Vipin Kumar

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Concrete is a product obtained artificially by hardening of these ingredients are
mixed they form a plastic mass which can be poured in suitable moulds called
forms and set on standing into hard solid mass the the mixture of cement sand
gravel and water in predetermined properties when chemical reaction of cement
and water in the mix is relatively slow and requires time and favourable
temperature for its completion this time known as setting time may be divided into
three distined phases the first phase designated as time of initial set requires from
30 minutes to about 60 minutes for completion during this phase the mixed
concrete decrease its plasticity and develops pronounced resistance to flow the
second phase known as final set may vary between 5to 6 hours after the mixing
operation during this phase concrete appears to be relatively soft solid without
surface hardness the third phase consist of progressive hardening and increase in
strength the process is rapid in the initial stage steel bar may be placed at tensile
zone of the structure which may then be concrete the steel bars known as steel
reinforcement embedded in the concrete takes the tensile stresses the concrete so
obtained is termed as reinforced cement concrete commonly abbreviated as RCC ,

1. PLAI CONCRETE CEMENT;-plain cement concrete is a hardened
mass obtained from a mixture of cement sand gravel and water in definete
Plain cement concrete has good compressive strength but little tensile

Volume of P.C.C cube

150 mm x 150 mm x 150 mm

 MEASUREMENT OF MATERIALS;-the material used for preparation

of concrete are
a) Cement
b) Fine aggregate
c) Coarse aggregate
d) water

their accurate measurement before mixing is very important so that the required
quantities in the proportion of the concrete mix are obtained ,

PCC –[cement + fine aggregate + coarse aggregate + water]

BJECTIVE;-to the prepare a solid stone mass

a) CEMENT;- this is a binding material

it is preferable to measure cement in terms of its weight and not in terms of
volume the volume of cement change with the condition of measurement in
our country cement is supplied in bag each bag weighting 50 kg normally
use of cement OPC and PPC , generally compressive strength are

The OPC was classified into three grades namely 33 grades , 43grades and 53
grades depending upon the strength of the cement at 28 day when tested as per IS
4031 – 1988 if the

28 day strength is not less than 33 N/mm2 if is called 33 grade cement if the
strength is not less than 43 N/mm2 if the called 43 grade cement and if the
strength is not less than 53 N/mm2 if is called 53 grade cement but the actual
strength obtained by these cement at the factory are much higher than the BIS
the physical and chemical properties of 33 43 and 53 grade OPC are ,

Compressive strength N/mm2

Age in days PPC OPC

3 19.6 -21.6 18.6 -22.6

7 25.5 -32.4 26.5-31.4
28 36.3 -47.1 35.3 – 51.0

 AGGREATE;- aggregate are the important constituent in concrete

they give body to the concrete reduce shrinkage and effect
economy there are tow categories coarse and fine aggregate body
of concrete this occupier 70 to 80% of volume responsible for
strength ,
b) FINE AGGREGATE;-fine aggregate (I e sand) may be measured by weight
for accurate work and by volume for ordinary work however when dry
absorbs water from atmosphere or when water is mixed to its artificially its
volume increase this increase in volume due to moisture in sand is known as
bulking of sand due to this if sand is measured by volume bulking should be
properly accounted for
the size of aggregate less than 4.75 mm is considered as fine aggregate

c) COARSE AGGREGATE;-there is no problem of bulking in coarse

aggregate and hence it may be measured either by volume or by weight
however the weight of a given volume of aggregate is influenced by the size
of the measuring box hence for accurate and large scale work measurement
should be done by weight generally use 20 mm to 25 mm

The size of aggregate bigger than 4.75 mm is considered as coarse aggregate

d) WTEAR;-water is a normally measured by volume and specified as so many

liters per bag of cement for a give quantity of water to be mixed in concrete ,
 WATER CEMENT RATIO;- this suggests that if water cement ratio is less
than 0.4 to 0.7 complete hydration will not be secured some practical values of
water cement for structural reinforced concrete are about

0.45 for grade M25 is ratio 1:1:2 concrete

0.50 for grade M20 is ratio 1:1.5:3 concrete and
0.55 to 0.60 for grade M15 is ratio 1:2:4 concrete
However concrete vibrate by efficient mechanical vibrators requires less water
cement ratio and hence have more than strength sometimes plasticizing agents
may be mixed to increase the workability of the mix for such concrete therefore
water cement ratio is reduced resulting in an increase in the strength ,

 CHECK WOKABILITY OF CONCRETE;-it is difficult to properly define

and measure the workability of concrete despite its being the most important
property in its simplest form the term workability may be defined as the case
with which concrete may be mixed handled transported placed in position and
compacted according to (IS : 19000) workability of concrete is that property of
concrete which determines the amount of internal work necessary to produce
full compaction ,
Several tests which have been developed to measure the workability of concrete

a. Slump test
b. Compaction facto test
c. Vee bee test
d. Vibro workability test
These have been described in detail separately

 slump test;- slump test is the most commonly use method of measuring
consistency of concrete which can be employed either in laboratory or at

site of work it is not a suitable method of very wet or very dry concrete it
does not measure all factors contributing to workability

Procedure for Concrete Slump Cone Test

Clean the internal surface of the mould and apply oil.
Place the mould on a smooth horizontal non- porous base plate.

Fill the mould with the prepared concrete mix in 4 approximately equal layers.

Tamp each layer with 25 strokes of the rounded end of the tamping rod in a
uniform manner over the cross section of the mould. For the subsequent layers,
the tamping should penetrate into the underlying layer.

Remove the excess concrete and level the surface with a trowel.

Clean away the mortar or water leaked out between the mould and the base

Raise the mould from the concrete immediately and slowly in vertical direction.

Measure the slump as the difference between the height of the mould and that of
height point of the specimen being tested.


2: Concrete Slump Test Procedur

Bottom diameter - 20 cm
Top diameter - 10 cm

Height - 30 cm

The mould is place on each approximately 1/4 of the

height of the mould each layer is tamped 25 times by the tamping rod taking care
to distribute the strokes evenly over the cross section after the top layer has been
rodded the concrete is struck off level with a trowel and the tamping rod the mould
is removed from the concrete immediately by raising it slowly and carefully in a
vertical direction concrete this difference in height in mm is taken as slump of

Compressive strength N /mm

Age in days P.P.C O.P.C

3 19.6 – 21.6 18.6 – 22.6
7 25.5 – 32.4 26.4 – 31.4
28 36.3 – 47.1 35.3 – 51.0

2. REINFORCE CEMENT CONCRETE;- reinforce cement concrete

is a composite material which is made up concrete and reinforce cement
 steel bars are placed in the tensile zone of the structure and take up tensile
 RCC is a versatile construction material which is strong in compression as
well as tensile
 The use of reinforcement in concrete not only increase its strength but also
helps in presenting the temp and shrinkage stresses
 Composite action of steel and concrete in a reinforced concrete section is
depend upon following factor
 The bond between steel and concrete
 Preventation corrosion of steel bars embedded in steel
 Practically equal thermal expansion on both concrete and steel





 Manly deferent types of structure and components of structure can be
built using reinforced concrete including slab wall beam column
foundation frames and more
 Reinforced concrete or R.C.C is concrete that contains embedded steel
bars plates or fibers that strength than the material R.C.C is used
extensively in all construction


I. strength;-tensile as well as compression
II. durability;-it designed and laid property these can last up to
III. mouldability;-R.C.C section can be given any shape easily by
property designing the formwork
IV. ductility;-impact ductility
V. economy;-R.C.C is cheaper compare to steel pre stressed concrete
because its maintance cast low
VI. transportation;-R.M.C (ready min concrete ) is use for faster and
better construction
VII. fire resistance;-R.C.C structure are more fire resistant
VIII. permeability;-R.C.C is almost impermeable to moisture
IX. seismic resistance;-property designed R.C.C structure are
externaly resistance to earthquake


I. R.C.C structure are heavier than structure of other material like steel wood
and glass
II. R.C.C needs lots of formwork centering and shuttering to be fixed required
lot of site space and killed
III. Concrete taken time to obtain in full strength thus R.C.C structure can’t be
used immediately after construction steel structure

5. MATERIAL USE IN R.C.C;-material use for reinforce cement
concrete R.C.C ac discussed above the material use for R.C.C are cement
fine aggregate and coarse aggregate water and steel reinforcement in shape
of bars cement is used binding material

Cement;- binding material

Fine aggregate;-the size of aggregate less than 4.75 mm is
considered as fine aggregate
Coarse aggregate;-the size of aggregate bigger than 4.75 mm is
considered as coarse aggregate
Water;-water is a important ingredient of concrete water allows the
cement to hydrate hydration is just a chemical reaction head of
Steel reinforcement;-generally there are tow types of steel bars
( sariya in hindi ) available in the market

6. CONCEPT OF R.C.C;-meaning of R.C.C the full form of R.C.C is

reinforced cement concrete is strong in compressive strength but weak in tensile
strength to increase the tensile strength mild steel bars are used in cement concrete
there by reinforcing it


traditional material such as bamboo and natural fibers have been tried as
reinforcement in earlier times but steel is found to be the most apporopriate form
of reinforcement it is the most suitable reinforcing material in R.C.C because
following reasons

 steel is a very strong in compression tension shear and torsion

 concrete development very good bond with steel
 steel is ductile in behavior more ductility means more elongation of
steel before failure this results in sufficient warning time before

 the steel bars can be cut bent lifted and welded easily with commonly
available tools and machines
 steel has longer life
 steel is easily available
 steel reinforcement has various advantages as lifted above which
make it a suitable reinforcing material however steel has a few
disadvantage which are lifted below
 the biggest disadvantage of steel reinforcement is rusting if concrete is
porous or if cover to the reinforcement is not sufficient steel gets
rusted and loses strength

8. TYPES OF STEEL REINFORCEMENT;-generally there are tow types of

steel bars available in the market
i) mild steel bars or plain bars
ii) deformed steel bars

I. mild steel bars or plain bars;-

 Mild steel bars are used for tensile stress of RCC (Reinforced cement
concrete) slab

 beams etc. in reinforced cement concrete work. These steel bars are
plain in surface

 and are round sections of diameter from 6 to 50 mm. These rods are

 in long lengths and can be cut quickly and be bent easily without

 generally grade of mild steel is 250


II. Deformed steel bars;-

 As deformed bars are rods of steels provided with lugs, ribs or

deformation on the

 surface of bar, these bars minimize slippage in concrete and increases

the bond

 between the two materials. Deformed bars have more tensile stresses
than that of

 mild steel plain bars. These bars can be used without end hooks. The

 should be spaced along the bar at substantially uniform distances

 generally grade of HYSD is 415 and 500

(Diameter) KG/M
6mm 0.222
8mm 0.395

10mm 0.62
12mm 0.89
14mm 1.21
16mm 1.58
18mm 2
20mm 2.47
22mm 2.98
25mm 3.85
28mm 4.83
32mm 6.31
40mm 9.87


The characteristic yield strength fy of steel is assumed as the minimum yield
stress or 0.2 per cent of proof stress for steel having no definite yield point the
modulus of elasticity of steel is taken to be 200000 N/mm2 for mild steel the
stress is proportional to the strain up to the yield point


a) Dead loads
b) Imposed loads
c) Wind loads
d) Snow loads
e) Earthquake loads
f) Thermal loads

a) Dead load;-
Dead loads, also known as permanent or static loads, are those
predominantly associated with the weight of the structure itself, and as
such remain stationary and relatively constant over time.
Dead loads may include the weight of any structural elements,
permanent non-structural partitions, immovable fixtures such
as plasterboard, built-in cupboards, and so on. Dead loads can be
calculated by assessing the weights of materials specified and their
volume as shown on drawings. This means that in theory, it should be
possible to calculate dead loads with a good degree of accuracy.
However, structural engineers are sometimes conservative with

their estimates, mini mising potential deflections, allowing a margin of
error and allowing for alterations over time, and so design
dead loads often far exceed those experienced in

B) Live loads ;-
Live loads, also known as imposed loads, are usually temporary,
changeable and dynamic. These include loads such as
vehicle traffic, occupants, furniture and other equipment. The intensity of
these loads may vary depending on the time of day, for example an office
building may experience increased live loads during week-day work hours
but much smaller loads during the night or at weekends.Live loads may be
concentrated or distributed and may involve
impact, vibration or acceleration.

b) Environmental loads
Environmental loads may act on a structure as a result of topographic
and weather conditions.

c) Wind load (WL);-

Wind loads can be applied by the movement of air relative to a structure, and
analysis draws upon an understanding of meteorology and aerodynamics as
well as structures. Wind load may not be a significant concern for small,
massive, low-level buildings, but it gains importance with height, the use of
lighter materials and the use of shapes that my affect the flow of air,
typically roof forms. Where the dead weight of a structure is insufficient to resist
wind loads, additional structure and fixings may be required.

A building's design wind speed is usually determined from historical records

using extreme value theory to predict unusual wind speeds that may occur in the

Particular effects that may need to be considered might include:

Corner streams or jets that occur around the corners of buildings.

Vortex shedding that occurs in the wake of a building.

Through-flow, or passage jets, that occurs in a passage through a building or

small gap between two buildings.

In complex situations, it may be necessary to undertake wind tunnel testing

of building forms to assess the change in air flows caused by the presence of
a structure. Increasingly, analysis is also possible using computational fluid
dynamics software.

d) Snow load (SL);-

This is the load that can be imposed by the accumulation of snow and is more of
a concern in geographic regions where snowfalls can be heavy and frequent.
Significant quantities of snow can accumulate, adding a sizeable load to
a structure. The shape of a roof is a particularly important factor in the
magnitude of the snow load. Snow falling on a flat roof is likely to accumulate,
whereas snow is more likely to fall of a steeper the roof pitch

This may be similar issues in areas of heavy rainfall where ponding may occur.
e) Earthquake load;-
Significant horizontal loads can be imposed on a structure during an
earthquake. Buildings in areas of seismic activity need to be carefully analysed
and designed to ensure they do not fail if an earthquake should occur.

f)thermal load;-
All materials expand or contract with temperature change and this can exert
significant loadson a structure. Expansion joints can be provided at points on
long sections of structures such as walls and floors so that elements of
the structure are physically separated and can expand without causing
structural damage.


Working stress method (WSM)

Ultimate load method (ULM)
Limit state method (LSM)
1. Working stress method (WSM)

This was the traditional method of design not only for reinforced concrete, but
also for structural steel and timber design.

The method basically assumes that the structural material behaves as a linear
elastic manner, and that adequate safety can be ensured by suitably restricting
the stresses in the material induced by the expected “working loads” on the

As the specified permissible stresses are kept well below the material strength,
the assumption of linear elastic behavior is considered justifiable. The ratio of
the strength of the material to the permissible stress is often referred to as
the factor of safety.

However, the main assumption linear elastic behavior and the tacit assumption
that the stresses under working loads can be kept within the ‘permissible
stresses’ are not found to be realistic.

Many factors are responsible for this such as a long term effort of creep and
shrinkage, the effects of stress concentrations, and other secondary effects. All
such effects resulting significant local increases in a redistribution of the
calculated stresses.

The design usually results in relatively large sections of structural members,

thereby resulting in better serviceability performance under the usual working

2. Ultimate load method (ULM)

With the growing realization of the shortcomings of WSM in reinforced concrete
design, and with increased understanding of the behavior of reinforced concrete
at ultimate loads, the ultimate load of design is evolved and became an
alternative to WSM.

This method is sometimes also referred to as the load factor methods are the
ultimate strength. In this method, the stress condition at the site of impending
collapse of the structure is analyzed, and the nonlinear stress-strain curves of
concrete and steel are made use of.

The concept of ‘modular ratio’ and its associated problems are avoided entirely
in this method. The safety measure design is introduced by an appropriate
choice of the load factor, defined as the ratio of the ultimate load to the working

The ultimate load method makes it possible for different types of loads to be
assigned different load factors under combined loading conditions, thereby
overcoming the related shortcoming of WSM.

This method generally results in more slender sections, and often economical
designs of beams and columns, particularly when high strength reinforcing steel
and concrete are used. However, the satisfactory ‘strength’ performance at
ultimate loads does not guarantee satisfactory ‘serviceability’ performance at
the normal service loads.

The designs sometimes result in excessive deflections and crack-widths under

service loads, owing to the slender sections resulting from the use of high
strength reinforcing steel and concrete.The distribution of stress resultants at
ultimate load is taken as the distribution at the service loads, magnified by the
load factor(s); in other words, analysis is still based on linear elastic theory.

3. Limit state method (LSM)

The philosophy of the limit state method of design represents a definite
advancement over the traditional design philosophies.

Unlike WSM which based calculations on service load conditions alone, and
unlike ULM, which based calculations on ultimate load conditions alone, LSM
aims for a comprehensive and rational solution to the design problem, by
considering safety at ultimate loads and serviceability at working loads.

The LSM philosophy uses a multiple safety factor format which attempts to
provide adequate safety at ultimate loads as well as adequate serviceability at
service loads, by considering all possible ‘Limit State’.

Limits States

A limit state is a state of impending failure, beyond which a structure ceases to

perform its intended function satisfactorily, in terms of either safety of
serviceability i.e. it either collapses or becomes unserviceable.There are two
types of limit states:

Ultimate limit states (limit states of collapse):- which deal with strength,
overturning, sliding, buckling, fatigue fracture etc.

Serviceability limit states: – which deals with discomfort to occupancy and/ or

malfunction, caused by excessive deflection, crack width, vibration leakage etc.,
and also loss of durability etc.


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