NSToday - April 7th, 2019
NSToday - April 7th, 2019
NSToday - April 7th, 2019
Vol. 2, No. 8 SUNDAY, APRIL 7th 2019 © International News Organization, 2019
UCP reports on the recent election in the Wymondham interviews Lynxi in a re- Brihimia discusses the resignation of the Daunlaund gives their Art of the Week
New Western Atlantic, Llo writes about turn to his ‘Up Close & Personal’ series, mayor of Lazhintsky, Trabardia, follow- wrap-up, with this week’s best designs
new legislative debate in The Leftist As- while Llo looks at the newest growing ing a questionable media report on fraud- from the NS forums, while Llo challenges
sembly, and Prarie reviews new addi- regions within the world of NationStates ulent activity, and what its implications you to another weekly crossword with
tions to The South Pacific’s High Court. from this week. are for the city. clues from the edition and NS generally.
have become
ed themselves for the position, includ- sought to enshrine a “non-legislative pro- ly that they will be able to rally such
ing a number of unsuccessful candi- into law an optional posal”. broad support for the change.
dates from the previous general elec- speech to be delivered the subject of
by the Secretary half- Within minutes of From here, TLA looks to further leg-
tion. After two days of voting, on
March 27, Fevhader was revealed as way through their hotly-contested this, Senator Daw- islative reforms, a census for the
having won in a landslide victory. The term covering “new
debate in re- tania had commenced month of April, and a keenly antici-
new Senator narrowly ranked sixth in legislative agendas, discussion on the next pated Culture Competitions that will
the Senator contest of the previous the state of domestic cent weeks. item in the legislative offer citizens the chance to change
general election, in which five posi- and foreign affairs, agenda: their pro- some of the region’s key symbols, in-
tions were available. and any other area the Secretary posal to separate the elections of the cluding its anthem and flag.
wishes to draw attention to”. The bill Secretary and Prime Minister, the
As the newly-minted members of received a significant amount of criti- leader and deputy leader of the re-
the executive and legislative branch- cism from the likes of regional stal- gion respectively. With some debate
The Executive Council convene following the publication of fraud allegations concerning now-former Mayor Sebastian Garcia.
By BRIHIMIA Lazhintsky District in 1823. Casado, Garcia. Active in the politics of the jects, and a public university modeled
LAZHINTSKY, TRABARDIA — An the ancestor of Sebastian Garcia da- city’s unions, he also assembled the after the dual city colleges opened in
unparalleled dynastic reign came to ting back seven generations, weld remnants of the Revolutionary Demo- Ryabinovyy last year.
an end on Friday morning when the provisional power during the first cratic Party into the New Socialist
Mayor of Lazhintsky, Sebastian Gar- democratic revolution in Trabardia Party. Mr. Garcia’s widespread support
cia, departed City Hall. that ushered in more than a century and admiration earned him the nick-
of true democracy. Casado’s son, An- In 2009, Palomo Jr., following his name “Mr. Mayor,” affectionately
The mayor’s plans to resign, first gel, and his granddaughter, Angelia, father’s death, led the Lazhintsky coined during his 2014 re-election
reported by the Lazhintsky Press on both served after him. arm of the sweeping Second Revolu- campaign by a group of primary
Thursday night, were announced to tion. However, just days after Palomo school students. Samuel Marrero, a
the Executive Cabinet of the city that Casado’s dynasty in the 19th centu- was declared Interim Mayor of the historian at the University of South-
morning. The Cabinet met all day and ry was fueled by the Revolutionary city’s provisional government, he was ern Trabardia, said that “Sebastian
night to discuss the transition of pow- Democratic Party’s stronghold on the assassinated by a hit squad pre- Garcia is the city itself. He runs it,
er that ended Mr. Garcia’s 9-year ten- city, state, and national governments. sumed to be hired by an exiled La- and everything that the city has ac-
ure. It began a social safety net, a zhintsky billionaire. complished in the past nine years is
healthcare system, a city park sys- his accomplishment.”
The resignation was sparked by tem, and the expansion of city ser- At the same time, Sebastian Garcia
corruption allegations first published vices. Lazhintsky city historian Mon- was serving on the provisional City Can the Deputy Do the Job?
ica Delgado went so far in an inter- Assembly. As the country stabilized The Deputy Mayor, Monica Casil-
in the Thursday morning edition of
view with the Press to say that and Lazhintsky was appointed the las, played a reserved role during Mr.
the Lazhintsky Tribune by Sita Agar-
“Tomas, Angel, and Angelia’s consec- country’s capital in the aftermath, Garcia’s time in office. Much like the
banzareís, a first-time investigative
utive terms were perhaps the most Mr. Garcia’s name propelled him to role of Trabardian Vice President,
columnist whose report has already
progress the city ever made in a gen- the mayorship in 2010. With no chil- she stood on the sidelines of city gov-
been challenged by fact-checkers at
eration. Period.” dren, this would be the last time a ernment and acted as a secondary
major local news organizations as
Garcia would be elected Mayor of the spokeswoman for Mr. Garcia’s lesser-
well as national news networks.
Angelia Garcia’s unpopular term as City of Lazhintsky. known initiatives.
The Tribune’s report, which was mayor – and her family’s reign –
seen as a surprise to many consider- came to an end when corporate boss “The City Itself” However, now Ms. Casillas has
Santiago Otero defeated her in an Following his election in 2010, Mr. been thrust into the role of Mayor of
ing that the publication is known to
election. Ortero’s reign marked the Garcia was re-elected with no less the second-largest city in Trabardia.
be Mr. Garcia’s newspaper of choice,
start of the Corporativo, where corpo- than 60% of the vote in 2012, 2014, Her public sector experience has
alleges that Mr. Garcia used $120 mil-
rate monopolies controlled every lev- 2016, and 2018. His approval rating, been limited to only serving as a city
lion of the mayor’s office personal
el of government with the same iron rarely dropping in the negatives, al- councilwoman from the relatively
funds for expensive luxury train rides
strength that the Revolutionary Dem- lowed the far-left Communist Party to wealthy port sector, and then Deputy
across southern Trabardia.
ocratic Party once held. exercise its authority without ques- Mayor since Mr. Garcia’s re-election
tion in a city that is widely accepted in 2014.
Lazhintsky District Attorney Gua-
Angelia’s son, Carson Garcia Sr., to be the primary stronghold of the
dalupe Márquez announced Friday
served on the powerless City Council center-left New Socialist Party. With a mother of Arcturan descent
afternoon that the city prosecutor’s
for years. Carson, the great-great- and a trilingual speaker of Spanish,
office would not be investigating nor
grandfather of Sebastian Garcia, rep- During his first term, Mr. Garcia Trabardian, and Latin, she could rep-
indicting the former mayor, saying
resented a southeastern district and railed against the elites he helped resent the future of an increasingly
that “there is no evidence to warrant
still fought for union rights and push out of Lazhintsky in the Second ethnically diverse Lazhintsky.
an arrest … even if the allegations
against the corruption that plagued Revolution. Through a supportive
are true, there is no misuse of city
City Hall during the Corporativo. city government, he started a munici- On Friday afternoon, Ms. Casillas
funds that we can find based on evi-
Alejandro and Palomo Garcia, Sebas- pal news service that helped lay the addressed reporters on her ascent to
dence provided to us by Ms. Agar-
tian Garcia’s great-grandfather and foundation for the national public the mayorship on the same podium
grandfather respectively, both broadcaster, STR. that Mr. Garcia announced his depar-
The Garcia Dynasty worked in Revolutionary Democratic ture, calling for unity during the sud-
Long before Mr. Garcia, or his fa- Party leadership. For the rest of his tenure in office, den upheaval in City Hall. She said,
ther Palomo Garcia, occupied the Mr. Garcia has focused on expanding “our task now is to continue the posi-
Mayor’s Office, Tomas Casado was In 1952, Palomo Garcia Jr. was born the city’s social services, including tive reforms for all residents of our
selected as Provisional Mayor of the to Palomo Garcia Sr. and Mariana public healthcare, public housing pro- city.”
By New Transeurasia
Now onto a new section of AoTW.
Its the flag section!
By Ausinia
By Los Ricos
By Almonaster Nuevo
Los Ricos work always tends to This weeks art concluded artist or designer has their own
blow my mind and it has done again. Excellent design by Almonaster With a new section of the column ways and I think this week’s selec-
I love every bit of detail in this piece. Nuevo. The graphics are just stun- revealed, I think this week shows tion shows us just that.
Amazing! ning. This guy deserves to be paid. how art can take many forms. Every
Chairman: Lewis Kuznetsov-Flood
Chief Content Officer: Llo
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Deputy Politics Editor: Prarie
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