Tripartite Agreement Format

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This Agreement made at ______on this _____ day of _________,20 amongst

Acting through its Authorized Signatory, Shri____________, the party of the First Part
hereinafter referred as “Builder”


Sh./Smt.__________________________s/o w/o______________________ aged

about_______yrs. R/o___________________________________________

Sh./Smt.__________________________s/o w/o______________________ aged

about_______yrs. R/o___________________________________________
hereinafter called the Borrower/s and/or the party/ies of the Second Part; and

AXIS Bank Ltd, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, carrying on its
banking business under the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 and having its registered office
at ‘Trishul’, 3rd Floor, Opposite Samartheshwar Temple, Law Garden, Ellis Bridge,
Ahmedabad 380 006, Gujarat and one of its branch office amongst others at
___________________, hereinafter called ‘The Bank’, acting through its Authorised
Signatory, Party of the Third Part.

The expressions party of the First Part, Party/ies of the Second Part and Party of the Third
Part shall unless repugnant to the context include its successors, assigns
a) The Borrower/s desires to purchase property at
____________________________________________________________ from
Builder and for financing the same has applied to the Bank for Housing Loan.
b) The Borrower/s and Builder and the Bank have also entered into separate respective
Agreements with each other, which shall be duly observed by the concerned parties.
c) The Parties are executing the present Agreement setting out mutual obligations
required to be necessarily performed forming consideration for each other.

1. In consideration of Builder and the Borrower/s performing their obligations under

the Agreement/Allotment letter executed/issued by the builder in favour of the
borrower, the Third Party i.e. Bank has agreed to give a loan of
(Rupees_____________________________________) to the Borrowers in terms
of the loan Agreement dated____________ and on payment of interest, processing
fee, administration fee etc. as agreed/ contracted.

2. The Borrower/s have mandated and have authorized the Bank i.e. the Party of the
Third Part, to pay the loan amount, sanctioned by the Bank, directly to Builder
The Borrower/s unequivocally and expressly acknowledge and consent that
payment to the said Builder shall be deemed to have been done directly to the

3. In case there is any delay in payment of installment by the Bank or the

Borrower/s, in either case it shall be treated as a default on the part of the
Borrower/s, and the Borrower/s shall be liable to pay penalty to Builder on the
delayed installment as per the terms of the Allotment Letter issued by the Builder.

4. It is agreed by and between the parties to this Agreement that in case if the
BORROWER fails to honour the commitment, the developer/BUILDER shall
inform the BANK and the BANK shall have the right to pay the balance Sale
consideration with other applicable charges etc. and get it registered either in
BANK’s name or its nominee. Likewise in the event the Borrower defaults in
payment of installments then, in such an event also, the Bank shall have the right
to inform about such default on the part of the Borrower to the Builder and shall
accordingly have the right to write to the Builder for cancellation of the Allotment
by the Builder in favour of the borrower, whereafter the Bank shall have the right
to pay the balance Sale consideration and other applicable charges etc. and get the
subject property registered either in the Bank's name or in the name of the Bank's

5. The Borrower agrees and confirms that in the event of the Bank enforcing its
rights as stated in clause 4 above, the Borrower shall not object/contest the same
in any manner whatsoever and the builder shall stand discharged form its
obligations qua the borrower.

6. It is hereby specifically agreed and confirmed by the parties to this agreement that
in the event of default on the part of the Borrower as mentioned in clause 4 above,
the Bank shall in addition to the remedy available to the Bank, as is stated in
clause 4 above, also have legal right to demand from the Builder the interest due
to the Bank from the Borrower by recovering the interest amount upto 90 days
from the Borrower’s margin money that was paid by the Borrower in his/her
capacity as the customer of the Builder at the time of booking of the subject
flat/plot. The Builder agrees and confirms that the Builder shall not object to the
Bank’s course of action in recovering the Bank’s interest by demanding from the
Builder the margin money as stated hereinabove. Upon any such demand made by
the Bank to the Builder, the Builder shall without any protest or demur pay to the
Bank, the demanded amount from the margin money paid by the Borrower in
his/her capacity as the customer to the Builder. The builder shall, however,
retain the earnest money paid by the borrower as per Flat/Plot Buyers
Agreement from the margin money and over all consideration of the subject

7. It is further specifically agreed by the Builder that in the event of failure on the
part of the Builder in honoring the payment so demanded by the Bank as stated in
clause 6 above, the Bank shall have the right to take all such necessary steps to
recover the such an amount from the Builder that would also include filing of
necessary suit against the Builder for recovery of the said amount.
8. The Borrower/s shall be obliged to pay to the Bank the entire loan amount in
accordance with the loan Agreement dated __________ and the Bank can recall
the entire loan from the Borrower/s on any default made by the Borrower/s and/or
in circumstances detailed/ set out in the said loan Agreement not affecting the
Borrower’s obligations to the Builder under the Agreed terms with Builder.

9. The Bank Will be at liberty to substitute a ‘ New Borrower ‘ in its sole direction
after payment of transfer charges if any to Builder, in accordance with necessary
Govt. directives in this behalf . The Housing loan advanced to the Borrower/s by
AXIS Bank Ltd. Shall be Secured by first mortgage of the residential
flat/floor/plot to be acquired in the said Project from Builder and the Borrower/s
here by subrogate all their rights in the said flat/floor/plot in favor of the Bank.

10. Builder Would deliver to the Bank the Sale Deed/Sub lease deed relating to the
flat/plot in question as & when executed and registered and shall also inform the
Bank in writing at least a week in advance regarding the time date & Venue of
registration so that Bank can Send its representative to collect the original sale
deed/sub lease deed on Registration. The Borrowers expressly and irrevocably
authorizes Builder and the Bank in this regard Builder shall not deliver and/or
cause to deliver the Sale Deed/sub lease deed as and when executed and registered
to the Borrower/s without the written consent of the Bank.

11. Upon the expression and irrevocable consent/authorization of the Borrower/s,

Builder recognizes and acknowledges the Bank as a duly authorized agent of the
Borrower/s for the purpose of implementation of this Agreement.

12. Builder Specifically agrees that in case of cancellation and/or termination of the
Agreement/ Allotment by the Builder in favour of borrower/s and/or in the event
of death of Borrower/s, the Builder shall, after retaining the amounts due to
Builder under the terms of the said Allotment, refund amount to the Bank within
a reasonable time of the termination/cancellation/death as the case may be. The
Builder further agrees that possession of the flat/plot as and when completed will
not be handed over to the Borrower/s without the written consent of the Bank.
13. It is agreed by the Borrower/s that the Bank shall not be responsible or liable to
ensure or ascertain the progress of construction and mere demand for payment
would be sufficient for the Bank to effect disbursement as aforesaid. Without
prejudice to the above and notwithstanding anything the contrary contained
herein, the Bank may in its sole discretion refuse to disburse the loan until Bank
has ascertained the stage of construction.

14. The Borrower/s has paid his own contribution in full to the Builder i.e. the cost of
the dwelling unit (including escalation charges if any) less the loan and excluding
5% of the consideration and other applicable charges payable at the time of offer
of possession. However, this would be without prejudice to any right available to
Builder against the Borrower/s under the Agreement/ allotment letter
executed/issued by the Builder.

15. Builder will maintain a separate account for the Borrower/s and adjust payment
of housing loan received by it from the Bank/Borrower/s against the cost of the
particular category of flat/plot applied by them.

16. The Borrower/s will not further mortgage/ charge the said property to any person/
financial institution for raising any loan without the prior written consent of the

17. This Agreement is executed in Delhi and only Delhi Courts will have jurisdiction.

18. This Tripartite Agreement would come to an end upon occurrence of any of
following event:

a) Registration of Conveyance Deed/ sub lease deed in favour of the Borrower and
deposition of the same with the Bank by the Builder.

b) Termination of the allotment of Residential Unit to the Borrower by the Builder

in terms of Documents of Allotment and this Tripartite Agreement and payment of
the refundable amount (as refundable by the Builder to the borrower under the terms
of allotment) by the Builder to the Bank.

In witness whereof the parties hereto have signed this Agreement on the day, month and
year first above written in the presence of the following witnesses

Party of the First Part

Party/ies of the Second Part

Party of the Third Part

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