A. Ya. Khinchin - Mathematical Foundations of Information Theory-Dover Publications (1957) PDF

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z 6 Ss F ee) Dover Publications, Inc) 920 Broadway, ‘New York 10, N. ¥. Pleash indicate which ‘of the following felds interest you the most: Mathematics, Physics, Radio Engineer. ing, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical THE MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF INFORMATION THEORY by A. I. Khinchin “Tho fast comprehensive introduction 10 information theory, this book places the work begun by Shannon ond continued by Melia, Fein- Stain ond Khinchin on rigorous mathematical basis. For the fst tne, mathematician 7 tions enginesrs ere oflared a lucid, comprehensive introduction to this sapidhy growing Nala tlotisticians, physicists, cyberneticists and communica- Nooily ten yoars ego, in 1948, Shannon published his original investi- gations, Since then, @ number of specialized popers and one non- ‘igorovs treatment have appeared but this book is the on! 100k is the only complete ‘ond exact introduction to the subject. In his first paper, Dr. Khinchin develops the concept of entropy in probobilily theory as @ measure of uncertainty of a finite "scheme," ‘and discusses @ simple application to coding theory. The second paper Investigates the restrictions previously placed on the study of sources, channels ond codes and attempts, ol both... Shanaon theorems, assuming ony ergodic source ond ony Mationary channel with @ finite memory.” "10 give a complete, detailed proof PARTIAL CONTENTS: |, The Entropy Concept in Probobility Theory. Entwopy of Finite Schemes. The Uniqueness Theorem. Entropy of Markov ‘hains. Application to Coding Theory. ll. On the Fundamental Theo: roms of Information Theory. Two generalizations of Shannon's inequal- ny, Thiee inequalities of Feinstein. Concept of a source. Stotionarity.. Entropy. Ergodic sources, The E property. The martingage concept. Noite. Anticipation and memory. Connection of the channel to the soviee. Feinslein's Fundamental: Lemma. Coding. The first Shennon tiveorem. The second Shennon theorem. Thole by R.A. Sveamen end M. B,Fiedmon, Bibliography, vi 120pp. 5% x 6. “en TFI Paperbound $1.35 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS OF STATISTICAL MECHANICS by A. I. Khind ‘the transletion of this important book brings Yo the English-speaking vee erarcion ond mathematical physicist « thoroughly up-to-date Itrvodvetion to statistical mechanics th offers © precise and mathematically rigorous formulation of the prob- lens of statistical mechanics, as opposed to the non-rigorous discussion presented in most other works. It provides analytical tools needed to Faploce many of the cumbersome concepts and devices commonly used for establishing basic formulae, and it furnishes the mathematician with f topical step-by-step introduction, which will enable him to master the elements of statistical mechanics in the shortest possible time. “After @ historical sketch the author discusses the geometry and matics of the phose space, with the theorems of Liouville and Bitkhotf; the ergodic problem (in the sense of replacing time averages by phase leverages); the theory of probability, central limit theorem, ideal mon- Stomie gos; foundation of thermodynamics, and dispersion and dis- tribution of sum functions. an excellent introduction to the difficult and important discipline of Statistical Mechanics. It is clear, concise, and rigorous. There is a very {good chapter on the ergodic theorem (with @ complete, proof) and oo highly lucid chapter on statistical foundations of thermodynamics “seful to teachers... and to mathematicians,” M. Kac, QUAR- TERLY OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS. ii + 179pp. 5% x8. $147 Paperbound $1.35, Index. Key t0 notations. THIS DOVER EDITION IS DESIGNED FOR YEARS OF USE THE PAPER is chunically the some quality 01 you would find in books prced Fee aren tease not accion of batome bile wih oge, Not cliiclly $5.20 07 ete: AeShion ion unateidged Toltlength. Book, but i sill 07 [SHE BINDING: The poges in this back ore"SEWN in signtures, i the, method NDING Tn Pore psa, These hocks open ft for sy reading and odin oe eres al he binding does tot Crh wr Hl eT mony poperboct held fogether wih lve THE TYPE IS LEGIBLE: Margins ore ample ond ollow for doth rebinding » information theory

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