In pairs or groups of three, examine these teaching situations drawn from real life.
Which of these appeal to you and why? Which situations are problematic?
Situation # 1
A Canadian music education professor teaches a Native North American lullaby to a group of music
educators at a music education conference. She begins by teaching them the solfeé ge hand signs and
syllables for the melody. They continue to use the hand signs while they learn the text.
Situation # 2
A Canadian composer is fascinated by the sounds of different world musics. He composes many choral
songs incorporating rhythms, melodies, and/or text from songs he has heard on recordings, or for
which he has some sort of notated version. He does not provide, nor is he interested in, the cultural
context of the musics from which he is borrowing. He believes it is more important to make young
choral singers aware of the variety of sounds that exits in the world.
Situation # 3
A prominent Canadian choral conductor takes his nationally renowned choir on a tour of
Lithuania, where he and his choir learn a 4- part Lithuanian folk song from a local choir. The
next year he writes out the text and part and distributes them to the Ontario Youth Choir, who
love the song, and consequently include it in their fall tour.
Situation # 4
A Canadian music teacher (percussionist) travels to Ghana where she studies with a master drummer
for four months. She learns rhythms, songs, and dances by ear from her teacher. When she returns to
Canada she gives workshops at schools and music educator conferences, teaching one particular song
and dance that she learned there. It was originally used as a war chant by Ewe-speaking people, but
now it is used as a popular cheer at soccer games. Participants take turns playing particular
percussion instruments, dancing, and singing in the Ewe language. Some participants ask for sheet
music to take home so that they can remember the song to teach to their students, but the workshop
leader has not and does not intend to write it out.
Thanks to Sherry Johnson for these teaching scenerios
*** M 3855a Music Education Culture *** Sp 2019*** m 9548 cultural & social perspectives ***
3855b: Reading: Chapter 3: Study of Local Music
9548b: Annotations
Chabrowski, I. I. (2015). Singing on the river: Sichuan boatmen and their work songs, 1880s-1930s. Leiden: Brill.
Kullenberg, T. & N. Pramling (2016). Learning and Knowing songs: A study of children as music teachers. Instru Sci
44: 1-23. DOI 10.1007/s11251-015-9361-x
Shaw, J. T. (2015). “Knowing their world”: Urban choral music educators’ knowledge of context. Journal of Research
in Music Education, Vol. 63 (2), 198-223. DOI: 10.1177/0022429415584377
Shaw, J. (2012). The skin that we sing - Culturally responsive choral music education. Music Educator Journal,
NAFME. DOI: 10.1177/0027432112443561
Torchon, J. (2018). Cuban Cha-Cha-Chá applications for music education in the United States. Music Educators
Journal, Vol. 104 (4), pp. 25-31. DOI: https://doi org.proxy1.lib.uwo.ca/10.1177/0027432118766407
Zhang, W. (2017) Exploring and listening to Chinese classical Ensembles in general music. General Music Today,
vol. 3(1) pp. 26-33. DOI: 10.1177/1048371317710081
Reconstitute groups as needed or go on to next project!
Kyle, Xiaodan, Cecilia, Aiden: China
Gillian, Caroline, Kirsten, Michael, Jennifer: Brazil
Anthony and Brittany: Gaelic Scots-Canadian
Matthew, Jing Lin, Adam, Jennifer
Jashen, Sylvia, Alana, Sarah
Familiar Exotic
3855b: Due Tuesday 7pm [Monday would be even more fabulous]:
1) Notes on Chapter 4: Music and Migration your annotation and 3-5 fabulous questions.
BOTH Check in with your team if you are preparing for your song in class!
1) Read chapter 4 and listen to musical examples, no need to annotate.
2) Annotation!
Upcoming Events
IN LONDON: • What do you know?
• Feb 2 (Sat) 8 pm Lemon Bucket Orkestra and Ailine Morales
Koerner Hall, 273 Bloor St W cost $30-up
• Feb 2 (Sat) 8 pm Les Fréres Cissoko Bannaya Family from Senegal – kora
Spadina Theatre 24 Spadina Rd cost: $20
• Feb 4 (Mon) 8pm Chinese New Year Gala Sony Centre for Performing Arts
*** M 3855a Music Education Culture *** Sp 2019*** m 9548 cultural & social perspectives ***