SP3D Structure
SP3D Structure
SP3D Structure
Prerequisite Sessions:
• SP3D Overview
• SP3D Common Sessions
• Structural Analysis: An Overview
• Creating an Analysis Model
An analysis model is a representation of the physical model and loads. Loads are used for the
analysis of structural finite element stress. An analysis model consists of structural members,
member end releases, connection nodes, loads, load cases, and load combinations. SP3D exports
the analysis model in CIMsteel Integration Standard file format (CIS/2) for processing by
external analysis software packages. Changes in the member size can be imported using the
same standard.
After creating an analysis model, you can perform the following tasks:
To create a mapping file, click the File > New Mapping File… command. This command creates
an XML mapping file. You can specify the SP3D section standard table to be the output of the
mapping file and the mapping file name in the New Mapping File dialog box, as shown in
Figure 1. The mapping file created by the New Mapping File… command is a template. The
SP3D does not write the third-party names to the mapping file because these names differ for the
analysis applications. You need to edit and maintain the appropriate third-party application
mappings in the file.
• Right-click the analytical model and select the Select Nested command. All the objects
related to the analytical model are selected. You can edit the object status of all the
objects by using this command.
When you export the analysis model, the software creates an identity for each member that is the
output for the CIS/2 format file. This identity is maintained and used by the external analysis
program. As a result, you can update the analytical model that has been previously exported.
To export the analytical model from SP3D, on the File menu, point to the Export option, and
click the Analytical Model… command. Clicking this command displays the Export Analytical
Model dialog box where you can specify properties, such as Name, Author, Organization,
Coordinate system, and CIS File. You need to specify the name of the analysis model to export
the name of the person who created the CIS file, the organization name, the coordinate system
that you use, and the path of the CIS file using these properties, as shown in Figure 2.
• An analysis model is associated with a CIS/2 file.
• As long as you maintain the analytical model within SP3D, you can regenerate the CIS/2
file at any time with consistent identities of objects. This means you can create a new
CIS/2 file and use it to update an analytical model in the third-party analysis package.
• When the Include mapping file option is selected, the software uses the mapping file
you identify in the Mapping file field when creating the CIS/2 file.
In the Structural Analysis task, clicking the Update from Analysis/Design button on the vertical
toolbar opens the Update from Analysis/Design dialog box. This dialog box allows you to read a
CIS/2 file that contains all the analysis and design results from a third-party program. In the
Update from Analysis/Design dialog box, you can specify properties, such as the name and path
of the CIS file to import results back into the analysis model. Figure 3 shows the Update from
Analysis/Design dialog box and the properties that you can specify in it.
• You can only update member section sizes. Member topological changes, new loads,
new load cases, and new load combinations cannot be read from CIS/2 files by using the
Update from Analysis/Design command.
• You cannot update members if you do not have Write access to the members.
• To use a mapping file while exporting and importing analytical data, you can select the
option Include mapping file in the Export Analytical Model and Update from
Analysis/Design dialog boxes. As you select this option, you can specify the mapping
file to be used.
• The Update Options are Preview and Update. The Preview option gives you a chance to
see what members are modified or missing before you update the database. These
options identify members that currently exist in the SP3D model. The term sections
refers to the members whose section sizes as defined in the CIS/2 file are modified, not
modified, or not available in the SP3D Catalog.
For more information related to interfacing with the analysis and detailing software, refer to
Exporting and Importing Analytical Data: An Overview topic of the user guide
1. Which command enables you to import an analysis model?
2. Why do you need a mapping file?
3. Why do you lock members while exporting an analysis model?
4. What can you update from analysis model?