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Vajrapani Bhutadamara
Subduer of Demons

Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center

254 Cambridge Ave., Kensington, California 94708
(510) 527-7363,

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One concludes by sharing merits, reciting:


Through our praise and supplication to you
May sickness, poverty, and warfare subside
Wherever we may be and may Dharma,
And good omens increase.

This sadhana was obtained from Lama Kunga Thartse, Ewam Choden Tibetan Buddhist Center in 2001.
Formatted by Wolfgang Saumweber 2/2004.

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Countless tiny Wrathful Ones, similar to myself, issue forth from every pore and One who wishes to perform this meditation upon Shri Vajrapani Bhutadamara
annihilate all evil ones. All compassion, blessings, and power of Buddhas and should recite the following Formula of Refuge a number of times, with devotion from
bodhisattvas are gathered in the forms of the bhagavan and rays of light, dissolv- the heart:
ing into the HUM in my heart. In the most holy Guru who is the Quintessence of the qualities and deeds of
While visualizing this I recite: the body, voice and mind of all the Tathagatas abiding in the ten directions
and three times, the source of the eighty four thousand articles of the Doc-
HUM VAJRA PHAT! trine and Master of the Noble Assemblies—I and all living beings, equal
to the bounds as space, from this time forth until the essence of Enlighten-
ment is reached, steadfastly take Refuge in that venerable Root Guru and in
the Holy Masters of the lineage; take Refuge in the Blessed Accomplished
and Buddhas; take Refuge in the Holy Teachings; take Refuge in the Noble
SARVA BHUTA PRETA PISHACANI SADHAYA HUM PHAT (Recite the following three times)
For the sake of all sentient beings, I must attain to the stage of a Perfectly
Enlightened One; for that purpose I practice this recitation and meditation
of the Lord Manjushri.
Instantly I clearly arise as Shri Bhutadamara. In my heart above a multicolored
lotus rises the red syllable RAM from which rays of light shine forth in the form
of hooks, invoking the Lord of the Wrathful Ones, Subduer of Demons, Shri Bhut-
at least 108 times or as much as is possible. Recite the mantra neither too fast nor too adamara, surrounded by all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, as I say:
slow, neither too loud or too soft, clearly with no mistakes
At the end, recite with palms pressed together at the heart.
Here make the sense offerings with mudras;
Shri Vajrapani, please pacify and stop all discordant conditions and obsta-
cles, of myself and all beings; the harm of spirits from above, planets and OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA ARGHAM PRATICCHA SVAHA,
rishis; the harm of spirits from below, nagas and earth lords; the harm of OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA PADYAM PRATICCHA SVAHA,
spirits from the middle, bhutas, king demons and ‘Tsen;’ and I pray, quickly OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA PUSHPE PRATICCHA SVAHA,
bestow blessings to obtain the stage of the King of Wrath Bhutadamara. OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA DHUPE PRATICCHA SVAHA,
Having prayed thus for the spiritual attainment one seeks, visual- OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA GANDHE PRATICCHA SVAHA,
ize that rays of light shine forth from my heart and cause the lotus, OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA NAIVIDYE PRATICCHA SVAHA,
moon, and demon beneath my feet to dissolve into rays of light OM BHUTADAMARA SAPARIVARA SHABDA PRATICCHA SVAHA.
which are absorbed into me. The upper and lower part of my body
simultaneously dissolve in light, and is absorbed into the mantra (With hands held together at the heart, recite the following prayer three times)
rosary within my heart. The mantra too, is then absorbed into In the Triple Gem I take Refuge, and confess individually all sins. I rejoice
HUM, the HUM is absorbed into its upper bar, then into its point in the virtuous deeds of the Buddhas. In Buddha, Dharma and the Excel-
(bindu) and then into the nada. Finally the nada vanishes in the lent Assembly I take Refuge until Enlightenment is reached. In order to
stage of unobjectified emptiness and clear light. The syllable OM is accomplish my own and others’ aim, I produce this excellent Enlightenment
on my forehead, the AH is at my throat, and HUM is at my heart. thought. Having produced this excellent Enlightenment Thought, I invite
all beings. I practice this pleasing and excellent conduct of the Enlighten-
ment and dedicate (this merit) that all beings may achieve Enlightenment.

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(Recite the Four Immeasurables) All these deities are absorbed into me. Again from the seed syllable light rays are
May all living beings have happiness and the cause of happiness. extended and invoke the five initiating Dyhani Buddhas. I recite:
May all be apart from sorrow and the cause of sorrow OM VAJRA SAMADZA
May all never be separated from the Bliss that is sorrowless. And make this request:
May all abandon attachment and aversion to things by living with equanim-
ity. Please all Tathagathas, bestow on me all empowerments.
Then recite: Then the Tathagathas say:
HAM. (Even as the Blessed One was bathed by gods at the time of his own birth, So with
All of your sense organs and skandhas (elements of your being) become void. the pure water of the Celestial Realms, do we bestow consecration upon you.)
From emptiness arises a syllable HUM, dark blue in color which They pour water from a vessel on top of my head. Water pours down into the
transforms into a large spacious palace of vajras. Within it is a syllable body and purifies all the negative passions. The water flows to my crown, where
HRIH, out of which arises a multicolored lotus with eight petals. From then Buddha Akshobhya (blue in color) appears.
this arises the letter OM on a clear and sparkling moon disc. On top, Now follows the Mudra:
from a transformation of a blue-black letter HUM arises a black five
Bind each of the four places, heart, throat, forehead, and crown, with the basic
pointed vajra, with the tines open, the middle marked with HUM, from
Mudra, which is performed as thus: interlocking the two ring fingers, bend the fore-
which issues many rays of light, offering to the Noble ones, purifying
fingers inward; and press together one’s middle fingers, little fingers and thumbs.
diseases, malignant spirits, sins and pollutions; and benefits all sentient
While binding them with this Mudra, bless each of the four places by uttering:
beings by removing all suffering. Again the rays of light return to the
HUM syllable and I become Shri Bhutadamara; King of the Wrathful HUM VAJRA PHAT!
and Subduer of Demons, dark blue in color with one face and four arms.
Held aloft in the first right is a blue vajra with slightly open prongs. My upper
left hand, with a threatening forefinger holds a vajra noose. My two main hands
at my heart perform the Demon-Subduing Mudra. My fangs are bared and my Maintain this visualization as clearly as possible for as long as possible.
tongue curls upward. My three, round red eyes glare fiercely, while my orange hair, Resembling a garland of fire, brilliant rays of light extend out infinitely, from
eyebrows and moustache blaze upward. My head is adorned by five dry skulls, the mantra rosary of syllables surrounding the blue HUM resting on a sun disc
and I wear a necklace of fifty fresh skulls. Adorned by eight great Nagas, I wear a within my heart. They pervade my body, within and without, making it luminous,
lower garment of tiger skin and a cape of blue silk. Standing in the midst of blaz- burning away and purifying all diseases, plagues, malignant spirits, obstacles, bad
ing flames of transcendent wisdom, my right leg is bent inwards and my left leg is language, evil spells and the mischief caused by nonhumans and humanity.
stretched out.
Recite the Mantra as follows:
I trample on the white demon of Aparajita who lies face downward and has three
eyes and four hands; in his right hands he holds a drum and a curved knife, while OM BHUTADAMARA BHUTA ADHIPATI / AKSHOBHYA KIRITINA /
the left hands hold a skull cup and trident. His lower garment is a tiger skin and SARVA BHUTA PRETA PISHACANI SADHAYA HUM PHAT
his yellow hair is knotted on top of his head. On my forehead is the white syllable
OM; a red syllable AH is at my throat; a blue HUM is at my heart from which
emanates the rays of light to the invoke from His abode Lord of the Wrathful
Ones, Shri Bhutadamara, surrounded by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas and all
the other deities of the ten directions in the sky above.
With the recitation:

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