Consmat Report

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Examples of

Uses for the

TYPES/ Weight Aggregates
vermiculite, ceramic, can be sawed or nailed,
also used for its
ultra-lightweight diatomite, pumice, scoria,
insulating properties
(250 to 1450 kg/m3).

used primarily for

making lightweight
expanded clay, shale concrete for structures,
lightweight or slate, crushed brick also used for its
insulating properties
(1350 to 1850 kg/m3).

crushed limestone,
sand, river gravel, used for normal
normal weight concrete projects
crushed recycled

barlite, magnetite , steel used for making high

density concrete for
heavyweight or iron shot; steel or shielding against
iron pellets nuclear radiation

*VERMICULITE - a yellow or brown mineral found as an alteration product of

mica and other minerals, and used for insulation or as a moisture-retentive
medium for growing plants.

*PERLITE- is an amorphous volcanic glass that has a relatively high water content,
typically formed by the hydration of obsidian.
*PUMICE- a volcanic rock that consists of highly vesicular rough textured
volcanic glass, which may or may not contain crystals

*SCORIA- a volcanic rock that consists of highly vesicular rough textured

volcanic glass, which may or may not contain crystals

*DIATOMITE-a fine-grained sedimentary rock formed from consolidated

diatomaceous earth.

*EXPANDED CLAY- light weight aggregate made by heating clay to around

1,200 °C in a rotary kiln.

*EXPANDED SHALE- is an ideal growing media for hydroponic or aquaponic


Expanded clay (left) Expanded shale(right)

*CRUSHED BRICK- Using crushed bricks as coarse aggregates in concrete is of

particular interest to preserve natural aggregate sources as well as to reduce
waste and waste storage.

*RIVER GRAVEL-composed of small pieces of rounded stone of various colors,

usually no larger than a large coin.

* CRUSHED LIMESTONE-one of the most versatile natural rocks in the world, many
contractors rely on crushed limestone for a variety of uses
*CRUSHED CONCRETE- can also be used as the dry aggregate for brand new
concrete if it is free of contaminants.


*MAGNETITE- a gray-black magnetic mineral that consists of an oxide of iron and

is an important form of iron ore.
*MAGNETITE SAND- is literally black sand, indicating a high concentration
of magnetite in the offshore areas of a body of water like a river

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