Electrostatics Formula-1

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quantities FORMULA (RELATIONS ) Electrostatics

1 Quantisation of Elect. Charges (Q) n is Integral Number, e is charge on electron
Q = n.e
on a body 1.6 X 10-19 C
2 Electrostatic force constant 1/(4πϵ₀) value : 9 x 109 Nm2C-2
3 Permittivity ϵ₀ 8.85 x 10-12 C2N-1m-2
4 q1 and q2 are two charges placed at distance
Coulumb's Law F = q1q2/4πε₀r²
5 Forces on two charges F12 = - F21 Direction of F is along r.
6 ε is absolute permittivity of medium, ε₀ is permittivity
Dielectric Constant K = ε/ε₀ = εr of free space, εr is relative permittivity.
7 F is force experienced by the test charge q at
Electric Field at a point E = F/q
a point. E is called field intensity at that point
Force with respect to field F = q.E
8 Electric field due to source charge
E = Q/(4πε₀r²) Direction of E is along r.
Q at distance r
9 Electric Field due to dipole on a P is dipole moment, r is distance from centre
E = 2P/(4πε₀r³)
point on axial line of dipole on axial line.
10 Electric Field due to dipole on a P is dipole moment, r is distance from centre
E = P/(4πε₀r³)
point on equitorial line of dipole on equitorial line.
11 Electric Field due to dipole at any
E= r is distance of point from midpoint of dipole, θ is
general point, at distance r making
P√I(3cos²θ+1)/4πε₀r³ angle between direction of r and dipole moment P
angle θ with P ⃗
1 α is angle between resultant field and
E makes angle α with r then tan α = 2 tanθ
direction of r, θ is angle between r and P
12 E at any point on the axis of a
uniformly charged ring at distance r
13 Torque on a dipole kept in τ = PESinθ P is dipole moment, E is electric field, Direction of
Electric Field or τ = Px E Torque is normal to plain containing P and E
14 Work done for rotating dipole by
W = PE(1- Cosθ) P is dipole moment. E is electric field
angle θ
15 Potential Energy of dipole in
equilibrium condition when P is U = - PE P is dipole moment. E is electric field
along E.
16 Potential energy of dipole at 90
degree to E
17 Potential energy of dipole at 180 0 U = + PE P is dipole moment. E is electric field
18 Electric Flux φE φE= E.S = ∫E.ds
19 Flux linked to a closed surface is q/ε₀ times
gauss theorem φE= ∮〖E.ds〗 = q/ε₀
the charge enclosed in it.
20 Field due to infinite long straight λ is linear charge density in the conductor, r is
charged conductor the perpendicular distance.
21 Electric field due to infinite plane σ is areal charge density. Independent of
σ /2ϵ₀
sheet of charge distance
22 Within two parallal sheets of
σ /ϵ₀ Outside, field is zero
opposite charges
23 Within two parallal sheets of
zero Outside, field is σ /ϵ₀
similar charges
24 Electric field due to spherical
E = q/(4πε₀r²) q is charge on shell, r distance from centre.
shell, out side shell
25 Electric field on the surface of
E = q/(4πε₀R²) R is radius of shell
spherical shell.
26 Electric field inside spherical shell. Zero
27 Electric field inside the sphere of
r is radius of sphere, ρ is volumetric charge
charge distributed uniformly all over E = rρ/3Є
density, is permittivity of medium
the volume .
28 Potential due to charge Q at
V = Q/(4πε₀r) Potential is characteristic of that location
distance r
29 Potential Energy with charge q Potential Energy is that of the system
U = qV = Qq/(4πε₀r)
kept at a point with potential V containing Q and q.
30 Work done for in moving a charge q
W = q(V2-V1) V = (v2 -v1)
through a potential difference of V
Energy of system of two charges U = q1q2/(4πε₀r)
31 dv is potential difference between two points at
Relation of E and V E = - dv/dr
distance r where r and E are in the same direction.
32 Relation of E and V and θ E Cosθ = - dv/dr where θ is angle between dr and E
33 Potential at infinity / in earth Zero
34 Electric Potential due to dipole on a P is dipole momentum, r is distance from
V = P/(4πε₀r²)
point on axial line centre of dipole
35 Electric Potential due to dipole on a
point on equitorial line
36 P is dipole momentum, r is distance from
Electric Potential due to dipole at V = P cosθ / 4πε₀ (r2- a2
centre of dipole, a is half length of dipole, is
any general point,
angle between r and P
37 Work done in moving a charge
between two points of an Zero
equipotential surface
38 Capacitance of a spherical
4πε₀R R is radius of the sphere
39 A is area of each plate, d is distance between
Capacitance of a parallal plate
ε₀kA/d them, k is dilectric constant of the medium
capacitor between plates.
40 Cis capacitance with medium within plates, and C₀
Dielectric Constant k = C / C₀
is capacitance in free space.
41 Capacitance of a spherical ra and rb are radius of internal and external
C = 4πε₀rarb/(ra-rb)
capacitor. spherical shells
42 Equivalent capacitance for Cis equivalent capacitance, c1, c2 are
C = c1 + c2 +c3….
Capacitors in parallal capacitnce of the capacitors joint together.
43 Equivalent capacitance for 1/C = 1/c1 + 1/c2 + 1/c3
Capacitors in series ...

44 Charge, capacitance, Potential q ischarge on the plate of capacitor and V is

C = q/V
Difference Potential Difference between the plates.
45 q is charge, c is capacitance, v is Pot.
Energy stored in capacitor ½cv2, ½qv, ½q2/c
46 Common Potential V=C1V1+C2V2)/C1+C2
47 1 C₁C₂
Energy loss in connecting (V1-V2)2 c1 at v1 is connected to c2 at v2
2 C1 +C₂
48 C with dielectric slab inserted ε₀kA/d-t(1-1/k) t is thickness of dielectric slab of constant k,
49 C with metal plate inserted ε₀kA/(d-t) t is thickness of metal plate inserted,
50 Force of attraction between plates ½q2/ε₀A, ½ε₀E2A q is charge on plate, A is area, E Elect. Field.

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