NSToday - April 7th, 2019

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Vol. 2, No. 8 SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 © International News Organization, 2019

New Western Atlantic Legislature Rumbles

Into Action in The
Sees Senate Shakeup Leftist Assembly
The quarterly election of The Leftist As-
sembly (TLA) concluded on March 14, af-
firming the 13th legislative General Assem-
bly headed by Secretary The Final Horse-
man (TFH). In the first three weeks of the
term, the Secretary confirmed a number of
ministerial appointments, a Senator by-
election was held, and the refreshed govern-
ment deliberated several contentious bills,
with mixed public reception.

On March 21, just one week following the

release of the election results and shortly
after the confirmation of all three of TFH’s
appointments to the judicial Supreme Court,
the Secretary proceeded to announce a num-
Supporters celebrate as the Activist-led coalition grew its vote share in the Spring 2019 elections. ber of ministerial appointments. Uncontro-
versially, it was announced that they them-
By UCP of four elections for the 2019 calen- shortly after the ill-fated merge selves would continue as the Minister of Re-
Elections in the New Western dar year. The elections this spring with Norden and midway through cruitment, following successful efforts in
Atlantic (NWA) have just conclud- were particularly unique as they the current administration’s term, previous months that have seen the region
ed, and the quarterly process truly come in the wake of major reform the poll was a referendum on the plateau at an all-time high of around 350 na-
was a process to behold. The poll to the region’s legislative body: current government. In order for tions. Hecknamistan would remain as the
dominated the message board, the Senate. Starting this term, not the minority coalition to seize con- Minister of Foreign Affairs, reflecting that
campaign adverts were embla- only has the Senate been expand- trol of the region’s unicameral leg- he had “served diligently and his work has
zoned across the regional Discord ed from 25 to 30 seats, but the two islature, the Activist, Social Bloc, always been in TLA's best interest”. More
server, and party politics were -tiered class system for Senators and Unity parties were pressured recently, the fate of the position of Minister
fully out to play. With flashy col- has also been removed; all 30 Sen- with the task of presenting them- of NationStates Affairs was sealed as it was
oured posters and speculative ators are up for election at the selves as a viable replacement to renamed to Minister of Information and
opinion polls aplenty, the regional same time. the current majority. Prime Minister Argentigrad was appointed
elections seemingly invaded every to the position. It will now be more specifi-
aspect of the region’s community. The majority coalition - made up If one didn’t think there was cally responsible for the quarterly census,
And of course, it wouldn’t be a of the Liberal Democrat, National, enough going on with the legisla- biannual Culture Competitions, and publish-
true election if at least one part of and Constructivist parties - en- tive changes, the effects of the ing polls to gauge opinion on World Assem-
the process wasn’t mired in con- tered the recent election hoping to Norden merge, and the approval bly proposals.
troversy. retain its control over the Senate of the current government at
for a third consecutive term, plac- stake, then they surely would Soon after the initial appointments, it be-
With the opening of the regional ing the burden on the minority have been ecstatic to hear about… came evident that one of the political …
election poll on March 16, the coalition to present an alternative
NWA proceeded with its first set vision for the NWA. Taking place CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CONTINUED ON PAGE 2

The Communist Bloc’s Constitutional Convention: An Ignorance of the Elite

By LEWIS KUZNETSOV-FLOOD the views of more than the core group it has since been given the shape of a
Important Note: This article repre- of players who got involved in discus- bill to reform the constitutional con-
sents the personal views of the au- sions. A poll I designed was held to vention and get it moving; having
thor, and does not necessarily repre- see what the citizens and residents of started on January 5th, it has been
sent the view of NationStates Today. the region wanted - turns out, it was- just over three months, and members
n’t what the convention voted for. have become increasingly exasperat-
In January of this year, The Com- Has TCB created an elite political class? ed with the lack of government work
munist Bloc began its process to draft The poll’s results are damning - a outside of the convention - elections
a new Constitution - popular feeling, rejection of the proposed collegiate As the Government tried to figure were suspended until recently, with
at the time, was that the current sys- system, and a rejection of the sole, out how to run an “official” poll, the General Secretary not even re-
tem of government was failing the directly democratic chamber so heav- something which is yet to occur at the ceiving an electoral mandate.
people, and did not lead to a fair bal- ily championed by the upper echelons time of this article going to press,
ance of direct and indirect democra- of the region’s elite. When it came to talks began regarding a compromise - The Communist Bloc needs a gov-
cy. After much debate, a month and a the executive, the region was split the return of an elected chamber, ernment that works for all. A govern-
half later it agreed to a new executive down the middle, with a slight majori- with a directly democratic lower ment which caters to those who want
and legislative system. ty for a presidential system. Natural- house, and the creation of a new politic gameplay, those who want to
ly, this was not acceptable to those Head of Government - the Premier. A legislate, those who want a govern-
Then things chugged to a halt - that so heavily supported the colle- new position of President would be ment which listens to them. The pro-
while the judiciary was eventually giate council of ministers as adopted created, to act as the Head of State. In posal I have outlined, and have been
agreed upon, several citizens began in a convention vote - attacks on the effect, the proposal would create a pushing for, fulfills those needs. It
to agitate against the proposed struc- poll and its methodology followed, semi-Presidential system in a similar outlines a government which allows
ture. Many, including myself, felt that with many ignoring the fact that re- vein to many European nations. Key players of all types to get involved,
the convention had been moving too form had been called for. Just not the figures on both sides of the divide be- and I call on the region to vote in fa-
quickly without properly considering reform they wanted. gan to support that compromise, and vour of it.

UCP reports on the recent election in the Wymondham interviews Lynxi in a re- Brihimia discusses the resignation of the Daunlaund gives their Art of the Week
New Western Atlantic, Llo writes about turn to his ‘Up Close & Personal’ series, mayor of Lazhintsky, Trabardia, follow- wrap-up, with this week’s best designs
new legislative debate in The Leftist As- while Llo looks at the newest growing ing a questionable media report on fraud- from the NS forums, while Llo challenges
sembly, and Prarie reviews new addi- regions within the world of NationStates ulent activity, and what its implications you to another weekly crossword with
tions to The South Pacific’s High Court. from this week. are for the city. clues from the edition and NS generally.

SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 Section P

New Western Atlantic New Justices Set To Be

Sees Senate Shakeup Confirmed in The South Pacific
CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 legitimacy in the long-term.
… the controversy that hit the region
less than two days into the election The second noteworthy conclusion
campaign. As turnout remained in is that there may be a current cen-
the smallest of proportions, a scandal tre/centre-left shift in NWA regional
struck the National party. With the politics. Though a small bump in sup-
resignation of two-thirds of the par- port for one or two parties would be
ty’s Senators and expulsion of a por- considered normal, all three parties
tion of the party’s members in the considered to be centre/centre-left
weeks leading up to the election, its saw a surge in their support, with the
Chairman, Grand Rebels, and new Liberal Democrats and Activists see-
Deputy Chairman were both impli- ing the largest benefit of this poten-
cated in bribery accusations. These tial shift. Only time will determine if
allegations were eventually brought this conclusion is correct in the long-
to the regional Justice Ministry, and term, but a continued drift toward
are currently awaiting deliberation the centre of the spectrum could
by the High Court of the NWA. drastically change the makeup of the
coalitions that govern the region.
With the closing of the polls on the
The New Western Atlantic now en- The South Pacific’s High Court has been inundated with work with so few Justices.
evening of March 23, it was evident
that a major shift had occurred with- ters the more difficult and critical
in the political sphere of the New aspect of the election process - coali- By PRARIE and his answers consistently show a
Western Atlantic. In a break from tion building. While the process is The High Court of the South Pacific keen understanding of the nuances
the past two elections and a rebuke normally a difficult task, this sea- has had a significant workload in re- of legal interpretation, yet also the
to Constructivist leadership, the Ac- son’s negotiations will be further cent weeks, as Associate Justice importance of always referring back
tivist party emerged with the largest complicated by the necessity of one Sandaoguo won the election for Min- to what the law actually says. He will
vote share. Though the Constructiv- coalition to break, as both existing ister of Foreign Affairs and resigned be a welcome addition to our bench.”
ists retained their place among the coalitions hold the same number of his post. Now, however, the Cabinet
top two parties, the Liberal Demo- seats and, therefore, may not form a led by Prime Minister Roavin has As for the other applicants, they
cratic and Unity parties both saw a majority government in their own helped the High Court by nominating could have been better in the opinion
surge of support. right. Though in theory there are 4-5 two new Associate Justices. of the court. They appreciated
varying majority coalition possibili- Awesomiasa’s legal experience in
There are many takeaways from ties, the various intricate relation- Three nations applied for the posi- the High Court but were concerned
the results of the Spring 2019 elec- ships between parties in the NWA tion of Associate Justice: Islands of about his perceived importance to
tion, but there are two conclusions knock out a few of these options. The unity, Rebeltopia, and Awesomiasa. the spirit of the law. As for Islands of
that are the most noteworthy. First most likely of outcomes is that a ma- The pool looked very interesting Unity, the Justices didn’t appear to
of all is the shift in the allocation of jority will emerge out of either the from the outside; Rebeltopia and give him much time. They thorough-
Senate seats. Even when taking the centre-left or centre-right of the re- Awe are long-time TSPers who are ly disliked Islands of Unity’s applica-
seat increase into account, it is clear gion. widely recognized for their regional tion, and Islands withdrew his appli-
that the vote share of the Social Bloc, contributions, while Islands of Unity cation on March 16.
Constructivist and National parties Regardless of which party secures is an upcoming populist who has
decreased. Though National was the the majority coalition, it has been been involved pretty much every- However, the Cabinet appeared to
only party to lose a seat, the inability made clear that politics within the where in the South Pacific. However, give Awesomiasa the benefit of the
of both the Constructivist and Social New Western Atlantic is changing. after a private conversation between doubt. On March 31, Prime Minister
Bloc parties to pick up a seat in pro- Whether these changes are a short- Chief Justice Kris Kringle and Asso- Roavin submitted a statement to the
portion to the total seat increase indi- term deviation from the norm, or a ciate Justice Belschaft, a clear front- legislative Assembly nominating
cates that their support from previ- long-term shift in regional opinion runner emerged. Rebeltopia and Awesomiasa. While
ous elections may have wavered. remains to be seen, but it is certainly the Assembly has been comprehen-
Though small deviations from elec- obvious that the coalitions of old will “I have no doubt that Rebeltopia is sive in their questioning of the appli-
tion to election are normal, a pro- need to be adjusted to accommodate more than qualified to sit on the High cants, it appears both will steadily
longed decrease in any party’s vote a change in the ideological leanings Court,” said Chief Justice Kringle. pass, giving much-needed assistance
shares could potentially hurt their of the citizenry. “He has experience in our judiciary, to Kringle and Belschaft.

Legislature Rumbles Into Action in The Leftist Assembly

CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 es settled down, the legislature began wart Cedoria and Prime Minister Ar- already bubbling to the surface over
… hopefuls of the region, Senator to pick up its workload. Two key piec- gentigrad, with the latter stating that the implications of such a measure,
Great Varia, was on track to cease-to- es of legislation have become the sub- “there's no point in legislating it if it's the author of the bill will need to pre-
exist. Following a vote of no confi- ject of hotly-contested debate in re- gonna be optional”. This pressure sent a convincing case to secure the
dence that returned a 34-2 result in cent weeks. The first amounted in Greylyn Constitutional amendment, which
favour of their removal from the Gen- was Senator Greyly-
n’s State of the As-
Two key pieces dropping the bill on
April 4, citing a desire
would require a two-thirds majority
in favour at a referendum. While it
eral Assembly, the vacancy triggered
a by-election. Six candidates nominat- sembly bill, which of legislation to instead pursue it as may be speculative, it appears unlike-

have become
ed themselves for the position, includ- sought to enshrine a “non-legislative pro- ly that they will be able to rally such
ing a number of unsuccessful candi- into law an optional posal”. broad support for the change.
dates from the previous general elec- speech to be delivered the subject of
by the Secretary half- Within minutes of From here, TLA looks to further leg-
tion. After two days of voting, on
March 27, Fevhader was revealed as way through their hotly-contested this, Senator Daw- islative reforms, a census for the
having won in a landslide victory. The term covering “new
debate in re- tania had commenced month of April, and a keenly antici-
new Senator narrowly ranked sixth in legislative agendas, discussion on the next pated Culture Competitions that will
the Senator contest of the previous the state of domestic cent weeks. item in the legislative offer citizens the chance to change
general election, in which five posi- and foreign affairs, agenda: their pro- some of the region’s key symbols, in-
tions were available. and any other area the Secretary posal to separate the elections of the cluding its anthem and flag.
wishes to draw attention to”. The bill Secretary and Prime Minister, the
As the newly-minted members of received a significant amount of criti- leader and deputy leader of the re-
the executive and legislative branch- cism from the likes of regional stal- gion respectively. With some debate

SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 Section G


By WYMONDHAM internal affairs of Osiris rather than for- leadership position it's important that that Feeders have. We play with that
On March 31, Lynxi ascended to the eign affairs issues: you can lead your government to do the disadvantage everyday, so it takes ex-
throne of Osiris. Having been Heir Ap- things it's responsible for but it's also tra work to provide for this sort of sys-
parent since February 10, Lynxi has “I'm planning to focus a lot of my at- important that you don't lead them into tem. But like every weakness, eventual-
already presided over Osiris’ April tention on the interior of the region. I shady situations because of a personal ly you can overcome it and even turn it
Fools transformation into Ponysiris. I think that any leader should think about goal. That's where drama starts, people into a strength. Working in the Sinkers
sat down with Lynxi a week after her what is going to happen after them. forgetting they are leading a communi- refines the techniques used to acquire
appointment as Heir Apparent, howev- What sort of people will eventually fill ty instead of achieving their own per- new members, to convert gameside
er a combination of real-life factors and their shoes and whatnot. I'm going to sonal goals. My personal goal is to do players into forum and discord commu-
decisions on my part after the an- continue Altino's meritocratic system, the best I can for any region I love, so nity members, and how to work against
nouncement of Altino’s abdication con- because I believe in an activity based luckily I get to pursue mine and feel the odds with optimism.”
tributed to the delay in the publishing of game you need to continually prove good about it at the end of the day too.”
this article. yourself to be responsible for the posi- Although Lynxi is not an aggressive
tions you want. This typically does a According to Lynxi, the reason being person, she believes that the decision to
Lynxi has enjoyed a varied career in good job of letting us know who we the Pharaoh of Osiris is the best in NS declare war against the New Pacific
NationStates, having co-founded Caer want to put into certain positions, and because of the community: Order was the right one at the end of
Sidi after a career in user-created re- gives us a goal for integrating our new the day:
gions. Lynxi then joined The Grey War- citizens. We want to turn new players “Well first, the title is probably one of
dens before joining Osiris as soon as into dedicated community members, the coolest in the game. Everybody “...I'm not typically a person that rev-
they were un-proscribed: and each one of our government depart- knows that your value as a leader is els in conflict, but I do think the war
ments will be asked to think of that in equivalent to how cool your title is. But, was the right step. You can't just let
“... I started out in a few UCRs just their day to day activities. As far as for- in all seriousness, I would think that anyone set fires in your backyard. What
trying to learn what the game was and eign affairs goes, there's a few ideas I what makes being Pharaoh different I know I will do in terms of the War is
how do do the tings. The Allied States have to improve friendships and foster has nothing to do with the impersonal assessing our goals, our strategies, and
was first- before they had the fiasco new and beneficial alliances. I think we structures of the region. Like the Scroll what the citizens of Osiris want and
with hosting the World Fair. Needless have seen a very good refining of our of Horus is just words, right? So what is most likely basing our future efforts off
to say I left when that incident occurred treaties under Altino's leadership, so I different is that in Osiris I'm surround- of that. But until I'm in the midst of
and wound up in Equinox. I joined EQ think it is a good idea to find regions ed by the people I want to be surround- things I can't answer that question
Mafia, met Satya and Aynia and who want to work with us to reach com- ed by. I am part of a community that I without making stuff up. I'm not going
learned how to raid. We left EQ for vari- mon goals. Emphasis on quality, not cherish with the people I cherish, and to make stuff up.”
ous reasons, and I wound up floating quantity. In Sekhmet, I'm going to be that makes it, for me, the best leader-
between Arda en' Estel and Hellenic working with Benja to train and foster ship position I could ask for.” Lynxi says that the greatest threat to
Empire for a while, not doing much but the growth of other military leaders so NS is the lull in R/D activity:
occasionally raiding and helping set up he won't have to do all the work all the Lynxi says the strength of Osiris lays
some HE stuff. Satya's sudden quitting time. That kid's a workhorse, but don't in the people that it is built upon: “... I don't know that I have the time in
and other shenanigans made me take a let anyone know I'm saying nice things the game to really answer it. Like
break from the game, and when I came about him.” “Our people. Osiris has a great assort- there's a delicate balance people need
back me and Aynia decide to [sic] co- ment of people at the moment and it's to find on things like OOC policing and
found Caer Sidi together. At this time Lynxi also feels that the current gov- wonderful that we feel so relaxed and admin duties, there's a general lull in r/
was when Altino brought me into Aste- ernment as appointed by Altino is al- easy with how things are going. Not d cos everyone is independent and
orra fam and I joined my first GCR, The right for Osiris as it is: often do you find a region where people afraid to do things without criticism,
West Pacific. Founding a UCR gave me aren't at least at some sort of odds with and there's kind of a problem with peo-
so much information on how the game “I plan to start my term as Pharaoh each other. It's refreshing for me, be- ple who have done stuff in the past but
is and should be played, and I think that out with largely the same cast of play- cause a lot of the places I came from are doing nothing now doing their best
it's a defining moment in my career. ers we have now. I will likely make were time bombs. So I think our people to stagnate growth and new ideas. So I
Because I came from a very cosmopoli- some changes, but only after some ob- are the greatest strength. And really, in suppose, people can take their pick at
tan, slumming around style of playing servation. I don't want to turn Osiris every region that's typically the case what's the worst, because I'm really
and then all this responsibility was sud- inside out, I just want to work on contin- right cos without people you don't have just trying to do what's best for Osiris. I
denly thrust upon me. I eventually left uing the damn good job we've been do- activity.... but there's something special got tunnel vision right now.”
Caer Sidi for various reasons, joined ing for a while now.” about the Osirans I haven't really found
TGW (I had always wanted to learn anywhere else.” Lynxi was extremely courteous to me
how to defend), and started hanging Lynxi thinks she is much like Altino, throughout this interview, despite her
around Osiris as a visitor. Since I was minus the love of owls naturally: However, the greatest weakness in being exceptionally busy in real-life,
proscribed, you know. When the pro- Osiris is the distinct possibility of the and I would like to thank her for that.
scription was lifted by Osiris, I joined “Well, I have only experienced Altino system stalling: Having recently had Lynxi on the
up and started devoting 100% of my as a Pharaoh first hand so I am not NSToday podcast, The News Room, I
time to working with Altino in the gov- quite sure about past Pharaohs. As to “The greatest weakness of any meri- predict a brilliant future for Osiris and
ernment. A few Vizierships later and a how I am similar to Altino, well she's tocratic system is the possibility of predict a continuation of its new golden
long time WA locked, and here I am...” been one of the people that have helped stalling out. If you don't find new people age under Altino.
me develop my outlook on regions, for the region, then when the old ones
Although it was only announced re- leadership, and Nationstates in general. retire you'll be back to square one. This
cently, plans have been in place for We have similar views on a lot, and is felt very strongly in Sinkers, because
Lynxi to become Heir Apparent for a that's something that people should ex- we don't have the influx of new players
while: pect from me. We do, however, have
our differences like any two individuals
“Well I had a few clues before she re- do. For one, she's not even a big fan of New Regions Showcase
ally said anything. But this has been the gummy bears. For two, I am less inter-
ested in owls than the general public By LLO Flavortown
plan for at least a few months. Outside
might know. We just try not to think Nations: 18
of the game I work a pretty stressful job The Land of Elysium
about the differences and that helps us Founded: 2 April 2019
during the holidays so I took a bit of ab- Nations: 19
not beat each other up on a daily basis.” Founder: Fieri Guy
sence, and I think she wanted to wait Founded: 3 April 2019
Delegate: Bruhhhhhhhhhhh
[sic] till I was back and active as I typi- Founder: Novum Vallis
cally am. So as soon as I started making Lynxi believes that the best leaders
Delegate: The Cansa
headway in Community Affairs we are the best at managing others: This region, dedicated to Guy Fieri’s
Best Census Records: Rudeness,
started talking about officially announc- real-life ‘Flavortown’ show, presents
Black Market, Inclusiveness
ing it. I don't think anyone was sur- “Honestly, people management. itself in its World Factbook Entry as
prised. I personally have two feelings That's the entirety of leadership in the pro-LGBT+ and anti-racist. A handful
This neutral roleplay region de-
when taking on any position of respon- game and so long as you know your of nations appear to be figuring out
people, know what they value, and scribes itself as having “hilly green
sibility: eagerness to do well and a sort the mechanics of operating a region
know why they do what they do you can pastures, clear blue seas, untouched
of nervousness that's more positive on the RMB, with some interesting
inspire anyone to do anything. I person- territories, and many misadven-
than negative. It's a familiar feeling.” nation names making appearances,
ally hold myself to a bit of a personal tures”. They have some casual RMB
including Fieri Guy, ShiaLabeoof, and
moral system and I think that's im- roleplay and are cracking down on
Lynxi’s main goal is working on the Bencil-Sharpeniro.
portant too. Because when you're in a “extremists” in the region.

SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 Section I

Lazhintsky Mayoral Resignation Over Fraud Allegations

The Executive Council convene following the publication of fraud allegations concerning now-former Mayor Sebastian Garcia.

By BRIHIMIA Lazhintsky District in 1823. Casado, Garcia. Active in the politics of the jects, and a public university modeled
LAZHINTSKY, TRABARDIA — An the ancestor of Sebastian Garcia da- city’s unions, he also assembled the after the dual city colleges opened in
unparalleled dynastic reign came to ting back seven generations, weld remnants of the Revolutionary Demo- Ryabinovyy last year.
an end on Friday morning when the provisional power during the first cratic Party into the New Socialist
Mayor of Lazhintsky, Sebastian Gar- democratic revolution in Trabardia Party. Mr. Garcia’s widespread support
cia, departed City Hall. that ushered in more than a century and admiration earned him the nick-
of true democracy. Casado’s son, An- In 2009, Palomo Jr., following his name “Mr. Mayor,” affectionately
The mayor’s plans to resign, first gel, and his granddaughter, Angelia, father’s death, led the Lazhintsky coined during his 2014 re-election
reported by the Lazhintsky Press on both served after him. arm of the sweeping Second Revolu- campaign by a group of primary
Thursday night, were announced to tion. However, just days after Palomo school students. Samuel Marrero, a
the Executive Cabinet of the city that Casado’s dynasty in the 19th centu- was declared Interim Mayor of the historian at the University of South-
morning. The Cabinet met all day and ry was fueled by the Revolutionary city’s provisional government, he was ern Trabardia, said that “Sebastian
night to discuss the transition of pow- Democratic Party’s stronghold on the assassinated by a hit squad pre- Garcia is the city itself. He runs it,
er that ended Mr. Garcia’s 9-year ten- city, state, and national governments. sumed to be hired by an exiled La- and everything that the city has ac-
ure. It began a social safety net, a zhintsky billionaire. complished in the past nine years is
healthcare system, a city park sys- his accomplishment.”
The resignation was sparked by tem, and the expansion of city ser- At the same time, Sebastian Garcia
corruption allegations first published vices. Lazhintsky city historian Mon- was serving on the provisional City Can the Deputy Do the Job?
ica Delgado went so far in an inter- Assembly. As the country stabilized The Deputy Mayor, Monica Casil-
in the Thursday morning edition of
view with the Press to say that and Lazhintsky was appointed the las, played a reserved role during Mr.
the Lazhintsky Tribune by Sita Agar-
“Tomas, Angel, and Angelia’s consec- country’s capital in the aftermath, Garcia’s time in office. Much like the
banzareís, a first-time investigative
utive terms were perhaps the most Mr. Garcia’s name propelled him to role of Trabardian Vice President,
columnist whose report has already
progress the city ever made in a gen- the mayorship in 2010. With no chil- she stood on the sidelines of city gov-
been challenged by fact-checkers at
eration. Period.” dren, this would be the last time a ernment and acted as a secondary
major local news organizations as
Garcia would be elected Mayor of the spokeswoman for Mr. Garcia’s lesser-
well as national news networks.
Angelia Garcia’s unpopular term as City of Lazhintsky. known initiatives.

The Tribune’s report, which was mayor – and her family’s reign –
seen as a surprise to many consider- came to an end when corporate boss “The City Itself” However, now Ms. Casillas has
Santiago Otero defeated her in an Following his election in 2010, Mr. been thrust into the role of Mayor of
ing that the publication is known to
election. Ortero’s reign marked the Garcia was re-elected with no less the second-largest city in Trabardia.
be Mr. Garcia’s newspaper of choice,
start of the Corporativo, where corpo- than 60% of the vote in 2012, 2014, Her public sector experience has
alleges that Mr. Garcia used $120 mil-
rate monopolies controlled every lev- 2016, and 2018. His approval rating, been limited to only serving as a city
lion of the mayor’s office personal
el of government with the same iron rarely dropping in the negatives, al- councilwoman from the relatively
funds for expensive luxury train rides
strength that the Revolutionary Dem- lowed the far-left Communist Party to wealthy port sector, and then Deputy
across southern Trabardia.
ocratic Party once held. exercise its authority without ques- Mayor since Mr. Garcia’s re-election
tion in a city that is widely accepted in 2014.
Lazhintsky District Attorney Gua-
Angelia’s son, Carson Garcia Sr., to be the primary stronghold of the
dalupe Márquez announced Friday
served on the powerless City Council center-left New Socialist Party. With a mother of Arcturan descent
afternoon that the city prosecutor’s
for years. Carson, the great-great- and a trilingual speaker of Spanish,
office would not be investigating nor
grandfather of Sebastian Garcia, rep- During his first term, Mr. Garcia Trabardian, and Latin, she could rep-
indicting the former mayor, saying
resented a southeastern district and railed against the elites he helped resent the future of an increasingly
that “there is no evidence to warrant
still fought for union rights and push out of Lazhintsky in the Second ethnically diverse Lazhintsky.
an arrest … even if the allegations
against the corruption that plagued Revolution. Through a supportive
are true, there is no misuse of city
City Hall during the Corporativo. city government, he started a munici- On Friday afternoon, Ms. Casillas
funds that we can find based on evi-
Alejandro and Palomo Garcia, Sebas- pal news service that helped lay the addressed reporters on her ascent to
dence provided to us by Ms. Agar-
tian Garcia’s great-grandfather and foundation for the national public the mayorship on the same podium
grandfather respectively, both broadcaster, STR. that Mr. Garcia announced his depar-
The Garcia Dynasty worked in Revolutionary Democratic ture, calling for unity during the sud-
Long before Mr. Garcia, or his fa- Party leadership. For the rest of his tenure in office, den upheaval in City Hall. She said,
ther Palomo Garcia, occupied the Mr. Garcia has focused on expanding “our task now is to continue the posi-
Mayor’s Office, Tomas Casado was In 1952, Palomo Garcia Jr. was born the city’s social services, including tive reforms for all residents of our
selected as Provisional Mayor of the to Palomo Garcia Sr. and Mariana public healthcare, public housing pro- city.”

SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 Section A

Art of the Week Crossword

This week we are trying some-
thing new and adding some flags to
Can you solve it? Clues from edition and NS this week.
the mix as well as countryball com-

By New Transeurasia

Woah! This took me by surprise.

The amount of effort that went into
this is immense. It is a map of Eu-
rope in New Transeurasia's uni-
verse. This blows me away!

Now onto a new section of AoTW.
Its the flag section!

By Ausinia

Haha! I really like this piece. It is

very well drawn and really funny! It Free cookie for anyone who finishes it!
By Almonaster Nuevo
is also extremely well written. Keep
it up Ausinia!
Something about this flag catches
my eye. I really like the colour pal-
ette and the tree. It looks very intri-
cate. Overall a very nice looking
Apply to be a staff member of NS’
premier news organisation here.

By Los Ricos
By Almonaster Nuevo
Los Ricos work always tends to This weeks art concluded artist or designer has their own
blow my mind and it has done again. Excellent design by Almonaster With a new section of the column ways and I think this week’s selec-
I love every bit of detail in this piece. Nuevo. The graphics are just stun- revealed, I think this week shows tion shows us just that.
Amazing! ning. This guy deserves to be paid. how art can take many forms. Every

Chairman: Lewis Kuznetsov-Flood
Chief Content Officer: Llo
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Chief Politics Editor: Llo
Deputy Politics Editor: Prarie
Chief Gameplay Editor: Wymondham
Deputy Gameplay Editor: Deepest House
Chief International & Arts Editor: The Doctor

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