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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A1 TO A2


Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks 2 min.) [60, 40]


1. (C) 2. (D) 3. (B) 4. (C) 5. (C) 6. (C) 7. (A)
8. (D) 9. (A) 10. (D) 11. (C) 12. (B) 13. (A) 14. (B)
15. (B) 16. (A) 17. (C) 18. (B) 19. (A) 20. (C)

1. One mole of an ideal gas at a temperature T1 expands slowly according to the law = constant. Its
final temperature is T2. The work done by the gas is :
,d eksy vkn'kZ xSl tks T1 rkieku ij gS /khjs&/khjs QSyrh gS rFkk fu;e = fu;rkad dk ikyu djrh gSA bldk
vfUre rki T2 gSA xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z gS &
R 2R
(A) R(T2  T1) (B) 2R(T2  T1) (C*) (T2  T1) (D) (T2  T1)
2 3

2. A block is attached with a spring and is moving towards a fixed wall with speed v as shown in figure. As
the spring reaches the wall, it starts compressing. The work done by the spring on the wall during the
process of compression is :
,d CykWd ,d fLizax ls tqM+k gS rFkk fn[kk;s fp=kkuqlkj ;g ,d fLFkj nhokj dh vksj v pky ls xfr dj jgk gSA tc
fLizax nhokj rd igq¡prh gS] ;g laihfMr gksuk izkjEHk djrh gSA laihMu dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku fLizax }kjk nhokj ij
fd;k x;k dk;Z gksxk &

(A) 1/2 mv2 (B) mv2 (C) Kmv (D*) zero 'kwU;
Sol. (Easy) As point of application of force is not moving, therefore work done by the force is zero.
pw¡fd cy dk fØ;k fcUnq xfr ugh dj jgk gS] blfy;s cy }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 'kwU; gksxkA

3. The value of  = Cp/Cv for a gaseous mixture consisting of 2.0 moles of oxygen and 
3.0 moles of helium. The gases are assumed to be ideal.
2.0 eksy vkWDlhtu ,oa 3.0 eksy ghfy;e ds feJ.k ds fy,  = Cp/Cv dk eku gksxkA xSlks dks vkn'kZ eku fy;k
7 29 23 25
(A) (B*) (C) (D)
5 19 19 19

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4. Figure shows the kinetic energy K of a simple pendulum versus its angle  from the vertical. The
pendulum bob has mass 0.2 kg. The length of the pendulum is equal to (g = 10 m/s2).
fp=k esa ljy yksyd dh xfrt ÅtkZ K rFkk m/okZ/kj ls dks.k  ds chp xzkQ n'kkZ;k x;k gSA yksyd dk nzO;eku 0.2
fdxzk- gSA ljy yksyd dh yEckbZ gS & (g = 10 eh-@ls-2).


-100 0 100
(A) 2.0 m (B) 1.8 m (C*) 1.5 m (D) 1.2 m
Sol. mVm2 = 15 × 10–3 Vm = 0.150 m/s
A = 0.150 m/s L m. = 0.150 m/s
0.150 0.150
gL = 3
 L= = 1.5 m
100  10 0.1

5. A particle is revolving in a circle increasing its speed uniformly. Which of the following is constant?
,d d.k dh pky dks ,d leku nj ls c<+krs gq, ,d o`Ùkh; iFk ij ?kqek;k tkrk gSA rks fuEu esa ls dkSulh jkf'k
fu;r gksxh
(A) centripetal acceleration (vfHkdsUnzh; Roj.k) (B) tangential acceleration (Li'kZj[
s kh; Roj.k)
(C*) angular acceleration (; Roj.k) (D) none of these (buesa ls dksbZ ugha)

at  dv
Sol. Angular acceleration () = Since, a t  = constant
r dt
 magnitude of  is constant
Also its direction is always constant (perpendicular to the plane of circular motion).

whereas, direction of at changes continuously a t is not constant.

6. A bead of mass m is located on a parabolic wire with its axis vertical and vertex at the origin as shown
in figure and whose equation is x2 = 4ay. The wire frame is fixed in vertical plane and the bead can slide
on it without friction. The bead is released from the point y = 4a on the wire frame from rest. The
tangential acceleration of the bead when it reaches the position given by y = a is :
fp=kkuqlkj ijoy;kdkj rkj dh lehdj.k x2 = 4ay gSA bldh v{k Å/okZ/kj rFkk 'kh"kZ ewy fcUnq ij gS] bl
ijoy;kdkj rkj ij m nzO;eku dh eudk fLFkr gSA rkj dk Ýse fLFkj ,oa Å/okZ/kj ry esa gS rFkk eudk ¼eudk½
fcuk ?k"kZ.k ds ijoy; ij fQly ldrk gSA rkj Ýse ij y = 4a fcUnq ls eudk fLFkjkoLFkk ls NksM+k tkrk gSA tc
eudk y = a fLFkfr ij igq¡prk gS rks bldk Li'kZjs[kh; Roj.k gS :

g 3g g g
(A) (B) (C*) (D)
2 2 2 5

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Sol. x2 = 4ay
Differentiating w.r.t. y, we get
y ds lkis{k vodyu
dy x
dx 2a
 At (2a, a), =1  
  hence vr%  = 45°
the component of weight along tangential direction is mg sin .
Hkkj dk Li'kZ js[kh; fn'kk esa ?kVd mg sin .
hence tangential acceleration is g sin  =
vr% Li'kZ js[kh; Roj.k g sin  =
7. A simple pendulum 50 cm long is suspended from the roof of a cart accelerating in the horizontal
direction with constant acceleration 3 g m/s2. The period of small oscillations of the pendulum about
its equilibrium position is (g = 2 m/s2) :
,d ljy yksyd ftldh yEckbZ 50 lseh- gS ,d xkM+h dh Nr ls yVdk gqvk gS tks fd {kSfrt fn'kk esa
3 g [email protected] fu;r Roj.k ls xfr dj jgh gSA yksyd dk bldh lkE;koLFkk ds lkis{k y?kq nksydksa dk
vkorZdky gksxk (g = 2 [email protected]) :

(A*) 1.0 sec (B) 2 sec (C) 1.53 sec (D) 1.68 sec
(A*) 1.0 lsd.M (B) 2 lsd.M (C) 1.53 lsd.M (D) 1.68 lsd.M
Sol. With respect to the cart, equilibrium position of the pendulum is shown.
If displaced by small angle  from this position, then it will execute SHM about this equilibrium position,
time period of which is given by :
xkM+h ds lkis{k yksyd ds lkE;koLFkk esa fLFkfr crk;h xbZ gS] ;fn ;g fLFkfr dks.k  ij gS rks bl fLFkfr ls vc
foLFkkiu djus ij lkE;koLFkk ds ifjr% nksyu djsxh ftldk nksyudky gksxk &

T = 2 ; geff = g 2  ( 3g ) 2
g eff
 geff = 2g  T = 1.0 second

8. The specific heat capacity of a body depends on

(A) the heat given (B) the temperature raised
(C) the mass of the body (D*) the material of the body
fdlh oLrq dh fof'k"V Å"ek fuHkZj djrh gS -
(A) nh x;h Å"ek ij (B) rki ij o`f) ij
(C) oLrq ds nzO;eku ij (D*) oLrq ds inkFkZ ij
9. Water equivalent of a body in measured in -
(A*) kg (B) calorie (C) kelvin (D) m3
fdlh oLrq dk ty rqY;kad fuEu esa ekik tkrk gS -
(A*) fdxzk (B) dSyksjh (C) dsfYou (D) eh3
Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
10. The mechanical equivalent of heat :
(A) has the same dimension of heat (B) has the same dimension as work
(C) has the same dimension as energy (D*) is dimensionless
Å"ek dk ;kaf=kd&rqY;kad -
(A) dh foek,¡ Bhd Å"ek tSlh gksrh gSA (B) dh foek,¡ Bhd dk;Z tSlh gksrh gSA
(C) dh foek,¡ Bhd ÅtkZ tSlh gksrh gSA (D*) foekghu gksrk gSA
11. Consider the following two statements.
(a) If heat is added to a system, its temperature must incresase.
(b) If positive work is done by a system in a single thermodynamic process, its volume must increase.
(A) Both a and b are correct (B) a is correct but b is wrong
(C*) b is correct but a is wrong (D) Both a and b are wrong
fuEufyf[kr nks dFkuksa ij fopkj dhft;s -
(a) ;fn fudk; dks Å"ek nh tkrh gS] rks bldk rki vo'; c<+rk gSA
(b) ;fn fdlh Å"ek xfrd izØe esa fudk; }kjk /kukRed dk;Z fd;k tkrk gS] rks blds vk;ru esa o`f) vko';d
gksrh gSA
(A) a o b nksuksa gh lR; gSA (B) a lR; gS fdUrq b vlR; gSA
(C*) b lR; gS] fdUrq a vlR; gSA (D) a o b nksuksa gh vlR; gSA
12. An open organ pipe of length L vibrates in its fundamental mode. The pressure variation is maximum
(A) at the two ends (B*) at the middle of the pipe
(C) at distance L/4 inside the ends (D) at distance L/8 inside the ends
L yEckbZ okyk ,d [kqyk vkxZu ikbi bldh ewy vko`fÙk ls dEiUu dj jgk gSA nkc esa ifjorZu vf/kdre gksxk&
(A) nksuksa fljksa ij (B*) ikbi ds e/; esa
(C) ,d fljs ls vUnj dh vksj L/4 nwjh ij (D) ,d fljs ls vUnj dh vksj L/8 nwjh ij

13. The potential energy of a particle varies with x according to the relation U(x) = x 2  4 x. The point x = 2
is a point of :
,d d.k dh fLFkfrt ÅtkZ funs±'kkad x ds lkFk fn;s x;s lEca/k U(x) = x2  4 x ls cnyrh gSA tc d.k x = 2 ij gSA
rc d.k
(A*) stable equilibrium (B) unstable equilibrium
(C) neutral equilibrium (D) none of above
(A*) LFkkbZ lkE;koLFkk esa gksxk (B) vLFkkbZ lkE;koLFkk esa gksxk
(C) mnklhu lkE;koLFkk esa gksxk (D) buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Sol. U(x) = x2 – 4x
dU( x )
2x – 4 = 0 x=2
d U
= 2 > 0 i.e. U is minimum hence x = 2 is a point of stable equilibrium.
dx 2
14. A cylinder of mass M and radius R is resting on two corner edges A and B as shown in figure. The
normal reaction at the edges A and B are : (Neglect friction)
R f=kT;k ,oa M nzO;eku dk ,d csyu fp=kkuqlkj nks ?k"kZ.kfgu fdukjksa A rFkk B ij j[kk gSA A rFkk B ij
vfHkyEcor izfrfØ;k gS &

Mg 2 3Mg
(A) NA = 2 NB (B*) NB = 3 NA (C) NA = (D) NB =
3 5
Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol. For equilibrium NA cos 60° + NB cos 30° = Mg
and Na sin 60° = NB sin 30°
On solving NB = 3 NA ; NA =
lkE;oLFkk ds fy, NA cos 60° + NB cos 30° = Mg
rFkk Na sin 60° = NB sin 30°
gy djus ij NB = 3 NA ; NA =

15. Moment of inertia of a uniform quarter disc of radius R and mass M about an axis through its centre of
mass and perpendicular to its plane is :
,d leku ,d pkSFkkbZ pdrh] ftldh f=kT;k R, rFkk nzO;eku M gS] dk blds nzO;eku dsUnz o ry ds yEcor~ v{k
ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gksxk&
2 2
MR 2  4R  MR 2  4R 
(A) M   (B*) M  2 
2  3  2  3 
2 2
MR 2  4R  MR 2  4R 
(C) + M  (D) +M  2 
2  3  2  3 
MR 2
Ans. M.I. about ‘O’ is
MR 2
By parallel-axis theorem :

2 2
 4R  MR 2  4R 
= cm + M 2   cm =  M 2 .  1
 3   2  3 

16. A particle of mass 5 kg is moving on rough fixed inclined plane (making an angle 30° with horizontal)
with constant velocity of 5 m/s as shown in the figure. Find the friction force acting on a body by the
inclined plane. ( take g = 10m/s2)
5 kg nzO;eku dk ,d d.k ,d fLFkj [kqjnjs ur ry ¼tks {kSfrt ls 30° dk dks.k cukrk gS½ ij fn[kk;s fp=kkuqlkj
5 m/s ds fu;r osx ls xfr djrk gSA ur ry }kjk d.k ij yxus okyk ?k"kZ.k cy Kkr dhft,A ( g = 10m/s2)

(A*) 25 N (B) 20 N (C) 30 N (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh

Sol. Since the block slides down the incline with uniform velocity, net force on it must be zero. Hence mg
sin must balance the frictional force ‘f’ on the block.
Therefore f = mg sin = 5 10 ½ = 25 N.
pw¡fd CykWd ur ry ij uhps dh vksj ,dleku osx ls fQlyrk gS] rks bl ij usV cy 'kwU; gksxkA blfy;s mg sin
CykWd ij ?k"kZ.k cy ‘f’ dks larqfyr djrk gSA
blfy;s f = mg sin = 5 10 ½ = 25 N.

17. The ratio of intensities of two waves is 9 : 1. They are producing interference. The ratio of maximum
and minimum intensities will be
nks rjaxksa dh rhozrk 9 : 1 ds vuqikr esa gS vkSj os O;frdj.k mRié dj jgh gSaA egÙke ,oa U;wure rhozrkvksa dk
vuqikr gksxk %
(A) 10 : 8 (B) 9 : 1 (C*) 4 : 1 (D) 2 : 1
 I1   
 1  9
I max  I2   1  4
Sol. (C)     1
I min  I1   9
 1   1 
 I2   1 

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
18. Two equal masses are connected by a spring satisfying Hooke's law and are placed on a frictionless
table. The spring is elongated a little and allowed to go. Let the angular frequency of oscillations be .
Now one of the masses is stopped. The square of the new angular frequency is :
leku æO;eku ds nks CykWd gqd ds fu;e dk ikyu djus okys fLizax dh lgk;rk ls vkil esa tqM+s gq, gSa rFkk ;g
?k"kZ.k jfgr est ij j[ks gSaA fLizax dks vYi foLrkfjr djds xfr ds fy;s NksM+k tkrk gSA ekuk nksyu dh;
vko`fÙk gSA vc ;fn buesa ls ,d æO;eku dks jksd fn;k tk;s rks ubZ; vko`fÙk dk oxZ gksxk:
2 2
(A) 2 (B*) (C) (D) 22
2 3


m1m 2
m1  m 2
2 =
k 2
22 = = . Ans. (B)
m 2

19. A particle is performing SHM along a straight line. Its amplitude is A and time period T. The minimum
2 32 A
time interval between two instants, when magnitude of its acceleration becomes is:
,d d.k ,d ljy js[kk ij ljy vkorZ xfr dj jgk gSA ftldk vk;ke A rFkk vkorZdky T gSA mu nksuksa {k.kksa ds
2 3 A2
e/; le; vUrjky D;k gksxk tc blds Roj.k dk ifjek.k gSA
(A*) T/6 (B) T/12 (C) T/3 (D) 2T/3

20. Tuning fork A and B produce 4 beats when sounded together. When they are tuned with same
sonometer wire, the resonance lengths are 128 cm and 130 cm respectively. The frequency of A
Lofj=k A rFkk B dks ,d lkFk vuqukfnr djus ij 4 foLiUn izkIr gksrs gS ;fn nksuks dksa leku Loj ekih ds lkFk
vuqukfnr fd;k tk, rks budh vuqukfnr yEckbZ Øe'k% 128 cm rFkk 130 cm gSA A dh vko`fr gksxh
(A) 240 Hz (B) 250 Hz (C*) 260Hz (D) 270 Hz

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A1 TO A2


Total Marks : 43 Max. Time : 27 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 (3 marks 2 min.) [03, 02]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.2 to Q.8 (4 marks 2 min.) [28, 14]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (A) 2. (A) (D) 3. (B) (D) 4.* (A) (B) (C) (D) 5.* (A) (B)(C)(D)
6. (A) 7. (A)(D) 8. (A) (D) 9. 20 10. (A) p,r (B) p,s (C) q,s (D) s
1. A particle is projected at angle 60º with speed 10 3 , from the point ' A ' as shown in the fig. At the
same time the wedge is made to move with speed 10 3 towards right as shown in the figure. Then the
time after which particle will strike with wedge is (g = 10 m/sec2) :
fp=k esa n'kkZ;s vuqlkj fcUnq 'A' ls ,d d.k dks 60º ds dks.k ij 10 3 dh pky ls iz{ksfir djrs gSaA blh le;
fp=kkuqlkj xqVdk (wedge) 10 3 pky ls nk;ha rjQ pyk;k tkrk gSA rc og le; Kkr djks ftlds i'pkr~ d.k
xqVds ls Vdjkrk gS &

(A*) 2 sec (B) 2 3 sec

(C) sec (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh
Sol. Suppose particle strikes wedge at height ‘S’ after time t. S = 15t – 10 t2 = 15t – 5 t2. During this time
distance travelled by particle in horizontal direction = 5 3 t. Also wedge has travelled travelled extra

S 15 t  5t 2
x= =
tan 30 1/ 3
Total distance travelled by wedge in time t = 10 3 t. = 5 3 t + 3 (15 – 5t2)
 t = 2 sec.

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Alternate Sol.
(by Relative Motion)



10 3 5 3
2u sin 30 2  10 3 1
T= =  = 2 sec.  t = 2 sec.
g cos 30 10 3

2. A particle is moving in x - y plane. At an instant, it has velocity (4 î + 4 ĵ ) m/s and acceleration

(3 î + 5 ĵ ) m/s². At that instant,
,d d.k x-y ry esa xfr dj jgk gSA fdlh {k.k bldk osx (4 î + 4 ĵ ) m/s rFkk Roj.k (3 î + 5 ĵ ) m/s² gSA bl
4 m/s

5 m/s 3 m/s2
4 m/s

(A*) the radius of curvature of its path is 16 2 m (B) tangential acceleration is 1m/s2
(C) normal acceleration (an) is 1m/s2 (D*) normal acceleration (an) is 2 m/s2
(A*) blds iFk dh oØrk f=kT;k 16 2 m gS A (B) Li'kZjs[kh; Roj.k 1m/s2 gSA
(C) vfHkyEch; Roj.k (an)1m/s2 gSA (D*) vfHkyEch; Roj.k (an) 2 m/s2 gSA

s45 4m/s
4 2
v2 ( 4 2 )2
Sol. 45° R =
an 1
3m/s2 4m/s (5 – 3 ) 

3. A bead of mass m is attached to one end of a spring of natural length R and spring constant
( 3  1)mg
k= . The other end of the spring is fixed at point A on a smooth vertical ring of radius R as
shown in figure. Just after it is released to move
,d m nzO;eku dk eudk R çkd`frd yEckbZ dh fLçax ds ,d fljs ftldk cy fu;rkad
( 3  1)mg
k= gS] ls tksM+k tkrk gSA fLçax dk nwljk fljk fp=kkuqlkj fpduh R f=kT;k dh Å/okZ/kj oy; ds fcUnq
A ij fLFkj (fixed) gSA bldks (eudk) xfr ds fy, NksM+us ds rqjUr ckn %


mg mg
(A) normal rection at B is (B*) net tangential force on bead is
2 2
3 3 mg
(C) net tangential force on bead is 3 3mg (D*) normal rection at B is
Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
mg mg
(A) B ij vfHkyEc çfrfØ;k cy gSA (B*) euds ij dqy cy gSA
2 2
3 3 mg
(C) euds ij dqy Li'kZjs[kh; cy 3 3mg gSA (D*) B ij vfHkyEc çfrfØ;k cy gSA
Sol.(D) The extension is spring is x = 2R cos 30° – R =  3  1R

Applying Newton's second law to the bead normal to circular ring at point B
N=k  3  1R cos 30° + mg cos 30°
 3  1 mg  3  1R cos 30° + mg cos 30°
3 3mg
N= .

4.* A particle performing S.H.M. undergoes displacement of (where A = amplitude of S.H.M.) in one
second. At t = 0 the particle was located at either extreme position or mean position. The time period of
S.H.M. can be : (consider all possible cases)
ljy vkorZ xfr dj jgk ,d d.k ,d lSd.M esa (tgk¡ A = ljy vkorZ xfr dk vk;ke) foLFkkfir gksrk gSA
le; t = 0 ij d.k ;k rks fdlh ,d pje fLFkfr ij Fkk ;k ek/; fLFkfr ij FkkA ljy vkorZ xfr dk vkorZdky gks
ldrk gS : (lHkh lEHkkfor fLFkfr;ksa dks ysaA)
(A*) 12s (B*) 2.4 (C*) 6s (D*) 1.2s
Sol. It T be the time period ; time to go from O to Q is and from M to P is .
12 6

The displacement is when particle goes from O to Q, from O to N to Q,
from O to N to O to P, and so on
T T T 5T T T 7T
 t= or t =   or t=  
12 4 6 12 2 12 12
Hence possible time period T is
12  1 12  1
T = 12 s or T= = 2.4 s or T= s
5 7
similarly displacement is when particle goes from M to P or M to N to P
Hence the possible time period T is
6 1
T = 1 × 6 = 6 s or T = s = 1.2 s
Ans. T = 1.2 s, 6s, 2.4s, 12s

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Hindi. ;fn T vkorZdky gS] O ls Q rd tkus esa yxk le; gS rFkk M ls P rd le; gSA
12 6

tc O ls Q, O ls N ls Q, O ls N ls O ls P rd tkrk gS rks d.k dk foLFkkiu gSA
T T T 5T T T 7T
 t= or t =   ;k t=  
12 4 6 12 2 12 12
blfy;s laHko vkorZdky T gS &
12  1 12  1
T = 12 s ;k T= = 2.4 s ;k s T=
5 7
blh izdkj tc d.k M ls P ;k M ls N ls P rd tkrk gS rks foLFkkiu gSA
blfy;s laHko vkorZdky T gS &
6 1
T = 1 × 6 = 6 s or T = s = 1.2 s
Ans. T = 1.2 s, 6s, 2.4s, 12s

5.* In the figure shown all the surface are smooth. All the blocks A, B and C are movable, x-axis is
horizontal and y-axis vertical as shown. Just after the system is released from the position as shown.
n'kkZ;sa fp=k esa lHkh lrg fpduh gSA lHkh fi.M A, B rFkk C xfr dj ldrs gSA x-v{k {kSfrt rFkk y-v{k n'kkZ;s
vuqlkj m/okZ/kj gSA fudk; dks fn[kkbZ xbZ fLFkfr ls eqDr djrs gS rks blds rqjUr ckn &

B x

Horizontal Surface
(A*) Acceleration of 'A' relative to ground is in negative y-direction
(B*) Acceleration of 'A' relative to B is in positive x-direction
(C*) The horizontal acceleration of 'B' relative to ground is in negative x-direction.
(D*) The acceleration of 'B' relative to ground along the inclined surface of 'C' is greater than g sin .
(A*) tehu ds lkis{k 'A' dk Roj.k _.kkRed y-fn'kk esa gksxkA
(B*) 'B' ds lkis{k 'A' dk Roj.k /kukRed x-fn'kk esa gksxkA
(C*) tehu ds lkis{k 'B' dk {kSfrt Roj.k _.kkRed x-fn'kk esa gksxkA
(D*) tehu ds lkis{k 'B' dk Roj.k urry 'C' ds vuqfn'k g sin  ls T;knk gksxkA
Sol. (Tough) There is no horizontal force on block A, therefore it does not move in x-direction, whereas there
is net downward force (mg – N) is acting on it, making its acceleration along negative y-direction.
Block B moves downward as well as in negative x-direction. Downward acceleration of A and B will be
equal due to constrain, thus w.r.t. B, A moves in positive x-direction.
fi.M ij dksbZ {kSfrt cy ugha gS]vr% ;g x-fn'kk esa ugha pyrk gS]tcfd bl ij uhps dh vksj ifj.kkeh cy,
(mg –N) yxrk gS] tks fd blds Roj.k dks _.kkRed y-fn'kk esa nsrk gSA
fi.M B uhps ds lkFk&lkFk _.kkRed x-fn'kk esa xfreku gksrk gSA A rFkk B dk uhps dh vksj Roj.k c)rk ls cjkcj
gksrk gS] vr% B ds lkis{k] A /kukRed x-fn'kk esa xfreku gSA


Normal reaction due to C C }kjk vfHkyEc izfrfØ;k

Due to the component of normal exterted by C on B, it moves in negative x-direction.
C ij B }kjk vfHkyEc ds ?kVd ds dkj.k ;g _.kkRed, x-fn'kk esa xfreku gSA
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The force acting vertically downward on block B are mg and NA(normal reaction due to block A). Hence
the component of net force on block B along the inclined surface of B is greater than mg sin. Therefore
the acceleration of 'B' relative to ground directed along the inclined surface of 'C' is greater than g sin 
CykWd B ij Å/okZ/kj uhps dh vksj cy mg + NA (CykWd A ds dkj.k vfHkyEc izfrfØ;k) gSA blfy;s CykWd B ij
dk;Zjr usV cy dk B dh ur lrg ds vuqfn'k ?kVd mg sin ls vf/kd gSA blfy;s Hkwfe ds lkis{k B dk Roj.k]
ftldh fn'kk C dh ur lrg ds vuqfn'k gS] g sin ls vf/kd gSA

A diatomic ideal gas changes its state from A to B as shown in the figure. TA = 300 K, R= J(mole)–
K–1, 1 atm = 105N/m2 . U represents internal energy of gas.
,d f}ijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl fp=kkuqlkj voLFkk A ls voLFkk B rd ifjofrZr gksrh gS TA = 300 K, R = J(mole)–
K–1, 1 atm = 105N/m2, U xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ dks çnf'kZr djrk gSA



1 B

0 2 V(lit)
1 3
6. Choose the correct U versus V graph : U o V ds e/; lgh xzkQ gksxk :

(A*) (B)

(C) (D)

7. The volume of gas upto which

xSl dk vk;ru tc rd &
(A*) temperature increases is 2 litre (B) temperature increases is 3 litre
(C) heat is supplied to the gas is 2 litre (D*) heat is supplied to the gas is litre
(A*) rkieku c<+rk gS] 2 yhVj gSA (B) rkieku c<+rk gS] 3 yhVj gSA
(C) xSl dks Å"ek nh tkrh gS] 2 yhVj gSA (D*) xSl dks Å"ek nh tkrh gS] yhVj gSA

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8. Select correct statements: lgh fodYiksa dk p;u djks %
(A*) Maximum temperature of the gas is 400 K
(B) Maximum temperature of the gas is 600 K
(C) Maximum internal energy of the gas is 750 J
(D*) Maximum internal energy of the gas is 1000 J
(A*) xSl dk vf/kdre rkieku 400 K gSA
(B) xSl dk vf/kdre rkieku 600 K gSA
(C) xSl dh vf/kdre vkarfjd ÅtkZ 750 J gSA
(D*) xSl dh vf/kdre vkarfjd ÅtkZ 1000 J gSA
Sol. pv = nRT
 1  25
(3 × 105)   =n (300)
 1000  3
 3 
 (300)   = 300 n
 25 
 n= mole ..........(i)
Equation of line AB js[kk AB dh lehdj.k y – y1 = m(x – x1)
p–3= (v – 1)
1 3
p – 3 = –v + 1
p = –v + 4
= –v + 4
nRT = 4v – v2 .......... (ii)
5  5
Hence vr% nRT =   (4v – v2)
2  2
 5
U =   (4 – v) v
 2
Hence (A) is correct vr% (A) lgh gSA
(ii) T is maximum for v = 2 lit. since p = –v + 4
T, v = 2 yhVj ds fy, vf/kdre gSA pwafd p = –v + 4
 p = –2 + 4 = 2 atm.
 2 
pv = nRT  (2) (105)  = 1(Tmax)
 1000 
Tmax = 400 K Ans. (B)
Hence, vr% Umax = nCv Tmax
5R  5
= n Tmax = (nR)   (400)
2  2
= 1000 J. Ans.

9. A block of mass m = 20 kg is kept at a distance R = 1m from central axis of rotation of a round turn
table (A table whose surface can rotate about central axis). Table starts from rest and rotates with
constant angular acceleration,  = 3 rad/sec2. The friction coefficient between block and table is
 = 0.5. At time t = from starting of motion (i.e. t = 0) the block is just about to slip. Find the value of
x.(g = 10 m/s2)
,d o`Ùkh; ?kw.khZ Vscy (Vscy ftldk ry dsUnzh; v{k ds lkis{k ?kw.kZu dj lds) ds dsUnzh; ?kw.kZu v{k ls R = 1m
nwjh ij m = 20 kg æO;eku dk CykWd j[kk gSA Vscy fLFkjkoLFkk ls fu;r; Roj.k  = 3 rad/sec2 ls ?kweuk
izkjEHk djrh gSA CykWd o Vscy ds e/; ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad  = 0.5 gSA xfr 'kq: gksus (t = 0) ls t = le; i'pkr~
CykWd Bhd fQlyus dh fLFkfr esa gksrk gSA x dk dk eku Kkr dhft,A (g = 10 m/s2)
Ans. 20
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(i)  Table starts rotation from rest Vscy fLFkjkoLFkk ls ?kw.kZu 'kq: djrh gS
 initial = 0
 =0
 = Angular velocity at time t t le; ij; osx
  = initial × t
 =  × t
 = 0 + 3 × t = 3t
(ii) Force diagram for block as seen from above is :
Åij ls ns[kus ij CykWd dk cy vkjs[k

Block is just about to slip when friction force is limiting.

?k"kZ.k ds lhekUr eku ij CykWd Bhd fQlyus dh fLFkfr esa gS
 f2 = (mR) 2  (m 2R) 2
or (g)2 = m2 2 R2 + m2 4 R2
 2 g = 2 R2 + 4 R2
Putting values : eku j[kus ij
× 100 = 9 × 1 + (3t)4 .(A)
 (3t)4 = 16
3t = 2
t= sec
 x=2
Ans. 20

10. Two coherent point sources of sound having wavelength are seperated by a distance d. A circle is
drawn in space surrounding both the point sources as shown. The plane of circle contains both the
point sources. The distance d between both the sources is given in column-I and the total number of
corresponding points of maximum intensity and minimum intensity on the periphery of the shown circle
are given in column-II. Match each situation of column-I with the results in column-II.
/ofu ds nks dyklEc) fcUnq L=kksrksa ds e/; nwjh d gS rFkk /ofu dh rjaxnS/;Z  gSA ,d o`Ùk dks mu nksuksa fcUnq L=kksrksa
ds pkjks vksj fp=kkuqlkj vuqjsf[kr fd;k x;k gSA o`Ùk ds ry esa nksuksa fcUnq L=kksr gSA L=kksrksa ds e/; nwjh d dkWye-I esa
nh xbZ gS rFkk mlds laxr o`Ùk dh ifjf/k ij vf/kdre rhozrk o U;wure rhozrk okys fcUnqvksa dh dqy la[;k dkWye-
II esa nh xbZ gSA dkWye-I dh izR;sd fLFkfr dks dkWye-II esa fn;s x;s ifj.kke ls lqesfyr dhft;sA

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Column-I Column-II
(A) d = 99.4  (p) 398 points of maximum intensity
(B) d = 99.6  (q) 400 points of maximum intensity
(C) d = 100  (r) 396 points of minimum intensity
(D) d = 100  (s) 400 points of minimum intensity
dkWye-I dkWye-II
(A) d = 99.4  (p) o`Ùk ij vf/kdre rhozrk okys fcUnqvksa dh la[;k 398 gSA
(B) d = 99.6  (q) o`Ùk ij vf/kdre rhozrk okys fcUnqvksa dh la[;k 400 gSA
(C) d = 100  (r) o`Ùk ij U;wure rhozrk okys fcUnqvksa dh la[;k 396 gSA
(D) d = 100 (s) o`Ùk ij U;wure rhozrk okys fcUnqvksa dh la[;k 400 gSA
Ans. (A) p,r (B) p,s (C) q,s (D) s
Sol. (A) When d = 99.4 398 points of maximum intensity are formed on periphery of circle and 396points
of minimum intensity are formed on periphery of circle
(B) When d = 99.6 398 points of maximum intensity are formed on periphery of circle and 400
points of minimum intensity are formed on periphery of circle
(C) When d = 100 400 points of maximum intensity are formed on periphery of circle and 400
points of minimum intensity are formed on periphery of circle
(D) When d = 100.4 402 points of maximum intensity are formed on periphery of circle and 400
points of minimum intensity are formed on periphery of circle
(A) tc d = 99.4 gS] o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij vf/kdre rhozrk ds 398 fcUnq o o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij U;wure rhozrk ds 396
fcUnq cusaxsA
(B) tc d = 99.6 gS] o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij vf/kdre rhozrk ds 398 fcUnq o o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij U;wure rhozrk ds 400
fcUnq cusaxsA
(C) tc d = 100 gS] o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij vf/kdre rhozrk ds 400 fcUnq o o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij U;wure rhozrk ds 400
fcUnq cusaxsA
(D) tc d = 100.4 gS] o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij vf/kdre rhozrk ds 402 fcUnq o o`Ùk dh ifj/kh ij U;wure rhozrk ds
400 fcUnq cusaxsA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A3


Total Marks : 46 Max. Time : 29 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.3 to Q.9 (4 marks 2 min.) [28, 14]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.10 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.11 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (B) (D) 4. (B) (D) 5. (A) (B) (D) 6. (B)(C)(D)
7. (B)(C) 8. (A) (B) (C) 9. (B) (C) 10. 15 11. (A) s, (B) p, (C) s, (D) q

1. Two plane mirrors are inclined at 70º. A ray incident on one mirror at angle after reflection falls on the
second mirror and is reflected from there parallel to the first mirror  is:
nks lery niZ.k 70º ds dks.k ij >qds gq, gS ,d fdj.k dks.k ij ,d niZ.k ij vkifrr gksrh gS ijkorZu ds ckn
nwljs niZ.k ij fxjrh gS blds ckn izFke niZ.k ds lekUrj ijkofrZr gksrh gS] rks dks.k  gS :
(A*) 50º (B) 45º (C) 30º (D) 55º

2. The given system is displaced by distance ‘A’ and released. Both the blocks (each of mass m) move
together without relative slipping in the whole process. The magnitude of frictional force between them
at time ‘t’ is :
fn;s x;s fudk; dks ‘A’ nwjh ls foLFkkfir fd;k tkrk gS rFkk NksM+k tkrk gSA lEiw.kZ çfØ;k esa nksua ks CykWd ¼izR;sd dk
nzO;eku m½ fcuk lkisf{kd fQlyu ls lkFk&lkFk xfr djrs gSA fdlh le; ‘t’ ij buds e/; yxus okys ?k"kZ.k cy
dk ifjek.k gksxk :
cgqr [kqjnjk
very rough k m
k m
smooth ?k"kZ.kjfgr
(A*) |cos t| (B) cos t (C) |sin t| (D) KA |cos t|
2 2 2
where (tgk¡)  =
Sol. a = 2x
a= = cos t
2m 2m
f = ma = cos t

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3. One of the straight line among 1, 2, 3 in figure shows dependence of the work W with temperature
variation  T  for an isobaric process. The other two are adiabatic curves for argon and nitrogen.
fp=k esa iznf'kZr 1, 2, 3 esa ls ,d ljy js[kk lenkch izØe ds fy, dk;Z W dh rki ifjorZu  T  ds lkFk
fuHkZjrk n'kkZrh gSA vU; nksuksa ljy js[kk,sa vkxZu rFkk ukbVªkstu ds fy, :)ks"e oØ gSA

(A) graph-1 is for isobaric process
(B*) graph-2 is for adiabatic process on argon
(C) graph-3 is for adiabatic process on nitrogen
(D*) graph-1 is for adiabatic process on nitrogen
(A) xzkQ-1 lenkch izØe ds fy, gksxkA
(B*) xzkQ-2 vkxZu ij :)ks"e izØe ds fy, gksxkA
(C) xzkQ-3 ukbVªkstu ij :)ks"e izØe ds fy, gksxkA
(D*) xzkQ-1 ukbVªkstu ij :)ks"e izØe ds fy, gksxkA
Sol. W isobaric = nRT
W adiabtic = nRT
For argon vkWxZu ds fy f = 3, N2 f = 5
3  Isobaric lenkch;
2  Adiabatic for Ar ds fy, :)ks"e
1  adiabatic for N2 ds fy, :)ks"e
4. Ammonia is undergoing a thermodynamic process ABC as shown by T-V indicator diagram here.

(A) Step AB of the process is isobaric

(B*) Work done by gas is positive in the entire process
(C) Internal energy of the gas first increases and then decreases during the process
(D*) Internal energy of the gas decreases continuously during the process
;gk¡ n'kkZ;suqlkj T-V vkjs[k }kjk veksfu;k xSl dks Å"ekxfrdh izØe ABC ls xqtkjk tkrk gSA

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(A) izØe AB lenkch; gSA
(B*) iwjs izØe esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z /kukRed gSA
(C) izØe ds nkSjku xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ igys c<+sxh ,oa rRi'pkr~ ?kVsxhA
(D*) izØe ds nkSjku xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ yxkrkj ?kVsxhA
Sol. As at any volume, pressure in AB is higher then that in BC |W AB| > |W BC| W Total = +ve
tSlkfd fdlh Hkh vk;ru ij AB esa nkc, BC dh rqyuk esa mPp gS |WAB| > |WBC| WTotal = +ve

5. An ideal gas undergoes a cyclic process abcda which is shown by pressure- density curve.
vkn'kZ xSl dks pØh; izØe abcda ds vuqfn'k ys tk;k tkrk gS tks fd nkc ?kuRo oØ esa iznf'kZr gSA


1 2
(A*) Work done by the gas in the process 'bc' is zero
(B*) Work done by the gas in the process 'cd' is negative
(C) Internal energy of the gas at point 'a' is greater than at state 'c'
(D*) Net work done by the gas in the cycle is negative.
(A*) bc izØe esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 'kwU; gSA
(B*) cd izØe esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z _.kkRed gSA
(C) a voLFkk ij xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ c voLFkk ls T;knk gSA
(D*) xSl }kjk pØh; izØe esa fd;k x;k dqy dk;Z _.kkRed gSA
 P R P
Sol. = RT   T
M0  M0 d
Slope of the curve  Temperature
Hence cd and ab are isothermal processes. a
1 c
i.e. bc and da are constant volume process d
(A) and (B) are true. V2 V1 V
Temp. in cd process is greater than ab. Equivalent PV diagram.

Net work done by the gas in the cycle is negative, as is clear by the PV-diagram.
 P R
Sol. = RT   T
M0  M0 P
oØ dk <ky  rkieku
vr% cd o ab lerkih; çØe gS
 a
V c

vFkkZr~ bc o da le vk;rfud çØe gS d

V2 V1 V
(A) o (B) lR; gSA
cd çØe dk rki ab ls vf/kd gSA rqY; PV oØ
çØe esa dqy fd;k x;k dk;Z _.kkRed gS tks PV-oØ esa Li"V gSA

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
6. A particle is performing SHM along x-axis such that its acceleration along x-axis is :
a = 2 – x where a is in m/s2 and x is in meter. If speed of the particle at x = 1 is zero then CORRECT
statement is :
,d d.k x-v{k ds vuqfn'k ljyvkoZr xfr bl çdkj dj jgk gS fd x–v{k ds vuqfn'k bldk Roj.k a = 2 – x gS]
;gk¡ a m/s2 esa rFkk x ehVj esa gSA ;fn x = 1 ij d.k dh pky 'kwU; gks rks lR; dFku gS :

(A) time period of oscillation is  second (B*) amplitude of oscillation is 1 m

(C*) speed of the particle at x = 1.5 m is m/s (D*) speed of particle at x = 3 m is zero
(A) nksyu dk vkorZdky  lSd.M gSA (B) nksyu dk vk;ke 1 m gSA
(C) x = 1.5 m ij d.k dh pky m/s gSA (D) x = 3 m ij d.k dh pky 'kwU; gSA
Sol. a = –[x – 2]
mean position x = 2, left extreme x = 1, right extreme x = 3
ek/; fLFkfr x = 2 ck;ka pje x = 1, nka;k pje x = 3
amplitude vk;ke x = 1
v=  A x
2 2
vmax = 1 ;
1 3
= 1 1 = .
4 2
7. For the given uniform semi-circular disc of mass m and radius r. Choose the correct alternative(s) :
(C : Centre of mass of the disc, O : Centre of the circular part)
m nzO;eku rFkk r f=kT;k dh le:i v)Zo`Ùkkdkj pdfr ds fy, lgh fodYi NkWfV;s :
(C : pdfr dk nzO;eku dsUnz, O : o`fÙk; Hkkx dk dsUnz)

(A) the moment of inertia about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through O
mr 2
mr 2
pdfr ds ry ds yEcor~ rFkk O ls xqtjus okyh v{k ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gSA
(B*) the moment of inertia about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through O
mr 2
mr 2
pdfr ds ry ds yEcor~ rFkk O ls xqtjus okyh v{k ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gSA
(C*) the moment of inertia about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through A
3mr 2
3mr 2
pdfr ds ry ds yEcor~ rFkk A ls xqtjus okyh v{k ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gSA
(D) the moment of inertia about the axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through C
mr 2
mr 2
pdfr ds ry ds yEcor~ rFkk C ls xqtjus okyh v{k ds lkis{k tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Paragraph for Question Nos. 8 and 9
iz'u 08 vkSj 9 ds fy, vuqPNsn
A particle is moved along the different paths OAC, OBC & ODC as shown in the fig. Path ODC is a
 2ˆ
parabola, y = 4 x2. A force F = 3x i acts on the particle.
Now answer the following questions :

,d d.k vyx&vyx iFkksa ls OAC, OBC rFkk ODC ds vuqfn'k fp=kkuqlkj pyk;k tkrk gSA iFk ODC ,d ijoy;
 2ˆ
y = 4 x2 gSA d.k ij ,d cy F = 3x i vkjksfir gSA vc fuEu iz'uksa ds mÙkj nhft;sA

B C (1,4)

O x
8. Choose the incorrect options

(A*) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path OAC is 8 J

(B*) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path ODC is 64J
 19
(C*) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path ODC is J

(D) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path OAC is 1 J
vlR; fodYiksa dk p;u dhft,A

(A*) iFk OAC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 8J gksxkA

(B*) iFk ODC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 64J gksxkA
 19
(C*) iFk ODC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z J gksxkA

(D) iFk OAC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 1J gksxkA

9. For the force F  xyiˆ  x 2 yjˆ choose the correct option(s)
(A) is conservative
(B*) is non-conservative

(C*) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path OBC is 2J

(D) The work done by the force F on the particle on the path OBC is 8J

cy F  xyiˆ  x 2 yjˆ ds fy, lgh fodYiksa dk p;u dhft,A
(A) laj{kh gS
(B*) vlaj{kh gS

(C*) iFk OBC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 2J gksxkA

(D) iFk OBC ds vuqfn'k d.k ij cy F }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 8J gksxkA

10. A river of width 100 m is flowing with a velocity of 1.5 m/s. A man start from one end with rest relative
the river. He raws with an acceleration of 2 m/s2 relative to the river. If the man want to cross the river
in minimum time, by how much distance (in meters) will he be drifted (flown) in the direction of river flow
during the crossing.
100 m pkSMkbZ dh unh 1.5 m/s osx ls izokfgr gSA ,d O;fDr ,d fdukjs ls unh ds lkis{k fLFkjkoLFkk ls izkjEHk
djrs gq, unh ds lkis{k 2 m/s2 Roj.k ls rSjrk gSA ;fn U;wure le; esa O;fDr unh ikj djuk pkgs rks og fdruh
nwjh (ehVj esa) rd unh izokg dh fn'kk esa fopfyr gksxkA
Ans : 15


From A to B in y–direction,
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
y-fn'kk esa A ls B ds fy,,
Sy = uyt + ayy2
100 = 0 + (B) t2
t = 10 sec.
From A to B, in x–direction,
x-fn'kk esa A ls B, ds fy,,
Sx = uxt
Sx = (1.5) × (10) = 15 m.

11. Four particles are moving with different velocities in front of stationary plane mirror (lying in y-z plane).
  
At t = 0, velocity of A is v A  î , velocity of B is v B   î  3 ĵ , velocity of C is v C  5 î  6 ĵ , velocity of
  
D is v D  3 î  ĵ . Acceleration of particle A is a A  2 î  ĵ and acceleration of particle C is a C  2t ĵ .
The particle B and D move with uniform velocity (Assume no collision to take place till t = 2 seconds).
All quantities are in S.I. Units. Relative velocity of image of object A with respect to object A is denoted

by V A ',A . Velocity of images relative to corresponding objects are given in column I and their values
are given in column II at t = 2 second. Match column I with corresponding values in column II.
fLFkj lery niZ.k ds lkeus pkj d.k fofHkUu osx ls xfr dj jgs gS ¼niZ.k yz ry esa gS½A t = 0 le; ij A dk osx
   
v A  î , B dk osx v B   î  3 ĵ , C dk osx v C  5 î  6 ĵ , D dk osx v D  3 î  ĵ gSA d.k A dk Roj.k
 
a A  2 î  ĵ vkSj d.k C dk Roj.k a c  2t ĵ gSA d.k B o D ds osx fu;r gS ¼;g ekfu;s fd t = 2 ls0 rd niZ.k ls

dksbZ VDDj ugh gksrh gS½A fcEc (oLrq) A ds lkis{k] A ds izfrfcEc dk lkis{k osx VA ',A }kjk n'kkZ;k tkrk gSA lHkh
jkf'k;k¡ S.I. ek=kd esa gSA oLrqvks ds laxr izfrfcEcksa ds lkisf{kd osx LrEHk-I esa fn, x, gS rFkk muds eku LrEHk-II esa
t = 2 lsd.M ij fn, x, gSA rks LrEHk-I ds laxr LrEHk-II dks lqesfyr dhft,
Column I LrEHk I Column II LrEHk II

(A) V A ',A (p) 2 î

(B) VB',B (q)  6 î

(C) VC',C (r)  12 î  4 ĵ

(D) VD',D (s)  10 î
Ans. (A) s, (B) p, (C) s, (D) q
 
Sol. v A  î  a t = î  (2 î  ĵ )(2) = 5 î  2 ĵ

v A '  5 î  2 ĵ
  
v A ',A = v A '  v A  10 î
  
VB  ( î  3 ĵ ) , VB'  î  3 ĵ so VB',B  2 î

For particle C (d.k C ds fy,)

dv y
 2t  v y – 6 = t2  vy = 6 + 4 = 10
  
v C  5 î  10 ĵ , v C'  5 î  10 ĵ so v C',C  10 î
 
, v C'  5 î  10 ĵ , v C',C  10 î
  
v D  3 î  ĵ , v D'  3 î  ĵ , v D',D  6 î

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A4


Total Marks : 42 Max. Time : 30 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.3 to Q.7 (4 marks 2 min.) [20, 10]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.8 to Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [08, 10]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (A) (B) (C)(D) 4. (B)(C)(D) 5. (A) (D)
6. (A)(C) 7. (B) 8. 70 cm 9. zero 10. (A) p (B) q (C) p,q (D) s

1. A uniform cylinder of mass M lies on a fixed plane inclined at an angle  with horizontal. A light string is
tied to the cylinder’s right most point, and a mass m hangs from the string, as shown. Assume that the
coefficient of friction between the cylinder and the plane is sufficiently large to prevent slipping. For the
cylinder to remain static, the value of mass m is-
M nzO;eku dk ,d le:i csyu {kSfrt ls dks.k ij >qds gq;s ,d fLFkj ur ry ij fLFkr gSA ,d gYdh Mksjh
csyu ds lcls nka;h vksj okys fcUnq ls ck¡/kh gqbZ gS rFkk ,d nzO;eku m Mksjh ls fp=kkuqlkj yVdk gSA ;g ekfu;s fd
csyu rFkk urry ds chp ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad fQlyu jksdus ds fy, i;kZIr :i ls vf/kd gSA csyu ds fLFkjkoLFkk esa jgus
ds fy,] nzO;eku m dk eku gksxk&

M cos  sin  cos  sin 

(A) (B) M (C) M (D*) M
1  sin  1  sin  1  sin  1  sin 

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

Let the radius of cylinder be R

For the cylinder to remain static, net torque
on cylinder about point P (point of contact with
inclined surface) should be zero.
 Mg (OS) = mg (SQ)
or Mg R sinq = mg R (1 – sinq)
M sin 
or m=
1  sin 

gy% ekuk csyu dh f=kT;k R gSA

csyu ds fLFkjkoLFkk esa jgus ds fy,] csyu
ij fcUnq P (ur lrg ds lkFk dk dk lEidZ
fcUnq) ds ifjr% usV ifj.kkeh vk?kw.kZ 'kwU; gksuk pkfg,A
\ Mg (OS) = mg (SQ)
or Mg R sinq = mg R (1 – sinq)
M sin 
or m=
1  sin 

2. At t = 0, a transverse wave pulse travelling in the positive x direction with a speed of

2 m/s in a long wire is described by the function y = 2 , given that x  0. Transverse velocity of a
particle at x = 2m and t = 2 seconds may be :
t = 0 ij] ,d yEcs rkj esa /kukRed x fn'kk ds vuqfn'k 2 eh-@lS- dh pky ls xfr dj jgh vuqiLz Fk rjaxksa dks y = 2 ls izznf'kZr
djrs gSaA ;g fn;k x;k gS fd x  0, d.k dk vuqizLFk osx x = 2 eh- rFkk t = 2 lSd.M ij D;k gks ldrk gS &
(A) 7 m/s (B*) – 3 m/s (C) 8 m/s (D) – 8 m/s
(A) 7 eh-@lS- (B*) – 3 eh-@lS- (C) 8 eh-@lS- (D) – 8 eh-@lS-
6 6
Sol. (B) y(x, t = 0) = 2 then y(x,t) =
x ( x  2 t )2
y 24
 = at x = 2, t = 2
t ( x  2t )3
Vy = = – 3 m/s.
( 2)3

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
3. When temperature of the shown copper ring of radius r, thickness d and gap t is increased, which of
the following increase?
tc n'kkZ;h xbZ dkWij oy; dk rkieku c<+k;k tkrk gSA oy; dh f=kT;k r, eksVkbZ d rFkk vUrjky t gSA fuEu esa ls
dkSulh jkf'k c<+sxh ?

(A*) d
(B*) r
(C*) t
(D*) volume of ring’s material
oy; ds inkFkZ dk vk;ru
Sol. Thermal expansion is photographic.
rkih; izlkj QksVksxzkQhd izlkj gSA

4. Two blocks A (5kg) and B(2kg) attached to the ends of a spring constant 1120N/m are placed on a
smooth horizontal plane with the spring undeformed. Simultaneously velocities of 3m/s and 10m/s
along the line of the spring in the same direction are imparted to A and B then
nks xqVds A (5kg) o B(2kg) fLizax fu;rkad 1120N/m ds ,d fLizax ds fljksa ij tqM+s gq, ,d fpdus {kSfrt ry ij
j[ks gSaA fLizax vfoÑr gSA A o B dks ,d lkFk leku fn'kk esa fLizax dh js[kk ds vuqfn'k Øe'k% 3m/s o 10m/s ds
osx fn;s tkrs gSa rks -
k = 1120 N/m
5kg 2kg

(A) when the extension of the spring is maximum the velocities of A and B are zero.
(B*) the maximum extension of the spring is 25cm.
(C*) the first maximum compression occurs 3/56 seconds after start.
(D*) maximum extension and maximum compression occur alternately.
(A) tc fLizax dk foLrkj vf/kdre gS rks A o B ds osx 'kwU; gSA
(B*) fLizax dk vf/kdre foLrkj 25cm gSA
(C*) izFke vf/kdre lEihMu] pyuk izkjEHk gksus ds 3/56 lsd.M ckn gksrk gSA
(D*) vf/kdre foLrkj o vf/kdre lEihMu ,dkUrj :i ls gksrs jgsaxsA
Sol. At max. extension both should move with equal velocity.
k = 1120 N/m
5kg 2kg

 By momentum conservation,
(5 × 3) + (2 × 10) = (5 + 2)V
V = 5 m/sec.
Now, by energy conservation
1 1 1 1
5 × 32 + × 2 × 102 = (5 + 2)V2 + kx2
2 2 2 2
Put V and k
 xmax = m = 25 cm.
Also first maximum compression occurs at ;
3T 3  3 10 3
t= = 2 = 2 = sec.
4 4 k 4 7  1120 56
m1m 2
(where   reduced mass,  = )
m1  m 2
Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
5. A variable force F = 10 t is applied to block B placed on a smooth surface. The coefficient of friction
between A & B is 0.5. (t is time in seconds. Initial velocities are zero)
,d fpdus ry ij j[ks CykWd B ij ,d ifjorhZ cy F = 10 t yxk;k tkrk gSA A A o B ds chp ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad 0.5
gSA (t lsd.M+ esa le; gS o izR;sd dk izkjfEHkd osx 'kwU; gS½

(A*) block A starts sliding on B at t = 5 seconds

CykWd A, CykWd B ij t = 5 lsd.M+ ij fQlyuk izkjEHk djrk gSA
(B) the heat produced due to friction in first 5 seconds is 312.5J
?k"kZ.k }kjk izFke 5 lsd.M+ esa mRiUu Å"ek 312.5J gSA
(C) the heat produced due to friction in first 5 seconds is (625/8) J
?k"kZ.k }kjk izFke 5 lsd.M+ esa mRiUu Å"ek (625/8) J gSA
(D*) acceleration of A at 10 seconds is 5 m/s2.
10 osa lsd.M+ esa A dk Roj.k 5 m/s2 gSA


f max =  × 3g
= 0.5 × 30 = 15 N
block A starts sliding when friction force becomes max. i.e. f max = 15
at that instant (F.B. D.)

both will move with same acceleration

So 15 = 3a  a = 5m/s2
F – 15 = 7a
10t – 15 = 7 × 5
10t = 50
 t = 5 sec
Work done by friction in 5 seconds
W=  F . ds
F 10t
 10t . ds (a = 
m 10
=  10t . Vdt
(ds = vdt)

t2 t2
=  10t .
dt (V =  adt   tdt  2 )

 5t dt
t4  5 625  5
= 5   = [625  0] =
 4  0 4 4

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
A concave mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm is shown in the figure. A circular disc of diameter 1 cm is
placed on the principle axis of mirror with its plane perpendicular to the principal axis at a distance 15
cm from the pole of the mirror. The radius of disc starts increasing according to the law r = (0.5 + 0.1 t)
cm/sec where t is time is second.
,d vory niZ.k ftldh oØrk 20 cm fp=kkuqlkj gSA ,d o`Ùkkdkj pdrh ftldk O;kl 1 cm gS rFkk bldks niZ.k
ds eq[; v{k ij eq[; v{k ds yEcor~ niZ.k ds /kzqo (pole) ls 15 cm dh nwjh ij fp=kkuqlkj j[kk tkrk gSA vc
pdrh dh f=kT;k fu;e r = (0.5 + 0.1 t) cm/sec ds vuqlkj c<+uk izkjEHk djrh gS tgk¡ t le; lsd.M esa gSA

6. Select correct statement:

lgh fodYiksa dk p;u djsa %
(A*) The image formed by the mirror will be in the shape of a circular disc
(B) The image formed by the mirror will be in the shape of a elliptical disc with major axis horizontal
(C*) the radius of image will be increasing at rate 0.2 cm/sec
(D) the radius of image will be increasing at rate 0.4 cm/sec
(A*) niZ.k }kjk cuk;k x;k izfrfcEc o`Ùkkdkj pdrh dh vkd`fr dk gksxkA
(B) niZ.k }kjk cuk;s x;s izfrfcEc dh vkd`fr ,d nh?kZo`Ùkkdkj pdrh gS] ftldh nh?kZ v{k {kSfrt gSA
(C*) izfrfcEc dh f=kT;k 0.2 cm/sec dh nj ls c<+sxhA
(D) izfrfcEc dh f=kT;k 0.4 cm/sec dh nj ls c<+sxhA
Sol. All dimensions of the disc are perpendicular to the principal axis. Hence all dimensions are equally
magnified, resulting in an image in the shape of a circular disc.
lHkh pdrh dh foek, eq[; v{k ds yEcor~ gSA vr% lHkh foek, cjkcj :i ls vkoZf/kr gksxhA rFkk izfrfcEc o`Ùkkdkj
pdrh ds vkd`fr dk gksxkA

7. In the above question, the area of image of the disc at t = 1 second is :

pdrh ds izfrfcEc dk t = 1 lsd.M ij mijksDr iz'u ds fy, {ks=kQy gksxk &
(A) 1.2  cm2 (B*) 1.44  cm2 (C) 1.52  cm2 (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ
Sol. At t = 1 sec.
r = 0.5 t + 0.1 t = 0.6 cm
f 10
m= = =–2
f u  10  15
 Radius of image = 2r = 1.2 cm
 Area of image = (1.2)2 = 1.44  cm2 .
 izfrfcEc dh f=kT;k = 2r = 1.2 cm
 izfrfcEc dk {ks=kQy = (1.2)2 = 1.44  cm2 .

8. A point source S is centered in front of a 70 cm wide plane circular mirror. A man starts walking from
the source along a line parallel to the mirror in a single direction. Maximum distance that can be walked
by man without losing sight of the image of the source is _____ cm.
,d fcUnq lzksr S ,d 70 cm pkSM+s lery o`Ùkh; niZ.k ds lkeus dsfUnzr gSA ,d O;fDr niZ.k ds lekUrj js[kk ij
,d gh fn'kk esa lzksr ls pyuk çkjEHk djrk gSA O;fDr }kjk pyh xbZ og vf/kdre~ nwjh ftlls lzksr dk çfrfcEc
O;fDr dh vk¡[kks ls vks>y u gks _____ gksxhA
[Ans. 70 cm ]

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

 70 70 
From figure if man moves from source to point A    70cm  . Then he can see image
 2 2 
 70 70 
If man moves from source to point B    70cm  . then he can not loose sight of image.
 2 2 
9. A Plane mirror revolves as shown at constant angular velocity making 2 rps about its normal. With
what velocity will the light spot move along a spherical screen of radius of 10 m if the mirror is at the
centre of curvature of the screen and the light is incident from a fixed direction.

,d lery niZ.k vius vfHkyEc ds ifjr% 2 [email protected] ds fu;r; osx ls ?kwerk gSA 10 m f=kT;k ds xksyh;
insZ ds vuqfn'k çdk'kh; /kCcs dk osx D;k gksxk ;fn niZ.k insZ ds oØrk dsUnz ij gks rFkk çdk'k ,d fuf'pr fn'kk ls
vkifrr gksrk gSA
Sol. Angular speed of reflected light = 0 rps
There is no change in angular of incidence due to rotation of mirror. Ans. zero

10. Consider a system of particles (it may be rigid or non rigid). In the column- some condition on force
and torque is given. Column- contains the effects on the system. (Letters have usual meaning)
d.kks dk fudk; (;g n`<+ ;k vn`<+ Hkh gks ldrk gS) ysaA LrEHk- esa cy o cyk?kw.kZ dh dqN 'krsZ nh xbZ gSA LrEHk- esa
fudk; ij izHkko fy[ks x;s gSA ¼inks dk lkekU; vFkZ gSA½
Column-I Column-II
 
(A) Fres  0 (p) Psystem will be constant
 
(B) res  0 (q) L system will be constant
(C) External force is absent (r) total work done by all forces will be zero
(D) No nonconservative force acts. (s) total mechanical energy will be constant.
 
(A) Fifj.kkeh = 0 (p) Psystem fu;r jgsxkA
 
(B)  ifj.kkeh = 0 (q) L system fu;r jgsxkA
(C) ckº; cy vuqifLFkr gS (r) lHkh cyks }kjk fd;k x;k dqy dk;Z 'kwU; gksxkA
(D) dksbZ Hkh vlaj{kh cy dk;Zjr ugha gksrk gSA (s) dqy ;kaf=kd ÅtkZ fu;r gksxhA
Ans. (A) p (B) q (C) p,q (D) s

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

Sol. (A) If resultant force is zero, Psystem will be constant.

(B) If resultant torque is zero, L system will be constant.
 
(C) If external forces are absent, both Psystem and L system will be constant.
(D) If no non conservative force acts, total mechanical energy of system will be constant.

(A) ;fn ifj.kkeh cy 'kwU; gks rks] Pfudk; dk fu;r jgsxkA

(B) ;fn ifj.kkeh cyk?kw.kZ 'kwU; gks rks] L fudk; fu;r jgsxkA
 
(C) ;fn ckº; cy vuqifLFkr gS rks nksuks Pfudk; o L fudk; fu;r gksaxsA
(D) ;fn dksbZ Hkh vlaj{kh cy dk;Z ugh djrk gS rks fudk; dh dqy ;kaf=kd ÅtkZ fu;r jgsxhA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A5 TO A6


Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks 2 min.) [60, 40]


1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (D) 7. (A)
8. (A) 9. (B) 10. (B) 11. (C) 12. (D) 13. (D) 14. (B)
15. (D) 16. (D) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (A) 20. (D)
1. The volume of a certain mass of gas at constant pressure is doubled to its value at 00C. The
temperature of the gas will be:
,d xSal ds dqN fuf'pr nzO;eku dk vk;ru fu;e nkc ij 0ºC rki okys vk;ru dk nqxquk fd;k tkrk gSA xSal dk
rki gksxk&
(A) 100º C (B) 173º C (C*) 273º C (D) 546º C
2. The molecules of an ideal gas have 6 degrees of freedom. The temperature of the gas is T. The
average translational kinetic energy of its molecules is:
fdlh vkn'kZ xSl esa v.kqvksa dh LorU=krk dh dksfV 6 gSA xSl dk rkieku T gSA buds v.kqvksa dh vkSlr LFkkukUrjh;
xfrt ÅtkZ dk eku gS &
3 6 1
(A*) kT (B) kT (C) k T (D) kT
2 2 2
3. An ideal gas is taken through cyclic process as shown in the figure. The net work done by the gas is:
,d vkn'kZ xSl dks fp=k esa n'kkZ;s x;s vuqlkj pØh; izØe ls xqtkjk tkrk gSA xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dqy dk;Z %

(A) zero 'kwU; (B*) PV (C) 2 PV (D) 3 PV

4. A person AB of height 170 cm is standing infront of a plane mirror. His eyes are at height 164 cm. At
what distance from P should a hole be made in the mirror so that he cannot see the top of his head.
,d O;fDr ftldh Å¡pkbZ 170 cm gS ,d lery niZ.k ds lkeus [kM+k gSA mldh vk¡[ks 164 cm Å¡pkbZ ij gSA P ls
fdl nwjh ij niZ.k esa Nsn cuk;k tk;s ftlls og viuk flj dk Åijh fljk ugh ns[k ldrk A

(A*) 167 cm (B) 161 cm (C) 163 cm (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

Figure in self explanatory. fp=k Lo;a gh le> esa vkrk gSA

5. Choose the correct mirror-image of figure given below.

uhps fn;s x;s fp=k esa lgh niZ.k&izfrfcEc pqfu;sA

(A) (B) (C*) (D)


6. Two wave functions in a medium moving along x direction are given by -

fdlh ek/;e esa x v{k ds vuqfn'k xfr'khy nks rjax Qyu fuEu gSA
1 1
y1  m y2  
2  ( 2x  3t ) 2 2  ( 2x  3t  6) 2
where x is in metres and t is in seconds
;gk¡ x ehVj es rFkk t lSd.M gSA
(A) There is no position at which resultant displacement will be zero at all times.
(B) There is no time at which resultant displacement will be zero everywhere.
(C) Both waves travel along the same direction.
(D*) Both waves travel in opposite directions.
(A) ;gk ,slh fLFkfr vuqifLFkr gS tgk ifj.kkeh foLFkkiu lHkh le; 'kwU; gSA
(B) fdlh Hkh le; ij ifj.kkeh foLFkkiu lHkh txg 'kwU; ugh gSA
(C) nksuksa rjaxs leku fn'kk esa xfr'khy gSA
(D*) nksuksa rjaxs foifjr fn'kk esa xfr'khy gSA
Sol. Resultant Displacement
ifj.kkeh foLFkkiu
y = y1 + y2
for y to be zero
y = 0 ds fy,
(2x – 3t)2 = (2x + 3t – 6)2
on solving gy djus ij (x – ) (t – 1) = 0
Therefore vr%,
at x = , resultant displacement is zero for all values of t.
x= , ij ifj.kkeh foLFkkiu t ds lHkh eku ij 'kwU; gSA rFkk t = 1 ij x ds lHkh eku ds fy, y = 0 gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
7. A convex mirror cannot form (for real or virtual object):
,d mry niZ.k ugha cuk ldrk ¼okLrfod o vkHkklh oLrq ds fy;s½:
(A*) real, diminished image (B) virtual, diminished image
(C) real, enlarged image (D) virtual, enlarged image
(A*) okLrfod o NksVk izfrfcEc (B) vkHkklh o NksVk izfrfcEc
(C) okLrfod o cM+k izfrfcEc (D) vkHkklh o cM+k izfrfcEc

8. Two plane mirrors are inclined to each other at 90º. A ray of light is incident on one mirror and the
reflected light goes to the other mirror. The ray will undergo a total deviation of :
nks lery niZ.k ,d nwljs ls 90º ds dks.k ij j[ks gSa A ,d izdk'k fdj.k ,d niZ.k ij vkifrr gksrh gS rFkk
ijkofrZr fdj.k nwljs niZ.k ij tkrh gSA fdj.k dk dqy fopyu gksxk
(A*) 180º (B) 90º (C) 45º
(D) cannot be found because angle of incidence is not given.
Kkr ugha dj ldrs D;ksafd vkiru dks.k ugha fn;k x;k gSA


  = 1 + 2 = (180 – 2i) + (180 – 2i'= 360 – 2(i + i') 

  = 360º – 2
 = 360º – 2(90º) = 180º.

9. AB is an incident beam of light and CD is a reflected beam (the number of reflections for this may be 1
or more than 1) of light. AB & CD are separated by some distance (may be large). It is possible by
placing what type of mirror on the right side.
AB ,d vkifrr fdj.k iqat vkSj CD ijkofrZr (ijkorZu ,d ;k ,d ls T;knk gks ldrs gS) iqat gSA AB o CD dqN
nwjh (;g vf/kd Hkh gks ldrh gS) ij fLFkr gSA nk¡;h rjQ dkSulk niZ.k j[kus ij ;g lEHko gS

(A) one plane mirror (B*) one concave mirror

(C) one convex mirror (D) none of these
(A) ,d lery niZ.k (B*) ,d vory niZ.k
(C) ,d mÙky niZ.k (D) mijksDr esa dksbZ ugh
Sol. The only possibility is by reflection from concave mirror as shown.
fp=kkuqlkj dsoy ,d laHkkouk vory niZ.k }kjk ijkorZu ls gS &

10. A particle performs S.H.M. on xaxis with amplitude A and time period T. The time taken by the particle
to travel a distance A/5 starting from rest is:
,d d.k x- v{k ij ljy vkorZ xfr dj jgk gS ftldk vk;ke A rFkk vkorZ dky T gSA d.k }kjk fojke ls pyrs
gq, A/5 nwjh r; djus essa yxk le; gSA
T T 4 T  1 T  1
(A) (B*) cos1   (C) cos1   (D) sin1  
20 2 5 2 5 2 5

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol. Particle is starting from rest, i.e. from one of its extreme position.
As particle moves a distance we can represent it on a circle as shown.
d.k fLFkj voLFkk ls pyuk çkjEHk djrk gS vFkkZr vius fdlh vUR; fcUnq esa pyuk çkjEHk djrk gSA
tSls fd d.k] nwjh r; djrk gS] bls ,d o`Ùk ij n'kkZ;k tk ldrk gSA
4A / 5 4 4
cos  =   = cos–1  
A 5 5
4A/5 A/5
1 P
4 4 
t = cos –1
  t =  cos–1   A
5 5 Q
1 4
= cos–1  
 5
Method : As starts from rest i.e. from extreme position x = A sin (t +  )
f}rh; fof/k% pqafd d.k fLFkjkoLFkk ls xfr djrk gS vFkkZr vUR; fcUnq ls xfr djrk gSA
x = A sin (t +  )
 A
At t = 0 ij ; x = A  =  A– = A cos t
2 5
4 4
= cos t  t = cos–1
5 5
T 4
t= cos–1  
2 5

11. The resultant amplitude due to super position of x1 = sin  t, x2 = 5 sin ( t + 37º) and
x3 =  15 cos  t is:
x1 = sin  t, x2 = 5 sin ( t + 37º) rFkk x3 =  15 cos  t ds vfrO;kiu ds ifj.kkeh dk vk;ke gksxk :
(A) 17 (B) 21 (C*) 13 (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Sol. x1 = sin t ; x2 = 5 sin (t + 37º)
x3 = 15 sin (t – /2)
By the phasor diagram;

Get the resultant of these 3 vectors as 13.

12. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of oxygen and 4 moles of argon at temperature T. Neglecting all
vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is:
,d xSl ds feJ.k esa 2 eksy vkWDlhtu vkSj 4 eksy vkxZu T rki ij gSA lHkh izdkj ds dEiuksa dks ux.; ekurs gq,]
bl fudk; dh dqy vkarfjd mtkZ gS -
(A) 4 R T (B) 5 R T (C) 15 R T (D*) 11 R T
Sol. In an ideas gas internal energy fdlh vkn'kZ xSl dh vkarfjd mtkZ = nRT
5 3
U= × RT + 4 × RT = 11 RT.
2 2

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
13. Heat required to vaporize 4g of water by boiling at 373 K is 2160 calories. The specific heat of water in
this condition is :
4g ty dks 373 K ij mckydj okf"ir djus esa vko';d Å"ek 2160 dsyksjh gSA bl fLFkfr esa ty dh fof'k"V
Å"ek gS &
(A) 0.36 cal/g-K (B) 5.4 cal/g-K (C) zero 'kwU; (D*) infinity vuUr
Sol. Q = mST
Since in boiling T = 0, S = 
pwafd mckyus esa T = 0, S = 
14. A string vibrates in 5 segments to a frequency of 480 Hz. The frequency that will cause it to vibrate in 2
segments will be
,d Mksjh 5 [k.Mksa esa 480Hz dh vko`fr ij dEiUu djrh gSA og vko`fr ftl ij ;g Mksjh 2 [k.Mksa esa dEiUu djrh
gS] gksxh&
(A) 96 Hz (B*) 192 Hz (C) 1200 Hz (D) 2400 Hz
15. When a wave pulse travelling in a string is reflected from a rigid wall to which string is tied as shown in
figure. For this situation two statements are given below.
tc ,d rjax LiUn (pulse) jLlh ds vuqfn'k xeu dj jgh gS rFkk ;g n`<+ nhokj ls ijkofrZr gks jgh gSA jLlh
nhokj ls fp=kkuqlkj ca/kh gSA bl fLFkfr ds fy, nks dFku fn, x, gSA

(1) The reflected pulse will be in same orientation of incident pulse due to a phase change of  radians
(2) During reflection the wall exert a force on string in upward direction
For the above given two statements choose the correct option given below.
(A) Only (1) is true (B) Only (2) is true (C) Both are true (D*) Both are wrong
(1) ijkofrZr LiUn dk foU;kl vkifrr LiUn ds leku gksrk gS rFkk mldk dyk esa ifjorZu  jsfM;u gksrk gSA
(2) ijkorZu ds nkSjku nhokj jLlh ij Åij dh fn'kk esa cy yxkrh gSA
bu fn;s x;s dFkuksa esa lR; gSA
(A) dsoy (1) lR; gS (B) dsoy (2) lR; gS (C) nksuksa lR; gS (D*) nksuks xyr gS
Sol. Reflected pulse will be inverted as it is reflected by a denser medium. The wall exerts force in
downward direction.
ijkofrZr fdj.k mYVh gksxh ;fn ;g ijkorZu l?ku ek/;e ls gqvk gSA nhokj uhps ds fn'kk esa cy yxkrh gSA
16. A stone is projected from ground and hits a smooth vertical wall after 1 sec. and again falls back on the
ground. The time taken by stone to reach the ground after the collision is 3 secs. The maximum height
reached by the same stone if the vertical wall were not to be present is. (g = 10 m/s2)
,d iRFkj dks tehu ls ç{ksfir fd;k tkrk gS vkSj 1 sec. ds ckn ;g fpduh Å/oZ nhokj ls Vdjkrk gS vkSj nqckjk
tehu ij vkdj fxjrk gSA VDdj ds ckn iRFkj tehu ij nqckjk 3 secs ds ckn fxjrk gSA vxj Å/oZ nhokj chp esa
ugha gksrh] rks blh iRFkj }kjk izkIr vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ gksxh & (g = 10 m/s2)

(A) 10 m (B) 12.5 m (C) 15 m (D*) 20 m

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol. Time of flight of projectile depends on vertical component of velocity and not on the horizontal
component. Collision of the stone with the vertical wall changes only the horizontal component of
velocity of stone.
Thus the total time of flight in absence of wall is also T = 1 + 3 = 4sec
iz{ksI; dk mM~M;u dky osx ds Å/okZ/kj ?kVd ij fuHkZj djrk gS rFkk {kSfrt ?kVd ij ugh fuHkZj djrk gSA iRFkj
dh Å/okZ/kj nhokj ds lkFk VDdj ls iRFkj ds osx dk dsoy {kSfrt ?kVd cnyrk gSA bl izdkj] nhokj dh
vuqifLFkfr esa mM~M;u dk dqy le; gS &
T = 1 + 3 = 4sec
2u y
 =4 or ;k uy = 20 m/s
2u 2y 400
or ;k Hmax = = = 20 metres.
2g 20

17. A thick plane mirror shows a number of images of the filament of an electric bulb. Of these, the
brightest image is the-
(A) First (B*) Second (C) Last (D) Fourth
,d eksVk lery niZ.k ,d fo|qr cYc ds rUrq ds cgqr ls izfrfcEc fn[kkrs gSa] rks lcls pedhyk izfrfcEc gksxk&
(A) izFke (B*) f}rh; (C) vfUre (D) prqFkZ
Sol. A thick mirror forms a number of images. Image is formed by front surface which is unpolished and
hence, reflects only a small part of light, while second image is formed by polished surface which
reflects most of intensity. Hence second image is brightest.
,d eksVk niZ.k cgqr lkjs izfrfcEc cukrk gS izFke izfrfcEc izFke (front) lrg ls curk gS ftldh iksfy'k ugh gksrh
gS vr% izdk'k dk FkksMk lk Hkkx ijkofrZr gksrk gS] tcfd f}rh; izfrfcEc iksfy'k lrg ls curk gS ftlls rhozrk dk
vf/kdka'k Hkkx ijkofrZr gksrk gS vr% f}rh; izfrfcEc pedhyk gksrk gSA
18. A ball rise with constant velocity, to the surface of a liquid whose density is four times that of the ball.
The ratio of the frictional force to weight of the ball is
,d xsan ,d æo dh lrg dh rjQ fu;r osx ls Åij mBrh gS] æo dk ?kuRo xsan ds ?kuRo dk pkj xquk gSA ?k"kZ.k
cy o xsan ds Hkkj dk vuqikr gksxk REE_1995
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C*) 3 (D) 4
19. The work done per unit volume in stretching a wire is
(A*) (1/2) stress x strain (B) (1/4) stress x elongation
(C) (1/2) stress x elongation force x elongation (D) force x elongation
,d rkj dks [khapus esa izfr ,dkad vk;ru ij fd;k x;k dk;Z gksxk
(A*) (1/2) izfrcy x fod`fr (B) (1/4) izfrcy x yEckbZ esa foLrkj
(C) (1/2) izfrcy x foLrkfjr cy x yEckbZ esa foLrkj (D) cy x yEckbZ esa foLrkj

20. A particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum L. If the frequency of particle's
motion is doubled and its kinetic energy is halved, the angular momentum becomes :
,d d.k; laosx L ds lkFk le#i o`Ùkh; xfr djrk gSA ;fn d.k dh xfr dh vko`fÙk nqxuq h o xfrt ÅtkZ
vk/kh dj nh tk;s rks; laosx gksxk &
(A) 2L (B) 4L (C) L/2 (D*) L/4
Sol. L = 
' = 2
1 1 2 1
 I  = ' '2
2 2  2
I2 =
´ 42
´ =  
I I L
L´ = ´ ´ = 2 = =  
8 4 4

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
NCERT Questions to be discussed
Q. No. 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.5, 9.15, 9.16, 9.37

Board Level Questions

1. Derive mirror formula and expression for linear magnification by drawing suitable ray diagram.
niZ.k lw=k O;qRiUu djks rFkk mi;qDr fdj.k fp=k }kjk js[kh; vko/kZu dk O;atd izkIr djksA
2. Draw a ray diagram to show lateral shift produced by a glass slab and prove that net deviation
produced by glass slab is zero.
fdj.k fp=k cukrs gq, dk¡p dh ifêdk }kjk mRiUu ik'oZ foLFkkiu iznf'kZr djks rFkk fl) djks fd dk¡p dh ifêdk
}kjk mRiUu dqy fopyu 'kwU; gksrk gSA
3. What is total internal reflection? How it differs from normal reflection. What is role of TIR in optical
iw.kZ vkarfjd ijkorZu D;k gS \ vfHkyEcor~ ijkorZu ls ;g fdl izdkj fHkUu gS \ izdk'k rarq esa TIR dk D;k ;ksxnku
gS \

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A5 TO A6


Total Marks : 42 Max. Time : 30 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.3 to Q.7 (4 marks 2 min.) [20, 10]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.8 to Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [08, 10]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (B) 2. (D) 3. (A) (B) (D) 4. (A) (D) 5. (C)(D)
6. (B) 7. (A) (D) 8. R = 75 cm. 9. size of final image is = 8 cm, distance of P
from AB = 1 cm., distance of Q from AB = 7 cm. 10. (A) – s ; (B) – p, r ; (C) – q

1. A ring of radius R lies in vertical plane. A bead of mass ‘m’ can move along the ring without friction.
Initially the bead is at rest at the bottom most point on ring. The minimum constant horizontal speed v
with which the ring must be pulled such that the bead completes the vertical circle
R f=kT;k dh oy; m/okZ/kj ry esa fLFkr gSA ‘m’ nzO;eku dk ,d eudk oy; ds vuqfn'k fcuk ?k"kZ.k ds xfr dj
ldrk gSA izkjEHk esa eudk oy; ds fuEure fcUnq ij fojke esa gSA oy; dks fdl U;wure fu;r {kSfrt pky ls
[khapuk pkfg, ftlls eudk o`Ùkh; xfr dj ldsA

(A) 3gR (B*) 4gR (C) 5gR (D) 5.5 gR

Sol. In the frame of ring (inertial w.r.t. earth), the initial velocity of the bead is v at the lowest position.

The condition for bead to complete the vertical circle is, its speed at top position
vtop  0
From conservation of energy
1 1
m + mg (2R) = mv2
2 2
or v= 4gR

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
2. A block of mass M rests on a rough horizontal surface. The co-efficient of friction between the block and
the surface is . A force F = M g acting at angle  with the vertical side of the block pulls it. In which of
the following cases, the block can be pulled along the surface?
M nzO;eku dk CykWd [kqjnjs {kSfrt ry ij fojke esa j[kk gSA CykWd rFkk lrg ds e/; ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad  gSA CykWd dks
[khapus ds fy, Å/okZ/kj ls  dks.k ij F = Mg cy yxk;k tkrk gSA fuEu esa ls fdl fLFkfr esa CykWd dks lrg ds
vuqfn'k [khapk tk ldrk gS \
(A) tan  (B) cot  (C) cot (/2)  (D*) cot (/2) > 
Sol. N = Mg(1 – cos)

Mg sin > Mg (1 – cos)

3. A block of mass m = 1 kg is placed on a smooth surface and is connected with a spring of spring
constant k = 100 N/m and another end of spring is connected to a fixed wall as shown. The block is
pulled by a distance A = 0.10 m from its natural length and released at t = 0.
m = 1kg nzO;eku dk ,d CykWd fpduh (smooth) lrg ij j[kk gqvk gS vkSj fLizax fu;rkad k = 100 N/m ds fLçax
ls fp=kkuqlkj tqM+k gqvk gS rFkk fLçax dk nwljk fljk fLFkj nhokj ls tqM+k gSA CykWd dks mldh ¼fLizax dh½ izkd`frd
yEckbZ ls A = 0.10 m nwjh rd [khapk tkrk gS ,oa t = 0 ij eqä djrs gSA

 
(A*) The maximum speed is after t = s. (B*) Time taken to cover first 0.10 m, t = s.
20 20
 
(C) Time taken to cover first 0.05 m, t = s. (D*) Time taken to cover first 0.05 m, t = s.
40 30
 
(A*) t = s ds ckn vf/kdre pky gksxh (B*) izFke 0.10 m r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; t = s gaSA
20 20

(C) izFke 0.05 m r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; t = s gSaA

(D*) izFke 0.05 m r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; t = s gSaA
Sol.  = = 10 rad/s
2 2
T=  s
 10
2 
Maximum speed will be at the natural length of the spring at T/4 =  s.
10  4 20
T 
Time taken to cover 0.1 m is  s
4 20
1 T 2 2 2 
Time taken to cover × 0.1m is  =   s
2 4 3 10  4 3 30
 = = 10 rad/s
2 2
T=  s
 10
2 
vf/kdre pky fLizax dh izkd`frd yEckbZ ij ij gksrh gS T/4 = = s.
10  4 20

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T 
0.1 m nwjh r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; gSa  s
4 20
T 2 2 2 
2 × 0.1m nwjh r; djus esa fy;k x;k le; gSa  =   s
4 3 10  4 3 30

4. A vessel is partly filled with liquid. When the vessel is cooled to a lower temperature, the space in the
vessel, unoccupied by the liquid remains constant. Then the volume of the liquid (VL), volume of the
vessel (Vv), the coefficients of cubical expansion of the material of the vessel (v) and of the liquid (L)
are related as
,d ik=k vkaf'kd :i ls nzo ls Hkjk gS] tc ik=k dks rki de djds B.Mk fd;k tkrk gS] rks nzo }kjk ik=k esa fcuk
f?kjk gqvk LFkku fu;r jgrk gSA rc nzo dk vk;ru (VL), ik=k dk vk;ru (Vv), ik=k ds inkFkZ dk vk;ru çlkj
xq.kkad (v) rFkk nzo ds fy, (L) fuEu çdkj lEcfU/kr gSA
(A*) L>v (B) L<v (C) v/L=Vv/VL (D*) v/L=VL/Vv
Sol.  VL = VV
 LVL = VVV or  V
but VV > VL  L > V

5. Figure shows the shape of string along which a pure transverse simple harmonic wave is travelling
towards positive x-axis such that particles of wave are vibrating along y-direction. At the instant shown
in figure, acceleration of particle :
fp=k esa ,d Mksjh dk vkdkj n'kkZ;k x;k gS ftlds vuqfn'k ,d 'kq) vuqçLFk ljy vkorZ rjax lapfjr gS tks
/kukRed x- v{k dh vksj bl çdkj xfr'khy gS fd rjax ds d.k y-fn'kk ds vuqfn'k dEiUu djrs gSA fp=k esa n'kkZ;s
x;s {k.k ij d.k dk Roj.k &

(A) A is towards positive y-axis (B) C is towards positive y-axis

(C*) B is towards negative y-axis (D*) D is zero
(A) A dk /kukRed y-v{k dh vksj (B) C dk /kukRed y-v{k dh vksj
(C*) B dk _.kkRed y-v{k dh vksj (D*) D dk 'kwU; gS
Sol. For particles executing SHM acceleration will be opposite to displacement from mean position.
SHM djrs d.k ds fy, Roj.k ek/; fLFkfr ls foLFkkiu ds foifjr vksj gksxkA
A point object is placed on principal axis of a concave mirror ( of focal length 15 cm) at a distance
u = 61 cm from pole. A slab of thickness t = 3 cm and refractive index  = 1.5 is placed with two sides
perpendicular to principal axis, such that its nearest face is x 0 cm from pole. The final image of object is
to be considered after refraction by slab, reflection by mirror and final refraction by slab.
,d fcUnq oLrq dks vory niZ.k ¼ftldh Qksdl nwjh 15 cm gS½ ds lkeus eq[; v{k ij /kzoq (pole) ls u = 61 cm dh
nwjh ij j[kk tkrk gSA ,d ifêdk ftldh eksVkbZ t = 3 cm gS rFkk viorZukad  = 1.5 gS dks eq[; v{k ij j[kk
tkrk gSA bldh nksuksa lrgs eq[; v{k ds yEcor~ gS rFkk /kzqo ls utnhd okyh lrg dh nwjh x0 cm gSA igys ifêdk
ls viorZu] fQj niZ.k ls ijkorZu] fQj ifêdk ls vfUre viorZu ds ckn cus oLrq ds izfrfcEc dks] oLrq dk vfUre
izfrfcEc dgsaxsA
f =15cm f =15cm

object oLrq
x0 x0
t=3cm =1.5 t=3cm =1.5

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6. The distance of final image from pole if
vfUre izfrfcEc dh /kzqo ls nwjh ;fn %
(A) x0 = 20 cm is 19 (B*) x0 = 10 cm is 21
(C) x0 = 15 cm is 23 (D) x0 = 5 cm is 24
(A) x0 = 20 cm gks rks 19 gksxh (B*) x0 = 10 cm gks rks 21 gksxh
(C) x0 = 15 cm gks rks 23 gksxh (D) x0 = 5 cm gks rks 24 gksxh
7. Select correct statements
lgh fodYiksa dk p;u djks %
(A*) If x0 = 30 cm and the object is given velocity 18 m/s towards left then the speed of image at that
instant is 2 m/s
(B) If x0 = 30 cm and the object is given velocity 18 m/s towards left then the speed of image at that
instant is 1.5 m/s
(C) If the slab is shifted parallel to itself by 3 cm then the final image shifts towards right
(D*) If the slab is shifted parallel to itself by 3 cm then the final image does not shift
(A) ;fn x0 = 30 cm rFkk oLrq dks cka;h rjQ 18 m/s osx fn;k tk;s rks bl {k.k izfrfcEc dh pky 2 m/s gSA
(B) ;fn x0 = 30 cm rFkk oLrq dks cka;h rjQ 1.5 m/s osx fn;k tk;s rks bl {k.k izfrfcEc dh pky 2 m/s gSA
(C) ;fn ifêdk dks Lo;a ds lekarj 3 cm foLFkkfir fd;k tk;s rks vafre izfrfcEc nka;h rjQ foLFkkfir gks tkrk gSA
(D*) ;fn ifêdk dks Lo;a ds lekarj 3 cm foLFkkfir fd;k tk;s rks vafre izfrfcEc foLFkkfir ugha gksrk gSA
Sol. 6 to 7
 1  1 
The shift due to slab is t1    31   = 1cm towards left. Hence the object appears to mirror at a
    1 .5 
distance 61 – 1 = 60 cm.
1 1 1
From mirror formula   we get v =20 cm.
v u f
 1
ifêdk ds dkj.k foLFkkiu t1    31 
1 
 = 1cm cka;h rjQ gksxkA vr% oLrq dh nwjh] niZ.k dks 61 – 1 =
    1 .5 
60 cm izrhr gksxh
1 1 1
niZ.k lw=k l   ge ikrs gS v = 20 cm.
v u f
f =15cm =1.5

1cm I object


t = 3cm

Hence the mirror forms the image at v = 20 cms towards right. The slab again causes a shift of 1cm
towards right. hence the final image is formed at a distance of 21 cm from pole.
Shifting of slab towards left does no cause any change to position of final image .
The slab only causes apparent shift, but does not cause any change to velocity of image. Hence the
velocity of image is only due to mirror. The object appears at a distance u= 60 cm from mirror and
mirror forms its image at v=20 cm. Hence the velocity of image is
2 2
v  20 
   =× velocity of object=     18 = 2 m/s towards right
u  60 
vr% niZ.k izfrfcEc dk v = 20 cms ij nka;h rjQ cukrk gSA ifêdk fQj ls 1cm dk foLFkkiu nka;h vksj djrh gSA
vr% vfUre izfrfcEc /kzqo ls 21 cm dh nwjh ij curk gSA
ifêdk dk cka;h rjQ foLFkkiu ds dkj.k vfUre izfrfcEc dh fLFkfr esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gksrk gSA
ifêdk ds dkj.k vkHkklh foLFkkiu gksrk gS ijUrq izfrfcEc ds osx esa dksbZ ifjorZu ugha gksrk gSA vr% izfrfcEc dk osx
dsoy niZ.k ds dkj.k gSA oLrq u = 60 cm ij niZ.k ls nwjh ij izrhr gksrh gS rFkk niZ.k bldk izfrfcEc v = 20 cm
cukrk gS vr% izfrfcEc dk osx
2 2
v  20 
   =× oLrq dk osx =     18 = 2 m/s nk;ha rjQ
u  60 
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8. In the figure, an object is placed at distance 25 cm from the surface of a convex mirror, and a plane
mirror is set so that the image formed by the two mirrors lie adjacent to each other in the same plane.
The plane mirror is placed at 20 cm from the object. What is the radius of curvature of the convex
fp=k esa mÙky niZ.k dh lrg ls 25 cm nwjh ij ,d fcEc j[kk gS vkSj ,d lery niZ.k bl çdkj j[kk tkrk gS
rkfd nksuksa niZ.kksa ls cus çfrfcEc ,d gh ry esa ikl&ikl gksaA lery niZ.k fcEc ls 20 cm nwj j[kk gSA mÙky
niZ.k dh oØrk f=kT;k D;k gksxh ?

Sol. Image due to plane mirror will form at a distance of 20 cm left of the mirror.
Since image formed by two mirrrors lie adjacent to each other.
For convex mirror, image position is 15 cm towards left.
u = – 25 cm
v = + 15 cm
1 1 1 2
using + = =
v u f R
1 1 2
– =
15 25 R
R = 75 cm.
Ans. R = 75 cm.

9. In the figure shown M1 and M2 are two spherical mirrors of focal length 20 cm each. AB and CD are
their principal axes respectively which are separated by 1 cm. PQ is an object of height 2 cm and kept
at distance 30 cm from M1. The separation between the mirrors is 50 cm. Consider two successive
reflections first on M1 then on M2. Find the size of the 2nd image. Also find distances of end points P
and Q of that image from the line AB.
fp=k esa izR;sd 20 lseh Qksdl nwjh okys nks xksyh; niZ.k M1 rFkk M2 ;gk¡ fn[kk;s x, gSaA AB rFkk CD muds eq[;
v{k gSa] tks 1 lseh dh nwjh ij gSaA PQ ,d 2 lseh Å¡pkbZ dk fcEc gS vkSj M1 ls 30 lseh nwjh ij j[kk gSA niZ.kksa ds
e/; nwjh 50 lseh gSA nks mÙkjksrj ijkorZu dks ekfu,] igyk M1 ij rFkk nwljk M2 ijA f}rh; izfrfcEc dk vkdkj
crkb,\ js[kk AB ls vfUre fcUnqvksa P vkSj Q dh nwjh Hkh crkb,A

Sol. for M1 :  u = – 30, f = – 20 

1 1 1
  + =  v = – 60 cm
v  30  20
v 60
m1 = – =– = – 2.
u  30
The image By M1 is PQ
for M2 : u = + 10 , f = + 20
1 1 1
 + =  v = – 20 cm
v 10 20
m2 = – =+2
now the size of final image is = 8 cm. Ans.

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distance of P from AB = 1 cm. Ans.
distance of Q from AB = 7 cm. Ans.

10. In column-II some situations are listed and correspondingly a physical quantity is defined as x match
the entries of column-I with column-II :
dkWye-II esa dqN fLFkfr;k¡ nh xbZ gS rFkk lEcfU/kr ifjHkkf"kr HkkSfrd jkf'k x gSA dkWye-I rFkk dkWye-II esa nh xbZ
lwpukvksa dk feyku dhft,A
Column-I Column-II
dkWye-I dkWye-II
(A) x increases c<+sxk (p) Consider an ideal gas in a closed container.
Temperature of gas is increased
x = no. of molecules moving with most probable speed
,d cUn ik=k esa vkn'kZ xSl mifLFkr gS rFkk xSl dk rkieku
c<+k;k tkrk gS
x = vf/kdre lkEHkkO; osx j[kus okys v.kqvksa dh la[;k
(B) x decreases ?kVsxk (q) If unit of mass, length and time are doubled
x = numerical value of gravitational constant
;fn nzO;eku, yEckbZ rFkk le; dh foek dks nqxuk dj fn;k
tk;s rks
x = xq:Rokd"kZ.k fu;rkad dk la[;kRed eku

(C) x = remains same leku jgsxk (r) An object moves from forcus to pole of a concave mirror
with constant speed along principle axis
x = speed of image as object moves
,d fcEc vory niZ.k ds eq[; v{k ds vuqfn'k Qksdl ls /kzoq dh
rjQ fu;r pky ls xfr djrk gS
x = tc fcEc pyrk gS rks izfrfcEc dh pky
(s) A source of sound is moved from B to A with constant
;fn ,d /ofu L=kksr B ls A dh vksj fu;r osx ls pyrk gS

x = wavelength of sound as observed by O
x = O ds }kjk izsf{kr /ofu dh rjaxnS/;Z
Ans. (A) – s ; (B) – p, r ; (C) – q

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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A7


Total Marks : 39 Max. Time : 27 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.3 (3 marks 2 min.) [09, 06]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.4 to Q.6 (4 marks 2 min.) [12, 06]
Comprehension ('–1' negative marking) Q.7 to Q.8 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (A) 2. (A) 3. (D) 4. (A) (B) (C) (D) 5. (B)(C) 6. (A) (C) (D)
7. (D) 8. (C) 9. 1 10. A  P, Q ; B  P, R, S ; C  P, S

1. For the given incident ray as shown in figure, the condition of total internal reflection of the ray will be
satisfied if the refractive index of block will be :

3 1 2 1 3 7
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 6
fp=k esa fufnZ"V vkifrr fdj.k ds fy,] iw.kZ vkarfjd ijkorZu ds fy, 'krZ larq"V gksxh ;fn CykWd dk viorZukad gS %

3 1 2 1 3 7
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
2 2 2 6
Sol. For total internal reflection angle of incidence should be greater than critical angle. For total internal
reflection to take place, angle of incidence > critical angle
iw.kZ vkUrfjd ijkorZu ds fy, vkiru dks.k ØkfUrd dks.k ls vf/kd gksuk pkfg,
i.e. vFkkZr~ i>C
or ;k >C
or ;k sin  > sin C
but ysfdu sin C =

and from figure rFkk fp=k ls,  = 90° – r
So vr%, sin (90° – r) >

i.e. vFkok, = ... (i)
cos r

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From Snell’s law, Lusy ds fu;e ls
sin 45 1
=   sin r =
sin r 2
 cos r = 1  sin 2 r = 1
2 2
Thus, equation (i) becomes vr% lehdj.k (i) gksxh
1 1
>  2 =
1 1
1 2 1
2 2 2

1 3
or 2 – =1 or =
2 2

2. A particle A of mass kg is moving in the positive direction of x. Its initial position is x = 0 & initial
velocity is 1 m/s. The velocity at x = 10 is: (use the graph given)
kg æO;eku dk d.k A /kukRed x-fn'kk esa xfr dj jgk gSA bldh izkjfEHkd fLFkfr x = 0 rFkk izkjfEHkd osx 1m/s
gS] rks x = 10 ij osx gksxk : (fn;s x;s xzkQ dk mi;ksx djks)
Power (in watts)
'kfDr (okWV esa)

10 (in m)

(A*) 4 m/s (B) 2 m/s (C) 3 2 m/s (D) 100/3 m/s

v v
 dv   mv 3  10
Sol. (A) Area under P–x graph =  p dx =   m  v dx =
 dt  
mv 2 dV = 

 3
 =

 1
7 3
(v 3 – 1)

from graph ; area = (2 + 4) × 10 = 30
v v
dv  mv 3  10
  
(A) P–x xzkQ ds uhps dk {ks=kQy = p dx = mv dx = mv dv =   = (v3 – 1)
dt 
 3 
1 7  3
xzkQ ls ; {ks=kQy = (2 + 4) × 10 = 30
 (v3 – 1) = 30
 v = 4 m/s
ALITER : oSdfYid
from graph xzkQ ls
P = 0.2 x + 2
or ;k mv v = 0.2 x + 2
or ;k mv2 dv = (0.2 x + 2) dx
v 10
Now integrate both sides, nksuksa rjQ lekdyu djus ij 
mv 2 dv =  (0.2x  2)dx
 v = 4 m/s.

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
3. A car is initially at rest, 330 m away from a stationary observer. It begins to move towards the observer
with an acceleration of 1.1 m/s2, sounding its horn continuously. 20 second later, the driver stops
sounding the horn. The velocity of sound in air is 330 m/s. The observer will hear the sound of the horn
for a duration of:
,d dkj izkjEHk esa fLFkj izs{kd ls 330 m nwjh ij fLFkjkoLFkk esa gSA ;g izs{kd dh rjQ 1.1 m/s2, Roj.k ls pyuk
izkjEHk djrh gS ;g yxkrkj gkWuZ ctkrh gS fQj 20 sec. i'pkr~ pkyd gkWuZ cUn dj nsrk gSA ;fn /ofu dk gok esa
osx 330 m/s gSA rks izs{kd fdrus le; rd gkWuZ dh vkokt lqusxk&
(A) 20 sec (B) 21 sec (C) 62/3 sec (D*) 58/3 sec


 In 20 seconds , distance travelled by the Source is :

S= (1.1) (20)2 = 220 m.
Let, t = 0 be the starting time.
 330 
The sound wave started at t = 0 from 'A' reaches the observer at 'B' after   = 1sec. ie. observer
 330 
started hearing the sound at t = 1 sec. At t = 20 sec. the source reaches at 'C' 220 m from 'A'.
 110  1
The last sound wave starting from 'C' reaches 'B' afrer   = sec < 1 sec.
 330  3
Hence , the observer do not hear the sound for whole 20 sec.
but for:
 1 58
T = 19   sec = sec.
 3 3
4. Graph shows a hypothetical speed distribution for a sample of N gas particle (for V > V0; = 0,
is rate of change of number of particles with change veloicty)
dN dN
xzkQ esa N-xSl d.kksa ds fy,] ,d vfHkdfYir pky forj.k n'kkZ;k x;k gS (V > V0 ds fy,] = 0, osx esa
dV dV
ifjorZu ds lkFk d.kks dh la[;k esa ifjorZu dh nj gS)


speed V
(A*) The value of aV0 is 2N. aV0 dk eku 2N gSA
(B*) The ratio Vavg / V0 is equal to 2/3. VvkSlr / V0 dk vuqikr 2/3 ds cjkcj gSA
(C*) The ratio Vrms / V0 is equal to 1/ 2 . VoxZ ek/; ewy pky / V0 dk vuqikr 1/ 2 ds cjkcj gSA
(D*) Three fourth of the total particle has a speed between 0.5 V0 and V0.
dqy d.kksa es ls rhu&pkSFkkbZ d.kksa dh pky 0.5 V0 rFkk V0 ds chp gSA

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Sol. Area under the curve is equal to number of molecules of the gas sample. Hence
oØ ds vUnj f?kjk {ks=kQy] xSl uewus ds dqy v.kqvksa dh la[;k ds cjkcj gSA vr%
N = . a . V0  aV0 = 2N
 V0
1  a  2 Vavg 2

Vavg =
vN( V )dV =
N  C.  v
0 0
.V dV =
 3
V0 

 V0
1 1  a  V2 V 1
   V 2  .V dV = 0  rms 
v rms V 2N( V )dV =
N N  0 
v 2 V0 2
0 0
Area under the curve from 0.5 V0 to V0 is of total area.
0.5 V0 ls V0 ds chp oØ dk {ks=kQy dqy {ks=kQy dk gSA
5. A particle is executing SHM between points -Xm and Xm, as shown in figure-I. The velocity V(t) of the
particle is partially graphed and shown in figure-II. Two points A and B corresponding to time t1 and
time t2 respectively are marked on the V(t) curve.
fp=k–I esa fn[kk, vuqlkj ,d d.k fcUnq -Xm vkSj Xm ds chp ljy vkorZ xfr dj jgk gSA d.k dk osx V(t) vkaf'kd
:i ls fp=k–II esa fn[kk;k x;k gSA nks fcUnq A vkSj B, le; t1 o t2 ds laxr V(t) oØ ij fpfUgr gS

+x B
O Xm t1
t2 t
A Figure-II
(A) At time t1 , it is going towards Xm.
(B*) At time t1, its speed is decreasing.
(C*) At time t2, its position lies in between –Xm and O.
(D) The phase difference  between points A and B must be expressed as 90° <  < 180°.
(A) le; t1 ij, ;g Xm dh rjQ xfreku gSA
(B*) le; t1 ij, bldh pky ?kV jgh gSA
(C*) le; t2 ij , bldh fLFkfr –Xm vkSj O ds chp esa gSA
(D) fcUnqvksa A o B ds chp dykUrj  , 90° <  < 180° ds :i esa fuf'pr :i ls O;Dr fd;k tkrk gSA
Sol. At time t1, velocity of the particle is negative i.e. going towards –Xm. From the graph, at time t1, its speed
is decreasing. Therefore particle lies in between –Xm and 0.
At time t2, velocity is positive and its magnitude is less than maximum i.e. it has yet not crossed O.
It lies in between –Xm and 0.
Phase of particle at time t1 is (180 + 1). Phase of particle at time t2 is (270 + 2)
Phase difference is 90 + (2 – 1)
2 – 1 can be negative making  < 90° but can not be more than 90°.
t1 le; ij d.k dk osx _.kkRed gS vFkkZr –Xm dh rjQ xfr'khy gSA xzkQ ls t1 le; ij bldh pky ?kV jgh gSA
blfy, d.k –Xm rFkk 0 ds e/; fLFkr gSA
t2 le; ij] osx /kukRed gSA rFkk bldk ifjek.k vf/kdre ls de gSA vFkkZr~ ;g O dks ikj ugh djrk gSA ;g –Xm
rFkk 0 ds e/; fLFkr gSA
t1 le; ij d.k dh dyk (180 + 1). t2 le; ij d.k dh dyk (270 + 2)
dykUrj  90 + (2 – 1)
 < 90° ds fy, 2 – 1 _.kkRed gks ldrk gSA ijUrq 90° ls T;knk ugh gks ldrk gSA

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
6. When the temperature of a copper coin is raised by 80 oC, its diameter increases by 0.2%,
tc ,d rkacs ds flDds dk rki 80 oC rd c<+k;k tkrk gS rks bldk O;kl 0.2% c<+ tkrk gS &
(A*) percentage rise in the area of a face is 0.4%
bldh lrg ds {ks=kQy esa çfr'kr o`f) 0.4% gksxhA
(B) percentage rise in the thickness is 0.4%
eksVkbZ eas çfr'kr o`f) 0.4% gksxhA
(C*) percentage rise in the volume is 0.6%
vk;ru esa çfr'kr o`f) 0.6% gksxhA
(D*) coefficient of linear expansion of copper is 0.25x10-4 / oC.
rkacs dk js[kh; çlkj xq.kkad 0.25x10-4 / oC gSA
A 
Sol. × 100= 2 × × 100
A 
 % increase in Area {kS=kQy esa % o`f) = 2 × 0.2 = 0.4
× 100 = 3 × 0.2 = 0.6 %
Since pawfd l = l T
× 100 = T × 100 = 0.2

  = 0.25 × 10–4 / ºC

Consider the situation in figure. The bottom of the pot is a reflecting plane mirror, S is a small fish and T
is a human eye. Refractive index of water is 4/3.
fp=k esa n'kkZ;s x;s vuqlkj ik=k ds isans dk ry ijkorZd lery niZ.k gS] S ,d NksVh eNyh gS rFkk T euq"; dh
vk¡[k gSA ty dk viorZukad 4/3 gSA

60 cm

60 cm
30 cm

7. At what distance from itself will the fish see the image of the eye in upward direction?
eNyh dks Lo;a ls fdruh nwjh ij vk¡[k dk izfrfcEc Åijh fn'kk esa fn[kkbZ nsxk\
(A) 35 cm (B) 45 cm (C) 55 cm (D*) 110 cm
Sol. Distance of image of eye from fish in upward direction
eNyh ls vk¡[k ds izfrfcEc dh nwjh Åijh fn'kk esa gksxhA
d 60 4
d= + 30 = = 60 × + 30 = 110 cm
nrel   3
 1 
 4 
 3

8. At what distance from itself will the fish see the image of the eye in downward direction?
eNyh dks Lo;a ls fdruh nwjh ij vk¡[k dk izfrfcEc uhps dh fn'kk esa fn[kkbZ nsxk\
(A) 90 cm (B) 110 cm (C*) 170 cm (D) 180 cm
Sol. Distance of first image of eye from the refraction at water surface
v= = 80
 
 1 
 4 
 3
Distance of image of eye from mirror due to refraction
= 80 + 60 = 140
Distance of second image in downward direction from mirror = 140 cm
Distance of second image from fish in downward direction = 140 + 30 = 170 cm
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ty lrg ij viorZu ls vk¡[k ds igys izfrfcEc dh nwjh
v= = 80
 
 1 
 4 
 3
viorZu ds dkj.k niZ.k ls vk¡[k ds izfrfcEc dh nwjh
= 80 + 60 = 140
niZ.k ls uhps dh fn'kk esa f}rh; izfrfcEc dh nwjh = 140 cm
uhps dh fn'kk esa eNyh ls f}rh; izfrfcEc dh nwjh = 140 + 30 = 170 cm

9. A uniform ring of radius 4 cm placed on a rough horizontal surface is given a sharp impulse as in figure.
As a consequence it acquires a linear velocity of 2 m/s. If coefficient of friction between the ring and the
horizontal surface be 0.4. Find the velocity of centre of mass after which the ring will start pure rolling.
4 cm f=kT;k dh ,d le:i oy; dks ,d [kqjnjh {kSfrt lrg ij fp=kkuqlkj ,d rh{.k vkosx fn;k tkrk gSA
ftlds dkj.k ;g 2 m/s dk js[kh; osx çkIr djrh gSA ;fn oy; o {kSfrt lrg ds e/; ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad 0.4 gSA tc
oy; 'kq) ykSVuh xfr çkjEHk dj nsrh gS] rc nzO;eku dsUnz dk osx fdruk gksxk\

Ans. 1
Sol. Suppose velocity of ring

When it starts pure rolling is v. Angular momentum can be constant about point of contact as there is no
external torque acting about it. Thus
m.2.R = m.R2 + mvR
 v = 1m/s
[ Ans.: 1 m/s]

10. Figure shows snap shot of a progressive wave and standing wave along a string. Match the column I
and II.
fuEu fp=kksa esa fdlh Mksjh ds vuqfn'k] izxkeh rFkk vizxkeh rjaxksa ds LiUn fp=k (snap shot) n'kkZ;s x;s gSA rks
dkWye-I rFkk dkWye-II dk feyku dhft,A
Progressive wave
y izxkeh rjax


Standing wave
y vizzxkeh rjax

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Column-I Column-II
dkWye-I dkWye-II
(A) Particles in same phase (P) A & rFkk D
d.k leku dyk esa gS
(B) Particles with same amplitude (Q) E & rFkk F
of oscillations
d.kksa dk nksyu vk;ke leku gS
(R) B & rFkk C
(C) Particles always having same speed (S) G & rFkk H
d.kksa dh pky lnSo leku gS
Ans. A  P, Q ; B  P, R, S ; C  P, S

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A8 TO A9


Total Marks : 35 Max. Time : 28 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.3 (4 marks 2 min.) [04, 02]
Comprehension ('–1' negative marking) Q.4 to Q.6 (3 marks 2 min.) [09, 06]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.7 to Q.8 (4 marks 5 min.) [08, 10]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.9 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A)(B)(C) 4. (D) 5. (D) 6. (D)
7. 3 8. d = 4000 mm 9. (A) s (B) q (C) r (D) q

1. As shown in figure, S is a point on a uniform disc rolling with uniform angular velocity on a fixed rough
horizontal surface. The only forces acting on the disc are its weight and contact forces exerted by
horizontal surface. Which graph best represents the magnitude of the acceleration of point S as a
function of time
fp=kkuqlkj] S ,dleku pdrh ij ,d fcUnq gS rFkk pdrh ,dleku; osx ls ,d fLFkj [kqjnjs {kSfrt lrg ij
yksVuh xfr dj jgh gSA pdrh ij dsoy xq:Rokd"kZ.k ds dkj.k Hkkj cy o {kSfrt lrg }kjk pdrh ij lEidZ cyksa
ds dkj.k cy gSA fuEu esa ls dkSulk xzkQ fcUnq S dk le; ds Qyu ds :i esa Roj.k dk ifjek.k iznf'kZr djrk gSA

a a a a

(A) (B) (C*) (D)

t t t t

Sol. Since angular velocity is constant, acceleration of centre of mass of disc is zero. Hence the magnitude
of acceleration of point S is 2x where  is angular speed of disc and x is the distance of S from centre.
Therefore the graph is
pwafd; osx fu;r gS pdrh ds nzO;eku dsUnz dk Roj.k 'kwU; gSA vr% fcUnq S ds Roj.k dk ifjek.k 2x gS tgk¡
 pdrh dh; pky gS rFkk x dsUnz ls S dh nwjh gS vr% xzkQ gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
2. For the angle of minimum deviation of a prism to be equal to its refracting angle, the prism must be
made of a material whose refractive index :
(A) lies between 2 and 1 (B*) lies between 2 and 2
(C) is less than 1 (D) is greater than 2
fdlh fizTe ds U;wure fopyu dks.k dk eku mlds viorZd dks.k ds cjkcj gksxk ;fn fizTe ds inkFkZ dk viorZukad
(A) 2 vkSj 1 ds chp (B*) 2 vkSj 2 ds chp
(C) 1 ls de (D) 2 ls vf/kd
Sol. min = i + e–A
min = A then rc
2A = i + e in case of min i = e min dh fLFkfr ij i = e
2A = 2i r1 = r 2 =
then rc 1 sin i = n sin r1
sin A = n sin
2 sin cos = n sin
2 2 2
2 cos =n
when tc A = 90° = imax
then rc nmin = 2
i=A=0 nmax = 2

3. Select correct Statement for an objecet on principal axis of given arrangement

nh xbZ O;oLFkk esa eq[; v{k ij fLFkr oLrq ds fy, lgh fodYiks dk p;u dhft, &

(A*) If light is incident on surface 1 from left, the image formed after the first refraction is definitely
Virtual for a real object :
vxj lrg 1 ij ck;ha vkSj ls izdk'k vkifrr gksrk gS] rks igys viorZu ds ckn cuk izfrfcEc fuf'pr :i ls
okLrfod fcEc ds fy, vkHkklh gksxk &
(B*) If the object is real, then the final image formed after two refractions may be real :
;fn oLrq okLrfod gks rks nks viorZuksa ds i'pkr~ izkIr vfUre izfrfcEc okLrfod gks ldrk gSA
(C*) If the object is real, then the final image formed after two refractions may be virtual :
;fn oLrq okLrfod gks rks nks viorZuksa ds i'pkr~ izkIr vfUre izfrfcEc vkHkklh gks ldrk gSA
(D) If light is incident on surface 1 from left, the image formed after the first refraction is definitely real
for a real object :
vxj lrg 1 ij ck;ha vkSj ls izdk'k vkifrr gksrk gS] igys viorZu ds ckn cuk izfrfcEc fuf'pr :i ls okLrfod
fcEc ds fy, okLrfod gksxk &

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
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 2 1   2   1 
Sol.   
v u  R 
(2 – 1) is +ve and R is – ve if u is –ve, v will always be –ve
i.e. for real object image is always virtual.

Consider object on left side of spherical surface seperating two media.

If real object is in rarer media i.e., n1 < n2
 n  n1 n
Then 2  2  1 = – ve
v ( u) ( R )
Hence image shall be virtual for a real object lying
on concave side with rarer media. (1)
If real object is in denser media i.e., n1 > n2
n 2 (n 2  n1 ) n n  n 2 n1
  1 = 1 
v ( u) ( R) u R
n  n2 n (n1  n2 )R
 Image is real if 1 > 1 or u < .... (2)
u R n1
 n  n2 
and image is virtual if u >  1 R
 .... (3)
 n1 
From statements 1, 2 and 3 we can easily conclude the answers.
Sol. Hindi
nks ek/;eksa ds i`Fkd djus okys xksyh; lrg ds cka;h vksj fcEc dks ysrs gSA ;fn fojy ek/;e esa okLrfod fcEc gS
n1 < n2
n 2 n 2  n1 n
rks   1 = – ve
v ( u) (R)
blfy;s fojy ek/;e esa vory lrg ij fLFkj okLrfod fcEc ds fy,
izfrfcEc vkHkklh gksxkA (1)
;fn l?ku ek/;e esa okLrfod fcEc gS] vFkkZr n1 > n2
n 2 (n1  n 2 ) n n  n 2 n1
  1 = 1 
v ( u) ( R) u R
n  n2 n (n1  n2 )R
 izfrfcEc okLrfod ;fn 1 > 1 or u < .... (2)
u R n1
 n n 
rFkk izfrfcEc vkHkklh gS ;fn u >  1 2  R .... (3)
 n1 

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There is an insect inside a cabin eying towards a thick glass plate P1. Insect sees the images of light
source across the glass plate P1 ouside the cabin. Cabin is made of thick glass plates of refractive
index  = and thickness 3 cm. Insect is eying from the middle of the cabin as shown in figure. (glass
plates are partially reflective and consider only paraxial rays)
çdks"B ds vUnj eksVh dk¡p dh IysV P1 ds lEeq[k ,d dhV gSA çdks"B ds ckgj fLFkr çdk'k lzksr ds çfrfcEcksa dks
dk¡p IysV P1 ls dhV ns[krk gSA çdks"B] viorZukad  = ds 3 cm eksVs dk¡p iê ls cuk gSA fp=kkuqlkj dhV
çdks"B dsUnz ls voyksdu dj jgk gSA ¼ dk¡p IysV vkaf'kd ijkorZd ys rFkk v{k ds utnhd dsoy lek{kh; fdj.ks

4. At what distance (from eye of insect) will the eye see first image?
vk¡[kksa dks çFke çfrfcEc (dhV dh vk¡[k ls) fdruh nwjh ij fn[kkbZ nsxk ?
(A) 5 cm (B) 7 cm (C) 11 cm (D*) 14 cm
Sol. As it is posible only when, when light reflects from P1 after refraction from the plate P2 of light coming
from light source.
,slk rHkh lEHko gS tc çdk'k lzksr ls çdk'k IysV P2 ls viorZu i'pkr~ IysV P1 ls ijkofrZr gks

First image will form due to reflection from the right surface of P1 . As light ray is falling on P1 from
11cm so it will form image at 11 cm in left. So, distance of first image from insect is 11 + 3 = 14 cm.
P1 ds nka;s i`"B ls ijkorZu i'pkr~ çFke çfrfcEc cusxkA pwafd çdk'k IysV P1 ij 11 cm ls vkifrr gS] vr% ;g
cka;h vksj 11 cm ij çfrfcEc cuk,xkA vr% çFke çfrfcEc dh dhV ls nwjh 11 + 3 = 14 cm gksxhA
5. At what distance (from eye of insect) will the eye see second image?
nwljk çfrfcEc (dhV dh vk¡[kksa ls) fdruh nwjh ij fn[ksxk ?
(A) 11 cm (B) 13 cm (C) 16.5 cm (D*) 18 cm
Sol. Second image will form due to reflection on left surface of P1.
nwljk çfrfcEc P1 ds cka;h i`"B ls ijkorZu ds dkj.k cusxkA

33 39
For left surface of P1 light seems to coming from the distance = +3= cm
2 2
33 39
P1 ds cka;s i`"B ds fy, çdk'k = +3= cm ls vkrk gqvk çrhr gksxk
2 2
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So, light seems to coming from cm from right surfaces of P1 .
vr% çdk'k P1 ds nka;s i`"B ls cm nwjh ls vkrk gqvk çrhr gksxk
45 3
So, final position of second image will be = = 15 cm.
2 2
vr% nwljs çfrfcEc dh vfUre fLFkfr = 45 3 = 15 cm gksxh
2 2
So, distance of second image from insect = 18 cm.
vr% nwljs çfrfcEc dh dhV ls nwjh = 18 cm ij gksxh

6. Number of image seen by insect ?

dhV }kjk ns[kh xbZ çfrfcEcksa dh la[;k gksxh \
(A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 8 (D*) 
Sol. Due to multiple reflections infinite image will be formed
vusd ijkorZuksa ds dkj.k vuUr çfrfcEc cusaxsA

7. A small object stuck on the surface of a glass sphere (n = 1.5) is viewed from the diametrically opposite
position. Find transverse magnification.
dk¡p ds xksys (n = 1.5) ds i`"B ij fLFkr ,d NksVh oLrq dks O;klr% foifjr fLFkfr ls ns[kk tkrk gSA vuqizLFk
vko/kZu Kkr dhft,A
Ans. 3

n 2 n1 n 2  n1

v u = R
1 1.5 1  1.5
 =  v = –4R
v  2R R
nv 1.5  (4R)
m= 1 =
n 2u 1 (2R )
m = 3.

8. A man is standing at the edge of a 1m deep swimming pool, completely filled with a liquid of refractive
index. 3 / 2 The eyes of the man are 3 m above the ground. A coin located at the bottom of the pool
appears to be at an angle of depression of 300 with reference to the eye of man. Then horizontal
distance (represented by x in the figure) of the coin from the eye of the man is ____________ mm.
,d O;fDr 1m xgjs rj.k rky ds fdukjs ij [kM+k gS ftlesa 3 / 2 viorZukad dk nzo Hkjk gSA O;fDr dh vk¡[ks
i`Foh ry ls 3 m Å¡pkbZ ij gS] rj.k rky ds isans ij ,d flDdk O;fDr dks 300 voueu dks.k ij fn[kkbZ nsrk gS]
O;fDr dh vk¡[k ls flDds dh {kSfrt nwjh _________¼fp=k esa x }kjk çnf'kZr½ feeh esa D;k gksxh \

Ans. d = 4000 mm

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

sin 60º = sinr r = 45º
S = h = 1m
y = H tan600 = 3m
 x= S + y = 4m = 4000 mm
9. A sample of gas goes from state A to state B in four different manners, as shown by the graphs. Let W
be the work done by the gas and U be change in internal energy along the path AB. Correctly match
the graphs with the statements provided.
fp=k esa n'kkZ;s vuqlkj] ,d xSl dk uewuk pkj fofHkUu rjhdksa ls voLFkk A ls B rd igq¡prk gSA ;fn xSl }kjk ekxZ
AB esa fd;k x;k dk;Z W rFkk vkUrfjd ÅtkZ esa ifjorZu U gks] rks xzkQksa dks fn;s x;s dFkuksa ls feykbZ;s &

(A) V (p) Both W and U are positive


(p) W rFkk U nksuksa /kukRed gSaA

(B) (q) Both W and U are negative

(q) W rFkk U nksuksa _.kkRed gSaA

(C) (r) W is positive whereas U is negative

(r) W rks /kukRed ijUrq U _.kkRed gSaA

(D) (s) W is negative whereas U is positive

(s) W rks _.kkRed ijUrq U /kukRed gSA
Ans. (A) s (B) q (C) r (D) q

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol. in (A), V is on vertical axis.
(a) esa, V m/okZ/kj v{k ij gSA


As V is icreasing, W is positive. tSls V c<+rk gS, W /kukRed gSA


V is decreasing, W is negative.V ?kVus ij, W _.kkRed gSA
As negative work in part-II is greater than positive work in part-I, net work during the process is
Using PV = nRT and as Vremains same for initial and final points of the process, it is obvious that final
temp. is greater than initial temperature as pressure has increased. Therefore dU is positive. Hence
option (S) is connected with (A).
Similar arguments can be applied to other graphs.
pwafd Hkkx-II esa _.kkRed dk;Z Hkkx-I, ls T;knk gS] vr% dqy dk;Z çfØ;k esa _.kkRed gSA
PV = nRT dk ç;ksx djus ij vkSj V çkjEHk ,oa vfUre fcUnqvksa ij leku jgrk gSA vr% Li"V gS fd vfUre rki]
çkjfEHkd rki ls T;knk gS pwafd nkc c<+rk gSA vr% dU /kukRed gS] fodYi (S), (a) ls tqM+k gSA leku rdZ vU;
xzkQksa ij yxk;s tk ldrs gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A8 TO A9
Total Marks : 37 Max. Time : 25 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.3 (3 marks 2 min.) [09, 06]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.4 to Q.7 (4 marks 2 min.) [16, 08]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.8 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.9 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (A) 2. (A) 3. 4. (C)(A) (B) 5. (A)(B)(C)(D)
10 30
6. (A) (D) 7. (A) 8. a1= m/s2, a2 = m/s2
7 7
9. (A) – q ,r, t ; (B) – q,s,t ; (C) – p,s,t ; (D) – q,s,t

1. A body of mass 'm' sliding down a movable inclined plane of mass 2m, assuming friction is absent
everywhere the kinetic energy of 2 m as a function of time is: (m remains on 2m)
'm' nzO;eku dh ,d oLrq 2 m nzO;eku ds urry tks fd xfr dj ldrk gS ij] uhps fQlyrh gS] ekfu;s fd lHkh
txg ?k"kZ.k vuqifLFkr gSA 2m dh xfrt ÅtkZ le; ds Qyu :i esa gksxhA (m nzO;eku 2m ij gh jgrk gS)

(A*) (B) (C) (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh

2. A particle is projected from a point P (2, 0, 0)m with a velocity 10 m/s making an angle 45º with the
horizontal. The plane of projectile motion passes through a horizontal line PQ which makes an angle of
37º with positive x-axis, xy plane is horizontal. The coordinates of the point where the particle will strike
the line PQ is: (Take g = 10 m/s2)
,d d.k fcUnq P (2, 0, 0)m ls {kSfrt ls 45° dk dks.k cukrs gq, 10 m/s ds osx ls iz{ksfir fd;k tkrk gSA iz{ksi
xfr dk ry {kSfrt js[kk PQ ls xqtjrk gS tks /kukRed x v{k ls 37º dk dks.k cukrh gS tgka xy ry {kSfrt ry gSA
ml fcUnq ds funsZ'kkad D;k gksxsa tgk¡ d.k js[kk PQ ls Vdjkrk gS : (a g = 10 m/s2)
(A*) (10, 6, 0)m (B) (8, 6, 0)m (C) (10, 8, 0)m (D) (6, 10, 0)m


Range = 10 m.
For point where particle strikes line PQ
 x coordinate = 10 cos 37° + 2 = 10m
y coordinate = 10 sin 37° = 6m
z coordinate = 0m

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ijkl = 10 m.
PQ js[kk ij d.k dh VDdj okys fcUnq ds fy,
 x funsZ'kkad = 10 cos 37° + 2 = 10m
y funsZ'kkad = 10 sin 37° = 6m
z funsZ'kkad = 0m

3. A cylinderical optical fibre (quarter circular shape) of refractive index n = 2 and diameter d = 4mm is
surrounded by air. A light beam is sent into the fibre along its axis as shown in figure. Then the smallest
outer radius R (as shown in figure) for which no light escapes after first incident on curved surface of
fibre is :
n = 2 viorZukad rFkk d = 4mm O;kl dk ,d csyukdkj çdk'khd Qkbcj (rUrq) (ftldk vkdkj pkSFkkbZ o`Ùk gS) gok
esa j[kk gSA fp=kkuqlkj ,d çdkf'kd iqat dks Qkbcj esa v{k ds vuqfn'k Hkstk tkrk gSA rks ckgjh f=kT;k R dk U;wure
eku (fp=kkuqlkj) D;k gksxk rkfd çdk'k Qkbcj ds eqM+s gq,] oØkdkj Hkkx ls çdk'k fdj.k izFke vkiru ds ckn ckgj
ugha vk;sA

(A) 2mm (B) 4mm (C*) 8 mm (D) 6 mm

Sol. min > C
sin min > sin C
> n
 R n – dn > R
 R>
n 1
2 1
R > 8 mm

4. A source of sound, emitting frequency of 300 Hz, moving towards a stationary reflecting wall with speed
50 m/sec. There are five observes A,B,C,D and E as shown in figure. Speed of sound is 350 m/sec.
/ofu dk lzksr] 300 Hz vko`fÙk dh /ofu mRlftZr djrs gq, 50 m/sec. dh pky ls fLFkj ijkorZd nhokj dh vksj
xfr'khy gSA ;gk¡ fp=k esa n'kkZ, vuqlkj ik¡p çs{kd A,B,C,D o E gSA /ofu dh pky 350 m/sec. gSA

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(A*) The beat frequency appeared to observer A is zero
izs{kd A }kjk izsf{kr foLian vko`fr 'kwU; gS A
(B*) The beat frequency appeared to observer B is 20 Hz
izs{kd B }kjk izsf{kr foLian vko`fr 20 Hz gSA
(C) The beat frequency appeared to observer E is 20 Hz :
izs{kd E }kjk izsf{kr foLian vko`fr 20 Hz gSA
(D) The beat frequency appeared to observer B is 10 Hz
izs{kd B }kjk izsf{kr foLian vko`fr 10 Hz gSA
5. Object O is moving with velocity î  2 ĵ  3k̂ and mirror (lies in y-z plane) is moving with velocity 2 î .
oLrq O osx î  2 ĵ  3k̂ ls xfr dj jgh gS rFkk niZ.k (y-z ry esa fLFkr) 2 î osx ls xfr dj jgk gSA

O x

(A*) Velocity of image w.r.t ground 3 î  2 ĵ  3k̂

(B*) Velocity of image w.r.t mirror î  2 ĵ  3k̂
(C*) Velocity of image w.r.t object 2 î
(D*) Velocity of object w.r.t mirror  î  2 ĵ  3k̂
(A) /kjkry ds lkis{k izfrfcEc dk osx 3 î  2 ĵ  3k̂
(B) niZ.k ds lkis{k izfrfcEc dk osx î  2 ĵ  3k̂
(C) oLrq ds lkis{k izfrfcEc dk osx 2 î
(D) niZ.k ds lkis{k oLrq dk osx  î  2 ĵ  3k̂
Sol. Velocity of image along x-axis
= 2 v mx – vox = (2 × 2 – 1) = 3
y and z components of velocity of image are equal to y and z components of velocity of object

 v i = 3 î  2 ĵ  3k̂
  
 v i m = v i – v m = î  2 ĵ  3k̂
  
v i o = v i – v o = 2 î
  
v o m = v o – v m = – î  2 ĵ  3k̂
x-v{k ds vuqfn'k izfrfcEc dk osx izfrfcEc ds osx ds y o z ?kVd oLrq ds osx ds y o z ?kVd ds cjkcj gSA
= 2 v mx – v ox = (2 × 2 – 1) = 3

 v i = 3 î  2 ĵ  3k̂
  
 v i m = v i – v m = î  2 ĵ  3k̂
  
v i o = v i – v o = 2 î
  
v o m = v o – v m = – î  2 ĵ  3k̂

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Paragraph for Questions 6 and 7
iz'u 6 vkSj 7 ds fy, vuqPNsn
A cylindrical tube filled with water (w = 4/3) is closed at its both ends by two thin silvered plano convex
lenses as shown in the figure. Refractive index of lenses L1 and L2 are 2.0 and 1.5 while their radii of
curvature are 5 cm and 9 cm respectively. A point object is placed some where at a point O on the axis
of cylindrical tube. It is found that the images formed by separately both silvered lenses coincides with
object O [GO-CL]_(104)
,d csyukdkj V~;wc dks ikuh (w = 4/3) ls Hkjdj nksuksa fljksa ij nks irys jtr ysfir lery mÙky ysUlksa ds }kjk
fp=kkuqlkj cUn djrs gSA L1 rFkk L2 ysUlksa dk viorZukad 2.0 rFkk 1.5 gS tcfd mudh oØrk f=kT;k,sa Øe'k% 5 cm
rFkk 9 cm gSA ,d fcUnq oLrq csyukdkj V~;wc ds v{k ij fdlh ,d fcUnq O ij j[kh xbZ gSA ;g ik;k x;k gS fd
nksuksa jtfrr ySalksa }kjk cuk;s x;s izfrfcEc oLrq O ls laikrh gksrs gSA

6. The distance of object O from

(A*) lens L1 is 10 cm (B) lens L2 is 10 cm (C) lens L1 is 8 cm (D*) lens L2 is 8 cm
oLrq O dh nwjh
(A*) ysal L1 ls 10 cm gSA (B) ysaUl L2 ls 10 cm gSA (C) ysal L1 ls 8 cm gSA (D*) ysl
a L2 ls 8 cm gSA
    
Sol. For Lens L1, ray must move parallel to the axis after refraction 1  w  1  x  10cm
 x R1
1  w 1  
ysUl L1 ds fy,] fdj.k viorZu ds ckn v{k ds lekUrj pyuh pkfg,A    x  10cm
 x R1
For lens L2, image must form at centre of curvature of the curved surface after refraction through plane
2 
  0
R2 x '
ysUl L2 ds fy,] izfrfcEc viorZu ds ckn lery Hkkx ds }kjk oØ ry ds oØrk dsUnz ij cuuk pkfg,A
2 
  0
R2 x '
 x '  8cm

7. If 1 = 2 = w then image after two reflection (once from each) will coincide with object if distance of O
from (distance between two lenses remain same)
(A*) L1 is 9 2 cm (B) L2 is 9 2 cm (C) L1 is 9 cm (D) L2 is 9 cm
;fn 1 = 2 = w gS rc nks ijkorZu ds ckn cuk izfrfcEc ¼izR;sd ls ,d ckj½ oLrq ls laikrh gksxk ;fn O dh nwjh
(nksuksa ysalksa ds chp dh nwjh vifjofrZr jgrh gS)
(A*) L1 ls 9 2 cm gSA (B) L2 ls 9 2 cm gSA (C) L1 ls 9 cm gSA (D) L2 ls 9 cm gSA

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Sol. There will be no refraction at any surface
ogkW fdlh lrg ij viorZu ugha gksxkA

u = – (18 – x) v = – (18 + x) f= 
36 2
From mirror formula (niZ.k lw=k ls) = = x= 9 2
324  x 2

8. A 2 kg uniform cylinder is placed on a plank of mass 4 kg which in turn rests on a smooth horizontal
plane. A constant horizontal force of 20 N is applied on the plank. If no slipping occurs between cylinder
and plank obtain the acceleration of the cylinder and the plank.
2 kg nzO;eku dk ,d le:i csyu ,d iV~Vs ij (plank) j[kk x;k gS tks fd {kSfrt fpdus /kjkry ij fojke esa gS]
,d vpj cy ftldk eku 20 N gS] iV~Vs ij {kSfrt fn'kk esa vkjksfir fd;k x;k gS] iV~Vs dk nzO;eku 4 kg gS rFkk
csyu rFkk iV~Vs ds e/; dksbZ fQlyu ugh gS rks csyu rFkk iV~Vs dk Roj.k Kkr djksA

Sol. Suppose acceleration of cylinder wrt plank is ‘b’ wrt plank.

As there’s no slipping b = R ...........(1)

Equation of Rotation motion f. R = .
M R2 b M b
 f= c . = c ...........(2)
2.R R 2
Linear motion of cylinder
f = MC (a – b) ...........(3)
for plank
20 – f = 4.a ...........(4)
putting MC = 2kg
f=b 2f = 2 (a – b)  f =
2a 30
using in (4) 20 – = 4a  a= m/s2
3 7
and b= m/s2
Acceleration of cylinder = a – b = m/s2
10 30
[ Ans.: a1= m/s2, a2 = m/s2 ]
7 7

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9. In the situation shown, a plane surface seperates two medium of refractive index n1 & n2
(consider near normal incidence)
çnf'kZr fp=k esa ,d lery lrg nks ek/;e dks vyx djrh gS ftuds viorZukad n1 rFkk n2 gS
(yxHkx yEcor~ vkiru ds vkl&ikl dh fLFkfr ekfu,)

Column–I Column–II
(A) A real object is placed in the medium n1. (p) Real
The image fromed can be

(B) A real object is placed in the medium n2. (q) Virtual

The image can be

(C) A converging beam of light is incident from medium n1 (r) In medium n1

whose intersections meet in the medium n2 on extension.
The image can be

(D) If n1 is denser medium and a real object is moving away (s) In medium n2
from plane surface in the medium n2. The image formed
will be

(t) At more distance from plane

surface than the distance of
object from plane surface
dkWye–I dkWye–II
(A) okLrfod oLrq ek/;e n1 eas j[kh xbZ gSA (p) okLrfod
çfrfcEc cu ldrk gS

(B) okLrfod oLrq n2 ek/;e esa j[kh xbZ gS (q) dkYifud

çfrfcEc gks ldrk gSA

(C) n1 ek/;e ls vfHklkfjr (converging) çdk'k iqat (r) n1 ek/;e esa

vkifrr gksrk gS ftldk dVku fcUnq mudks vkxs c<+kus ij
n2 ek/;e esa çkIr gksrk gS rks çfrfcEc gks ldrk gSA

(D) ;fn n1 l?ku ek/;e gS rFkk okLrfod oLrq n2 ek/;e (s) n2 ek/;e esa
esa lery lrg ls nwj xfreku gS rks cuk çfrfcEc gksxk

(t) oLrq lery lrg ls ftruh nwj gS]

mlls vf/kd nwjh ij gSA
Ans. (A) – q ,r, t ; (B) – q,s,t ; (C) – p,s,t ; (D) – q,s,t

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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A10 TO A11

DPP No. : A10 (JEE-MAIN)

Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks 2 min.) [60, 40]


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. (C) 7. (C)
8. (B) 9. (D) 10. (C) 11. (D) 12. (A) 13. (D) 14. (B)
15. (D) 16. (D) 17. (A) 18. (A) 19. (A) 20. (B)

1. A symmetrical uniform solid cube of side 5 m is placed on a horizontal surface beside a vertical wall,
one side of cube is making an angle 45° with the floor as shown. If coefficient of friction  is the same
for both wall and floor, the minimum value of  for cube not to slip?
,d Å/okZ/kj nhokj ds ,d vksj ,d {kSfrt lrg ij ,d 5 eh- Hkqtk dk ,d ,dleku Bksl ?ku j[kk x;k gSA
fp=kkuqlkj ?ku dh ,d Hkqtk] lrg ds lkFk 45° dk dks.k cukrh gSA ;fn nhokj rFkk lrg] nksuksa ds fy, ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad
,dleku gS] rks mijksä ?ku fQlys ugh blds fy,  dk U;wure eku D;k gksxkA



(A)  = 1 (B*)  = 0
(C)  = 1/3 (D) impossible to balance for any value of  .
(D)  ds fdlh Hkh eku ds fy, lUrqfyr djuk vlEHko gSA
Sol. At angles 45º N and Mg balance each other and they both pass through COM, so no need of friction to
balance it
45° ds dks.k ij] Mg o N ,d nwljs dks larqfyr djrs gS D;ksafd nksuksa gh nzO;eku dsUnz ls xqtj jgs gS vr% bls
lUrqfyr djus ds fy, ?k"kZ.k dh vko';drk ugh gSA

    
2. The angular momentum of a particle relative to a certain point O varies as L  a  bt 2 where a and b
  
are constant vectors with a perpendicular to b . The torque  relative to the point O acting on the
 
particle when angle between  and L is 45º is :
    
fdlh fcUnq O ds lkis{k d.k dk; laosx L  a  bt 2 }kjk fn;k tkrk gSA ;gka a rFkk b fu;r lfn'k gSA
    
rFkk a o b yEcor~ gSA fcUnq O ds lkis{k tc  o L ds e/; dks.k 45º gS rc d.k ij  cyk?kw.kZ gksxkA
  a   b   a
(A)   2a (B)   2b (C*)   2b (D) zero 'kwU;
b a b

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 
 dL 
  2bt = 2bt
a a   a
tan = = tan45º   t=   2b .
bt 2 b b

3. Two points of a rod move with velocities 3 v & v perpendicular to the rod and in the same direction,
separated by a distance ' r'. Then the angular velocity of the rod is:
,d NM+ ds nks fcUnq] NM+ ds yEcor leku fn'kk esa 3v rFkk v osx ls xfr djrs gSaA nksuks fcUnq ,d nwljs ls
' r' nwjh ij gSa rks NM+ dk; osx gksxk %
3v 4v 5v 2v
(A) (B) (C) (D*)
r r r r
 v rel` 
Ans. rod = point =   ; vrel. being the velocity of one point w.r.t. other.
 r 
vrel. ,d fcUnq dk nwljs ds lkis{k osx
3v  v
= and ‘r’ being the distance between them.
‘r’ muds chp dh nwjh

4. The angular velocity of a rigid body about any point of that body is same:
n`<+ fudk; dk; osx fudk; esa fLFkr fdlh fcUnq ds lkis{k leku jgsxk &
(A) only in magnitude (B) only in direction
(C*) both in magnitude and direction necessarily
(D) both in magnitude and direction about some points, but not about all points.
(A) dsoy ifjek.k esa (B) dsoy fn'kk esa
(C*) fn'kk o ifjek.k nksauks esa (D) fn'kk o ifjek.k nksauks esa ijUrq vU; fcUnqvksa ds lkis{k ughaA
Sol. Suppose a rod is having angular velovity w about point C .

B v + r1

C v

r2 
r2 v

Choose two points A and B as shown in the fig. velocity of B w.r.t A = (v + r1) – (v – r2)
 VB ,A = (r1 + r2)
vB,A (r1  r2 )
Angular velocity of B w.r.t A = = = = Ans (C)
AB r1  r2

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5. A particle of mass m is performing simple harmonic motion as shown in figure (a) and (b). In figure (b),
the charge q of particle is such that qE = mg. If their velocities are same at mean position and let A1 and
A2 be their amplitudes and T1 and T2 be their time periods then.
fufnZ"V fp=k (a) rFkk (b) ds vuqlkj ,d nzO;eku m dk d.k ljy vkorZ xfr dj jgk gSA fp=k (b) esa d.k dk vkos'k
q gS] ftlls qE = mg gks tkrk gSA ;fn ek/; fLFkfr es buds osx leku gS] rFkk A1 o A2 buds vk;ke gS rFkk T1 o
T2 buds vkorZdky gS rks :

(A*) A1 = A2 , T1 = T2 (B) A1 > A2 , T1 = T2

(C) A1 < A2 , T1 = T2 (D) A1 = A2 , T1 > T2
Sol. Let velocity at mean position be . ekuk ek/; fLFkfr ij buds osx  gS
1 1 1
m2 = KA12 = KA22
2 2 2
A1 = A2
and rFkk T = 2 . T1 = T2

6. Which of the following represents a simple harmonic motion ?

fuEu esa ls dkSuls lehdj.k ljy vkorZ xfr dks çnf'kZr djrh gS \
(A) et (B) tan t (C*) sin t + cos t (D) sin t + sin 2t

7. A force of 6.4 N stretches a vertical spring by 0.1 m. The mass that must be suspended from the spring
so that it oscillates with a period of /4 second, is

6.4 N dk ,d cy Å/okZ/kj fLizax dks 0.1 m [khaprk gSA fLizax ls fdruk æO;eku vkyfEcr djuk pkfg;s fd ;g
lsd.M ds vkorZdky ls nksyu dj lds :
(A) /4 kg (B) / kg (C*) 1 kg (D) 10 kg

8. In a cyclic process ABCA for an ideal gas. In AB, BC and CA process 50 J, 20 J and 5 J heat is
supplied to an ideal gas. In process AB internal energy of gas increases by 60 J and in process BC
work done by gas is 30 J. The increase in internal energy of gas in process CA is :
,d vkn'kZ xSl ds fy, pØh; çØe ABCA gSA AB, BC o CA çØe esa vkn'kZ xSl dks 50 J, 20 J o 5 J Å"ek nh
tkrh gSA çØe AB esa xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ 60 J ls c<+rh gS ,oa çØe BC esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 30 J gSA
çØeCAesa xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ esa o`f) gS :
(A) 50 J (B*) – 50 J (C) 75 J (D) 55 J


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9. One mole of an ideal gas is taken from state A to state B by three different processes, (a) ACB (b) ADB
(c) AEB as shown in the P  V diagram. The heat absorbed by the gas is:
,d eksy vkn'kZ xSl dks fLFkfr A ls fLFkfr B rd rhu vyx&vyx izØe (a) ACB (b) ADB (c) AEB esa fp=kkuqlkj
P  V xzkQ ds vuqfn'k ys tk;k tkrk gSA xSl ds }kjk vo'kksf"kr Å"ek gksxh

(A) greater in process (b) then in (a) (izØe (b) esa (a) ls T;knk gksxh)
(B) the least in process (b) (izØe (b) esa U;wure gksxh)
(C) the same in (a) and (c) (izØe (a) rFkk (c) esa lEkku gksxh)
(D*) less in (c) than in (b) (izØe (c) esa (b) ls de gksxh)
Sol. Heat absorbed by gas in three processes is given by
rhuksa izfØ;kvksa esa xSl ds }kjk xzg.k dh xbZ m"ek bl izdkj gSA
The change in internal energy in all the three cases is same. And W ACB is +ve, VAEB is –ve.
rhuksa esa vkarfjd ÅtkZ dk ifjorZu leku gS vkSj WACB /kukRed gS WAEB _.kkRed gSA

10. Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a cyclic process is shown in the figure [ V in litres
and p in kPa ] is:
fp=k esa n'kkZ;s x;s pØh; izØe ls xqtjus esa fudk; }kjk vo'kksf"kr Å"ek ÅtkZ gS [ V yhVj esa rFkk p , kPa esa gS ] :

(A) 107  J (B) 104  J (C*) 102  J (D) 107  J

11. The correct curve between V/T and   for an ideal gas at constant pressure is :

fu;r nkc ij vkn'kZ xSl ds fy, V/T rFkk   ds e/; lgh vkjs[k gksxk &

(A) (B) (C) (D*)

Sol. PV = nRT
V nR
= = constant. fu;r

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12. A wire of density 9 × 103 kg/m3 is stretched between two clamps 1 m apart and is subjected to an
extension of 4.9 × 10–4 m. What will be the lowest frequency of transverse vibrations in the wire ?
(Y = 9 × 1010 N/m2)
?kuRo 9 × 103 kg/m3 dk ,d rkj 1 m nwjh ij j[ks nks DysEi ds e/; rkuk tkrk gS o blesa 4.9 × 10–4 m dk
foLrkj fd;k tkrk gSA rkj esa vuqçLFk dEiUuksa dh U;wure vko`fÙk fdruh gksxh\ (Y = 9 × 1010 N/m2)
(A*) 35 Hz (B) 43 Hz (C) 40 Hz (D) 50 Hz

13. The length of the wire shown in figure between the pulleys is 1.5 m and its mass is 12.0 g. The
frequency of vibration with which the wire vibrates in three loops forming antinode at the mid point of
the wire is - (Take g = 9.8 m/s2)
fp=k esa iznf'kZr f?kjfu;ksa ds e/; rkj dh yEckbZ 1.5 eh rFkk bldk nzO;eku 12.0 xzke gSA nksuksa f?kjfu;ks ds chp dk
rkj e?; fcUnq ij izLiUn cukrs gq, rhu ywiksa esa dEiUu dj jgk gS] dEiUu dh vko`fÙk gSA (g = 9.8 m/s2)

9kg 9kg
(A) 210 Hz (B) 140 Hz (C) 70 Hz (D*) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Sol. =1m
9  9 .8  1 .5
v= = 105 m/s
12  10 3
105  1
f= = 105 Hz

14. Amplitude of a travelling wave on a string is 1mm. If linear mass density of string is 10–4 kg m–1 , tension
in the string is 1N and frequency of vibration is 10Hz, then average power needed to maintain such
waves in string is : (2 = 10)
,d Mksjh esa çxkeh rjax dk vk;ke 1mm gS] Mksjh dk js[kh; nzO;eku ?kuRo 10–4 kg m–1 gS rFkk Mksjh esa ruko 1N
gSA dEiUu dh vko`fÙk 10Hz gS rks bl Mksjh esa bl rjax dks cuk;k j[kus dh vkSlr 'kfDr D;k gksxhA (2 = 10)
(A) 3 × 10–5 W (B*) 2 × 10–5 W (C) 4 × 10–5 W (D) 10–5 W
 2 A 2 v w 10 4  4 2 10 2  10 6  10 4
Sol. Pav. = = = 22 × 10–6 = 2 × 10–5 W
2 2

15. The moment of inertia of a uniform thin rod of mass m and length  about two axis PQ and RS passing
through centre of rod C and in the plane of the rod are PQ and RS respectively. Then PQ + RS is equal
m nzO;eku rFkk L yEckbZ dh ,dleku iryh NM+ dk NM+ ds dsUnz C ls tkus okyh rFkk NM+ ds ry esa fLFkr nks
v{k PQ rFkk RS ds ifjr% tM+Ro&vk?kw.kZ Øe'k% PQ rFkk RS gSaA rks PQ + RS dk eku gSA

m 2 m 2 m 2 m 2
(A) (B) (C) (D*)
3 2 4 12

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The M of rod about axis PQ figure(a) and M of rod about axis PQ figure (b) are same by symmetry.
lefefr ls] NM+ dk tM+Ro vk?kw.kZ PQ v{k ds ifjr% fp=k (a) rFkk PQ v{k ds ifjr% fp=k (b) leku gS

m 2
 PQ + RS = PQ + RS =
by perpendicular axis theorem. (yEcor~ v{k izes; ls)

16. A point charge + Q is placed at the centroid of an equilateral triangle. When a second charge + Q is
placed at a vertex of the triangle, the magnitude of the electrostatic force on the central charge is 4 N.
The magnitude of the net force on the central charge when a third charge + Q is placed at another
vertex of the triangle is:
,d fcUnq vkos'k + Q leckgq f=kHkqt ds dsUnzd ij j[kk gqvk gSA tc ,d nwljk vkos'k + Q f=kHkqt ds 'kh"kZ ij j[kk
tkrk gSA oS|qrh; cy tks dsUnzh; vkos'k ij yx jgk gS dk ifjek.k 4 N gSA ;fn ,d vkSj + Q vkos'k f=kHkqt ds vU;
'kh"kZ ij j[k fn;k tk;s rks dsUnzh; vkos'k ij yxus okyk ifj.kkeh cy gksxkA
(A) zero (B*) 4 N (C) 4 2 N (D) 8 N


R= 4 2  4 2  2.44 cos 120 = 4N

17. The ratio of the intensities of the mechanical waves propagating in the same medium Y1=10 sin(t –
kx) and Y2= 5 [sin (t – kx) + 3 cos (kx – t)] is
Y1=10 sin(t – kx) rFkk Y2= 5 [sin (t – kx) + 3 cos (kx – t)] ,d gh ek/;e esa lapfjr ;kaf=kd rjaxs gS rks
budh rhozrkvksa dk vuqikr D;k gksxkA
(A*) 1:1 (B) 1:2 (C) 2:1 (D) 4:1
[ Ans. 1:1 ]

18. The deviation caused for red, yellow and violet colours for crown glass prism are 2.840, 3.280 and 3.720
respectively. The dispersive power of prism material is :
Økmu dk¡p fizTe ds fy, yky] ihyk rFkk cSaxuh jaxksa ds fy, fopyu Øe'k% 2.840, 3.280 rFkk 3.720 gSA fizTe
inkFkZ dh fo{ksi.k {kerk gksxh :
11 92 117 22
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
41 250 250 57

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Sol. Dispersive power is given by
  r
 v
3.72  2.84 11
 =
3.28 41

19. The average density of Earth’s crust 10 km beneath the surface is 2.7 gm/cm3. The speed of
longitudnal seismic waves at that depth is 5.4 km/s. The bulk modulus of Earth’s crust considering its
behaviour as fluid at that depth, is :
/kjkry ls 10 fd-eh- uhps i`Foh dh ijr dk vkSlr ?kuRo 2.7 xzke@lseh-3 gSA bl xgjkbZ ij vuqnS/;Z HkwdEih; rjaxksa
dk osx 5.4 fd-eh-@lS- gSA bl xgjkbZ ij i`Foh dh bl ijr dk vk;ru izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad (B) D;k gksxk &¼blds
O;ogkj dks nzo ekurs gq,½
(A*) 7.9 × 1010 Pa (B) 5.6 × 1010 Pa (C) 7.9 × 107 Pa (D) 1.46 × 107 Pa
(A*) 7.9 × 1010 ikLdy (B) 5.6 × 1010 ikLdy (C) 7.9 × 107 ikLdy (D) 1.46 × 107 ikLdy
Sol. (A) V =  B = V2
= (5.40 × 103 m/s)2 (2.7 × 103)
= 7.9 × 1010 Pa.

20. Select the Incorrect alternative : lgh fodYi pqfu, %

(A) The charge gained by the uncharged body from a charged body due to conduction is of the same
nature of charge initially present on charged body.
,d vukosf'kr oLrq }kjk pkyu }kjk vkosf'kr oLrq ls xzg.k fd;k x;k vkos'k çkjEHk esa vkosf'kr oLrq ds vkos'k dh
izd`fr dk gh gksrk gSA
(B*) The magnitude of charge increases with the increase in velocity of charge
vkos'k dk ifjek.k vkos'k dk osx c<+kus ij c<+rk gSA
(C) Charge can not exist without matter although matter can exist without charge
vkos'k inkFkZ ds fcuk ugha gks ldrk ysfdu inkFkZ vkos'k ds fcuk gks ldrk gSA
(D) A neutral conducting sphere placed in electric field may experience non zero net force.
fo|qr {ks=k esa j[kk x;k mnklhu pkyd xksyk v'kwU; ifj.kkeh cy vuqHko dj ldrk gSA

NCERT Questions to be discussed

Q. No. 9.11 to 9.14, 9.24 to 9.28,

Board Level Question

1. How can a convex lens behave like a diverging lens.

,d mÙky ysal dk O;ogkj vilkjh ysal dh rjg gks ldrk gSA dSlsa \ [1 Mark] [1 vad]
Ans. When a convex lens is placed inside a liquid of refractive index greater than that of the material of the
lens, it behaves like a diverging lens.
;fn mry ysal dks mlds inkFkZ ls vf/kd viorZukad okys ek/;e esa j[k fn;k tkrk gS rks ;g vilkjh ysl
a dh rjg
dk;Z djus yxrk gSA

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2. Why are danger signal red in colour ? Give reasons .
[krjs dk ladsr yky jax dk D;ksa gksrk gSa\ dkj.k nhft, [2 Mark] [2 vad]
Ans. The scattering (Rayleigh scattering) of light is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the
wavelength of light. So, the scattering of red light is much less than the yellow light and accordingly, the
red light signals can be seen upto a longer distance without much loss in their intensity. For this reason,
the danger signals are red in colour.
izdh.kZu (jsys izdh.kZu) esa izdk'k dh rhozrk] izdk'k dh rjaxnS/;Z dh prqFkZ ?kkr ds O;qRØekuqikrh gksrh gSA bl dkj.k
yky jax ds izdk'k dk izdh.kZu ihys jax ds izdk'k dh rqyuk esa de gksrk gSA yky jax dk flXuy vU; jax dh
rqyuk esa de rhozrk [kks;s fcuk yEch nwjh r; dj ikrk gSA bl dkj.k [krjs ds ladsr yky jax ds gksrs gSaA

3. Draw a labelled ray diagram of an compound microscope. Define its magnifying power.
Why should both the objective and the eyepiece have small focal lengths in microscope?
l;qDr lw{en'khZ dk fdj.k vkjs[k fp=k cukvksa blds vko/kZu {kerk dks le>kvksA
D;k dkj.k gS fd nksuks gh ysal vFkkZr vfHkn`';d ,oa vfHkus=k NksVh Qksdl nwjh ds j[ks tkrs gSA
[4 Marks] [4 vad]
4. Draw a graph to show the variation of the angle of deviation  with that of the angle of incidence i for a
monochromatic ray of light passing through a glass prism of refracting angle A. Hence, deduce the
fdlh dk¡p ds fizTe ds ftldk fizTe viorZu dks.k A gS fopyu dks.k  rFkk vkiru dks.k i ds fy,] ,d o.khZ
izdk'k fdj.k ds fy, xzkQ [khapdj ifjorZu le>kb;sA rFkk fuEu lEcU/k Kkr dhft,A
sin(A  m ) / 2
sin A / 2
5. Does dispersive power of the material of a prism depend on the shape, size and angle of the prism ?
Explain? [4 Marks]
D;k fizTe ds inkFkZ dh fo{ksi.k 'kfDr bldh vkd`fr ] fizTe dks.k ,oa vkdkj ij fuHkZj ij djrh gS\ le>kb;s\

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A10 TO A11


Total Marks : 44 Max. Time : 29 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.4 (3 marks 2 min.) [12, 08]
One or more than one options correct type (‘–1’ negative marking) Q.5 to Q.6 (4 marks 2 min.) [08, 04]
Comprehension ('–1' negative marking) Q.7 to Q.10 (3 marks 2 min.) [12, 06]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.11 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.12 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (A) (C)(D) 6. (A)(C)
6 q2
7. (C) 8. (C) 9. (A) 10. (A) 11.
4 0 a2
12. (A) q,r (B) p,s (C) p,s (D) p,s

1. 1 mole of an ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion as energy is added to it as heat Q. Graph
shows the volume V versus Q. The gas temperature is nearly equal to : (use R = 8.31 J/K.mole)
,d eksy vkn'kZ xSl lerkih; izlkj }kjk xqtjrk gSA tc bls Q Å"ek nh tkrh gSA fn;k xzkQ vk;ru V rFkk Q ds
e/; fn[kk;k x;k gSA xSl dk rkieku yxHkx gksxk % (R = 8.31 J/K.mole)

(A) 208 K (B) 268 K (C*) 313 K (D) 353 K

Sol. For isothermal process
Q = nRT n 2
1800 = 1 × 8.3 T n 2
get T = 312.6 K

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
2. A disc is hinged in a vertical plane about a point on its radius. What will be the distance of the hinge
from the disc centre so that the period of its small oscillations under gravity is minimum?
,d pdrh viuh f=kT;k ij fLFkr fcUnq ds ifjr% Å/oZ ry esa dhyfdr gSA pdrh ds dsUnz ls dhyfdr fcUnq dh
U;wure nwjh D;k gks] ftlls xq:Roh; çHkko esa ] vYi nksyuksa ds fy;s nksyudky U;wure~ gks &
(A) R (B*) (C) (D)
2 2 4
Sol. K2 = + Mx2  K2 = +x2
2 2
As is max. (For T to be min.)
R CM line
1 R2 d R2 x
(  x 2 ) is max.  ( x)=0
x 2 dx 2 x
vertical plane

R2   1 R2
 + 1 = 0 =1
2  x2  2x 2
R2 R
x2 =  x= .
2 2
d2  R 2  R
and also 2 
 x  = + ve at x = .so T will be minimum
dx  2x 
 2

3. The dispersive powers of two materials are 0.30 & 0.28. They are used to construct two lenses which
are kept in contact to eliminate chromatic aberration (that means the f v = f r, the focal length of
combination is same for red and violet) If the focal length) (for av. color) of the lens made of the material
of dispersive power 0.30 is 10 cm, then the focal length (for av. color) of the lens of other material is :
nks inkFkksZa dh fo{ksi.k {kerk 0.30 & 0.28 gSA mudk mi;ksx fudV j[ks ¼ikl&ikl½ nks ySUlksa dks cukus esa fd;k
tkrk gS rkfd o.kZ foiFku (Chromotic aberration) dks [kRe fd;k tk lds (vFkkZr~ fv = fr ,la;kstu dh Qksdl nwjh
yky o cSaxuh jax ds fy, leku gS)A vxj 0.3 fo{ksi.k {kerk okys inkFkZ ls cus ysUl dh Qksdl nwjh ¼vkSlr jax ds
fy,½ 10 cm gS rks nwljs inkFkZ dh Qksdl nwjh ¼vkSlr jax ds fy,½ D;k gksxh
(A) 28/3 cm (B*)  0.28/3 m (C) 0.75/7 m (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha

4. A uniform rod of mass M and length L leans against a frictionless wall, with quarter of its length hanging
over a corner as shown. Friction at corner is sufficient to keep the rod at rest. Then the ratio of
magnitude of normal reaction on rod by wall and the magnitude of normal reaction on rod by corner is

,d ,dleku NM+ ftldk nzO;eku M rFkk yEckbZ L gS] ,d ?k"kZ.kjfgr nhokj ds fo:) nhokj ds lgkjs j[kh gS
bldh ,d pkSFkkbZ yEckbZ dk fgLlk fp=kkuqlkj ,d dksus ij gSA NM+ dks fojke esa j[kus ds fy, dksus dk ?k"kZ.k
i;kZIr gSA nhokj }kjk NM+ ij yxk;s x;s vfHkyEc cy ds ifjek.k dk dksus }kjk NM+ ij yxk;s x;s vfHkyEc cy ds
ifjek.k ds lkFk vuqikr gksxk %
1 2 1 2
(A*) (B) (C) (D)
2 sin  sin  2 cos  cos 

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

The FBD of rod is

NM+ dk FBD n'kkZ;k x;k gS
Taking moment of force about centre of mass
nzO;eku dsUnz ds ifjr vk?kw.kZ ysus ij
N2 × – N1 sin × =0   
4 2
N 1
   1 
N2 2 sin 

5. An electron is placed just in the middle between two long fixed line charges of charge density + each.
The wires are in the xy plane (Do not consider gravity)
+js[kh; vkos'k ?kuRo ds nks vR;f/kd yEcs fLFkj js[kh; vkos'k ,d nwljs ds lekUrj xy ry esa j[ks gq, gSA buds
e/; fcUnq ij bysDVªkWu (e) j[kk tkrk gSA (xq:Ro ux.; gSA)

(A*) The equilibrium of the electron will be unstable along x-direction

(B) The equilibrium of the electron will be stable along y-direction
(C*) The equilibrium of the electron will be neutral along y-direction
(D*) The equilibrium of the electron will be stable along z-direction
(A*) bysDVªkWu dh lkE;koLFkk x-fn'kk esa vLFkk;h gksxhA
(B) bysDVªkWu dh lkE;koLFkk y-fn'kk esa LFkk;h gksxhA
(C*) bysDVªkWu dh lkE;koLFkk y-fn'kk esa mnklhu gksxhA
(D*) bysDVªkWu dh lkE;koLFkk z-fn'kk esa LFkk;h gksxhA
Sol. If we displace the electron slightly toward x direction, it will thrown away toward right.
So eql. is unstable along x direction.
If we displace the electron slightly towards y direction, No extra force will act. So eql. is neutral along y
If we displace the electron toward z direction, it will be attracted and try to come to eql. positron. So eql.
is stable along z direction.

6. Two free point charges +q and +4q are placed a distance x apart. A third charge is so placed that all the
three charges are in equilibrium. Then
nks fcUnqor~ eqDr vkos'k +q rFkk +4q, x nwjh ij j[ks gSA ,d rhljs vkos'k dks bl rjg j[krs gSa] ftlls rhuksa vkos'k
lkE;koLFkk esa jgrs gSaA rc &
(A*) unknown charge is -4q/9 vKkr vkos'k -4q/9 gSA
(B) unknown charge is -9q/4 vKkr vkos'k -9q/4 gSA
(C*) It should be at (x/3) from smaller charge between them
;g muds chp NksVs vkos'k ls (x/3) nwjh ij j[kk tkuk pkfg,A
(D) It should be placed at (2x/3) from smaller charge between them.
;g muds chp NksVs vkos'k ls (2x/3) nwjh ij j[kk tkuk pkfg,A

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

For equilibrium of all the changes net force on each charge should be zero.
kqQ 4kqQ
 2 – = 0 (Net force on Q)  d = x/3
d ( x  d)2
kqQ 4kq 2
& + = 0 (Net force on A )
d2 x2
 4 x
Q =  q & d =
9 3
 An extended object of size 2 cm is placed at a distance of d (cm) in medium (refractive index n = 3)
from pole, on the principal axis of a spherical curved surface.The medium on the other side of refracting
surface is air (refractive index n = 1).
2 lseh- vkdkj dh ,d foLrkfjr oLrq ,d xksyh; oØ i`"B ds eq[; v{k ij /kzqo ls d (cm) nwj ek/;e (viorZukad
n = 3) esa j[kh gqbZ gSA viorZd i`"B ds nwljh vksj ds ek/;e ok;q dk viorZukad n = 1 gSA

n=3 n=1 n=3 n=1

2cm 2cm

d d

ROC =20cm oØrk f=kT;k=20cm

7. For d = 20 cm, the distance of the image from the pole is

d = 20 cm ds fy;s] /kzqo ls izfrfcEc dh nwjh gSA
(A) 2 cm (B) 3 cm (C*) 4 cm (D) 5 cm
Sol. From formula for refraction at curved surface
oØh; lrg ds viorZu ds fy;s lw=k
n 2 n1 n2  n1
  v = – 4 cm
v u R
 image is formed in denser medium at a distance 4 cm from pole.
l?ku ek/;e es izfrfcEc /kzqo ls 4 cm nwj cusxkA

8. For d = 20 cm, The size of image is d = 20 cm ds fy;s] izfrfcEc dk vkdkj gSA

1 2 6 3
(A) cm (B) cm (C*) cm (D) cm
6 15 5 2
v n1 4 3 6
Sol. Size of image =  × size of object =  2= cm.
u n2 20 1 5
v n1 4 3 6
izfrfcEc dk vkdkj =  oLrq dk vkdkj =  2 = cm.
u n2 20 1 5

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Paragraph for Question Nos. 9 and 10
iz'u 9 vkSj 10 ds fy, vuqPNsn
A block of mass 10 kg is put gently on a belt-conveyor system of infinite length at t = 0 sec, which is
moving with constant speed 20 m/sec rightward at all time, irrespectively of any situation by means of a
motor-system as shown in the figure.
t = 0 lSd.M ij vuUr yEckbZ ds ,d dUos;j csYV fudk; ij 10 kg nzO;eku dk ,d CykWd lko/kkuh iwoZd j[kk
tkrk gS] tks eksVj fudk; }kjk 20 m/sec dh fu;r pky ls lnSo nk;ha vksj xfr'khy jgrh gS] tSlk fd fp=k esa
iznf'kZr gSA

A constant force of magnitude 15 N is applied on the block continuously during its motion.
CykWd dh xfr ds nkSjku 15 N ifjek.k dk fu;r cy CykWd ij yxkrkj vkjksfir gSA
   
9. At t = 2 force of friction is f 1 and at t = 10s force of friction is f 2 then magnitude of f 1 + f 2 is
   
t = 2 lSd.M ij ?k"kZ.k cy f 1 gS rFkk t = 10 lSd.M ij ?k"kZ.k cy f 2 gS rc f 1 + f 2 dk ifjek.k gksxkA
(A*) 10 N (B) 15 (C) 25 N (D) 40N

10. Work done by the kinetic friction on the block of mass 10 kg is

10 kg nzO;eku ds CykWd ij xfrt ?k"kZ.k }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z gksxkA
(A*) 1250 J (B) 2500 J (C) 2000 J (D) 4000 J
Sol. In the time interval t = 0 sec to t = t0 sec, till the time. The relative velocity is not zero the nature of
friction will be kinetic.

uAB  0iˆ  (20i)
ˆ  20m / sec(i)ˆ
N = 100 N  Fk  0.25  100  25N
 ˆ a  0m / sec 2 (i)
a A  4m / sec 2 (i), B
  
a AB  aA  aB  4m / sec 2 (i)
   
VAB  uAB  a AB t  0
 t  5 sec
When the relative motion between block A and belt conveyor will be zero, the nature of friction will be
static and its magnitude will equal to magnitude of unbalanced external force acting on the block A and
its direction will be I the opposite direction of unbalanced external force.

 25N(i)
ˆ  kinetic in nature
 Fr  Frictional force  
25N( ˆi)  kinetic in nature
Displacement of block with respect to ground in 5 seconds = 50 meter.
Work done by friction = 25 × 50 = 1250J

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Sol. le;kUrjky t = 0 sec ls t = t0 sec rd ?k"kZ.k cy xfrt izd`fr dk gksxk D;ksafd lkis{k osx 'kwU; ugh gSA

uAB  0iˆ  (20i)
ˆ  20m / sec(i)ˆ
N = 100 N  Fk  0.25  100  25N
 ˆ a  0m / sec 2 (i)
a A  4m / sec 2 (i), B
  
a AB  aA  aB  4m / sec 2 (i)
   
VAB  uAB  a AB t  0
 t  5 sec
tc CykWd A o dUos;j csYV ds e/; lkis{k xfr 'kwU; gksxh] ?k"kZ.k dh izd`fr LFkSfrd gksxh rFkk bldk ifjek.k CykWd
A ij dk;Zjr vlarqfyr ckg~; cy ds ifjek.k ds cjkcj gksxk ,oa bldh fn'kk vlarqfyr ckg~; cy dh fn'kk ds
foifjr gksxhA

 25N(i)ˆ  izd`fr esa xfrt

 Fr  ?k"kZ.k cy  
25N(  i)  izd`fr esa xfrt
CykWd dk lrg ds lkis{k 5 lSd.M esa foLFkkiu = 50 meter.
?k"kZ.k }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z = 25 × 50 = 1250J

11. Calculate the magnitude of electrostatic force on a charge placed at a vertex of a triangular pyramid
(4 vertices, 4 faces), if 4 equal point charges are placed at all four vertices of pyramid of side ‘a’.
f=kHkqtkdkj fijkfeM (4 'kh"kZ, 4 lrg) ds ,d 'kh"kZ ij j[ks vkos'k ij fLFkj fo|qr cy ds ifjek.k dh x.kuk dhft,]
;fn 'a' Hkqtk ds fijkfeM ds pkjksa 'kh"kZ ij pkj leku fcUnq vkos'k j[ks gkssa &

Sol. cos  

Kq2 2 6 q2
Fnet = 3Fcos = 3 =
a2 3 4 0 a2
6 q2
[ Ans. ]
4 0 a2

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12. In each situation of column-I a mass distribution is given and information regarding x and y-coordinate
of centre of mass is given in column-II. Match the figures in column-I with corresponding information of
centre of mass in column-II.
LrEHk-I dh izR;sd fLFkfr esa ,d nzO;eku forj.k fn;k x;k gS rFkk LrEHk-II esa nzO;eku dsUnz ds x rFkk y-funs'Z kkad ls
lEcfU/kr lwpuk nh xbZ gSA LrEHk-II esa nzO;eku dsUnz ls lEcfU/kr laxr lwpukvksa ls lqesfyr dhft,A
Column-I Column-II
(A) An equilateral triangular wire frame is (p) xcm > 0
made using three thin uniform rods of
mass per unit lengths , 2 and 3 as

(B) A square frame is made using per unit (q) ycm > 0
length lengths , 2, 3 and 4 as

(C) A circular wire frame is made of two (r) xcm < 0

uniform semicircular wires of same
radius and of mass per unit length 
and 2 as shown

(D) A circular wire frame is made wires of (s) ycm < 0

same radius and mass per unit length
, 2, 3 and 4 as shown


(A) fp=kkuqlkj , 2 rFkk 3 nzO;eku izfr (p) xcm > 0

,dkad yEckbZ dh rhu iryh ,dleku NM+ksa
dk iz;ksx djds ,d leckgq f=kHkqtkdkj Ýse
cuk;k tkrk gSA

(B) fp=kkuqlkj , 2, 3 rFkk 4 nzO;eku izfr (q) ycm > 0

,dkad yEckbZ dh pkj iryh ,dleku NM+ksa
dk iz;ksx djds ,d oxkZdkj Ýse cuk;k
tkrk gSA

(C) fp=kkuqlkj  rFkk 2 nzO;eku izfr ,dkad (r) xcm < 0

yEckbZ rFkk leku f=kT;k dh nks
v)Zo`Ùkkdkj rkjksa dk iz;ksx djds ,d
o`Ùkkdkj rkj Ýse cuk;k tkrk gSA

(D) fp=kkuqlkj , 2, 3 rFkk 4 nzO;eku izfr (s) ycm < 0

,dkad yEckbZ rFkk leku f=kT;k ds pkj
,dleku ,d pkSFkkbZ o`Ùkkdkj rkjksa dk
iz;ksx djds ,d o`Ùkkdkj rkj Ýse cuk;k
tkrk gSA
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Ans. (A) q,r (B) p,s (C) p,s (D) p,s
Sol. (A) Centre of mass lies in second quadrant.
(B), (C) and (D) Centre of mass lies on y-axis and below x-axis.
(A) nzO;eku dsUnz f}rh; prqFkkZa'k esa fLFkr gSA
(B), (C) rFkk (D) nzO;eku dsUnz y-v{k ij rFkk x-v{k ds uhps fLFkr gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A12 TO A13

DPP No. : A12 (JEE-MAIN)

Total Marks : 60 Max. Time : 40 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.20 (3 marks 2 min.) [60, 40]


1. (D) 2. (B) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (B) 7. (C)
8. (C) 9. (D) 10. (C) 11. (D) 12. (C) 13. (B) 14. (C)
15. (A) 16. (A) 17. (B) 18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (D)
1 2
1. When a point charge of C is placed along the axis of a thin disc of total charge C (uniform
3 3
distribution) and radius 3.95 cm such that distance between point charge and centre of disc is 1 m, then
force experienced by disc is approximately :
,d iryh pdrh ftldh f=kT;k 3.95 cm gS] bl ij dqy vkos'k C le:i forjhr gS rFkk bldh v{k ij
C dk fcUnw vkos'k j[kk gSA pdrh ds dsUnz rFkk fcUnq vkos'k ds chp nwjh 1m gS rks pdrh }kjk vuqHko fd;k x;k
cy fdruk gksxk ¼yxHkx eku½ :
(A) 4mN (B) 6mN (C) 3mN (D*) 2mN
Sol. Behaviour of disc is like a point charge because distance between the disc and the point charge is very
large in comparison to radius of disc.
pdrh dh f=kT;k dh rqyuk esa fcUnq vkos'k vf/kd nwjh ij gksus ls ge pdrh dks fcUnq vkos'k dh rjg eku ldrs gS
2 1
9  10 9 
C  C
F= 3 3 = 2mN
2. A wire having a linear density 0.1kg/m is kept under a tension of 490 N. It is observed that it resonates
at a frequency of 400Hz and the next higher frequency 450Hz. Find the length of the wire
0.1kg/m js[kh; ?kuRo ds ,d rkj ij ruko 490 N gSA;g izsf{kr fd;k tkrk gS fd bldh vuquknh vko`fÙk 400Hz gS
rFkk blds ckn dh mPp vuquknh vko`fÙk 450Hz gSA rkj dh yEckbZ Kkr dhft,A
(A) 0.4m (B*) 0.7m (C) 0.6m (D) 0.49m

3. Consider the arrangement shown in the figure. Assuming frictionless contacts, then the magnitude of
external horizontal force P applied at the lower end for equilibrium of the rod will be : (The rod is uniform
and its mass is ' m ')
fn;s x;s fp=k esa lEidZ ?k"kZ.kghu ekfu;s] NM+ dh lkE;koLFkk ds fy, fupys fljs ij vkjksfir ckg~; {ksfrt cy P dk
ifjek.k D;k gksxkA (NM+ le:i gS rFkk bldk nzO;eku ' m ' gS)

mg mg mg mg
(A) (B*) cot  (C) tan  (D) sec 
2 2 2 2
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Sol. The F.B.D. of rod is as shown
For rod to be in translational equilibrium
N1 = P ....(1)
N2 = W = mg ....(2)

For rod to be in rotational equilibrium, net torque on rod about any axis is zero.
 Net torque on rod about B is zero

mg cos  – N2  cos  + P  sin  = 0 .......(3)
from equation (2) and (3) solving we get
P= cot 

4. A uniform rod of length 4L and mass M is suspended from a horizontal roof by two light strings of length
L and 2L as shown. Then the tension in the left string of length L is
4L yEckbZ rFkk M nzO;eku dh ,d ,dleku NM+ L rFkk 2L yEckbZ dh nks gYdh Mksfj;ksa }kjk ,d {kSfrt Nr ls
fp=kkuqlkj yVdh gqbZ gSA rks L yEckbZ dh cka;h Mksjh esa ruko gksxk &

Mg Mg 3 Mg
(A*) (B) (C) Mg (D)
2 3 5 4


(Easy) The free body daigram of rod is

Net torque about centre of mass is zero
(Easy) oLrq dk eqä oLrq fp=k gS &
nzO;eku dsUnz ds ifjr% usV vk?kw.kZ 'kwU; gSA
T1 × cos = T2 × cos 
2 2
T1 = T2 =

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5. A uniform disc of mass m and radius r and a point mass m are arranged as shown in the figure. The
acceleration of point mass is: (Assume there is no slipping between pulley and thread and the disc can
rotate smoothly about a fixed horizontal axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its plane)
nzO;eku m o f=kT;k r dh ,d le:i pdrh vkSj ,d fcUnq nzO;eku m fp=kkuqlkj O;ofLFkr gSaA fcUnq nzO;eku dk
Roj.k D;k gksxkA (;g ekfu, fd f?kjuh o /kkxs ds e/; dksbZ fQlyu ugha gS ,oa pdrh blds dsUnz ls ikfjr o blds
ry ds yEcor~ fLFkj {kSfrt v{k ds ifjr% fcuk ?k"kZ.k ds ?kwe ldrh gSA)

g g
(A) (B)
2 3
(C*) (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha
Sol. Let a &  be linear
and angular acceleration of disc respectively r
a = r ........(i)
Xm T
Torque about centre of disc
 = 
 1 
mgr =  mr 2  mr 2  
2 
mgr = mr 2  .........(ii)
2 mg
From eqn. (i) & (ii)
3 a 2g
mgr = mr 2    a =
2  
r 3

6. Two identical discs of mass m and radius r are arranged as shown in the figure. If is the angular
acceleration of the lower disc and acm is acceleration of centre of mass of the lower disc, then relation
between acm,  & r is :
m nzO;eku rFkk r f=kT;k dh nks ,d leku pdfr;ksa dks fp=kkuqlkj O;ofLFkr fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn uhps okyh pdrh
dk; Roj.k gks rFkk acm uhps okyh pdrh ds nzO;eku dsUnz dk Roj.k, rks  ,acm, rFkk r esa D;k lEcU/k gksxk :

(A) acm = (B*) acm = 2  r
(C) acm =  r (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha

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mr 2
Tr = 1 ..........(1)
mr 2
Tr =  .......... (2)
1 =  .......... (3)
From (1) & (2)
accn . of point b = accn of point a
r 1 = acm – r  .......... (4)
Hence 2 r  = acm Ans. (B)

7. A force of 6.4N stretches a vertical spring by 0.1m. The mass that must be suspended from the spring
so that it oscillates with a time period of /4 second.
,d cy 6.4 N tks fd ,d Å/okZ/kj fLizax dks 0.1 m [khaprk gSA vr% vkorZdky /4 lsd.M ls nksyu djus ds fy,
bl fLizax ls fdruk nzO;eku yVdk;k tkuk pkfg;s &
 4
(A) kg (B) kg (C*) 1 kg (D) 10 kg
4 
Sol. Spring constant (fLizax fu;rkad) K = = 64 N/m.
m  m
Now (vc) T = 2 or  2  m = 1 kg
k 4 64
8. The gas law = constant for a given amount of a gas is true for :
fdlh nh gqbZ xSl dh ek=kk ds fy, xSl fu;e = fu;r] lR; gS &
(A) isothermal change only. (B) adiabatic change only.
(C*) both isothermal & adiabatic changes. (D) neither isothermal nor adiabatic change.
(A) dsoy lerkih; ifjorZuksa ds fy,A (B) dsoy :)ks"e ifjorZuksa ds fy,A
(C*) :)ks"e rFkk lerkih; nksuksa ifjorZuksa ds fy,A (D) uk gh :)ks"e uk lerkih; ifjorZuksa ds fy,
Sol. As PV = nRT
 PV 
For n = constant :   = constant
 T 
for all changes. Hence (C)

9. If a tuning fork of frequency (f 0) 340 Hz and tolerance 1% is used in resonance column method [v = 2f 0
(2 – 1)], the first and the second resonance are measured at 1 = 24.0 cm and 2 = 74.0 cm. Find max.
permissible error in speed of sound.
vuqukn uyh ds iz;ksx esa [v = 2f0 (2 – 1 lw=k }kjk)] mi;ksx fd;s tkus okys Lofj=k dh vko`fr (0) 340 Hz gS vkSj
mlesa =kqfV (tolerance ) 1% gS A izFke vkSj f}rh; vuqukn Øe'k% 1 = 24.0 cm vkSj 2 = 74.0 cm ij izkIr gksrs
gSa rks /ofu ds osx esa vf/kdre vuqes; (permissible) =kqfV Kkr djks &
(A) 1.5% (B) 1.3% (C) 1.2% (D*) 1.4%
Ans. (D)

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Sol. v = 2f 0 (2 – 1),
 v  f 0  1   2 1 0.1  0.1
   =  = + = 1.4%.
 v  max f0  2  1 100 74  24

10. Two vibrating strings of same length, same cross section area and stretched to same tension is made
of materials with densities  & 2 . Each string is fixed at both ends. If v1 represents the fundamental
mode of vibration of the one made with density  and v2 for another, then v1/v2 is:
nksuksa fljksa ls ca/kh gqbZ nks leku yEckbZ ,oa leku vuqizLFk dkV {ks=kQy dh dfEir jfLl;ksa dks leku ruko ls
[khpk x;k gS rFkk ftuds inkFkksZ ds ?kuRo rFkk 2gSA ;fn  ?kuRo ls cuh jLlh ds ewy Lojd dks v1 ls n'kkZrs
gS rFkk v 2 vU; jLlh ds ewyLojd dks n'kkZrk gS] rks v1/v2 gS &
1 2 1
(A) (B) 2 (C*) (D)
2 2
V1 2 2 2
Sol. = = = Ans.
V2 1 
11. What is the percentage change in the tension necessary in a sonometer of fixed length to produce a
note one octave lower (half of original frequency) than before
fu;r yEckbZ ds lksuksehVj ds ruko esa fdruk izfr'kr ifjorZu fd;k tk;s fd igys ls ,d v"Vd de ds ¼ ewy
vko`fÙk dk vk/kk½ /ofu mRiUu gks lds
(A) - 25% (B) - 50% (C) - 67% (D*) - 75%
Sol. In Sonometer (lksuksehVj esa)
V T
V1 T1 T1
 =2=  T2 =
V2 T2 4
 % ifjorZu gksxk -----
T1 
T1  T2 4  100 =
× 100 = 75% Ans.
T1 T1

12. The tension, length, diameter and density of a string B are double that of another string A. Which of the
following overtones of B is same as the fundamental frequency of A. (They are fixed at both the ends)
,d Mksjh B dk ruko] yEckbZ] O;kl o ?kuRo ,d vU; Mksjh A ls nqxquk gSA fuEu esa ls B dk dkSulk vf/kLojd A
dh ewy vko`fr ds leku gS ¼;s nksuksa jfLl;k¡ nksuks fljksa ij ca/kh gS½ \
(A) 1st (B) 2nd (C*) 3rd (D) 4th

13. A string 1m long fixed at both ends is made to oscillate with 300Hz frequency. The string vibrates in 3
loops. The speed of transverse waves in the string is equal to
,d fljs ls ca/kh gqbZ 1m yEch Mksjh ftlds nksuksa fljs fLFkj gSaA 300Hz dh vko`fÙk ls nksyu dj jgh gS Mksjh rhu
ywiksa esa dEiu dj jgh gSA Mksjh esa vuqizLFk rjax dh pky gksxh
(A) 100 m/s (B*) 200 m/s (C) 300 m/s (D) 400 m/s

14. A person calculates electric field due to a point charge q at a distance r from the point charge. If value
of q is known with 2% error and r is measured with 1% error, then the percentage error in calculation of
electric field is (assume that there is no error in k = ):
4 0
,d O;fDr ,d fcUnq vkos'k q ds dkj.k mlls r nwjh ij oS|qr {kS=k dh x.kuk djrk gSA ;fn q ds ekiu esa 2% dh
=kqfV rFkk r ds ekiu esa 1% dh =kqfV gksrh gS, rc oS|qr {ks=k dh x.kuk esa izfr'kr =kqfV gksxh
(ekfu, fd ;gk¡ k = esa dksbZ =kqfV ugha gS):
4 0

(A) 3% (B) 0 (C*) 4% (D) 1%

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kq dE dq dr
Sol. E=   – 2
r2 E q r
dE dq dr
For percentage error  + 2
E q r

15. Two point charges 2q and q are placed at some distance as shown in the figure. If the charge q is
moved towards right then electric field at a point which on line AB and equidistant from both point
charges at any instant:
nks fcUnq vkos'k 2q o q fp=kkuqlkj dqN nwjh ij j[ks gq, gSA ;fn vkos'k q nka;h vksj xfr'khy gksrk gS rc js[kk AB
ds fdlh fcUnq ij tks nksuksa fcUnq vkos'kksa ls ml {k.k leku nwjh ij gS] ml ij oS|rq {ks=k

(A*) decrease (B) increase (C) remains same (D) may increase or decrease
(A*) ?kVsxk (B) c<sxk (C) vifjofrZr jgsxk (D) ?kV ;k c<+ ldkrk gSA

Sol. Electric field at mid point

kq 4kq
= 2
= 2
a a
 
On increasing a E will decrease

16. A parallel beam of light is incident on a lens of focal length 10 cm. A parallel slab of refractive index 1.5
and thickness 3 cm is placed on the other side of the lens. Find the distance of the final image from the
Qksdl nwjh 10 cm ds ysal ij lekukUrj fdj.k iqat vkifrr gksrk gSA ysal ds nwljh rjQ 1.5 viorZukad vkSj 3
cm eksVkbZ dh lekUrj iV~Vh j[k nh tkrh gSA ysal ls vafre izfrfcEc dh nwjh crkvkssaA

(A*) 11 cm (B) 9 cm (C) 4 cm (D) 15 cm

Sol. As rays are parallel to the principal axis, image is created by lens at the focus.
By placing of glass-slab,
 1  1 
Shift = 1   .t = 1   3 = 1 cm.
   1 .5 
Irrespective of separation,
Image is shifted to the right by 1 cm.
Total distance from lens 10 + 1 = 11 cm Ans.

17. A body is located on a wall. Its image of equal size is to be obtained on a parallel wall with the help of a
convex lens. The lens is placed at a distance d ahead of second wall, then the required focal length will
d d
(A) Only (B*) Only
4 2
d d
(C) More than but less than (D) Less than
4 4

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nhokj ij ,d oLrq fLFkr gSA leku vkdkj dk izfrfcEc mÙky ySal dh lgk;rk ls d nwjh vkxs lekUrj nhokj ij
izkIr fd;k tkrk gSA nwljh nhokj ls ySal dks d nwjh ij j[kk x;k gSA vHkh"B Qksdl nwjh D;k gksxh %
d d d d d
(A) dsoy (B*) dsoy (C) ls vf/kd fdUrq ls de (D) ls de
4 2 4 2 4
Sol. The lens formula can be written as ySUl lw=k fuEu izdkj fy[k ldrs gSaA
1 1 1
=  .... (i)
f v u
Given fn;k x;k gS, v=d
For equal size image leku vkd`fr ds fy,
By sign convention fpUg ifjikVh ls, u = – d
1 1 1 d
 =  or ;k f=
f d d 2

18. An equiconvex lens is cut into two halves along (i) XOX’ and (ii) YOY’ as shown in the figure. Let f, f ’,f ’’
be the focal lengths of the complete lens, of each half in case (i), and of each half in case (ii),

Choose the correct statement from the following :

(A) f ’ = f, f ’’ = f (B) f ’ = 2f, f ’’ = 2f (C*) f ’ = f, f ’’ = 2f (D) f ’ = 2f, f ’’ = f
,d leksÙky ySal dks nks v/kZdksa esa (i) XOX’ rFkk (ii) YOY’ ds vuqfn'k fp=kkuqlkj dkVk x;k gSA ekuk f, f ’,f ’’ Øe'k%
iw.kZ ySal dh] izdj.k (i) esa izR;sd v/kZd dh rFkk izdj.k] (ii) esa izR;sd v/kZd dh Qksdl nwfj;k¡ gS %

fuEu esa ls lgh dFku pqfu;sA

(A) f ’ = f, f ’’ = f (B) f ’ = 2f, f ’’ = 2f (C*) f ’ = f, f ’’ = 2f (D) f ’ = 2f, f ’’ = f
Sol. Initially, the focal length of equiconvex lens is izkjEHk esa leryksÙky ySUl dh Qksdl nwjh
1  1 1 
 
= ( – 1) R  R 
f  1 2 

1  1 1  2(u  1)
= ( – 1)    =

f  R1 R 2  R
Case I : When lens is cut along XOX’ then each half is again equiconvex with
fLFkfr I tc ySaUl XOX’ ds vuqfn'k dkVk tkrk gS rc izR;sd vk/kk Hkkx iqu% leryksÙke ySUl gksxk
R1 = + R, R2 = – R
1 1 1 
Thus, = ( – 1)   
f  R ( R) 
 1 1 2 1
= ( – 1)    = ( – 1) =
R R  R f'
 f’=f
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Case II : When lens is cut along YOY’, then each half becomes plano-convex with
fLFkfr I tc ySaUl YOY’ ds vuqfn'k dkVk tkrk gS rc izR;sd IysV leryksÙky ySUl gksxh
R1 = R, R2 = 
1  1 1 
 
Thusvr%, = ( – 1) R  R 
f'  1 2 

 1 1
= ( – 1)   
R 
(  1) 1
= =
R 2f
Hence vr% f ’ = f, f ’’ = 2f

19. Two springs of same spring constants are arranged as shown in figure. A block of mass m strikes one
of the spring with velocity v. Find the period of oscillation of the block. (The block does not stick to the
leku cy fu;rkadks okyh nks fLizxksa dks fp=kkuqlkj O;ofLFkr fd;k tkrk gSA m nzO;eku dk ,d CykWd v osx ls
fdlh ,d fLizax ls Vdjkrk gSA CykWd ds nksyuksa dk vkoZrdky Kkr dhft;sA ¼xqVdk fLizax ij fpidrk ugh gS½
v m

m  m 2 m 2 2m 2
(A) 2  (B*) 2  (C) 2  (D) 2 
k V k V 2k V k V

20. A ring of mass m and radius R rolls on a horizontal rough surf ace without slipping due to
an applied f orce ‘F’. The f riction f orce acting on ring is : –
,d m nzO;eku rFkk R f=kT;k dh oy; vkjksfir cy F ds izHkko esa fcuk fQlys {kSfrt [kqjnjs /kjkry ij yq<+drh
gSA oy; ij yxus okyk ?k"kZ.k cy gS &

F 2F F
(A) (B) (C) (D*) Zero 'kw U ;
3 3 4
Sol. (D) F + f = ma .... (1)
Also ; FR – f R = 
F – f = ma .... (2) [ = mR 2 ]
From (1) & (2)
f = 0.

NCERT Questions to be discussed

Q. No. 9.6, 9.21, 9.23, 9.29, 9.30, 9.31, 9.32, 9.33, 9.34, 9.35, 9.36, 9.38


1. A person looking at a mesh of crossed wires. He is able to see the v ertical wires more
distinctly than the horizontal wires. W hat is the reason of this def ect, By what name this
def ect is known. How is such a def ect of vision can be corrected?
,d O;fDr ØkWflr rkj ds ,d tky dks ns[k jgk gSA ;g dsoy m/okZ/okj rkj dks gh] {kSfrt rkj dh rqyuk esa vf/kd
Li"V ns[k ik jgk gS] crkb;s mls dzkSulk nks"k gS\ ;g nks"k dSls gqvk\ bl n`f"V nks"k dks dSls gVk;k tk ldrk gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Ans. The def ect (called astigmatism) arises because the curv ature of t he cornea plus eye-
lens ref racting system is not the same in diff erent planes. [The eye-lens i s usually
spherical i.e., has the same curv ature on diff erent planes but in some cases the
curv ature in the v ertical plane is enough, so sharp images of v ertical wires can be
f ormed on the retina, but the curvature is insufficient in the horizontal planes, so
horizontal wires appear blurred. This def ect can be corrected by using a cylindrical lens
with its axis along the v ertical. Clearly, parallel rays in the v ert ical plane will suff er no
extra ref raction, but those in the horizontal plane can get the required extra conv ergence
due to ref raction by the curv ed surf ace of the cylindrical lens if the curv ature o the
cylindrical surf ace is chosen appropriately.
bl nks"k dks vfcUnqdrk dgrs gSaA bldk dkj.k vk¡[k ds dksfuZ;k dh oØrk rFkk us=k ysUl ds viorZu fudk; dk
leku ry esa ugha gksuk gksrk gSA mudh oØrk leku gksrh gSa ijUrq muds Å/okZ/kj lery vyx&vyx gksrs gSaA bl
dkj.k Å/okZ/kj rkj dk pedhyk izfrfcEc jsfVuk ij izkIr gks tkrk gSA ijUrq {kSfrt ry esa oØ {kSfrt rkj dk
izfrfcEc jsfVuk ij lkQ ugha cuk ikrk bl dkj.k {kSfrt rkj /kqa/kys izfrr gksrs gSaA bl izdkj ds nks"k dks] Å/okZ/kj ds
vuqfn'k] csyukdkj ySal dk mi;ksx djds fuokfjr fd;k tk ldrk gSA Li"V gS fd lekUrj fdj.ksa tks Å/okZ/kj ry
esa vkifrr gksrh gSa mudk vfrfjDr ijkorZu ugha gksrk gS tcfd {kSfrt ry esa os vfrfjDr ijkorZu ds dkj.k
vfHklkfjr gks tkrh gSaA D;ksafd csyukdkj ysal dh lrg oØ gksrh gSA rFkk izfrfcEc Li"V fn[kkbZ iM+rk gSA

2. Draw a labelled ray diagram of a reflecting (Cassegrain) telescope and explain its working.
ijkorZu nwjn'khZ (Cassegrain) fdj.k vkjs[k ukekfdr fp=k cukb;s ,oa bldh dk;Zfof/k le>kb;sA

3. List some advantages of a reflecting telescope, especially for high resolution astronomy.
ijkorZu nwjn'khZ ls ns[kus ij ges] [kxksfy; mPp foHksnu {kerk ds fy, fof'k"V :i ls D;k ykHk gSA

Ans. No chromatic aberration due to the objective because only reflection is inv olved;
spherical aberration reduced by using a mirror of the shape of paraboloi d ; brighter
image than in a ref racting telescope of equiv alent size because in the latter intensity of
light is partially lost due to ref lection and absorption by the objectiv e lens glass; mirror
entails grinding and polishing of only one side; high resol ution (as well as brightness of
a point object) achiev ed by using a mirror of large aperture which is easier to support
(its back side being av ailable) than a lens o the same aperture.
ijkorZu nwjn'khZ esa] vfHkn`';d ds dkj.k xksfy; foiFku ugh gksrk gS D;ksfd dsoy ijkorZu ls izfrfcac izkIr gksxk
lkFk gh xksyh; foiFku dks ijoy; ds vkdkj dk niZ.k mi;ksx djds nwj fd;k tkrk gSA viorZu dh rqyuk eas]
ijkorZu esa] cuk izfrfcac vf/kd pedhyk (brighter image) gksrk gSA D;ksfd viorZd nwjn'khZ esa rqY; vkdkj ds
vfHkn`';d ysal esa izdk'k ds vkaf'kd :i ls ijkorZu rFkk ysal ds inkFkZ ds }kjk vkaf'kd :i ls izdk'k ds vo'kks"k.k
ds dkj.k izdk'k fd rhozrk de gks tkrh gS] blds foifjr niZ.k dh iksfy'k ds dkj.k izdk'k dk] dsyo ijkorZu ls
izfrfcac curk gSA rFkk ijkorZu nwjn'khZ esa rhozrk mPp ( fcUnq oLrq ds fy, Hkh) izkIr gksxh ;|fi cMs }kjd ds niZ.k
dk mi;ksx fd;k x;k gksA niZ.k dks ysal dh rqyuk esa blds ihNs dh vksj vklku lgkjs ds lkFk (support) j[kk
tk ldrk gSA

4. Why is rainbow formed in the sky ?

bUnz/kuq"k vkdk'k esa D;ksa curk gS\
Ans. Rainbow is formed due to the dispersion of sun rays, when they fall on the suspended tiny droplets of
water (which acts as prisms of small angles). The rainbow will be visible to an observer having sun at
his back.
lw;Z ls vkus okyh izdk'k fdj.kksa ds] ok;qe.My esa fLFkr ckfj'k dh cwanks esa izos'k djds o.kZ fo{ksi.k dh ?kVuk gksus ls
bUnz/kuq"k curk gSA D;ksfd ;g fdj.ks NksVs dks.k okys fizTe dh rjg ckfj'k dh cwanks ls o.kZ fo{ksi.k gksrh gSA ;g rHkh
ns[kk tk ldrk gS tc lw;Z gekjh ihB dh vksj gksA [1 Mark] [1 vad]

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A12 TO A13


Total Marks : 42 Max. Time : 27 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type ('–1' negative marking) Q.3 to Q.8 (4 marks 2 min.) [24, 12]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B)(C)(D) 4. (A) (B) (C) 5. (A) (C)
6. (A) (D) 7. (B) 8. (A) (C) 9.
8 0 x 4
10. (A)  (p, r, s), (B)  (p, s), (C)  (r, s), (D)  (q, s)

1. Two particles P and Q start their journey simultaneously from point A. P moves along a smooth
horizontal wire AB. Q moves along a curved smooth track on the inner surface. Q has sufficient velocity
at A to reach B always remaining in contact with the curved track. At A, the horizontal component of
velocity of Q is same as the velocity of P along the wire. The plane of motion is vertical. If t1, t2, are
times taken by P and Q respectively to reach B then
nks d.k P o Q viuh ;k=kk ,d lkFk fcUnq A ls izkjEHk djrs gSaA P ,d fpdus {kSfrt rkj AB ds vuqfn'k xfr djrk
gSA Q ,d fpdus oØh; iFk ds vuqfn'k bldh vkUrfjd lrg ds lkFk xfr djrk gSA oØh; iFk ds lEidZ esa jgrs
gq;s B rd ig¡qpus ds fy;s Q ds ikl A ij i;kZIr osx gSA A ij Q ds osx dk {kSfrt ?kVd rkj ds vuqfn'k P ds
osx ds cjkcj gS A xfr dk ry Å/okZ/kj gS A ;fn P o Q }kjk B rd ig¡qpus esa fy;s x;s le; Øe'k% t1 o t2 gks rks
(P dk osx fu;r ekusa) &

(A) t1 = t2 (B*) t1> t2 (C) t1 < t2 (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugha
The horizontal component of velocity of Q will increase and become maximum at the top ; and will
again become same at B. Because of its greater horizontal velocity the particle Q will reach B earlier
than P
 t1 > t2 .

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
2. One mole of an ideal monatomic gas undergoes a linear process from A to B, in which is pressure P
and its volume V change as shown in figure

As the volume of the gas is increased, in some range of volume the gas expands with absorbing the
heat (the endothermic process) ; in the other range the gas emits the heat (the exothermic process).
Then the volume after which if the volume of gas is further increased the given process switches from
endothermic to exothermic is
,d eksy] ,dijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl fp=kkuqlkj A ls B rd js[kh; izØe }kjk ys tk;h tkrh gS ftlesa bldk nkc P o
vk;ru V dk ifjorZu crk;k x;k gSA

tSls xSl dk vk;ru c<+k;k tkrk gS] rks vk;ru dh dqN ijkl ds fy, xSl QSyrs gq, Å"ek vo'kksf"kr ¼vo'kks"kh
izØe½ djrh gS rFkk vU; nwljh ijkl ds fy, xSl Å"ek dks NksM+rh ¼Å"ek{ksih izØe½ gSA og vk;ru D;k gksxk
ftlds i'pkr~ vk;ru c<kus ij xSl Å"ek'kks"kh izØe ls Å"ek{ksih izØe ij vk tkrh gS &
2V0 3V0 5V0
(A) (B) (C*) (D) none of these buesa ls dksbZ ugh
8 8 8
Sol. From The P–V graph, the relation between P and V is P  V  P0 .... (1)
Also the ideal gas state equation for one mole isPV =RT .... (2)
P0  V 
From equation (1) and (2) is T  V1  
R  V0 
Hence the graph of T vs. V is a parabola given by
P–V xzkQ ls P rFkk V ds e/; lEcU/k P   0 V  P0 .... (1)
rFkk ,d eksy vkn'kZ xSl ds fy, PV =RT .... (2)
P0  V 
lehdj.k (1) o (2) ls T  V1  
R  V0 
vr% T rFkk V ds d/; xkzQ ijoy; gksxkA
Obviously T is maximum at V= . There maximum value of T is 0 0
2 4R
Li"Vr% T rc vf/kdre gS tc V = 0 rki T dk vf/kdre eku 0 0
2 4R
Q = U + W

where U is the change in the internal energy of the gas; and W is work, done by the gas. For one mole
of the monatomic ideal gas U = 3/2R T. Work equals the area under the graph P vs. V

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Therefore, for the process from the initial state with P1V1 = 3/2 RT1 to the state with P,V,T the heat
given to system is
tgk¡ U xSl dh vkUrfjd ÅtkZ esa ifjorZu gS rFkk W fd;k x;k dk;Z gS] ,d eksy ,d ijek.kqd xSl ds fy, U =
3/2R T. dk;Z P rFkk V xzkQ ds vUrxZr {ks=kQy gSA
vr% izØe ds fy, izkjfEHkd voLFkk P1V1 = 3/2 RT1 ls voLFkk P,V, T rd fudk; dks nh xbZ Å"ek
Q = (3/2) R (T – T1) + (1/2) (P + P1 (V – V1)
= 2 (PV – P1V1) + (PV + P1V + PV1 – P1V1) .... (3)
1 1
= 2PV + P1V – PV1 – 2P1V1
2 2
from equation 1 and 3 we get
P 5 5 V 
lehdj.k 1 o 3 ls Q = 2 0 V 2  P0 V  2P0 V1  1 
V0 2  4 V0 
The process switches from endothermic to exothermic as changes from positive to negative, that
dQ 5
is at = 0. Solving we get V = V0
dV 8
dQ dQ
tSls izØe Å"ek'kks"kh ls Å"ek{ksih dh rjQ tkrk gS oSls gh Hkh /kukRed ls _.kkRed tkrk gS ogk¡ ij =
dV dV
0. gy djus ij V = V0

3. Block A is kept on block B as shown in figure. It is known that acceleration of block A is

2 m/s2 towards right and acceleration of block B is 3 m/s2 towards right under the effect of unknown
forces. Direction of friction force acting on A by B (AB = 0.3)
CykWd A dks fp=kkuqlkj CykWd B ij j[kk tkrk gSA fdlh vKkr cy ds }kjk CykWd A dk Roj.k nka;h vksj 2 m/s2
rFkk B dk Roj.k 3 m/s2 nka;h vksj gSA B }kjk A ij yxk;s ?k"kZ.k cy dh fn'kk (AB = 0.3)

(A) is necessarily towards right (B*) may be towards right

(C*) may be towards left (D*) may be zero
(A) vko';d :i ls nka;h rjQ gSA (B*) nka;h rjQ gks ldrh gSA
(C*) cka;h rjQ gks ldrh gSA (D*) 'kwU; gks ldrh gSA
Sol. B,C,D direction of friction do not dpend on direction of force but it depends on direction of relative
motion (velocity)

4. The angle of deviation () vs angle of incidence (i) is plotted for a prism. Pick up the correct statements.
,d fçTe ds fy, fopyu dks.k "" rFkk vkiru dks.k " i " ds chp xzkQ cuk;k x;k gSA lgh dFku pqfu;s &

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
(A*) The angle of prism is 60°
fçTe dks.k 60° gSA
(B*) The refractive index of the prism is n = 3
fçTe dk viorZukad n = 3 gSA
(C*) For deviation to be 65° the angle of incidence i1 = 55°
65° fopyu ds fy, vkiru dks.k i1 = 55° gSA
(D) The curve of '' vs 'i' is parabolic
'' dk 'i' ds lkFk oØ ijoy; gSA
Sol.  = i + e – A (for minimum derivation i = e)
 minimum deviation = 2i – A
 = i + e – A (U;wure fopyu ds fy, i = e)
 U;wure fopyu = 2i – A
60 = 2 × 60 – A   A = 60°
    60  60 
sin A  m  sin 
 2   2 
n= = = 3
A  60 
sin  sin 
2  2 
1 = i1 + e – A
65° = i1 + 70° – 60° or i1 = 55°
the  versus i curve is not parabolic
oØ ijoy; ugha gSA

5. A particle is describing circular motion in a horizontal plane in contact with the smooth inside surface of
a fixed right circular cone with its axis vertical and vertex down. The height of the plane of motion above
the vertex is h and the semivertical angle of the cone is . The period of revolution of the particle:
,d d.k] 'kadq ds vUnj okyh fpduh lrg ij {kSfrt ry esa o`rh; xfr dj jgk gS tks fd 'kh"kZ ds lgkjs rFkk blls
xqtjus okyh Å/okZ/kj v{k ds lkis{k mYVk [kM+k gSaA /kw.kZu ry dh 'kh"kZ ls Å¡pkbZ h o 'kadq dk v)Z 'kh"kZ dks.k  gSA
rks d.k dks pØ iw.kZ djus esa yxk le;

(A*) increases as h increases (B) decreases as h increases

h c<+us ds lkFk c<sxk h ds c<+us ds lkFk ?kVsxkA
(C*) increases as  increases (D) decreases as  increases
 c<+us ds lkFk c<+sxk c<+us ds lkFk ?kVsxkA
Sol. As N sin  = mg
N cos  = m2 r
tan  = 2  T2  tan 
 r
 when  increases T also increases Nsin
 tc  c<+sxk rks T Hkh c<+sxkA 
Also T2  r tan  
but ijUrq r = h tan 
 T2  h tan2  
a h
for constant 
fu;r ds fy,
T2  h
Thus when h increases T also increases
vr% tc h c<+sxk T Hkh c<+sxkA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Two point charges are placed at point a and b. The field strength to the right of the charge Qb on the
line that passes through the two charges varies according to a law that is represented graphically in the
figure. The electric field is taken positive if its direction is towards right and negative if its direction is
towards left.
nks fcUnqor vkos'k 'a' o 'b' fcUnqvksa ij fLFkr gSaA Qb vkos'k ds nka;h vksj nksuksa vkos'kksa ls xqtjus okyh js[kk ij fo|qr
{ks=k dh rhozrk ml fu;e ds vuqlkj ifjofrZr gksrh gS ftldk xzkQh; fu:i.k fp=k esa n'kkZ;k x;k gSA fo|qr {ks=k dh
fn'kk nk;ha vksj gksus ij bls /kukRed o ck;aha vksj gksus ij _.kkRed ysuk gSA

6. Choose the correct statement regarding the signs of the charges.

vkos'kksa ds fpUgksa ds laxr lgh dFku NkafV, &
(A*) Charge at point a is positive and charge at point b is negative.
fcUnq a ij vkos'k /kukRed gS rFkk fcUnq b ij vkos'k _.kkRed gSA
(B) Charge at point a is negative and charge at point b is positive.
fcUnq a ij vkos'k _.kkRed gS rFkk fcUnq b ij vkos'k /kukRed gSA
(C) Point C is position of stable equilibrium for small displacement along x–axis of positive test charge
/kukRed ijh{k.k vkos'k ds fy;s x–fn'kk ds vuqfn'k vYi foLFkkiu ds fy;s fcUnq C LFkk;h lkE;koLFkk dks iznf'kZr
djrk gSA
(D*) Point C is position of unstable equilibrium for small displacement along x–axis of positive test
/kukRed ijh{k.k vkos'k ds fy;s x–fn'kk ds vuqfn'k vYi foLFkkiu ds fy;s fcUnq C vLFkk;h lkE;koLFkk dks iznf'kZr
djrk gSA

7. Ratio of magnitudes of charges will be equal to :
vkos'kksa ds vuqikr dk ifjek.k cjkcj gksxk &
2 2 4
          
(A) 1  
 (B*) 1   (C) 1    (D) 1  
 x 1  x 1  x1   x 

8. Choose the correct option

lgh fodYiksa dk p;u dhft;sA

(A*) The distance x2 from point b where the field is maximum, will be 2
   x1  3
   1
 x1 

(B) The distance x2 from point b where the field is maximum, will be 1
   x1  3
   1
 x1 
(C*) At point C potential due to system of charges at a and b is maximum in region x > b
(D) At point C potential due to system of charges at a and b is minimum in region x > b

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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

(A*) tgk¡ {ks=k vf/kdre gS ml fLFkfr dh fcUnq b ls nwjh x2 dk eku 2
   x1 3
  1
 x1 

(B) tgk¡ {ks=k vf/kdre gS ml fLFkfr dh fcUnq b ls nwjh x2 dk eku 1
   x1 3
   1
 x1 
(C*) a rFkk b ij fLFkr vkos'kksa ds fudk; ds dkj.k fcUnq C ij foHko {ks=k x > b esa vf/kdre gSA
(D) a rFkk b ij fLFkr vkos'kksa ds fudk; ds dkj.k fcUnq C ij foHko {ks=k x > b esa U;wure gSA
Sol.  Electric field near point b is – 
‘b’ should be negative electric field at x1 is O which possible only if ‘a’ and ‘b’ are of opposite sign.
 ‘a’ is positive
Charge b is negative and charge a is positive 
  fcUnq b ds ikl foq|qr {ks=k – 
 ‘b’ _.kkRed ] ; x1 ij fo- {ks- 0 tks lEHko gS dsoy ;fn ‘a’ o ‘b’ ds fpUg foijhr gSA
 ‘a' /kukRed gSA
vkos'k b _.kkRed o vkos'k a /kukRed gSA
displacing particle from equilibrium position C, forces acts to move the particle away from equilibrium
position C is unstable equilibrium.

E at A = 0 (A = 0 ij E = 2)
2 2
Qa Qb Qa    x1    
      1  
(  x 1 ) 2 (x1 )2 Qb  x1   x 1 
K Qa K Qb  1 Q 1 
E at a general X ¼lkekU; x ij E½  = K Qa   b 
(  x ) ( x )
2 2
 (  x ) 2 Q a x 2 
2  x1  2
0 
If E is a maximum ,    =0
(  x )    x1  x
dx 3 3

  x1     x1  3
( + x) = x 
3  ;  + x = x 

 x1   x1 

x2 = 2
   x1  3
   1
 x1 

   x1  3
  1
x1 
Qa   
Ans: x2 =  ,  1  
Qb  1
Charge b is negative and charge a is positive ¼vkos'k b _.kkRed o vkos'k a /kukRed gSA½

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
9. A point charge Q is located at centre of a fixed thin ring of radius R with uniformly distributed charge-Q.
The magnitude of the electric field strength at the point lying on the axis of the ring at a distance x from
the centre is (x >> R) _______________.
,d fcUnqor~ vkos'k Q, R f=kT;k ,oa ,d leku :i ls forfjr –Q vkos'k ds fLFkj irys oy; ds dsUnz ij j[kk gSA
oy; ds v{k ij dsUnz ls x nwjh ij fLFkr fcUnq ij fo|qr {ks=k dh rhozrk dk ifjek.k (x >> R ds fy,)
[ Ans. ]
8 0 x 4
10. The column  gives the two point charge system separated by 2a and the column  gives the variation
of magnitude of electric field intensity at point on the x-axis. Match the situation in Column  with the
results in Column 
LrEHk  esa 2a nwjh ls i`Fkd nks fcUnq vkos'kks dk ,d ra=k fn;k x;k gS rFkk LrEHk  fo|qr {kS=k rhozrk ds ifjek.k dk
ifjorZu x-v{k ij fLFkr fcUnqvksa ij crkrk gSA LrEHk  dks LrEHk  ds lkFk lqesfyr djs
Column –  Column – 
  LrEHk  LrEHk 

q q
x' + + x
(0, 0) a
(A) (-a, 0) (a, 0) (p) Increases as x increases in the interval 0  x < a
x ds c<+us ds lkFk varjky 0  x < a esa c<+sxkA
q -q
x' + – x
(0, 0) a
(B) (-a, 0) (a, 0) (q) Decreases as x increases in the
interval 0  x < a
x ds c<+us ds lkFk varjky 0  x < a
esa ?kVsxkA
q (0,+a)

(C) (r) Zero at x = 0 x = 0 ij 'kwU;

(0, 0)

q (0,–a)

–q – (0,+a)

(D) (s) Decreases as x increases in the interval a < x < 

(0, 0)

(s) x ds c<+us ds lkFk varjky a < x <  esa ?kVsxkA

Ans. (A)  (p,qr, s),(0,–a)
(B)  (p, s), (C)  (r, s), (D)  (q, s) A

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A14 TO A15


Total Marks : 42 Max. Time : 27 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.2 (3 marks 2 min.) [06, 04]
One or more than one options correct type ('–1' negative marking) Q.3 to Q.8 (4 marks 2 min.) [24, 12]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.9 (4 marks 5 min.) [04, 05]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.10 (8 marks 6 min.) [08, 06]


1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (B) (D) 4. (B) (C) 5. (B)(D) 6. (A)(B)(C)(D)
7. (A) (D) 8. (A)(C) (D) 9. 5.2 × 10 7 N/C
10. (A)  p, s ; (B)  r ; (C)  r ; (D)  p, s

1. A ray hits the y-axis making an angle  with y-axis as shown in the figure. The variation of refractive
 x  1 
index with x-coordinate is  =  0 1   for 0  x  d 1   and  = 0 for x < 0, where d is a

 d  0 
positive constant. The maximum x-coordinate of the path traced by the ray is
fp=kkuqlkj y-v{k ls  dks.k cukrs gq, ,d fdj.k] y-v{k ls Vdjkrh gSA x-funsZ'kkad ds lkFk viorZukad ds eku esa
 x 1  
ifjorZu  =  0 1   ] 0  x  d 1   ds fy, gS] ,oa  = 0 , x < 0 ds fy, gS tgk¡ d ,d /kukRed
 d   0 
fu;rkad gSA fdj.k }kjk r; fd;s x;s iFk dk vf/kdre x-funsZ'kkad gksxkA

(A) d(1 – sin ) (B*) d (1 – cos ) (C) d sin  (D) d cos 

 x
Sol. Snell’s law Lusy ds fu;e ls = 0 sin (90° – ) = 0 1   sin90°
 d
 x
 1   = cos  x = d = d(1 – cos )
 d 

2. A vessel contains oil (density = 0.8 gm/cm3) over mercury (density = 13.6 gm/cm3). A uniform sphere
floats with half its volume immersed in mercury and the other half in oil. The density of the material of
sphere in gm/cm3 is:
,d ik=k esa ikjs (?kuRo = 13.6 gm/cm3) ds Åij rsy (?kuRo = 0.8 gm/cm3) Hkjk gSA ,d lekax xksyk bl izdkj
rSjrk gS fd mldk vk/kk vk;ru rsy esa rFkk vk/kk ikjs esa jgrk gS rks xksys ds inkFkZ dk ?kuRo gm/cm3 esa gS
(A) 3.3 (B) 6.4 (C*) 7.2 (D) 12.8

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol (C)
Weight = Buoyant force
Hkkj = mRiykod cy Oil
Vmg = Hgg + oil Mercury
2 2
PHg  Poil 13.6  0.8 14.4
rm = = = = 7.2
2 2 2

3. Two identical straight wires are stretched so as to produce 6 beats/sec. when vibrating simultaneously.
On changing the tension slightly in one of them, the beat frequency remains unchanged. Denoting by
T1, T2, the higher & the lower initial tensions in the strings, then it could be said that while making the
above changes in tension:
(A) T2 was decreased (B*) T2 was increased (C) T1 was increased (D*) T1 was decreased
nks ,d leku ¼nksyu djrs gq;s½ lh/ks rkj rus gq, gaS ftuls 6 foLiUn/lSd.M lqukbZ nsrs gSA buesa ls fdlh ,d esa
ruko vYi cnyus ij foLiUn vko`fr vifjofrZr jgrh gSA ;fn T1 rFkk T2 rkj esa mPp rFkk fuEu ruko dks iznf'kZr
djrk gSA mijksDr ifjorZu ds lUnHkZ esa dgk tk ldrk gSA
(A) T2 ?kVk;k x;k gS (B*) T2 c<k;k x;k gS (C) T1 c<k;k x;k gSA (D*) T1 ?kVk;k x;k gS

4. A fixed ring of radius R is placed horizontally as shown in the figure. It carries uniform charge
distribution on it’s circumference. A point mass m is in equilibrium at y height above centre of ring . For
small disturbance along y-axis the particles is in.
,d R f=kT;k dh {kSfrt tMor~~ oy; fp=kkuqlkj fLFkr gSA ;g bldh ifjf/k ij ,d leku vkos'k forj.k j[krh gSA
m nzO;eku dk ,d fcUnq nzO;eku oy; ds dsUnz ls h Åpk¡bZ Åij lkE;oLFkk esa gSA y v{k ds vuqfn'k fcUnq nzO;eku
ds NksVs foLFkkiu ds fy,


(A) Stable equilibrium if y = (B*) Unstable equilibrium at y
2 2
(C*) Stable equilibrium at y = R (D) Unstable equilibrium at y = R
(A) LFkkbZ lkE;oLFkk ;fn y = gSA (B*) vLFkkbZ lkE;oLFkk ;fn y = gSaA
2 2
(C*) LFkkbZ lkE;oLFkk ;fn y = R gSA (D) vLFkkbZ lkE;oLFkk ;fn y = R gSA

5. Two infinite plane sheets A and B are shown in the figure. The surface charge densities on A and B are
(2/) × 10–9 C/m2 and (–1/) × 10–9 C/m2 respectively. C, D, E are three points where electric fields (in
N/C) are EC, ED and EE respectively.
fp=kkuqlkj vUkUr vkdkj dh nks 'khVsa A o B gSaA A o B ij i`"B vkos'k ?kuRo Øe'k% (2/) × 10-9 C/m2 o
(–1/) × 10-9 C/m2 gSaA C, D o E rhu fcUnq gSa tgk¡ fo|qr {ks=k (N/Cesa) Øe'k% EC , ED o EE gSa %

(A) EC = 18, towards right (B*) ED = 54, towards right

(C) ED = 18, towards right (D*) EE = 18, towards right
(A) EC = 18, nk¡;ha vksj (B*) ED = 54, nk¡;ha vksj
(C) ED = 18, nk¡;ha vksj (D*) EE = 18, nk¡;ha vksj

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
Sol. At E,
2 /   10 9 1 /   10 9
EE = EA – EB = – = 18, towards right. (nka;h vksj)
2. 0 2.0

At D
(2 / )  10 9 (1/ )  10 9
EO = EA + EB = + = 54, towards right. (nka;h vksj)
2 0 2 0

Figure shows an irregular wedge of mass m placed on a smooth horizontal surface. Horizontal part BC
is rough.The other part of the wedge is smooth (given that m = 1kg, H = 10m, h = 1.9 m,  = 0.81).
fp=kkuqlkj m nzO;eku ds ,d vle:i ost (wedge) dks fpduh {kSfrt lrg ij j[krs gSAa {kSfrt Hkkx BC [kqjnjk
gSA ost dk 'ks"k Hkkx fpduk gSA (fn;k gS m = 1kg, H = 10m, h = 1.9 m,  = 0.81).

6. The block is projected with minimum velocity such that it may reach point B:
CykWd dks U;wure osx ls bl izdkj iz{ksfir fd;k tkrk gS fd ;g fcUnq B ij igq¡p lds :

(A*) initial velocity of block is 20m/s

(B*) velocity of block at position B is 19 m/s
(C*) velocity of wedge at position B is 1 m/s
(D*) velocity of block at maximum height (H) is 10 m/s
(A*) CykWd dk izkjfEHkd osx 20m/s gSA
(B*) fLFkfr B ij CykWd dk osx 19 m/s gSA
(C*) fLFkfr B ij ost dk osx 1 m/s gSA
(D*) vf/kdre Å¡pkbZ (H) ij CykWd dk osx 10 m/s gSA
Ans. Let ‘u’ be the required minimum velocity. By momentum conservation :
mu = (m + m)v  v = u/2.

Energy equation :
1 1
 mu2 = (2m)v2 + mgH.
2 2
Substituting v = u/2 :
u = 2 gH = 2 × 10 = 20m/s
Using energy conservation from initial position to point B
1 1 1
mu2  mv12  mv 22  mgh …(1)
2 2 2
(v 1 and v2 are speeds of block and wedge respectively at position B)
using momentum conservation mu = m(v1 + v2) …(2)
using (1) and (2)
v1 = 19 m/s and v2 = 1 m/s

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
7. Suppose block comes to rest w.r.t. wedge on part BC at point D. During sliding of block from B to D :
ekuk CykWd ost ds lkis{k Hkkx BC ds fcUnq D ij fojke esa vk tkrk gSA rks CykWd }kjk B ls D rd fQlyus ds
nkSjku :
(A*) Mechanical energy of block decreases.
(B) Mechanical energy of wedge decreases.
(C) Linear momentum of wedge is conserved during the course of motion
(D*) Linear momentum of (block + wedge) system is conserved during the course of motion
(A*) CykWd dh ;kaf=kd ÅtkZ ?kVsxh
(B) ost dh ;kaf=kd ÅtkZ ?kVsxhA
(C) xfr dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku ost dk js[kh; laosx lajf{kr jgrk gSA
(D*) xfr dh izfØ;k ds nkSjku fudk; ¼CykWd $ ost½ dk js[kh; laosx lajf{kr jgrk gSA
Ans. momentum of wedge-block system remains conserved as exteranal force on system is 0.

8. If the coefficient of friction between the block and wedge is , and the block comes to rest with respect
to wedge at a point D on the rough surface then:
;fn xqVds rFkk ost ds chp ?k"kZ.k xq.kkad  gSa] rFkk xqVdk [kqjnjh lrg ij fcUnq D ij ost ds lkis{k xqVdk fLFkj
voLFkk esa vk tkrk gS rks &
(A*) BD will be 10 m (B) BD will be 9 m
(C*) work done by friction on the block is -130.5 J
(D*) work done by friction on the wedge is 49.5 J
(A*) BD dk eku 10 m gksxkA
(B) BD dk eku 9 m gksxkA
(C*) CykWd ij ?k"kZ.k cy }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z -130.5 J gSA
(D*) ost ij ?k"kZ.k cy }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z 49.5 J gSA
Ans. By work-energy theorem of the block :
– (mg) (BD) – mg(H–h) = 0
BD = =10m

work done by friction =  K.E
1 1
Wf = (1) (10)2 - (1) (19)2 (for block)
2 2
1 1
Wf = (1) (10)2 - (1) (1)2 (for wedge)
2 2

9. A 10 cm long rod carries a charge of + 50 C distributed uniformly along its length, Find the magnitude
of the electric field at a point 10 cm from both the ends of the rod.
10 lseh yEch ,d NM+ ij + 50 C vkos'k bldh yEckbZ ds vuqfn'k leku :i ls forfjr gSA NM+ ds nksuksa fljksa ls
10 lseh nwj fLFkr fcUnq ij oS|qr {ks=k dk ifjek.k Kkr dhft,A
Ans. 5.2 × 107 N/C

10. Assume only electrostatic interaction forces :

Column –  Column – 
(A) Three charges are kept along a (p) The system may be in equilibrium with
straight line proper choice of the value of charges.
(B) Three charges are kept at the vertices of an (q) The system will be in equilibrium for any
equilateral triangle value of the charges.
(C) Three charges are kept at the three vertices (r) The system will not be in equilibrium for
of a square, and a fourth charge is kept at any choice of the value of charges.
the point of intersection of the diagonals.
(D) Three charges are kept at the vertices of an (s) The equilibrium is unstable.
equilateral triangle with the fourth charge
at the centroid.

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
dsoy fLFkjfo|qr vUr% fØ;k cy ekfu;s %
(A) rhu vkos'k ,d ljy js[kk ds vuqfn'k j[ks gSaA (p) fudk; ds] vkos'kksa ds mi;qDr eku gksus ij]
lkE;koLFkk esa gks ldrk gSAa
(B) ,d leckgq f=kHkqt ds 'kh"kkZsa ij rhu vkos'k j[ks gSaA (q) vkos'kksa ds fdlh Hkh eku ds fy, fudk;
lkE;koLFkk esa gksxk
(C) rhu vkos'k ,d oxZ ds rhu 'kh"kksZa ij o pkSFkk vkos'k (r) vkos'kksa ds eku ds fdlh Hkh fodYi ds fy,
fod.kksZa ds izfrPNsn fcUnq ij j[kk gSA fudk; lkE;koLFkk esa ugha gksxkA
(D) rhu vos'k ,d leckgq f=kHkqt ds 'kh"kksZa ij ,oa pkSFkk (s) lkE;koLFkk vLFkk;h gSaA
vkos'k dsUnzd ij j[kk gSA
Ans. (A)  p, s ; (B)  r ; (C)  r ; (D)  p, s

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029

TARGET : JEE (Main + Advanced) 2020


Course : VIJETA(02JPB to 04JPAB)


NO. A14 TO A15

DPP No. : A15 (Special DPP)

Total Marks : 123 Max. Time : 74 min.
Single choice Objective ('–1' negative marking) Q.1 to Q.5 (3 marks 2 min.) [15, 10]
One or more than one options correct type ('–1' negative marking) Q.6 to Q.26 (4 marks 2 min.) [84, 42]
Subjective Questions ('–1' negative marking) Q.27 to Q.28 (4 marks 5 min.) [08, 10]
Match the Following (no negative marking) Q.29 to Q.30 (8 marks 6 min.) [16, 12]


1. (D) 2. (A) 3. (B) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. (A) (D)
7. (B) (D) 8. (B)(C) 9. (A)(C)(D) 10. (A)(B) 11. (B) (C) (D)
12. (A) (B) (C) (D) 13. (B) (C) (D) 14. (B) 15. (D) 16. (A) 17. (B)
18. (C) 19. (B) 20. (C) 21. (A) 22. (D) 23. (A) 24. (B)
25. (D) 26. (A) 27. 6 28. 3 29. A – q,t ; B – p,s ; C – p,t ; D – q,t
30. (A) q (B) r (C) q (D) s

1. A ring shaped tube contains two ideal gases with equal masses and molecular weight M1 = 32 and
M2 = 28. The gases are separated by one fixed partition P and another movable conducting partition
S which can move freely without friction inside the ring. The angle  as shown in the figure in
equilibrium is:
,d oy; vkd`fr dh uyh esa leku nzO;eku okyh nks vkn'kZ xSlsa Hkjh gSa] ftuds v.kq Hkkj Øe'k% M1 = 32 rFkk
M2 = 28 gSA xSlksa dks ,d fLFkj foHkktd P rFkk vU; pyk;eku pkyd foHkktd S }kjk foHkkftr fd;k x;k gSA
foHkktd S uyh esa fcuk ?k"kZ.k xfr ds fy, LorU=k gSA lkE;koLFkk esa fp=k esa n'kkZ;s vuqlkj dks.k  gS &

M1 M2


7 14 15 16
(A) (B) (C) (D*)
8 16 16 15
Sol. P1 = P2
V1 V2 2   
T1 = T2    =
n1 n2 n1 n2
 M1(2 – ) = M2 
2M1 16
or  = =
M1  M2 15

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
Website: | E-mail : [email protected]
Toll Free : 1800 258 5555 | CIN: U80302RJ2007PLC024029
2. A wave pulse is travelling along a string towards right. Figure shows shape of string at t = 0.

Which of the following graph is best representation of velocity of point P with time? (Upward direction is
taken as positive)
,d rjax LiUn Mksjh ds vuqfn'k nk;ha vksj lapfjr gSA t = 0 ij Mksjh dk vkdkj fp=k esa n'kkZ;k gSA

fuEu esa ls dkSulk vkjs[k fcUnq P ds osx dks le; ds lkFk lcls lgh iznf'kZr djrk gS ? (Åij dh fn'kk /kukRed
v v

(A*) t (B) t

v v

(C) t (D) t

Sol. Velocity of any point on string = –vwave ×
Mksjh ds fdlh fcUnq ij osx = –vwave ×

3. Select false statement(s) for standing transverse mechanical waves on a string :

jLlh ij vçxkeh vuqçLFk ;kaf=kd rjaxksa ds fy, dkSulk@dkSuls dFku vlR; gS &
(A) Total energy between two nodes remains constant
(B*) Total kinetic energy between two nodes remains constant
(C) Total potential energy between two nodes varies with time
(D) Potential energy of small section at antinodes is constant
(A) nks fuLiUnksa ds e/; dqy ÅtkZ fu;r jgrh gSA
(B*) nks fuLiUnksa ds e/; dqy xfrt ÅtkZ fu;r jgrh gSA
(C) nks fuLianks ds e/; dqy fLFkfrt ÅtkZ le; ds lkFk ifjofrZr gksrh gSA
(D) çLian ij NksVs Hkkx dh fLFkfrt ÅtkZ fu;r gksrh gSA
Sol. There is no transfer of energy through nodes so total energy between two nodes remains constant.
;gk¡ fuLiUnksa ds }kjk ÅtkZ dk LFkkrj.k ugha gksrk gS vr% nks fuLiUnksa ds e/; dqy ÅtkZ vifjofrZr gSA

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4. The figure shows at time t = 0 second, a two triangular pulse on a uniform wire are approaching each
other. speed of each pulse 2cm/sec , at t = 0 as shown in the figure. The resultant pulse at t = 1
second is :
le; t = 0 lSd.M ij nks f=kHkqtkdkj rjaxs (pulse) ,d le:i rkj ij ,d nwljs dh vksj fp=kkuqlkj izR;sd
2cm/sec dh pky ls xfr dj jgh gS rks t = 1 lSd.M ij ifj.kkeh rjax gksxhA

(A*) (B)

(C) (D)

Sol. At t = 1 second, the position of both pulses are separately given by figure; the superposition of both
pulses is given by figure (b)
t = 1 lSd.M ij nksauks LiUn ds fp=k n'kkZ;s x;s gSA ftudk ifj.kkeh vk/;kjksi.k fl)kUr ds vk/kkj ij fp=k (b) }kjk
fn;k tk,xkA

5. In the system shown, the wire connecting two masses has linear mass density of kg/m. A tuning
fork of 50 Hz is found to be in resonance with the horizontal part of wire between pulley and block A.
(Assuming nodes at block A and pulley). Now at t = 0, system is released from rest. The ratio of time
gap between successive resonance with the same tuning fork starting from t = 0. (take g = 10 m/s2)
n'kkZ;s x;s fudk; esa] jsf[k, nzO;eku ?kuRo kg/m dk ,d rkj nks nzO;ekuksa ds e/; ca/kk gSA f?kjuh o CykWd A ds
e/; rkj dk {kSfrt Hkkx 50 Hz ds Lofj=k f}Hkqt ds lkFk vuqukn esa ik;k tkrk gSA ¼ekfu, dh f?kjuh o CykWd A
ij fuLiUn curs gS½A vc t = 0 ij] fudk; dks fojkekoLFkk ls NksMk tkrk gSA t = 0 ls izkjEHk gksus ds i'pkr ~leku
Lofj=k f}Hkqt ds lkFk Øekxr vuqukn ds e/; le; vUrjky dk vuqikr gksxk (fyft, g = 10 m/s2)
50Hz 4kg

B 4kg

(A) 2 : 1 (B) 1 : 2 (C*) 1 : 2 1 (D) 1: 2

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Sol. (C)
4a = 4g – T
4a = T
T = 20 N
n 20
50 =  n=3
2  0.6 1
1 2
0.2 = 5t t = 0.08
t1 = 0 t2 = 0.08 t3 = 0.16

0.08 0.16 – 0.08

t1 1

t 2 2 –1

6. A block of mass m = 10 kg is suspended with the help of a wire AB, whose linear mass density is
0.01 kg/m. There is a point C on wire such that AC = 1 m & BC = 2.5 m. A tuning fork is used to vibrate
the wire such that the point C is a node. Frequency of tuning fork can be -
m = 10 kg nzO;eku dk ,d CykWd rkj AB dh lgk;rk ls yVdk gqvk gSA rkj dk js[kh; nzO;eku ?kuRo 0.01 kg/m
gSA rkj ij fcUnq C bl izdkj gS fd AC = 1 m rFkk BC = 2.5 m gSA ,d Lofj=k f}Hkqt dk iz;ksx bl rkj dks
vuqukfnr djus esa fd;k tkrk gSA ;fn fcUnq C ij fuLiUn izkIr gks rks Lofj=k f}Hkqt dh vko`fÙk gks ldrh gSA
 B

(A*) 100 Hz (B) 150 Hz (C) 250 Hz (D*) 300 Hz

Ans. Suppose n loops are formed in wire AC and m loops are formed in wire BC
ekuk rkj AC esa n ywi rFkk rkj BC esa m ywi mRiUu gksrs gSA
   
n    1 , m    2.5
 2  2
n 1 2 4 6
   
m 2.5 5 10 15
So the loops in wires AC should be n = 2, 4, 6 ...................
vr% rkj AC esa mRiUu ywi n = 2, 4, 6 ...................
So the loops in wires BC should be m = 5, 10, 15 ...................
vr% rkj BC esa mRiUu ywi m = 5, 10, 15 ...................
Fundamental frequencies of wire AC as well as BC are :
rkj AC rFkk BC dh ewy vkorhZ;k¡ :
m  m 
f= or ;k
2 1  2 2 

2 10g 4 10g 6 10g

f= , ,
2  1 0.01 2  1 0.01 2  1 0.01
f = 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 300 Hz ...............
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7. Figure shows variation of internal energy (U) with density() for a monoatomic ideal gas in a cyclic
process. AB is a part of rectangular hyperbola i.e. U × constant. Then

U0 B

0 20

(A) Work done by the gas in process AB is –
(B*) Work done by the gas in process BC is + U0 n 2
(C) In one complete cycle gas absorbs net amount of heat
(D*) In one complete cycle gas exhausts net amount of heat

fp=k esa ,d ijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl ds pfØ; izØe ds fy, vkUrfjd ÅtkZ (U) rFkk ?kuRo () esa ifjorZu n'kkZ;k x;k
gSA AB vk;rkdkj vfr ijoy; dk ,d Hkkx gS] vFkkZr~ U × vpj gSA rc

U0 B

0 20
(A) AB izØe esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z – gSA
(B*) BC izØe esa xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z + U0 n 2 gSA
(C) ,d pØ iwjk djus esa xSl Å"ek vo'kksf"kr djrh gSA
(D*) ,d pØ iwjk djus esa xSLk Å"ek fu"dkflr djrh gSA
Sol. AB is an isobaric process
W AB = –nR (TA – TB)
2 3 3
= – U0 ( nRTA = 2U0 ; nRTA = U0)
3 2 2
W BC = nRTB n 2 (isothermal process)
=+ U0 n 2
W cycle = U0 (n 2 – 1) = -ve = Qcycle
AB ,d lenkch; izØe gSA
W AB = –nR (TA – TB)
2 3 3
= – U0 ( nRTA = 2U0 ; nRTA = U0)
3 2 2
W BC = nRTB n 2 (lerkih; izØe gSA) = + U0 n 2
W cycle = U0 (n 2 – 1) = -ve = Qcycle

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8. Kinetic energy of a particle executing SHM changes with time according to following graph mass of the
particle is 2 kg. Then :
2 kg nzO;eku ds ljy vkorZ xfr djrs ,d d.k dh xfrt ÅtkZ le; ds lkFk fuEu vkjs[k ds vuqlkj ifjofrZr
gksrh gSA rc &

(A) time period of oscillation is 0.1 s (B*) frequency of oscillation is 5 Hz

(C*) amplitude of oscillation is 0.4 m (D) acceleration of the particle is zero at t = 0.1 s
(A) nksyu dk vkorZdky 0.1 s gSA (B*) nksyu dh vko`fr 5 Hz gSA
(C*) nksyu dk vk;ke 0.4 m gSA (D) t = 0.1 s ij d.k dk Roj.k 'kwU; gSA
Sol. Kmax = 162 T = 0.2 s
f= = 5 Hz
mv2max = Kmax  vmax = 4
A = 4
A = 0.4 m
At t = 0.1 sec the particle is at extreme position so acceleration is not zero.
t = 0.1 sec ij d.k lhekUr fLFkfr ij gS] vr% Roj.k 'kwU; ugha gksxkA

9. A certain amount of ideal gas expands along the straight line path ABC on P-V diagram as shown in the
figure. The dotted curve represents the adiabatic for the same gas. Along the straight line path
P A


(A*) As a net in process A  B, the gas absorbs heat
(B) As a net in process A  B, the gas rejects heat
(C*) In process B  C, as a net gas rejects heat
(D*) In process A  B, the heat absorbed/rejected by gas is represented by shaded area in figure.
,d vkn'kZ xSl dh dqN ek=kk dk izlkj P-V vkjs[k ij ABC ljy jsf[k; iFk ds vuqfn'k fp=kkuqlkj gksrk gSA
fcUnqfdr oØ leku xSl ds fy, :)ks"e izØe dks iznf'kZr djrk gSA ljy jsf[k; iFk ds vuqfn'k %
P A


(A*) tSlk dh A  B izØe esa xSl dqy Å"ek vo'kksf"kr djrh gSA
(B) tSlk dh A  B izØe esa xSl dqy Å"ek R;kxrh ¼rejects½ gSaA
(C*) tSlk dh B  C izØe esa xSl dqy Å"ek R;kxrh gSaA
(D*) tSlk dh A  B izØe esa xSl }kjk vo'kksf"kr@R;kxh xbZ Å"ek fp=k es Nk;kafdr {kS=kQy }kjk iznf'kZr gSA

Corporate Office : CG Tower, A-46 & 52, IPIA, Near City Mall, Jhalawar Road, Kota (Raj.) - 324005
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Sol. Consider to paths from A to B. (A ls B iFk ysus ij)


U2 = U1
W2 > W1
Q2 > Q1  Q1 = 0 so Q2 > 0
Take the gas from A  B along straight line and back B  A along curve :
(xSl dks A  B ljy js[kk ds vuqfn'k ys tkusa ij ,oa okil B  A oØ ds vuqfn'k ykus ij)
U = 0 Qcycle = W cycle
QAB + 0 = W cycle Shaded area (QAB + 0 = W cycle Nk;kafdr {kS=kQy)
Consider following cyclic process 1, 2, 3 for this cyclic process Qnet = –ve
(fuEu pfØ; izØe 1, 2, 3 dks ysus ij] pfØ; izØe ds fy, Qnet = –ve)

B 3

1 2
Q2 > 0
Q3 = 0
Q1 + Q2 + Q3 < 0  Q1 < 0

10. A wire of density 9  103 kg/m3 is stretched between two clamps 1 m apart and is stretched to an
extension of 4.9  10 -4 metre. Young's modulus of material is 9  1010 N/m2. Then
(A*) The lowest frequency of standing wave is 35 Hz
(B*) The frequency of 1st overtone is 70 Hz
(C) The frequency of 1st overtone is 105 Hz
(D*) The stress in the wire is 4.41 × 107 N/m2
9  10 kg/m3 ?kuRo ds rkj dks 1 m nqj nks vkyEcukas ¼n`<+ vk/kkj½ ds chp [khapk x;k gSA rkj esa izlkj 4.9  10 -4

ehVj gS inkFkZ dk ;ax izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad 9  1010 N/m2 rks

(A*) vizxkeh rjax dh U;wure vko`fÙk 35 Hz gksxh (B*) izFke vf/kLojd dh vko`fÙk 70 Hz gksxh
(C) izFke vf/kLojd dh vko`fÙk 105 Hz gksxh (D*) rkj esa izfrcy 4.41 × 107 N/m2 gksxk
T Y 1 Y
Sol. Speed of wave in wire = A = V =
A  A 
Maximum time period means minimum frequency ; that means fundamental mode.
T Y 1 Y
rkj esa rjax dh pky V = = A =
A  A 
vf/kdre vkorZdky vFkkZr U;wure vko`fÙk vFkkZr~ ewy fo/kk



f= =
 2
2  1
 T= = 2 = second Ans.
V Y 35

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 (f = 35 Hz)
and; frequency of first overtone = = 70 Hz.

izFke vf/kLojd dh vko`fÙk = = 70 Hz.

11. Two points on string are being observed as a traveling wave passes them. Then point are at x1 = 0 and
x2 = 1 m, the transverse motions of two points are found to be as follows.
 
y1 = A sin(3t) and y2 = A sin  3t   t is in seconds and y in metre. Mark correct options.
 8
(A) Frequency of wave is 3 Hz
(B*) Frequency of wave is 1.5 Hz
(C*) Wavelength may be 16 m
(D*) Wavelength may be m
Mksjh esa lapfjr izxkkeh rajx ds nkSjku Mksjh ds nks fcUnqvksa dks izsf{kr djrs gSA fcUnq x1 = 0 ,oae~ x2 = 1 m ij gSA

rc bu fcUnqvksa ij vuqizLFk xfr fuEUk izdkj gksrh gSA y1 = A sin(3t) o y2 = A sin  3t   tgk¡ t lSd.M esa o y
 8 
ehVj esa gSA lgh fodYi@fodYiksa dk p;u dhft,A
(A) rjax dh vko`fÙk 3 Hz gSA
(B*) rjax dh vko`fÙk 1.5 Hz gSA
(C*) rjaxnS/;Z 16 m gks ldrk gSA
(D*) rjaxnS/;Z m gks ldrk gSA
2 
Sol.  1 =  = 16
 8
2  2 16
= n2 + = =
 8  16n  1
2n 
12. Acceleration versus time graph for oscillation cycle of a particle executing SHM is shown. Choose the
incorrect option (s)
ljy vkorZ xfr djrs gq, d.k ds nksyu ds fy, Roj.k&le; xzkQ fp=k esa iznf'kZr gSA vlR; fodYiksa dk p;u

(A*) Displacement of particle at A is positive

A ij d.k dk foLFkkiu /kukRed gSA
(B*) Velocity of particle at B is negative
B ij d.k dk osx _.kkRed gSA
(C*) Potential energy of particle at C is minimum
C ij d.k dh fLFkfrt ÅtkZ U;wure gSA
(D*) Speed of particle at D is increasing D ij d.k dh pky c< jgh gSA
Sol. a =  A cos t

 v = A sin t
 x = –A cos t
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13. Consider a narrow tube with a fixed source of sounds emitting sound of frequency f. A detector is
moving in circular path in tube with speed th of speed of sound as shown. When detector is
diametrically opposite to S.
,d ladh.kZ ufydk ij fopkj djrs gSa] ftlesa fLFkr /ofu dk ,d fLFkj L=kksr f vko`fr dh /ofu mRlftZr dj jgk gSA
,d lalqpd uyh esa o`Ùkkdkj iFk esa /ofu dh pky dh xquk pky ls fp=kkuqlkj xfr dj jgk gSA tc lalqpd S
ds O;klr~ vfHkeq[k gSA rc

(A) No Doppler will be observed by detector
lalqpd }kjk dksbZ MkWIyj izsf{kr ugha gksxkA
(B*) The ratio of the two frequencies observed by the detector is 11 : 9
lalqpd }kjk izsf{kr nksuksa vko`fÙk;ksa dk vuqikr 11 : 9 gksxkA
(C*) Beat frequency for detector is
lalqpd ds fy, foLian vko`fÙk gksxhA
(D*) Component of velocity of detector towards source is zero.
L=kksr dh vksj lalqpd ds osx dk ?kVd 'kwU; gksxkA
 v 
 v  10  11f
Sol. f1 = f  
 v  10
 
 v 
 v  10  9f
f2 = f  
 v  10
 
If the ends of a rod are rigidly clamped so as to prevent any actual expansion or contraction and then
the temperature of the rod is changed, the rod will develop tensile or compressive stress, also called
‘thermal stress’. These stresses could sometimes be adequate to cause permanent strain or could also
break the rod. Concrete highways are always left with gaps between the sections in order to provide for
the expansion or contraction of concrete. Similarly, if the temperature of an object kept under pressure
is increased but the object is not allowed to expand, the pressure will also increase. If an external force
tries to compress the rod then it develops compressive stress in it, while if external force tries to expand
the rod it develops tensile stress M it. Assuming a negative sign for a compressive stress and a positive
sign for tensile stress, answer the following questions.
NM+ ds izlkj ;k ifjorZu dks jksdus ds fy, NM+ ds nksuksa fljs n`<+ vk/kkjksa ij dls tkrs gSA rRi'pkr~ NM+ dk
rkieku ifjofrZr fd;k tkrk gSa NM+ esa f[kpkao ;k lEihMu mRiUu gksrk gSA bldksa m"eh; izfrcy Hkh dgrs gSA ;g
izfrcy dHkh&dHkh LFkkbZ fod`fr mRiUu djrh gS vkSj dHkh&dHkh ;g NM+ dks rksM+ Hkh nsrh gSA lhesUV dh lM+dksa esa
ges'kk dqN LFkku NksM+ fn;k tkrk gSA tksfd lhesUV dh ijrksa ds izlkj ;k ladqpu ds dkj.k mRiUu gkfu dks de
djrk gSA blh izdkj fu;r nkc ij fdlh oLrq dk rki c<+krs gS ijUrq oLrq esa izlkj dks ugha ekurs gSA] pwafd nkc Hkh
c<+ tkrk gSA ;fn ckg~; cy NM+ dks nckus dh dksf'k'k djrk gS rks ;g blesa laihMu izfrcy mRiUu djrk gSA
tcfd ;fn ckg~; cy NM+ dks QSykus dh dksf'k'k djrk gS ;g blesa ruu izfrcy mRiUu djrk gSA lk/;k
lEihMu izfrcy ds fy, _.kkRed fpUg rFkk f[kpkao izfrcy ds fy, /kukRed fpUg ysrs gSA

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14. Consider a rod rigidly clamped at its ends and not allowed to bend. As the temperature is increased :
ekuk NM+ nksuksa fljksa ij n`<+ vk/kkjksa ij dlh gS rFkk eqM+us ds fy;s LorU=k ugha gSA rkieku c<+kus ij
(A) The rod develops a tensile stress
NM+ esa f[kapko izfrcy mRiUu gksxh
(B*) The rod develops a compressive stress
NM+ esa lEihMu izfrcy mRiUu gksxh
(C) The rod develops a tensile stress if the material of rod has a high value of  (coefficient of linear
expansion) and a compressive stress if the material of rod has a low value of 
 ;fn NM+ ds inkFkZ ds  ¼js[kh; izlkj xq.kkad½ dk eku mPp gS rks f[kpkao izfrcy rFkk  dk eku fuEu gS rks lEihMu
izfrcy mRiUu gksxkA
(D) It cannot be predicated whether the rod will develop a compressive stress of a tensile stress
NM+ esa lEihM+u ;k izlkj izfrcy dks igpku ugha ldrs gSA

15. Now consider that the rod is not fixed at the ends so that it is free to expand or contract. The rod is kept
horizontally between two rigid supports A and B. Initially, the left end of the rod is at distance x1 from
the support ‘A’ and the right end at distance x2 from the support B. Temperature of the rod is now
increased by T so that the rod expands and its length increases. Let T be large enough so that
increase in length, if the supports A and B were not there, will be more than x1 + x2. However, the
presence of rigid supports A and B will prevent any increase in length beyond x1 + x2. Stress in the rod
can be expressed as :
ekuk vc NM+ nksuksa fljksa ls dalh gqbZ ugha gSA vFkkZr nksuksa fljs izlkj ;k ladqpu ds fy, LorU=k gSA NM+ dks nks n`<+
vk/kkjksa A o B ds chp {kSfrt j[kk tkrk gSA izkjEHk esa NM+ dk ck;ka fljk vk/kkj A ls x1 nwjh ij rFkk nwljk fljk
vk/kkj B ls x2 nwjh ij gSA vc NM+ dk rki T c<+k;k tkrk gSA ftlls NM+ esa izlkj ds dkj.k yEckbZ c<+rh gSA T
NM+ dh yEckbZ x1 + x2 ls T;knk c<+kus esa i;kZIr gS] ;fn vk/kkj A o B ugha gksA bl izdkj vk/kkj A o B NM+ dh
yEckbZ x1 + x2 ls T;knk c<+us ls jksdrs gSA NM+ dk izfrcy gksxkA

x1 x2

 x  x2   x  x2   x  x2 
(A) Y  T  1  (B) AYT (C) Y  1  (D*) Y  1  T 
 L   L   L 
16. Let us now consider an object that is kept under pressure and not allowed to expand on increasing the
temperature. If the temperature is increased by T, increases in the pressure will be (B is bulk modulus,
 is density,  is coefficient of cubical expansion and  is coefficient of linear expansion):
ekuk vc ,slh oLrq dks ysrs gS ftlesa nkc gS rFkk ;g rki c<+kus ij izlkj ds fy, LorU=k ugha gSA ;fn rkieku T
c<+k;k tk;s rks nkc esa o`f) gksxh] (B vk;ru izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad,  ?kuRo,  vk;ru izlkj xq.kkad rFkk  js[kh; izlkj
xq.kkad gSA)
(A*) BT (B) BT (C) BT (D) BT

vuqPNsn -2
When the expansion of a liquid in a vessel is measured to obtain the coefficient of volume expansion
(), what is actually obtained is apparent coefficient of expansion. This is due to expansion of container.
The figure shown is an apparatus to find out correct coefficient of expansion without knowing coefficient
of expansion of the container.
It consist a U-shaped tube with long base and two limbs. Its two limbs are kept at 0°C and t°C with the
help of melting ice and water at t°C. A liquid of unknown  is taken in U-tube. For the given steady state
there is no flow of liquid from one limb to other. Height of the liquid in two columns is h0 and ht
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tc vk;ru izlkj xq.kkad () dk eku izkIr djus ds fy, ,d ik=k esa nzo dk izlkj ekik tkrk gS, okLro esa tks
vkHkklh izlkj xq.kkad izkIr gksrk gSA ;g ik=k ds izlkj ds dkj.k gksrk gSA fp=k esa ,d midj.k n'kkZ;k tkrk gS tks
fcuk ik=k ds izlkj xq.kkad dks Kkr fd;s nzo dk lgh izlkj xq.kkad Kkr djrk gSA
;g ,d U-vkdkj dh ufydk gS tks ,d yEck vk/kkj ,oa nks Å/okZ/kj LrEHk j[krh gSA fi?kyh gqbZ cQZ ,oa t°C ds
ikuh dh lgk;rk ls blds nksuksa LrEHkksa dks 0°C rFkk t°C ij j[kk tkrk gSA vKkr ds ,d nzo dks U-ufydk esa Hkjk
tkrk gSA nh xbZ LFkk;h voLFkk ij ,d LrEHk ls vU; esa nzo dk izokg ugha gksrk gSA nksuksa LrEHkksa esa nzo dh Å¡pkbZ
Øe'k% h0 ,oa ht gSA

ht h0

Melting ice
Liquid of fi?kyrh gqbZ cQZ
water at t°C
unknown 
t°C ij ikuh vKkr  dk nzo
17. The coefficient of volume expansion of liquid () in the tube can be expressed as –
ufydk ds vUnj nzo dk vk;ru izlkj xq.kkad () fdlds vuqlkj O;Dr fd;k tk ldrk gS –
h0 (h t  h 0 ) ht h0
(A) (B*) (C) (D)
(h t  h 0 ) (h0 t ) h0 t ht t

18. For a liquid at t = 20°C h0 and ht are measured to be 100 cm and 101 cm respectively. In this same
liquid in a vessel a solid cylinder is floating. If on increasing temperature of the system depth of
submergence of cylinder is unchanged thermal coefficient of linear expansion of the cylinder is
t = 20°C ij nzo ds fy, h0 ,oa ht Øe'k% 100 cm rFkk 101 cm ekis tkrs gSA ,d ik=k esa bl leku nzo esa Bksl
csyu rSj jgk gSA ;fn fudk; dk rkieku c<+k;k tkrk gS] csyu dh Mqch gqbZ xgjkbZ vifjofrZr jgrh gS rc csyu dk
rkih; js[kh; izlkj xq.kkad gksxk
(A) 5 × 10–4 per izfr °C (B) 1.67 × 10–4 per izfr °C
(C*) 2.5 × 10–4 per izfr °C (D) 10–3 per izfr °C
Sol. t =
1  t
 0 = t(1 + t)
 Also for equilibrium lkE;koLFkk ds fy,, 0gh0 = tght
ht 
 = 0 = 1 + t
h0 t
h t  h0
 =
h0 t
101  100
For the given liquid fn;s x;s nzo ds fy,,  = = 5 × 10–4 per °C
100  20
For floatation of cylinder csyu ds nzo esa rSjus ds fy,,
Buoyant mRiykou = weight Hkkj = constant vpj
 Ahg = constant vpj

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 A = constant vpj
 cylinder csyu = liquid nzo
 cylinder csyu = = 2.5 × 10–4 per izfr °C
vuqPNsn -3
Two plane progressive sound waves are traveling in space. The two waves are described by equations.
p1 = p0 sin(340t – x)
p2 = p0 sin(340t + x)
nks lery izxkeh /ofu rjaxsa ifj{kS=k esa lapfjr gSA nksuksa rjaxsa fuEu lehdj.kksa }kjk iznf'kZr gSA
p1 = p0 sin(340t – x)
p2 = p0 sin(340t + x)

19. A detector is moving in x-y plane along straight line y = x with constant speed v. If 4 beats/sec are
detected by the detector, then speed v is :
,d lalqpd x-y ry esa ljy js[kk y = x ds vuqfn'k vpj pky v ls xfr'khy gSA ;fn lalqpd 4 foLiUn/lSd.M
izsf{kr djrk gS] rc pky v gS :
(A) 10 m/s (B*) 5 m/s (C) 15 m/s (D) 12 m/s
2 2
Sol. = = = 2m
k 
Distance between two nodal planes or anti-nodal planes is = 1 m

Time between two consecutive maxima =
V0 cos 
2V0 cos
(f) beat frequency =

2V0 4
2 5
 V0 = 5 m/s
 V  VO cos  
f 1 = f   .
 V 
 V  VO cos  
f 2 = f  
 V 
 2V cos   2V0 cos
(f) beat frequency = f 1 - f 2 = f  O  =
 V  

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2 2
gy % = = = 2m
k 
nks ukWMy (nodal) ;k izfr&ukWMy ryksa ds e/; nwjh = 1 m

nks Øekxr mfPp"B ds e/; nwjh =
V0 cos 
2V0 cos
(f) foLiUn vko`fr =

2V0 4
 4=  V0 = 5 m/s
2 5

 V  VO cos  
f 1 = f   .
 V 
 V  VO cos  
f 2 = f  
 V 
 2V cos   2V0 cos
(f) foLiUn vko`fr = f 1 - f2 = f  O  =

 V  
20. If t = 0 is moment when detector is crossing origin, then the variation of intensity of sound observed by
detector is best represented by curve
;fn t = 0 og {k.k gS tc d.k ewy fcUnq dks ikj djrk gSA rc lalqpd }kjk izsf{kr /ofu dh rhozrk esa ifjorZu dks
lcls lgh dkSulk oØ iznf'kZr djrk gSA


(A) t (s) (B)

t (s)
0.25 0.5 0.25 0.75

 

(C*)    t(s) (D) t (s)

0.25 0.5 0.75 0.5 1

Sol. x = 0 is antinode of pressure wave so intensity will be maximum

Time between to consecutive maxima = 0.25 s.
x = 0 rjax nkc dk fuLiUn gS vr% rhork vf/kdre gksxhA
nks Øekaxr mfPp"B ds e/; le; = 0.25 s.
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vuqPNsn - 4
4 g of He gas is taken in a cyclic process as shown on the P-T diagram. The minimum temperature is
300 K and the maximum is 600 K. The pressures of the points are,
PA = 1 × 105 N/m2, PB = PD = 2 × 105 N/m2.
fp=k esa iznf'kZr P-T oØ ds pØh; izØe ls 4g ek=kk dh He xSl dks ys tk;k tkrk gSA U;wure rkieku 300 K o
vf/kdre rkieku 600 K gSA fcUnqvksa ds nkc PA = 1 × 105 N/m2, PB = PD = 2 × 105 N/m2 gSA

21. The workdone in the process BC is W 1 and in the process DA is W 2 then

BC izØe esa fd;k x;k dk;Z W 1 gS ,oa DA izØe esa W 2 gS rc &
(A*) W 1 = W 2 (B) W 1 = 0, W 2 < 0 (C) W 1 > W 2 (D) W 1 < W 2
Sol. (Easy) BC and DA are isochoric process. Hence workdone W 1 and W 2 both are zero.
(Easy) BC o DA levk;rfud izØe gSA vr% nksuksa }kjk fd;s x;s dk;Z W 1 o W 2 'kwU; gSA
22. Heat supplied to the gas in the process C  D is
C  D izØe esa xSl dks nh xbZ Å"ek gS &
(A) Zero (B) 600 R (C) 300 R n2 (D*) 600 R n2
Sol. (Easy)UC  D =0
 Q = W = nRT n
= 1 × R × 600 n 2 = 600 n 2. R

23. Net workdone by the gas in the cycle is

pØh; izØe esa fd;k x;k dqy dk;Z gS &
(A*) +ve (B) – ve
(C) Zero 'kwU; (D) +ve or –ve depending upon the value of pressure of state C.
/kukRed o _.kkRed] gksuk voLFkk C ds nkc ds eku ij fuHkZj djrh gSA
Sol. Clockwise cyclic process on P-V diagram has +ve work.
P-V vkjs[k esa nf{k.kkorZ pfØ; izØe /kukRed dk;Z djrk gSA

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Consider a rigid container with light movable piston. The piston separates two fluids X and Y of equal
volume V and with bulk modulus B1 and B2. Their thermal coefficient of volume expansion are 1 and 2
respectively. Initially both fluids are at same temperature. Now their temperature is increased by .
,d n`< ik=k ij fopkj djrs gS ftlesa ,d gYdk xfreku fiLVu yxk gqvk gSA fiLVu leku vk;ru V rFkk vk;ru
izR;kLFkrk xq.kkad B1 rFkk B2 ds nks nzo X rFkk Y dks i`Fkd djrk gSA muds vk;ru ds rkih; izlkj xq.kkad Øe'k% 1
rFkk 2 gSA izkjEHk esa nksuksa nzo leku rki ij gSA vc muds rki ls c<+k;s tkrs gSA

Fluid-X Fluid-Y

24. If B2 is zero then fractional change in volume of fluid X is

;fn B2 'kwU; gS rc nzo X ds vk;ru esa vkaf'kd ifjorZu gksxk &
(A) zero (B*) 1 (C) 2 (D) (1 + 2)
Sol. Fluid X will expand freely

25. If B2 is infinite then volume stress in fluid X is

;fn B2 vuUr gS rc nzo X es vk;ru izfrcy gksxk
(A) zero (B) 1B1 (C) 2B2 (D*) (1 + 2)B1
Sol. Fluid Y will expand freely so volume strain in fluid X (1 + 2)

26. If B1 & B2 are finite it is observed that piston remains at its position on increasing temperature.
;fn B1 o B2 Kkr gS rc fiLVu rki c<+kus ij bldh fLFkfr ij jgsxkA
(A*) 1B1 = 2B2 (B) 1B2 = 2B1 (C) 1B1 + 2B2 = 0 (D) 12B1 = 22B2
Sol. Equate volume stress in both fluids

27. The sound intensity level at a point 4m from the point source is 10dB and the sound level at a distance
2m from the same source is (x + 10)dB. Find the value of x. (log2 = 0.3)
fcUnq L=kksr ls 4m nwjh ij fLFkr fcUnq ij /ofu rhozrk dk Lrj 10dB gS rFkk leku L=kksr ls 2m nwjh ij /ofu Lrj
(x + 10)dB gSA x dk eku Kkr djksA (log2 = 0.3)
Ans. 6
 4
Sol. 1 = 10 log 2 = 10 log
0 0
2 – 1 = 10 log4
2 = 10 + 10 log4 = 10 + 6.

28. Two moles of a monatomic ideal gas is taken through a cyclic process shown on pressure (P) vs
temperature(T) diagram in figure. Process CA is represented as PT = constant. If efficiency of given
cyclic process is 1  , then find x.
12n2  15
,d ijek.kqd vkn'kZ xSl ds nks eksy ds fy, pfØ; izØe dk P-T xzkQ fp=k esa iznf'kZr gSa izØe CA, PT = fu;r]
dks iznf'kZr djrk gSA ;fn fn;s x;s pfØ; izØe dh n{krk 1  gks, rks x Kkr djksA
12n2  15
P(N/m )
5 A B

10 C

300 K 600 K

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Ans. 3
Sol. For process izØe AB eaas TA = 300 K, TB = 600 K
W = nRT = nR (TB – TA) = 300 nR = 600 R.
Q = n CpT = 2 × R (300) = 1500 R.
For process izØe BC ds fy,
vf p
W= nRT ln = nRT ln i = nRT ln 2 = 1200 R ln 2
vi pf
Q= W = 1200 R ln 2
For process izØe CA ds fy,
300 K 2nRT
W=  P dV  600 T K dT
= – 2nR (300) = – 1200 R
Q= nCV  T + W
= 2 × R (–300) – 1200R.
= –900R – 1200R = –2100R
600R  1200Rln2 – 1200R
1500R  1200Rln2
= 1– x=3
12 n2  15

29. Column-I contains a list of process involving expansion of an ideal gas. Match this with column–II
describing the thermodynamic change during this process. Indicate your answer by darking the
appropriate bubbles of the matrix given in the ORS.
Column–I Column–II
(A) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice (p) Temperature of the gas decreases.
its original volume such that its pressure P  V2,
where V is its volume.

(B) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice its (q) Temperature of the gas increases
original volume such that its pressure P  2 ,
where V is the volume of the gas.

(C) An ideal monoatomic gas expands to twice its (r) Temperature of the gas remains constant
original volume such that its pressure P  4/3
where V is its volume.

(D) An ideal monoatomic gas expands such that (s) The gas loses heat
its pressure P and volume V follows the behaviour
shown in the graph.

(t) The gas gains heat

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izFke LrEHk esa vkn'kZ xSl ds fy;s dqN Å"ekxfrdh izlkj fn;s x;s gSaA rFkk izØe ds nkSjku gksus okyh ?kVuk dks
LrEHk–II esa fn;k x;k gSA tks lgh ifj.kkeksa dks lqesfyr dhft;sA
(A) ,d vkn'kZ ,d ijekf.od xSl dks blds nqxqus vk;ru (p) xSl dk rki ?kVsxk
rd izlkfjr fd;k x;k gS rFkk nkc P ,oa vk;ru V esa lEca/k
P  V2 gSaA

(B) ,d vkn'kZ ,d ijekf.od xSl dks blds nqxqus vk;ru (q) xSl dk rki c<+sxk
rd izlkfjr fd;k x;k gS rFkk nkc P ,oa vk;ru V esa lEca/k
P  2 gSaA

(C) ,d vkn'kZ ,d ijekf.od xSl dks blds nqxqus vk;ru (r) xSl dk rki vpj jgsxk
rd izlkfjr fd;k x;k gS rFkk nkc P ,oa vk;ru V esa lEca/k
P  4 / 3 gSaA

(D) ,d vkn'kZ ,d ijekf.od xSl dks izlkfjr fd;k x;k gS (s) xSl ls Å"ek dh gkfu gksxh
ftlds nkc P rFkk vk;ru V esa ifjorZu dk O;ogkj xzkQ
esa iznf'kZr gS

(t) xSl Å"ek xzg.k djsxh

Ans. : A – q,t ; B – p,s ; C – p,t ; D – q,t
Sol. (A) Volume increases therefore workdone is positive
= constant. volume increase therefore temperature increases,
so U & W both are positive, therefore Q is positive (Q = U + W)

(B) Volume increases therefore workdone is positive

PV2 = constant and TV = constant, V increasing therefore T decrease
 T decreasing so, T = –
 T
n R  
3  T  2  = – n R T so Q is negative
Q = U + W  Q= nR    +
2  2 2  1 4
(C) Volume increases therefore workdone is positive
PV 4 / 3 = constant  TV1/3 = constant
and Ti = T ; Tf = 1/ 3 (Tf < Ti and T is negative)
Q = U + W
3 nRT 3
= nRT – = – nRT ( T is negative, so Q is positive)
2  4  2

 3  1
 
(D) Volume and Pressure both are increasing so temperature of gas is increase and work done is
positive so Q will be positive.

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Sol. (A) pqafd vk;ru esa o`f) gks jgh gSA vr% xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z /kukRed gksxkA
= vpj, vk;ru c<+ jgk gS vr% rki Hkh c<+sxk ,oa U rFkk W nksuksa /kukRed gksxs ,oa Q Hkh /kukRed gksxkA
(Q = U + W)
(B) pqafd vk;ru esa o`f) gks jgh gSA vr% xSl }kjk fd;k x;k dk;Z /kukRed gksxkA
PV2 = vpj, rFkk TV = vpj ] V c<+ jgk gS vr% T ?kVsxkA
 T ?kV jgk gS rks T = –
 T
n R  
3  T  2  = – n R T vr% Q _.kkRed gksxkA
vr% Q = U + W  Q = nR    +
2  2 2  1 4
= vpj, vr% T   U (+)  Q(+)
(C) vk;ru c<+ jgk gS vr% fd;k x;k dk;Z
PV 4 / 3 = vpj  TV1/3 = vpj] V c<+sxk ,oa T ?kVsxkA
rFkk Ti = T ; Tf = 1/ 3
(Tf < Ti vr% dT _.kkRed gksxk )
Q = U + W
3 nRT 3
= nRT – = – nRT ( T _.kkRed gksxk, vr% Q /kukRed gksxk)
2  4  2
  3  1
 
(D) xSl dk vk;ru rFkk nksuksa gh c<+ jgs gSA vr% rki Hkh c<+sxk ,oa Q /kukRed gksxkA

30. Regarding speed of sound in gas, match the statements in column-I with the results in column-II
xSl esa /ofu ds osx ds lEcU/k esa LrEHk&I ds dFkuksa dks LrEHk&II ls lqesfyr dfj,A
Column I Column II
(A) Temperature of gas is made 4 times and (p) speed becomes 2 2 times the initial value
pressure 2 times
(B) Only pressure is made 4 times without (q) speed becomes 2 times the initial value
change in temperature
(C) Only temperature is changed to 4 times (r) speed remains unchanged
(D) Only Molecular mass of the gas is made 4 times (s) speed becomes half the initial value
(A) xSl dk rkieku 4 xquk o nkc (p) izkjfEHkd pky dh rqyuk esa vc pky
2 xquk fd;k tkrk gS 2 2 xquk gks tkrh gSA
(B) rkieku esa fcuk ifjorZu fd;s dsoy (q) izkjfEHkd pky dh rqyuk esa vc pky
nkc dks 4 xquk fd;k tkrk gSA 2 xquk gks tkrh gS
(C) dsoy rkieku dks 4 xquk fd;k tkrk gS (r) pky vifjofrZr jgrh gSA
(D) dsoy xSl ds vkf.od nzO;eku dks 4 (s) izkjfEHkd pky dh rqyuk esa vc pky
xquk fd;k tkrk gSA vk/kh gks tkrh gS
Sol. (A) q (B) r (C) q (D) s

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