EEE 464 Wireless Communication: N I e L A B

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EEE 464 Wireless Communication

Dr. Muhammad Zaka Ur Rehman

Department of Physics
COMSATS University Islamabad

U n W464
EEE i R eLecture
D L a b3
UCLA Wireless Research and Development
17 Sep 2018
Cellular Concept

• Why not a large radio tower and large service area?

– Number of simultaneous users would be very limited
(to total number of traffic channels T)
– Mobile handset would have greater power requirement
• Cellular concept - small cells with frequency reuse
– Advantages
Lower power handsets
Increases system capacity with frequency reuse
– Drawbacks:
Cost of cells
Handoffs between cells must be supported
Need to track user to route incoming call/message
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iReD Lab
UCLA Wireless Research and Development
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Cellular Concept

• Geographic service divided into small “cells”

• Neighboring cells do not use same

set of frequencies to prevent

• Often approximate coverage

area of a cell by a idealized hexagon

• Increase system capacity by frequency reuse.

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Cellular Concept

• Deploy a large number of low-power transmitters (Base Stations)

each having a limited coverage area

• Reuse the spectrum several times in the area to be covered to

increase capacity
• Issues:
•Capacity (traffic load) in a cell
•One measure = number of communication channels that
are available
•Call blocking probability, handoff dropping probability,
throughput etc.
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Cellular Concept

• Let T = total number of duplex channels N cells = size of cell

cluster (typically 4, 7,9,12, 21) K = T/N = number of channels
per cell

•For a specific geographic area, if clusters are replicated M

times, then total number of channels

•System capacity = M×T

Choice of K determines distance between cells using the same frequencies –

termed co-channel cells
K depends on how much interference can be tolerated by mobile stations
and path loss

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Cellular Geometry

• Cells do not have a “nice” shape in reality

• A model is required for
•Planning the architecture
•Evaluating performance
•Predict future requirements
• Simple Model:
•All cells are identical
•There are no ambiguous areas
•There are no areas that are NOT covered by any cell

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Cell Geometry

Equilateral triangle, square or regular hexagon

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Hexagonal Geometry

•Among the three choices, the hexagon is the closest

approximation to a circle
•For a given radius (largest possible distance from center of a
polygon to its edge) a hexagon has the largest area
•A circle is sometimes used when continuous distributions are
being considered

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Cellular Networks

• Propagation models represent cell as a circular area

• Approximate cell coverage with a hexagon allows easier analysis
• Frequency assignment of F MHz for the system
• The multiple access techniques translates F to T traffic channels
• Cluster of cells N = group of adjacent cells which use all of the
systems frequency assignment

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Hexagon Area

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Frequency Reuse

Example: cell cluster size N = 7, frequency reuse factor

= 1/7;
Assume T = 490 total channels, K = T/N = 70 channels
per cell
•Assume T = 490 total
•G •C
•A channels, N = 7, K = 70
•F •D channels/cell
•B •E
•G •C •B •Clusters are replicated
•A •G •C M=3 times
•F •D •A
•E •F •D •System capacity = 3x490 =
•E 1470 total channels

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Frequency Reuse

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Co-Channel Cells and Reuse
• Co-channel cells must be
placed as far apart as
possible for a given cluster
• Hexagonal geometry has
•u some properties that can be
•4 employed to determine the
co-channel cell
•1 •2
•1 • Co-ordinate system: u and
•0, v co-ordinates

•Cells are placed so that their

centers have integer co-ordinates

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Finding Co-channel Cells

• Move a distance i along •u


the u direction and a


distance j along the v •,

direction •A

• The cluster size: •A

N = i2+ ij + j2
i,j are non-negatie integers •A

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Example: i = 2, j = 1

•B •C •G
•C •G •A
•A •D •F
•Cluster size
•D •F •E •B N=7
•E •B •C •G
•B •C •G •A
•C •G •A •D •F •Used in
•A •D •F •E
Advanced Mobile
•D •F •E •B
•E •B •C •G Phone Service (AMPS)
•C •G •A
•A •D •F
•D •F •E

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More Examples

1 2
1 3 4 5
4 6 6 7 1
5 9 5 1
10 8 10 8
11 2 11 N = 7 (i =2, j =1)
3 7 3 7
12 1 12
4 6 4 6 4
9 5 9 3 1
10 N = 4 (i =2, j=0) 2 4
8 1
11 1 3
N = 12 (i=2, j=2) 4 2
3 1

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• Major limiting factor. It limits capacity and increases

number of dropped calls.

• Sources
• another MS in the same cell
• a call in progress in a neighbouring cell
• another BS operating in the same band

• More severe In urban areas

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Types of Interference
• Co-channel interference:
Interference from signals transmitted by another cell using the same radio
•Adjacent channel interference:
Interference from signals transmitted in the same cell with overlapping spectral
• Cluster size N determines
•The co-channel interference
•The number of channels allocated to a cell
•Larger N is, smaller is the co-channel interference
•Larger N is, smaller is the number of channels available for a
given cell
•Capacity reduces
• SIR or C/I
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The Effect of Interference
• Interference on Voice Channels causes:
• Crosstalk
• Noise in the background

• Interference on Control Channels causes:

• Error in digital signaling, which causes
• Missed Calls
• Blocked Calls
• Dropped Calls

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Types of Interference

• Co channel interference (CCI)

• Adjacent channel Interference (ACI)

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Co-channel reuse ratio

• A small value of Q provides large capacity

• A large value of Q improves the transmission quality - smaller
level of co-channel interference
• A tradeoff must be made between these two objectives
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• The average received power at a distance d from the transmitting

antenna is approximated by

close-in reference point


P0: measured power


n is the path loss exponent which ranges between 2 and 4.

• When the transmission power of each base station is equal, SIR for a
mobile can be approximated as (hexagonal cluster of cells):
S R−n ( D / R) n ( 3N ) n Q4
= i0 =6
= = =
I 6 6 6
 (D )
i =1

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SIR - Examples

• Design parameters:
Desired S/I = 15 dB
Path loss exponent, n = 4 (dense urban)
What is the required reuse factor?

• Design parameters:
Desired S/I = 15 dB
Path loss exponent, n = 3 (Suburban)
What is the required reuse factor?

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SIR – Worst Case Scenario
For hexagonal geometry with 7-cell cluster, with the mobile unit being at the cell
boundary, the signal-to-interference ratio for the worst case can be approximated

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Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI)
• Adjacent channel interference: interference from adjacent in frequency
to the desired signal.
– Imperfect receiver filters allow nearby frequencies to leak into the
– Performance degrade seriously due to near-far effect.

signal on adjacent channel signal on adjacent channel

desired signal

interference desired signal

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Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI)

• Adjacent channel interference can be minimized through careful

filtering and channel assignment.
• Keep the frequency separation between each channel in a given cell as
large as possible
• A channel separation greater than six is needed to bring the adjacent
channel interference to an acceptable level.

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