased mortality and morbidity.224–227 Severe
banding/sclerotherapy to avoid oesophageal injury. Bisphospho- obesity prior to liver transplantation is associated with a higher
nates may also have a role in transplanted patients.213–215 prevalence of comorbidities (diabetes, hypertension), crypto-
Favourable effects have been reported using zoledronic acid,216 genic cirrhosis and increased mortality from infectious compli-
and weekly alendronate.217 Moreover, zoledronic acid reduces cations, cardiovascular disease and cancer.226,227 Some
bone turnover and results in lower fracture rates.216 investigators found that severe obesity was associated with
In patients with liver disease, hormonal replacement therapy increased morbidity and mortality even when patients were
was limited for many years as it was considered harmful. Trans- classified according to ‘‘dry BMI”227 while others have reported
dermal oestrogens prevent bone loss or even increase BMD in that the amount of ascites and not BMI contributes to the
patients with PBC or autoimmune cirrhosis and in post- increased mortality risk.228
menopausal women after liver transplantation, with no adverse Numerous descriptive studies have shown higher morbidity
effects on the liver.218–221 In males with hemochromatosis and and mortality in cirrhotic patients with protein malnutrition
hypogonadism, treatment with testosterone and venesection is when such patients undergo liver transplantation.57,229–231
also effective.222 One concern about restoring testosterone Recently, sarcopenia and frailty have been shown to confer an
levels in cirrhotic patients is the increased risk of hepatocellular increased risk of morbidity and mortality on the waiting list
carcinoma.105 and after transplantation.58,232–241 Patients on the waiting list
There are no studies assessing the effects of anabolic drugs in are at risk because of an inadequate food or caloric intake,242
liver patients with osteoporosis, but PTH 1–34 is a potential and those consuming a low protein diet (<0.8 g/kg.BW/d) have

12 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
an increased waiting list mortality.243 Nevertheless, there are no Postoperative nutrition
formal trials showing that preoperative nutritional intervention After transplantation, postoperative parenteral or enteral nutri-
improves clinical outcome. tion decreases time on the ventilator, length of ICU stay, and
In less advanced and predominantly cholestatic liver cirrho- reduces the risk of bacterial infections and bile duct complications
sis, nutritional counselling plus oral nutritional supplement compared to only infusing fluids and electrolytes.258 Early enteral
(ONS) improved MAMC and grip strength compared to nutri- nutrition (12 h after the operation) is associated with fewer viral
tional counselling alone, while there was no difference in mor- infections and better nitrogen retention than parenteral nutri-
tality.244 In one pilot study, ONS enriched with x-3 fatty acids, tion.258 In a direct comparison between parenteral nutrition and
arginine and nucleotides appeared to reduce infectious compli- early enteral nutrition, both strategies proved to be equally effec-
cations.245 In a subsequent randomised trial, perioperative tive with regard to the maintenance of nutritional state but enteral
immunonutrition did not provide significant benefits in terms nutrition reduced complication rates and costs.259 For early ent-
of preoperative total body protein status or postoperative out- eral nutrition in adult liver transplant recipients, whole protein
come compared to standard ONS.246 formulae with260 or without pre- and probiotics258,259 or
A combined meta-analysis of different interventions like glu- peptide-based formulae via catheter jejunostomy261,262 have
tamine or x-3 fatty acids by the parenteral or enteral route been used. Formulae were administered via nasogastric or naso-
reported overall beneficial effects regarding morbidity and liver duodenal tubes after endoscopic placement259 or via catheter
function, but no significant difference in survival.247 Kaido and jejunostomy261–263 placed during laparotomy. According to a
colleagues observed less postoperative infections in their trans- European survey256 the combination of enteral nutrition and par-
planted patients who received preoperative immuno-modulating enteral nutrition was used in 10/16 centres, while 3/16 used par-
ONS.248 Interestingly, BCAA supplementation only conferred bet- enteral nutrition or enteral nutrition alone.
ter survival to sarcopenic patients on the waiting list but not to After liver transplantation there is a considerable nitrogen
non-sarcopenic individuals.249 loss and patients remain in negative nitrogen balance for a pro-
In malnourished cirrhotic patients, the risk of postopera- longed period245,264 necessitating an increase in the provision of
tive morbidity and mortality is increased after abdominal protein or amino acids. Protein or amino acid provision of
surgery.250,251 Liver glycogen is depleted in cirrhotic patients. 1.0–1.5 g/kg.BW/d has been reported,257 which is slightly
Therefore it is advisable to take great care to shorten peri- lower than recommended for hospitalised or critically ill
ods without nutrient intake in order to avoid gluconeogene- patients.265–267 No difference was observed between a standard
sis from muscle protein in an already protein depleted and a BCAA-enriched amino acid solution for parenteral
individual.252,253 Additionally, in liver surgery, adoption of nutrition after liver transplantation.257
enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) protocols improves In the early postoperative phase there is often a disturbance
morbidity and reduces length of hospital stay when, among in glucose metabolism associated with insulin resistance. In this
other measures, patients are given carbohydrate containing situation blood glucose levels should be managed like in other
clear liquids up to 2 h preoperatively, and are fed early surgical patients.256 In the first 48 h postoperatively, a lower
and mobilised.254–256 provision of energy (<18 kcal/kg.BW/d)268 may be advisable in
the light of the growing recognition of autophagy as a source
of endogenous substrate supply.269 Less postoperative morbid-
Recommendations ity and shortened length of stay was reported, seemingly in
duplicate, when x-3 fatty acids were used for parenteral nutri-
tion.270,271 The function of the hepatic reticuloendothelial sys-
 Screen for malnutrition and sarcopenia in cirrhotic tem was reported to recover better when a medium chain
patients listed for transplantation or scheduled for elec- triglyceride/long chain triglyceride emulsion was given as par-
tive surgery. Sarcopenia can be treated prior to elective enteral nutrition instead of a long chain triglyceride emulsion
surgery, as this will enable improvement in body protein after liver transplantation.272
status and clinical outcomes. (Grade III, B2) For the growing subgroup of obese patients undergoing sur-
 Screen for sarcopenic obesity, with body composition gery, recent guidelines recommend energy (25 kcal/kg ideal
analysis, in obese cirrhotic patients being considered BW/d) and protein (2.0 g/kg ideal BW/d) intakes based on ideal
for surgery, in order to identify those at higher risk of BW calculated based on height and gender.273
morbidity and mortality. (Grade III, C2) Chronic dilutional hyponatraemia is not infrequent in cir-
rhotic patients and should be corrected carefully after trans-
 Preoperatively, if the treatment goal is maintenance of
plantation in order to avoid pontine myelinolysis.274
nutritional status, plan a total energy intake of 30 kcal/
Magnesium levels need to be monitored in order to detect and
kg.BW/d and a protein intake of 1.2 g/kg.BW/d. If
treat cyclosporine or tacrolimus induced hypomagnesaemia.275
improvement of nutritional status is the goal, plan a total
The simultaneous administration of enteral feeding with tacro-
energy intake of 35 kcal/kg.BW/d and a protein intake of
limus did not interfere with tacrolimus absorption.276
1.5 g/kg.BW/d. (Grade II-3, B1)
Long-term survivors of liver transplantation are at consider-
 For preoperative nutrition, utilise standard nutrition reg- able risk of becoming overweight or even obese and developing
imens, since specialised regimens (e.g. BCAA-enriched, relevant morbidities due to the metabolic syndrome.277–279
immune-enhancing diets) have not been shown to Attention should be paid to avoiding sarcopenic obesity,280
improve morbidity or mortality in intervention trials. using stringent postoperative physiotherapy and dietary coun-
(Grade II-1, B1) selling to overcome the deconditioning of pre-transplant
chronic liver disease.281–283

Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx 13

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
Clinical Practice Guidelines

Sarcopenic cirrhotic patients undergoing non-transplant sur- ill cirrhotic patients more frequently require enteral or par-
gery like resection for hepatocellular carcinoma have an enteral nutrition. Nutritional guidelines exist, proposed by dif-
increased mortality risk.284,285 In cirrhotic patients undergoing ferent medical societies, for patients with chronic liver disease
non-transplant visceral surgery, the complication rate and in different settings (Table S1).
nitrogen economy can be improved when nutrition support is
provided instead of just fluid and electrolytes.286,263 It may be Alcoholic liver disease and severe/acute alcoholic hepatitis
safely assumed that enteral nutrition in the early postoperative Nielsen et al. focussed on patients with alcoholic cirrhosis and
period would yield at least equally beneficial results. However, found a mean TEE of 32 ± 7 kcal/kg.BW/d70 and, in another study,
there are no studies comparing the two regimens in cirrhotic a median TEE of 28 kcal/kg.BW/d,81 similar to that in patients with
patients. There are data to suggest a beneficial effect on gut per- cirrhosis of different aetiologies. However patients with active
meability of sequential parenteral/enteral nutrition (via alcohol abuse may have a higher REE than healthy controls.288,289
jejunostomy), compared to parenteral nutrition alone or no An early study in alcoholic hepatitis showed that the intra-
postoperative nutrition at all.263 venous addition of 70 to 85 g of amino acids to a diet containing
In cirrhotic patients undergoing liver resection, oesophageal 3,000 kcal and 100 g of protein over four weeks, was safe and
transection and splenectomy or splenorenal shunt, the rate of associated with a lower mortality rate.290 A low protein intake
HE was not increased when a conventional amino acid solution was also shown to worsen HE in 136 patients with alcoholic
(50 g/d) was used for postoperative parenteral nutrition instead hepatitis and HE.291
of a BCAA-enriched amino acid solution (40 g/d).286 Tang and Two meta-analyses evaluated the impact of nutritional sup-
colleagues reported improved immune function and preserved plementation in patients with alcoholic liver disease.12,112 The
gut mucosal integrity when parenteral nutrition supplemented first included seven randomised controlled studies testing oral
with glutamine and human growth hormone was used in cir- or intravenous nutritional supplementation vs. a hospital diet
rhotic patients.287 in 262 patients, for 21 to 28 days. Nutritional support improved
the resolution of clinical encephalopathy but did not influence
mortality, ascites or laboratory parameters.112 The second
Recommendations included studies comparing parenteral nutrition, enteral nutri-
tion and ONS with no nutritional support.12 No benefits of nutri-
 After liver transplantation initiate normal food and/or tional support were observed but a trend towards a better
enteral tube feeding preferably within 12–24 h postop- nitrogen balance with parenteral nutrition was noted.
eratively, or as soon as possible, to reduce infection rates. It was hypothesised that enteral nutrition improves survival
(Grade II-2, B1) to the same extent as corticosteroids. One study found no differ-
ence in mortality in 71 patients with severe alcoholic hepatitis
 When oral or enteral nutrition are not possible or are
(71% with cirrhosis) randomised to prednisone or enteral nutri-
impracticable, parenteral nutrition should be used
tion for 28 days.292 In another study, 136 patients with alcoholic
instead of no feeding in order to reduce complication
hepatitis were randomised to methylprednisolone and enteral
rates, time on mechanical ventilation and ICU stay.
nutrition or methylprednisolone with conventional nutrition.
(Grade II-2, B1)
No difference in the six-month mortality was observed but calo-
 After the acute postoperative phase, provide an energy ric intake lower than 21.5 kcal/kg.BW/d was associated with
intake of 35 kcal/kg.BW/d and a protein intake of 1.5 g/ higher mortality.293
kg.BW/d. (Grade II-2, C1)
 After other surgical procedures, patients with chronic Immunonutrition
liver disease can be managed according to the ERAS pro- Immunonutrition, i.e. nutritional solutions enriched with x-3
tocol. (Grade III, C2) fatty acids, arginine and nucleotides, has also been proposed.
One retrospective study examined patients undergoing elec-
 Consider parenteral nutrition in patients with unpro- tive liver resection, who received preoperative oral immunonu-
tected airways and HE when cough and swallow reflexes trition for seven days (n = 84; 14 patients with cirrhosis) vs. no
are compromised, or enteral nutrition is contraindicated oral supplementation (n = 63, 5 patients with cirrhosis). The
or impractical. (Grade II-2, C1) authors found no impact on postoperative complications.294
 Enteral tube feeding and/or parenteral nutrition with a When considering the components of immunonutrition sepa-
reduced target energy intake (25 kcal/kg.BW/d) and an rately, oral x-3 fatty acids administered to cirrhotic patients
increased target protein intake (2.0 g/kg.BW/d) can be with ascites and renal failure did not improve renal function
utilised in obese patients. (Grade III, C2) but increased bleeding time and arterial blood pressure, leading
the authors to argue against their use in cirrhotic patients.295

Nutrition in the critically ill cirrhotic patient Nutritional support in gastrointestinal bleeding
In critically ill cirrhotic patients (patients hospitalised for severe In a randomised study, 22 patients with liver cirrhosis were
complications of the disease, acute-on-chronic liver failure, administered enteral nutrition by a nasogastric tube or no oral
patients in an intensive care unit, those with acute alcoholic intake during the first four days after acute bleeding from oeso-
hepatitis), maintenance of an adequate nutritional support is a phageal varices.296 No difference in re-bleeding, nutritional sta-
relevant target. Direct measurement of REE by indirect tus, liver function, duration of hospital stay and mortality was
calorimetry is advisable in these patients whenever possible. observed between the groups after a follow-up of 35 days. Nev-
Of note, as in all critically ill patients, tight glucose control is ertheless, experts recommend withholding enteral nutrition for
indicated to prevent hyper- and hypoglycaemia.29,113 Critically 48–72 h after acute bleeding,297,298 because enteral nutrition

14 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

Please cite this article in press as: EASL Clinical Practice Guidelines on nutrition in chronic liver disease. J Hepatol (2018), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024
increases splanchnic blood flow, which in turn may increase chronic liver disease, which severely impact on prognosis.
portal pressure and the risk of variceal re-bleeding. Undernutrition and sarcopenia are also interconnected with
other complications of cirrhosis such as HE, ascites and the sus-
ceptibility to infection. The molecular mechanisms underlying
Recommendations sarcopenia have been investigated in depth and clarified to
some extent. At the same time, a novel condition has emerged,
 Consider nutritional status and presence of sarcopenia in i.e. the occurrence of overweight and obesity in cirrhotic
all critically ill cirrhotic patients and provide nutritional patients. This deserves both clinical attention and further study.
support while treating other manifestations of severe Recent research has provided preliminary data on the potential
decompensation. (Grade II-3, C1) benefit of physical activity in patients with cirrhosis. However,
both the target population and the exact features of the activity
 Supplement dietary intake by enteral nutrition in criti-
(i.e. isometric vs. aerobic) need to be better defined.
cally ill cirrhotic patients who are unable to achieve ade-
While working on these guidelines the authors had to recog-
quate dietary intake by mouth. If oral diet or enteral
nise that high quality studies in the field of nutrition in liver dis-
nutrition are not tolerated or contraindicated parenteral
ease are often lacking. There are many reasons for this,
nutrition should be provided. (Grade III, A1)
including uncertainties in definitions, lack of standardised out-
 Naso-gastroenteric tubes are not contraindicated in comes and scarcity of interventional studies. These require
patients with non-bleeding oesophageal varices. (Grade large, homogeneous groups of patients and long-term observa-
II-2, A1) tion. Consequently, the available studies are often underpow-
 It is best to avoid PEG insertion in cirrhotic patients ered, and even meta-analyses have failed to reach definite
because of the risk of bleeding. (Grade III, B2) conclusions. Thus, in several instances the working panel pro-
duced recommendations, and sometimes even strong recom-
 Take care that daily energy intake in critically ill cirrhotic mendations, despite the lack of high quality, specific evidence.
patients is not lower than the recommended 35–40 kcal/ These were based on the literature from parallel research and
kg.BW/d or 1.3 times measured REE. (Grade II-2, B1) clinical fields, recommendations directed to the general popula-
 Take care that daily protein intake in critically ill cir- tion, standard practice, feasibility, costs and, ultimately, com-
rhotic patients is not lower than the recommended 1. mon sense. While lack of strong evidence represents a
2–1.3 g/kg.BW/d. (Grade II-2, B1) limitation, the present document reflects the actual situation
of this clinical and research field, and it will hopefully serve as
 Standard nutrition regimens can be utilised in critically
a basis for future studies providing better data to reinforce or
ill cirrhotic patients since no advantage has been shown
modify current practices.
for specialised regimens (e.g. BCAA-enriched, immune-
enhancing diets) in terms of morbidity or mortality.
(Grade II-1, B2) Conflict of interest
S.D. reports grant/research support from the National Institutes
 In critically ill cirrhotic patients with HE, BCAA-enriched
of Health, RO1 DK113196; RO1 GM 119174; R21 AR071045;
solutions should be used to facilitate resolution. (Grade
P50 AA024333; UO1 AA021890; UO1061732 and the Mikati
I, A1)
Foundation Research Grant. A.P. reports grants, personal fees
 In cirrhosis and severe/acute alcoholic hepatitis, nutri- and other from Intercept Pharmaceuticals, other from Novartis,
tional support should be provided to accelerate resolu- personal fees from Cymabay Therapeutics, Inc., outside the sub-
tion of HE, and, improve survival in patients with low mitted work. M.M. reports personal fees from Kedrion. All other
calorie intake. (Grade II-1, A1) authors report no conflicts of interest.
Please refer to the accompanying ICMJE disclosure forms for
further details.
New research should address the following topics
1. In the absence of indirect calorimetry, what is the best way We would like to thank the reviewers of this Clinical Practice Guide-
to calculate energy needs in critically ill patients with liver line for their time and critical reviewing; EASL Governing Board,
diseases? Dominique Valla, Stephan Bischoff, Puneeta Tandon.

2. Does increased energy and protein intake improve outcomes

in critically ill patients with liver diseases? Supplementary data
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found, in
3. Should the nutritional recommendations differ according to the online version, at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhep.2018.06.024.
the nutritional status at baseline?

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16 Journal of Hepatology 2018 vol. xxx j xxx–xxx

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