Air-conditioning System
System Description
81.99198-7432 3rd edition T 69
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Aktiengesellschaft Systembeschreibung T 69, 3. Ausgabe
Dachauer Str. 667 Elektrische Anlage
80995 MÜNCHEN Klimaanlage
oder - Englisch -
Postfach 50 06 20 Printed in Germany
System Description T 69
3rd edition
Electrical System
Air-conditioning System
This manual is intended to provide assistance in performing repairs correctly on the vehicles and units listed
This publication assumes that persons who use it possess the requisite technical knowledge in handling
vehicles and units.
Pictures and the corresponding descriptions are typical one-time representations; they do not always
correspond to the unit in question, but this does not necessarily mean they are incorrect. In such cases, plan
and carry out the repair work in accordance with the sense of the instructions.
Repair work on complex add-on units must be left to our after-sales service or the after-sales service of the
manufacturer. These components are mentioned specifically in the text.
Important instructions relating to safety and accident prevention are specially highlighted in the text as follows.
Type and source of danger
• Refers to working and operating procedures which must be followed exactly in order to avoid
exposing people to risk
Type and source of danger
• Refers to working and operating procedures which must be followed in order to avoid material
damage or destruction.
An explanatory note which is useful for understanding the working or operating procedure to be
Comply with general safety regulations when performing any repair work.
Munich Plant
Reprinting, copying or translation, even of extracts, is not allowed without the written approval of MAN
Nutzfahrzeuge AG.
All rights under the copyright law are strictly reserved by MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG.
If any changes are made without the written approval of MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG then MAN Nutzfahrzeuge
AG shall not be liable for any warranty or guarantee claims arising from damage and defects attributable
to the unauthorised modification. Furthermore, MAN Nutzfahrzeuge AG shall not be liable for any damage
resulting from the unapproved modification.
Satz: VSAID-Steyr
Druck: MAN-Werksdruckerei
II T 69
Content Chapter/Page
Index V
Abbreviations VII
Device description
Overviews ............................................................................................................. 3 - 51
Brief overview of the air-conditioning system ............................................................... 3 - 52
wiring diagram No. 81.99192.1380 .............................................................................. 3 - 54
Air-conditioning system wiring diagram ............................................... sheet 1 of 2 ....... 3 - 54
Air-conditioning system wiring diagram ............................................... sheet 2 of 2 ....... 3 - 56
T 69 III
Catchword Page
Air conditioning, system............................................................................................................................ 2 - 11
Brief overview of the air-conditioning system ...........................................................................................3 - 53
Compressor with magnetic coupling (Y114)
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 25
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 17
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 27
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 20
Connection valves ....................................................................................................................................2 - 20
Control element, cab heating with air-conditioning system (A474)
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 23
Connector pin assignment...................................................................................................................2 - 14
Description of the refrigerant circuit..........................................................................................................2 - 13
Diagnosis socket (X200)...........................................................................................................................2 - 34
Diagnosis socket HD-OBD (X200) ...........................................................................................................2 - 34
Evaporator ................................................................................................................................................2 - 20
Evaporator sensor
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 30
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 15
Explanatory notes to the wiring diagrams...................................................................................................1 - 8
External temperature sensor
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 29
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 15
Filling air-conditioning systems.................................................................................................................2 - 22
Fluid tank ..................................................................................................................................................2 - 18
Function diagram of the refrigerant circuit ................................................................................................2 - 13
General information, diagnosis.................................................................................................................2 - 32
General information, system..................................................................................................................... 2 - 11
Heat exchanger sensor (blow-out air temperature sensor)
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 31
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 15
Heater element bypass flap......................................................................................................................2 - 17
High/low-pressure switch on refrigerant tank (B203)
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 24
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 19
Installation positions for diagnosis socket ................................................................................................2 - 36
Installation positions for location identifiers ................................................................................................1 - 9
Main functions, diagnosis .........................................................................................................................2 - 37
Model overview...........................................................................................................................................1 - 6
Refrigerant circuit and its components .....................................................................................................2 - 12
T 69 V
Selecting between air-conditioning system modes AC or REHEAT .........................................................2 - 16
Solenoid valve, air-conditioning system at front end (Y117).....................................................................2 - 26
SPN list (fault codes) and fault code description, control element ...........................................................2 - 39
System structure, K-lines..........................................................................................................................2 - 32
Temperature sensor, internal air-conditioning (B393)
Components ........................................................................................................................................2 - 28
Function...............................................................................................................................................2 - 16
Test description.........................................................................................................................................2 - 43
Test step list..............................................................................................................................................2 - 44
Test step list for air-conditioning system...................................................................................................2 - 43
Thermostatic expansion valve ..................................................................................................................2 - 19
Troubleshooting program .........................................................................................................................2 - 38
Wiring diagram, air-conditioning system...................................................................................................3 - 54
VI T 69
a Acceleration
ABE General certification
ABS Antilock Braking System
ABV Anti-skid system
AC Air Conditioning
ACC Adaptive Cruise Control
ACK Acknowledge
ADC Analogue-Digital Converter
ADR European agreement for cross-border transport of dangerous goods by road (French title: Accord
européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route)
AGB Automatic road speed limiter
AGND Analogue Ground
AGR Exhaust gas recirculation
AHK Trailer coupling
AHV Trailer brake valve
ALB Automatic load balancing
AMA Antenna mast system
ANH Trailer/semitrailer
AS Automatic gearbox
ASD Trailer socket
ASM Trailer control module
ASR Anti-Spin Regulation (traction control)
ASV Trailer control valve
ATC Automatic Temperature Control
ATF Automatic Transmission Fluid
AU Statutory exhaust emission test
AV Exhaust valve
AVS Automatic gear preselection
BA Operator’s Manual
BBA Service brake system
BBV Service brake valve
BKR Brake power regulator
BUGH Front heater
BV Backup valve
BVA Brake wear indicator
BVS Brake wear sensor
BVV Brake wear sensor supply
BW German Army
BWG Brake power sensor
BZ Brake cylinder
CAN Controller Area Network (data bus system with serial bit transmission)
CAN-H CAN-high data line
CAN-L CAN-low data line
CATS Computer-assisted testing and diagnostic system
CBU Central Brake Unit
CCVS Cruise Control Vehicle Speed
CKD Completely Knocked Down (completely dismantled vehicle)
CNG Compressed Natural Gas
CPU Central Processing Unit
CRT Continuously Regenerating Trap (exhaust muffler, two-way catalytic converter, diesel particulate
CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check
CS Comfort Shift
T 69 VII
DAHL Roof ventilator
DBR Auxiliary brake relay
DECKE Cover (for doors)
DF Speed sensor
DFÜ Data transmission
DIA Diagnosis and information display
DIAK Diagnosis, K-line (data line)
DIAL Diagnosis, L-line (interrogation line)
DIAR Diagnosis, further interrogation
DIN German industrial standard
DKE Throttle valve increase (ASR control)
DKH Roof duct heating
DKL Roof flaps
DKR Throttle valve reduction (reduction request from ASR to EDC/EMS)
DKV Throttle valve specification (load sensor signal from pedal value sensor, EDC/EMS)
DLB Compressed air brake system
DM Diagnostic Message
DNR Drive Neutral Reverse (selector lever switch for automatic)
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
DRM Pressure control module
DS Pressure sensor
DSV Pressure control valve
DTCO Digital tachograph
DV Throttle valve
DWA Anti-theft warning system
DZG Speed sensor
DZM Rev counter
EBS Electronic Braking System
ECAM Electronically Controlled Air Management
ECAS Electronically Controlled Air Suspension
ECE Emergency shut-off to ECE 36
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EDC Electronic Diesel Control
EDM Electronic Diesel consumption Measuring system
EDR Top speed governor
EEC Electronic engine controller
EEPROM Electrically erasable and programmable read-only memory
EFR Electronic shock absorber control (ESAC)
EFS Electric driver's seat
EHAB Electro-hydraulic shut-off device
ELAB Electrical shut-off device
ELF Electronically controlled air suspension
EMS Electronic throttle control (ETC)
EMV Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
EOL End-of-line (programming)
EP Injection pump
ER Engine retarder (engine brake)
ESAC Electronic Shock Absorber Control
ESP Electronic Stability Program
ESR Electric sun-blind
EST Electronic control unit
EV Intake valve
EVB Exhaust Valve Brake
FAP Driver's area
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FBA Parking brake system
GDK Controlled diesel catalytic converter
GEN Alternator
GET Gearbox
GGVS European agreement for cross-border transport of dangerous goods by road (French abbreviation:
GND Ground
GP Gearbox planetary gear group (range-change box)
GS Gearbox control
GV Gearbox splitter gear group (splitter box)
HA Rear axle
HBA Auxiliary brake system
HGB Maximum road speed limiter
HGS Hydraulic gearshift
HLUE Hydrostatic fan
HOC Rear Omnibus Chassis (bus/coach chassis with rear-mounted engine)
HSS Highside switch
HST Main switch panel
HU Main inspection
Hz Hertz (number of cycles per second)
HZA Bus stop indicator system
HZG Auxiliary speed sensor
IBEL Interior lighting
IBIS Integrated on-board information system
IC Integrated Circuit
ID Identification
IMR Integrated mechanical relay (starter control)
INA Information indicator (e.g. check lamp)
IR Individual control (ABS)
IRM Modified individual control (ABS)
ISO International Standards Organisation
IWZ Incremental angle/time measuring system
KBZ Combination brake cylinder
KFH Fuel filter heater
KITAS Kienzle intelligent tachograph sensor
KLI Air-conditioning system
T 69 IX
KNEEL Kneeling
KSM Customer-specified control module (control unit for external data exchange)
KSW Customer's special request
KWP Key Word Protocol (protocol for MAN-cats diagnosis)
LBH Air reservoir
LCD Liquid crystal display
LDA Manifold-pressure compensator (boost control)
LDF Charge pressure sensor
LDS Air spring/damper system
LED Light emitting diode
LF Air suspension
LGS Lane Guard System
LL Idling speed
LLA Idling speed increase
LLR Idling speed control
LNA Steering trailing axle
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
LOE Steering oil monitor
LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas
LWR Headlight beam regulator
LSVA Distance-based heavy vehicle toll
M-TCO Modular EU tachograph
MAB Solenoid valve shut-off (engine shut-off by high-pressure solenoid valve in injection pump)
MAN- cats MAN computer-assisted testing and diagnostic system
MAR Solenoid valve shut-off relay (redundant engine shut-off relay)
MDB Engine speed range
MES Quantity positioner
ML Midline
MMI Man-machine interface
MOTB Engine brake
MP Motor power box (cable duct on engine block)
MR Engine governor - ASR
MSG Engine control unit (EDC)
MV Solenoid valve
MZ Diaphragm cylinder
n Engine speed
NA Power take-off
NBF Needle movement sensor
NES New Electronic Structure
NFZ Commercial vehicles
NLA Trailing axle
NSL Rear fog lamp
NSW Fog lamp
OBDU Onboard Diagnostic Unit (subsystem of central on-board computer)
OC Occurrence count (frequency counter of a fault)
OEAB Oil separator
OENF Oil replenisher
p Pressure
PBM Pulse Breadth Modulation (also see PWM)
PLM Programmable Logic Module
PSG Pump control unit (EDC)
PTO Power take-off
X T 69
RA Repair Manual
RAH Interior heating
RAM Random Access Memory
RAS Rear Axle Steering
RAS-EC Rear Axle Steering with Electronic Control
RDRA Tyre pressure control system
RDS Radio Data System
RET Retarder
RKL Priority vehicle light
RLV Relay valve
RME Rape seed oil methyl ester (biodiesel)
ROM Read Only Memory
SA Special equipment
SAE Society of Automotive Engineers
SAMT Semi-automatic mechanical transmission
SB Service outlet
sec Second
SER Standard/series production
SG Control unit
SH Select-high control (ABS)
SKD Semi Knocked Down
SL Select-low control (ABS)
SML Side marker lights
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
STA Engine start/stop
SWR Headlight cleaning system
t Time
TBM On-board telematics module
TC Traction Control
TCM Trailer Control Module
TCO Tachograph
TKU Technical customer document
TMC Traffic Message Channel
TPM Tyre Pressure Module
TRS Technical road transport directives
TSC Torque Speed Control
TSU Tachograph Simulating Unit (vehicles without MTCO/DTCO)
TUER Door control
UBat Battery voltage
UDF Conversion file
UDS Crash recorder
v Road speed
VA Front axle
VDF Vehicle data file
VG Transfer case
VLA Leading axle
WA Maintenance Manual
WAB Water separator
WaPu Water pump Intarder
T 69 XI
z Braking rate/deceleration
ZBR Central on-board computer
ZBRO Central on-board bus computer
ZDR Intermediate speed governor (ISG)
ZE Central electrical system
ZR Central computer
ZS Central lubrication
ZUSH Auxiliary heater
ZWS Time-based maintenance system
λ Slip
µ Coefficient of friction
µC Microcontroller (microprocessor)
XII T 69
General information
Working with trucks, buses and the accompanying service products should not pose any problems if operators,
maintenance personnel and repair staff receive suitable training.
The following sections include summaries of important regulations listed according to major topics. The
intention is to provide the knowledge needed to avoid accidents which could lead to injury, damage and
environmental pollution. They represent only a small excerpt from the wide range of accident prevention
regulations and cannot replace these. It goes without saying that all other safety regulations must be
followed and that the corresponding action must be taken..
Additional danger warnings appear in the manuals whenever potential risks are involved.
Accidents may happen in spite of all precautionary measures having been taken. In such an eventuality,
obtain immediate medical assistance from a doctor. This is particularly important if the accident involves skin
contact with corrosive acid, fuel penetration under the skin, scalding by hot oil, antifreeze spraying into eyes,
T 69 1-1
Suspended loads
– No-one is allowed to stand under a unit suspended from a crane hook. - Keep all
lifting tackle in good condition -
1-2 T 69
Electric welding
– Connect up the "ANTIZAP SERVICE MONITOR" protective device (MAN item
number 80.78010.0002) in accordance with the instructions supplied with the device.
– If this device is not available, disconnect the batteries and connect the positive cable
to the negative cable in order to make a conductive connection.
– Always earth the welding equipment as close as possible to the welding area. Do not
lay the cables to the welding equipment in parallel to electrical cables in the vehicle.
– The chassis is not intended for use as an earth return! If attachments are to be
fitted to the vehicle (e.g. a taillift), additional earth (ground) lines with an adequate
cross-section must be fitted as well. Otherwise the earth connection may be created
along wire cables, wiring harnesses, gearbox shafts, gears etc. Severe damage
could result.
– If paint spraying is to be carried out, do not expose the electronic components to
high temperatures (max. 95 °C) for more than brief periods; a time of up to 2 hours
is permissible at a maximum of 85 °C. Disconnect the batteries.
T 69 1-3
– Only use fuels and lubricants (engine oil and transmission fluid as well as antifreeze and anti-corrosion
protection) that have been approved by MAN. Keep your workplace clean.
– Comply with the specified maintenance intervals.
– Do not fill engine/gear oil above the maximum level mark. Do not exceed the maximum permitted operational
– Severe damage to the unit could result from failure to follow these regulations.
Treat undiluted antifreeze as hazardous waste. Follow the instructions issued by the relevant local authority
when disposing of used coolant (mixture of antifreeze and water).
Engine/gear oil, filter cartridges, inserts and box-type filters, desiccant cartridges
Only dispose of used oil at an approved collection point or depot. It is extremely important that oil is not poured
down the drain or onto the ground since it can pollute drinking water! Filter inserts, cartridges and box-type
filters (oil and fuel filters, desiccant cartridges for the air dryer) are classified as hazardous waste materials
and must be disposed of properly. Please follow the instructions issued by the relevant local authority.
1-4 T 69
Therefore, never pour used oil onto the ground, into water or down the drains or sewers. Failure to comply
with these instructions can lead to prosecution.
Collect and dispose of used oil carefully. Contact the point of sale, supplier or your local authority for
information about collection depots.
The Mineral Oil Traders’ Association (MINERALÖLWIRTSCHAFTSVERBAND E.V.) Steindamm 71, D-20099
T 69 1-5
The System Description T 69 (3rd) Air-conditioning System - 03.2005 edition, can be used for the following
1-6 T 69
T 69 1-7
1-8 T 69
T 69 1-9
1 - 10 T 69
General information
The climate required inside motor vehicles is determined by the people and goods carried in the vehicle.
Particular attention should be paid to the driver of the vehicle from a road safety point of view. The ability of a
person to concentrate is negatively affected by poor atmospheric conditions such as high temperatures, high
atmospheric humidity and pollution caused by dust, noise and odours. These effects can be largely negated
by passing the internal air through a climate control system.
Air-conditioning system
Air-conditioning systems are installed in vehicles in order to provide a pleasant climate for drivers and
passengers in conjunction with the heating and ventilation system. Other advantages of the air-conditioning
system relate to its properties of cleaning and drying the air entering the interior of the vehicle. This has the
side effect of enabling a fogged-up windscreen and windows to be demisted more rapidly.
The following additional characteristics differentiate the controlled air-conditioning system from the
– A motor-actuated heater element bypass flap provides temperature-controlled air from the ventilation
– The air outlet temperatures and the air volume are controlled according to the ambient temperature and the
nominal value selected by the driver
– The air-conditioning control is integrated in the control element and only has to be electrically connected to
the vehicle electrical system
– A high-performance heater blower with motor and adapted, infinitely variable blower controller
– The evaporator with expansion valve and de-icer are integrated in the filter housing for the air-conditioning
system with condensation drain
– A pollen filter (hybrid filter comprising filter mat and activated charcoal) is installed on the inlet side of the
evaporator. This filters particles, gases and odours out of the air and permanently absorbs a proportion of
them. The filter system functions both in fresh air and recirculating air modes.
– The external temperature sensor is integrated in the vicinity of the fresh air induction port
– The electrical connection between the heater and filter housing is made using 2 waterproof plug connections
providing reliable contact
T 69 2 - 11
1 Evaporator 4 Condenser
2 Expansion valve 5 Compressor
3 Fluid tank with dryer
When the vehicle’s engine is running and the air-conditioning system is switched on, the refrigerant
circulates through components (1) to (5) that are connected together by hoses and pipelines. The refrigerant
continuously changes between liquid and gaseous states in this process. Heat is extracted from the air
flowing through the evaporator. The cooled air is distributed to the interior of the vehicle by the heating and
ventilation system.
2 - 12 T 69
When the refrigerant circuit is set in operation, i.e. the air-conditioning system is switched on using the
“air-conditioning system pushbutton switch” (14) when the vehicle’s engine is running, the compressor (7)
draws cold gaseous refrigerant from the evaporator (1). Refrigerant is compressed, during which process it is
T 69 2 - 13
heated to about 65 – 105 °C. After this, it is pumped into the condenser (6). There, the hot, compressed gas is
cooled by the slipstream. The gas condenses when the dew point is reached (this depends on the pressure,
e.g. 50 °C at 13 bar pressure for refrigerant R 134a). The resulting liquid refrigerant passes through the fluid
tank (5) and is dried as it does so. Any moisture or impurities are filtered out by the integrated desiccant
At a pressure of about 2 bar, the high/low-pressure switch on the fluid tank (B203) interrupts the circuit to
the compressor magnetic coupling (7). This means the compressor is immediately decoupled if there is a
pressure loss in the system. The pressure switch also switches off the compressor via the magnetic coupling
if the system overheats, e.g. poor heat dissipation from the condenser (condenser contaminated), which
would result in a pressure of about 26 bar in the system. The refrigerant under high pressure continues to
flow from the fluid tank (5) to the expansion valve (2). It is sprayed into the evaporator (1) at the expansion
valve (low-pressure section). Here, the liquid refrigerant expands and evaporates while absorbing heat. The
heat of vaporisation needed for this is taken from the air flowing past the evaporation vanes. As a result, this
air is cooled and can be used for cooling the inside of the vehicle. The refrigerant is now once again in a
completely gaseous state and is drawn in again by the compressor (7). The cycle starts over again.
Plug X1
2 - 14 T 69
Plug X2
Evaporator sensor
The evaporator sensor measures the evaporator temperature and is used for regulating the required cooling
power. No regulation takes place at temperatures below 0 °C, to protect against icing. This is done by
switching the refrigerant compressor off and on.
T 69 2 - 15
Nominal/actual value comparison: The internal air-conditioning temperature sensor measures the actual
internal temperature. This control parameter is the most important one, since it is the only one that measures
the ambient conditions for the driver. The internal temperature influences all automatically controllable heating
components (solenoid valve air-conditioning at front-end, magnetic coupling compressor, blower).
Setting the nominal value: Nominal values from 16 °C to 32 °C can be set for the internal temperature. The
nominal value set on the control element is also corrected by the control system depending on the external
temperature. A higher internal temperature is set when the external temperature is low and vice versa. The
middle position (internal temperature dial, item 22) is felt to be comfortable by a majority of users (subjective
assessment). The monitoring (MAN-cats) displays 24 °C.
The left side of the dial (which must be turned to the last stop) switches the heating off and sets the
air-conditioning system to maximum power. The right side of the dial (which must also be turned to the last
stop) sets the heating to maximum power and switches the air-conditioning system off. The automatic blower
control continues to be adjusted depending on whether 16 °C or 32 °C is set.
2 - 16 T 69
The bypass flap (1) makes it possible to have a parallel air flow that is not passed over the heating system’s
heat exchanger. The flap is fully opened when the air-conditioning system is operating in order to allow
the greatest possible air flow rate. The flap is closed during REHEAT mode in order to allow for even
dehumidifying. During heating mode, the flap position is infinitely variably controlled depending on the required
heat output (full heating power = flap closed / heating off = flap fully open). This means additional fresh air
is directed to the central nozzles. As a result, the temperature distribution in the cab is improved (warm feet
– cool head). The direct admixture of fresh air at the central nozzles means that they are subject to greater
temperature fluctuations than the other air outlets.
1 Belt sheave
2 Electromagnet
3 Anchor plate
4 Spring plate
T 69 2 - 17
Fluid tank
Fig. TGA
From the condenser, the refrigerant flows into the fluid tank (1) in which a reserve of refrigerant is held in
readiness to compensate for variations in the demand for refrigerant by the evaporator. The built-in fluid tank
is on the high-pressure side of the refrigerant circuit and installed after the condenser. The job of the fluid
tank is to collect the liquid refrigerant from the condenser and to bind up any moisture which the refrigerant
may contain.
2 - 18 T 69
A high/low-pressure switch (1) is installed after the fluid tank in order to monitor or limit the pressure conditions
in the enclosed refrigerant circuit.
This pressure switch (1) switches off the compressor via the magnetic coupling if the pressures in the system
are at impermissible levels, thereby protecting the system against follow-on damage.
If the system pressure is less than about 2 bar, as can be caused for example by insufficient refrigerant in the
circuit, the high/low-pressure switch opens and switches off the compressor. If the system pressure rises very
high, as can be caused for example by a contaminated condenser, the high/low-pressure switch switches the
compressor off at about 26 bar.
The compressor draws in the refrigerant and the pressure in the evaporator therefore drops. This low pressure
acts on the diaphragm (2) and pulls it downwards. This movement is transmitted via the pin (4) to the ball (5).
T 69 2 - 19
This opens the valve aperture against the spring pressure and the pressurised liquid refrigerant flows into
the evaporator where it can evaporate. Once the refrigerant has flowed through the evaporator and through
the expansion valve, the medium in the temperature sensor (3) picks up the low temperature resulting from
evaporation and contracts (reduction in volume). This means the pressure in the temperature sensor is
reduced. The temperature sensor and the pressure sensor (1) are filled with a medium. The medium is a
liquefied gas or adsorbent which liberates gas when there is a rise in temperature. This causes the balance
of forces on the ball (5) to change, and the ball is then pressed upwards by the spring pressure. The injection
volume is thereby reduced slightly until the forces are once again in equilibrium.
This governing system of the thermostatic expansion valve guarantees superheating of the refrigerant.
Refrigerant superheating is understood to mean the difference between the theoretical evaporation
temperature at the particular pressure and the temperature measured after the evaporator (sensor
temperature). The overheating setting for this expansion valve is 2.8°C. This mechanism prevents too much
refrigerant from being injected into the evaporator since this would mean that not all the refrigerant can
evaporate. Under these circumstances, the compressor would drawn in some liquid refrigerant and could
be damaged by fluid knocks.
The evaporator is installed in the housing of the air-conditioning system directly after the intake openings for
fresh air or recirculating air. Its function is to cool down and dry the warm air in order to control the climate
inside the vehicle. The evaporator is the second heat exchanger in the refrigerant circuit.
The evaporator is a six-row unit in a full aluminium design. The liquid refrigerant is injected into the first row of
the evaporator through the expansion valve and a total of 6 injector tubes. There it expands and can evaporate
whilst absorbing heat. The necessary heat of vaporisation is taken from the air flowing past the evaporator
vanes. The air then cools down and sheds moisture. The humidity which condenses on the evaporator vanes
is allowed to drain out of the system through a condensation drain. The minimum evaporator temperature is
restricted to about +2 °C in order to prevent icing of the evaporator vanes.
The function of the condenser is to liquefy the warm refrigerant gas and cool it down. It is arranged in the
vehicle so that the passing slipstream or the air flow from the engine fan provides a good cooling effect.
The compressor pumps hot refrigerant gas at a temperature of 60 – 100 °C into the serpentine pipe system of
the condenser. The large number of condenser vanes forms a large surface area and therefore guarantees a
good exchange of heat. The hot gas dissipates its heat to the slipstream and condenses when its temperature
reaches a level which is dependent on the pressure (dew point). The liquid refrigerant emerges from the
condenser and is pumped on to the liquid tank.
Connection valves
The system can be filled with refrigerant or drained via the connection valves. Pressure gauges can be
connected in order to check the system. The connection valves are configured as needle valves.
2 - 20 T 69
There are different sizes of connection valve in order to avoid mix-ups between connection valves.
Fig. TGA
The connection valves are located behind the front cover. The plugs have to be removed from the connection
Refrigerant R 134a
The medium used for the evaporation process in air-conditioning systems is a substance with a low boiling
point. It is referred to a refrigerant. It is known that water, for example, boils at lower temperatures the lower the
pressure. All homogeneous liquids behave in the same way. Reducing the pressure has the effect of reducing
the boiling point, and vice versa. The refrigerant (tetrafluoroethylene) R 134a is a partially halogenated
T 69 2 - 21
substance from the group of fluorocarbon compounds (chemical formula CF3CH2F), with a boiling point at
26.5 °C. Partially halogenated substances only have a brief existence in the atmosphere. Since they do
not contain chlorine, they do not attack the ozone layer. Furthermore, their contribution to the greenhouse
effect is relatively slight. Refrigerant R 134a is colourless and has a slight odour of ether. Highly irritant
decomposition products (vapours) can result in contact with fire or hot surfaces. The substance can form an
explosive mixture with air. It decomposes to form hydrohalogens and carbonyl halides. Concentrations of R
134a in the atmosphere which are significantly in excess of the TLV can have an anaesthetic effect.
TLV value: Threshold Limit Value for concentration of substances in the air, e.g. 1000 ml/m³. Inhaling the
decomposition products of R 134a in high concentrations can lead to shortage of breath. Evaporation of the
refrigerant on the skin leads to freezing at the points of contact.
Maintenance note
Various manufacturers offer recycling devices for maintaining and repairing air-conditioning systems filled
with R 134a. These are used for evacuating the refrigerant circuit, recycling and checking the refrigerant and
refilling the circuit. This ensures that the used refrigerant can be completely re-used. It must not be vented
into the atmosphere.
Make sure that only oils authorised for use with the relevant refrigerants and systems are filled. Never mix
different oils.
Air-conditioning system oils are hygroscopic, meaning that they absorb moisture from the water vapour in the
air. As a result, never store air-conditioning system oil in open containers!
2 - 22 T 69
Installation position
The control element for the cab heating and air-conditioning system (1) is located in the instrument panel.
T 69 2 - 23
The high/low-pressure switch is installed on the outflow end of the fluid tank.
2 - 24 T 69
Installation position
The compressor with magnetic coupling (1) is located on the right-hand side of the vehicle.
T 69 2 - 25
The solenoid valve for the air-conditioning system at the front end (1) is located on the front left bulkhead.
2 - 26 T 69
Installation position
T 69 2 - 27
The internal air-conditioning temperature sensor measures the actual internal temperature.
Installation position
The internal air-conditioning temperature sensor (1) is located behind the console in the central part.
2 - 28 T 69
Installation position
The external temperature sensor (1) is installed in the bottom part of the blower behind the front cover.
T 69 2 - 29
Evaporator sensor
Installation position
The evaporator sensor is shown slightly pulled out in the diagram for ease of interpretation.
2 - 30 T 69
The electronic control unit calculates a blow-out air temperature depending on the required heating power.
Installation position
The heat exchanger sensor (1) is located in the air-conditioning system blower.
T 69 2 - 31
General information
Most control units testable using MAN-cats are connected with diagnosis socket X200 pin 3 / 4 via a K-line.
The diagnostic system stimulates a specific control unit via the K-line. The control unit replies and digitally
transfers the faults stored in the fault memory via the K-line.
"KWP-on-CAN" control units such as TBM and ECAS2 do not have a K-line. Control units with KWP-on-CAN
diagnosis are stimulated by the vehicle management computer K-line. The vehicle management computer
opens a gateway to the control unit in question via the CAN.
A302 Central on-board computer 2 (ZBR2) X2544 Potential distributor, 21-pin, K-line
A312 Customer-specified control module
A330 Gearbox control, Tipmatic/AS-TRONIC
A403 Vehicle management computer
A407 Instrumentation
A435 Electronic diesel control
A451 Door module, driver side
A452 Door module, co-driver side
A474 Air-conditioning system
A483 Auxiliary air heater
A494 Auxiliary water heater
A590 Control unit, EMOS (on gearbox)
A.. . Further systems can be networked
X200 Diagnosis socket
2 - 32 T 69
T 69 2 - 33
In the case of MAN vehicles, the required HD-OBD diagnosis socket will be introduced into production for
the first vehicles from 01.10.2004 (not for all vehicles at the same time). HD-OBD stands for Heavy Duty On
Board Diagnosis. Heavy-duty here in the sense of heavy-duty commercial vehicles.
The installation position and the position designation (X200) remain unchanged as this diagnosis socket
replaces the previous one.
2 - 34 T 69
There is an adapter cable available for MAN-cats applications. This cable can be ordered by quoting item
number 07.98901-0002 using the "MAN-cats II - spare parts" order form. All newly ordered diagnosis systems
come with the adapted cable supplied as standard.
T 69 2 - 35
The diagnosis socket X200 (1) is located behind a cover below the cup holder on the co-driver's side.
The old installation position for the diagnosis socket X200 (1) is on the rear side of the central electrical
The new installation position for the diagnosis socket X200 (1) is behind a cover below the cup holder on the
co-driver's side.
2 - 36 T 69
The installation position and the position designation (X200) remain unchanged as this diagnosis socket (1)
replaces the previous one.
Important note:
The air-conditioning system does not have a CAN connection, as a result any fault messages that are
generated cannot be signalled on the instrumentation. Faults can only be downloaded from the fault
memory of the control unit and displayed using MAN-cats II.
T 69 2 - 37
Troubleshooting program
The following troubleshooting program contains all the faults that can be detected by the fault memory.
The sequence of tests corresponds to the numerical succession of fault codes (SPNs), irrespective of the
evaluation of the fault.
During initial testing, always read out the entire fault memory and document all saved faults (MAN-cats
key combination CTRL + F11). This is important because lines and components have to be disconnected
during system troubleshooting, which may cause the corresponding fault messages to be triggered and
saved. Consequently, the fault memory should always be deleted after intermediate inspections. If parts are
exchanged, send a printout from MAN-cats verifying the fault together with the returned part in order to claim
back the costs. (The printout is an extract from the fault memory, see above.)
Other procedures are only permitted subject to consultation with the Service Department in Munich!
Equally, control units are only allowed to be exchanged under warranty subject to consultation with the Service
Department in Munich.
Repeat the test and delete the fault memory after correcting the fault and checking the repair.
Always delete the fault message and observe the fault before replacing any component or control unit.
If several faults are entered, always start with the test instructions which do not require components
or control units to be replaced. Make sure the ignition is switched off before commencing repairs
and replacing components or control units. Failure to switch off the ignition will lead to fault memory
entries (SPNs) in the various electronic control units.
Break the connection to the control unit before measuring resistance values.
Resistance measurement
– Switch the ignition OFF
– Disconnect the plug at which the measurement is to be taken from the control element.
Voltage measurement
– Switch the ignition ON
– The measurement is taken directly on the control element with air-conditioning system.
Voltage is measured with the engine running and the vehicle stationary.
2 - 38 T 69
SPN list (fault codes) and fault code description, control element
The following table lists the fault codes that appear on the instrumentation display or the MAN-cats screen in
the event of an fault. The fault causes and responses are documented for the listed fault code descriptions.
Version: 1.80
T 69 2 - 39
2 - 40 T 69
T 69 2 - 41
2 - 42 T 69
Test description
In the test step list presented in this chapter (example: test step 1), the first test contact is designated “Pin
X1/4” and the second test contact is designated “Pin X1/8”. Use a multimeter to measure the resistance
between these pins. Measure directly on the control element for the cab heating with air-conditioning
system. The measuring mode to be set on the measuring instrument (multimeter) is shown between
test contacts (pins) listed in column 3.
Once the test requirements have been fulfilled, the value indicated on the measuring device (actual
characteristic) can be compared with the desired value (desired characteristic).
When measuring voltages, switch on the ignition and leave the plug of the control element connected.
In this example, the electrical power supply to the control element is measured between pin X1/10 – positive
line and pin X1/12 – earth line.
The measured value obtained using the FLUKE 77 multimeter is 22.67V (battery voltage).
When measuring resistance values, switch off the ignition and disconnect the plug at which the resistance
value is to be measured.
T 69 2 - 43
In this example, the resistance on the heat exchanger sensor (supplied by Behr) is measured between pin
X2/10 – heat exchanger input signal and pin X2/5 – heat exchanger checkback signal.
Use MAN-cats II to read out the fault memory of the control element for the cab heating with air-conditioning
system (A474). The test step list is designed to pinpoint the entered active faults.
Resistance measurement
– Ignition OFF
– Disconnect the plug at which the measurement is to be taken from the control element.
Internal air-conditioning
X1/4 X1/8
temperature sensor (B393) ~= 10kΩ ..................
Line number 23112 31012
2 - 44 T 69
Evaporator sensor
Air-conditioning system
evaporator sensor supplied X2/4 X2/5
by Behr (A480) ~= 10 kΩ at 25 °C ..................
Yellow Red
Line colour
/green /white
Air-conditioning system
checkback potentiometer
X2/7 X2/5
heater element bypass flap
supplied by Behr (A480) ~= 95 - 105 kΩ ..................
White Red
Line colour
/red /white
Air-conditioning system
external temperature sensor X2/13 X2/5
supplied by Behr (A480) ~= 10 kΩ at 25 °C ..................
White Red
Line colour
/yellow /white
T 69 2 - 45
Voltage measurement
– Ignition ON
– The measurement is taken directly on the control element with air-conditioning system.
Voltage is measured with the engine running and the vehicle stationary. The operating voltage is
approximately 28 V, the operating voltage range is 16 - 32 V.
Voltage supply
2 - 46 T 69
T 69 2 - 47
Yellow Grey
Line colour
/black /red
2 - 48 T 69
Yellow Grey
Line colour
/black /red
Heater element bypass flap
motor – close
Air-conditioning system
supplied by Behr (A480) X2/15 X2/12 ~= -16 - 32 V (Ubat)
– Operate “REHEAT” REHEAT function
pushbutton switch activated; brief
(de-humidify) (S545) signal
Line colour Grey/red
Heater element bypass flap
motor – close
Air-conditioning system
supplied by Behr (A480) X2/15 X2/12 ~= 16 - 32 V (Ubat)
– Operate “REHEAT” REHEAT function
pushbutton switch deactivated; brief
(de-humidify) (S545) signal
Line colour Grey/red
Reference voltage
Reference voltage 5 V
Air-conditioning system X2/11 X2/5
supplied by Behr (A480) ~= 5 V ..................
Black Red
Line colour
/white /white
Diagnosis, K-line
T 69 2 - 49
No more active faults are allowed to be stored in the fault memory once all tests have been performed
and no faults are found!
Before deleting the fault memory, download it using MAN-cats II and if it contains any non-diagnosed faults
then these must be archived. Then delete the fault memory.
There must not be any faults in the memory when the ignition is switched back on. Otherwise, search
for the fault and remedy the problem.
2 - 50 T 69
T 69 3 - 51
A100 Central electrical system
A302 Central computer 2
A407 Instrumentation
A474 Controls, cab heating without / with air-conditioning system
A480 Air-conditioning system supplied by BEHR
B203 High/low-pressure switch, refrigerant tank (air-conditioning system)
B393 Temperature sensor, interior air (air-conditioning system)
F397 Fuse, heater blower/air-conditioning system
F125 Fuse, pushbutton unit illumination
K718 Relay, temperature sensor, interior air, air-conditioning system
R106 Potentiometer, instrument lighting
S123 Switch, fresh air/recirculating air flap
S544 Switch, AC ON
S545 Switch, REHEAT
S546 Rotary switch, interior temperature
S547 Rotary switch, blower
X200 Diagnosis socket (MAN-cats)
X1560 Relay socket K718, K...
X1754 Crimped connector, line 59104
X1822 Plug connection, air-conditioning system
X1823 Plug connection, air-conditioning system, terminal 15
X2541 Potential distributor, 21-pin, line 31000
X2544 Potential distributor, 21-pin, K-line
Y114 Magnetic clutch, compressor
Y117 Solenoid valve, front air-conditioning system
——– ——————————————————————————-
1 Evaporator sensor
2 External temperature sensor
3 Heat exchanger sensor
4 Heater element bypass flap
5 Fresh air/recirculating air
6 Sequence controller
7 Blower
T 69 3 - 52
T 69 3 - 53
A Voltage supply, water timing valve, internal air temperature sensor
——– ————————————————————————————————–
A100 Central electrical system
A302 Central computer 2
A474 Controls, cab heating without / with air-conditioning system
B393 Temperature sensor, interior air (air-conditioning system)
F397 Fuse, heater blower/air-conditioning system
K718 Relay, temperature sensor, interior air, air-conditioning system
S123 Switch, fresh air/recirculating air flap
S544 Switch, AC ON
S545 Switch, REHEAT
S546 Rotary switch, interior temperature
S547 Rotary switch, blower
X1560 Relay socket K718, K...
X1754 Crimped connector, line 59104
X1822 Plug connection, air-conditioning system
X1823 Plug connection, air-conditioning system, terminal 15
X2541 Potential distributor, 21-pin, line 31000
Y117 Solenoid valve, front air-conditioning system
T 69 3 - 54
T 69 3 - 55
A Refrigerant tank
B Magnetic coupling, compressor
C Air-conditioning system supplied by BEHR
——– ——————————————————————————-
A100 Central electrical system
A302 Central computer 2
A474 Controls, cab heating without / with air-conditioning system
A480 Air-conditioning system supplied by BEHR
B203 High/low-pressure switch, refrigerant tank (air-conditioning system)
X1551 Plug connection, engine/EDC/gearbox II
X1822 Plug connection, air-conditioning system
X1823 Plug connection, air-conditioning system, terminal 15
X1835 Crimped connector, line 58000
X1838 Crimped connector, line 58300
X2544 Potential distributor, 21-pin, K-line
Y114 Magnetic clutch, compressor
——– ——————————————————————————-
1 Sequence controller
2 Blower
3 Fresh air/recirculating air
4 Heater element bypass flap
5 Heat exchanger sensor
6 External temperature sensor
7 Evaporator sensor
T 69 3 - 56
T 69 3 - 57