D100 of Tricks, Puzzles and Riddles

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Die Roll fate.

I am each one, and yet still

more. All you've known, seen and Solutions?
Memories, information,
1 done before. Tell me, what am
on black velvet, pearl in the sea. Unchanged, yet e'rchanging, I?" knowledge, etc
2 does not show. When askedeternally." about it they will let it go, It breathes The moon
3 life into those that know. The air
4 "What "You
is can
yours,seemayme inneverwater,
be but
taken,I am is never
freely wet.
given, What
and am yet I?"
others Your reflection
5 will use more than you?" Your name
6 "What goes up a hill faster than it goes down a hill?" Firethat, you're
Halfway, after
7 patch of skin"How to eyesfaracan you walk
pattern, shows intoparents,
the forest?"
child and maybe walking out
8 slattern." Birthmark
9 "When you make a hole in me, I have fewer holes. What am I?" A net
10 "The more you take, the more you leave behind." Footsteps
11 "What begins
Practical I mayandnot has be,noBut
end, and
life, ends allisthings
it seems, full of that
me! begin?"
And so Death
A riddler, riddles, etc
12 adventurer I cry, can you tell me
I cannot be measured until I am done, oh but how you will miss what am I?"
13 the night. I bathe the earthy me oncestuffI atamdawn,
gone.but by noon - alas, I am Time, Lifespan
14 owls eye. Dimmer than gone. Tell me,
candles, what am
smaller than I?"peas. Flickers, never The morning dew
15 You will always caught,
find mein inthetheendless
past. I can sea."
be created in the Stars
16 present, But the future can never taint me. What am I? Memories
17 "Brothers and The moreI Ihave
sisters, dry, the
none. wetter I become
But that man's father is my Towel
18 The maker father's
does son".
not use How is that
it, the buyerman related
does to me?
not need it, and the He is my son
19 owner uses it without knowing. What am i? A coffin
"I have not flesh, nor feathers, nor scales, nor bone. Yet I have
20 "You use afingers
knife toandcut thumbs
up my head, of my butown.
weep am beside I?" me when Gloves, ghosts
21 gap, I bridge each gorge, I amWhat
dead." What
once wasambroken,
I? I reforge. Then I An onion
22 return
we're aonly to find I've
breathtaking left myalways
chorus; tail farstopbehind.
and Tell
visitme,when whatgivenamthe
I?" A needle
23 stretch. I do not drink, but I sleep chance. and stand. I do not think, but I A flower (rose).
24 grow and play. I do not see, but you see me everyday." A leg
25 stop, and What gets of
the result bigger, the more
the vandal's youstroke.
first take outTellofme,it? what am A pit, a hole, etc
26 I?" A break/A brake
27 What starts
burdens with 'e,'
I'm sworn to ends with I'e,'
shoulder. and contains
cannot escape my onlyfateoneasletter?
a slave, An envelope
28 Until my master
brings me to perfection. Take one liesmore
dead cut,
in hisandgrave.
you'll plainly see, A skeleton
29 "Thewhat
answerI was always
I give destined
is yes, but what to be. Tell me,
I mean what
is no. What amwasI?" the Wheat -> heat -> eat
30 question?"
Later when blades rend your flesh and your own steel is dull, will "Do you mind?"
31 "Makingyou curseprivation
mortal my existence." Tell me,
once firmly what am
in place. An I?enduring a rust monster, MM 262
32 "I amsummation
a word, who's etchedhardlyin my face.
there. Tell me,my
Remove what
start,amand I?" I'm a A tombstone
33 I appear common herbal
yet Iflair. Tell me, what
am wondrous, am I?"
I never change in weight Sparsely
34 but am worth more than my volume in gold. What am I? bag of holding
35 What can the hand only sow what only the eye can harvest. Writing, stories, art, etc
36 To keep
I may me, I must
be a nuisance butbecommit
given. Ifno I am not kept,
crime, but I'llI am
be abroken
part of a Your word or promise
37 murder in time.
The poor have it, the rich need it, and if you eat it you'll die. What a crow
38 Speak my name, and I am broken. is it? Seldom heard, and never Nothing
39 spoken. Silence
40 Iron
doesroof, glassAnd
it show; walls,yetburns
you callandme burns
never And falls.
stillWhat am I?
you take A lantern
41 What is that whichcup hasafter
one cup."
voiceWhatand yet ambecomes
I? four-footed Alcohol/wine/ale/etc
42 and two-footed and three-footed?
There are two sisters: one gives birth to the other and she, in Man
43 doorsturn,
are to birth
thisto the first. Who
stronghold, are the break
Yet thieves two sisters?
in and steal Night and day
44 the gold.
into knaves. Though born of flame, I am still cold, This rhyme of An egg
45 Whatever we caught, which
we threwyou haveaway; been told. we did not catch,
whatever Gold/money/coins
46 matter how fast you run, yet weI nearly
carry. perish in the midday sun. Lice
47 One thin, one bold, one sick, Whatone amcold.
I? The earth we span, to The FourAHorsemen
Shadow of the
48 desperation, oft expressed, preybut upon theman.
intended, unprotected. Tell Apocalypse
49 me,
every forth, until all one hundred people what am I?" have passed down the be 10Ancandles
alibi, an
at the end.
50 Fourline.
hang,How many
four candles
sprang, twoare lit? the
point Is theway,__thtwocandle lit? off
to ward
51 old,dogs,
eat me,onewrinkled
danglesas after,
I am,always
with no rather
moisturedirty.inWhat am I?
me, crushing A cow
52 my bones together with
white house. Inside the white house there was a red house. my flesh. A raisin
53 may see Inside
in tin,theAnd redthehouse
fourththerea boxwere littleIfblack
within; the fifth babies.
you should A watermelon
54 pursue, It can never fly from
I have nothing inside me and everything is inside me, and I grant you. Vowels
55 to the cloudsthe of use of myI give
heaven. virtue to all
birth to without charge. in pupils
tears of mourning Mirror
56 that meet me, and at once on my birth I am dissolved into air. Smoke
57 always come. When I live, nothing,
I carry I cry. If you yetdon't kill me,
hold much forI'llsome.
die. Tell me, A candle
58 what am I?" Tomorrow
59 I grow
with invisible as I eat,
chains. Yetbut die when
I always put Ion drink,
the samewhatbrave am I? face. She A fire
60 keeps
lie. Myme deathhercomes
prisoner, but leaves
through hunger, mecold
some andspace. What am
suffocation andI? The moon
61 In my arms I keep gives the dead,birthmy to presence
new creation. keeps families fed. I am Earth,Fire, Flames
planet earth, the
62 the base of mortal life. I
"Whoever makes me, tells it not. Whoever takesam the scene of all me,
theirknowsstrife.it not. ground
Counterfeit money,
63 smelt,Whoever
Lies behind knows me,and
stars wantsunderme hills,
not. Tell
Andme, emptywhatholes am I?"it fills. forgeries, etc
64 Comes first follows after, Ends life kills
Silent as a beast of prey, I come upon those that I slay. Driven laughter Darkness
65 I am theback for half
beginning ofthe
end, in thetheendother I bring
of every fearI am the
place. winter, Cold, frost
66 beginning
show five. But of Ieternity,
never show the endtwentyof space
one, and
unless time.I'mWhatflying.am I?
What The letter E
67 am I?"
wept for what I brought. But sometimes with me a crown is the Future/A Knowledge
d6 of
68 What's dead half the year, and wrought.
lives the rest. What dances without the Future
69 music, and breathes
A clock, a tree, a road, a sea. Everything without breath?
is part of me, claiming the Trees, forest, flowers, etc
70 contrary would be a lie. tell me please, what am I? the Planes
71 peopleIf Ican
have a beemy
match in my hand,
worth, Thethenbestwhat
friend is in
ofmy eye? and
sceptics Beauty
72 feetscholars
wide. It is alike, I worsensmall,
of compass each andwound bareafter every strike
To thirsty suns and Salt
73 parching air.
as the flea. His tracks do not match, and his limbs may detach, but A well
74 I have ahe'stail, not
andaI strange
have a head, creaturebut ito see.no
have Whatbody. is Ihe?
am NOT a A man with a wooden leg
75 snake.and
seven kits: Kits, cats, sacks, What am I?How many were there
wives, a coin
76 I am hoarded by royalty,going
St. Ives?
break me, peasants rarely One
77 find me, I am of covetous worth, yet
can't contain her, that I see. But now she can be shared
moves moreby all
quietly. Truth
78 What are we? A river and a beaver
79 I am used by the loud as a warning and by the silent as skin. Bark
80 Fill me, that I may tell you what is lost. Ledger
Alive without breath, as cold as death, never thirsty, always
81 Many have heard drinking,
me, butallnoin
hasnever clinking
seen me, and I will not speak Fish
82 back until spoken to. echo
83 AWhen
box without
you havehinges,
it, youkey or lid,
want yet golden
to share treasure
it, when inside
you share it, is hid
you Egg
84 understand me you try, you stare lose until
it you reach your goal, then secret
85 let the light fade,understand
and my depthsme youwillcomply.
bestow, what iv'e been Proceed ina darkness
Map with
86 hiding deep deep deep below.
mother could fly. A nation is built on her broken wings, Ruled by no lights
87 "Two Bodies In One. queens, but never
The longer by kings.
I stand, the quicker I run. What Ants
88 am I?" take me, set me, open what
Forged and cut, yet blood is naught, An Hourglass
89 you sought, what am I? a Key
90 When is a door not a door? When it is ajar
91 What has four wheels and flies? The Town Garbage Wagon
92 This is as light as a feather, yet no man can hold it for long. One's breath
93 I pass before the sun, yet I make no shadow. What am I? The Wind
94 Tucked within a bone of feather, I'll help your words outlast Ink
forever. But as you push us as we stand, the more
How many letters are in the answer to this question? we move, the
95 Four
96 What herb cures all ailments? Thyme
I am made of dust and water and rest upon the earth, in the
image of you, my maker, though in gown of white at birth, awake
in cold, no substance, soul, nor mind, formed by mortal hands
and yet I am divine. Arms stretched wide without embrace I wait
until my end, silent and unmoving 'til I'm buried or returned to
97 ground
A venerable relative, whose again.
hands do not hold and whose face Snow Angel
98 cannot see, but can always tell you when you need to be. a (grandfather) clock
99 What means everything to you, and yet nothing to me? Your Life
100 What word, built of six, becomes its opposite when it is reversed? United
MM (p280)
Unknown - Added by
Greek Myth (Apollodorus
Greek Myth (alternate
Sphinx riddle)
Mother Goose
Pseudo-Herodotus, Life of
Taken from The Riddles Of
Greek Anthology XIV.103
Greek Anthology XIV.108
Greek Anthology XIV.5
The Hobbit
u /The_Moth_
Lurker at Large
The Hobbit
The Hobbit


/u/Halgy adapted
Top of /r/Riddles
for D&D by /u/Woolfen


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