Is 1060 2 1960 PDF
Is 1060 2 1960 PDF
Is 1060 2 1960 PDF
UDC 676.017
0 Copyright 1960
NEW DELHI 1100(~:
Indian Standard
Da. J. C. AWABWAL Bengal Paper Mill Co Ltd , Calcutta
Suar N. J. ABDE~HIR All India Federation of Master Printers
Saer S. C. GHOSEJ ( A&emote )
SIIBI TBIDIBESE BASU Publishers’ Association of West Bengal, -&lcutta
SEBI S. N. BHANDARY Sirpur Paper Mills Ltd , Sirpur
SHBI A. P. BHARQAVA Stationery & Office Equipment Association of India,
SRIU R. K. BATRA ( Alfern&)
Sanr M. P. BEAROAVA Rohtas Industries Ltd , Dalmianagar
SHBI S. P. GOYAL ( Alfemafe)
Sm R. P. BHARQAVA Indian Paper Mills Association, Calcutta
SHFLI S. P. MISRA ( Alternafe )
SHEI B.B. CEAUDHURI Ministry of Defence (R & D )
DE A. N. NAYER ( Alfcmatc )
DB S. R. D. GUHA Forest Research Institute and Colleges, Dehra Dun
SRBI S. N. GUHA RAY Association of Master Printers of West Bengal,
SHRI M. L. DUTT ( Alfernafc )
SHBI N. K. S. IYENGAR Development \Ving, Ministry of Commerce &
SHRI N. NA~AS~YHAN ( AlfernateJ
MAJOR N. V. R. IYENQAR Central Food Technological Research Institute,
SHRI MOHAN LAL Jaswant Sugar Mills Ltd , h&xrut
SHRI C. C. MUKHERJEE Calcutta Paper Traders’ Association, Calcutta
SHRI N. L. DUTTA ( .4fternate )
SHRI S. P. MULLICE Government Test House, Calcutta
SHRI S. K. BoSE ( Alternafc )
SERI P. K. NANDA Indian Paper Makers’ Association, Calcutta
SHXU M. A. JOOLEKAR ( Alternafc )
( Continued on page 2 )
SEEI S. K. SEN Deputy Director ( Metric Ccli ), IS1
DE P. N. SAHAI Printing & Stationery Dcptrtmcnt, Government of
DB J. C. AOQABWAL Bengal Paper Mill Co Ltd., Calcutta
SEEI B. B. CHAUDHUBI Ministry of Dcfcncc ( R & D )
DE A. N. NAYEB ( Al&ma&)
DE S. R. D. GUHA Forest &search Institute and Collcgcs, Debra Dun
SEEI S. P. MIERA Orient Paper Mills Ltd , Brajrajnagar
Indian Statidard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 7 June 1960, after the draft finalized by the Paper Sectional Committee
had been approved by the Chemical Division Council.
0.2 A number of test methods for paper and allied products has been
prescribed in*IS : 1060 ( Part I )-1956 Methods of Sampling and Test for
Paper and Allied Products, Part I. They cover the more general types
of tests required for paper and allied products. Tests included in this
standard are for special purposes.
0.3 This standard has been based partly on the standards now in use in
Defence Laboratories. Note has also been taken of the data available with
the Governn\ent of India Stationery Office, and the Cellulose and Paper
Branch of the Forest Research Institute. Due weightage had to be given
to the need for international co-ordination. among standards prevailing in
different countries of the world, and these considerations led the Sectional
Committee responsible for the preparation of this standard also to draw
upon the methods of tests prescribed by the British Standards Institution,
the American Society for Testing Materials and the Technical Association
of the Pulp and Paper Industry, USA.
0.4 This general standard of test methods is a necessary adjunct tostandard
specifications for individual types of paper and allied products.
0.4.1 Test methods not included in this standard and not o:herwise pro-
vided in the individual detailed standards shall be subject to agreement
between the-purchaser and the vendor.
0.5 This standard requires reference to the following Indian Standards:
No. 1, NOVEMBER1955 )
*Sina &sai.
1.1 This standard prescribes methods of tests for paper for special purposes
not covered in IS : 1060 ( Part I )-1956: The tests prescribed are:
4 Bursting strength, wet;
b) Tensile strength, wet;
c) Bending test;
4 Cupping test;
e) Exudation test;
f) Bleeding resistance;
9‘) Fastness to-light;
h) Brightness;
3 Water vapour permeability;
k) Estimation of alpha cellulose content;
ml Estimation of lead and lead compounds;
n) Estimation of chIorides ( water soluble );
P) Estimation of sulphates ( water soluble );
q) Estimation of fatty and/or rosin acid extractable by ether;
r) Estimation of matter soluble in ether; and
s) Estimation of bcnzx ne soluble matter.
1.2 Should any inconsistency exist between the requirements of this
standard and those of the standard for an individual material, the latter
shall prevail.
*Since revised.
2.1 For thepurpose of this standard, definitions given in 1s : 1060 ( Part I )-
1956*shall apply.
3.1 Representative samples for test shall be drawn as prescribed in 3 of
IS : 1060 ( Part I )-19561‘
4.1 Conditioning of test specimens shall be carried out in accordance
with 5 of IS : 1060 ( Part I )-1956:
5.1 Unless otherwise specified, pure chemicals and distilled water ( see
IS : 1070-1960 ) freshly boiled and cooled, shall be employed in tests.
NOTE - ‘Pure chemicals ’ shall mean chemicals that do not contain impurities
which affect the results of analysis.
of 30.0 f 0.5 mm internal diameter. Run the machine so that the pressure
increases at a.uniform rate of approximately 0.75 kg/cm2 per second until
the test piece bursts. Note from the pressure gauge the pressure in kg/cm2
at which the test piece bursts. Take one reading with the wire side upper-
most and one with the top side uppermost with each sample sheet.
NOTE-A rate of 120 revolutions per minute in glycerine-operated machine is
usually satisfactory.
6.4Report - Report the type of tester used and give the average, maxi-
mum and minimum values of the reading for each side separately.
6.5 Burst Factor - Used for comparing two papers with regard to their
bursting strength:
7.1 General - This method of test covers a procedure for determining the
tensile strength of paper and paper products after wetting with water or
other liquid. It is of special usefulness in evaluating the performance
characteristics of paper and paper products subjected to stress during pro-
cessing or use, while wet. Depending on the requirement in use, the test
piece may be immersed in the appropriate liquid for a given time and tested
whether it is completely saturated or not. However, unless otherwise
specified, the wet tensile strength test is assumed to be performed on the
test piece after complete saturation in water.
7.2 Test Piece - Prepare a sufficient number of test pieces cut from each
principal direction of the paper, excluding watermarks, creases or other
visible imperfections. The pieces shall be clean-cut to within plus or minus
one percent of their nominal widths, with edges parallel, and shall be long
enough to be inserted in the jaws of the clamps of the testing apparatus
without handling the section under test. The width of the test pieces shall
not exceed 37.5 mm nor shall be less than 12.5 mm.
NOTE-Varying the width of the test pieces between 12.5 and 37.5. mm,
with a proportionate change in the rate of loading, does not, in general, make
much difference in the proportionate test results except for unbeaten long-fibre
papers, when the difference may be appreciable.
7.3 Procedure
8.1 General - This test is applicable to paperboards.
8.2 Procedare -Fold a square test piece at least 60 x 60 mm by fingers
along the diagonal so that the inner surfaces are in contact completely.
Unfold and repeat the folding along the same crease in the opposite direction
until the other surfaces are in contact completely. Repeat the test with a
second test piece.
8.2.1 Record any visible fibrous breaks or cracks on the surface of the
folded test piece after each crease is made. Report the average number and
length of the visible breaks on the surface and, if coated, the appearance of
IS: mO(PartII)-1960
the folded surface resulting from the test. If no break is more than 6 mm
long, the board may be classified as fair. If the board shows no fibrous
break, it is classified as good.
11.4 Procedure
11.4.1 Put the test pieces and the disassembled apparatus in the oven
at 66% for a sufficient time for all to reach that temperature. Place a test
piece between the two sheets of white imitation art paper and place the
combination between two aluminium separator sheets. If desired, up to
five of such sandwiches may be laid on one another but separated by single
metal sheets and tested simultaneously.
116.2 Place the sandwiches on the bed plate in the guide and cover with
the pressure block ( which exerts a pressure of O-035 kg/cm* ). Make this
assembly with as little cooling as possible. Leave the assembly in the oven ..
at 66’ f 2°C for 5 hours.
11.4.3 Then remove, separate the sandwiches and examine the white
imitation art paper for staining by the exuded material.
11.3 Report - Report the de of bleeding as follows, disregarding any
staining arising from the cut ecYee
ges of the test piece:
Degree of Bleeding Demipion
a) No bleeding No visible staining
b) Slight bleeding Staining in the form of specks only;
blotches or spots under l-5 mm in
c) Considerable bleeding Staining in the form of spots and
blotches l-5 mm or more in dia-
NOTE -Care should be taken that radiant heat does not raise the temperature
of the assembly conaidcrably above the indicated temperature of the oven.
IS: 1060 (PartII)-1960
13.3 Standards
13.3.1 Primary Standard - The primary standard of 45” - 0” directional
reflectance shall be a layer ( at least 0.5 mm in thickness ) of magnesium
oxide freshly prepared by collecting the smoke from burning magnesium
ribbon or turnings on a suitable surface in accordance with Appendix A.
13.3.2 Working Standards - Either of two types of working standards
may be used for day-to-day operatian of the instrument : (a) pieces of paper
carefully measured on an instrument known to be in good adjustment, and
(b) ceramic tiles or porcelain-enamelled plaques carefully measured on an
\ instrument known to be in good adjustment and to possess essentially the
same geometry as the device with which they are to be used. Calibrated
pieces of paper shall be used for only a short period following their calibra-
tion, and soiled pieces shall be discarded. Ceramic tiles and porcelain
enamelled plaques, usually can be cleaned without alteration of their reflec-
tive properties. Nevertheless, working standards of this second type should
be checked from time to time for assigned values of reflectance for blue
light. The assigned reflectance for blue light of the working standard shall
be calculated as follows:
RI=; x 100
R, = assigned reflectance of the working standard, in percent;
b = average reading for working standard; and
a = average reading for primary standard.
13.4 Test Piece -Test pieces shall be handled carefully to avoid soiling,
and care shall be taken not to touch the areas tested. A pad of test pieces
shall be used for the measurement, so thick that doubling the number of
sheets does not cause change in the measured reflectance.
13.5 Procedure
13.5.1 When available, a working standard of abqut the same reflectance
for blue light as the test pieces shall be used. The reflectance ofthis working
standard shall be read both before and after readings of reflectance of the
testpieces are made. Readings shall be made on at least five separate test
pieces in each pad. To average out any effects of rotatio?, equal number
of readings shall be taken along and across the machine dlrection.
13.5.2 The 45” - 0” directional reflectanceshall be calculated as follows:
R =+xRl
R = 45” - 0” directional reflectance for blue light of the sample,
in percent;
c = average reading for test pieces;
b = average reading for working standard; and
R 1= assigned reflectance of working standard; in percent.
13.6 Report - Values of 45” - 0” directional reflectance for blue light shall
be reported for the wire and felt sides separately, to the nearest one percent.
The report shall state that this method was used.
NoTE - Because of the variability of standard magnesium oxide aurkca,
possible inaccuracies of photometera, possible inaccurate I tral conditiona,
geometric conditions, etc, it is felt that results accurate to Cc ttcr th8n &out
phu or minus one percent are not obtainable. However, where parties ioterutcd
in a test arc willing to accept valuer assigned to a workng rtandard aa accurate
to plus or minur @l percent, results can be obtained that can be reproduad to
plus or minus 0+2 percent, or even 01 percent.
b) Weighing Covers- If the test dishes are removed from the cabinet
or room for weighing, an aluminium lid ( see Fig. 1 ) should be pro-
vided to fit each dish in order to minimize changes in weight while
the test pieces are out of the controlled atmosphere.
99 (72) .-y
________ L_____-l
4 L-f
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IS : 1060 ( Part II ) - 1960
14.4 Creasing
14.4.2 Cut square samples and, after conditioning, crease to give two sets
of pleats, equal in number, along the two principal directions of the sheet.
Use a Aat plate as the creasing bed and make the creases by a loaded platen
whose width is about 2 cm greater than the length of the sample to be
creased. The creasing load shall be one kilogram per centimetre of crease
and shall be applied for 10 to 15 seconds. The total length of crease in
centimetres shall be equal to the effective area of the test piece in square
14.5 Procedure
14.5.1 Cut the test piece using a template which is of such diameter- tliat
the edge of the test piece covers half the annular recess of the dish. Fill 111e
dish with desiccant to within 1 to 2 mm of the supporting ring. Place the
test piece on the supporting ring and centre ( see Fig. 2 ). Place the \~axirlg
template centrally over the dish and tcrt piece, and rrm molten l\.ax into the
annular recess until the \vax is level with the top surf;tce of the tcmlilatc.
Break any air bubbles in the wax with a small gas jet, allow the i\ax to
’ harden and remove the template. Inspect the tli\h ro yn\ure that the seal
is satisfactory and remove any wax on the outside. It is important that the
filling and sealing of the dish is carried out as rapidly as l~~ss~l~le 50 11lat the
destccant absorbs a minimum of water vapour from the ;Itmo~pl~crc. (Lre
must be taken not to damage the test area during the operation or to allf~
the desiccant to come into contact with it. To facilitate the removal of the
template from the wax, apply a thin film of petroleum jelly to the l~evellcd
edge before sealing; remove any surplus on the lower surface.
14.5.2 Prepare the required number of dishes and place in the lrrrmidity
cabinet. Make successive weighings at suitable intervais which must be
sufficiently frequent to complete the test before the relative humidity in the
dish rises above 2 percent. Plot the cumulative weight increase of each dish
in milligrams against the total time of exposure in the cabinet. When
at least three, but preferably four, points lie on a straight liue, a constant
rate of gain has been attained and the experiment may be discontinued.
The weighings should be made to an accuracy of one percent of the weight
change between two successive weighings or WOO1 g \vhichever is larger.
14.5.3 If the samples are exposed in a cabinet from which the\- are removed
for weighing, precautions must be taken to ensure that the dishes are out of
the cabinet for the same period and under the same conditions at each suc-
cessive weighing. The following procedure is recommended. About eight
dishes are removed from,the cabinet at a time and immediately covered with
their respective lids. The dishes should be allowed to cool until their tem-
perature is not appreciably different from that of the room. At the com-
pletion of the weighings, the lids are removed and the samples immediately
replaced. Precisely the same routine and time schedule must be followed in
detail at each successive weighing interval. Where possible, the cabinet and
balance should be kept in a room having constant humidity and temperature.
14.6 Report
14.6.1 Report the water vapour permeability as g/m* per 24 hours at the
temperature and relative humidity specified for the material.
14.6.2 Calculate the permeability from the slope of the graph which has
been obtained by plotting the cumulative weight increase of each dish in
milligrams against the total time of exposure in the cabinet. The required
slope is that of the best straight line drawn through those pcints which
represent the constant rate of gain. If it is such that x mg is the weight
increase over a period ofy hours for an exposed area of A cm?, the permeabi-
lity is ?% g/m2 per 24 hours.
14.6.3 The average, maximum and minimum values for each type of test
made as in 14.3.1 shall be reported to two significant figures or the nearest
0.2 g/m2 per 24 hours, whichever is larger.
IS : 1060 ( Part II ) - 1960
hot water ( 70’ to 90% ), and dilute to one iitre after allowing
the solution to cool.
cl Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate Solution - Dissolve 195 g of ferrous
ammonium sulphate crystals in,water containing 10 ml ofsulphuric
acid ( sp gr 1.84 ) and dilute to one litre. If the solution is kept out
of contact with oxygen, for example, by means of a slow, continuous
stream of hydrogen, its strength will remain quite constant. The
amount of hydrogen thus used is about one-fifth of a 5 m3 cylinder
per year. This precaution is not necessary, but reduces the fre-
quency with which the potassium dichromate-ferrous ammonium
sulphate ratio must be determined from once a day to two or
three times a month.
4 Acetic Acid Solution for Gravimetric Procedure - Prepare a solution
of acetic acid approximately 10 percent by weight.
e>Bichromate Indicator -
solve 0.3 g of barium
If electrometric apparatus is not available,dis-
diphenylamine sulfonate and O-5 g of sodium
sulphate in 100 ml of water. Use 5 to 10 drops in a solution suffi-
ciently dilute for good observation of the end point, which is shown
by a change of colour from red to green. As an alternative, the
outside indicator, potassium ferricyanide solution, may be placed
in drops upon white porcelain. The end point occurs when a drop
of the solution being titrated turns a drop of the ferricyanide indi-
cator blue.
f-1Barium Chloride ( 3 N) - Dissolve 37 g of barium chloride crystals
in water and dilute to 100 ml.
g) Sufphuric Acid ( 24 N) - Cautiously add three vo!umes of sulphuric
acid of sp gr 1.84 ( conforming to IS : 266-1950 ) to two volumes
of water in a heat-resistant flask, cool by tap water, and add the
acid in small portions, shaking after each addition. The acid will
then be approximately 72 percent by weight.
h) Sufphuric Acid ( 6 N) - Dilute one volume of the 24 N sulphuric
acid to 3.5 volumes in a graduated cylinder. After mixing, standar-
diae against the 5.24 N sodium hydroxide and then dilute to
6.0 -& 0 1 N.
15.4 Test Piece - The test piece shall be cut from the specimen obtained
as in 3 of IS : 1060 ( Part I )-1956*m such a way as to be representative of
the lot. It shall be reduced to cotton-like form in the disintegrator and then
thoroughly mixed.. If the paper is mineral-coated, the coating shall be
removed before grinding.
15.5 Test Temperature - Perform all operations ( except weighing
in 15.6.1 ) and keep all liquids at 20.0” & O*l”C.
*Since revised.
15.6 Volumetric Method
15.6.1 Weigh 0.30 f 0.01 g of the disintegrated test piece in a lOO-ml
beaker. Add 20-O ml of sodium hydroxide ( 17.5 percent ), macerate until
the fibres are uniformly wet and dispersed, and let it stand for 10 minutes
from the time of addition of sodium hydroxide. Then add 33 ml of water,
stir the mixture thoroughly, and let it stand for one hour more, stirring once
during the interval. After stirring once more, pour about 5 ml of the un-
settled mixture on a copper or brass *wire screen of 0.177 f 0.011 mm aper-
ture ( IS Sieve 18, see IS : 460-1953 ) fitted into a Gooch crucible. The
crucible and ring are supported by a funnel fitted into the neck of a loo-ml
volumetric flask with a rubber stopper through which passes a glass tube for
suction ( pressure differential 10 to 20 mm of mercury ). Avoid excessive
packing of the fibres, as this retards filtering, It may be necessary to re-
filter the first filtrate, but loss of small amounts of alpha-cellulose to the
filtrate does not affect the results appreciably. Pour the remainder of the
mixture on the mat and, before the last ofthe liquid has run through, wash
the beaker and the mat with 35 ml of water.
15.6.2 Moisten the residue of alpha-cellulose with water and remove it
from the crucible. Place the crucible upright in a 400-ml beaker, fill it with
25 ml of 24 N sulphuric acid at room temperature, and rinse it after a few
minutes with 50 ml more of the acid. Disintegrate the alpha-cellulose pad
in the acid, using a stirring rod. Add to the alpha-cellulose solution, with
a pipette, 25.0 ml of the potassium dichromate solution, and heat at 140” to
150°C for 10 minutes. Bubble air in a finestream through the solution
to prevent bumping, and keep the beaker covered with a watch glass, notched
to permit entrance of a thermometer and the bubbling tube. After the solu-
tion has cooled to 13O”C, add 50 ml of water, rinse the thermometer, bub-
bling tube, etc, and cool the solution to 60°C or lower. Titrate the rernain-
ing potassium dichromate with the ferrous ammonium sulphate solution.
15.6.3 Pipette exactly half of the filtrate from the alpha-cellulose, after _
all fibres present have settled, into a 400-ml beaker containing 50 ml of
potassium dichromate solution. If the paper contains oxidizable fillers,
such as zinc sulphide pigment or calcium sulphite, filter the filtrate once
through a thick pad of asbestos in a Gooch crucible before taking the
portion for analysis. ( Such fillers remaining with the alpha-cellulose may
cause some error, but this is usually slight. ) Caunously, while stirring
constantly, pour 50 ml of sulphuric acid ( sp gr 1.84 ) down the side of the
beaker containing the portion of the filtrate for analysis, then heat and
titrate as described in 15.6.2 for the alpha-cellulose solution.
15.6.4 Culculution- Calculate the percentage of alpha-cellulose from the
following equations, except that when rosin, starch, or glue are present,
corrections shall be made in accordance with
B=2x (5-Vsxr) ::: ::: I:;‘
*Since revised.
IS: 1060( PartII)-1960
A = volume of potassium dichromate solution in ml required
to oxidize the alpha-cellulose;
B = volume‘of potassium dichromate solution in ml required
to oxidize the filtrate;
V, and V, = volume of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution in ml
required for titration of the potassium dichromate
remaining after oxidation of the alpha-cellulose and
filtrate, respectively; and
7 = volume of potassium dichromate equivalent to one
millilitre of ferrous ammonium sulphate solution
( determined frequently by titrating 5 ml of potassium
dichromate in 100 ml of diluted sulphuric acid ( 1 : 1 ). If rosin, starch, or glue are present, the volumes of potassium
dichromate shall be corrected as follows before calculating the percentage
of alpha-cellulose:
The amounts of sizing materials remaining with the alpha-cellu-
loseare taken as 0.25 percent glue, 0.2 percent starch, and 0.2 percent
rosin, based on the dry weight of the sample ( see Note ). Convert
these values into weights, and then into millilitres of the potassium
dichromate solution by dividing each weight by the corresponding
factors, which are 0.015 4 g/ml for glue, 0.012 9 g/ml for starch, and
0.006 6 g/ml for rosin. Subtract the resulting volumes in millilitres
of the potassium dichromate solution from the volumes of potassium
dichromate consumed by the alpha fraction and substitute the
corrected values in equations 1 and 2.
NOTE -These arc average values but actual amounts have been found to
vary not more than 0.1 percent from them, irrespective of the content of glue, starch,
or rosin in the papers. For example, if a paper were found to contain 3’4 percent
glue, 0.7 percent starch, and 1.1 percent rosin, then the sizing materials remaining in
the beta plus gamma portion would be 3.15, 05, and 0.9 percent respectively.
15.7.2 Add 100 ml of sodium hydroxide ( 17.5 percent, w/w ) to the
weighed quantity of the test piece in a 400-ml beaker. Macerate until
uniformly wet and dispersed, and let it stand for 10 minutes from the time
of addition of sodium hydroxide. Dilute with 165 ml of water, stir the
mixture thoroughly, and let it stand for one hour more, stirring once during
the interval. After stirring once more, pour the mixture upon a medium-
weight cotton cloth cut to fit a 75 mm Buckner funnel, the cloth having
been previously washed, and the fitted piece dried to constant weight at
100” to 105°C and weighed in a weighing bottle before use. Remove by
refiltration any fibres passing through the filter. Before the last of the
liquid has run through, add water, break up the pad well with a pointed
stirring rod, and keep it in a loose condition until 200 ml of wash water
have passed through. Then cover the alpha-cellulose with acetic acid
( 10 percent) and allow to soak for 5 minutes after which pass an addi-
tional 500 ml of wash water through while breaking up the pad with a
pointed stirring rod.
16.1 General -The method of test for the estimation of lead covers all
papers and paper products where lead restriction is specified.
16.2 Procedure
165.1 Weigh 20 g of the material into a silica basin and carefully ash.
On no account shall the basin get above a faint red heat, otherwise lead
may be lost by volatilization. Extract the ashed material for one hour with
1 : 3 nitric acid and filter. Now add 2 ml of concentrated sulphuric acid
to the nitric acid solution in a 150-ml beaker and evaporate to fuming on
a hot plate. Add 100 ml of water and keep the beaker on the water-bath
for 15 minutes, then at the room temperature overnight, and filter. The lead sulphate must be separated from other insoluble
material, such as barium sulphate, silica, etc, as in 16.2.2.
16.2.2 Transfer the filter paper and the residue to a small beaker and
cover with about 20 ml of water. Add 1 to 2 g of solid ammonium acetate,
allow to stand on the water-bath for at least half an hour stirring occasion-
ally. Then decant the liquid through a No. 42 Whatman filter paper or
equivalent and repeat the extraction. Wash the beaker into the filter with
warm water a few times to make sure that all the lead solution is extracted.
Collect the filtrate in a 150-m] beaker. Pass hydrogen sulphide for 10 to
15 minutes and filter the lead sulphide at once and wash thoroughly but
quickly with hydrogen sulphide water, the filtrate and washings being
retained. Transfer the precipitate and paper to a tared crucible, carefully
ignite, sulphate the ash, cool and weigh.
A = weight of lead sulphate residue obtained ; and
B = weight of the material taken for estimation.
17.3 Procedure
17.3.1 Weigh out 5 g of the test piece and transfer to a 500-ml
Erlenmeyer flask. Add 250 ml of boiling distilled water, attach a water or
air condenser to the flask and boil gently for one hour. A ground glass
connection between the condenser and flask should be used to avoid
contamination. Filter the contents of the flask through a Buckner funnel.
Return the paper sample to the flask. Add another 200 ml of boiling water
to the paper and again extract for 15 to 30 minutes. Filter through the same
filter previously used and wash the extracted specimen and filter with 50 ml
of hot water in small portions. Run blanks on the water for each series
of tests at :he same time, putting the blanks through the same operations as
the test pieces.
17.3.2 Combine the filtrates. If the extract is not neutral to litmus,
adjust to neutrality with very dilute nitric acid or chloride-free sodium
hydroxide. Add 5 ml of 5 percent potassium chromate solution as indicator
and titrate with the standard silver nitrate solution to the first, brick red
colour of silver chromate. Carry out a blank determination of the same
amount of water as used ‘in extraction of the paper and subtract the volume
of silver nitrate required for the blank from that used for the titration of
the paper extract. From the difference, calculate the percentage of
chlorides, as sodium chloride, on the ‘conditioned paper.
17.4 Result - Calculate as below:
A x O*OOO838 x loo
Chlorides ( as NaCl ), percent by weight =
A = volume of silver nitrate in ml required for titration; and
B = weight of the conditioned material taken for test.
Results of duplicate determinations shall be reported.
185 Procedure
18.3.1 Proceed as described in 17.3.1 for estimation of chlorides,
A = weight in g of barium sulphate precipitate, and
B = weight in g of material taken for test (see 17.3.1 ),
Results of duplicate determinations shall be reported.
21.2Test Piece - Cut out a test piece in the form of a rectangle to any
convenient size of not less than 100 cm*. Measure the sides correct to
@5 percent for each dimension. Determine the area of the test piece cor-
rect to the nearest 0.25 percent of the area, Weigh the test piece correct
to 3 significant figures.
213 Procedure -Take three test pieces from different parts of a sheet.
Shred them together and extract with benzene in a Soxhlet extraction
apparatus of 75-ml capacity, for 16 hours. The benzene should siphon from
the Soxhlet apparatus approximately 18 times per hour. Distil off the
benzene and dry the residue to constant weight at 95” to 100°C.
21.4 Results - Calculate the result as grams per square metre of the
original material. At least three determinations shall be made from test
pieces cut from. widely separate portions of the sample and the highest,
lowest and average values reported. The extremes shall not differ from the
average by more than f 5 percent of the average figure.
(Chse 13.3.1 )
A-l.1 This method covers the preparation of a magnesium oxide standard
for calibrating apparatus used in determining the reflectance and spectral
reaectivity of paper and paperboard, The smoke from magnesium freely
burning in air, deposited on a satisfactory base, forms a uniform, fine-
grained, diffusing surface of a high reflectance. This surface of magnesium
oxide ( MgO ) may be made reproducible; hence, it serve-s as a convenient
and reliable standard.
A-2.1 The following materials are required:
a) Mugnesium- The magnesium should have high purity and be in
either of the following forms : (1) turnings approximately 0.5 mm
in thickness and 3 mm in width, preferably ofspiral shape, and
containing a minimum of magnesium dust; or (2) magnesium
ribbon 0.15 mm in thickness and 3 mm in width.
NOTX- &gnuium ribbon is prefvrrd for small aurfhca, and magnesium harninp
rotlarge surfaces.
Headquarters :
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 119992
Telephones : 33101 31
331 13 75
371 94 02
Tetagrams : Manaksanstha
(Common to all Offtcas)
Branch omces :
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMADABAD 380901 391348
SPeenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, i 8394955
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462993 554021
Plot No. 21 Satyanagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751907 493627
Kafaikathir Building, 6/48 Avanashi Road, COIMBATORE 641937 210141
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121991 8-28 aa 01
Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201901 a-71 19 96
53/5 Ward No. 29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781093 541137
5-8~56C L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampafly Station Road, HYDERABAD 500901 291083
R 14, Yudhister Marg, C Scheme, JAIPUR 392995 381374
1171418 B Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 298095 21 68 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 238923
LUCKNOW 226001
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 890913 262305
T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O., Pafayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695934 6 21 17