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tFg;G : 6 Standard : 6
Types of energies
1. ,ae;jpu Mw;wypd; ,U tiffs; : epiyahw;wy; kw;Wk; ,af;f Mw;wy;..
Mechanical Energy : two types are Potential energy and Kinetic energy.
2. ntg;gk; xU tif Mw;wy; vd fz;lth; - N[k;]; [_y;.
Heat is a form of energy – by James Joule.
3. Mw;wypd; myF – [_y;
Unit of energy is joule.

4. Ntjp Mw;wy; - czT> vhpnghUs;> kpd;fyd;.

Chemical energy sources : food, fuels, cells.
kpd; tpsf;F – kpd;Mw;wy; xspahw;wyhFk;
Electric bulb – electric energy into light energy.
6. kpd;tprpwp – kpd; Mw;wy; ,af;fMw;wyhFk;.
Electric fan - electric into mechanical energy.
7. mdy;kpd; epiyak; - ntg;g Mw;wy; kpd; Mw;wyhFk; ,lk;.
Thermal power stations – heat energy into electric energy.

8. fhw;whiy - ,af;f Mw;wy; kpd;dhw;wyhFk;

Wind mills – wind energy ( kinetic energy) ia converted into Electric energy.
9. xypngUf;fp – kpd; Mw;wy; xyp Mw;wyhf
Loudspeakers - electric into sound energy.
10. kpd;rhu kzp – kpd; Mw;wy; xyp Mw;wyhFk;
Electric bell - electric energy into sound energy.
11. lhh;r; iyl; - Ntjp Mw;wy; - kpd; Mw;wy; - xsp Mw;wyhFk;
Torch light – Chemical energy - Electric energy - light energy.
12. #hpa Mw;wy; - nraw;iff; Nfhs; kw;Wk; fzf;fPl;L fUtp
Solar energy – satellites and calculators.

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13. mKf;fg;gl;l RUs; tpy; - epiyahw;wy;

Compressed spring – potential energy.
14. xspr;Nru;f;ifapd; NghJ> #upa Mw;wy; - Ntjp Mw;wyhfr; Nrkpf;fg;gLk;.
During photosynthesis, Solar energy is converted into Chemical energy.
15. faj;jhW kw;Wk; Muy;tha;nkhop Mfpa ,lq;fs; - fhw;whiy %yk; kpd;rhuk;.
In Kayathar and Aralvoimozhi – wind mills produce electric energy.

tFg;G : 6 Standard : 6

xspapay; - LIGHT
1. fypypNah – njhiyNehf;fp (1609)
Galileo – Telescope ( 1609 )

2. cyf tpz;ntsp Mz;L – 2009
Year of Astronomy is 2009. tud
3. #hpa xsp G+kpia mila MFk; fhyk; - 8 epkplk; 20 tpehb
Time taken by the sun light to reach the earth – 8 minute 20 second.
4. Crpj;Jisf; fhkpuh – xsp Neh;f;Nfhl;by; nry;Yk; vd epUgpf;Fk; fUtp
Pin hole camera proves that light travels in straight line.
5. xspfrpAk; nghUs; - jd; topNa gFjpahf Yk; mDkjpf;Fk; nghUs; - vz;nza; jltpa fhfpjk;
Translucent objects – partially allow light to pass through them – tracing paper

6. jd; topNa xspia nry;y mDkjpf;Fk; nghUs;fs; - xsp GFk; nghUs;fs; -fz;zhb. J}a ePu;.
The objects that allow light to pass through them – transparent objects – glass, pure water.
7. jd; topNa xspia nry;y mDkjpf;fhj nghUs;fs; - xsp Gfh nghUs;fs; - fy;. ge;J.
The objects that allow light to pass through them – transparent objects – stone, ball..
8. fpufzk; - #hpas;> G+kp> re;jpud;; xNu Neu;f;Nfhl;by; mikAk;.
Eclipses are formed when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon come in straight line.
9. re;jpu fpufzk; - re;jpud; kiwf;fg;gLk; ( kiwg;gJ G+kp )
Lunar eclipse – when the shadow of the earth falls on moon ( moon is hidden )
10. #hpa fpufzk; - #hpad; kiwf;fg;gLk; ( kiwg;gJ epyh )
Solar eclipse – when the shadow of the moon falls on earth (sun is hidden )
11. re;jpud; xU xspuhg; nghUs; - #upa xspiag; ngw;W xspu;fpd;wJ.
Moon is a non-luminous body – it reflects the sun light.

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12. jhkhf xspiaj; jUk; nghUs;fs; - xspUk; nghUs;fs; - #upad;> lhu;r;R tpsf;F
The bodies which emit light by itself – luminous bodies – Sun, Torch light.

13. xspapd; ghijapy;, rpy nghUs;fis itf;Fk; NghJ epoy; Vw;gLfpwJ.

When some objects are placed in the path of light, shadow is formed.

tFg;G : 7
15. xspapay; ( LIGHT )
1. xsp – ghh;f;Fk; czh;itj; jUk; Mw;wy;

Light is a form of energy that gives us the sensation of vision.
2. vjpnuhspg;G – xsp nghUs;fspd; kPJ gl;L jpUg;gp mDg;gg;gLk; nray;
The bouncing back of light from a surface is called reflection.
3. Mb – jd; kPJ tpOk; xspia Vwf;Fiwa KOtJkhf vjpnuhspf;f $ba gug;G
A mirror is a shining surface which reflects almost all the light falling on it.
4. gpk;gk; cUthjy; - xsp vjpnuhspg;gjhy; gpk;gk; cUthFk;
When light is reflected, image is formed.
5. rkjs Mb gpk;gk;

Image formed by a plane mirror

-Neuhd khag; gpk;gk; - virtual and erect
- gpk;gj;jpd; msTk; nghUspd; msTk; rkk; - sizes of the object and the image are equal
- ,ltykhw;wj;Jld; gpk;gk; mikAk; - the image is laterally inverted
- nghUspd; njhiyTk; gpk;gj;jpd;; njhiyTk; - the distance of the object from the mirror is
rkk; equal to the distance of the image from the
6. Mbapy; KO cUtk; fhz Mbapd; cauk;; nghUspd; cauj;jpy; ghjp ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
To see the full size image, the mirror should be at least half of the height of the object.
7. Nfhsf Mbfs;
(1) Ftp Mb – Nky; Nehf;fp tise;J fhzg;gLk;
(2) Fop Mb – cs; Nehf;fp tise;j Mb

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Spherical mirrors
1. convex mirror - The mirror with the bulged reflecting surface.
2. concave mirror - the mirror with the hollow reflecting surface.
8. Fop Mb – xspia vjpnuhspj;J xU Gs;spapy; Ftpf;Fk;
Concave mirror - makes the light to meet at a point after reflection.
9. Ftp Mb – xsp vjpnuhspj;J tphpe;J nry;Yk;
Concave mirror - makes the light to diverge from a point.
10. nka;gpk;gk; - jhspy; my;yJ jpiuapy; tpOk; gpk;gk; nka;gpk;gk;
The image formed on the paper or screen is called a real image.
11. Fop Mb – gad;fs;
Concave mirror - Uses

(1) thfd Kfg;G tpsf;F 1) reflectors in car head lamps
(2) njhiyNehf;fpapy; vjpnuhspg;G Mb 2) reflectors in telescopes
(3) Kfr; rtuk; nra;a cjTk; fz;zhb
tud 3) shaving mirrors
(4) #hpa mLg;Gfspy; xspia Ftpf;f gad;gLk; 4) solar cookers
12. Ftp Mb - gad;fs;
(1) thfdq;fspy; gpd;Gwk; cs;stw;iw ghh;f;Fk; fz;zhb
(2) mjpfkhd ,lj;ij fz;fhzpff;f cjTk; Mb
Convex mirrors - Uses

1. Used as rear view mirrors in automobiles.

2. Used to watch over a large area.
13. nts;is xsp - gy tz;zq;fspd; njhFg;G
White light - composition of various colours
14. epwkhiy - epwq;fspd; njhFg;G( VIBGYOR )
Spectrum - band of colours ( VIBGYOR )
15. epwg;gphpif - nts;is xsp VO tz;zq;fshf gphpAk; epfo;T
Dispersion - the splitting up of white light into its seven constituent colours.
16. epA+l;ld; tl;L - VO tz;zk; ,ize;J nts;is cUthFk; vd mwpAk; fUtp
Newton’s disc - the device that proves seven colours can be mixed to give white light.
17. MrpahtpNyNa kpfg;ngupa vjpnuhspg;G njhiyNehf;fp – fhtY}H> [t;thJ kiy> NtY}H
Largest reflector telescope in Asia is in Kavalur, Javadu Hills, Vellore Dt.

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tFg;G : 8 Standard : 8
xspapay; kw;Wk; xypapay ;
(1) xspapay; ( LIGHT )

1. vjpnuhspj;jy; : xsp nghUspd; kPJ gl;L gpwF jpUg;gp mDg;gg;gLk; epfo;T

Reflection - The bouncing of light from a surface of a body
2. fjph; : xsp nry;Yk; ghij
Ray – the path taken by the light.
3. ,izf;fw;iw : xspf; fjph;fs; ,izahf nry;Yjy;.
Parallel beam - the light rays are parallel
4. tphp fw;iw: fjph;fs; xU Fwpg;gpl;l Gs;spapy; ,Ue;J tphpe;J nry;Yjy

Divergent beam - the rays move away from apoint
5. gLfjph; :vjpnuhspg;G jsj;jpy; gLfpd;w xspf; fjph;
A light ray which strikes the surface is called as an incident ray.
6. vjpnuhspg;G fjph; : vjpnuhspg;G jsj;jpy; ,Ue;J mNj Clfj;jpy; jpUg;gp nry;Yk; fjph;
The light ray that comes out from the reflecting surface after reflection is called reflected ray.
7. gLNfhzk; : gLfjpUf;Fk; Fj;Jf; Nfhl;bw;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s Nfhzk;
Angle of incidence – the angle between the incident ray and the normal.
8. Fj;Jf; NfhL : vjpnuhspg;Gj; jsj;j py; gLGs;spapd; kPJ tiuag;gLk; nrq;Fj;Jf;NfhL.
Normal - The perpendicular line drawn to the surface at the point of incidence

9. vjpnuhspg;G Nfhzk; : vjpnuhspg;G fjpUf;Fk; gLGs;spapy; tiuag;gl;l Fj;JNfhl;bw;Fk; ,ilNa

cs;s Nfhzk;.
Angle of reflection – the angle between the reflected ray and the normal.
10. vjpnuhspg;G tpjpfs; :
m) gLfjph; vjpnuhspg;G fjph; kw;Wk; Fj;Jf;NfhL Mfpa %d;Wk;; xNu jsj;jpy; mikAk;
M) gL Nfhzk; kw;Wk; vjpnuhspg;G Nfhzk; rkk;.
Laws of reflection :
a) incident ray, reflected ray and the normal lie in the same plane.
b) angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
11. xOq;fhd vjpnuhspg;G : gsgsg;ghd gug;gpy; elf;Fk;
Regular reflection -Reflection from a polished surface.
12. xOq;fw;w vjpnuhspg;G : nrhunrhug;ghd gug;gpy; elf;Fk;
Irregular reflection -Reflection from a rough surface

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13. rkjs Mbapy; Njhd;Wk; gpk;gk; : xU nghUSf;F xU gpk;gk; kl;LNk Njhd;Wk;

Image formed by a single plane mirror - only one image.
14. gpk;gq;fspd; vz;zpf;iff;Fk; Nfhzj;jpw;Fk; ,ilNa cs;s njhlh;G : ( 360/Nfhzk; - 1)
Number of images = ( 360 / angle - 1 )
16. mjpf gpk;gq;fisg; ngw : fz;zhb ,izahf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;
To get more images : mirrors should be parallel.
17. gd;Kf vjpnuhspg;G elf;Fk; fUtp : nghp];N;fhg; (,U rkjs Mb)> fiylh];Nfhg; (3rkjsMb)
Instruments showing Multiple reflections : Periscope
(2 plane mirrors) and Kaleidoscope (3 plane mirrors)
18. xsp tpyfy; : xsp xU Clfj;jpy; ,Ue;J kw;nwhU Clfj;jpw;F nry;Yk; epfo;T
Refraction - When light rays pass from one medium to another medium the path of the ray will be
changed. This is refraction.

19. ePUf;Fs; itj;j ngd;rpy; tistJ Nghd;W Njhd;WtJ : xsp tpyfy;
The pencil looks bent when it is in the water. This is due to refraction.
xspfjph; mlh;Fiw Clfj;jpy; ,Ue;J mlh; kpF Clfj;jw;F nry;Yk; NghJ : nrq;Fj;J Nfhl;il
Nehf;fp tpyFk;.
When light travels from a rarer medium to a denser medium, it will be deviated towards the normal.
21. xspfjph; mlh;kpF Clfj;jpy; ,Ue;J mlh; Fiw Clfj;jpw;F nry;Yk; NghJ : nrq;fj;J Nfhl;il
tpl;L tpyfp nry;Yk;.
When light travels from a denser medium to a rarer medium, it will be deviated away from the normal.
22. ePr;ry; Fsj;jpy; Mok; Fiwe;jJ Nghy; Njhd;WtJ : xsp tpyfy;

A swimming pool appears shallower than its actual depth.

23. epwkhiyg; gw;wp Kjypy; $wpath; : Irf; epA+l;ld;
First who discovered about the spectrum – Newton.
24. epwg;gphpif : nts;nshsp Kg;gl;lfj;jpd; topNa nrd;W 7 epwq;fspy; gphpAk; epfo;T
Disperson – Splitting of white light into seven colours, when it is passed through a prism.
25. khWepiyf; Nfhzk; : tpyF fjph; gphpjsj;jpd; topNa tpyfp nry;Yk; NghJ Vw;gLk; gLNfhzk;
(tpyF Nfhzk; r = 900)
Critical angle - The angle of incidence for which the angle of refraction becomes 90°
26. KO mf vjpnuhspg;G : gLNfhzj;jpd; kjpg;G khWepiyNfhzj;ij tpl mjpfkhdhy;> xsp
mlh;kpF Clfj;jpNyNa vjpnuhspf;Fk;. ,JNt KOmf vjpnuhspg;G vdg;gLk;
If the angle of incidence in the denser medium is greater than the critical angle, then total internal
reflection is produced.

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27. KO mf vjpnuhspg;G Vw;gl epge;jid

m) xsp mlh;kpF Clfj;jpy; ,Ue;J mlh;Fiw Clfj;jpw;F nry;yNtz;Lk;
M) gLNfhz kjpg;G khWepiyNfhzj;ij tpl mjpfk; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;.
Conditions for total internal reflection:
1. The light must proceed from a denser medium to a rarer medium.
2. The angle of incidence in the denser medium must be greater than the critical angle.
28. fz; jf mikjy; : njhiyTf;F Vw;g tpopnyd;R jd; FtpaJhuj;ij khw;wp mikj;J nfhs;tJ
( cjtp: rpypahp jir)
Ciliary muscles stretches and relaxes to change the focal length of the lens . This is called as power of
accommodation of an eye.
29. njspTW fhl;rpapd; kPr;rpW njhiyT : 25 nr.kP
The least distance of an eye - The most comfortable distance at which one can read with a normal eye

– It is 25 cm.
30. fz;zhb xsp ,io : tud
- nkype;j tisAk; jd;ik nfhz;l fz;zhb jz;L
- KO mf vjpnuhspg;Gj; jj;Jtj;jpd; gb ,aq;Fk;
- nra;jp njhlh;G iriffs; kw;Wk; ekJ
- clypd; cs; cWg;Gfis glk; vLf;f cjTk;
Optical fibers :
1) based on the principle of total internal reflection.
2) Optical fibers are thin, flexible and transparent strands of glass

3) transmit communication signals.

4) are used in endoscope and laparoscopes.

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tFg;G : 8 Standard : 8
(2) xypapay; ( SOUND )
1. mjph;TWk; nghUs;fs; xypia Vw;gLj;Jk;.
Vibrating bodies produce sound.
2. xyp jplg; nghUs;fspy; Ntfkhf guTk;.
Sound travels very much faster in solids than liquid and air.
3. xyp gut VNjDk; xU Clfk; Njit (fhw;W> eP h;)
For the propagation of sound, a medium is necessary
4. kzp FLitr; Nrhjid – xyp ntw;wplj;jpy; guthJ vd ep&gpf;Fk; Nrhjid
Bell jar experiment proves that sound cannot pass through vacuum.
5. Mz;fspd; Fuy; ehz;fspd; ePsk; - 20 kp.kP

The vocal cords in men are about 20 mm long.

In women, these are about 15 mm.

6. ngz;fspd; Fuy; ehz;fspd; ePsk; - 15 kp.kP

7. xypia ehk; Nfl;gjpy; Kf;fpa gq;F tfpf;Fk; cWg;G – nrtpg;giw

“Ear drum” performs an important function in hearing.
8. miyTfs; - mjph;tilAk; nghUspd; Kd; gpd; ,af;fk;
Vibration - to and fro motion of an object.
9. ,irf;fit – cNyhfj;jhy; MdJ Nkw;gFjp (Gaq;fs;)> fPo;gFjp (jz;Lfs;)
A tuning fork is made of steel. Upper portion – prongs; lower portion - stem

10. mjph;ntz; - mjph;tilAk; nghUs; 1 nehbapy; Vw;gLj;Jk; miyTfspd; vz;zpf;if (myF -

Frequncy – number of oscillations produced per second – Unit: hertz.
11. miyTf; fhyk; - mjph;tilAk; nghUs; xU KO miyTf;F vLj;Jf; nfhs;Sk; fhyk; ( myF -
Time period : The time taken by the vibrating body to complete one vibration or oscillation. Unit – s
12. tPr;R -rkepiyg; Gs;spapy; ,Ue;J mjph;tilAk; nghUs; milAk; ngUk ,lg;ngah;r;rp (myF -
Amplitude: Maximum displacement of the vibrating body from the mean position. Unit : metre.
13. miyTf; fhyk; (T) = 1 /mjph;ntz;.
The reciprocal of the time period is called frequency.
14. xypapd; Kf;fpa gz;G – tPr;R kw;Wk; mjph;ntz;.
Important properties of sound – amplitude and frequency.

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15. xypapd; kjpg;G – tPr;irg; nghUj;jJ

The loudness of the sound depends on its amplitude.
16. nrtpAzh; xypapd; mjph;ntz; - 20 n`h;l;]; Kjy; 20000 n`h;l;]; tiu.
The audible frequency range of the human ear is 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz.
17. nrtpAzuh xypapd; mjph;ntz; - 20 f;F cs; (Fw;nwhyp) 20000 Nky;
Inaudible frequency is less than 20 Hz. Ultrasonic waves have frequencies above 20,000 Hz.
18. 20000 n`h;l;Rf;F mjpfkhd mjph;ntz; nfhz;l kPnahypia Nfl;Fk; tpyq;F - eha;.
Dogs can hear the sound of frequencies higher than 20,000 Hz.
19. ntsthy;fs; gwg;gjw;Fk;. jpiriaf; fhzTk; kPnahypiag; gad;gLj;Jfpd;wd.
Bats use ultrasonics waves for their flight.
20. ,iwr;ry; - xyp %yj;jpy; ,Ue;J tUk; Njitaw;w> ,dpikaw;w xyp.
The unpleasant sound is called as noise.

***** Best wishes *****
tFg;G : 9 Standard : 9

xypapay; ( SOUND )

1. Ïuhg¬£ ghæš - xè bt‰¿l¤Â‹ têna guthJ vd ã%äjh¬.

Robert Boyle proved that sound cannot pass through vacuum
2. Clf¤ÂYŸs JfŸfŸ miy guΫ Âir¡F Ïizahf m¬ÎWtjhš c©lhF« miyfŸ be£liyfŸ.

Particles of a medium vibrate in a direction, parallel

to the direction of propagation of wave, it is called longitudinal wave.
3. be£liyfëš - beU¡fK« be»œÎ« cUth»‹wd.
Longitudinal waves - compressions and rarefactions.
4. xè miyfŸ fh‰W mšyJ thÍéš be£liy toéš.
Sound waves in air or gas - Longitudinal waves
5. FW¡fiyfŸ
Transverse wave - The particles of the medium vibrate perpendicular to the direction of propagation.
6. FW¡fiyfŸ – mfLfŸ k‰W« KfLfŸ.
Transverse wave – crests and troughs.
7. FW¡fiyfŸ – ÚuiyfŸ, ÏG¤J¡f£l¥g£l f«Ãæ‹ m¬ÎfŸ
Water waves, vibrations of stretched string
8. miy¤ Âirntf« V = nλ.
Wave velocity V= nλ.


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9. m®bt© = 1 / miyΡ fhy«.

Frequency = 1 / time period.
8 -1
10. xëæ‹ Âirntf« = 3 X 10 m s .
xèæ‹ Âirntf« = 340 m s .
velocity of light = 3 X 10 8 m s-1.
velocity of sound = 340 m s -1.
11. vÂbuhè nf£f¥gl nt©Lbkåš xèia vÂbuhè¥ò mila¢ brŒÍ« jilbghUshdJ FiwªjJ 17 Û
bjhiyéš mika nt©L«.
To hear echo, the barrier reflecting the sound should be least at a distance of 17 meters.
12. g‹Kf vÂbuhè¥Ã‹ fhuzkhf, xè
nf£lš Úo¤ÂU¡F« j‹ik v¬KH¡f«.
The repeated reflection that results in the persistence of sound is called reverberation.
13. 20 Hz ¡F« Fiwthd m¬bt© bfh©l xè F‰bwhè.

Sound of frequencies below 20Hz are called infrasonic.
14. bA®£° - Kj‹ Kjyhf nuonah miyfŸ ÏU¥gij MŒé‹ _y« ã%äjh¬.
Hertz proved the existence of radio waves first.
15. mÂf msÎ bréz® beL¡f« bfh©lJ – flš ehŒ.
Which one has large audible range? – seal.
16. nrhdh® - flè‹ MH« fhz.
Sonar – Depth of the sea.
17. xè _y¤Â‰F«, nf£FeU¡F« Ïilæš xU rh¬Ãa¡f« cŸsnghJ xèæ‹m¬bt©âš njh‰w kh‰w«
V‰gL« ãfœÎ lh¥s¬ éisÎ vd¥gL«.
The phenomenon of the apparent change in the frequency

of the source due to relative motion between the source and the observer is called as Doppler’s effect
18. nulh¬ ga‹fŸ:
1) Ú®_œ»¡ f¥gš k‰W« th}¬Âfë‹
Ïa¡f« k‰W« Âirntf« fhz
2) thfd¤Â‹ ntf« fhz

3) btsthšfŸ Ïiuæ‹ bjhiyÎ k‰W« Ïa¡f¤ij m¿ªJ bfhŸs.

Uses of Radar:
1) to determine the velocities and movement of submarines and aircrafts.
2) the speed of vehicles are detected.
3) Bats detect the location, distance and movement of the prey by the Doppler shift.
19. Ïja¤Jo¥ò khå brašgL« j¤Jt« - g‹Kf vÂbuhè¥ò.
The principle on which stethoscope – multiple reflection.
20. 20 kHz ¡F« mÂfkhd m®bt© bfh©l xè Ûbahè.
Sound of frequencies above 20 kHz are called ultrasonic.


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tFg;g[ Standard : 10
( Electricity and energy )
The rate of flow of charge is called electric current.
The unit of current is ampere.
3. X
1 C is the charge contained in nearly 6 X 10 18 electrons.
The unit of potential difference is volt.
5. V = I R.
The equation for Ohm’s law is V = I R.

6. Rs = R1 + R2 + R3.

Resistors in parallel – 1/ RP = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/ R3
Resistors in series – Effective desistance Rs = R1 + R2 + R3.
1/ RP = 1/R1 + 1/R2 +1/ R3

8. H = I2 R t.
Joule’s law of heating H = I 2 R t.
9. 37 % 63 %
Fuse wire is an alloy. 37 % lead and 63 % tin.
10. V

The emf of the voltaic cell is 1.08 volt.

11. V
The emf of the leclanche cell is 1.5 volt.
12. dil H2SO4
In leclanche cell the electrolyte is dil H2SO4
Radioactivity was discovered by Henry Becquerel in 1896.
Heavy elements having atomic number greater than 82 are called radioactive materials.

92 U 235 + 0 n 1 → 56 Ba 141 + 36 Kr 92 + 3 0 n 1 + 200 MeV.

The equation for Nuclear fission is
+ 0 n → 56 Ba
235 1 141 92 1
92 U + 36 Kr + 3 0 n + 200 MeV.


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1H + 1 H 3 → 2 He 4 + 0 n 1 +
17. = 9 X 10 16 J.
The energy produced when 1 kg of substance is fully converted into energy = 9 X 10 16 J.
The unit of radioactivity is Roengen.
19. 250 mR per week.
Safety limit of radioactivity is 250 mR per week.
20. 1.6 X 10 12
One roentgen is defined as the quantity of radiation which produces 1.6 x 10 pairs of ion in 1 gram of air.

tFg;g[ _ 10 Standard : 10

Magnetic effect of electric current and Light

Magnetic field is a vector quantity.

Magnetic line of force start from the north pole and terminate at the south pole.
From Fleming’s left hand rule, the thumb will point in the direction of motion or the force acting on the conductor.
4. →

Electric motor - electric energy → mechanical energy

Electromagnwtic induction discovered by Faraday( 1831)
From Fleming’s right hand rule, the middle finger will show the direction of induced current.
Alternating Current generator - The current changes its direction after equal intervals of time.
Direct Current generator - The current flows in the same direction.
9. R = 2f. R = ; f=
For spherical mirrors, R = 2f. r = radius of curvature :
f = focal length.
10. 1 / v + 1 / u = 1 / f.
Mirro formula is 1 / v + 1 / u = 1 / f.


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11. μ = sin i / sin r = c a / c m.

Snell’s law is μ = sin i / sin r = c a / c m.

Magnification = height of the image / height of the object.
13. /

Power of the lens = 1 / focal length. Unit: dioptre.

14. ê
Myopia is near-sightedness. Elongation of the eyeball.
15. ê
Hypermetropia is far- sightedness. Eyeball becomes shorter.

Presbyopia - The power of accommodation of the decreases with ageing.



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