Gitavah: Arunodaya-Kirtan Songs To Be Sung at Dawn 2 Songs
Gitavah: Arunodaya-Kirtan Songs To Be Sung at Dawn 2 Songs
Gitavah: Arunodaya-Kirtan Songs To Be Sung at Dawn 2 Songs
Songs to be Sung at Dawn
2 songs
Song 1
2) The mrdangas resounded "tathai, tathai" in qu ick succession while the large
jhanjha cymbals chimed in time. Lord Gauranga's golden form trembles again
and again in ecstatic love of Godhead, and His footbells jingle.
3) Lord Caitanya calls out to the townsfolk , " Fill your mouths with the hol y
names Mukunda! Madhava! Yadava! and Hari!' You spend your nights uselessly
sleeping and your days decorating your bodies!
jivana anityajanaha sar,
tahe nana vidha -vipada bhar,-
namasraya kori'j atane tumi,
thakaha apana kaj e
6 ) "You should understand this essential fact: Life is temporary and filled wl t h
various kinds of misery. Therefore, carefully take shelter of the holy name and
remain always engaged in His service as your eternal occupation.
j Iv era
kaly ana sadhan-a kam, -
8) Drink the pure nectar of the holy name of Krsna and thus satisfy the soul of
Bhaktivinoda. Except for the holy name there is nothing wi t hin all the fou r t een
Song 2
jiv j ago,
j ivj ago,gauracanda bole
kota nidra yao maya pis-acira kole
I) "Wake up, sleeping souls! Wake up, sleeping souls!" Lord Gauranga calls,
"You have slept so long in the lap of the witch Maya!"
2 ) "You came into this world saying, 0 m y L o r d I w i l l c e r t a i nly w o r s hip You ,'
but having forgotten this promise you remain in great ignorance.
0) "I have brought the medicine for destroying the illusion of Maya. Now beg for
this hari-nama-maha-mantra and take it."
5) Bhaktivinoda fell at the lotus feet of Lord Gauranga, and after begging for the
holy name he indeed received that maha-mantra.
Songs for the Greeting Ceremony of the Lord
Four Songs
Song I
Srz Surabhi-Kunje Srz Gaura-Govinda-arati
The Ceremony of Worshiping Srz Gaura-Govinda at Srz Surabhi Kunja
0) The meeting of Their two bo d ily f o rms has generated a luster that brightens
all the worlds, and may be compared to a garland of lightning (Radha) fixed
upon a dark blue raincloud (Krsna).
sankha baj e,
ghanta baje, baj e karatala
madhura mrdanga baj e parama rasala
visakhadi sakhi vrnda du-hun guna gaowe
priya narma sa-khi gan-a cam-ara dhulaowe
6) The cowherd damsels of Vrndavana led by Visakha Devz sing the glories of
the Divine Couple while the priya-narma-sakhzs cool Their Lordships by waving
camara fans.
7) Ananga Manjarz offers Them sandalwood pulp scented with cuya while Rupa
Manjart places a garland of jasmine flowers about Their necks.
panca pra-dipe
dhori'karpura ba-t
2a2ita sun-darz korej uga2a ara-ti
8) The beautiful Lalita Sundarz holds a lamp of five flames scented with
c amphor and waves it aloft, offering arati to the Divine Coupl e .
9) Parvatz, Laksmz, and the personified Vedas cry in great happiness while
rolling on the ground and singing of the fortunate position of the damsels of
Song 2
The Ceremony of Worshiping Lord Gauranga
1) All glories, all glories to the beautiful arati ceremony of Lord Gauracandra in
a grove on the banks of the Jahnavt river! This Gaura-arati is attracting the
minds of all living entities in the universe.
2) On Lord Caitanya's right side is Lord Ni t y ananda, and on His left is Srz
Gadadhara. Before Him stands Srt Adwaita, and Srtvasa Thakura holds an
umbrella over Lord Caitanya's head.
3) Lord Caitanya is seated upon a jewelled throne while the demigods headed
by Lord Brahma perform the arati ceremony.
0) Narahari Sarakara and other associates fan Him with yak-tail wh i sks as
Sanjaya Pandita, Mukunda Datta and Vasu Ghosa sing sweet ktrtan along with
the other devotees for Lord Caitanya's pleasure.
5) Conchshells resound, bells clang, karatals ring and the mrdangas play very
sweetly in that kzrtan, so melodious and relishable to hear.
bahu koti c-andraj
ini'vadana ujjvala
ga2a dese v-ana ma2a -kore j ha2ama2a
Song 3
Srt Yugala-arati
T he Ceremony of Worshiping the Divine Coupl e
1) All glories, all glories to the meeting of the transcendental pair, Srz Srz Radha
and Krsna. The assembly of gopzs, headed by Lalita, perform the arati ceremony
for Their pleasure.
2 ) The beautiful three-fold bending form of Kr sna, who is the attractor of Cup i d ,
dressed in a yellow silk dh otz and wearing a crown decorated with the feathers
o f a peacock, is simply captivating to the min d .
3) Sitting to the left of the charming Lord Ma dhava is the beautiful daughter of
King Vrsabhanu, dressed in a lovely deep blue sarz. Her complexion is the color
of molten gold, and all the characteristics of Her beauty and qualities are highly
5) All the gopzs headed by Visakha sing many beautiful songs in various tunes,
while the topmost class of gopts known as the priya-narma-sakhts soothe Radha
and Krsna by waving camara fans.
sri radha m-adhav-a pada sa-rasij a -ase -
6) Hoping to attain the lotus feet of Radhika and Madhava, Bhaktivinoda happily
swims in the ocean of bliss found at the feet of the damsels of Vraja Dhama.
Song 0
Srz Surabhi-Kunjera Srz Bhoga-arati
The Ceremony of Offering Foodstuffs for the Noon Meal at Srz Surabhi-Kunja
I) Just worship Srz Gaurahari, who is always very affectionate to His devotees.
Srz Gaurahari of Navadvzpa is Himself Krsna of Vrndavana, the same personality
who has stolen the hearts of Nanda Maharaja and Mother Yasoda.
2) Mother Yasoda calls to Krsna: "My dear Damodara! It is now very late! Please
c ome and sit down in the di n ing hall to take Your lun ch ! "
5) Then they have fried squares of mung dahl and urad dahl patties, capatis, and
rice with ghee. Next they have sweetmeats made with mi lk , sugar and sesamum,
rice flour cakes, thick cooked-down mi lk , sweet rolls, and sweet-rice.
karpura amrta keli ram-bha khira sara -
6 ) There is also sweet-rice tasting just like nectar due to its being mixed wi t h
camphor. There are bananas and cheese, which is nectarean and delicious, and
luscious mangoes. They are also served twelve kinds of sour preparations made
with tamarinds, limes, lemons, oranges and pomegranates.
2uci cini sarpuri 2addu rasaba2i
bhoj ana korena krsna ho'ye kutuha2i
7) There are purzs made with flour and w h it e po w d ered sugar, purzs filled with
cream, laddus, and dahl patties boiled in sugared rice. Being very eager, Krsna
eats all of the prasad.
8) Krsna feels the greatest ecstasy and joy when He eats the various curries,
sweets and pastries cooked by Srt Radhika.
10) Beholding Radhika and Her gopz friends out of the corners of His eyes,
Krsna dines at the house of Mother Yasoda with great satisfaction.
11) After lunch, Krsna drinks sweet rose-scented water. Then all His friends,
standing in lines, wash their mouth s.
12) After all the cowherd boys wash their hands and mouths, they take rest with
Lord Baladeva in great bliss.
13) Krsna's servants named Jambula and Rasala provide betel nuts dressed with
fancy spices. Chewing the pan, Krsna-candra then happily goes to sleep.
14) While Krsna contentedly takes His rest upon an excellent bedstead, His
servant Visalaksa cools Him by gently waving a fan of peacock feathers.
15) Receiving the order of Mother Yasoda, the gopz Dhanistha brings remnants
of food left on Srz Krsna s plate to Radha, who takes them with great delight.
16) Lalita-devz and the other gopzs then receive the remnants of Radha, and
within their heart-of-hearts they sing the glories of Radha and Krsna with great
During the Honoring of Spiritual Food
— Six Songs-
Song 1
bhai re! -
I) 0 brothers! This material body is a network of ignorance, and the senses are
one's deadly enemies, for they throw the soul into the ocean of material sense
enjoyment. Among the senses, the tongue is the most voracious and verily
w icked; it is very difficult to conquer the tongue in this wo r l d .
[The next two songs are to be sung while honoring the Lord's prasad]
Song 2
bhai re!-
eka dina -santipure, prabhu adwaitera ghare,
dui prabhu bhoj ane bosilo
sak kori' aswadana, prabhu bole bhakta gana,-
ei sak krsna aswadilo
I ) 0 brothers! One day at Srt Advaita's house in santipura, the two Lor d s
Caitanya and Nityananda w e r e s e ated for lun ch. Lord Caitanya tasted the
green leafy vegetable preparation and addressed the assembly of His devotees,
"This sak is so delicious! Lord Krsna has definitely tasted it.
Song 3
bhai re!
sacir angane kabhu, madhavendra p-uri prabhu,
prasadanna korena bhoj an
khaite khaite ta ra, ailo prema sudurbar,
bole, suno sannyasira gan
Song 0
bhai re! -
2) Srz Caitanya Mahaprabhu, in great ecstasy, gave the order to all of His
devotees to eat. Becoming very fortunate by taking the prasad of Lord Krsna,
everyone chants aloud, "Krsna! Krsna!"
Song 5
bhai re!-
eka dina -ni2aca2e, prasad seva-na ka2e-,
mahaprabhu sri krsn-a caita-nya
bo2i2en bhakta gane-, khecaranna suddha man-e,
seva kori' hao aj dhanya
I) 0 brothers! One day in Jagannatha Purz, at the time of honoring the Lord's
prasad, Mahaprabhu Srt Krsna Caitanya said to all the devotees, "May you
become blessed on this day by honoring the khi curz of the Lord in a pure state
of mind.
Song 6
bhai re-!
rama kr-sna gocarane, j aibena dura vane,
eto cinti' yasoda roh-ini
khir, sar,
chana, nani, duj'ane khaowano ani',
vatsalye ananda mane gani'
I ) 0 brothers! Mother Yasoda and Mother Rohim w ere thi n k i n g , "Today our
two boys, Balarama and Krsna, will go to a distant forest to tend Their cows."
Contemplating thus in the ecstasy of parental affection, they prepared a
wonderful feast for the two boys, consisting of khzra, solid cream, curd, and
fresh yellow butter.
2) All the cowherd boyfriends take lunch with Balarama and Krsna whil e
dancing and singing in ecstasy. They eat the remnants of Krsna's meal until
their bellies are full, and still exclaim, "Give us more! Give us more!"
Sri Nagar-Kirtan
Congregational Chanting in Public Places
8 Songs
Song I
Ajna- Tahal
The Lord's Order to Process Around Town and Chant
3) Being careful to remain free of offenses, just take the holy name of Krsna.
Krsna is your mother, Krsna is your father, and Krsna is the treasure of your
Being careful to remain free of offenses, just take the holy name of Lord Krsna.
Krsna is your mother, Krsna is your father, and Krsna is the treasure of your
Giving up all sinful activities, carry on your worldly duties only in relation to
Lord Krsna. The showing of compassion to other souls by loudly chanting the
holy name of Krsna is the essence of all forms of religion.
Srz-Srr-Godruma-Candrer Ajna
"The Divine Command of Srz Godruma-Candra"
apara ras-a pay-onidhi akhila ras-amrta mu-rti gauda jana cit-ta cak-ora sud-hakara sri
sri sac-i nan-dana mahaprabhu
"Listen, listen, Nityanandat Listen, Haridasat Make My command known everywheret Go from
house to house and beg from all the residents, 'Please chant Krsna's name, worship Krsna, and teach
others to follow Krsna's instructions.' Do not speak, or cause anyone to speak, anything other than
In order to carry out this command, Prabhu Nityananda and Thakura Haridasa
took the help of other devotees and went from house to house preaching the
glories of the holy name. In the series of statements bo l o 'krsna', bhajo krsna, koro
krsna siksa -there are three different commands evident. The meaning of the
command bolo krsna is: "Hejiva! Always chant the name of Krsna." The meaning
of bhajo krsna is: "Hejiva! Cause the flower of the holy name to blossom into the
expanding petals of Krsna's rupa, guna, and 2I2a, and thus enjoy that flower-like
nam." The meaning of the command koro krsna siksa is:-"He Krsna bhaktas-!
Become endowed with the knowledgeofsambandha abhidhey-a prayojan-a, and
relish the supreme rasa which is the honey-nectar of that name-flower." In this
chapter, we will give an explanation, to some extent, of the first command. Later
in other chapters I will endeavor to give specific explanations of the second and
third commands.
Mahaprabhu's order is simply this t h a t e v e ryone should incessantly chant
harinam. Incessantly chant harinam th e m e a n i ng of this command is not that
people should always chant the holy name while completely desisting from all
bodily activities, household duties, and dealings with others. By ceasing all actions
of bodily maintenance, the body will be destroyed in a short while. In the context
of this command, then, how should one engage in harinam. Since the Lord gave
humanity the command to incessantly take the holy name, then the true meaning
is that everyone, whether grihastha or sannyasf, vanaprastha or brahmacharf,
brahmana or kshatriya, vaisya or sudra, low-born or mleccha, and so forth all
people should remain in their respective situations and chant harinam. Verily this
is the only meaning. It is necessary to nicely remain in one s own natural situation
because that position facilitates the proper performance of one s activities for
bodily maintenance, and thus the body will not expire untimely. Bodily
maintenance requires dealing with others. It is essential that all such actions be
observed in a pure and undisturbed fashion. Then all of these things will be
conducted very nicely. When Srl Nityananda Prabhu was preaching the first
command of Srlman Mahaprabhu, He spoke in the following manner:
Nityananda and Haridasa repeated the Lord's command by calling out to everyone, "Chant
Krsna, worship Krsna, and accept Krsna's holy name from others. Krsna is your mother,
Krsna is your father, and Krsna is the treasure of your life-breath. Krsna has incarnated just
for your benefit, so please worship this merciful Krsna and give up all sinful activities."
After receiving the command to preach the holy name (nam prachar-),Prabhu Nityananda and
Thakura Haridasa went from village to village, house to house, and began proclaiming, "He jiva.
Lord Krsna is verily the life of your life, and Lord Krsna's name is verily the treasure of your life. All
of you please deliberate incessantly on that holy name. Living thus absorbed, the only other thing of
concern is to see that no sinful behavior contaminates your actions of bodily or household
maintenance." The meaning of the word anacar is asadacar, or activities of impious nature. There
are many different types of sinful behavior that are classified as asadacar or anacar, such as:
speaking lies, thievery, wantonness, doing harm to others, killing any living being, disrespect for
superiors, and so forth. Srs Nityananda Prabhu has personally explained the meaning of the word
anacar as follows (Sr> Caitanya Bhagavata, Antya Khanda 5-.685-686):
"Listen, 0 brahmana! You have performed many sinful actions. If you abstain from committing
these any further, then I forgive them. Doing harm to others, committing theft al l these things
constitute sinful behavior. Now give up such actions, and do them no more."
While repeating the command to engage in chanting harinam, Lord Nityananda
gives negative advice regarding abstention from anacar or impious activities; the
counterpart of this is to give instructions on chanting harinam while offering
positive advice for performing sadacar or pious activities (5.687-688):
"Embarking upon the path of dharma, chant the holy name of Lord Hari. Then you will also deliver
others. Now please go and call as many thieves and criminals that you can; gathering them together,
cause them to similarly adhere to the path of dharma."
Nityananda Prabhu said, "He vipra! Just give up the path of irreligiosity (adharma) once and for all.
Do not perform any further sinful actions. However, by renouncing adharma alone you should not
live carelessly, but rather make a positive endeavor to accept the path of dharma." The principles of
dharma are described in the Sr>mad Bha-gavatamas follows (7.11.8-12):
¹r ada said, "He Yudhisthirat The following thirty types of religious duties should be
performed by those who have obtained the human form of life: truthfulness (satya),
compassion (daya), exertion in pious austerities (tapa), cleanliness (sauca), tolerance
(titiksa), seeing [discernment of what is proper or improper] (>ksa),mental restraint
(sama), sense control (dama), non-violence (ahimsa), celibacy (brahmacarya), renunciation
[giving in charity] (tyaga), study of the Vedas (svadhyaya), simplicity (arjava), satisfaction
(santosa), service of saintly persons who have equal vision (sama drk seva)-,gra-dual
detachment from worldly household life (gramyehoparama sanaih), deliberation on the
degradation of fallen worldly souls (nrnam viparyayeheksa), abstinence of useless topics of
conversation (mauna), searching for the true self as different from the material body (atma
vimarsana), distribution of grains and other foodstuffs to appropriate recipients
(annadyadeh samvibhago bhutebhyasca yatharhatah), seeing all living beings in relationship
to Krsna, and especially those in the human form (tesv atma devata bud-dhih su-taram nrsu),
hearing topics of Lord Hari (sravana), chanting His glories (k>rtana), remembrance
(smarana), rendering service (seva), offering worship (puja), offering prayers (vandana),
becoming a servant (dasya), becoming His friend (sakhya), and offering unto Him the
totality of one's very being (atma samarpana-) OKing, th.ese qualifications must be acquired
by human beings, for this satisfies the Supreme Lord, the Supersoul of all."
0 brotherst For the purpose of passing your lives nicely, please desire to engage in these activities
that constitute the principles of dharma. Just behave honestly in this way, and incessantly remain
absorbed in harinam this is my only advice to you.
Song 2
( Srt-¹ m a )
2) Whether you are a family person living at home or a sannyasz living in the
forest, constantly chant and call out "H ari! Ha r i!" W h e t her you are in a
c ondition of happiness or distress, do not forget this chanting j ust fill your
lips with the hari-nama.
3) You are bound up in the entangling network of maya and are forced to toil
fruitlessly. Now that you have obtained full consciousness in the human form of
life, please chant the names of "Radha-Madhava!"
0) Your life may end at any moment, and you have not served the Lord of the
senses, Hrszkesa. Take this advice of Bhaktivinoda: "Just once, relish the nectar
of the holy name!"
Song 3
( Srt-¹ m a )
1) Consider this just once: While you wander in this wo r ld , un der the control of
material desires, what happiness will you achieve in this mun d ane life? Who are
you? Where have you come from? How did you come here? What have you
done? And where will you go at the time of death when your body dr o p s?
2) What is the use of so much worl dly hap p i n ess, distress and fear, which arise
from the false egotism of "I" and " m i n e"? And what is the use of insignificant
victory and defeat, anger, violence, and envy toward other living beings.
Bhaktivinoda says, "Just take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Gaurasundara and
sing the names of Radha and Krsna, and you will become saturated with th e
mellows of pure spiritual bliss."
Song 0
( Srt-¹ m a )
Song 5
( Srt-¹ m a )
1) Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare l Hare Rama, Hare Rama,
Rama Rama, Hare Hare.
2) Fill yourself with di v ine love and chant loudly just once all these names of
Krsna: "Nanda-nandana! Yasoda-jtvana! Srt Radha-ramana!"
3) Dancing with your arms in the air, chant "Srz Madhusudana! Gopz-prana-
dhana! Murah-vadana! Agha-nisudana! Putana-ghatana! Brahma-vimohana!"
Song 6
( Srt-¹ m a )
2) The son of Mother Sacz wanders throughout the abode of Nadzya singing the
holy names of Krsna, which are the deliverer of all living beings impri soned
within the age of Kali, as follows:
Song 7
( Srt-¹ m a )
(refrain) ha r e k rs na hare
1) Oh, what a wonderful name Lord Ni t y ananda has brought. Nitai has brought
the divine name to the Marketplace of the Holy Name, and He is giving away
t hat name for the mere price of your faith! Oh !
2) Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare O h ! H a r e R a ma, Hare
R ama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare O h !
Song 8
( Srt-¹ m a )
3) Today all the miseries of the residents of Godruma-dvzpa have gone far away,
for Lord Gauranga, having come here along with all His devotees, caused the
Marketplace of the Holy Name to appear here in Godrum a.
Song I
(Refrain:) Oh. In the towns and villages of Nadtya, Lord Nity ananda ecstatically
dances and sings these names of Srz Caitanya Mahaprabhu:
Part I
2) He is the beloved son of Sacz Mata, and is Lord Hari with a fair golden
complexion. As He was born under a ntm tree He was called Nimai-sundara
(beautiful Nimai). He is covered by the sentiment and luster of Srzmatz
Radharant, and He is the best of all dancers.
Part 2
0) He is the moon among scholarly students, and He bewildered two thi eves
who tried to steal His jewels when He was a small child. He is the cynosure of
all philosophers, and He teased and joked with the vil l age girls of Nadzya.
2aksmi pati pur-va desa sa-rva k-2esa h-ara -
Part 3
arya dharma pala pitr gaya pinda data
puri s-isya madhvacarya s-ampradaya p-ata
8) He becomes madly intoxicated by tasting the holy name of Krsna, and is the
professor of the science of Krsna consciousness. Thus He inaugurated the
religion of the age, nama-sankzrtan.
Part 0
ll) He is the Lord of Koladvzpa, the great controller of Ritudvzpa, and the
creator of Jahnudvtpa, Modadrumadvtpa, and Rudradvtpa.
12) He is thus the Supreme Lord of the nine islands of Navadvzpa, which serves
as the stage for His wonderful pastimes. He is the life of the River Ganga, and
the deliverer of all sorts of rogues and rascals beginning with Jagai and Madhai.
Part 5
13) He is the lion of the village kirtanas, and the deliverer of Chand Kazi. He is
the preacher of the pure holy name, and the remover of the distresses of His
15) He was initiated into sannyasa with the name of Sri Krsna Caitanya, and He
is beautiful like the moon. He delivered His sannyasa-guru Kesava Bharati, is
Himself the crest-jewel of all wandering renunciates, and is the savior of the
region of Orissa.
Part 6
16) He is the master of Lord Siva, who is known in t h ree di ff erent Saiva tirthas
as Ambu-linga, Bhuvanesvara, and Kapotesvara (visited by Lord Caitanya on His
way to Jagannatha Puri). As a sannyasi He rejoiced at the sight of the Orissan
deities Ksira-cora Gopinatha and Saksi Gopala.
18) He is beautiful like molten gold, and He delivered the leper Vasudeva. He is
the intimate friend of Ramananda Ray, and the remover of all miseries from the
family of Vyenkata Bhatta.
Part 7
19) He is the refuter of the atheistic arguments of the Buddhists, Jains, and
Mayavadzs. He is the savior of South India, and He has brought to light the tw o
devotional literatures, Krsna-karnamrta and Brahma-samhita.
a2a2a dars-ananandT rathagra nart-aka
gaj apati tran-a devananda uddh-araka
20) He became ecstatic at the sight of the deity Alalanatha, and He danced in
front of the Jagannatha cart during the Ratha-yatra festival. He delivered
Gajapati Pratapa-Rudra, and was the savior of Devananda Pandita.
Part 8
23) He delivered the Mayavadt sannyasts of Kast, and He is the bestower of love
of God. He is the chastiser of the false renunciates (called markata-vairagts for
being like monkeys), and He is the savior of everyone down to the lowest class
of men.
24) He is the glorifier of His devotees, and is the treasured wealth of their lives.
He is the very life of such devotees as Haridasa Thakura, Raghunatha Dasa
Goswamt, and Svarupa Damodara.
25) Oh. In the towns and villages of Nadtya, Lord Nity ananda dances and
dances ecstatically while singing these divine names, and Bhaktivinoda falls
down at His reddish lotus feet. Oh!
Song 2
I) All glories to Lord Gaura, the master of Godruma! He is the very life of Lord
N ityananda, the treasure of Srz Advaita, and He is always overwhelmed with th e
ecstatic moods of Vrndavana. He is the life-breath of Gadadhara Pandita, the
shelter of Srzvasa Pandita, and the thief of the hearts of all the devotees of Lord
Song 3
I) Lord Visvambhara is the savior of the age of Kali, the full moon in the sky of
the hearts of Bengal, the inaugurator of congregational chanting, the bestower of
transcendental ecstatic love, the beloved son of Mother Saci, and He has a pure
golden complexion.
Song 0
1) (Please chant these holy names of the Lord and His personal associates):
Krsna-Caitanya, Advaita, Prabhu Nityananda, Gadadhara, Srtnivasa, Murari,
Mukunda, Svarupa, Rupa, Sanatana, Purt, and Ramananda.
Song 1
Part 1
1) Krsna is the baby who feeds on the breast milk of M o t her Yasoda. He is the
son of Maharaja Nanda, dark blue like an indra-mla gem (sapphire), and the life
of the residents of Vraja.
0 ) He is so naughty that His mother bound Him ar o und the waist with r o p e s ,
and He is the keeper of the cows and calves of Vrndavana. He is the the
destroyer of the calf-demon Vatsasura, He is the remover of all evils, and is the
protector of His devotees.
6) He dresses in yellow silk cloth, wears peacock feathers on His head, and He
always holds a flute. He performs pastimes in the Bhandzra forest, and He
swallowed a forest fire in order to save the inhabitants of Vraja.
Part 3
8) He is the ocean of mercy for the wives of the sacrificial brahmanas, He is the
holder of Govardhana Hill, the husband of the goddess of fortune, and the
dearmost friend of the inhabitants of Vraja.
indra darpa hart nanda raksita mukunda
srt g-opt v-a22abha rasa k-rtda purnananda
9) He broke Indra s pride, and is the protector of His father, Nanda Maharaja.
He is the giver of liberation, the lover of the cowherd maidens of Vraja, the
enjoyer of the rasa dance, and the reservoir of fully compl ete pleasure.
Part 0
10) He is the lover of Srzmatz Radharanz, the very springtime of Her life, and is
very handsome. He is the Lord of the lives of all the sakhzs of Vrndavana,
headed by Lalita and Visakha.
Part 5
13) He is the Lord of the life of Candravah, and He is desirous of joking and
playing pranks. He is very anxious to enjoy the moods of His beloved Radhika's
feigned sulking, and He always endeavors to meet with Her .
lk) He is the giver of the Manasa Ganga lake to the inhabitants of Vrndavana,
and a thief of flower blossoms. He acts very outrageously with the maidens of
Vrndavana, not caring for social restrictions, and He is the Lord of the Vraja-
mandala forests.
15) He is the wealth of Gokula, and He protects the cowherd boys from all
miseries. He curbs all foolish pride and removes all distress from His devotees.
Part 6
16) He is the liberator of the demigod Sudarsana, and is the destroyer of the
demon Sankhacuda. He is the younger brother of Lord Baladeva (Rama), He is
t he beautiful dark moon of Vr n d avana, and the player of the murah fl u t e .
17) He listens to the devotional songs of the gopzs, and is the slayer of the
demon Madhu. He is the enemy of the demon Mura, the killer of the bul l -demon
Aristasura, and He regularly enjoys amorous sports at Radha Kunda and other
places in Vraja.
18) He is the destroyer of the sky-demon Vyomasura, His eyes are shaped like
lotus petals, and He is the killer of the horse-demon Kesz. He is fond of
frolicsome pastimes, is the slayer of King Kamsa, and is the conquerer of
Kamsa's wrestlers named Canura and Mustika.
Part 7
19) He is the beloved son of Vasudeva, and the emblem of fame for the Vrsnai
dynasty. The Lord of the fallen souls, He is the Monarch of Mathura, and He
appears to have taken birth from the womb of Devakz.
kubj a k-rpamoya visnu sauri narayana
dwarakesanaraka g-hnasri y-adu n-andana
20) He is full of mercy for the hunchbacked girl Kubja. He is the maintainer of
the entire creation, the son of Vasudeva, the refuge of all souls, the Lord of
Dvaraka, the slayer of the demon Narakasura, and the beloved descendant of the
Yadu dynasty.
sri ruk-mini ka-nta satya pa-ti sura pa-la
pandava ban-dhava sisupa2adira ka2a
21) He is the lover of Rukmim, the husband of Satya, the protecter of the godly,
the beloved friend of the fivePandava brothers, and the cause of death for
Sisupala and other demonic kings.
Part 8
j agadisa anardana
j kesavarta tran-a
sarva avata-ra btj a v-isvera nidana
22) He is the Lord of the universe, the maintainer of all living beings, the
possessor of beautiful hair, and the deliverer from all mi sery. He is the
primordial seed of all His various incarnations, and is the origin of all un i v erses.
mayeswara yogeswara brahma tej adh-ara
sarvatmara atma prabhu prakrtira para
23) He is the Lord of Maya, the master of mysticism, and the propri etor of th e
spiritual powers of the brahmanas. The Soul of all souls, He is the Supreme
Lord and master, being the opposite shore of the ocean of material nature.
patita pavanaj -agannatha sarveswara
brndabana candra -sarva rasera a-kara
20) Lord Krsna is the purifier of the fallen souls, the Lord of the universe, the
controller of all beings, the moon of Vrndavana, and the original reservoir of all
nagare nagare gora gay
bhakativinoda tachu pay
25) From village to village Lord Gauranga sings these names of Krsna, and
Bhaktivinoda remains at His lotus feet.
Song 2
Song 3
Song 0
Song 5
radha va22abha, radha vinoda
radha madhava, radha p-ramoda
1) Krsna is the lover of Radha, the pleasure of Radha, the springtime of Radha,
and the delight of Radha.
2) Krsna is the lover of Radha, the Lord of Radha, He delights in beholding the
beautiful complexion of Radha, He relishes everything in relation to Radha, He
is the beloved of Radha, and He feels joy in meeting with Radha.
Song 6
1) All glories to Krsna, the son of Mother Yasoda, the cowherd boy and giver of
p leasure to the cows! All glories to the conquerer of Cupid, Lord Ha ri, wh o
takes away all inauspiciousness, who is unlim i t ed, and the awarder of
2) All glories to the infallible Lord, husband of the goddess of fortune, the
supreme enjoyer, and the moon of Vrndavana! All glories to Krsna, who always
holds a flute to His mouth, who is the color of a dark blue raincloud, and is the
bliss of the gopts!
S ri ¹ m - K i r t a n
Chanting of the Holy Names
— Five Songs-
Song 1
1) Lord Krsna is the beloved son of Mother Yasoda, the greatest lover in the
land of Vraja, the delight of Gokula, He is intim ately addressed as Kana, and is
the wealth of the lives of the gopzs. He steals the mind of even Cupid and
punishes the Kaliya serpent.
2) These pure holy names of Lord Hari are full of sweet nectarean pastimes. He
is the monarch of the forests of Vrndavana, and the foremost of young
paramours. He is always playing on a flute, and He is an excellent dresser.
0) Krsna wanders along the banks of the river Yamuna, He steals the garments
of the young damsels of Vraja, and delights in the mellows of the rasa dance. He
is very merciful, the beloved of Srzmatz Radharanz, the great dancer of
Vrndavana, and the refuge of Bhaktivinoda.
Song 2
Song 3
3) I pass my life uselessly bound by Maya! (Always saying "I" and "mine"!)
Wandering here and there under the control of mu n d ane desires w h e r e s h all I
go next? (There is no end to worl dly desires!)
hari' bole'
deo bhai asar mukhe chai re
(nirasa to' sukho re)
bhoga m-oksa va-ncha chadi harinam gai re
(suddha sa-ttva ho'ye re)
0) 0 brothers, chant "Hari!" w h il e l o o k ing di r ectly in the face of material desire!
(Freedom from mundane hankerings is the platform of actual happiness!)
Giving up all desire for mundane enjoyment and liberation, I chant the holy
names of the Supreme Lord! (Having become pure and situated in
transcendence! ) iii "
Song 0
I) Chant the name of Hari! 0 b r o t h e rs, with b l i s sful mi nds chant the name of
Hari! Chant the name of Hari! Birth after birth in h a p p i n ess, chant the name of
Song 5
Ascertainment of Spiritual Welfare
— Five songs-
Song I
3) Please heed this advice of Bhaktivinoda: Give up all these various paths, and
just keep pure love of Krsna sheltered within your heart, for this alone is
transcendental to all mundane designations.
Song 2
1) 0 fish-like soul, why have you fallen into the entangling nets of Maya? You
have not understood that by being bound up by th ose nets you will have to
remain in this material world for a long, long tim e.
2) After becoming a captive in Maya's snare due to the influence of desires for
very insignificant enjoyments, you remain transformed in a spiri t u ally di seased
condition, punishable as a disobedient servant or dependent.
3) Now, on the strength of pure devotion, swim and fr o l ick fr eely in the ocean
of Krsna-prema, and always remain subservient to and dependent on Lord
Song 3
1) Love and affection for the nature of eternity, knowl edge, and bliss is like a
very beautiful woman whose ornaments are all the good qualities headed by
mercifulness and religiosity.
2) The divine wisdom of pure jnana is her silken sarz, and the practice of the
yoga of devotional service is her excellent bodily fragrance. Adorned by these
qualities, that beautiful and chaste woman steals away the mind of Kr sn a
Song 0
1) 0 brothers, by your screaming out again and again, "The Supreme Lord is
formless! The Absolute Truth is a void !", why do you so insist on distur b ing th e
peace of the Vaisnavas?
tumi j a' buj hecho bha2o,tai 2o'ye koto ka2,
bhakti vina pha2odoy tarke nahi, j ano sar
3) Your birth as a human being is useless, for although you are supposed to be
g reat philosophers, you did not ju dge rightly in t hi s regard b y th e power of
mundane logic and argument you have failed to taste the bliss of pure devotion
to the Supreme Lord.
0) If I worship Krsna under the shelter of Srzla Rupa Goswamz, and thereby
deeply immerse myself in divine love for Lord Har i a n d y o u a r e u n a ble to
attain that state, 0 brothers, then what will you do? What more will you say?
Song 5
I) Why do you continue to hate the way the Lord is worshiped by people of
other lands? There exist a number of authentic ways to worship God, according
to the customs of various peoples living in di f f erent countries.
3) Some people worship Him by assuming various yoga postures, and some
immerse themselves in the congregational chanting of the Lord's holy names;
but all of them worship that one and only supreme treasure L o r d S r z Kr sn a.
0) Therefore you should all reflect a mood of brotherhood and live together in
transcendental friendship. Always practice devotional service to Lord Hari ,
whether in situations of life or death.iv"
Songs for Worship
— Two Songs-
Song 1
3) Just remember Srt Rupa Goswamt, Sanatana, Jtva, and the two Raghunathas.
(Oh, if you are engaged in worshiping Lord Krsna!) (Just remember the two
great souls Srt Rupa Goswamt and Sanatana Goswamt! ) Just remember Raghava
Pandtta, Gopal Bhatta Goswamt, Svarupa Damodara Goswamt, and Ramananda
Raya! (Oh, if you really seek love of Krsna!) (Just remember Svarupa Damodara
Goswamt and Ramananda Raya!)
Song 2
Vocalizations of Love
S ri ¹ m a s t a k a
Eight Prayers Glorifying the Holy Name
— Eight Songs (Bengali songs based on Srtla Rupa Goswamt s Sanskrit
¹m a s t aka)
Song 1
[Lalita E k a t al a R D a s a kust]
1) Through the mouth of Srzla Rupa Goswamz, the son of Mother Sacz preached
the glories of His own divine holy name.
2 ) There is no difference between that holy name of Lord Hari and Lord Har i
Himself. The Vedic scriptures sing of the true glory of the Lord's holy name.
0) Within the fourteen worlds, those demigods, men and demons whose fortune
has been very great constantly drink the nectar of the sweet mellows of the holy
name, casting aside all kinds of fruitive activities and intellectual forms of
5) The eternally liberated souls living in the spiri t ual wo r ld , how ever, always
worship the holy name in beautifully composed hymns and sit in Goloka
Vrndavana perpetually singing the name. Therefore they do not know any
separation from the holy name.
sabu ra-sa a-kara, hari' iti dvy a-ksara,
sabu bh-ave koralun asroy
nama carane pa'di, bhaktivinoda kohe,
tuwa pade magahun niloy
6) The two syllables Ha and ri are a mine of all varieties of devotional mellow.
Every ecstasy of devotion has taken shelter in them. Falling at the lotus feet of
the holy name, Bhaktivinoda says, "0 Harinam, I pray for residence at Your
lotus feet."
Song 2
[Lalita D a sakust j
1) All glories, all glories to the holy name of the Lord, the abode of immortal
transcendental bliss! The Supreme Absolute Truth, who possesses an eternal
form of sacred syllables, has descended in the form of the holy name. Thereby
He shows mercy to His own devotees while showering boundless compassion
upon all fallen souls.
0 ) For all souls within this w o rl d t h ere is much mi sery and sorrow. 0 H a r i n a m ,
i f someone calls upon You just once, feeling himself very meek and lowl y ,
possessing nothing and seeing no other remedy for his relief, You then easily
destroy all his sorrows.
5) If one simply obtains a faint glimpse of Your actual identity, then all sorts of
terrible miseries are cast far away; indeed, the very form of suffering itself is
easily broken to pieces. Bhaktivinoda says, "All glories, all glories to the holy
name of Lord Hari! 0 H a r i n am, I per p etually fall to the ground in h ope of
attaining Your lotus feet."
Song 3
[Vibhasa Ekatala j
I) The brilliant sun of the transcendental holy name of the Lord has appeared in
the material universe in order to destroy ignorance. Casting aside all worldly
attractions, the saintly souls cultivate affection for the name alone.
2) The sun of the holy name is the dispeller of the darkness of ignorance. 0
Harinam, who actually knows Your greatness? What sort of learned man is
capable of loudly singing the host of Your glories?
3) 0 holy name, from the first mom ent one perceives a glimpse of You
appearing on the horizon of the heart, the darkness of this material world is
almost totally devoured.
5 ) That divine wisdom gives rise within the heart to pure devotion, from wh i c h
awakens an understanding of the transcendental characteristics of Lord Hari .
e adbhuta 2i2a sa-tata tomar
bhakativinodaj aniyache sar
Song 0
[ Lalita D a s a k u s t ]
0) 0 holy name, when You arise within the li v ing being s heart, it becomes
completely purified. The shackles of materialistic activities and intellectual
knowledge are cast far away, and the soul's worldly existence comes to an end
without any difficulty .
5) Bhaktivinoda raises his arms and says, "Take up the banner of the holy name
a nd walk along sounding the drum of the holy name. In this way you w il l s u r e l y
obtain the direct audience of Lord Mur ah d h ara, the holder of the flut e ."
Song 5
[Lalita-Vibhasa E k a t ala j
I) 0 Harinam, You possess unlimited forms, such as the beloved son of Mother
Yasoda, the increaser of bliss, the son of Nanda, and the reservoir of all
transcendental mellows.
3) You killed the demon Kesz, bewildered Lord Brahma, and broke the pride of
Indra, king of Heaven. You are the destroyer of the demon Arista, the enchanter
of the young cowherd girls, and You like to sport along the banks of the river
0) You give delight to Srz Radhika, bring the nectar of life to the rasa dance, and
sport in the groves near Radha Kunda. You are the reservoir of pleasure, the all-
attractive one, the remover of inauspiciousness, the husband of the goddess of
fortune, the half-man half-lion incarnation, and You are the source of all other
incarnations such as Matsya, the fish avatara.
5) You are pleasing to the cows, You are the dwarf brahmana incarnation, and
the splendrous slayer of the demon Madhu. You are the moon of the Yadu
dynasty, and You always wear beautiful garlands of fresh forest flowers. You are
the punisher of the Kaliya serpent, the delighter of Gokula, and You rejoice in
the worshtp of Srtmatt Radharant.
ityadika nam, swarupe prakam,
baduk mora rati rage
rupa sw-arupa pa-da, j ani nij a sampada,
bhaktivinoda dhori' mage
6) 0 Harinam, thus according to Your own sweet will You are manifest in all
these forms and in many others also. Please let my love and attachment for them
increase more and more. Bhaktivinoda recognizes his own priceless treasure and
clasps the lotus feet of Rupa Goswamt and Swarupa Damodara Goswamt whtle
offering this prayer.
Song 6
[Vibhasa Jhanphi, Lopha j
1) 0 Lord, You possess two transcendental forms, properly called vacya (that
which is nameable) and vacaka (that which denotes). The vacya is Your
beautiful personal bodily form full of t r a n scendental knowledge and bliss.
2) The vacaka forms are Your holy names, such as Srt Krsna and so forth. Thus
appearing in the form of transcendental sound vibration, You are the resting
place for the bliss of all souls.
3) Your unlimited manifestations are found in these two forms. Taking pity and
b eing very kind, they confer upon the fallen souls entrance into Your divi n e
5) It is the declaration of the Vedas that the holy name of the Lord and the Lord
Himself are non-different, yet still the holy name is more merciful than the Lord
krsnae apa-radhiadij name sraddha kori
prana bhori' dake nam rama, krsna, hari',
7 ) ...then all his offenses are cast far away, and he floats without di f f i c u lty in t h e
ocean of divine bliss and transcendental mellows.
9) At the lotus feet of Srzla Rupa Goswamz, Bhaktivinoda begs for constant
loving attachment for the vacaka or divine holy name of the Supreme Lord.
Song 7
[Lalita Jhinjhita Ek atala]
I ) 0 holy name! Your glories are boundless! Therefore I bow down at Your lo t u s
feet again and again.
2) 0 grand festival of Gokula! 0 o c ean of bliss! I fall down at Your lo tus feet, for
I am feeling very distressed and troubled at heart.
3) You are Lord Krsna, Your divine form is fu lly p e r fect and complete, and You
are the origin of all transcendental mellows. Falling down at Your lo tus feet, I
sing of Your divine qualities.
0) You definitely destroy the mult i t ude of afflictions of that person who takes
exclusive shelter at Your holy feet.
5) You destroy all of his offenses, even to the extent of the nama-aparadhas (the
ten offenses against the chanting of the holy name).
sarva dosa d-hauta kori' tahara hrdoy
simhasane baiso tumi parama asroy
6) Cleansing him of all im p u r i t i es, You who are the supreme shelter are then
seated upon the throne of his heart.
8) At the lotus feet of Srtla Rupa Goswamt, Bhaktivinoda constantly begs that at
every moment there may be the direct revelation of the holy name.
Song 8
[Mangala-Vibhasa Ekatala]
1) When the great soul ¹ r a d a M u n i p l a y s his st r i n ged vtna, the holy name of
Radhika-Ramana descends and immediately appears amidst the kzrtan of the
Lord's devotees.
3) All the inhabitants of the universe become maddened upon entering these
intoxicating showers of divine sweetness. Some people cry, some dance and
o thers become fully intoxicated within th eir m i n d s .
5) In supreme happiness the thousand-faced Ananta Sesa sings and calls out,
"Hari! Hari!" By the influ ence of the transcendental vibration of that name, the
whole universe becomes ecstatically maddened as everyone tastes and relishes
the mellows of the holy name.
sri krs-na na-ma, rasane sphuri',
pura lo amara asa
sri rup-a pad-e, yacaye iha,
bhakativinoda das-a
6) The holy name of Srz Krsna has fulfilled all my desires by thus manifesting
on everyone's tongue. Bhaktivinoda, the humble servant of the Lord, therefore
prays at the feet of Srz Rupa Goswamz that the chanting of Harinam may always
continue in this way.
Sri Radhastaka
Eight Prayers in Glorification of Srimati Radharani
— Nine Songs-
Song I
I) He who has failed to carefully worship the lotus feet of Srtmatt Radhika,
which are the abode of all auspiciousness; he who has not taken shelter in the
transcendental abode known as Vrndavana, which is decorated with th e
beautiful lotus flower named Radha...
2) ...he who in this life has not associated with the devotees of Radhika, who are
very wise and whose devotion for Radha is very deep how will such a person
ever experience the bliss of bathing in the ocean of Lord Syama's sublime
mellows? Please understand this most attentively.
radhika ujjvala r-aser
radha madhava s-uddha p-rem vicarya
0) He who has grasped hold of the lotus feet of Radha with great care obtains
the lotus feet of Krsna, which are like priceless jewels.
5) Without taking shelter of the lotus feet of Radha, one can never personally
meet Lord Krsna. The Vedic scriptures declare that Krsna is the property of the
maidservants of Srt Radha.
chodata dhana jan, kalatra suta m-ita,-
chodata karama geyan
radha pada -panka-j a, madhurata sevan,
bhakativinoda paraman
Song 2
1) Beyond the Viraja River lies the pure spiritual sky, and above that Vaikuntha
realm lies the divine abode known as Srz Goloka Vrndavana.
3) Entwined upon that blackish tree a beautiful golden creeper has arisen, who
is the conqueror of all realms, being the supreme purifier. Her name is
Mahabhava, being the essence of the supreme pleasure-giving hladim potency.
She is the enchantress of Srt Krsna, who is Himself the enchanter of the three
0) Known by the name of Radha, She remains shining there in great ecstasy,
always engaged in satisfying Govinda's heart. The leaves and flowers of that
creeper form the assembly of Her girlf r i ends headed by Lalita. Together She and
all Her friends entwine that blackish tree in a tight embrace.
5) At the touch of this creeper, the tamal tree blooms; without the embrace of
the creeper, He can no longer exist.
tama2a chadiya 2ata nahi vance
se 2ata mi2an sada ka2a yac-e
6) The creeper never desires to leave the company of the tamal tree; the creeper
perpetually craves Their union.
7) Other than the meeting of these two, Bhaktivinoda desires nothing, but
nothing else.
Song 3
2) She is artfully adorned with jew els, She is very learned in the science of Hari-
rasa, and Her forehead is nicely decorated with til aka. Her breasts are covered
with a beautiful corset and adorned with valuable gems, and Her eyes are
anointed with black collyri um. Thus She appears to be relishable sweetness
0) Beholding Her effulgent rays of pure beauty, the goddesses Rati, Gauri, and
L ila abandon all their pri d e .
5) The good fortune attributed to the goddesses saci, Laksmi, and Satya is
completely defeated in the presence of Radha's feet.
krsna vastkare candravalt adi
paraj ay mane hoiya vivadt
6) The group of rival gopts led by Candravah are forced to accept their defeat
before Srzmatz Radharanz, for She alone controls Krsna. Thus they always sulk
and simply remain quarrelsome.
7) Bhaktivinoda, a resident of Srz Godruma, always endeavors for the lotus feet
of Radha, the most beloved of Lord Hari .
Song 0
I) Srzmatz Radharanz is the crest jewel of all amorous young maidens who take
pleasure in relishing transcendental mellows. She is a beautiful swan in th e
waters of love for Krsna, a transcendental wish-fulfill ing creeper on the family
tree of king Vrsabhanu, and the original source of all the goddesses of fortune.
2) Upon Her hips She wears red silken cloth on wh ich tiny b e lls are swinging,
and upon Her breasts sways a lovely necklace of pearls. In this way She looks so
splendrous that She steals the heart of the beholder.
3) Her bodily luster is exceptionally effulgent, like the golden whorl of the best
of lotus flowers. Her two sweetly smiling lips di splay the imm o r tal nectar of
adolescence mixed with the fragrant camphor of new youth f u l n ess. She is
c ompletely faithful to Lord Kr s n a .
banante agata, braja pati s-uta,
parama c-ancala b-are
heri' sankakula, nayana b-hangite,
adarete stava kore
0) Seeing that the supremely mischievous son of Nanda has arrived on the
outskirts of the Vrndavana forest as He returns from tending the cows, She
b ecomes stricken with anxiety and affectionately offers prayers to Him by th e
hints and signals of Her eyes.
5) Srzmatz Radharanz is the life and soul of all the elder women of Vraja, and is
especially dear to Mother Yasoda. Basking in the affection of charming Lalita-
devz, Radha s bodily form has fully bl ossomed like a lotus, thus displaying Her
beautiful and graceful limbs.
visakhara sane, bana phu2a -tu2i',
ganthe vaij ayanti mala
sakala sreya-si, krsna vaksa-h sthita-,
parama preya-si bala
7) Hearing the soft sound of the flute, She moves swiftly thr ough the forest, and
finding in the bowers of Vraja the best of dancing actors, the chaste Radha with
smiling eyes turns her face downward in shyness while restlessly scratching Her
Song 5
2) She wears the silken sart of modesty, and on Her forehead She wears the red
k unkum dot of loveliness. Her body is decorated with pi ctures drawn in mu s k ,
and She wears a necklace that is adorned with the fresh jewels of the ecstatic
symptoms s h i v e r in g in th e bo dy, fl ow in g of tears from the eyes, standing of
hairs on the body, being stunned, perspiring, faltering of the voice, inactivity,
and madness.
3 ) Srz Radha is very much beautified by wearing the flower garland strung wi t h
Her twent y - f iv e t r a n s c e n d e n t a l q u a l i t i e s , v i " a n d Sheis clothedin the two part -silken
garment of both sober andnon sobe-r emotional ecstasies. Coveredindignation constitutes Her
braided and ornamentedhair, and Sheis radiant with the tilak of auspicious fortune. The name and
glories of Krsna are the delight of Her ears.
0) Srzmatz Radharanz's lips have become very red from chewing betel nuts, and
the black collyrium of cunn i n gness is clearly visible on Her eyes. Her smile is
like sweet camphor, and she is always fond of joki ng. She sits upon a bed of
pride in a palace of fame and glory, and a garland of extraordinary
transformations of ecstatic love hangs swinging from around Her neck.
5) Her breasts are covered by the bodice of loving anger. She plays on a lute
called kacchapt (turtle-shaped) to announce the conquest of Her rival
Candravah. Radha is always fond of placing Her playful lotu sl ike hands on the
shoulders of two of Her girlf r i en ds. Her youthful form is very graceful and
slender, and She is the exclusive distributor of the nectar of Lord
e heno radhika pada, -tomader su sampa-da,
dante trna yace tava pay
e bhaktivinoda din, radha dasyam-rta kana, -
6) 0 Rupa and Raghunatha! Your great treasure is the lotus feet of such a
R adhika. This Bhaktivinoda, who is very fallen and lowly, prays at your lotu s
feet with a straw of the street between his teeth. Please bestow upon me a
nectarean particle of eternal service to Srzmatz Radharanz!
Song 6
baraj a bipinej
am-una kule -
2) The creepers and fruit trees give satisfaction to the eyes and upon these trees
and creepers many birds sing sweetly.
3) A breeze from the Malaya hills blows ever so gently while swarms of
bumblebees fly about in search of honey.
0) The full glowing moon of the spring season then distributes its cooling rays
out of love and respect.
5) At such a time as this the best of relishers begins His rasa dance the holder of
the flute.
sata koti go-pimaj hete hari
radha saha n-aceananda kori
6) Millions of cowherd maidens Lord Hari is in the mi dst dancing along with
Radha rejoicing in great bliss.
7) The Enchantress of Madhava singing beautiful songs steals away the minds of
all the three worlds.
bhakativinodaparamada gane
rasa bhangalo (aj i) radha vihane
10) This Bhaktivinoda perceives some calamity t h e r a s a dance has now
stopped in the absence of Radha.
Song 7
11) Millions of cowherd damsels are unable to please the mind of Madhava
although endeavoring to do so.
12) The flute song calls the name of Radhika "Come here, come here, Radhe!"
Syama calls out in the night.
lk) "Please appear, 0 Radhe! Kindly save My li f e!" calling out wh ile weeping
Kan in the forest.
nirj ana kananeradhare dhori
miliya paranjudaya hari
15) In a secluded grove embracing Radhika regaining His life and soul Hari is
16) Saying, "Without You, where is the rasa dance? Only because of You do I
live in Vraja."
17) At the lotus feet of such a Radhika this Bhaktivinoda says weeping,
18) "Among Your personal associates please count me also; making me Your
maidservant keep me as Your own."
Song 8
I) If your desire for the worship of Srzmatz Radharanz does not come about, then
your so-called worship of Krsna is completely useless.
2) Just as I never know the sun to be with out w i t h ou t su n l i g ht, so I do not care
to regard Madhava without Radha.
3) One who worships Madhava alone is imperfect in his kn o w l e dge, and one
who disrespects Radha is simply conceited and proud.
kabanhi nahi korobi tankor sanga
citte icchasijadi braja r-asa r-anga
0 ) You should never associate with such a person if you at all desire within yo u r
heart to participate in the eternal sportive pastimes of Vraja.
brahma, siva, narada, sruti, narayani
radhika pad-a raj a -puj aye mani
6) Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, ¹ r a d a M u n i , th e p e r sonified Vedas, and Laksmz-
devz all honor and worship the dust of Radhika's lotus feet.
7) The Vedic scriptures declare that the goddesses Uma, Rama, Satya, Sact,
Candra, and Rukmim are all personal expansions of Srzmatz Radharanz.
Supplementary Poem
2) The name of Radhika is ever-fresh and lovely, and is pure ambrosia. It is very
sweet, utterly enchanting and is the abode of complete satisfaction.
3) With great care, you should eagerly blend this ambrosial name of Radhika
with the wonderful sweet condensed milk of the name of Krsna.
0) Now add into that mix t ure the sweet fragrance of loving affection, which is
b oth cool and delightful. Drink t hi s nectar day and night, and you will k n o w
what true happiness is.
5) No longer will there remain on the tongue a thirst for mu n d ane tastes, for
these wonderful transcendental mellows will f u l f il l all of y our d e sires.
dasa raghun-atha pade b-haktivinod
j aco iradha -krsna -nama p-ramod
6) At the lotus feet of Raghunatha dasa Goswamt, Bhaktivinoda begs for ecstatic
rapture in hearing and chanting the divine names of Radha and Krsna.
Sri Siksastaka
Eight Prayers of Divine Instruction
Song I
[Jhanphi Lophaj
pita varana kali pavana gora
gaoyai aichana bhava v-ibhora
I) Lord Gauranga, whose complexion is golden and who is the deliverer of the
fallen souls of Kali-yuga, sings as follows, overwhelmed with sp i r i t ual ecstasy:
2) "All glories to the chanting of the holy name of Krsna! It th or oughly cleanses
the mirror of the heart. This chanting delights the soul.
ananda payo ni-dhi va-rdhan-a kirti -
6) "All glories to the chanting of the holy name of Krsna! It is glori ous, as it
causes the ocean of ecstatic bliss to swell and overflow. This chanting is an
inundation of l ove of Godhead.
8) All glories to the chanting of the holy name of Krsna! It bathes the soul of
Bhaktivinoda. This chanting is a storehouse of love of God.
Song 2
I) 0 Lord, You are an ocean of mercy. You have brought Your innumerable holy
n ames to this world and have taught the chanting of them to the fallen livin g
beings just for their deliverance.
2) You invest all Your energies in Your own holy name, and for chanting Your
holy name You have not established any rules such as consideration of time or
3) Your divine holy name, being nondifferent from You, is like touchstone. You
have distributed Your holy name throughout the entire creation, and that is the
essence of Your kindness.
5) My attraction for the holy name has never come about; therefore the heart of
Bhaktivinoda is overwhelmed with sadness.
Song 3
I) If your mind is always absorbed in chanting the glories of Lord Kr sna with
great care, then by that process of Srz-krsna-kzrtana you will attain
transcendental qualification.
2) You should give up all false pride and always consider yourself to be
worthless, destitute, lower and more humble than a blade of grass.
3) You should practice forgiveness like that of a tree, and giving up violence
toward other living beings, you should protect and maintain them .
0) In the course of passing your life, you should never give anxiety to others,
but rather do good to them wh ile forgetting about your own hap p i n ess.
5) When one has thus become a great soul, possessing all good qualities, one
should abandon all desires for fame and honor and make one's heart humble.
krsna adhistha-na sarva jivej ani sada
korobi sammana sabe adare sarvada
6) Knowing that Lord Krsna resides within all li v ing creatures, one should with
great respect consistently show honor to all beings.
dainya, doya, anye mana, pratistha varjan
cari gune guni hoi' koroha kirtan
bhakativinoda kandi,
boleprabhu pa-y
heno adhikara kabe dibe he amay
8) Weeping, Bhaktivinoda submits his prayer at the lotus feet of the the Lord:
"0 Lord, when will you give me the qualification for possessing attributes such
as these?"
Song 0
[Jhanphi Lopha j
2) I do not beg for residence on the celestial planets, nor do I wish li b eration
from this mundane existence. Nor do I pray for the attainment of any mystic
5) As much attachment as I now have for worl dly affairs, I pray that a similar
degree of attachment may develop for Your holy feet.
vipade sampade tahathakuk sama bh-ave
dine dine vrddhi
hauk namera prabhave
6) I pray that my love for You may remain undi sturbed both in m i s f o r t une and
in prosperity, and that day after day it may increase by the power and inf lu ence
of Your holy name.
Song 5
jnana karma t h a ga dui, mo re pratariya loi,
avascsc phc2c slndhu J-a2c
e heno samaye, bandhu, tumi krsna krpa s-indhu,
krpa kori' to2o more ba2C
3) The two highway robbers named intellectual knowledge and fruitive activity
have cheated and misled me, and finally they have thrown me into the ocean of
misery. At such a time as this, dear Krsna, You are my only fri end. You are an
o cean of mercy. Please be kind and by Your strength uplift me from t h i s
condition of suffering.
0) Grasping hold of this fallen servant, and fixing him as a particle of dust on
your lotus feet, kindly give shelter to Bhaktivinoda. 0 m ost mer ci ful L o rd . I am
actually Your eternal servant, but having forgotten this I have become bound up
in the snare of maya.
Song 6
[Chota-Dasakust Lopha]
3) When will an incessant stream of tears flow dri p p ing and dr i p p ing from my
eyes at the articulation of Your holy name?
5) When will my body be fi l led with ecstatic rapture, and when will t h ere be
perspiration, trembling, and a stunned sensation again and again.
vivarna sari-re haraobun j nana
nama sam-asraye dharobun paran
6) When, out of divine ecstasy, will all consciousness be lost in my pale and
discolored body? And when will I h ol d o nt o my v ery l ife un der the shelter of
Your holy name?
7) This weeping Bhaktivinoda, who is devoid of all good intelligence, sobs, "0
Lord, how will such a day ever be mine?"
Song 7
[Jhanphi Lopha]
I) What was my condition after repeatedly chanting the holy name? The
realization that "I am the eternal servant of Krsna" spontaneously became
manifest within my heart.
2) I realized that I was ensnared in the noose of maya's illusion, being trapped
within this dull mu n d ane universe, and that I simply experience misery in
various ways due to separation from Lord Govinda.
0) Crying and crying, tears poured from my eyes, appearing just like torrents of
rain in the monsoon season.
5) Unable to bear separation from Lord Govi nda any longer, for me the passing
of a moment became like a hundred long ages.
sunya dhara tala, -caudike dekhiye,
parana udasa hoy
ki kori, ki kori, sthira nahi hoy,
jivana nahiko roy
6) As I look about in all di r ections, the surface of the earth appears to be void,
and my very life-breath feels empty. What am I doi ng? What am I do i ng? I do
not feel at all tranquil, and the life wi t hin my b ody is sl i p p ing away.
7) 0 residents of Vraja-dhama! Please save my life and show me the Lord of Srt
R adha! 0 consider the prayers of this Bhaktivinoda and take him into H i s
8) I am unable to further tolerate this separation from my L ord Srz Krsna and
a m ready to give up my life in two days or four .
I) Upon singing the holy name of Govinda, a host of ecstasies arose within me...
and I saw Lord Syamasundar, the best of dancing actors, standing on the banks
of the Yamuna in the company of the daughter of Maharaja Vrsabhanu. He was
playing His flute with great delight at the base of a kadamba tree.
2) Seeing the treasured Divine Couple of Vraja, my mind became unsteady and I
lost consciousness. I do not know for how l ong I was unconscious, but when I
awoke that vision of Radha and Krsna was no longer present.
[Jhanphi Lopha]
2) Tears flow from my eyes like torrents of rain in the mo nth of Sravana, and
t he face of the earth has become totally void. In separation from Govi nda my li f e
cannot go on... please tell how I wil l be able to live.
bhakativinoda, asthira hoiya,
punah namasraya kori'
dake radha n-atha, diya darasan,
prana rakho, nahe mari
3) Bhaktivinoda has become very restless and again takes shelter of the holy
name, calling out, "0 Lord of Radha. By bestowing Your audience, please save
my life! By Your mercy alone I shall not perish!"
Song 8
[Dasakust j
I) 0 my dear friends! Please hear my words. When the thief of my heart appears
to me, I remain overwhelmed in pure ecstasy.
3) Sometimes that friend of the universe takes me as one of His associates; but
h owever He chooses to treat me, He is still the Lord of my l i f e .
5) Whatever His happiness is, that is also my happiness. Therefore I do not care
about my own happiness or distress t h e y ar e equal in all ways.
bhakativinoda, samyoge, viyoge,
tahejane pranesvara
ta'ra sukhe sukhi, sei prana na-th,
se kabhu na hoy para
6) In meeting or in separation, Bhaktivinoda knows only Kr sna to be the Lord of
his life and is made happy only by His happiness. He is the Lord of
Bhaktivinoda s soul, and He will never be looked upon with i n d i f f e r ence.
radha krs-na prana morivane
j marane
more rakhi' mari'
sukhe thakuka duj'ane
6) In life or death, Radha and Krsna are my life and soul. May They always be
h appy, whether They choose to protect me or kill m e .
Signed, the sweeper of the Marketplace of the Holy Name, the lowly and
destitute Kedaranath Bhaktivinoda